
By Jeff Jennings

Published on May 25, 2010



The following story is fiction or is it? It involves sexually explicit erotic events between males. If you are offended by such material or are too young, live where it is not allowed, don't read the story.


Hey guys, my name is Jeff, this is my second story about getting young mexican straight guys. My first story was in two parts, "STRAIGHT MARKY. part 1" and "STRAIGHT MARKY. part 2". If you havent read it yet, you should before you read this one. All of my stories deal with my actual experiences with my little brothers mexican teen straight friends. Hope you enjoy it. First, a little info about me. At the time of this story, i was 27 years old. Im a white guy, black short hair, blue eyes, 6'1" tall, weigh 180 lbs. Attractive average looking guy, straight acting and appearing, oh, and totally gay...hehe.

My brother has some of the hottest friends ive ever seen. All are mexican, straight, play soccer and soon, i will have had sex with all of them.

Ok, on to the story. I first met Noe when my brother stopped by my house one night asking to borrow some cash so he could go out with noe and the guys that night. i gave him fifty bucks and told him he had to work it off doing yard work for me. he rolled his eyes and almost started to protest but thats when noe jumped in and thats also when i really got a good look at him. Noe said that he loved doing yard work and that he'd help my bro when it came time to pay up. Noe is 17, mexican, about 5'10" tall, weighs 160 or so. He has short black military haircut (a fade). His skin is a dark olive tone, a little darker than most mexican guys. He has a strong accent and a cute lisp thats apparent when he uses "S's". He was very athletic and fit, he played soccer with my brother. I told them that after they went out and if they still wanted to party that they could come back over, party a lil more and crash here...they said it would be late, hell i didnt care as long as Noe came back too. I told them id be up late tonight and not to worry about waking me up. with that i took them to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to reveal a couple of cases of corona and a fifth of vodka. they both smiled and said they would be back for sure. walking them to the front door, i told them to please not invite anyone else tonight, just not in the mood for a BIG party...hehe. they agreed and they were off, out the front door and in the car and gone.

Damn! i said outloud, that guy is beautiful and fucking HOT! Now, im not a perv, well not a huge one anyway but ive always had this fetish about getting with straight guys and doing them, be it giving them head, just jacking off, fucking, whatever it is as long as they are straight and i get to see and feel their cock and make them cum. Ive had a lot of straight guys, ones that were awake and many that were asleep...i know thats the perv part about me. i guess what i really love the most about being with a straight guy is the challenge of actually getting them. Once ive accomplished that, i kinda get bored and am on the prowl for the next one.

So, i jumped in the tub to take a bath and get cleaned up in all the right places. Just incase, you know...kitty's gotta smell pretty. I washed up, shaved and then cleaned the house a little. I started planning on the sleeping arrangements. I knew there was no way i could get noe to sleep in my bed and my brother sleep in the living room on the couch. hmmmmm, what could i do... i know, my brother always sleeps on the couch so i knew that there was no way that Noe would get it. So I got some comforters and blankets and pillows and put them on the other side of the couch out of site. The comforters and blankets were king size, so i knew when i made a pallet on the floor for noe that there would be enought room for me too, you know just incase i accidentally fell asleep there while we watched tv or something (totally innocent).

God i was pacing the floor and watching the clock. time seemed to stand still. I had a couple of vodka tonics and a couple of shots to try and relax. Sure enough, as soon as i started to calm down, my doorbell rang. I fucking was at that door within a milisecond but waited a bit before opening the door. Sure enough my lil bro and noe were back with smiles on their faces and smelling of some familiar scent...yep they were stoned. haha. and they were silly too. this might be easier than i thought to myself but i wasnt gonna get too cocky (excuse the pun).

they both hit the couch, kicking off their shoes, my brother stood up and took his pants off (he always wears soccer shorts under his pants), he said fuck it, i gotta be comfortable and giggled. Noe just sat there, i figured he wasnt wearing any shorts under his pants so i offered him some. he smiled and said "yes". I went to my room and found a some that would benefit me later for easy access, you know, easy to unbutton and smooth sliding zipper. I found a great pair, i returned to the living room and gave them to noe and told him he could change in my room and hang his clothes up too so they wouldnt wrinkle. he patted me on the shoulder as he passed me and i turned and got a good look at his hot round firm ass. mmmmm. i got us beers and returned about the same time as noe did. The shorts were a little big on him, not much but they kept sliding down. he was holding them up with one hand and i laughed and said sorry they were so loose on him, he laughed and grabbed his crotch and said he had enough to keep them from falling down. Then he laughted his ass off...he thought that was funny. if he wasnt so fucking hot i would have found him annoying. As usual, my brother was sprawled out on the couch taking up all of it. he was watching boxing on HBO. I told Noe if he didnt mind sitting on the floor i had some blankets and shit to make it a lil more comfortable. He said cool and asked where they were so he could make up the pallet, i showed him where they were by the couch he made a nice big pallet and said here ya go Jeff, come on and sit down. the layout of the room was the pallet in the middle of the room, the couch behind the pallet and the tv in front. so when we sat on the floor, we could lean back against the couch with my brother laying on it behind us. so were watching some fight, drinking a lot of beers, and vodka. Noe said that there was a glare on the tv from the light and he couldnt see so i turned off the light and sat back down. Noe was sitting with his legs crossed, like indian style, i noticed that he kept rubbing the bottom of his foot, kinda massaging it. every once in awhile he'd make a noise like he hit a tender spot, my brother asked him if his foot still hurt from their game earlier that day, he said yeah, it felt like he pulled something or tore something. my brother was too busy rolling another joint to respond so i asked him if he wanted a heating pad or some ice. he said heating pad would be great. i got it and returned and sat a little closer to him and told him to show me exactly where it hurt. back in my highschool days, i was the manager for the track team and had a lot of experience with pulled muscles and massages. i was about to tell him this but my brother made it way easy for me and told him for me. Noe's eyes lit up and he almost begged me to massgae his foot if i didnt mind. i told him sure, no problem so we both turned to face each other, me sitting indian style now and he leaning back on his hands streached out and put his foot in front of me on my lap, actually he had his foot on my cock, i know he didnt do it intentionally cause he jumped when he felt it with his foot and pulled it back and said sorry dude and blushed. i told him i was just glad he wasnt a couple of inches lower or he would have racked my nuts. we laughed. he returned his foot to my lap, we both took a couple of long deep hits off the joint, passed it back to my brother but noticed he was out cold. we laughed again. i gave him the remote and told him to change that shit and find something good on while i worked on his foot. he was flipping channels and i got to work. i held his foot very gently, he was still wearing his sock, white sock with grey tip and heel....mmmmm. his foot was warm and a little damp and had a slight aroma that smelled so good. i held his foot with both of my hands, the base of his foot was facing me so i took both my thumbs and started gently rubbing in a circular motion putting slightly more pressure more and more until he made a noise letting me know how much he could take. he was watching tv while i concentrated on his foot, my eyes strarted to wonder and i looked at his muscular hairy legs and looked up more towards his thighs. I love those fucking shorts i gave him, he was sitting with his legs spread apart and there was a huge gap in the shorts so i could see right up them all the way to his underwear. he was wearing white cotton boxers that looked almost as big as the shorts i had given him cause i could easily see both his balls hanging to the left side of the boxers. but what really got my attention was he had fucking thick hairy bush. it was so thick and balck that you could definatily see his bush area through his white boxers. i was transfixed on his bush and nuts so much that i didnt realize that he was talking to me. i looked at him to see if i was busted but he had his attention on the tv while talking to me. he had asked me if what he was watching was ok with me. i looked up and realized he was watching cinemax spice....UGHHH!!!! cable porn, id rather watch church tv...hehe. he liked it obvioulsy, hes a teenage boy who hasnt seen much porn. i said yeah thats good but they never show the good stuff. not like the ones i have in my room (i kinda mumbled under my breath, loud enough for him to just barely make out what i was saying). he heard me i could tell but he acted like he didnt and was now all into the tv. I was still massaging his foot i brought it up kinda close to my face, he was oblivious to what i was doing or acted like it, i got it just close enough so i could inhale deeply and smell his sweaty foot. while i had his foot elevated, i rested it on my left shoulder and started working on his ankle, slowly moving my hands down his leg more and more until i was now massaging his calf. it obviously felt good cause he moaned with content. he looked over at me and our eyes met, he just smiled and said " damn jeff, you really do know what you are doing, this feels so good". i said "if you think this feels good, you should let me give you a full body massgae one time. you'll be totally relaxed and refreshed." i was thinking about how good he'd feel if his cock was in my mouth. He seemed interested in my offer and started asking all kinds of questions about massages, techniques, what to expect from beginning to end. we talked for awhile, he totally lost interest in tv. i could tell he liked the massage i was giving him cause he kept readjusting the way he was sitting and his cock too. it looked like he was starting to get a semi but couldnt tell cause of the baggy shorts. before i knew it i had masaged his feet, calves and was now massaging his upper thighs. he passed me the joint he'd been hitting and i took a couple of drags and said , hell Noe, ive already kinda done half of your body, i might as well go ahead and give you the full body if you want. He kinda thought for a second, i thought i fucked up and crossed the line too fast but he said "hell yeah, why not". i said cool and told him i couldnt sit this way any longer, it was hurting my back and also i wasnt able to give the massage as best as i could. I told him we could do it in my room on my bed and before he could think i also threw in that we might be able to do it with him laying on the pool table. it was actually the right height and it was firm. we walked in to the game room and looked at the pool table and told him there was only one way to find out and for him to hop up and lay down and see if it was comfortable. he laid on his stomach first and then rolled over on his back. he looked up at me and said it was a little hard, i said how can that be? people dont usually get hard until i start the massage and i laughed. he looked at me kinda like a deer in the headlights and asked if i was serious, does that happen? before i lost my chance i had to come up with a good answer...i said " dude, chill, yeah, sometimes guys throw a bone. thats because it feels so good and they are totally relaxed and loosened up. Now, its not a big deal at all, honestly to someone who is giving the massage, its a compliment to them. it lets them know that they are doing it the right way and making someone feel that relaxed and content makes you feel good that youve helped someone who was in pain or discomfort. thats all. you could tell that he was really listening to what i had to say and he was buying it. he jumped off the table, i thought he decided not to go for the massage but he looked at me, put his arm around my shoulder, leading me to the hallway and said he wanted to see if he bed felt better for his "full body massage". he said " but first, we need a drink, a couple of shots and one more joint" and winked at me. Shit i was already fucked up but the customer is always right. we drank our drinks, shots and smoked. checked on my brother, he was still out cold, now snoring deep and loud. Noe said FUCK he's loud if he keeps that up, ill never get to sleep later. im not sure if he was hinting for me to give him an invite to my bed but i wasnt ready to say he could. not that fast anyway.

we got to my room, he liked the bed better, i knew he would. he sat on the bed and asked me what he needed to do...i said lie down. he said no, tell me , do i have to get naked, or just down to my boxers, do i wear a towel...come on , youve got to tell me what to do or at least give me options to choose from. ok i said. well, if you want to do it right and get the most out of the massage, you get naked but u have a sheet that covers you, not a towel...too heavy. you could leave your boxers on but i find that when you roll over or move around, they get hung up and you end up worrying more about the boxers not on properly and you dont ever really relax and clear your mind. he said "ok, cool, naked it is then". i went to the closet and got a white bed sheet. i told him id leave the room while he undressed and wrapped the sheet around him. I also told him that id dim the lights and put on some soothing music to help him relax. he said ok. i left and stood outside the door rubbing my leaking dick through my shorts. i had to pull my underwear up over my cock against my stomach to hold it there so you couldnt see it. he said i could come back in. i opened the door and he was standing there totally naked facing me holding the sheet about to put it on. i gasped outloud, he asked me what was wrong. i giggled and said i wasnt prepared to see him naked, i had thought he'd have the sheet on at least. he laughed and said "jeff, dude, chill, its no big deal he laughed hard, then i finally got it...he said the same thing i had said to him earlier about getting a hardon. i laughed too.

ok, i said, heres how its gonna go. no talking, no laughing or being silly. do as i ask u. if you dont like what im doing or are uncomfortable at anythime you just have to say so and we will stop. it will take anywhere from 15 min to a couple of hours depending on how much you relax and get into it and how much i feel that you are comfortable. the more relaxed u are the more i get into it and do a better job. ive got masage oils, kinda gets messy, i really dont like to use them for the whole massage but maybe just a little oil at the beginning. the room has to be very warm and the lights dim. he said ok...let get started i feel a bone coming on and smirked. i gave him a look like dude come on....he laughed and said he promised that was the last joke. he said that honestly he was very nervous, not about me giving him a masage or even being naked. it was just his first time and also he was kinda worried that my brother would walk in and think it was weird. I told him that ive given my brother massages before, he doesnt think its weird, and if you are worried about him walking in, ill leave a note on the bedroom door telling him your getting a massage, that way he will know not to walk in. Noe said that would make him feel better. after hanging the note, i closed the door behind me, lowered the lights, put on the soft music. walked up to him and guide him to the bed. before i motioned for him to lie down, i said i needed to undo the way he had on the sheet. he said ok, i moved around behind him and put my hands in front of him and undid the sheet and opened it, holding it open in both hands, i glanced down and saw the most perfect ass ive ever seen. his crack was filled with hair and he had some on his ass cheeks as well. while i had the sheet opened, i told him to go ahead and lie down on his stomach and id cover him with the sheet. he did as i asked. before i put it back on him, i quickly and silently folded the sheet into thirds so it just covered his ass. i got some warming massage oil, rubbed it in my hands and got at the end of the bed and started on his feet. i moved to the side of the bed and started working on one leg at a time, i massaged his calve, running my hands over his hairy leg, working my way up to his thigh, worked on that for a bit. rubbing my way up more and stopped as i got just below his ass cheek and turned and moved back down his leg until i got back to his foot. then i did the same to the other leg. all the while my hands never leaves his body even when i switch sides. i keep my hands on him so he knows where i am at al times. if i jumped from one spot to the next, he wouldnt know where id be next and never relax. this time i had both hands on each leg, starting from his feet and worked my way back up his legs gently and tenderly masaging each leg the same way as i moved back up towards his ass. when i got to his butt, i moved both of my hands to his sides and bypassed his ass for now and strated on his lower back. he moaned deeply when i workedon his back, i then whispered that i had to get on top of the bed and straddle him so i could do his back right...he moaned ok. his voice was deep and quiet...he was starting to relax, on the other hand i was getting worked up and had a raging hardon. i had ot be careful not to let it press agianst him as i was straddling him with my crotch right over his ass. i left his back and worked on his neck and then his arms... he was really getting into it now. he'd moan and would say things like"oh yeah, thats it" "mmmm, fuck yeah" all that talk made me want him more and more. after i finished his neck and arms, i gently got off the bed, keeping my hands on his back the whole time and told him that i was now through with his backside and now i was going to pick up the sheet, keep it where it was just above him and now he needed to turn over so icould do the front side now and id replace the sheet. I instantly noticed that he tensed up a little and he wasnt turning over yet. i leaned down close to his ear and whispered...noe, its just me, no one else is here, its just a hardon, we all get them, ive seen them before, its ok, trust me. my lips were so close to his ear while i was whispering to him that i could feel the fine haird that were on his ears. i asked if he wanted me to stop, he moaned no. i said ok, so, now it is time for you to turn over for me, i lifted the sheet he rolled over, i purposly didnt look down at his crotch cause i knew as soon as he could look at me he would be and looking to see if i was gawking at his boner. he got comfy on his back, i lowered the sheet. i could feel the sheet stick up in the middle...damn i thought to myself, ive gotta look. i got an idea, i moved to the head of the bed so that i was standing over him looking down at his face and started massaging his temples at first, then his forehead, jaw...he closed his eyes and drifted back to that realxed state. then for the first time i got to look down at his naked body. his chest was smooth and soft. his nipples dark brown and the size of nickles. he had a patch of hair around his stomach and below his belly button a nice thin treasure trail that got bigger and wider the more it went south. i finally got to see what id been waiting for. remember that i folded the sheet into thirds so it only covered his ass, well now it barely covered his cock. it was sticking straight up, so much that it lifted the top part of the sheet up so i could see all of his black forest pubic hair. while i looked at his body, i continued working my down massaging his chest and pecs, rubbing my fingers lightly over his nipples. this made him moan differently this sounded erotic and when i brushed over his nipples again, his cock jumped and twitched. i kept moving down his body and then realized that i was stretching almost half of my body over him, with me still at the head of the bed, my crotch was centimeters from his face. he didnt know it though, his eyes were closed and he was trance like. i moved to the side of the bed keeping my hands n his chest while i moved. then i whispered to him that i needed to get back on the bed like before so i could do his chest correctly. he didnt reply, i repeated it again and still nothing...first i thought he was uncomfortable again and then i looked at his face and he was totally relaxed, letting his mind drift away. so i eased up on the bed i lowered myself down and rested my butt just below his cock. i was sitting on his thighs and if i moved or leaned forward, our cocks would press against each other. working on his pecs i looked down and noticed that when i sat on top of him i honestly had pulled the sheet down exposing his cock and balls totally. he didnt seem to mind or notice and the sheet was starting to get tangled up anyways so i said to myself, what the fuck and i gently lifted the sheet from what little it covered now and let it fall to the floor. i forgot to mention that before i got on the bed, i let my shorts fall to the ground and i was now only in my boxers. i was gazzing at his beautiful ucut cock. it was starting to leak a lil precum but not much. the head and piss slit just glistened. i so bad wanted to run my tongue over it and taste his sweet juice. but not yet i told myself. the boxers i was wearing had a button snap at the waistband and one at the middle of the fly. i had already unbuttoned the one at the fly and i reached down with one hand while continuing to massage with the other and unbuttoned the one at the waistband. with them both unbuttoned it was like i wasnt wearing any boxers at all. they just opened all the way to my sides. if i wanted to i could have leaned forward and both of our naked leaking cocks would have touched. i schooched my ass down his legs so i could start on his thighs. now i had a better view of his cock. damn it looked so good, it was about 7" uncut, it was very thick at the base about 5" or so and it grew more thin in diameter as it got towards the head. It also had a very pronounced curve, right in the middle of his cock it took a sharp curve downward, almost like it was bent. oh my GOD this was so hot looking. his foreskin was tight at the tip, even with his masive hardon now, the head couldnt fully pop free from his tight foreskin. i wanted to reach down and hold it between my thumb and forefinger and slide it back over the head revelaing the pink head. i managed to continue masaging him and he continued moaning and every once in awhile he would grind his body to things i did. an even thrust his pelvic area up and down. now massaging his upper thighs i decided now it was time to get more bold. my hands would get so very close to touching his balls but every time id get so close and then move back down. now i was getting closer to his nuts and then it happened, the top of my hand made contact with his hairy ballsack, just for a second. my eyes shot up and looked at his face. his eyes still closed and i did it again, this time i opened my hand and gently ran it across his balls, almost cupping them and then moved back. i did this about 5 or 6 times, each time leaving my hands to rub on his balls a little longer and longer each time. then i just concentrated the rest of the massage on his cock area. now im rubbing his balls more boldly now feeling the wiry hairs run through my fingers. then i put my hand on the base of his dick, and he moans loudly saying "oh fuck yeah" i rub it up the full length of his cock and i wrap my fist around it as i squeeze it and move it upward. then i see his precum start to not oozze out but a steady flow leak out of his cock head which is still covered by hot foreskin. fuck, there is so much precum leaking out that it totally soaks my hand and starts making a squisshy sound. i release his cock and take my hand and put it to my face and smell his scent and i rub his precum over my lips and then lick them and then wipe my hand on my hungry tongue and get a really good taste of his love juice and what this straight mexican teen is made of. i return to his soaking wet cock and get more precum and put my hand on my own cock, rubbing his precum all up and down on it, all over the head, mixing our juices together.

i lift myself up and take off my boxers and t-shirt and i lay back down and press my body on top of his, our cocks touching each other, i burry my face in his neck and start kissing it, he takes his hands and starts to explore my body. he rubs my back and then finds his way to my ass and starts massaging both my cheeks with both of his hands. he spreads my ass apart and slide his hand up and down my ass crack making me moan and quiver.i move from kissing his neck, our cheeks are touching side by side, i move to the other side of his face, our lips almost touching. kiss his neck on the other side, nibble on his earlobe, ahhah!!!!! i found his spot! he shakes uncontrollably and moans loudly and then in one shift move , he rolls me over so im on my back and he is now on top of me pressing his hard body against mine and his face is inches form mine. i look up at him, he hovers over me, looking deeply into my eyes and grinding his hard cock against mine. he starts dry humping me. he lowers his mouth to mine and they barely touch, he moves his head back and then back down to my hungry lips again, this time his tongue is sticking out, i see it and open my mouth and lurch forward sucking his hot long tongue into my mouth, sucking on it harder and harder, not letting go. then he starts tonguing me hard, king and deep, my hands rubbing his ass. he breaks our kis and sits up on my chest facing me, waving his dripping cock close to my mouth. he holds his prick and guides the head to my lips and rubs it back and forth over my lips this time i moan in ectasy. i open my mouth all the way and he slides his hairy mexican dick in my mouth. oh fuck, he tastes amazing, no way to describe it. ive sucked a whole hell of a lot of cock guys but never one that had this taste, this was euphoric. i swallowed all of his boy meat all the way down to his hairy bush. rubbing his hairs in my face...tickling my nose. he smells amazing. its a strong musty and musky scent with a hint of piss. God it smells like his cock sweat all fucking day and he never washed....if fuck i love this boy!

he lays back on top of me and says he wants to fuck my ass so bad. before he can roll me over, i roll him over on his back again and get down in between his legs, lapping up his balls, licking up underneath his balls...very close to his hole. each time i get closer and closer until my nose is burried up in his ass. i replace my nose with my tongue. licking all around his ass, licking and tonguing his hole....this drives him wild! he starts moaning, more loudly now, he starts the dirty talk. calling out my name as i eat his hungry hairy ass hole. by the way this time i have cum 2 times without even touching my cock.

Part 2 is coming soon.

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