Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Dec 15, 2014


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 10

We all went out to the garage. Six SUVs, all brand new. I walked around to the back of one set of the SUVs, they were parked three across, two deep. I started laughing. I laughed so hard, I couldn't even talk, I just pointed. Everyone else came over next to me and they all started laughing, too. I finally was able to say, "That has Top written all over it. We were looking at the license plates on the SUVs. They were vanity plates and they read GRP SX1, GRP SX2, GRP SX3, GRP SX4, GRP SX5, and GRP SX6. I couldn't wait to ask Top if they were to mean Group Six 1 through 6 because there are six of us, or Group Sex 1, etc. I know the way most will read them! It made my day.

The next morning at formation after the Captain made his announcements, Top called all six of our group up in front of the unit. Everyone cheered as the party announcement had been made earlier by the Cpt. We had asked the Cpt to announce that anyone coming to the party was welcome to bring their cot and spend the night if they didn't want to drive home. Top told the unit that one of the projects would be led by SSG Donnelly and myself. He said it was with great pleasure that the other four were being promoted. Micah and I pinned SGT stripes on Sarah. We were beaming and as proud as we could be of our friends. We ended up pinning the new rank on all four of the group. When done, he said that every unit member was being promoted in the next two weeks.

The moral in the unit was sky high. Everyone was excited that the Army was entrusting them with important special projects. After the formation and the congratulations, Micah and I went to the HQ. When we got there, we waited about 10 minutes and then two gentlemen in suits came in. Micah turned to me and whispered, "Men in Black."

I smiled and shook my head. Top waved them into the office and looked at us and waved us in, too. We got up and I looked at Sarah and waved her in, too. I knew that I wanted her to know what was going on as she was going to be a help to us on this project. I don't know how I knew, I just knew. When we walked in, I closed the door. Introductions were made and one of the guys said, "I believe we only need SGT Hardy and SSG Donnelly in this meeting. No disrespect SGT Ellis, but we'll be discussing confidential information, she isn't critical to this project."

"Yes, she is," I said. "I'm going to need her input on this project. Don't ask how I know, I just do. I'd like for her to stay."

They looked at each other and finally nodded okay. "Okay, but you'll be responsible for any possible breach of information."

"Point received. I trust her with my life."

The classified project was related to the drone program. They wanted an all inclusive database for all drones, their missions, locations, etc. I said, "Doesn't sound out of line. I'll need as much information as you can give me. I am guessing that you'll be populating the information after you receive the database. Is this a standalone project or will it need to be interfaced with any other databases? And the date you'd like the database?"

"We have the data you need in this folder." He removed a folder that said classified on it from a briefcase he had carried in with him. "It'll give you all the information you should need. If you have any questions, call me on a secure line here in this building. It is the 12th of October, would the first of the year be enough time?"

"I can let you know by the end of the week. I need to look at what all is involved."

"We'd like to thank you for the great work you did on the Locator project we gave you this past summer. This project is much more important in that when working, we'll have real time data on where all our drones are. The boots on the ground, the ships at sea, the fighter jets in the air, will all benefit from this new database and the real time data."

"Real time data?" I looked at them. "You want a database that updates from GPS' all around the world instantaneously?"

"That is our understanding."

"Okay. Gentleman, if you don't have any other questions or information for me, we'll head down to the office and get started. I assume that the First Sergeant will be the liaison unless I have a technical question?"

"That is good with us."

"Thank you gentlemen. It has been a pleasure to meet you and we'll be in touch before the end of the week with tentative timeframe on completion. Oh, by the way, you do know that a multiple outside source real time database, updated via GPS, and accessed at the same time has never been created, right?"

"Yes, we're aware of that."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, but we can't guarantee we can answer it."

"Why us? There are thousands of people that are more qualified than SSG Donnelly and myself to do these projects."

"We can tell you this. We are looking for a trustworthy, reliable source outside of the beltway that we can count on. Yes, there are people that may have more technical expertise, but the work you did on the Locator job was high quality. We put out a few feelers, and your First Sergeant replied to one of our messages. He said he had a couple guys that fit the qualifications that we were looking for perfectly. We gave you the Locator project to see if you were possible candidates. We gave the Locator project to twenty different teams across the country that replied to our inquiries. Seven completed by the deadline, two of those worked, yours and one other. We picked yours because you were the first done but more importantly, your database was clean and uncluttered. The interface programs were secure and fail safe. You were by far the most superior team of all the teams that were tested. We had our best database developer inside the beltway do the job, thinking that we could use his to compare all the others to. Well, we found out that he had secret code imbedded that would transfer data to sources we are still tracking down. We had our suspicions and that's why we went outside the normal channels that we use. It's why we have come to you for this project and your unit for the other project. We know everything that goes on here, the parties, the homosexuality, all of it, but you have a unit of dedicated, trustworthy people that are loyal to the United States. We don't care about the goings on here as long as we get a product that we can count on. After meeting you two, we're sure that we will have a lot of work for you to do in the future."

"Wow. We're flattered and we will not let you down," I said. We shook hands, they handed me the folder, and we went out into the main office. The three of us huddled and I told Micah and Sarah, "Holy crap. I don't know if this is doable. What we do will have to be innovative and brand new. Micah, we'll need some luck on this one."

"If anyone can do it, my two men can," Sarah said smiling.

"We'll meet you here to go to lunch, Sarah. Love you. Bye."

We both gave her a kiss and she looked almost lost as we left. We were finding that the three of us hated being apart and it was getting worse every day. I wanted to be there every minute in case something happened with the baby. I found that I could talk to Micah about anything, but Sarah motivated me to look at problems and situations in a whole different light. I had no idea what I would ever do if either one were not in my life.

Top had a military police vehicle take us to the office. Anytime we had the classified material outside the office, we would have an armed guard with us. Otherwise, it was in a special safe at the office. Only Micah and I had the combination. When we took office laptops home or the file, two armed MPs would drive us. We would let them park in the garage as not to raise suspicion with a military police car in the driveway. They would spend the night and take turns being awake. I had a ground safe installed that was hidden under a rug for extra protection. Overkill? Yes. Showing the brass we were serious? The main reason I did it.

We got to the office and we called SSG Watkins in and closed the door after him. "We need to talk to the office and develop teams to break some of this down so that we can get rolling on it. I think the best way is if we do a short interview with everyone and find their strengths and interests. We wish we could tell you more, but they told us that we needed to avoid giving out too much information."

"Five minutes and we'll be ready," he said.

"Make it an hour," Micah said. "We need a little bit of time to organize. But if you let everyone know what we're planning and have them take a minute and think about their talents and skills."

Micah and I opened the folder and we were able to get a grasp of the teams we we're going to need.

Micah put the folder in the safe and we went out and split up to interview everyone. When we were done, we had our group leaders. When I said we had to get lucky on this project earlier, we did just a couple hours later. We hit the jackpot on the one area that I was most worried about. SGT Nyberg is a great soldier, married to a very cute lady. He attends the parties, but I think he just pleasures himself and then leaves. I respected him for being faithful to his wife, but still coming to the parties. It just wasn't for me. I guess you could say I was faithful to the five others in our group, I'd never go outside our group other than the parties. I think I'm very structured and very disciplined in every area of my life except sex and lovemaking. I just had five sex partners instead of one. Sex junkie.

One of the questions was if you knew much about the GPS satellites, how they interact, and transmit information? SGT Nyberg was a huge score because his Dad helped develop the GPS system, was retired and lived nearby. SGT Nyberg, Greg, said his Dad would love to help us on this project. He was going to be a great asset on this. I asked SSG Watkins to have Top call the Men in Black and see if it was okay to bring Mr. Nyberg onboard.

At the end of the week, I knew we could make the New Years deadline. The MIB guys approved Mr. Nyberg working with us as he had security clearance when he was working on developing the system. I told Top that we would have everything for him by the deadline. I didn't know exactly how we were going to make it happen, but Micah agreed with me that we had this.

We took Saturday off the project to get ready for the party. The tables were anchored to a plywood platform mounted on 2 by 10s. With the plywood platform and the weight of the tables and people, I was satisfied that we were secure so that the tables wouldn't move. I had even put astro turf carpet down on the platform.

By now we were all well practiced at cleaning ourselves out. I enjoyed the feeling so much I usually cleaned myself out every day or every other day. I tried to never miss a day. Parker, Aaron and I were ready. We brought in plastic tubs that people could put their clothes in, we did everything that we thought we could do to make it enjoyable for all.

Top and the CO were first to arrive. Parker, Aaron and I were just wearing loose sweat shorts. Top came up and looked at us and said, "You guys look great."

"Thanks Top," I said reaching over and grabbing his crotch and giving him a kiss. We were off duty, right? I moved over in front of the CO and gave him a kiss, too. "Those are in appreciation for what you have done for us, plus I'm happy to see you!" I said. "But Top, we have a big problem we need to discuss. Sir, you should probably be involved in this, too."

Top asked, "What's wrong?"

I said, "Please follow me, we need to talk confidentially." The five of us went into the garage, Aaron had his phone and was video recording us. I walked us around to behind a set of SUVs and said, "Do you see a problem here?"

The CO and Top looked around and then looked at the vanity plate in front of them. Top said, "What the hell?"

I started laughing. "You did that, didn't you?"

"No, well yes, but I told the lady at the motor vehicle office I had a group of six people and I wanted their license plates to be related. I never saw these. I'll get them changed."

"No," I said, "we love them. I thought you did it on purpose and wanted to tease you about it."

"I didn't but I wish I had now! But damn Hardy, you gave me a freaking heart attack!"

I hugged him and said, "You are so funny even when you aren't trying to be. I love both of you so much. I can't tell you what an influence you both have been on me and my development into becoming a man. You both are leaders and set an example all the time. I just watch and learn by how you both conduct yourselves."

"Thank you, Trey," they both said.

"Can I tell you what I love about how you two lead and manage people?" I asked.

"Sure, we're open to criticism."

I laughed. "Seriously, you both lead and have fun. You pull the most out of your most valuable resource, your people, by making them want to work hard for you. Some people do it by threats, scare tactics, etc., but you let your people learn on their own that hard work pays off and gets rewarded. I love that management style. And you have it mastered."

"Trey, you have been such an inspiration and motivation to us. We can never, ever begin to thank you enough for what you have done for us. Top and I were talking on the way out here that we hope that we can be friends and stay in contact for years to come."

"Absolutely, Sir. I wouldn't want it any other way."

We went back in the house and people were showing up. I had three people come up to me and say "schlong". I had a bunch of hundred dollar bills in my shorts pocket. I handed each of them one. "Thank you for helping move our things the other day."

They all said thank you and said they were looking forward to the party.

We went back into the room that was our dayroom for the night. We had lights, cameras, everything was brought out from the unit that we needed. We had a small remodel job done during the week and had a wet bar put in. We weren't big drinkers, but we did want to entertain. We also rented a large walk in cooler for the beverages. With some of the unit party money we set aside, we bought everyone a hundred dollar gift card and also got really nice polos that had the unit logo on them. We had wrapped all the shirts in boxes and included the card inside. We did one for everyone in the unit, whether they were coming to the party or not. Derek, the supply Sergeant, gave us everyone's shirt size before we ordered the shirts. We gave Top and the CO their gifts. We had included a shirt for everyone in their families as a little extra thank you.

Most everyone was at the house now and it was time to start the party. All twenty soldiers that helped us move got their hundred dollar bill. A few of them kissed me and said that they respected me for doing all this and sharing with them. I was humbled.

Micah got up on the platform and welcomed everyone. He told them that there was a little something for everyone and to see Daryl or himself before they left to pick it up. "The other four will be a little busy!"

Everyone laughed. Then someone said, "Four?"

"Yes, we have an extra little something for everyone tonight. With that, Daryl and I removed a curtain that was up and revealed Sarah, laying naked on a table with food all over her and all around her.

Everyone cheered and applauded as eating off someone isn't something that you do every day. Especially when it's my super model of a wife!

Micah said that he thought we were about to start, but Aaron got up next to him and indicated he wanted the floor for a moment. "Before we start, I'd like to say something. Growing up, my family had it pretty rough. Times were hard and a lot of Christmas', we didn't have anything. But now, with the kindness and generosity of Micah and Trey, my family has a little something and they aren't begging bill collectors to give them some more time to get caught up. As a thank you to them, I am starting a fund that anyone in this unit can draw upon when they or their family fall on tough times. I know the Army has programs like this, but this is a little extra just in case the Army funds take too long or maybe the situation doesn't qualify under their rules. I needed a name for the fund. I thought of the first three letters of their last names, the HarDon Fund, (Everyone died laughing!) but that just made me laugh, too. So I settled on the MT Fund. Kind of like when your bank account is empty. Anyway, Top, the CO and I are working out the details, but I wanted you to know just how wonderful these two men are and that because of them, there will be more help out there if you run into any of life's rough spots. Thank you and let the party begin!"

The Cpt stepped up said he just wanted to say something quick. "I don't feel right saying this in an official Army formation and I don't have a lot of chances to see you all together other than these parties, but I just want to tell you thank you. All of you. You all bust your butts so that this unit is the best in the entire Army. Never for a moment think that we do not appreciate all your hard work and dedication. We worked hard to convince that every- one in this unit needed promoted, that every person we have is invaluable to the success that we are experiencing. Do you all like these parties? Or should we so something else?"

"PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!" was the chant.

"Ok, that settles that!" the Captain exclaimed.

Everyone cheered and Micah hugged Aaron. I jumped up on the platform and hugged him, too. Micah reached down and pulled both our shorts off at the same time. Parker was naked and joined us on the platform. The plastic tub idea didn't work well as everyone just stripped where they were and headed to the platform. I guess not every idea is perfect.

I already had a cock in my mouth and one in each hand. All three of us worked hard to please our fellow soldiers. It was truly a labor of love and as we worked through the soldiers, I at times felt a little self conscious at sucking on guys that I was friends with in the unit. When everyone was a stranger at my party, I had none of those feelings.

Parker got up and was already on his back on one of the tables. He had been lubed up and was being entered by Top. The Cpt was taking his turn getting his cock sucked. Parker was doing a nice job on the Cpt as he soon made him pull out and shoot his load on his face. I saw a smile on Parker's face. He cleaned the Cpt up and had another in his mouth immediately.

I got up and got on my stomach on a table and indicated to strap my ankles to the legs. I was lubed up and entered and took a cock into my mouth, taking it all the way down my throat the first stroke. Whoever it was moaned in pleasure and stroked back and forth, sliding deep down my throat with every forward thrust. I felt him starting to tighten up and he pulled out, I turned my head to one side and he shot all over my cheek. My mouth was open and I got a nice spurt directly in my mouth. He wiped the cum on my cheek down into my mouth, I cleaned his cock with a good tonguing and tight lips when he exited. I turned back forward and there was another cock right there. Before I took it in I said, "If you would rather cum in my ass your first load, feel free to. I have no rules tonight."

With that, the cock in my ass picked up the pace and started really giving me a nice feeling down there. It's always nice to have a cock in your hole, but it's hard to beat a good pounding by said cock.

Aaron was still on his knees, both hands full and currently a cock in his mouth. He had a couple loads drying on his face that looked like a delicacy. The cock Aaron had in his mouth shot all over his face and then he got up and lay on his back on the final open table. Both Parker and Aaron had their ankles supported by ropes so that they could relax more. He was lubed, penetrated, and had a cock in his mouth.

The guy in my hole was pounding pretty hard and then I felt the warmth of his liquid. He gave me a couple more pumps and slid out of me. Another cock replaced it and unlike my first party where they went from smallest to largest, tonight they were first come, first serve. This one was a big one. It was a tight fit, but ever since I had Parker in me, no one else caused pain when they entered. Maybe once in a while I'd feel a little pinch when they hit my ring, but sometimes I think Parker destroyed some nerve endings in my ass.

I felt the guy I was sucking on tighten up and he shot in my mouth. I swallowed his load and sucked him clean. The guy in my ass was sending me into the zone. For the first time tonight, I felt horny. My cock was starting to grow and I felt someone suck it into their mouth. Whoever it was, I don't think had ever given a blowjob before and I could feel them biting and trying to blow instead of sucking. I reached under the table and pulled them off my cock. I got the cock out of my mouth and told the person that was sucking me to come up here. I looked at him and it was SGT Nygard! I smiled and said, "This is how you give someone a blowjob. When I'm done with you, I want you to go back and practice on me. The best advice I can give you is to do to someone what you like having done to you." With that I pulled his cock into my mouth and started working the underside with my tongue. Greg was moaning and within about thirty seconds started bucking and then I felt him release his load in my mouth. It was delicious.

For a brief instant, I felt that maybe he was lacking the type of sex that he desired from his wife. I looked at him and said, "Do you want to watch a couple, get recharged, and then try?"

He nodded yes and I told him to have Micah come over to me. Micah came over and I whispered to him, "Please show Greg how to give a blowjob. Why don't you and Daryl take him to one of the bedrooms and show him how."

The guy that was pounding my ass came and added his load to what I had already become a depository for. I asked to be untied and while Sarah, Aaron, Parker, Micah and Daryl were busy, I thanked the people that were leaving and handed them their gift box. I went over to Sarah and grabbed a carrot off her stomach. I kissed her and asked her how it was going.

"Fine, but it's harder just laying here than you'd think."

"Why don't you get up now, then? I think most everyone has gotten a very delicious delicacy off of you!"

"Yeah, some got seconds and thirds!"

I giggled. "I would have just stood here and eaten all of the food off you. You're lucky I was busy." There were only a few pieces of food on Sarah, so I helped her sit up and then stand up. I looked at her and could tell that she was just beginning to show a bump where our child was growing. I put my hand there and she put her hand on mine and smiled.

"I couldn't be happier that you are going to be the mother of our child. You are the only person I would ever want to have a child with. Unless Micah could get pregnant," I added.

It was her turn to laugh and she said, "Ditto."

I looked up and saw Micah, Daryl, and Greg come back into the room. That was my cue to get back on the platform. As I did, Greg got on the stage and crawled under the table beneath me. I noticed he had a raging hardon that was as hard as any I had ever seen. He just came twenty minutes ago and he looked like he had taken ten viagra pills and had a cockring on that was two sizes too small.

The party was winding down, about half the people were still there. Most had cum once or twice and were sitting enjoying a beverage and watching their fellow soldiers perform in all their glory.

Parker was entertaining one of the black guys in his ass and it looked like he was getting a taste of what he dishes out with his massive cock. He was moaning and grunting with every thrust deep into his intestines. Aaron had a guy in him and was just taking another load down his throat.

Micah got into my mouth and Daryl took up residence in my manhole. Greg took me into his mouth and after just a few seconds, it was like a completely different man than what tried earlier. He took me and was gentle, yet he worked my cock into hardness pretty quickly. I sucked on Micah and Daryl was happily pounding me pretty hard, hard enough to make me grunt by the forced expulsion of air when I was pushed into the table. Greg gagged a couple times trying to get me deeper into his mouth, but I concentrated on what he was doing and he was a quick learner. I know he had the best instructors! As I felt his tongue work around my head and slide up and down my shaft, I was really getting turned on by his work. I think I was excited just from thinking that he really put a lot of effort into trying to learn how to please a man orally. A newfound respect for SGT Nyberg! Plus it felt like maybe it was a little taboo for him to be doing this. He had always kept to himself at the parties before.

As I came back to reality, I felt my scrotum tighten up and that feeling deep inside that warns you that you are about to lose temporary control over your body. I tapped Micah and he leaned over and told Greg I was getting ready to cum and he could back off. But he didn't, he started sucking harder! There is something about a guy wanting my man juice that send me over the top. I started shooting and it was like a double load, I came and shot for at least a minute. I could feel Greg's throat muscles working to swallow every drop. Daryl slammed into my ass and I felt his first shot slam into the wall of my colon. Micah started cumming and I gulped his juice down hungrily and I sucked hard, trying to pull every last drop out of his insides. Greg was gently licking my cock and as he let it slide from his mouth, I felt him kiss the head. What a nice guy and his first time!

We were done and I was able to hop down off the platform instead of needing two people to carry me this time. I walked over to Greg and smiled at him. I grabbed his rock hard cock, knelt down and took him into my ever anxious mouth. I gave him the special extra saliva treatment and soon took him down my throat. I pulled back up, took a huge breath and then took him all the way to where my lips hit the skin at the base of his cock. Greg had a beautiful cock almost eight inches long, not super thick, but he was uncut. There were a few uncut guys in the unit, but now I had a chance to spend some time with one of them. As I was buried as far as I could get, I tried to adjust my mouth to get him even deeper and took a hand and went up under the back of his scrotum and pushed forward. I was trying to get his meat to push forward and get a little extra length out of him. I worked his cock with my throat muscles and his was moaning in ecstasy. He was so loud that the whole room stopped talking and watched me work him over. I was starting to need air, but I worked him as long as I could and then pulled up off him. I took a couple breaths through my nose and back down again. This time I just let his cock rest deep in my throat. If I could have, I would have laughed at Greg. His moans were higher pitched than most girl's screeches. I pulled off him and knew that he wasn't far from cumming. I waited about thirty seconds, just letting his cock sit in my mouth, hoping his urge to cum would subside just a little. I started to take him with long strokes from the tip of his cock touching my lips to buried as far as I could get him. He instantly started squealing like a girl again and I milked him hard like this for about a minute and then he lunged into me and started shooting into my mouth. For a second load, I was impressed. He gave me shot after shot, thrusting with each one. After about ten hard thrusts, he eased off and just stood there. I motioned and Micah and Daryl came over and as I let him slide from my mouth, they caught him as his legs failed him.

Micah and Daryl helped him sit down and everyone clapped and cheered! I was a little confused at the moment. Parker brought Greg a bottle of water and after a few moments he came around. He looked at me and said, "Jesus, Trey. I never felt like that in my life. I was so spent that I almost passed out. You have a gift of being able to completely dominate someone. I would do anything for you now."

I went over and got down on a knee next to Greg. "Thank you for the opportunity to do that for you. You have an amazing body and it was my pleasure to be able to please you. And you have already done so much for me."

"Me? For you? How so?"

"That I'll tell you later." Even though only unit members were present, I didn't think that we needed to talk about the project any by telling people that he was a valuable asset and a group leader. Only people working on the project knew who was working what area.

I took the chair next to Greg and as he regained his composure, we started a conversation. The others had gone over to the main group and were either serving or engrossed in conversations. Greg and I were able to talk and not be heard by anyone else. I looked at him and said, "Greg, you want to tell me something, I can tell. What is it? Whatever you tell me, I'll never repeat."

"Trey, my wife left me Wednesday. She found someone else and said that I wasn't exciting enough for her. She wanted more from life than what a Sergeant in the Army can give her."

"Greg, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say."

"Trey, it's probably for the best. She was getting pretty restless the last few months and finally just came out and said that I wasn't what she wanted anymore. She actually apologized to me and said that it was her that had changed."

After a minute of silence, he looked at me and said, "I never knew that someone could orgasm like that. That was incredible. How did you learn to do that?"

"I don't know. When I fell in love with Micah, I just did the best I could to please him. I just do the best I can and do what I think makes the person I am with happy. If they're happy, I'm happy."

"Well, I'm happy. I almost didn't come to the party because I was pretty down about my personal life, but I know how much fun you guys have. I decided to come and try sucking on you. Sorry it wasn't very good."

"Greg, when you first started, it was a little rough. When you came back from being with Micah and Daryl, you were excellent. You made me cum, a lot. I am truly impressed. If you were gay, you would make a great lover. Um, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sure your wife loved making love with you. She doesn't know what she gave up."

"Ha, do you know the last time we had sex was over a year ago?"

"Greg, I am privy to a lot of information, but I must have missed the meeting when that was divulged."

We laughed and he looked at me. "I know why Micah fell in love with you. And Sarah. And probably everyone else that meets you."

"Oh Greg. You are so nice to say that. Thank you."

He said, "I didn't bring a cot, but would you have a place I could stay? I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Absolutely. We'll arrange something. Greg, I'm glad you came tonight. And that you are here, too!"

We laughed again and he hugged me. I returned his hug and said, "Let's go join the party. Oh, they may tease you a little about while I was sucking you. Do you remember the sounds you were making?"

"No, all I know is that all the circuits in my brain were being scrambled by what you were doing. What did I say?"

"Greg, let's just say that your voice was higher than a high school cheerleader finding out she made varsity."

"Oh shit," he said.

"Just tell them that it was my fault and I gave you the super duper squeal like a pig treatment. You laugh it off and it'll be forgotten. Make a big deal about it and they'll never let you forget it."

"Good advice." And with that we got up and joined the party.

Greg did what I said when a couple guys started to tease him. We all had a good laugh about it and we were off to other subjects.

As October turned into November and Thanksgiving was just a few days away, we had most of the project done. The one glitch I had was the heart of the whole project. How the drones could transmit data into the database while multiple people were accessing the database expecting to see the data real time. I had brainstormed with Micah, Greg, and Greg's Dad, but we hadn't found the answer. The Sunday night before Thanksgiving, Micah had said that he was going to go spend the night with Parker, Daryl, and Aaron. Sarah and I were laying in bed, I was caressing her hair, deep in my own thoughts. She knew I was having an issue with the project.

"Explain what the problem is to me, Trey."

I explained it to her and immediately she said, "What if all data came into a queue and was fed into the database single thread? You could have a time stamp on the database as to how current it is and also how many updates are waiting in the queue if there is a backlog. If you need, maybe have a separate database that is a mirror and every time the main database updates, it mirrors over to the second database that is the one users are accessing?"

I sat up in bed and looked at her. "That's it! Well, not exactly, but that's it! That's it! Oh Sarah! I knew you were going to be instrumental in the success of this project! I knew it! You did it!" I kissed her and kissed her and kissed her.

When I calmed down, she was giggling at me. "You are so cute when you get excited like that."

"Sarah, you did it. You solved the problem. With your idea and a few modifications, we can do this. We will successfully finish this project and the government will be happy with us. You probably just made us multi- millionaires by the contracts that they are going to send our way. Oh, I love you more than life!"

We laid there together and I put my hand on her stomach. As we laid there I told her that my life would have been great with Micah alone, but with her, I have a complete life. Just then, I felt a little bump. "Baby just kicked me," she said.

"I felt that. That was a kick?"

"Yes, baby is happy, too."

"Stop kicking Mommy, baby," I said. I looked at her and we smiled and kissed again.

I smiled and laid close to Sarah. I would have to thank Micah and his libido for leaving us alone for the evening. If Micah had been in bed, I don't know if we would have had our conversation about the project.

Monday morning on the way to PT, I told Micah about the solution that Sarah came up with. Daryl, Parker, and Aaron went in Aaron's SUV. When Micah heard the idea, he said, "Exactly! It will work. Why didn't we think of it?" We laughed and I told him that we had his horny libido to thank.

When we got to the office I called a meeting of the whole team. I told them the idea and asked if anyone saw a problem with it. Everyone thought it would work, so my group and Micahs group got together and worked out the basic infrastructure. We decided that we would break on the project Tuesday after work until the Monday after Thanksgiving. We thought we would have everything done by December 9.

We hadn't forgotten about the reception that Sarahs parents and my family wanted to host for us, so ever since we moved into the house, we figured up how many immediate family members we had between us. We bought plane tickets for everyone except my family. We rented a limo for them. Each paycheck, we all would put money toward the credit cards we had put the tickets on. We rented a reception hall in town for Saturday after Thanksgiving. All the families were coming in Tuesday night and leaving Sunday.

The whole weekend was a success. All our families got along and were so much fun. Rusty and Jen hit it off and spent a lot of time together. Micah and I thought it would be cool if they became an item. We truly were blessed with six families that understood our situation and embraced us. There were the initial struggles, but it is hard to argue with success. A lot of it was luck by being in the right place at the right time, but we did what was asked of us and we did it well.

On December 9th, we turned the database over to the MIB. We were all in Tops office and they asked if we could demonstrate it. We said yes, that all the laptops that we had used had been destroyed except for this one. But it was with test data and simulated examples.

"Not anymore," they said and pulled a disc out of probably the same briefcase they brought in October. They loaded the latest data they had on each drone. It took several minutes for the drones to initialize into the system. As this was happening, one of them had gotten on the secure line and from listening, it sounded as if they had a conference call started. When the drones all were in the database, they had each person load their information. They watched as each test was made, within five seconds, the drone updated. Then they told everyone to load at once. Within fifteen seconds from "Go!" all drones were updated. Everyone on the conference call said that they were seeing the updated information as they had a shared access with the laptop.

I said, "It updated a little slow because you are sharing onto the laptop, If the database was on a server, you should see about a forty percent improvement."

They closed down the demonstration and said, "Gentlemen, and lady," looking at Sarah, the test we just did exceeded expectations for the database by more than you can imagine. The test where everyone input data at once, the update time expectation for all drones was a minute. On a server, you just told us we could expect nine seconds. Several experts said that it would take about a year to design a working database and to make the minute update was unrealistic."

I looked at Micah and Sarah and gave them both high fives! Then I looked at the MIB guys and said, "I have a confession to make. I was stuck on the major component to make this whole project work until I had a conversation about it with my wife." I grabbed her hand and Micahs. "I explained to her where I was stuck. She asked my if this would work and told me what she was thinking. Two weeks later, we were done. I, we, the country, owe it all to her."

"The team you put together on this is better than anything we have in DC. I don't know how you are doing it, but we are forever in your debt. We need to get back to Washington. We will take the laptop with us. All other computers, copies of the database, are destroyed?"

"There is one more copy of the database on a disc in the safe at the office where the folder you gave us is, also. If you lose that disc or something happens to it, I pointed at the disc in his hand, we would have nothing. However, all the laptops and hard drives that we destroyed are under lock and key in the unit armory if you want them. There is only one electronic version of the database and it is on that laptop."

"We'll send for the laptops, disc, and folder when we have this disc safely in DC. Again, thank you so much for your service. This technology will no doubt give us a tremendous advantage over our enemies."

They left and the three of us stood there with Top and the CO. The Cpt was now a Major, Top was promoted from an E8 to an E9. Normally, an E9 is at Battalion or Brigade level. Our company was an exception. Almost everyone was at an Enlisted or Commission grade higher than what the slot they filled required. The Army was taking care of us.

Christmas came and went and so did the New Year. We celebrated at the the house, just the six of us. Sarah was really starting to get a bump in her stomach and was suffering the aches that go along with it. Her Dr. said that everything was going perfect with her pregnancy.

The first week of January, I was online and checked my bank account. I stopped and just sat there. I yelled for the others to come quick. When they got there, I showed them a deposit that was made that morning. It was a deposit of five hundred thousand dollars! I logged off quickly in the hopes that it was just a mirage. I got up and Micah sat down. He logged into his bank account and had a five hundred thousand dollar deposit, too. We were stunned. Sarah logged in. Even though we were married, we kept separate accounts for obvious reasons. Same deposit. Aaron, Daryl, and Parker all logged in and they all had the same deposits. We were stunned and just sat there in silence. I finally said, "Sarah, I told you that you made us millionaires!"

We looked at each other and then all jumped up and down screaming. When we settled down, I called Greg. I asked him if he had looked at his bank account. He said no. I waited on the phone and then he said, "I ... I ... I don't believe it. He said that there must be some mistake. There is a deposit for two hundred fifty thousand dollars in my account."

"I don't think it's a mistake, we all have deposits, too."

"Trey, I don't know what to say."

"I do. Thank you for your service to your country. Thank you for your work on this project. You earned it."

We hung up and I called Top.

"Hi SSG Hardy, (I had been promoted again right after the project was completed) what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Did you know about the little issue of deposits being made into our accounts?"

"Oh that," he answered. "I did hear about that. Is there a problem? wasn't it enough?"

I laughed. "You know a little heads up would have been nice, I almost had a heart attack."

"That makes us even then!" he exclaimed.

"Wow Top, did everyone on my team get something?"

"Yes, you guys got five hundred, everyone else two fifty. Congratulations on a job very, very well done."

"Thanks Top. I don't know what to think."

"Well, I want to let you know that there will be a couple decisions that you will have to make soon. It sounds as if the government wants to offer you guys a massive open government contract to work on projects and go back and look at some programs in place to see if they are clean and working at peak performance. There is talk that you may be asked to leave the Army if you take the contract. They won't want you distracted."

"Okay Top. I'll see you Monday. Thank you."

We had all taken the week off because the week after the holidays was pretty slow.

We went along another couple months and Sarah was starting her eighth month of the pregnancy. We hadn't heard anymore about the contract offer from the government. Top said that they were trying to decide whether we had to leave the Army or not. I had told Top in our meeting in January that if it isn't broken, don't fix it. Their thinking is if we have twice as much time to work on projects, we can get twice as much done. I added that this keeps us fresh and I think the best solution. It must have been enough for them to be pondering it. Maybe they were watching us to see how the money was affecting us. We all had talked to an investment advisor and we were in some safe, solid investments. We hadn't changed our lives at all except to set up one of the bedrooms as a nursery.

Three weeks later it was about two in the morning and Sarah woke me up. Micah had temporarily moved to one of the other bedrooms because Sarah needed more room in bed and readjusted a lot more. She woke me up and said, "Trey, you ready to become a Daddy today?"

"What? No, let's wait until tomorrow."

Sarah laughed and said, "My water broke, we need to go to the hospital."

I jumped up, ran and woke everyone else up and came back, helping Sarah out of bed. We took about five towels for her to sit on in the car. I called the hospital and told them we were on our way. Micah drove us and the others followed. Later that day, Sarah had a beautiful baby girl. I had called Sarah's parents, my family, Micah's mom, Daryls family, Aarons family, and Parkers, too. They were all on their way.

We were so happy to have our Moms here. Micah almost fell on the floor when he saw his Mom and sisters. I wanted to surprise him, so we kept it a secret that they were coming. Rebecca saw me and ran and jumped into my arms. She was so happy to be here and to see the baby.

All three of our Moms taught us so much on how to take care of a baby. Sarah, being a mother, had an instinct of what to do, but experience was very comforting to Micah and me.

I had a chance one night a few days later to sit and talk with Micah. "I'm sorry that we haven't had much time together lately."

"Trey, you're funny. We have just gone though this incredible experience. I think you have shared your time admirably."

"How's it feel to be a Dad?" he asked me.

"It is amazing, Micah. I can't wait for you to join me. This was so the right thing to do. We have made all the right choices so far."

We had decided that if we had girls, they would take Sarahs last name. If a boy, ours to carry on the family name. We named our baby Rachel Marie Ellis. I was as proud and happy as I was the day I met my friends and we started the group.

I got up from my chair and undid Micahs belt. He lifted up a little and I pulled his pants and underwear down. I took his beautiful cock in my mouth and filled the rest of my mouth with saliva. I looked up and he had thrown his head back and was looking at the ceiling. He, more than anyone, told me that being sucked on the way I do it with all the saliva is his favorite way that we connect. I then pushed his cock all the way down my throat. I came back up and took a deep breath and slid his cock all the way down and left him there. It wasn't twenty seconds and I felt him start shooting his load straight into my stomach. He came so quickly that I just left him in my throat until he got soft and retracted on his own.

"You must have really needed that," I said getting up.

"Trey, I was thinking about you, Sarah, the group, and how if I didn't have my life just as it is now, I'd be lost. It just made me shoot a little early."

"No problem, Micah. I love you so much. Should we go check on Rachel?"

"Sounds great."

I'm ending this story here for now. If I get requests to continue, I'll work on it again. I want to thank all the people that emailed me and commented on the story.

Next: Chapter 11

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