Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 16, 2020


Noah's New Job Pt 18

All T's and C's apply

After that exciting day and making that place mine, Caleb and I went to work. We were shopping for everything that we would need to get this up and running. I was in charge of all the back of the house needs and he was in charge of making the front of the house splendid. For those who do not know back house and front house, back house is kitchen area and front house would be dining area. Within weeks things started coming along quite nicely. Then the real task started, the hiring process.

Back at the house, the night before our interviews Caleb had a thought. "What if we made it like a test," he suggested.

"A test? What kind of test," I ask curiously

"Well, something about serving within a strange scenario," he told me.

"I take it you have those scenarios planned out," I asked him.

"Yep, well some of them," Caleb said with a devious smile.

He told me what he had in mind. After he told me, I made a few phone calls and everything was set. I shook my head at Caleb to acknowledge that we were ready for tomorrow and then went to the bedroom to get some sleep since I knew tomorrow would be a long day.

The morning sun shone into our room and I slowly got up. Caleb was still sleeping as I hopped into the shower. About halfway thru my shower I felt his hands slowly sliding over my shoulders and down my chest. I leaned my head back and turned it so our lips met. He knew we did not have any real time to mess around but it felt so sensual from his touch.

I could feel his cock between my thighs as we let the water cascade down our bodies. He gently kissed the back of my neck slowly. A moan escaped my mouth and arched into him. I trapped his cock and just started to stroke it with my thighs. Then he moaned. I wanted to continue but I knew time was short. I released his member and turned around in his arms. I kissed him then smiled. He knew that smile and we finished our shower.

Quickly we dressed and went to the restaurant. As we pulled in there we saw our first few candidates for the job, I smiled that the first round of interviewees were already here early. That is always a good sign in my book. I walked up to the door and was greeted by the interviewees. "Good morning all, we will be with you in just a moment," I told them.

"Ok," they responded.

I unlocked the door and set my briefcase down. Caleb went running in the kitchen to get some snacks that we prepared and drinks for the people waiting. I went back and opened the door and let them in. The five people walked in and were stunned by what we had done to this place.

"Wow, I remember this place one time as a club," one of the young guys mentioned.

"I cannot believe you made it look so amazing," another person said out loud.

"Wait till you see it fully operational but that will be saved for later if you guys get the positions," I said to them all. "So we will be forgoing the traditional interview of questions and answers. My partner will be bring out some food and drinks in just a moment and we will be doing a full run of the positions that you will be applying for. Let's see, we have a host, server, busser, bartender and manager open so far. Of course there are multiple positions for server, busser and host. Going to call out your name and just so I know which interviewees are here in the first round. Oliver."

"Here," he replied.

"Mason," I said next.

"Here," he said.

"Charlotte," I said.

"Yep," she replied.

"Emily," I yelled.

"Here," she said back to me with a smile

"Sebastian," was the last name on this round of names

"Here," he replied.

"Ok, looks like everyone came. I like that and you guys are early which is a plus," I paused and Caleb came walking through the kitchen doorway. I smiled at him and continued on. "So let's see one of the things I want to do is that everyone can do all the roles including the both of us. I do believe that if we want this to work well we need to work well together."

"Like rotating shifts and jobs," Sebastian asked.

"Something like that, I want everyone to be able to do everything for one reason. So the customer gets the best experience. So if the host is sitting someone and another person comes in, the busser can get them seated. The Bartender can get an order for server that is dropping off food. The manager can float between roles to help out the busser," said to them.

"That sounds awesome. My last job they were only in it for themselves. No one would help the other," Emily explained.

"Ok, I see that only one of you applied for manager role. That would be Oliver," I called out. "We got one host this round, Emily. The rest of you want to be servers, do I have this right?"

"Yes," they all replied back.

"Ok, so get in positions. Oliver, please come over here with me and I will test you and watch everything. Emily you're at the host stand. Charlotte, Mason and Sebastian are the waiters so do what you would do. Let's see what happens," I said and then there was a knock on the door.

Emily opened the door with a little shock that someone was there. She greeted them and took them to their seat with a fake menu. I noticed that Oliver was not standing by my side. He was bussing tables and putting out place mats. That made me smile. Then I noticed something about Sebastian - his pants were sagging - you could see the waistline of his underwear so I figured I would give him a chance to change that.

I walked behind him and whispered he should pull them up. He did not acknowledge me so I figured I'd do something else. Emily sat the next customers to arrive. I waited for Sebastian to go wait on them since Charlotte was taking care of the first set of guest. I started walking around and watching everything as the restaurant was starting to fill with life. That is when I grabbed Oliver.

"Since Sebastian does not want to listen and I gave him a chance go tug on his pants for me," I said to him.

"Ok, boss," he said to me and walked over to the table.

I walked over to Caleb and told him, "Watch this."

Caleb instantly whipped out his phone and start recording. Oliver walked behind Sebastian and bent down just a little a yanked on his pants. His pants went down and his shirt went up just enough to show us everything. He was in a pair of yellow and black checkered boxers. Yet he did not miss a beat with the guest. Oliver looked over at me and just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

Once the order was taken he excused himself and shuffled away from the table. Caleb was recording it all and I was impressed. As he bent over his cock did make an appearance out of the fly but was only for a quick second since he pulled up his pants quickly to recover from his embarrassment. His cheeks were red but he still went on like nothing happened.

The last guests were seated and Mason went to take their order. Charlotte was already serving her guests. After Sebastian recovered, he served his guest. Mason came back with the order and waited a few moments since the food would usually take moment but it was already prepped. Then he took his food to his guest.

I walked over to the servers and talked with them. Caleb was just watching everything so he could be my eyes and ears when my back was turned. He was watching Oliver and Emily. In my mind so far everyone is doing well. Then the guest left and everyone went to bus their tables since we did not have a busser. All the dishes were put into the sinks and they started to wash them. Emily and Oliver were helping out as well.

While they did that, Caleb and I talked. "So minus Sebastian not listening is there anything else you could point out that they did wrong," I asked.

"Emily just was shocked at beginning but after the first guest she did great. Oliver was always on his feet walking and watching," he said to me.

"Yeah, I like Oliver because he was gone before I could even say a word," I added.

"Sebastian seems like a trouble maker but he did not flinch or anything after his pants fell. He just went on," Caleb said.

"I agree which redeemed himself," I added again.

"Mason and Charlotte did great on their tables," Caleb finished off.

"What do you think about their teamwork?" I asked him.

"They seem to be flawless but that was just three guests. I think that maybe Emily would be overwhelmed if we have more than one guest at a time and maybe Sebastian might be a joker but I think we should give them a chance," Caleb said.

"I am glad you're on my side," I said with smirk and leaned in to kiss him.

He kissed me back and the doors to the kitchen opened up. They all walked back in and sat down in front of us.

"First off, you all did great. I am glad we did not need to do the formal interview. Second, sorry about pantsing you Sebastian but you did well after the fact. Lastly, I do have one question for you. What is the most important thing to you?" I asked.

"My dog," Emily asked so quickly that she got a little red in the cheeks.

We all chuckled a little at her enthusiasm but I like that.

Oliver replied, "Family."

Sebastian answered, "Honor."

Charlotte said, "He took my answer. I was going to say family but I guess mine would be love."

"Love," Mason chimed in.

"What about you, boss?" Oliver asked.

I looked over at Caleb and kissed him in front of everyone. "Besides all those, the bonds we create through everyday life. With that said. I believe we have our first set of employees. If you do have time, can I ask you guys to be the next set of guests for the next round which they should be here in a couple of minutes?"

The agreed and were happy to be a part of our hiring process. We went through three more rounds before the day was done. We got ten servers, three bartenders, two managers, three bussers and two hosts. Everyone left except Sebastian.

I looked up and notice him standing in the doorway. "Can I help you Sebastian?" I asked him.

"Well, I was hoping that..." he trailed off looking up in the office/loft that came with the building.

"Let me guess, you need a place to stay till you get on your feet," I said and paused. "You just moved here and were hoping to get job and place."

"Yeah, I'll do anything for you guys," he pleaded a little bit.

Caleb joined my side and I looked at him. It reminded me of his past story and his family. "Ok but there are rules. First off, think of you as being security guard for the building and restaurant. Your room and board will be covered as long as you make this place safe and that it is clean. That means when I go up there for office use I do not need to find your boxers all over the place. You can use the kitchen but you will supply your own food. You will have your own refrigerator and it will be locked and only you and I have the key. There is a private bathroom upstairs with a shower. Use it and clean it. Also you will not be taking anyone there between business hours. Do we have a deal?" I explained to him.

"Deal," he said and enthusiastically shook my hand.

"I'll come up with a rental agreement for you. Do you want to add anything?" I asked and waited.

"Not right now, I am just glad to have met both of you guys. Cannot wait to move in," he said and went out the door.

I looked at Caleb and he just had this smile on his face. "You have the biggest heart I know of. Well, I guess our romps in the guest room will not happen," he said to me teasingly.

"We got every inch of this place to have romps," I said as I picked him up and took him into the kitchen to make a meal out of him.

Sebastian came back in and he was going up the stairs when he heard Caleb soft moan. He placed his stuff down and slowly creeped over to the kitchen doors. He peeked through the window on the door. He was caught off guard.

I had Caleb on his back and his legs on my shoulders. He was laying on the stainless steel prep tables. His briefs that he had on were hanging on his left leg while my pants and underwear were down around my ankles. I was going full force because he was teasing me all day and with the shower in the morning started it all. I let out a moan and picked up the speed. Soon both of us were in bliss.

"Oh fuck Caleb, your ass is so tight," I yelled out.

"I have never felt you this big for before. You're still growing inside me. Fuck me deep and hard," he encouraged me.

I picked up my speed. That is when I tilted my head back and noticed Sebastian looking through the window. I kind of enjoyed being watched. I did not miss a beat.

Meanwhile on the other side of the door, Sebastian's pants slide off his body and pooled around his ankles. His now hard cock was sticking through the fly of his boxers. He must have been around 8 inches. The tip of his cock was almost touching the steel kitchen doors. Sebastian just could not look away but his hands were on auto-pilot. He was stoking it non-stop and every once stroke you might hear his hand slightly tap the kitchen door.

Caleb was noticing the slight bang his hand on the door was making but I heard it. Soon we all were reaching our climax. Caleb was the first to shoot and I kept pumping away to get every drop out of him. While that happened I heard a slight moan outside. I tilted my head back and saw that Sebastian had the same look as Caleb did. I did a couple of more thrust into my partner and start to shoot my load inside of him.

We all came down from our orgasm. I heard some shuffling outside the kitchen door. I noticed that his face disappeared from the door. He must have realized that I saw him through the window and cleaned up. We both got dressed and start to head outside to see if Sebastian needed a hand with his stuff.

Sebastian hit his point of no return and started to shoot. A small moan came out of his mouth as he tilted his head back. He forgot where he was and started shooting onto the kitchen door.

Sebastian's POV:

A few seconds passed and I looked through the window. He was looking back at me. That is when I realized I just came on the door. I scrambled to clean up the mess. Without anything to wipe it down, I tucked my cock back into my boxers and just used them as a wipe. I quickly pulled my pants up after cleaning up the mess I made. I quickly walked away so they would notice I was watching them.

We walked outside and all of us had smiles on our faces. I thought to myself to talk to him about this later and not ruin the mood.

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Next: Chapter 19

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