Nsync Heartache

By Matthew Morris

Published on Feb 4, 2023


This is a homosexual love story and should be avoided if such things are illegal in your area. Everything herein is entirely fictional it is not intended to in any way suggest that any of the real people refered to are homosexual.

I got a lot of feedback on the first chapter, all of it positive. Constructive criticism is however welcome. I would like to thank all those who sent praise (sorry if I didn't reply to you all), and apologise to those who I told this part would be out at the weekend. I went to a save the pound rally on saturday and it delayed me a bit.

there are references to the structures of Birmingham University Guild of Students contained, but an understanding of these is not necessary to understand the story. Basically Guild council is like parliament while executive committee is like the executive. should anyone want more detailed information feel free to email me.

Some of the characters are based on real, non famous people. while most of these are presented as close the characteristics of the real person as I understand them, they should not be taken as necessarily being accurate. certainly the admin staff have always been extremely helpful to me

Nsync heartache chapter 2

Matt Morris (Matt_morris_uk@hotmail.com)

Mark walked into the council chamber. It was the first meeting of Guild Council since the concert and he didn't know what to expect. Not many people knew about his friendship with NSYNC, but those who did were all people who were likely to be there that evening. As he was walking towards his seat he heard a familiar song. Standing on the platform at the front of the room were Catherine and Karen singing "I want you back". Most of the people in the room hadn't the faintest idea what was going on, but those who did just smiled. Mark ran over and gave Catherine and Karen big hugs before walking with them to their seats.

The next morning, in London.

Lance was sitting in his room watching tv. Hearing the door open he looked up and saw Justin. Since the events in Birmingham they had spent a lot of time just talking. Justin walked over and sat next to Lance. He gazed into his eyes for a moment before leaning in and kissing him. Lance jerked backwards. Much as he loved Justin, it felt wrong. Lance thought of Justin as a brother and it felt all wrong. He had though that Justin had understood this but obviously he hadn't. It took a moment for Lance's reaction to sink in but when it did Justin shot from the room in despair.

Lance didn't know what to think. He hadn't wanted things to advance with Justin, but he was worried that he might have over reacted. Would Justin hate him? He couldn't bare the thought and was soon in tears.

Joey, J.C. and Chris were in the corridor chating when the door flew open. Justin stormed past, tears hovering in his eyes and J.C. took off after him while Joey and Chris went to investigate the sobs coming from Lance's room.

J.C. caught up with Justin as he fumbled with his door. Looking round with tears running down his face Justin snapped, "Don't even try." before slamming the door and locking it. J.C. hammered on the door for a bit before sinking to the floor. Joey was faring little better. Lance had stopped crying, but didn't want to talk. He just sat on the bed with his arms locked round Joey.

Chris had an idea. Lance had only plucked up the courage to come out after talking to Mark, and Justin had confided something in him as well. It struck Chris that he didn't know Mark's phone number, but he knew that he was on the Guild executive, and there wasn't time to email. Ringing directory enquiries he got a number which he quickly dialled.

"Guild of Students, how may I help you?"

'Hi, I would like to speak to Mark Chapman please.'

"May I ask who's calling please?"

'Chris Kirkpatrick'

"Thankyou Mr Kirkpatrick, may I ask the purpose of your call?"

'I don't wish to tell anybody apart from Mark.'

"I'm sorry Mr Kirkpatrick, Mr Chapman is very busy and I can't put you through unless..."

Mark had been walking past and had heard the last part of the conversation. Taking over he said,

"Hi Chris. I'm sorry about that, they're very protective of us. How can I help you?"

'There's something wrong with Lance and Justin, I was hoping that you could talk to them.'

Looking down Mark saw that there were calls stacking up so he said,

"Hold on a second Chris."

Turning to the switchboard operator he said,

"Can you put this through to the exec office please."

'I'm sorry, that line's engaged.'


Delia (a guild vice-president) looked up at this and said,

'You can use my office if you want.'

"Chris, I'm just going to get this on a more private phone."

Stopping only to give Delia a quick hug Mark ran straight out of the room and into Delia's office.

"What's the problem Chris?"

'It's Lance and Justin, they're both really upset and won't tell the rest of us what's wrong. I was hoping that if I gave you their numbers you could ring them and try to find out what's wrong.'

"I don't know, I'm not very good on the phone, where are you?'

Having got the name of their hotel and \which floor they were on Mark was off. Driving like a maniac he got to the station inside 15 minutes and buying a ticket he made it onto a train just as the doors were closing. Within two hours of getting off the phone he was in a cab en route to the hotel, and when he got there he was off leaving the shocked but rather delighted cabbie with a £20 note. Running through the lobby he ignored the receptionist, and as he started up the stairs he could hear the security guards behind him. Bursting through the doors he saw J.C. slumped against Justin's door where he had been since it was slammed in his face.

Looking up J.C. saw Mark just in time to stop the guards from dragging him off.

"What are you doing here?"

'I called him.' said Chris who had come out to investigate the commotion. 'I didn't know you were coming here though, when you hung up I though that was it.'

"Like I said, I'm not very good on the phone. I could hardly desert friends in trouble though could I."

When they had filled him in on what they knew he walked into Lance's room. Lance had let go of Joey and was just sat on the bed with his head in his hands. Joey was sat in a chair by the bed. Joey looked up to see who had come in, and seeing Mark gesture him not to say anything he walked over to Mark who whispered,

'Hi Joey, is it alright if I talk to him alone for a minute?'

Joey just nodded and left the room quietly.

Mark walked over and sat in the chair that Joey had previously occupied.

'At least its dry in here, I'm still sick from the last time'

"What on earth are you talking about?"

Lance hadn't noticed the change of personel, and looking up and seeing that it was Mark he jumped up and hugged him, before remembering how he had reacted to Justin earlier. He let go and started to apologise.

Mark just told him not to worry and pulled him back into the hug.

'So what's wrong?'

This morning Justin tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and he ran off. I love him dearly, but it was like getting involved with a brother. I thought he understood, but now I've hurt him and he's going to hate me."

As he said this there were tears flowing down his face and Mark just sat and held him until he regained his composure. When Lance was over the worst of his tears Mark said,

'I'll go and talk to Justin.'

Almost as soon as he started to knock on Justin's door Mark was told in no uncertain terms where to go.

'Justin Timberlake, If you don't oppen this door right now I'll have J.C. fetch someone to open it for me.'

J.C. cursed himself for not having thought of that earlier. It took Justin a few moments to register who it was, then he ran over and had the door open, Mark inside and the door locked again before J.C. realised what was happening.

'Nice to see you too Justin.'

"I'm sorry, it's J.C., he won't leave me alone."

'He cares about you. Have you told the rest of them yet?'

"No, I want to, but the time never seems right."

'You need to, they all love you, but they can't help you until they know everything. Lance is really worried you know.'

"I really messed that one up didn't I. He probably never wants to even see me again."

'Justin, he's worried that you hate him. You don't need to worry about that, but you definitely need to talk and you have to realise that he isn't comfortable about the idea of having a relationship with you.'

"Am I that awful?"

'No, he just thinks of you like a brother and doesn't want to lose that.'

"I guess."

'I'll go and get him ok?'

Justin just nodded.

When Mark had sent Lance in to see Justin, the others convened on him to find out what was wrong.

'I'm sorry guyus, I can't tell you. It's all related to something Justin told me in confidence and I'm not going to betray that trust.'

J.C. frowned. "what I don't get is why Justin will tell you everything but keeps shutting us out. We've been the best of friends for years."

'That's why. Justin's afraid that if he tells you he'll lose all that. We all know that won't happen, but he loves you too much to risk it until he's certain that he won't lose you.'

At this point the door opened and Lance poked his head out.

'Can you guys come in here for a moment. You too Mark."

Mark looked enquiringly at Mark, but all he got was a smile. Baffled he followed the others into the room. Justin still looked sad, and it was a few moments before he spoke.

'I wanted to start by apologising to you guys. Over the past few days I've treated you pretty shabbily and you deserve better. When we were in Birmingham I told Mark and Lance something but I've been too scared to tell the rest of you. I've been trying to keep it a secret and its been teearing me up. I'm gay as well. I've had a crush on Lance since we met and that's what the problem was this morning. I wanted a relationship and Lance didn't. We've talked it through and I realise that it wouldn't work, but we're still going to be friends.'

there was a moments silence before J.C. went to stand next to Justin, held his hand and said,

"We all love you Justin and are proud of you for telling us. Just promise us that in future you'll let us help."

Justin didn't say anything, he just squeezed J.C.s hand and nodded.

'So Mark, what are you doing tonight?' Lance asked ending the uncomfortable silence that had descended.

"I'll probably just head home."

'Why don't you stay here tonight. We'll go out clubbing and we'll sort you out to get back tomorrow.'

Mark was shocked. It was J.C. who had spoken and Mark had got the distinct impression that he wasn't J.C.s flavour of the month.

"Sure, if its ok with you guys."

Everybody agreed and went to get ready. Justin called for Mark and Lance to stay, and when they were alon he said to Mark.

'We just wanted to thank you. That's twice you've saved us.'

"Don't worry about it. You guys mean a lot to me and if I can help you I will. Lance has my phone numbers and you're welcome to call me any time, day or night, but remember that you have each other. You two especially, but J.C., Joey and Chris all care about you. Anyway you two need to get ready and I have to speak to J.C."

Mark was about to knock on J.C.s door when it opened.


"J.C. have you got a minute?"


Walking into the room Mark sat on a chair while J.C. sat on a sofa opposite. Mark was about to say something when J.C. said.

'I think I owe you an apology. I was rude earlier, and I would like you to know that I'm really sorry. I'm grateful for everything you've done for us, I was so worried about Justin and when he talked to you and not to me it felt like I was ...'

"being sidelined. J.C. I know how you feel, but you have to understand that it's possible to be too close for someone to feel comfortable about telling you something. Justin loves you. You're his oldest, closest, friend and he was afraid that he might lose you. Its going to be hard on Justin and Lance over the next few months and they're both going to need your support, so you take good care of them."

That night went well. Everbody had a good time and as NSYNC aren't that well known in Britain they weren't mobbed. That night Mark took the spare bed in J.C.s room and they spent most of the night talking. The next morning Justin insisted on paying for Mark to flyt back to Birmingham, and everybody said their goodbyes at the airport.


I may continue this, but I have a lot of stuff on at the moment and time is a somewhat limited resource.

Next: Chapter 3

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