
By Jacob Wiseass

Published on Jul 15, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or real persons is purely coincidental.

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"Nothing" Part Three

"What?" I asked, barely covering the panic in my quavering voice.

"I said strip, faggot." And then he sat back down on that flat rock and leaned back so that the outline of his perfect cock was jutting forward in his tight jeans.

"But we're only about 5 minutes from the school, Sir. Anybody could wander out here and see us."

"And what are they going to see if they stumble upon us? They're going to see a pathetic faggot nothing standing naked in front of a superior male like myself."

"Yes, but..." I tried to interject.

"No! No buts about it Nothing faggot. It's how things work in the world. Straight Alpha Males like me make the rules, and faggot Nothings like you follow them."

I just stared into his eyes, not believing my idol would make me do this. "Please..."

And in a flash he was standing in front of me and he back-handed me so hard that I was tossed to the ground. Then he calmly sat back down on that rock and he looked down at me holding my cheek and crying in shock.

"Now, faggot, stand up, stop your belly aching...and strip. Before I really get mad."

I slowly got to my feet and averted my glance from him as I slowly began to unbutton my shirt...

"Nope, Nothing, that's not gonna hack it. Look me in the eyes while you strip. And as you take off each piece of clothing I want you to fold it neatly, pass it to me, and ask me if I would take care of it for you."

So I forced myself to look into his smirking eyes as I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. I folded it neatly, just like my mother had taught me to do, then I stepped forward and handed it to Timothy Walker while asking, "Sir, would you please take care of my shirt for me, Sir?"

"Well now faggot since you asked so nicely, Yes I will." And he takes the shirt and places it on the rock beside where he was sitting.

So I continue and I take off my undershirt and ask him to take care of it for me. Then each shoe, and each sock, and the pile of clothes beside Timothy Walker is growing.

"Now your pants, Nothing" he urges me on.

"Please Sir, don't make me." And he rises to his feet again like lightening and slaps me hard on my other cheek. Again, I fall. Again, I weep.

"Look faggot," he explains, "I'm doing this for your own good. If you're going to be a groveling faggot then you have to learn to take orders from your superiors. That's who I am, your superior."

So I gained my footing again and felt a tremendous anger towards him so I pulled down my pants and my underwear and I threw the both of them right at him. I might be naked, but I was mad too.

"Oh wow...the faggot Nothing has got some fire, some spunk. You see that's a good thing for you to have because it's going to help you survive what your life has in store for you." And he carefully folds my pants and undershorts and adds them to the pile beside him.

"Now, bitch, I am going to let that last little display of disrespect towards me go...if you get on your knees right here in front of me and beg for my forgiveness. Otherwise, I am going to kick the living shit out of you right now. And then I will calmly make my way back to school where, in case you think about complaining about your beat down, every one of my good buddies who were here earlier will swear on a stack of bibles that I walked back to school with them earlier.

So I knelt in front of him and I begged: "Please Sir, forgive me for throwing my pants and shorts at you Sir. I have no idea what came over me or why I did that Sir. I think I just allowed myself to get angry Sir because you were being mean to me for being gay Sir."

"Hold up for a minute there Nothing. None of what is happening today is because you're gay. No, no, no. I have some great friends, even teammates who are gay. But even though they're gay, they're still men. I mean it doesn't matter whether they are tops or bottoms, they are still men, loving men. There is nothing wrong with that Nothing."

I was taken aback by this statement..."then Sir I don't understand why my telling you I was gay today has caused you to treat me this way?"

"Because you didn't tell me you were gay told me you were a faggot...a faggot for me, for my body, for my smell, for everything about me. I mean you told me you had spent months of your life changing everything you could to simply catch a peak at me in the hall. For months you have hidden yourself in these bushes just hoping and praying that I would get lucky enough with my girl so that you could catch a glimpse of my cock. That's not a gay crush Nothing...that's a faggot's religion...I'm an idol that you worship. And let's face it Nothing, is there anything you wouldn't do if I asked you to do it?"

I thought for a minute and was going to disagree until I remembered that I was currently kneeling in the grass, completely nude, before this man who for all intents and purposes was my god. So I had to admit; "no Sir, I would do anything for you."

"That's what I thought Nothing." And he gently tousled my hair. "But don't worry faggot, I won't leave you hanging. As your chosen idol; your chosen god, I will teach you what to expect from your faggot life to come."

Then he got up and pushed his way past me as he grabbed the pile of my clothes.

"But for now, I have to get back to school, before second period starts."

"But Sir...Sir..." I yell as I chase after him naked, "what about my clothes? You can't leave me out here naked."

Sir stops and turns around which halts me dead in my tracks.

"To begin with, Nothing, yes I could leave you out here naked, so get that through your thick skull right now. I could do anything I wanted to with you and you would allow it to happen. Right?"

Quietly, head hung low, "Yes, Sir."

Then he caught my attention when I heard the snap, snap of pictures being taken.

"There now Nothing, I have a few photos of your official faggot coming out party.'

"What are you going to do with those?"

"Absolutely nothing for you to worry about. Now put on your clothes before the bell rings for second period." And he throws me my pants and my undershirt.

"What about the rest of my clothes?"

"Oh these, I'll store these in my gym locker and you can meet me there after classes today and collect them."

"But I don't have anything for my feet...and just an undershirt, no outer shirt."

"Now look faggot I think I was pretty generous with you. I could have given you nothing back, then what kind of a mess would you be in, huh?"

"Yes Sir."

"Besides Nothing, by walking around school barefoot, with no underwear or shirt, maybe you will remember your new low status as a faggot. And maybe you'll remember that your job as a faggot is to be available to serve any and all Alpha Males who choose to use you. Right now little faggot only one Alpha Male knows of your true who knows what tomorrow may bring."

I stop to get into my pants and undershirt as he struts off at quite a pace.

"Remember, Nothing, right after classes finish at my gym locker."

"Yes, Sir" I yell as he throws back his head and laughs.

The rest of the day was a pure nightmare for me. I thought everybody was staring at me, walking around the school halls in my bare feet with just an undershirt on. I had to go to my first class teacher and explain why I missed his test and beg to get a chance to write it at a later date.

"Well, where were you Jay? It's not like you to ever even miss a class, let alone a test. And what happened to your shoes and socks?"

I was panicked by his question because I knew I couldn't tell him the truth.

"Actually Sir I can answer both those questions for you. You see...I went for a walk in the woods behind the school to calm down before the test and I took off my shoes and socks to dangle my feet into the brook. Unfortunately I accidentally knocked my shoes in the brook and that was why I was late because I was chasing after them as they were carried down stream. By the time I gave up the chase it was too late to make it to class."

Well, he stared at me like I was crazy, but he couldn't argue with me because it made sense. Who knew I was so creative under pressure. Plus I don't think I had ever told a lie to a teacher in my whole school career, so they had a tendency to believe me.

"Well next time Jay that you have a test, just stick around the school, okay?"

"Yes Sir, for sure."

Then I trod off to my next class. Glancing at my watch I saw it was 1:45pm just 2 more hours, two more classes and I could meet in the gym locker room with Sir and get my clothes back. Then this whole thing will be over.

I couldn't seem to sit still for the next two classes. I didn't hear a word that the teachers were talking about. It was all Greek to me even though I knew they were review classes to prep us for exams. All I could think about was getting to the locker room right after class and get those clothes from him and bring this nightmare to an end.

My last class was Senior Math, which was my favorite class of my day; partly because mathematics just comes really easy to me and that's why I was taking Senior Math when I was just a Sophomore. But the other reason I loved this class was the teacher, Mr. Randall...a tall, thin, dark-complexioned black man whose legs ran right up to his arm pits it seemed. He had these incredibly thin, long legs and he wore pants cut to accentuate his lean frame. Everyday when Mr. Randall turned around you could see his tight ass cheeks mounded in his tight pants with the seam running between his cheeks lifting and separating his ass putting his rear end on display. And if you really watched closely, which of course I did, at least a couple of times during each class you could see the outline of his long cock begin to harden and run down the inside of his right thigh. Of course this usually happened when he was leaning over one of the classroom sluts who seemed to be in competition with each other over who could wear the more revealing outfit to school each day. I'm sure if that type of woman did it for me then I would be walking around half hard all day. But I was content that Mr. Randall reacted to these half naked sluts because it distracted me in a good way from the troubles I was facing today.

At the end of the class the bell rang and I leapt to my feet and started at a sprint for the door. It was 3:45 and I knew the Basketball team had a 4:00 pm practice, which gave me just 15 minutes to get to the gym locker room and get my shirt and shoes back. But it wasn't meant to be.

"Jay, could you please hang on a second." Came Mr. Randall's booming voice.

I stopped and looked back at him and he was doing that crooked finger call that meant `Come here', So I walked over and stood in front of his desk.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Jay, what's going on with you today?" He asked as he leaned back and stretched out those long legs of his under his desk, and put his hands behind his head.

"Nothing, Sir. I don't know what you mean?"

And then I felt it...his feet, or rather his shoes that were on his feet, landed right on my bare toes that were just under the front of his desk. I'm sure he wasn't aware that he was doing it but I didn't want to make a big scene so I just grit my teeth and stared back at him.

"Well, Jay, you come to class a couple of minutes late, you're half dressed and bare footed, and you don't seem to pay any attention to the lesson I was teaching." He explains as the heels of his shoes press down even harder on my naked toes.

"And where were you running off to so quickly after class. I mean you looked like you were a bat out of hell, running out of my classroom."

"I'm sorry Sir. I didn't mean you any disrespect Sir. My mind has just been elsewhere all afternoon."

"You know Jay...why don't you come around here to my side of the desk for a minute, okay?"

He lifts his shoe heels off of my feet and the relief is instant. I make my way around to his side of the desk and step in front of him.

"You know Jay..." he starts as he deliberately moves his feet forward and stomps on my bare toes. " ...your advanced placement in my class is not a given."

"Yes, Sir, I realize that Sir" I manage to get out as he presses harder and harder down on my toes with his stiff black Oxford shoes.

"No. You are here Jay because I have allowed that to happen. We teachers debated a lot about your placement and whether you were emotionally ready to take part in an upper level course before your time."

"I wasn't aware of that Sir. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble."

"Oh no trouble Jay. I just wanted to remind you, that's all, that you're here because I allowed it." Then he stood up and moved out to where we students usually sat taking one last opportunity to stand hard on my bare feet as he looked over me.

"Now Jay I want you to take up a dry marker for the white board and I want you to write the following sentence on the board for me..."

"Yes, Sir." I pick the blue marker.

"I, Jay Watson, promise to always show my teacher Mr. Randall..."

I was rushing to try and keep up with him.

" ...the proper respect by being on time to his class, prepared for his class, and alert in his class."

I rushed to finish writing it out.

"Did you get that Jay?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Now, write that out just like that 100 times."

"But..." I panicked because I had to get to the gym locker room, I was already late.

"But, what, Jay? You couldn't possibly have anywhere more important to be could you?"

I knew I could never tell him the truth so I just hung my head and said, "no, Sir."

"Good boy. 100 times. Exactly like the first one. And you have 2 hours to get it accomplished. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir, I understand." I mumbled as I started to write.

"Oh, and Jay, this whole bare foot thing? I think it's a good look for you. So each day when you enter my class, why don't you further show your respect for me by taking off your shoes and socks when you walk through the door and just set them right there in the front of the class. Okay?"

"But Sir, what am I supposed to tell the rest of the kids if they ask why I'm doing that?" I worried.

"Oh Jay, I don't about the could try that." And with an evil grin he walked out of the classroom.

I turned, reread what I was supposed to write, and got to work.

My mind was active as I stood there in my bare feet, my toes aching from being stood on, wondering what Mr. Randall meant by `telling them the truth'. I mean what truth was he talking about. He couldn't be privy to what happened to me out in the woods earlier in the day. That would be impossible. No one could know about that, yet. Surely not.

"I, Jay Watson, promise to always show my teacher Mr. Randall the proper respect by being on time to his class, prepared for his class, and alert in his class."

I, Jay Watson, promise to always show my teacher Mr. Randall the proper respect by being on time to his class, prepared for his class, and alert in his class."

I, Jay Watson, promise to always show my teacher Mr. Randall the proper respect by being on time to his class, prepared for his class, and alert in his class."

One after the other. For almost two solid hours...

I, Jay Watson, promise to always show my teacher Mr. Randall the proper respect by being on time to his class, prepared for his class, and alert in his class."

Finally, Mr. Randall came back into his classroom and saw that I had completed his assignment.

"Good for you Jay. And you were done on time as well."

"Thank you, Sir." I offered as I picked up the brush to erase the three large whiteboards that proclaimed my strange allegiance to my teacher and his class.

"Wait a minute, boy, what do you think you're doing?" Asked Mr. Randall as he stepped up and snatched the brush from my hands.

"Sir, I was going to erase the boards, Sir."

"No, I don't think so. I think I'll keep them up here for awhile. It may help other students who don't show me the right amount of respect that they shouldn't fuck with me, Jay."

"But Sir that will be totally embarrassing for me Sir if they read my name up there."

"0h Jay..." he starts as he moves up to me and places his hands on my shoulders, "I don't think you'll have any problems handling a little embarrassment..." then he stepped with his full weight on my bare feet as he looked me directly in the eyes..."do you?"

Slowly a tear ran down my cheek as he stepped harder on my feet. "No. Sir."

Then as quickly as he stomped on my feet, he got off.

"Now get out of here boy. Wherever you were running to at the end of my class, I hope I didn't make you too late." He added as he laughed out loud like he had just heard the funniest joke in the world.

But I couldn't worry about him or his boards anymore. I had to get to the gym locker room and hope by some miracle Timothy Walker was still there. I know they had a Basketball Team practice so he may still be hanging around.

A few minutes later I ran into the locker room but it was empty. It was a mess, but it was empty.

I heard noise coming from the gym so I stuck my head in there and watched the practice for a couple of minutes. Until the Coach saw me hanging around and demanded,

"Boy what are you doing here?"

My mouth opened but nothing came out. I was petrified. Coach Samuels was the biggest man I had ever seen. I had never seen him up close until today and his eyes were the deepest chocolate color I have ever seen.


His body was perfection. Muscle growing out of muscle. Arms as thick as my thighs. Neck as wide as my waist. Everything about this man was intimidating.


And the color of his skin was that darkest of dark brown color. So deeply pigmented that it almost looked like he had smeared oil on his skin to make it glisten so.


"Goddamn boy, stop stammering and tell me why the hell you're here."

At that point, like an angel, Timothy Walker came trotting up to my rescue.

"Oh hey, Coach. This is the kid I told you about who asked me about helping out with the team."

"This boy?" The Coach looked at his star player.

"Yeah, he was all excited about helping out the team in some way. I mean he knows he'll never get a place on any team at this school so he wants to do anything he can to be an athletic supporter, shall we say."

"Yeah, real funny joke Walker...athletic supporter."

Then the Coach got up and blew his whistle twice and the whole team gathered right in front of him. "Okay guys, we've got twenty minutes left to practice so I want you to split into two groups, with one half doing Bulldog Drills down at the far end of the court and the other half doing Terminator Drills down this end. Then at the ten minute mark switch it up. Okay?"

"Yes Coach!" Then they all trotted out and got to work.

"And you come with me boy, I want to talk to you."

"Yes, Sir." I said as I followed him back into the locker room. I took a quick glance over my shoulder and my eyes landed on Timothy Walker who had a big grin on his face.

Inside the locker room the Coach took a seat on one of the benches and told me to stand in front of him so he could ask me some questions.

"What's your name boy?"

"Jay Watson, Sir."

"Call me Coach, kid, I'm not your Sir."

"Yes Sir...I mean Yes Coach."

"Good listen the job I have open with this team is that of team assistant. Which basically means you get to do all the crap jobs the players and staff don't want to do. You get here before practices and make sure the locker room is tidy and that the equipment I need for practice is out on the court when I need it."

"Sounds fun Coach."

"One thing I can promise you kid is that it will not be fun. You have to stay after practices and put the equipment back in the Equipment Room and make sure the door is locked up tight. Then you come in here after these hogs have finished showering and horsing around and you clean up here and the weight room as well. Understood?"

"Yes Coach, I understand."

"You are expected to be present at all home games as well as go to all away games on the Team Bus. It's your job to help the guys with what they need."

"Yes Coach."

"And finally boy, I have to warn you that some of these players can have a mean streak in `em. In fact, the last boy who had your position up and quit on me because of a little razzin' that the fellas did to him."

"Yes, Coach" I answered, not really understanding what razzin' was.

"You're not a big enough pussy to quit on your team because some of these players play a little rough, are you boy."

"Oh no Coach..." he said `my job' which means I got it. All I could think about was being able to be closer to Timothy Walker..."Oh no, Coach, I like it rough."

There was a moment when the Coach didn't say anything. Then he laughed out loud and tousled my hair and said, "I bet you do boy, I bet you do."

Then he walked out of the locker room snickering to himself and shaking his head. I didn't know what to do next. So I just sat there figuring the Coach would come back and get me when he needed me.

After a minute Timothy Walker barged into the locker room and made me jump a foot.

"So did you get the job, boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I did...thank you for thinking of...

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Listen I have to go over some of the rules that maybe Coach left out."

"Okay..." I said

"Now get down on your knees right in front of me so I can make sure you hear every one of them."

"Yes, Sir" I offered as I got down on my knees, listening intently.

"Okay boy it's pretty simple really. From here on in, you do everything I tell you to do, okay?"

Then he reached in the locker behind him and said: "This is my locker, okay? This locker next to mine, that's going to be your locker. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir.

"Both lockers will have locks on them. But I'm going to hold onto both keys. That means if you want anything from your locker, you have to ask me for it. Even if it's in front of the whole team. Understand boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I understand. I don't like it but I understand." I answered.

"But you'll follow my rules, won't you boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I will."

"And that's because you're a faggot who lives to serve real men." He said slapping me lightly on my face. "Now listen, faggot, the rest of the team will be in here any minute, and I have something I need you to do for me." Then he reached in `my' locker and pulled out my shirt, underwear, socks and shoes, and placed them on the floor right between where he was sitting and I was kneeling. Then he pulled down the front of his shorts and pulled out his soft penis, which shocked me as I had dreamed of this moment for months.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know faggot you've wanted this cock forever. But don't think you're going to get to touch it at all. Just open your mouth and put it right by the head of my cock and drink the piss I have for you.

"Piss?" I stammered. "No way, I'm not drinking your piss."

And he just stared at me for a moment. Then he hauled off and backhanded me hard across my face again. "You disappoint me faggot. I thought you were better than that." Then he pointed his penis to the ground and pissed all over my clothes and shoes.

"No. No, stop!" And he did, grabbing onto his penis and holding his foreskin over the head.

"The team will be in any minute now faggot. So either drink what I've got left or I soak your clothes even more. Oh, and you won't be able to hide your clothes in your locker. No, whatever state they are in, you will put them on and do your first days clean-up duties smelling like a latrine, then you will walk home to your family in the same state."

I just stared at him for a couple of seconds. Then I leaned down and opened my mouth in front of his penis and he let the stream of his waste go.

"Good faggot." He patted my head as I drank his body's waste products. Then at the last minute he moved the head of his penis away from my mouth and finished his piss on my face and soaking my hair. At the same time I heard the other team members making their way into the locker room. So I grabbed my shoes and clothes and I ran to the nearest toilet stall and locked the door and just sat on the closed commode and wept.


I hope you are enjoying this story so far. If you are drop me a note at

Any suggestions for poor jay, drop me a line as well.

Copyright 2018

Next: Chapter 4

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