Not Enough Girls

By Davy Jones

Published on Sep 17, 2002



Back in the light of day, I was surprised how dirty we looked. Mark had gray dust all over his T-shirt and even on his face. I could see it on my own shirt and pants.

"Is my face all dirty, Mark?"

"Yeah, you kind of look like you rolled in the dirt, angel." I blushed at that. "Wow, when you blush you REALLY blush!" That just made it worse. I tried to stalk off, but he caught up easily. "Hey, take it easy. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything."

"I think maybe I need to be alone."

"No, I think we need a shower - and no maybe about it." He tapped me lightly on the shoulder. "It'll be nice to shower with you."

"Together?" That sounded a little daring.

"Sure. No one else will be taking a shower at" he consulted his watch "4:30, and no one will notice two of us in the same stall."

"I dunno about this . . ."

"Oh it'll be fun. You'll see."

We got back to the dorm and I went back to my room. My roommate wasn't in, so I shucked off the dirty clothes, selected some clean ones, wrapped myself in a towel, and set off for the shower nearest my room carrying clothes plus soap and shampoo. As I stepped in, I heard the door open behind me, and saw Mark come in, still wearing his dirty clothes, but carrying clean ones and his own towel.

"Set your stuff down and get in quick," he whispered urgently.

Still thinking this wasn't a great idea, I did it anyway - more afraid of being caught standing there in public than anything else. In a few moments he stepped in, pulling the curtain to.

The shower stalls each had two heads, dating from a less modest time when there were no curtains, I think. Normally, that meant one of the two was wasted because no one would go into a shower stall that had the curtain pulled. Until now, anyway. I wondered if anyone would buy it if we tried to claim that we were just trying to make good use of them both for a change.

In the bright light, I had my first good view of his entire body, and it was pretty impressive. He had great definition in all the major muscles of his arms, body, and legs. The dark black hair on his arms and legs was well distributed and looked nice on him. Even the lesser covering on his chest suited him well. The water cascading over him as he turned his head under the shower just accentuated his appearance.

Catching me looking, he whispered, "Do you like the way I look, Josh?" He actually sounded a little vulnerable - like he really cared what I thought - not like he was bragging or anything.

I looked down at the floor, and whispered back, "You look very nice, Mark." Looking at my own, slight frame, "I wish I looked half as nice."

"You're very beautiful, Josh." He sounded very serious. "I wouldn't change anything about you at all." He stepped over, took me in his arms again, and kissed me. I felt his cock rise up and press against me.

"That really scares me, man." I didn't try to move away though. "You really do like me like you would a girl."

"So don't fight it." He started running his hands down my sides, and then gripped my ass with both hands, pulling me up against him, "It works for you too if you don't fight it."

I couldn't argue, because I was getting hard again. "I'm just not sure I want to be your girlfriend." I said weakly.

"Well, like I said, there's not enough girls to go around, so it's a good way to make us both happy, if you'll go with it." He kissed me passionately again, and I responded to some degree. "And I really, really want to make you happy." He kissed me some more. Then, very, very softly, he said, "To make us both happy."

"I just never thought about doing anything with a guy before." I held him tight, though; his hard, muscular body felt good against me, especially with the hot water running down over us.

"Did you ever think about girls either."

I blushed again. "Uh, not much, I guess."

He reached down and held my cock in one hand. "I really think this will work for you, if you'll give it a fair try."

As before, his hand felt so good on me, and my resistance melted. "What do you want me to do?"

"Get on your knees." He put his hands on my shoulders and pressed. I knelt, even though I knew what was coming

"I don't know if I can do this, Mark."

He stroked my hair. "I love seeing those china blue eyes looking up at me from down there." He smiled warmly at me. "Just put your face up to it to start with, okay?" He pulled my head into his crotch, pulling my nose into the mass of hair there.

I wrapped my arms around him, like I thought he wanted me to, and inhaled his scent. I kind of liked the way he smelled, actually, although it was weird feeling the head of his dick pressed against my cheek.

"Wrap your hand around it and touch it to the tip of your nose."

I did what he asked, and giggled a little bit - I was very nervous, but it also seemed kind of silly. Also, all of this whispering gave the whole thing a weird, conspiratorial air, which tickled me too.

"Lick it like a lollipop."

I licked up the side of it. He let me do this for a little while, making encouraging noises. I marveled again at the size of his unit, especially the width of the head on it.

"Purse your lips over your teeth like this," he made a comical, "old man" face, and I imitated it. "Good, keep them like that so you don't scratch me with your teeth."

"I'm still not sure I can do this. Are you going to cum in my mouth?"

"I really want to. It's like sharing part of myself with you. I'd always be a part of you, after that." I thought about that - how the protein in his semen would eventually become part of my skin, hair, etc. I really liked that idea, actually. (Okay, I know that proves I was a geek.)

I looked back at the cock in my hand. I licked it again, then kissed it on the tip. "How will you treat me after I do this?" I had a sudden vision of him making fun of me or calling me names or worse.

"Like my sweetheart." He smiled at me, and gently nudged my head towards his cock. "I'll be real good to you. I promise."

I licked it another time or two, and then, essentially on impulse, I slid my mouth over it.

"Yes!" he whispered intensely. Remembering what he'd said about my eyes, I looked up at him, with his cock about halfway in my mouth. Sure enough, he was looking down at me with the happiest expression on his face. "You look so beautiful with me in your mouth. SO nice." Looking up that wall of muscle he looked pretty nice too, but eventually I looked back down and started sucking on him as best I could.

Never having done this before, I needed the several helpful hints he gave me along the way - always offered gently and encouraging me - but it still took a while, and I had plenty of time to think about what I was doing.. Sometimes I'd feel a wave of revulsion that I had a guy's dick in my mouth and that I could taste what I imagined to be his salty precum. Other times I'd think how humiliating it was to be on my knees pleasuring another guy this way. And yet he was so sweet to me, I also kept thinking that I couldn't ever remember anyone being this nice to me. By the time he ejaculated in my mouth, I knew he wanted me to swallow his load, and I did it almost entirely because it was what he wanted, and because I wanted to please him.

He sighed deeply, then, very quietly, "That was wonderful, Josh."

I pulled my tired mouth off his cock and looked down. He gave a sort of shiver, and a single extra drop of cum appeared on the head of his dick. It hadn't tasted so bad, actually, and, again on impulse, I licked up that last drop and swallowed it too.

"Wow! That was really sweet." He kissed me on the top of my head.

"I hate to leave a job unfinished," I said weakly.

He laughed. "Ready to stand up?" I stood, and he embraced me and kissed me again. I wondered if he could taste his cum in my mouth, but I doubted it - I could hardly taste it myself. The sharp thought crossed my mind that I was a cocksucker now - that I had my boyfriend's cum in my stomach - and I cringed. "You okay?" I clutched him, already getting used to seeking comfort in his arms, and he held me tight.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be. I've got you. I'll take care of you." He squeezed me again and kissed me on the top of my head. "Everything is going to be fine."

He held me there for a while, the warm water cascading over both of us. His hand found its way to my erection and he started stroking me almost absentmindedly. He cradled my head up against his shoulder while he gently, patiently jerked me off.

"I'm going to cum, Mark," I whispered. He just kept stroking me, holding me against him, and I shot onto his stomach. "Okay" I pushed on his arm. He stopped stroking me and held me tight.

"How do you feel now, Josh?" He squeezed me gently. "I want you to be happy too."

"I'm okay, I guess." I sighed deeply. "I really need to think about this, though. Whether this is something I really want." I disengaged from him, stepped to the other shower head, and started to soap myself up.

"Okay, but I think this'll work really well for both of us, if you'll give it a chance."

"You said that."

"Oh yeah." He smiled weakly.

We finished our showers in silence, then he slipped out before me. I waited until I heard the door close, then stepped out myself, dressed, and returned to my room.

Up until dinner, I tried to work on my homework, but the thought of his cum in my stomach, the memory of how his dick felt in my mouth, kept distracting me. Remembering myself on my knees, the feel of his hands on my body, the sweet way he talked to me, the gentle way he treated me - I realized it was all how he'd treat a girl. I looked at myself in the mirror. I'd always been kind of proud of my platinum blond hair, and I was hardly the only boy in the dorm with shoulder-length hair. I did have fine, almost delicate features, but did I look THAT much like a girl? Maybe I should get the hair cut . . .

I got done with most of my work by dinner time, and when I stepped into the dining hall with my tray, I saw Mark wave to me, pointing to the seat he'd saved next to him. After just a moment's hesitation, I joined him. It's not like I had anywhere else to sit.

That close to Mark, even despite his shower, I got a whiff of his clean, slightly sweaty smell, and it brought back very vividly the way his crotch smelled when my nose was buried in it and the way his cock has tasted in my mouth. I thought again about his ejaculation still sitting in my stomach - in the process of becoming part of me forever. Just as from now on I'd always know I'd been a cocksucker once. I didn't like that thought much, and I couldn't get rid of it.

I just picked at my food, and said almost nothing during the meal. Mark tried to involve me in the conversation with his friends a few times, but I didn't have much to say. For the most part, they talked about sports, and I didn't have much to contribute anyway. Under the table, I felt his foot rub up against me affectionately from time to time, but I didn't reciprocate.

Mark's two friends across the table from us were Jack Rogers and Mitch Davis. Jack was handsomer than Mark, I thought, although not as powerfully muscled. (Enough that I'll bet HE didn't get treated like a girl!) Mitch looked to be very strong, but heavyset and almost ugly. They all three played football. Jack had a real girlfriend, Karen Powell, generally considered to be the prettiest girl in the frosh class, and she sat beside him. The only way Mitch could get a girl, I thought, was if he clubbed her on the head and dragged her back to his room. I smiled as I thought that.

"So Josh." Karen surprised me by addressing me directly for the first time.

"Um, yes?"

"Did you sign up for any athletics?"

"Actually, yes, but just gymnastics." I wouldn't have even done that, except the Institute had a minimum physical education requirement, and everyone advised getting it out of the way as a frosh.

"Really? So did I. My first class is tonight."

"Um, so's mine." We both giggled.

"Did you notice these two look like twins?" Startled, I looked over at Mitch. "You sure you two aren't related?" He gave what passed for a smile for him, although to me it looked too much like the sneers I was used to from jocks in high school. Maybe it was just his crooked teeth, but I felt uncomfortable again.

"Where are you from, Josh?" Karen seemed genuinely interested.

"Long Island." I smiled at her. "Can't you tell?"

"Well, I would have guessed 'up North,' but y'all all sound alike to me." She laughed her sweet little laugh again. "I'm from North Florida. If we're twins, we must have been separated at birth."

"Widely separated." We smiled again. As we chatted, I felt all warm inside again, and I realized I'd made another friend; somehow I suspected this one wouldn't expect quite as much from me as Mark did.

Sure enough, we shared the same gym class, and since we'd both picked white shorts and a white T-shirt with the school logo on it, we looked even more like twins. I was the only boy in the class - other than our instructor - and Karen confused him quite a bit when she introduced me as her brother. He was obviously puzzled that our last names didn't match, and it was obvious he wanted to ask about that, but he couldn't figure out any polite way to do it. She and I both thought this was hysterical.

From that point on, I called her "sis" and she called me "bubba," - it was a running joke with us - and I've always suspected that some of our classmates actually believed it.

As we did our workout, I found myself trying to decide if I felt sexually attracted to any of the girls. I knew I really liked Karen, and I felt very proud that the prettiest girl in the Frosh class seemed to like me too. Several of the other girls were pretty, I thought, and simply the fact that I noticed this made me feel maybe I wasn't really gay - despite what I'd done for Mark.

As I thought about the things Mark and I had done that afternoon, I immediately threw an erection, and although I tried to conceal it, the instructor whispered to me, "You should focus on the workout, not the girls, Josh."

I blushed, but that made me even more confident that I wasn't really gay - bisexual at most - and I returned to my room in good spirits.

Clearly, the instructor wasn't the only one who was confused.

--To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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