Not Your Typical Fairytale

By Aaron Hull / Wah Stories

Published on Dec 24, 2015



Thank you so much for clicking to read my story! I am an amtuer writer and I suck at using the same tense consistently so I apologize in advance. I hope you like my story and if so you can email me at

"So do you think that Dr. Cal is going to curve the exam?" My best friend Katlin asked as we left our microbiology course. Katlin is your definition of perfection, on the inside and out. Physically, Katlin has long, wavy brown hair with golden blonde highlights. She's about 5'6 and has the perfect tits-to-ass ratio. Her skin is baby soft and when she wears a bikini she looks like she could be a model. When it comes to her personality, Katlin is the type of person who will go out of her way to help someone even if it means that she suffers in the end. Like I said, this girl is literally perfect. The only thing that I hate is that I just have to go and be gay.

My name is Aaron and unlike Katlin, I'm a little on the pudgy side, I have patches of mini craters on my face, I am very socially awkward around people I don't know very well, and when you do get to know me I just becoming a condescending asswipe, or at least that's what I've been told. Katlin has never said anything like that to be but, again, she's perfect so she is physically incapable of being mean to me.

"There will be no need for a curve. All you did last night was study and the stuff we went over this morning was what was on the exam. I know for a fact that you did amazing and you are, again, going to get the greatest grade." Katlin liked to freak out about tests. I tried telling her there was nothing to worry about but trying to convince this girl that she will do great is like trying to convince me otherwise when I say pizza should be its own food group.

"You say that but there were questions on there that I didn't know. Like I don't know anything about antibiotics. At least three of the fifty questions covered that."

"And if you got those three wrong, you still get an A."

"But what if I miss more that just that though? Like I am really nervous, Aaron. I don't want to fail this class." Like I said, she won't ever believe in herself.

I just rolled my eyes and went through this routine with her again. Sometimes it is slightly obnoxious but I love the girl. Like I would honestly propose to her if I could have a side thing and she wasn't dating the president of Gamma Mu Omega, which everyone refers to as the Gamma O's, or sometimes the Gamma Bro's. Mason is definitely a cool guy and even if he wasn't my president I still wouldn't want to make that kind of move.

Yeah. I am a frat boy as well as being gay. I am by far not your stereotypical frat boy either, partially because of the whole gay thing. I don't party that much but every now and then I enjoy getting really drunk and dancing with some girls and my brothers. My worst grade since starting kindergarten was an 85% and that was because my dog legitimately ate my poster for a presentation so I failed that part. I also don't have sex with everything on two legs with a vagina, or in my case a penis. Of course not all my brothers fit these stereotypes but there are definitely a few.

Out of all 70 of us, only one of them knows I am gay and that is because he was my roommate when I first moved into the house and while we were drunk he told me about how his gay biological brother was thinking about coming here and he was so happy he'd get to see him. Since I was drunk, I began to cry and tell him how much I loved him in a bro sense and then I proceeded to come out. Other than him, his name is Jordan, there are very few others who know my secret.

Katlin, as one can assume, is also Greek and a member of Lambda Rho, who we sometimes refer to as the Lambda Ladies. Unlike her boyfriend and a lot like me, Katlin is not the president of her sorority but she has the potential. Both of us are nearing the election period and this is out last year to run and hold office for an entire year. I know Mason has been talking to a few guys he thinks could be the next president and surprisingly I am one of them. Katlin, since she is perfect, is being hand-groomed by her current president and I know she is going to get it and it's going to cause her to stress more and that could result in me drinking more.

"Katie!" One of Katlin's sorority sisters shouted as we came into sight. "Are you coming to the Hallowgiving party tonight?" One of the other fraternities on campus, Phi Eta Alpha, was hosting a party that is supposed to be half Halloween and half Thanksgiving. I don't know how it is supposed to work but when you are as stoned as the High Phi's, any theme sounds cool.

"I don't know. I just had a test and-"

"You have said enough!" Her sister said to her as she pressed her finger against Katlin's lips. "You are going to come out and have some fun for once in your life. The time for you to be fun is drawing to an end. After college, there are no more Thirsty Thursdays so please live while you can. If you aren't there tonight then I may just cry." This girl, Chloe, is one of the few Lambda Ladies who is more part girl than lady.

Katlin looked over at me instead of giving Chloe an immediate answer. It was the look that you knew meant `If I go to this then you are coming too because we both know how much I hate the party scene.'

I really didn't want to go either, I was perfectly content with laying in be dull night watching Empire and wishing I could sing. But since I am such an amazing friend, my telepathic response to her was `Okay.' And just in case she didn't get the message, I gave her a thumbs-up.

Katlin turned back to her sister and smiled. "OMG!" Chloe squealed as she jumped. "You are going to have so much fun tonight! Trust me!" Chloe then ran off to find another sister she could convince to come out tonight.

"Do we really have to go?" I asked Katlin as we continued walking to the student center.

~ ~ ~ ~ Ten hours later ~ ~ ~ ~

"I really don't want to be here right now!" The music was so loud at the party that I had to shout for Kailin to even hear a word.

"This isn't too bad! You don't have to drink or anything, just talk to people!"

"You mean shout?!"

Kailin rolled her eyes as she grabbed me by the hand and dragged me behind her as if I was a lost child. Our first stop was to the kitchen to find ourselves something to drink; the Phi highs, thankfully, buy enough alcohol to probably own their own liquor store so drinks are free. We then proceeded on our epic journey to mingle with all the Lambda ladies present. I honestly didn't mind it, these girls are definitely my favorite and I have actually become good friends with a decent amount of them.

About two hours into the party, Kaitlin and I ended up in a small group of lamda's and random guys who were probably trying to get with them. One of the girls suggested shots, to which most of the others "woo"d too. Kaitlin was slightly intoxicated at this time so she was totally up for it. The second she let go of my hand I knew I had lost her for the night so instead of following her to the kitchen, I went outside where there were people grinding on each other, some were crying hysterically, and others were pissing in the bushes; it was definitely your typical college party.

I approached the rail, leaned onto it, and just looked out into the mysterious beyond known as the backyard. Maybe this will be like all those typical stories where a hot guy will approach me because I look lonely and shit and we will fall in love. I'm actually more likely to break the rail and make a huge fool of myself in front of everyone. I don't really get hit on since most people assume I am straight.

"Are you not into sorority girls taking shots?" I heard a voice ask from behind. Where I was at, the music wasn't loud so I was able to hear him.

I turned to see who it was and it was a new guy in Zeta Iota Pi, or just Zeta. He is a sophomore transfer student who was initiated there and automatically became a brothers when coming here. That's all I knew about him though, he was a mystery to me. "Who are you?"

He grinned. "I'm Michael. And you are?" He leaned up against the rail and kinda sat on it, facing towards the house.

"I'm Aaron. And to answer your question, my best friend who is in that group can get a little wild and I am not drunk enough to deal with her."

"It's a shame you have to be alone because of her." He kinda looked off into the distance and it was really adorable. I don't know if he's gay or what but damn is he hot.

"I'm not alone though, now am I?" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I guess not. You are lucky that I came along."

"I am?"

"You are. I'm a really fun guy and the possibilities are endless with me."

"You are really cocky." I decided to take a sip from my drink which turned out to be a horrible mistake.

"Well you are what you eat."

When he said that, I immediately began to choke. That was definitely the last thing I thought he would say.

Me choking was what he was hoping for because he just began to laugh as I stood there trying to calm myself down and stop making a fool of myself in front of Michael. I finally did and I had to pry a little. "So you're gay?"

"Well why else would I hit on you at this party?"

"And you assume I'm gay?"

"Well now I know you're gay because a straight guy would have said that he was straight by now."

"Well then you assume I'm your type?"

He hopped off the railing and got really close to me. I could feel his breath on my neck and I felt his hand grasp the front of my jeans. He then whispered into my ear; "Based off the tent, I know I'm your type."

He then backed away quickly. I looked around to see if anyone had seen him fondling me but apparently no one was paying any attention to us. I just stood there and kind of blushed.

"I will see you around, Aaron. I think we left this on a good foot." His smile was really intoxicating.

"Yeah. I'll see ya." I smiled back at his as I leaned back onto the rail.

Maybe I was wrong about my luck. For once, a cute guy approached me and wanted me. I was finally going to get to have my gay fairytale love story.


The wood railing snapped and I went plummeting backwards into the bushes, the height difference between the patio and the ground was probably about six inches so my ego was hurt more than my butt. I looked up to see everyone staring at me, even Michael. I guess this fairytale is going to be more of a romantic comedy.

I hope you liked it. Again, if you have any feedback, email me at I apologize if there are not any new installments to this story, I don't get a lot of time to write. Some of my other stories on here are Love Chad, One or the Other, Shawn's Turn, Gavin's Got Game, Hayden's Story, My Name is Connor, Teddy Bear, and The After Party. They are either in the gay high school section or the gay college section, I haven't had time to write in a long time so I forget which stories are where but hopefully you all can find them, I have more faith in you guys than I do myself :) I hope that you enjoy those as well. :)

Thank you!

Aaron H

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