Not Enough Girls

By Davy Jones

Published on Mar 30, 2003



Our first day alone in our new place was kind of bleak.

The apartment came with some furnishings, but they weren't a big step up from what you found in the dorm rooms. It was kind of dirty too - the last inhabitants didn't seem to have bothered to clean up before they left. I wondered why they'd left so early in the term, but unless they were evicted for being pigs, we didn't find any clues. And the bed, the double bed in the bedroom, didn't even have sheets on it. On the other hand, the apartment had at least three times the space of a dorm room, including the living room and tiny kitchen.

"Welcome home," Mark offered hopefully.

"It'll be better after we get it organized, I think."

He didn't answer. Just hugged me, then kissed me.

I kissed him back, of course, then dropped my bag as I realized how serious he was. We hugged and kissed passionately, and I felt his erection press against me. I wondered if he thought we'd just do it right in the middle of the living room floor when he separated from me.

"We should start cleaning this place up." I must have looked very surprised because he added, "Work before play, you know."

So we started hauling out trash. I made a serious effort to clean the fridge, but the cleaning materials under the sink had petrified.

"Mark, I think one of us needs to make a run to Safeway."

"Yeah." He sighed. "This place was no gift."

We put together a list, and while he hoofed it over there, I made trip after trip to the dumpster.

Armed with proper equipment, we spent the rest of our Saturday cleaning everything: the floor, the fridge, the rug, even the furniture. By the time evening came, it was finally starting to look respectable, and I prepared our first meal in our new home: ham sandwiches, potato chips, and Coca-Cola.

"To our new life together!" Mark raised his coke, and I smiled back and him and raised mine. Other than that, we pretty much ate in silence, sharing some ice cream for dessert.

Then we cuddled together on the couch. Me sitting across his lap, my head on his shoulder, his arms around me. I felt snug, safe, protected - happy. I could even nap this way.



"I'm really sorry."

I looked up at him in real surprise. "For what?"

"For trying to make you be a girl." He sounded a little choked up.

"Oh." I hadn't expected this. "It's okay." We sat there a bit longer.

"No," he said at last, "I don't think it IS okay."

"Why not?"

"Well," he hesitated a moment, "I'm sorry I tried to use you. I really want you to be happy." Then he whispered, "I want to make you happy."

I can't really describe how wonderful that made me feel. A wave of pure delight ran through me.

"I want to make you happy too." I snuggled up to him, purred a little, then looked up at him, and he leaned down and kissed me again. His tongue burrowed into my mouth, and I sucked on it lazily. Then he pulled up.

"Let's go in the bedroom."

"We haven't put the sheets on the bed yet, Mark."

"So?" Then he picked me up, like a groom carrying his bride over the threshold, and carried me into our bedroom. I just giggled, and held onto his neck until he laid me gently on our bed and started to undress me. Other than lifting up to let him pull my jeans and shorts off, I didn't do any work at all. I felt very lazy lying there naked watching my lover undress himself.

Very much to my surprise, he climbed between my legs and started to suck me. This was the first time he'd EVER had my dick in his mouth, and I watched with astonishment - and intense excitement. I mean, I guess I was still the passive one here - instead of me on my knees, it was me on my back - but I didn't really expect Mark to suck me off, so seeing him going down on me really charged me up.

"Mark? I'm going to cum if you don't stop soon."

He didn't reply, and he didn't stop, so I figured it was what he wanted. I started writhing and flexing my legs when I felt myself getting close. I hadn't realized just how long you hang suspended just short of orgasm during a blow job, so it seemed like forever that I squirmed under him, curling and uncurling my toes, feeling the pressure build and build until I took a deep breath and held it as went over the edge, gasping while I sprayed convulsively into his mouth.

"Seemed like you liked that."

"Yeah," I panted, "I can't believe you did it."

"I'm kind of thinking that myself, but I'm really glad you liked it."

Now I felt a little concerned (partly because I was way too tired now to suck HIM off), "Was it okay for you?"

"Well," he hesitated a moment, "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"I thought you'd done things with guys before."

"Yeah, but I never did this before."

"Oh." I snuggled up to him, and he held me gently. "I guess that makes me special then."

He chuckled. "Definitely."

We lay there quietly for a minute or so, but I could feel his hardness against me, and from time to time he sort of idly rubbed it against me, so I knew he'd be wanting something from me soon, but I just didn't have any energy. It struck me that he'd never let me cum first before, and now I had a pretty good idea why.



"I feel bad, but I'm too tired to do anything for you right now."

He chuckled again and rolled over on top of me, "Then I guess I'll just have to take what I want myself, huh?"

He kissed me hard, invading my mouth with his tongue, and I passively let him in. He ran his hands rather roughly over my body, ultimately lifting my legs up to my shoulders, looping his arms around my legs and under my arms, folding me over and holding me securely, while he humped my crotch and tongued my mouth. I realized that he could make love to me in this position and I wondered if I was ready for that.

Mark apparently had the same thought. "Josh?"


"I really want to be inside you now."

"I know."

Still holding me like a pretzel, he looked at me very seriously, "May I try?"

"I guess."

Although that wasn't the most ringing endorsement, he smiled, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, whispered, "Thanks!" and dashed out of the room. I smiled too as I watched him go out; I'd never seem my boyfriend naked in a well lit place before, and I really liked seeing the smooth motion of his muscles and the tightness of his butt. I felt a surge of love for him right then, and in that moment I really, really wanted to do anything to make him happy.

I heard him making some noise in the next room, then he returned triumphantly with a jar of Vaseline. With no ceremony, he got between my legs and started working it into my butt.

"Try to relax as much as you can, okay?"

"Um, I'll try, but someone seems to be sticking his finger up my ass."

We both giggled. He'd fingered me before that one time, of course, but this went much better. Even a bare mattress makes a big improvement over a concrete floor! Soon enough, he had a finger all the way up there and was running it around in circles. It actually felt pretty good and I told him so. He just beamed.

Then he applied a generous amount to his dick and pressed it against my hole. That felt pretty good too.


He looked concerned, "Does that feel okay?"

"Yeah, it feels real nice. I just . . ." then I choked up a little, "I just wanted to say I really want us to be able to do this."

He looked so happy it made me all warm inside. "I want this SO much, Josh." He increased the pressure and it actually felt even better.

"That feels nice, Mark."

I knew that his cock was starting to have its way with me, that he was about to take me like a man takes a woman, that this would make my transformation into a submissive homosexual complete. I knew all these things, but I spread my legs for him and welcomed him into me because it did feel good and because I felt such a scary-strong desire just to make him happy. He pushed a little harder and I actually started to pull on him.

And then I felt a sharp pain right in the center of my anus. I gasped, and urgently pushed back on him. He immediately withdrew, but the pain didn't stop.

"Oh God, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Josh, I'm so sorry!" Mark immediately withdrew and collected me in his arms, and I clung to him in agony."

"Oh it hurts!" On the verge of tears, I buried my face in his chest.

He just held me there until the pain went away. It seemed to take forever, but was probably just a few minutes. He asked me if I was okay a couple of times, but when I shook my head no, he just kept holding me.

Finally, with a deep sigh, I reported that I felt okay again. Totally drained, but not in pain anyway.

"Um, Josh?"


"Can we try again?"

"Maybe we'd better not."

"I thought it might be easier if you sat on me instead of me trying to stick it in you."

I thought about that for a moment. I really just wanted to cuddle with him - I still didn't even feel like sucking him off - but I knew I needed to do something for him.

"Okay," I said reluctantly.

He smiled again, and sat naked, Indian-style. I got up close to him, facing him, and squatted over his totem-pole, guiding it to my traumatized hole with my hand and gingerly let it touch me there. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel really good like before either. Part of my mind thought about how undignified I looked now, squatting on my heels trying to impale myself on another boy's dick. I very slowly lowered myself onto him, and at a certain point it did start to feel nice again. When it got a little uncomfortable, I stopped, even slid back up a fraction, then down again. Slowly, then, I worked it up inside me. As it got deep enough, I felt another feeling as it spread me apart. Sort of uncomfortable, but not painful. Very intense. I decided I could tolerate that. As it built, part of me sort of wanted more of it - a little like wiggling a loose tooth.

"The head is in" Mark whispered.

Larger than the shaft, accommodating his dickhead amounted to most of the challenge, and that intense feeling spread through my whole body, leaving me gasping and my fingers and toes tingling while that big knob made its way up my backside. Finally, with a sigh of relief, I slid relatively easily the rest of the way down his pole until my butt rested on his thighs. I wrapped my arms around him and lay my head on his shoulder, panting.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's real intense though. Like my whole body is throbbing around it."

"Sounds cool."

"I dunno if I'd call it that."

He tried to bounce me up and down a little, like he wanted to thrust inside me, but all he did was move me and his dick up and down together.

"Josh? We need to change positions. I don't think I can fuck you like this."

I winced a little. I still didn't like being the direct object of the F-word. Even though with my lover's penis firmly shoved up into my rectum, there really wasn't any other way to describe it.


So he leaned me back and rolled over on top of me until we were in the same position as before, except with him all the way inside me. He took a couple of experimental strokes, and he slid pretty easily back and forth. Then he started pumping me in earnest, thrusting up into my guts and back maybe halfway out. After no more than a dozen stokes, he spent his load inside me, grinding hard against me, as deep as he could go. Then he lay on my shoulder panting, arms still locked around my knees, dick still plugging me.

Right then I felt really used. I mean, this hadn't been particularly romantic or anything. I just wanted to get it over with and get a shower. Alone.

"Mark? Are we done?"

He took a deep breath, let it out in a whoosh, then sat up a bit, still holding me firmly in position, and looked into my eyes. "Are you okay, Josh?"

I guess my voice must have given me away. "I dunno. It's a little uncomfortable."

"I love you, Josh." He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. "I love you more than I know how to say." He smiled down at me, eyes shining. "I know this was hard for you, and I know you did it for me." He swallowed, then whispered, "this is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me." Then he put his head back down and kissed me on the cheek.

Maybe it's silly, but that really changed everything. I mean, suddenly I felt all warm inside, and I wanted him inside me, around me - exactly where he was of course - forever.

He sat back up again, still inside me, and started playing with me. I put my hands behind my head, smiled up at him, and enjoyed lying there lazily while he rubbed his greasy hand over my genitals. "This is real nice," I whispered.

"Yeah, I can tell." He grinned wickedly as he switched from rubbing to stroking my now-erect penis. "I want you to like it whenever we do this, you know?"

Funny the way your mood can change, but I said, "I'll do anything to make you happy, Mark."

He made a cooing noise, leaned down to kiss me again (interrupting his masturbating me). This time his tongue went into my mouth, and his arms went around me again, pulling me to him. I felt his cock slip an inch or two deeper into me, and I got the feeling he'd got hard again - confirmed when he ground himself against me a time or two.

I hadn't appreciated the difference between being fucked when you're horny and being fucked when you're not, but suddenly I wanted to feel him thrusting inside me more than anything. With his tongue vigorously pumping my mouth I couldn't say anything, of course, but as though reading my mind, he bucked his hips a couple more times for me before pulling off again.

"Are you ready to fuck me again?" I actually said it out loud.

He smiled and started working my dick again. "In a minute." Again that shining smile. Then, more concerned, "Do you really want me to?"

I smiled back up at him. "More than anything else in the world."

"It doesn't hurt anymore then? You like the feeling?"

"Well, that's part of it - but it's how it makes me feel. Like I belong to you."

His eyes got big, and for a second I was afraid I'd said the wrong thing. "I belong to you too, Josh." He sounded a little choked up again. "Always and forever," he whispered.

"Uh, I'm going to cum if you don't stop doing that, Mark."

"Oops!" He let me go in a hurry, then grinned that sly grin again. "I never realized how much you liked sweet talk."

"And being hugged, and being kissed - among other things." We giggled.

As if on cue, he leaned forward and kissed me again, stopping both our mouths - pausing just once to say "I know some of those other things," before he laid into me again.

He'd already cum once, so he lasted a lot longer the second time. I was looser and more relaxed, so I just lay there comfortably in his grip and let him have his way with me. Maybe I still felt used, but this time I wanted to be used, and he used me very thoroughly. He never took his mouth off mine, never took his tongue out of my mouth, and lightly sucking his tongue was pretty much my sole contribution to the whole effort.

But I was deliriously happy.

As I listened to his breath get shorter and felt his body getting sweaty, I realized just how athletic this was. I felt some pride at what a beautiful athlete I had for a lover. I thought about how Mark - my Mark - was in my arms, inside my body, taking everything I had to give, and I felt completely consumed by my feelings for him.

Now he was starting to grunt on each down stroke, and he was taking much longer strokes - almost pulling completely out of me on each stroke, then ramming himself all the way up me. I started to grunt in time with him. I thought how we must look like two animals going at it with desperate energy.

Suddenly, he shoved deep up into me, bending me even further backwards, taking quick, almost spasmodic thrusts as far in me as he could get, and I realized he was depositing another load up there. This time, that seemed hot and sexy, and this time I was very hard.

Again, he collapsed on top of me - much more out of breath than last time. I tried to rub against him, but I couldn't get any traction either.

"You ready to cum, Josh?" He raised his head, and I could see how damp his dark brown hair had got.

"Yeah." I grinned at him. "But I can't reach it."

"You don't need to." He shifted position and started working my unit again. "I'll always be happy to take care of you from now on." He showed me those perfect teeth again.

It didn't take much longer for his hand to coax a small load onto my stomach, after which he gently pulled out of me, cleaned me up a little, and snuggled me against his shoulder.

Now I felt a little sore, and maybe not so happy I'd encouraged him to do me twice, but it felt nice in his arms - as always. Then he started shaking a little. Not a whole lot, just a little, but I wondered what was going on. Then I heard a short sniffle and I realized he was crying.

That scared the daylights out of me, and I sat up. "Mark? What's wrong?"

He tried to turn his head away, but I wasn't having any of that. Then I lay down next to him, pulled him gently towards me, and we both rolled over to where HIS head was on MY shoulder and I was holding HIM for a change. He clutched me tight - around the shoulders and well above my cracked rib, thank God - and just wept. This was scary too; he didn't cry like a little boy - these were deep, horrible sobs that sounded like they were being dug out of him by the roots. I could feel his whole body convulsing. It terrified me, and I just kept saying, "What's wrong? What's wrong?" over and over. I got close to crying myself.

Finally he calmed down, sniffled some, took a deep breath, and took one on my hands in his. Then he squeezed me carefully and very tearfully said, "I really love you Josh."

Seriously worried now that my lover was losing his mind or taking drugs or something, I pressed his hand (and felt him squeeze mine back almost desperately), "I really love you too Mark."

"It's just that I keep thinking I've destroyed my whole life for this."

THEN I realized what this was about. I didn't know what to say to that though.

"There's no way to take this back now. Everyone knows - everyone must be talking about it. This'll affect every job I ever take - I'm branded for life now." He sounded despairing.

"I'm sorry, Mark." Now I was crying. "I didn't mean to do this to you."

That startled him, "Hey, I didn't mean it like that." He rolled us over, back to our more usual cuddling position and kissed me on the cheek. "I didn't mean it like that at all."

I sniffled a little, and he sniffled a little too, which made us both laugh through our tears a little.


"Uh huh?"

"Don't ever leave me."

"What?" I got up on my elbow and looked down at his tear-streaked face. He was deadly serious. "I promise I'll stay with you forever," and I kissed him on the lips.

In a very formal sounding voice, like he was taking an oath, he said, "I promise I'll take care of you forever - no one will ever hurt you again."

I hesitated a little bit - I sort of knew what I wanted to say next, but it was a little scary, "I promise to belong to you forever. To be yours completely - and only yours."

He hugged me again. "I belong to you too, Josh. I'll be yours completely and forever."

We went on like this for a while. Sticky with lube, sweat and cum, two naked guys on a bare mattress solemnly exchanging vows of eternal love and fidelity. It was the only wedding ceremony we would ever have - and the only one we'd ever need.

Eventually we showered, finished a few last chores, made the bed, climbed under the covers, and turned out the lights. Mark reached for me, and we embraced each other. I knew there would be some tough times ahead of us, but I felt certain we could cope with anything as long as we could be together. Happy and content, I fell asleep in my lover's arms for the first time.


Thanks for reading my story. I hope you liked it.

A number of people have written and expressed disappointment that the story ends here. Those who've read my other stories will recognize this as one of my "Institute" stories, which share a common location and some common characters. I have at least four more Institute stories in some stage of completion, and I think they'll all make it to Nifty eventually. You'll meet Josh and Mark again in some of them. (I also have a 2000-word epilog that takes place about a month later, which I'll probably clean up and post at some point.)

If you're interested in my other work, here's a complete list of what I've written so far on Nifty:

This story is a series in progress

highschool/tennessee-band-trip (Jul 3 2002)

These stories are completed series

highschool/chem-lab (Aug 22 2002) college/sweet-roommate (Apr 25 2002) college/not-enough-girls (Mar 30 2002)

These are complete, single-part stories

college/walts-music (Feb 5 2002) encounters/boy-on-the-plane (Apr 15 2002)

If you want, send me an e-mail and I'll add you to my list of "fans." Every time I write something new, I send an e-mail to my fans to let them know. Since I bcc the list, no one else gets your e-mail address when I do this (except when I screw up). If you're using spam filtering, you'll have to list me as a known sender, though, or it'll consider all my messages to be spam. (Oh and I don't use the list for any other purpose, so don't worry about me sending you REAL spam!)

Thanks again for reading!


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