Nsync Baby Boomers

By Erica M Sherman

Published on Nov 30, 2000


HIIIIIIIII EVERYONE! Wow, I'm not a newbie to fan fic, but i'm a newbie to this site. If this is absolutely horrible, please tell me. I think it's rather funny right now, but it does get very deep. We're talkin' sit-com here.

Guess what, I ALREADY HAVE FRIENDS TO SHOUT OUT TO! Hi to Laxana, Lauren, and Jodi.

If you would like to get back to me on this story, e-mail me at QuatreIncubus@juno.com. That isn't my email address, i'm borrowing a friends, so in the subject write Jim-ay. AND PLEASE EMAIL ME!

NSYNC is NOT GAY! I don't know them either...so there.

Thank you, and on with the story.

...Zzzz.....Zz.... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I woke up with a start. I hear the scream again, this time louder and actual words being made. "HOLY..AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I ran down the stairs anxiously, seeing Justin with a look of sheer terror on his face. "What is it?!?" I asked, expecting a monster or a needle to come poking at me or something. I looked down at the wicker basket Justin was pointing to. "What the.." Joey trotted down the steps. "What is i--Oh My God..." Joey gawked at the basket as well, approaching it wide eyed. 10 seconds later, Lance waddled down the stairs sleepily, yawning and look of death on his face. "All right, what moron decided to watch The Haunting at 4 in the..." his mouth dropped open, speechless at the site of what was in the basket. For around 20 seconds, we all stared at the basket, until Chris came cheerfully to break our gaze. "What's the big...WHOOA!" He looked down at the basket, backing away from it surprisingly. After regaining his composure, he continued. "Ok, WHO KNOCKED UP A RED HEAD 9 MONTHS AGO?" We stared. Justin broke the silence. "Uh, JC, what do we do?" "I have no idea..." I answered, looking at Justin, who was staring at the basket confused. "What exactly happened?" I asked Justin. "Well, I came down here for some water and to check the weather, and I open the door, and there it was. Oh, and it had this note." He handed me the note. I read it aloud. "Dear *NSYNC, Hello. I need to ask you a very, very big favour. I made the foolish mistake of getting pregnant at a very young age. I have no money to care for my child anymore, so I had to give it up. I know you will be better parents then I am. I hope you take care of him. He has no name. His birthday is January 31st, 2000. All medicals have already been taken care of. Thank you." "THAT'S IT?!!?" said Chris. "AND NOW WE HAVE OURSELVES A BABY TO TAKE CARE OF?! OK, WE MIGHT BE GOOD, AS IN SINGING WISE, AS IN DANCING WISE, AS IN WE CAN DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME, BUT TAKE CARE OF A KID? WE'RE NOT THAT GOOD!" I stared at the baby. His red curls were tossled, his bright blue eyes gazing curiously at Justin. He cooed cutely, and Justin examined him in awe and fascination. "Well, guys, what do we do?" I asked. Everyone began to talk at the same time, arguing about whether to keep it or not, everyones voice gradually getting louder. "ENOUGH!" Everyone layed their eyes on me. "Group vote..." I said. "All those in favour of keeping the baby, raise your hand." Joey, Justin, and I raised our hands. "It's unanimous. We keep the kid." Various cheers and groans were heard, and then I silenced them again. "Now, we need a name." I suggested. "Lance!" Lance said proudly. "Yeah, right!" Chris chuckled. Lance glared. "I know!" said Justin brightly, "How about...CRUNK?" Nearly everyone laughed. "Actually, that is kinda cool. It defines NSYNC...we're crunk!" Joey responded. "Yeah..." Lance nodded agreeingly. "Crunk it is. And last name?" I moved on. Of course, everyone suggested their own. "We need something we can all agree on..." I quited everyone. "Erm...how about Nsync?" Justin suggested. "YEAH!" said everyone else agreeingly. Justin beamed. I chuckled. "Nsync it is..." "Wow," said Chris. "Only we would name a kid Crunk Nsync." Justin looked down at the baby. "Is your name ok? Crunk Nsync?" The kid clapped his hands together cutely. "He likes it!" Justin beamed.

"Ok, here's K mart!" Lance announced, pulling into the parking lot and parking. We shuffled into the store, camaflouged, and headed to the baby aisle. We grouped around Lance, who gave us product assignments.

"JC, Justin, you get clothing. Joey, your in charge of diapers. I'll take care of housing. Chris, your in charge of food."

Everyone reported to there various sections.

"Ok, Josh-boy...Elmo or Harry Potter?" Justin asked, showing me two bibs.

"Harry Potter." Justin shoved the bib into the cart.

We found various clothing, trying to make it as fashionable as possible.

"Wow!" said Justin, review the clothing. "This kid is going to be stylin'!"

Meanwhile, Chris was investigating the food aisle.

"Hmm, ok, Gurber foods taken care of...now what else...?" he looked around the aisle.

"Well, we sure as hell can't breast feed the kid...a bottle!" He skipped merrily over to the bottles and formula, selecting a plain blue one.

"I'll just draw the Fu-man Skeeto sign on it later." He said to himself, grinning.

Joey was checking out the diapers.

"Daipas, Daipas, Daaaaaiiiipa's!" he sang, piling mounds of Huggies and various diaper rash creams into the shopping cart, laughing amusingly.

And all was well. We made Justins room into the babies room, and Justin volunteered to sleep with the kid. And it was enough for being father's for the day. It was time to venture onto being NSYNC...and it was our last concert for the No Strings Attached tour anyway. Ending in New York City was always cool...and our new penthouse aparment on Central Park West was a find commodidity to staying in NYC. It gave us artistic freedom...and a chance to meet new, cool people. And meeting new people was EXACTLY what I needed. I was beginning to realize that girls just didn't do it for me anymore. I used to love millions of scream girls, but now I realize I actualy really love those 3 guys unwillingly taken there by girlfriends or younger sisters. So what does that mean? I, Joshua Scott Chasez...am gay. And loving it, may I add. As soon as I realized this, oh, about a month ago, I had to tell the guys...gradually. I began with Justin. I figured he would be the most supportive, considering how long i've known him...and because he had admitted to being bi no more then 2 months before me coming out. "Wow, JC. I'm happy for you finally realizing it," he flashed me a grin and hugged me comfortingly. Next, Lance...even though he was Mr. Baptist, he was always telling everyone 'Being Gay is Ok!', so he was my next shot. "Dont worry JC, I don't hate you. Being gay is ok!" he told me. On to Joey. Joey was rather busy when i told him....but his answer was the one that REALLY got me. "Oh, your gay? Awesome, I'm bi!" He told everyone else about an hour later. Chris was last. He was the most immature out of all of us, but he was mature about this. "Oh, that's cool Josh." And so it was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We drove the concert, showered and spiffy. Joey sat in shot gun, discussing the election with Lance. Chris was listening to his headphones and taking notes for his record label. I sometimes dropped some words with Joey and Lance, but soon after ending with them as the battle got nasty ("Bush is pro-life!" "Yeah? Well Gore is pro-choice!" "Bush was governor!" "Well, BUSH IS STUPID!"), I realized Justin was upset. I put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Curly, what's ailing ya?" I said, smiling at him. "I was just thinking..." "Go on..." "Well, we're like fathers now, right? And because you produce a lot, and Joey's doing a movie and Lance is with FreeLance and Chris is with Fuman Skeeto, that leaves me with the kid. So I'm taking more the of the fatherly figure right now." "I guess you could say that..." "Anyway...er...I have no mother." he said, gloomily. "Yes you do, Justin. Her name is Lynn, remember her?" "No, no, no! Not like THAT mother..." "Er..." "I mean like, a mother of Crunk. I'm a father...I need a mother to take care of the baby with me." "Oh...well, Britney-" "No way in HELL!" Justin said immediately with a stern expression. You remember what happened last time." A flash back of Justin passed out with a blood pool next to him "Your right, no way in hell..." He sighed. "Maybe they'll be someone tonight. You never know." He smiled, sighing again. "Yeah..maybe." He stared out into the window again, deep in thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And that's it. Our last time doing that tour." Joey said, falling onto a couch in the dressing room, guzzling down water with a towel around his neck. Just then, a breif knock was heard on the door. "Come in..." Joey replied, his mouth full of water. The door opened. A boy and a girl were standing in the door way. The first thing I noticed was that the boy was wearing an NSYNC shirt and grinning happily, as the girl stood there with a smirk and a Rock Star muscle tee. The second thing I noticed was how attractive both of them were. The girl was kind of short, but her long legs and big boots made her look taller. Her blonde hair was layered around her face, the edges brushing about an inch below her collar bone. Her blue eyes gazed at us brightly like sapphire orbs. Justin was indeed checking her out...and so were Chris, Lance, and Joey. And as for the guy, well, he was just to hott for words. He was unlinke any other beauty I had ever layed my eyes on. His brown hair was spiked up neatly but funkily. His face carried a sense of mystery, but his boyish smile signaled fun. His piercing green eyes scanned the room mystified. I knew I must've been staring, because Lance was cracking up. But something about him made me not want to ever take my eyes off of him. Ever. He spoke. "Oh, My GOD! Lax, it's NSYNC!" He spoke with a deep, mystical british accent. "I know, we just saw them in concert, they're on your shirt, they're in the cd jacket things...and there plastered all over there walls...especially that one." said the girl, laughing at the sight of her friend, pointing at me. I blushed at the comment. He stared at me. I stared at him. The girl stared at both of us. "Ok, then..." she said, our stares wandering off. "Let's meet them, shall we, Jim-ay? That's what we're for, anyway." she smiled, cunningly. "Umm, yeah.." the boy answered dazed. The boy went around to everyone, shaking hands with everyone and acting all excited. The girl kept her cool, introducing herself. She ended up with Justin, and sat down, talking to him. Joey and Chris were soon to follow, chatting with the girl who introduced herself as "Laxana, but you can call me whatever you want... Lax... Laxxie... Lassie... whatever...", leaving the boy to me. "Uh, hi." he said shyly. I was speechless. All I could do was stare. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, sorry for the EXTREMELY abrupt ending, but it gets better, dun worry :D. Comments, complaints, love letters, etc. can be sent to QuatreIncubus@juno.com Cheerio! ~Jim-ay~

Next: Chapter 2

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