
By Jacob Wiseass

Published on Jul 15, 2023


"Nothing". Part Two

As soon as the door was shut I leaned against it to catch my breath.

`What the fuck just happened' I thought to myself.

It felt a little like I was waking up from a dream. Or coming down from a high. Either way my mind was filled with fears and recriminations. How could I be so stupid? I could have been arrested...or worse!

I walked over to the full-length mirror in my bathroom, almost scared to see what I would see. And there I was...265 pounds of blushing white flesh, with eyebrows as the only hair on my body. I looked at myself and I wanted to cry...but then I noticed the color in my cheeks and the huge grin on my face...and my little cocklet was so hard it could cut glass. I wanted to jack off so badly as I relived what happened that night at the bar. But my hands stayed by my sides because I remembered what Jamie had said after he slapped my hard-on a few minutes ago...'don't touch this anymore, it's mine.'

So bedtime it was...a night full of sleep...and dreams, oh the dreams...seems there was a whole lot of shit from my younger years that I had totally blanked out.

High school, a place I hated. I was always the chubby kid, the drama nerd, the outsider...and way too smart for my own good. Aced every test, straight A's from Kindergarten to graduation. And yet I always sat at the back of the class, never put my hand up even though I knew every answer. Basically I was a round peg trying to fit into a building full of square holes.

That was until the spring of sophomore year when I discovered the lunchtime walks in the woods. Like I said I was way too smart for my own good. And being a loner left me all the time in the world to sit back and just watch other people live their more exciting lives. I was always watching people. I probably creeped a few of them out by staring if the truth were known. But eventually my watching paid off because I started noticing small groups and pairs wandering off school grounds and in to the wooded area across the street. There were walking paths through this area and they set off and soon disappeared. My curiosity got the better of me, so one day I decided to follow them and see what was up. I followed along the main path until I heard laughter and loud voices. I stayed hidden and snuck up on a group of Seniors sitting around together passing around joints and kidding with one another. I hung back and just watched, which is what I did best.

I mean these were the cream of the crop of the Seniors gathered out here. Muscular team captains, beautiful cheerleaders; each and every one of them a specimen of human perfection. And I just sat there, hidden behind my tree, wistfully thinking about what it would be like being a part of such a group. Then everything changed...

As if on some un-hearable signal these beautiful people started to pair up and move away from the group. I watched, breathlessly as they started to engage in what my father would have called heavy petting' in his ridiculous birds and the bees' talk. Hands were going everywhere and I was going nowhere.

I especially was watching Timothy Walker, the Captain of the Basketball team. Six feet, three inches, of ebony perfection. Narrow waist, flaring in both directions: north to his massive chest and upper body, south to his powerful thighs and huge bulging butt. Actually, I didn't really understand my feelings at the time I just knew I couldn't take my eyes off of him. It started when I went to one of our games against our arch-rivals. It was after a rousing pep rally and I guess I was feeling excited...oh no, wait, I remember now, my parents made me go so I could make some friends. I remember that evening vividly. I never made any friends. But I did discover an obsession...Timothy Walker.

From the moment he trotted on court to our pitiful band playing our school song I could never take my eyes off of him. He wasn't the tallest on the team. He wasn't the most muscular, although his arms had that strong masculine `wave' I call know that begins at the neck and rises up and over the broad shoulder muscles, then dips down just under the shoulder until it rises to its highest peak at the bicep, then just flows down the lower arm until it splits into five long tributaries called his endless fingers. His fingers were long and slender and he handled the b-ball like a pro. His skin was liquid dark roast coffee that seemed to shine its rich darkness into all that surrounded him. His legs were tall and tight and he jumped high and fierce when he made a basket, which was often. By the end of the first half I was jumping to my feet and applauding every time he sunk a hoop. Who knew I was such a fan of basketball.

Well this obsession of mine for Timothy Walker (out of respect, I always called him by his full name, even when I was just thinking about him), lasted throughout his Senior year which was my Sophomore year. I went out of my way to see him in the halls. I memorized his schedule so I could plan routes between classes that allowed the most opportunity for sightings. I knew he was dating Alesha because I often watched them together at her locker in the mornings. His hands would roam so softly and slowly over her body. Nothing x-rated or anything, but you could tell he was very familiar with the lay of her land.

In my head it was my locker we were standing at and my body he was caressing with touches that were filled with promise for future passion. I would let my head droop back against the wall as I watched Timothy Walker take a gentle hold of her head and start to kiss her. I heard her groan once as his tongue plunged deeply inside her and I moaned as well...too loudly. Big mistake. Little did I know that standing nearby me was one of Timothy Walker's best friends, Jon Nilsson, a line backer on our Football team and fellow Alpha Athletic Stud of our Senior class.

"What the fuck are you moaning about faggot?" Jon demanded, with a slap to the back of my head. Turning quickly I am face to face with his Varsity number on the breast of his Letterman's jacket.

"Nothing." I answered through a squeaky voice because I was scared shitless.

"Well, Nothing, get the fuck outta here." He bellowed and then laughed at me as I scurried away. But when I got to the corner of the hallway I couldn't help myself from turning back and staring at them all as they laughed at pathetic me.

And that's how I got the name `Nothing' for the rest of my High School career.

Anyway, back to the woods where all the beautiful people had started making out. Timothy Walker was there like I said with Alesha and Jon was there as well. But I couldn't really see who he was with because trying to see past him was like trying to peek around a mountain. The heavy petting' had moved on to hands everywhere...Timothy Walker reached for the zipper on his jeans and my heart skipped a beat...but Alesha shook her head no'. Bitch! She looked at her watch and made it clear that there was no time left, they all had to get back to school.

So, couple by couple they extricated themselves from their entanglements and began to pull themselves together. It was exciting to see all these top-tier school jocks trying to adjust their hard cocks in their tight jeans. I was in my Peeping-Tom glory.

Needless to say I followed this group every day into those woods and I would quietly hide out, sit and watch, and grab my cock in my pants and massage it hard. I didn't want to cum because even though my dick was tiny, my balls were huge and they produced a truckload of jism and I didn't want to have to go through the afternoon with a wet spot on my pants.

For weeks I was in hog-heaven just watching these first class specimens and their mating game. Eventually the guys broke down the resistance of the girls and I started to witness some hand jobs and even one blow-job, but it was over way too quickly; seemed she didn't like it. But all these weeks and Alesha was still saying `no' to Timothy Walker. His frustration level was rising the harder his dick got. I could just imagine him going home after school and jerking on his big cock first thing.

Lost in those horny thoughts I didn't see the group begin to leave to go back to school. Before I knew it they were walking right by the place where I was hiding. I sucked in my breath I was so surprised. I thought I saw Jon's head turn when I gasped but I might have been wrong. They were making so much noise rushing back to school. And if I didn't move it myself I would be late.

Nothing changed in the coming weeks of our group ritual until one Friday afternoon when the girls didn't go on their lunchtime saunter but the guys went off anyway. Needless to say I followed them...I mean who needed the bitches anyway.

I settled in to my spot, which was all nicely flattened down now after months of me sitting here. I looked out at the guys who were just sitting around talking. Before I even had a chance to think about what may happen a hand clamped on my shoulder and I heardÉ

"Hey, Tim, I told you the twerp was hiding out here!"

And then I was being dragged out from my comfortable hiding spot and forced to march over to the group of guys who had all stood up by now. Jon, the gorilla that was dragging me forward, tossed me on the ground in the middle of the guys and they closed their ranks around me.

"I told you he was peeping at us! Wanting to sneak peeks at our girls." Jon thought he had it all worked out.

"No, that's not right. I wouldn't do that. I don't care about your girls!" There I had said it. Covering my mouth quickly with my hand wouldn't take back the words.

"Well if not to grab a glance at our chicks, then why do you hang out in the bushes?" Jon demanded.

I couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't get the crap kicked outta me. `Uh...?"

"I know why he hangs out there watching every lunch time..." chimes in Timothy Walker, and everyone turns to him to listen...

"It's because he wants to be one of of the leaders at this school...but he never will...because he's nothing and he'll always be nothing. Right Nothing?"

"Um..." I responded, wordsmith that I was.

"Because he's a lonely, pathetic loser and the only life he has is to look in on ours. Right Nothing?" Timothy Walker spoke with his face directly in front of close I wanted to just move forward and land a kiss on his lips. But even in my state of nerves I knew that would mean suicide.

"Yeah, you're right." I heard my voice squeak out like a mouse, while I stared up at the beautiful green eyes of my imaginary lover Timothy Walker.

"Fuckin' pathetic" Jon piped in while the rest of the guys shook their heads in agreement.

"I say we pound him a little, just enough to teach him that we don't want him hanging around us...Fuckin', Nothing piece of shit." to which the others heartedly agreed as they moved in on me.

"No," interrupted Timothy Walker as he grabbed me by the scruff of my shirt and lifted me to my feet..."you leave Nothing here to me. I guarantee you he will never be spying on us ever again after I'm done with him."

And with that the others walked away grumbling at their lost opportunity to beat the living snot out of me. Jon hung back as Timothy Walker's best friend.

"You got this Tim?"

"Yeah you go ahead. Nothing and I are gonna just have a chat on the walk back to school. I have study period after lunch today so I'm in no rush."

Of course I had an English quiz worth 10% of my term's mark in my first class after lunch, but I had a feeling Timothy Walker would not care in the least what I was missing out on. And to tell you the truth, I didn't care much either. I was just enjoying him holding me up so close to him. My dick was rock hard and I could feel a wet spot spreading on my crotch as he controlled me.

As the rest of them walked away Timothy Walker leaned down and whispered in my ear: "Just keep perfectly still until they're gone faggot."

And my blood ran cold. He knew. My deepest, darkest secret and he knew. My first impulse was to try and break away from him and run back to school, but I knew I wouldn't make it ten feet before he caught me.

So I waited, nervously, still hard as a rock, as I watched the rest of the beautiful people walk away.

Then Timothy Walker turned around and took a seat on the flat rock behind me. My eyes followed his every move, not really sure what was going to happen next.

"Come over here Nothing and stand right here in front of me." He said as he leaned back in his casual way against the rock. His hips were pushed forward and I swear I could see movement under the front of his tight jeans.

"Stop staring faggot and get over here." He demanded loudly.

I moved over in front of him and just looked down at the ground, petrified at what would happen next.

"So what should I do with you Nothing?"

"I don't know Sir." Where the `Sir' came from I have no idea, but it felt right. And it made the gorgeous man in front of me laugh.

"Ha, Sir, you're too much Nothing."

"I'm sorry I was watching you guys earlier...Sir" I started to explain.

"Yeah, I'm sure you that we caught you. But what I want to know is why you were hiding in there peeping on us, you freak."

I looked at Timothy Walker, or who in my head would always be known from this moment forward as `Sir', and I wanted to tell him the truth. I wanted to tell him that I lived for him, that I wanted him more than anything in the world. But I couldn't, I just couldn't.

" to Nothing. Answer my fucking question."

"It's just what I said Sir...I want to be like you popular people. I want to have friends, and girlfriends, and hang out and do fun things together."

After a minute of staring at me he saysÉ

"Bullshit faggot. I know what you want." And he leaned back on the rock and pushed his hips further forward which drew my eyes and wouldn't let them go.

"Yeah, just as I thought faggot. Why don't you get over here and get on your knees."

My head said not to do it, but my legs were already moving towards him.

"You're not the first faggot I've dealt with. I've been dealing with your kind since Junior High. Seems none of you can control yourself around me. Go figure."

By now I was right in front of him and I bent down and got on my knees.

"What is it with you faggots? You lose your shit when you're around me."

Then he just stared at me...or should I say glared at me.

"Well, go on faggot, why don't you tell me why you're on your knees in front of me right now?"

I didn't know what to tell him. I couldn't admit my true feelings for him or it would be all over the school.

"Tell me faggot, right now, before I get mad."

So I told him. I told him everything. I told him about how I've been in love with him since I laid eyes on him two years ago. How I went to every Basketball and Football game just to watch him play. How I walked out of my way between every class just so I could grab a glance at him in the hallway. How I thought of him constantly day and night and would do anything just to be close to him. I told him how months before I noticed him and his friends walking into the woods and I followed to see what was up. And I told him that I wished everyday that Alesha would let him fuck her or at least give him a blow job so that I could see his majestic cock at full mast...everything...I told him everything...then I just hung my head in shame, very afraid of what would happen next.

Then he got to his feet and slowly walked around me, staring me down the whole time. It seemed like forever before he said anything. Then he simply leaned over and whispered in my ear...

"Well it's about time faggot. Now we can finally get down to the business at hand...Now Strip faggot!"

Next: Chapter 3

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