
By Jacob Wiseass

Published on Jul 20, 2023


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Nothing - Part Six

"Jay?" I heard from seemingly far away.

"Jay!" It was getting closer.

"Jay! Sit down for fuck sakes boy." I recognized Jamie's voice as his arm dragged me into the seat next to him.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" He demanded, anger and embarrassment in his voice.

"Nothing." I muttered.

"Nothing? Well seemed like a hell of a lot more than nothing, boy."

"What? What do you mean Sir?"

"I mean, look at your crotch boy. You just shot your load in front of everyone here...moaning like a bitch."

I took a quick look around and caught the sea of bemused faces staring back at me, the heads watching me and then turning to gossip and laugh at me. There is nothing more brutal,on this planet then a room full of queens, hung over from the night before, being gifted with another fags social misstep.

I looked at Jamie, "What happened?"

"I don't know what you were thinking about Jay, but while you were waiting for my permission to sit down to eat, you started moaning and groaning and reciting over and over again...'I'm nothing Sir, I'm nothing'"

I hung my head in shame.

But Jamie, or Sir as he wants to be called now, took his long finger and placed it under my chin and lifted my face until I was staring into those beautiful eyes of his.

"...then you started humping the side of the table and you shot a huge load in your pants."

I looked down and was mortified to see the whole front of my pants soaked with sponge that had leaked through the light fabric of the summer pants.

"Oh shit."

"Yeah that must have been some fantasy. You'll have to tell me about it later."


"Good boy. Now you better get something to eat to replenish that energy."

And at a signal from Jamie, the waiter came over. He was a man I've known forever, and quite a good friend. He had a smirk on his face as he approached our table..."

"Ah don't worry about it Jay. This bunch has to find someone to gossip about at brunch or they'd have no one to talk about at the clubs this afternoon."

I laughed a little, Geoff always had a way of making me feel,better.

"Besides man, you're famous now, at least for the next hour or so until some other shiny distraction appears before the group gaze of this bunch.

Which actually brought a laugh from me.

"Now what can I get you for brunch, you must be starving..."

"I'll think I'll have..." I began before Sir interrupted.

"Geoff could you please bring Jay, a small fresh squeezed orange juice, a fruit cup with yogurt, and 2 hard boiled eggs."

Geoff just stared at Jamie, and then back at me, with a question in his eyes.

"Actually that sounds perfect," I offered, although I really wanted a big greasy cheese omelette with home fries and buttered toast. Then I closed the menu and passed it back to Geoff, now averting his eyes in shame."

I could feel the blush coming up from my feet and covering my whole body.

"Ohhh-k then guys. I'll get that right away." And he sashayed away.

"You know Jamie, I'm perfectly capable of ordering my own brunch." I said a little haughtily.

"Oh yeah, boy, I know you're perfectly capable....let me guess, 4-cheese omelette, buttered toast, greasy home fries and...Am I close?"

"Yeah, you're close." I snipped at him, pissed off that he knew me so well.

"And then you'd spend the whole afternoon moaning and groaning about how fat you are, and how could I love you, and blah, blah, blah...Right?" He demanded.

"Probably, yes, Mr. Know-it-all." I snapped.

Then he again took that long finger of his and quietly lifted my chin back up until I was looking into his eyes.

"Boy, ... don't disrespect me. Do you understand?"

After a moment of staring into his eyes, of course I capitulated...

"Sorry Sir." I whispered.

"A little louder, boy"

"Sorry Sir." I said loud enough that heads around us started to turn.

"That's better boy. Now, which brunch is healthier for you, the one I ordered or the one you wanted?"

"The one you ordered Sir."

"Good boy. So from now on, I will be taking over what you put in your mouth. Is that understood?"

"You mean when we eat out Sir?"

"No, boy, I mean everything that goes in your mouth."

I sat back in the chair.

"But how...?"

He cut me off quickly..."How can I possibly control what you eat when we're not together?"


"Sir? Yes, Sir?" You mean boy?

"Sorry Sir, I mean yes, Sir...I mean?" Dammit I didn't know what I meant anymore.

"It's all about me looking out for the best for you boy. I mean I love your body just the way it is, but it seems to make you very unhappy. So to rectify that situation I have decided to take over your diet, as well as take you on as a client at the gym, to help you reach your physical goals."

I just stared at him for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"But how did you know?"

"How did I know that you wanted and needed a man to enter your life and start to take control of you? How did I know that it has been a long time fantasy of yours to meet a trainer who would force you into a better, healthier way of living so you could recapture the sexy body of your college days?"

"Yeah, that Sir."

He laughed, "Because it's all you talk about. Your unhappiness in this body. Your inability to eat healthily. Your endless cravings for sweets and junk food. I mean, boy, you are obsessed with these 75 or so pounds overweight that you are."

"Yeah, I guess I do talk about it a lot."

"And I love you but if it bugs you that much then I'm going to take care of it for you."


"No more questions, boy. You need to get out of those filthy pants of yours. You're starting to stink up the place."

"I can't Jamie...uh Sir...I didn't bring anything else to wear."

"Not to worry, boy, I've got you covered," and he pulls a bag from underneath the table and passes it to me.

"Take your wallet and keys out of your pants' pockets and leave them here on the table."

Which, of course, I do.

"Now, go back to the men's room and take off those pants and shirt and put on what I bought you. Then put the old pants and shirt in the bag and come on out. By then your brunch will be delivered. But hurry, you don't want your food to get cold."

So I take the bag and make my way back to the bathroom, trying to hide the big stain at the front of my pants.

Unbeknownst to me as soon as I leave the table, Jerome, one of Jamie's friends from the bar last night, comes to sit down at the table. And they immediately get into a deep conversation.

In the meanwhile I'm sitting in a bathroom stall naked having peeled off my sticky pants and shirt. I'm giving myself what can only be called a `whore's bath' with my handkerchief wetted down in the bathroom sinks. Once dried off with my shirt I ball up my dirty clothes and pile them on the back of the toilet.

Then I open the bag, Jamie, I mean Sir gave me and my heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I pull out what's inside and I'm faced with my worst nightmare...

"He has got to be fucking kidding me."

But I have no choice, so I get dressed and make my way back to our table. I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I make my way from the corner of the restaurant to our central table. And wouldn't they stare? I know I would if it were someone else my size making his way dressed in spandex biking pants and a tank top, neither of which left much to the imagination.

So I locked my eyes on our table and made a quick crossing to it. I saw that Jerome was sitting with Jamie at our table, and they both turned to watch me come toward them. Having learned my lesson earlier, I didn't dare take a seat until Sir invited me to. Besides Jerome was sitting in my chair. So I stood by the table with my head bowed when I arrived while both black men eyed me slowly up and down. I could feel my cock getting hard again and all I wanted to do was sit down and somewhat hide.

"Anyway, Jerome, you'll take care of that for me, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah of course Jamie," he said as he got to his feet, "and I must say Jay you're looking fine in your new outfit," he comments as he moves out and holds the chair out for me.

Then just as I move in front of him to sit down, he leans near my ear and whispers, loud enough for Jamie to hear, "...cause I love a white boy with a nice fat ass." Then he hauls off and slaps my left ass cheek, with the smack that t'was heard around the world...or at least that's what it sounded like to me.

Both Jamie and Jerome could hold back their laughter as I sat down as quickly as I could and Jerome strutted off.

As soon as I was sat down my brunch was served by Geoff..."Here's your food honey."

And God Bless Him he said nothing else, but just walked away.

I tried to enjoy my brunch but could hardly taste anything. So I just ate in silence while Sir watched my every bite.

`"Please Sir, stop staring at me."

"But you're so beautiful boy."

"Yeah, I bet, beautiful, fat sticking out all over the place."

"I think, you're beautiful, and it's my opinion that counts." He said, "But not to worry because we're going to make the changes you want as well."

"Okay them, Sir, whatever you say."

And then our conversation just got relaxed and normal again. We laughed. And talked about the new movies that opened this weekend and which ones we wanted to see. Just normal, while I finished eating and he sipped on his coffee.

When we were done, he paid the bill, and off we went.

"What should we do this afternoon Jamie?" I asked nearly bouncing along behind him out of the restaurant.

"Well I have to work at 4-8 today. I have 3 clients back to back. But first I want to go for a walk with you, to chat a few things over."

"Oh, okay...where are we walking too?"

"Nowhere in particular, just a walk, we have plenty of time before I have to go to work."

So we walked, holding hands as you could only feel safe doing in West Hollywood back in that day and age. He spent some time telling me what his dreams were for the future. And I enjoyed just listening.

After we had walked for awhile I noticed we had entered the park and began to weave our way down one of the pathways through the woods. Naturally, this was a very cruisy area. But I was happy, just being with my man.

Jamie stopped and took a seat on a rock in the sun and leaned back to take in the beautiful warm rays. I went to sit beside him, but he stopped me and told me to stay standing where I was. In a few minutes he snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground in front of him so, instinctively, I sat at his feet and looked up into his beautiful face.

And something clicked inside of my head...and I was back to that first time I knelt in front of Timothy Walker...Jamie even moved his hips forward on the rock like Timothy Walker did back in High School, and I saw that huge cock of his outlined in his pants. And in a split second, `Nothing' was back; it was like he invaded my psyche and without thinking about it I stood up in front of him, and I took off my shorts and tank top, folded them neatly at his feet, and then knelt down in front of my Sir and lowered my gaze to the ground.

Then he started to unzip his pants...


I hope you are enjoying this story so far. If you are drop me a note at

Any suggestions for poor Jay, drop me a line as well.

Copyright 2018

Next: Chapter 7

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