
By Jacob Wiseass

Published on Jul 16, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or real persons is purely coincidental.

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"Nothing" Part Four

The phone cut through my dream state like a shrill alarm going off in church. I let it ring three times before I even was aware enough to answer.


"Hi babe, it's me Jamie."

"Oh, hi Jamie...or should I call you Master?" I knew it sounded snarky before I even opened my mouth.

"Well now, babe, that's what we have to talk about. Meet me at The Garden at 11am for brunch."

"Okay. I'll be there."

And he hung up. I lay back in bed and took a deep breath. Something about his tone made me nervous. I looked at the clock and it was already 10:15. "Shit" I thought to myself, "I'm never going to make it by 11:00am."

I jumped up and ran to the bathroom to grab a quick shower. I had forgotten all about my shave' from last night until I caught a glimpse in the floor to ceiling mirror tiles that some idiot designer had put in the Master bathroom back in the 70's. I stopped and looked at my reflection...just stared at this stranger who stared back at me. But there was something familiar in those leering eyes. I thought I had rid myself of those eyes years ago. They were the eyes that watched me all throughout high school and college. They were the eyes of the boy called Nothing' And in a rush my dreams from the night before came barreling back into my memory banks...those and all the other memories of the life and experience's of `Nothing'.

"Oh my God," I thought to myself, "what have I done?"

I jumped in the shower and just let the hot water pour over me to try and unknot my suddenly tense muscles. A quick spit and polish and out the door for brunch. I was definitely going to be late but not too bad. I walked the three blocks to the restaurant, `The Garden' which was one of the most popular spots for Sunday brunch in the whole West Hollywood region. There was a line up to get in but I knew the maitre d' and so just waved and walked in to look for Jamie. It wasn't long until I spotted him at one of the inner tables by the big stone fountain in the center of the restaurant.

`The Garden' was built like a big wheel with the fountain in the middle and tiers of tables spanning out in concentric circles around each other as they filled the large room. The tables next to the fountain were prime real estate at Sunday Brunch because they were raised up a couple of feet so you can look around and see everyone else who is there. I had no idea how early Jamie had to get here to snag this great table but it brought a smile to my face immediately.

"Hi baby," I said as I leaned over to give Jamie a quick peck on the cheek hello.

But he abruptly pulled his face away from me. I glanced down at him as I slipped into my seat opposite him. "What's wrong Jamie?"

"What time do you have?"

I looked at my watch. "11:20am, why?"

"What time were we supposed to meet here?" he asked me.

"You said 11:00, but you didn't even call me until 10:15."

"You live 3 blocks from here, and it took you over an hour to get here?" he chided.

Now I was pissed off and didn't try hard to hide it.

"You called and woke me up at 10:15 and told me to come and meet you here. I had to get up, have a shower, get dressed, and then walk over here. I couldn't get all that done and still get here on time. I thought I was doing good to only be 20 minutes late!"

He just stared at me for a minute. "Are you through with your excuses?"

"They're not..." I began, but immediately stopped when he raises his finger in front of my face with the universal signal of "I don't care". So I do what he means, and I stop talking.

He leans forward and gets real close to my face. "What happened to you last night?"

"What do you mean? You were there, you know what happened."

"I know, but I want you to tell me in your words, what happened last night?"

I leaned in even closer because I was still very embarrassed by what did happen last night, and still really confused why I let it happen. But I told him what happened from my perspective...

"We were out with some of your friends and we were having some drinks at the Cock Ring when all of a sudden you asked me to take my clothes off."

"And," he urged.

"And I did it."

"Why did you do it?" He asked me staring deeply into my eyes.

"I don't know. I've been wondering why all night, since it happened, and this morning. Plus all the rest."

"The rest doesn't matter right now..."

"Doesn't matter! Doesn't matter! Have you looked at me this morning?" I accused him with a dramatic waving of my arms around my bald head, face, and other places.

"Yes, I know what happened, and I don't mean it doesn't matter. I mean it doesn't matter until you can truthfully answer me as to why you stripped off your clothes last night in that bar."

I wanted to blame the drinks. I wanted to blame the atmosphere. I wanted to blame everything...anything. But finally I admitted..."I don't know Sir."

And he just smiled at me.

"What?" I asked, exasperated and confused.

"What did you just call me?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. "I called you Jamie, or babe."

" called me Sir."

"Oh that doesn't mean anything..."

"But I think it does Jay. Because you referred to me as Sir the first time you met me. Remember, at the gym, you were working out and you kept staring at me all morning."

"Well you were beautiful, you took my breath away."

"And when I came up and introduced myself to you and shook your hand you said...and I quote...'Hello Sir, nice to meet you'."

"I did not."

"Oh yes, you did. I am 15 years your junior, I'm a trainer at the local gym who makes about $20,000 a year and you're this successful corporate lawyer who makes way into the six figures. I'm three inches shorter than you, at least 30 pounds lighter, and yet you called me Sir before you even knew who I was. Now why do you think that was Jay?"

"I have no idea..."

"Yeah, I think you do Jay and it's the same reason you stripped in that bar last night when I asked you to. Ever since we met, you have given me the lead in this relationship. You let me make all the decisions about where we go and what we do. You are always available whenever I call and never question me when I'm not available to be with you. You drop everything for me when I tell you to and you come running like a puppy. And in bed..." he leans even closer to me and lowers his voice. "In bed, its the same, anything I say goes."

I really have no way of explaining my behavior. I just keep thinking about who was looking back at me in the mirror this morning...'Nothing' At the same time my best friend and my worst enemy. I've never told Jamie about him, so how did he know. I guess I didn't keep him as deeply buried as I thought I did.

"I told my buddies about how you were behaving towards me and they're the ones who filled me in on a few things. It seems there is a whole group of gay white men who find within themselves this need...almost like an turn their control over to a black man. That they see us not as their equals but as their betters. In fact, these submissive white guys actually think of all black men as being Superior Black Kings. Does this sound familiar to you Jay?"

I just hang my head in shame.

"Hey, hey, hey, Jay" he says as he lifts my face by the chin to look directly into his eyes. "This is nothing to be ashamed of my man. If what I'm saying fits you and how you think about things, I'm fine with that. In fact, that's why my friends suggested I test you last night in the bar."

"That was a test?"

"That was a test, yes. And you passed with flying colors." He smiled as he finally sat back in his chair. "I was trying to think what would be the absolute hardest thing for you to do, that I could ask you to do. Because then I would know for sure that you were absolutely dedicated to me. Believe me, I know how you feel about your body, even though I think it's beautiful. And I figured if I could get you to take off all your clothes in a public place...well...then I'd know for sure."

"And I did it."

"You did it."

I sat back in my chair and just stared at this beautiful creature across the table from me. He was just staring at me with those dark brown, almost black eyes, unwaveringly piercing me through with an intensity I have not experienced for a long time. "So what happens now?"

"Well that depends Jay...what do you want to happen now?"

"Well I don't know! I mean aren't you supposed to be the one calling the shots here? Isn't that how this works?"

"That definitely can be one of the ways this plays out, yes. But before that happens I need to know where your head is at around what happened last night. In fact, you need to get honest with me and with yourself about what you want; about who you are. This isn't some fantasy role-playing game I'm talking about here. No, this is reality. It's between you and me. It's about what we want. Now I know what I want. But how about you?"

Again, I got trapped by those eyes. "Well, maybe if you told me what you want then I can know better what I want." I offered, hoping he would agree to this approach.

"Well Jay I thought I made myself pretty clear last night about what I want, but okay, I'll try to make my point again. I hope you understand it this time."

"Okay Jamie, thank you."

He leaned across the table and said very quietly to me: "I want you to get up from the table and go the men's room okay Jay?"


"Go into one of the stalls and remove your underwear and your socks...and bring them to me here."

"You want me to bring you my socks and underwear?" I whispered.

"That's right Jay, think you can handle that?"

"But why..."

"Oh no Jay, don't you worry about just worry about doing it...Now!"

I almost leapt to my feet and walked all the way to the washrooms that were on the other side of the restaurant by the kitchen. I couldn't figure why he wanted me to do this but more importantly, why was I doing it. I entered the washroom and went into the first open stall and just sat down to collect my thoughts. I knew if I did this...if I followed his orders, I knew if I did this I would be stepping back into a time in my life that I thought I had escaped. My Nothing' years during High School and College. But then again, why would I even be contemplating this if I had truly left that part of my life behind me. I always thought that Nothing' was a part of me that was born out of my insecurities of growing up and not knowing how else to fit in. But what if he was actually who I am? What if doing the things I used to do were actually who I am? I mean who would allow themselves to be treated that way and keep showing up for more? And here I am again, doing the same shit, allowing a black man to control me again. Sitting in the myself...with orders to follow.

And who am I kidding, I knew before I left the table that I would do what he told me to do. So I took off my pants and then my underwear and put my pants back on again. My cock was throbbing as I did this and it stayed hard as I removed my socks and pulled my shoes back on my naked feet. Now the task before me was to make it back to our table holding my underwear and socks in my hand with a raging hard-on obscenely tenting out my linen pants. And believe me walking through a gay restaurant, during Sunday brunch, in West Hollywood, with a trouser tent does not go unnoticed. By the time I had made it back to our table quite a few sets of eyes were following my journey.

When I got back to the table I went to sit down but Jamie stopped me..."oh no, no, no Jay. You can't sit down yet." He announced as he stretched his hand out for me to hand over my shorts and socks. Now I knew a whole lot of people were looking up at our central table to witness my shame. My face turned redder than I knew possible as I passed my privacy over to Jamie.

"Now can I sit down?" I asked quietly.

"No." He states clearly.

"Why not?" I asked in a hushed whisper.

"What time were you supposed to meet me here today for brunch?"


"And what time did you arrive?"

"11:20 I guess, that's what you mentioned."

"Right, so then the way I look at it, you owe me 20 minutes."

"What does that mean Jamie?"

"It means what I said, you owe me 20 minutes, so for the next 20 minutes, if you choose to, you will have to stand beside our table until I invite you to sit down with me and enjoy your brunch."

The waiter arrived then and placed a beautiful omelette and home fries in front of Jamie.

"Aren't you going to wait for me to eat?" I asked him.

"I wasn't late Jay, why should I wait?" And he started eating.

And I stood there. I wanted to just walk out...but I stayed...and I waited for him to invite me to sit with him. And you know what, I didn't care about all the eyes watching me stand there. I didn't care about the buzz of gossips I could hear growing around me. I didn't care. In the end, all I cared about was the man sitting in front of me, enjoying his brunch, and ignoring me.


I hope you are enjoying this story so far. If you are drop me a note at

Any suggestions for poor Jay, drop me a line as well.

Copyright 2018

Next: Chapter 5

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