Nolgren Md

By Simon8 Mohr

Published on Sep 28, 2018


This fictional story is a work of complete fiction. Any resemblance to living persons or the departed is a coincidence. This story eventually includes descriptions of sex between adult males. If you are a minor or if this material is illegal where you live, or if this material offends you, do not read it. Please donate to Nifty. Find the donation button on the Nifty web site to help you to pay your share of their expenses to provide these stories for you. Remember that authors depend on feedback for improvement and encouragement. All rights reserved.

James Robert Nolgren MD: Nolgren MD, Attending-3

An hour later everyone was finished. The catering crew was busy taking out the cratered ruins of brunch. Paul and Barry took Dennis in hand and introduced him to the office. The law library was a quiet room staffed by a paralegal research assistant, the offices like any other, but nicer, the billing department, battle-axes half of whom were speaking with insurance companies, a probate department with computers that talked to county computers, a quieter kind of place...then a mock courtroom.

There followed another conference room, a deposition room all technical with video equipment, an art department for trial exhibits, an IT room for computer maintenance and a security office watching everything. The break room with two refrigerators, a microwave, a cook/dishwasher, a stove and oven, pantry and freezer completed the tour.

"That's the end-product of the paycheck, the coffee," joked Barry.

"Everything starts with coffee and ends there."

"Before the goodies, however, comes four years of hard work at a law school. Today we're going to set you down in the law library with a laptop and have you take a mock LSAT. The Law School Admissions Test is a standardized test that measures knowledge and aptitude for law."

"It tests critical thinking skills and logic skills among others and the result of the test is a huge factor along with grades and who you know and some other factors that propel you either into law school or prevent you from entering."

Two hours later, Denny was finished. He loved logic puzzles and had aced those. He was a perfect speller, no problem. The rest... he wasn't so sure about.

Paul and Barry rushed into the room. Dennis had done very well on the mock test.

Dennis went home that day to talk with Lawrence and James. They were a little surprised but positive that Dennis had found a profession that caught his eye, on his own, one that didn't require him to choose one of theirs with any possible awkward moments there and at the same time was honorable and had possibilities for ethical behavior.

Given the natural antipathy between physician and attorneys, James decided he would definitely like someone like Dennis representing him... bright, cheerful, ethical, and understanding. A perfect man, seeing as to how he'd helped to raise him. Lawrence would have approved anything for his son and did.

Lawrence wondered if Betty might have been proud but had no real memory of her and beside that she had never met Dennis after delivery. He had the memories of thinking about her memory, nothing else. No picture of her popped up in his head when her name came up. Dennis might have been a stranger if recognition was based on his recollection of his mother's face.

The search for a law school was on. Money wasn't an issue. A LSAT and pre-law was. Dennis enrolled at the University of Portland and studied his business classes with a vengeance. His grades were excellent and when the LSAT came around he aced that too. He applied to five law schools: Stanford, Yale, Harvard, University of Washington and Willamette University in Salem. Paul and Barry followed his progress with great interest, having Dennis over to their house on occasion for both discussions of professional lore and for introductions of a more personal nature to a certain segment of Portland society, attorney and otherwise.

Dennis rarely bottomed for anyone, but Dot scored a hole-in-one at one party. Possessed of a massive weapon, Dot went all butch on the course and gave Dennis a game he never forgot. Most of the parties featured versatile men who played safe and were insanely glad of the sincere young man's attention.

Harvard and Stanford sent polite letters saying, "we don't want you". He was accepted to Yale, UW and Willamette. He talked to his dads about it and they advised him to shoot for the top. Paul and Barry, however, told him that like politics, all law was local.

"You get your clients by walk-in, by reputation and from other lawyers. If you know a lot of lawyers in the area and went to school with some of them, you'll get more referrals. It's that simple."

Dennis thought about that and thought that if he wanted a national reputation, Yale would be the better choice. That university name rang bells everywhere at the highest levels. It could be a jumping off point for further study abroad, such as Oxford or Cambridge, his dads' choices.

He replied to Yale and moved to the campus that fall. He applied for loans and scholarships. Because his parents were wealthy, little was forthcoming, but some help was available from certain organizations and the endowment in some situations. Money wasn't a problem. He knew no one in Connecticut.

Dennis hadn't ever been in a class as large as Contracts. The entire first year law group took this class, a basic underpinning of the law. The professor, treated as a God by the geeks in the front row, was an unassuming man with little hair. He seemed to know not only the subject but was familiar with every Supreme Court case and every underpinning of contract law out there and could name all of the cases, knew the arguments presented and the dates surrounding the case and which Districts had argued which way and what they had decided and the background that brought the case up in the first place.

He also expected the students to know all of that and to be able to recite the information when called upon in class. He was fair enough. He required the impossible from the brightest students in the country.

The students in the class got together as groups to review the material. Some of them did. The others would review it with their roommates or not at all.

Dennis was a group guy and joined a group down the hall so didn't have to lug a backpack of books and a laptop across campus. There were ten in the group after he joined. A mixture of all kinds of people, they all had one objective: to master Contracts.

They all read all of the material and assigned a tenth of it to one student to summarize and make dates and facts easier to remember and to act as a group leader shoving questions at the group and providing answers when necessary.

Dennis liked all of them. One farm kid from Nebraska caught his eye, not just for his looks but for his mind. The guy soaked up the facts in a case like he'd eat a sandwich; no work involved and once he said them he never forgot them. Dennis thought he'd be good in a national law firm or even international. Joe said he was born and raised near Lincoln.

His dad had tutored him in soybean markets since he was little and expected him to know the daily market prices for months, even years past.

At times Joe would look up and see Dennis' eyes intently studying him and a faint blush would color his neck and face and a light sweat break out on his forehead which he'd wipe with his sleeve unconsciously.

Joe would look away quickly and lose his place for a second before regaining his train of thought. Dennis liked his power to affect Joe that way but didn't want to toy with him, so he stopped.

Although Joe was aware of Dennis he didn't seek him out. Not to eat or play or stroll or exercise. Dennis on occasion would knock at his door and Joe would invite him in to discuss class issues. If personal issues came up Joe would deftly turn the conversation to school issues or sometimes politics. Dennis wondered what kind of wall existed here and for the fortieth time one day how he might penetrate that wall or climb over it.

On Thursday morning, class let out early for the weekend. His cell rang. Dennis answered it and Joe asked him to come study. Dennis walked down the hall to Joe's room and knocked. He heard a voice call out, "come on in!". The door was unlocked, Dennis turned the knob and opened the door his head peering around the corner to see Joe lying on his front, his pants and briefs at mid-thigh, his rounded booty bare and a pillow over his head.

Joe, serious now, said, "Dennis, there's something I need before we study."

"Does this have anything to do with that gorgeous view in front of me?"

"Can we do that before we start?

"Works for me. Are you sure...?"

"Hey, this isn't easy for me. My folks would be horrified what their only son thought and did in the privacy of my room and so would my pastor. I'd be kicked out of church in two shakes of a church board meeting."

It didn't take Dennis long to display his mating equipment. "Where's your lube?"

"Top right drawer. Hurry."

"Nope, not going to hurry. We're not going to fuck. I'm going to make love to you, Joe. After I take your ass and make it mine, I'm going to come inside of you, and leave the drippings to remind you who owns it. If we do this now, Joe, no one else ever gets to use this ass unless you and I say so. Ever. Capisce?"

"Dennis, stop talking. Just do it."

"You asked for this, remember that."

Eight hard inches of slippery cock behind a large mushroom-head insinuated itself through Joe's sphincter that morning into his warm, tight, slippery rectum, brushing lightly against his prostate, tickling it, thrilling him; filling him so full he could hardly breathe.

Joe shuddered with pleasure and wrapped in Dennis' arms around the front of his neck, crossing to hold his shoulders, "I love you, Dennis."

Then Joe settled into the rhythm, clenching his sphincter each time Dennis drew back for another stroke, his cock still hard.

When Dennis came to orgasm, he drew massively still for a second, then his body jerked as he came into Joe's ass and he gave a few last hard thrusts as deep as he could, "I love you too, Joe."

Dennis lifted Joe's legs and looked carefully at Joe's freshly-fucked ass. "Push a little, Joe."

A gush of cum came out onto the sheet.

"That's what I put there, Joe. That's my gift. I'll make more and replace it. Let's talk to our roommates and see if they'll make a room swap. We'll sweeten the deal with $500 if they do it by tomorrow night...what do you say?"

"You're in, Dennis. I'll pay my half. But let's start with $50 and negotiate from there."

The move happened for $100, $50 per roommate, and they saved their first $400 in one day. "Not bad for a day's work," Joe laughed.

Dennis called home to his dads that night and told them he had found a life partner. Lawrence sniffed a little and James' came on the phone and asked about Joe. "What do you like about him other than the obvious, Dennis?"

Dennis told him that Joe was intelligent, masculine, strong, practical, frugal, passionate, clear-minded, loyal, honest to a fault, muscular, healthy, kind and...

James interrupted him. "I heard all of that. You're hooking up with Father Theresa."

Dennis chuckled. "Pretty close. Maybe not as religious now. He's just right for me and I know you're going to like him too."

"You're the one that has to like him or not, but I have to tell you that both of your dads, one of which would be me, are eager to meet him and are ready to approve of your choice, not that we get to or have to. When can we meet up?"

"Thanksgiving is our first real vacation, dad."

"OK, we'll have tickets waiting at the Alaska counter in Boston and I'll text you the itinerary if you'll text me the best flight dates. Deal?"

"Thank-you dad. I'll send you those dates after I talk to Joe."

"Smart boy we raised. Bye."

Classes flew by. Yale was a place where a lot of really smart people gathered to network, play, and learn. Not necessarily in that order. Students who had trouble learning didn't go to Yale law.

Everybody that passed their classes at some level got their degree in jurisprudence, the law being a lot like medicine in that way. Like doctors, lawyers had to pass a professional set of tests. Theirs was called the 'Bar' in each state in which they wanted to do legal work.

Many of the Bar questions were the same in each state...many were different due to different state laws, state procedures and state boards, either finicky or not so particular. Attorneys got trained in ethics, regardless of common myths to the contrary.

Besides Contracts, Torts (the study of the three types of civil wrongs committed that may lead to a lawsuit), Constitutional law, Civil procedure (how to act in and out of a courtroom, which papers to file in what order and manner, how to interact with court personnel, motions, etc.), Property, Criminal Law and Methods were the usual first year classes.

Dennis ate it up. He had no problem learning anything if one defined learning as understanding first what the hell was being said and second, remembering it long enough to pass tests on it and relating it to other knowledge learned.

Dennis tried to prepare Joe about his home prior to their Thanksgiving visit. He talked to Joe about James and Lawrence and their clothing preferences at home to prevent any surprises.

He told Joe that he had showered nude with his dads when he was little but there was no touching. He also told him about the night they made love and left the door open on purpose.

"It's possible they might want to play with us while we're there now that we're all adults. Does that seem weird to you or would you be uncomfortable if it happened?"

Joe was intrigued and unconcerned.

"They love you. I love you. We've got you in common and if they want to play, all of us together, what's not to like? Although in that case you may want to grant my ass a temporary leave to welcome someone else besides you in my ass. I like that rule the way it is...and if one of your dads wanted to play there and if you were OK with it, I think it would be hot."

They took Alaska airlines from Boston to Portland, a comfortable trip, smooth, both reading, sometimes resting their heads on the other's shoulders to snooze for a while.

Both had noise-cancelling headphones to make the trip a little more peaceful and listened to music, a horn concerto or two and the Haydn Piano Sonatas they had pre-recorded for the trip.

They were met at the gate by sign-wielding dads making a big deal about...well, a big deal. A limousine met them out in front of the Alaska arrivals, the last arrival gates and they all piled in. James and Lawrence had taken the Max train out from a few blocks near their house and enjoyed the 45-minute ride. Arriving at home, they all carried suitcases inside.

"We're assuming you didn't eat a big meal today so here's something to fill you up if you feel hungry."

A wide variety of warm home-baked muffins with different toppings to choose from: chutney, lemon and orange peel marmalade, butter, honey, uncooked strawberry jam, marionberry preserves among them with Dennis' favorite, home-made apple butter and a huge tureen of what Lawrence called 'Portland vitamin soup', another tureen of steaming corn chowder with cooked potato chunks and a third with leek soup graced the large dining room table.

'Portland vitamin soup' was made by placing two quarts of bottled water in a kettle, dicing two large carrots and two stalks of celery and a large yellow sweet onion into 3/8-inch chunks and adding a bay leaf, bring all that to a boil. At or just after the boil brought these vegetables to slight tenderness, three peeled russet potatoes diced the same size were added and boiled at a simmer until all vegetables were tender and the bay leaf removed.

Salt was added to taste without pepper and depending on the cook's mood, a 14-ounce tin of canned tomatoes with juice was added. This was Lawrence's plant-based diet at work. Dennis could eat bowls of it, only he sneaked low-fat cottage cheese into his soup.

That night the hot tub, a Portland fixture just like anywhere else, was full of four relaxing guys, good-looking men trying not to look like they were casing the others in the tub. James was having the hardest time keeping his eyes off Dennis and Lawrence eyed Joe more than once.

"You guys too tired to play a little tonight?" James had already talked to Lawrence and gotten a 'hell, yeah!' response out of him.

"Depends on what you've got in mind, dad. What sounds like fun?"

"Dennis, I've wanted to get physical with you since you were eight years old, but I'm not into kids and my responsibility was to raise you in a way where you didn't have undue pressure about your lovemaking or gender preference. There are laws about molesting children. You're not a child now. I'd be thrilled to dry off and be naked with you and then Joe..."

Turning to Joe then, "if any of this makes you uncomfortable we'll drop it. You both are making my cock think it's in a candy store or something."

Joe replied, "You raised my lover and you love him. You and Lawrence are both great-looking and kind guys. Dennis and I talked about this for a second earlier and wondered if play might happen. I think we decided that we'd like to very much as long as we're all together in the same room."

Lawrence chimed in, exhaling and shivering a little.

"Joe, I can't tell you how much that pushes my 'happy button'. I didn't know Dennis, my biological son, before age eight and now he's grown up and found a great guy to love."

"The thought of a celebration fuck to mark the occasion makes me want to come in the tub and I'm climbing out to dry off. Last one in the bedroom might lose out."

A quartet of laughing, happy men jumped out and sporting erect cocks dried off and headed indoors. They raced up the stairs. Dennis and Joe stopped in bathrooms to prep and soon were jumping into the king-sized bed in the master bedroom, the 'cave' as Dennis called it. James and Lawrence were already kissing, deep into intimacy, when Dennis and Joe climbed in.

"OK, who is the circus ringleader here and which act is first?" Dennis asked.

James replied, "All will be revealed, my son." He reached over and invited Joe into his arms and gave him a hug. James then looked him over, grasped his head gently and drew it to him. "You know this is going to make you our boy too, OK?"

"Fuck, dad. I want to see you do Dennis. You raised a quality guy."

Joe rolled over to Lawrence and gently took his cock in his hand and rubbed the top with his thumb. "Your boy is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Will you fuck me too, dad? Give me your approval to mate with him."

Dennis crawled to James and embraced him. He then sat on top of James, who was reclining on his back. Dennis felt James' hard length under his ass. He scooted hard over James' cock toward his head, then towrd his feet, back and forth, and grinned at James' reaction.

"Ya like that, dad?"

"Hell yes I do. Don't stop." Dennis applied lube to James and to his own ass. He leaned over to kiss James and felt James' cock tilt up a bit near the right angle for it to touch and enter his target and kept rubbing his ass up and down, changing the angle...and then James' cock found its place at the sphincter and with some sustained pressure, popped its way into Dennis.

They both paused for a second, Dennis breathed in hard a couple of times, then put his face down to James' ear... "fuck me hard, doc."

Lawrence and Joe watched their faces and watched their sex play, glued to the action. Joe leaned over and put his face into Lawrence's neck. "Give you any ideas, dad?"

"Yes. I want to explode in your ass, buddy."

Lawrence took Joe into his arms, feeling the warm length of his body, the heat of his skin, the tiny curly chest hairs, the masculine scent of him along with a touch of some citrus cologne, the hard rod rubbing against his. "Joe, I want you to get on your hands and knees for me, OK?"

Joe turned. Lawrence gathered up between Joe's legs and spread them out a bit. Lawrence leaned down and began to eat Joe's hole, appreciating the faint scent of man funk there, enjoying the sphincter's reaction to his tongue and Joe's excited cries. Dennis turned to Joe and kissed him while they were being manhandled. Joe finally could take no more and begged Lawrence to fuck him right now.

Lawrence, ever the gentleman, at least this night, brought his cannon to bear, inserted it through the porthole of the ship and after a lot of aiming and pushing and shoving in the most pleasurable way, fired.

James looked over and grinned at Lawrence.

"Fucking this guy is almost as good as fucking your ass, lover."

About a minute later, Joe came all over the sheets while his ears heard Dennis coming to his climax and James stifling a scream into a pillow. The sensory input was intense, high-pitched and frantic with pleasure.

James, the alpha male. told the quartet that they'd have play time tomorrow night, changing partners if that suited all present.

"You're welcome to sleep right here in this bed with Lawrence and me. Don't be surprised if you wake up and we're fucking. Just watch or join in or love each other. Let me show you your room..."

"Dad! I know where my room is."

"Oops, yeah, I guess you would. If you wake in the night and prefer to be together in your bed, you know where it is. We built another bathroom right off that room and there's fresh towels and fresh linens on the bed, but I'll tell you right now this bed is warm and cozy with the silk canopy down and it smells like sex and you guys."

"All of my hot men in one bed, oh fuck that's good... You guys are glad you came too."

The last was said as a kind of question and statement all at the same time, not requiring an answer as two men were already asleep. Dennis and Joe were exhausted, happy and naked with their dads. Had they been wakened and required to give an answer, both would have thanked their dads for the gift of love.

Next: Chapter 8: Attending 4

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