Nsync Saga

By Rune Therain

Published on Jul 4, 2000


I'm back and I've got the seventeenth part to Saga. I'm still kind of shocked I've gotten the story to this point and haven't finished it yet. I can't complain too much, but it's still kinda amazing. At least to me at any rate. Let me know what you guys think. I love getting e-mail. The good and the bad. You can get me at either Mist_dark@hotmail.com or Mist_dark@yahoo.ca I check both regularly so you'll get reasonably prompt responses. Actually, you'll probably get really prompt responses. I'm anal about that sort of thing.

Thanks to everyone who's e-mailed me. You guys are great. Special thanks to Kenitra, Shade, Aeoros, Di, Tom, Keif, Hamando, and Mark. I think I've once again forgotten someone. Anyway, thanks to everyone. If you want a few good stories to read try Millienium love, BSB and Nsync Chronicles (though it hasn't been updated in a while. Shade...), Brian and Me is also worth a look (a very long look if you ask me. It's a really good story). There are lots of good ones out there.

Legalities. This story isn't suppose to imply anything about the members of Nsync. If any of them are gay, it's their business. Not mine. If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then leave as well. Parts of this story are based off the RPG Rifts. All trademarks belong to Kevin Siembieda and Palladium books.

Anyway, enough talking here. Just one last thing. For the sake of lack of confusion this part happens about a week after JC arrived at Selvar's castle.

Enjoy, Until next time, Rune


"I don't like this one bit," Pierre admitted to Pyre, Justin, Evelyn, Chris, Joey and Selena. "I would far prefer you to be under my care for another few days, but the Guardians usually get what they ask for. I guess I have no choice but to leave you in Evelyn's hand's Pyre. Just make sure you don't strain yourself. That burn is almost completely healed, but it's still taking a lot out of you to heal it."

Pyre nodded. "I'll make sure of that." He held up his hand to cut Pierre off. "And I'll make sure that I get plenty of rest. You've gone over this at least twenty times since the Water Guardian told the captain to drop us off in this cove. I'll be fine."

Pierre shook his head. "I don't like this, but I don't have much choice in the matter." He pulled a corked bottle from his robes and handed it to Evelyn. "Apply this twice per day to the burn. It should last you about a week. After that the burn should be gone." Turning to the rest of them Pierre shook each of their hands. "It's been a pleasure knowing each of you. Take care on your journey." The healer turned and walked toward the cabin. Just before he disappeared below deck he glanced over his shoulder. "And Justin, carry Pyre to the shore. I don't want him flying unless he has to." With that said he vanished below deck.

"Well I guess we should go now," Chris said. "Anybody forget anything?"

"Christopher," Evelyn said gently. "Just because you forgot a few things until I reminded you doesn't mean everyone will."

Chris blushed. "Well are we ready to go then?" He asked trying to get the red to fade from his face.

"I think we are. Who's flying with who?" Selena asked.

"I'm taking Pyre," Justin said.

"I'll take Joey," Selena offered.

"I can drop Pyre off and come back for you and Chris, Evelyn." Justin offered.

Evelyn smiled. "That's very kind of you dear, but I'll manage to get Christopher and myself to the shore without any difficulty."

"Are you sure?" Justin asked. "It's not a problem."

"Don't worry about it," Evelyn told him. "I'll be fine."

"If you say so," Justin shrugged. He floated upward and grabbed Pyre's arms. Pulling both of them into the air he flew toward the cove.

"He's very sweet," Evelyn said to the others. "I certainly hope that Pyre is good to him." She and Christopher hovered into the air as well and floated at a rapidly increasing pace toward the shoreline. Chris had once again clamped his eyes shut to avoid watching the ride.

"Ready to go?" Selena asked Joey.

"Yep," Joey told her. "Lead on."

Selena flapped her wings and pushed herself into the air. The wind wrapped itself around Joey at her command and propelled him upward. The pair of them left the boat behind and joined their friends on the beach.

"Where do we go from here?" Joey asked as he feet touched down.

"The Guardian of Water said that an elf named Selvar would pick us up in a clearing about a mile from here." Selena said. "So I guess we walk."

The surrounding area was covered in forest. The beach was clear but about a hundred yards from the water the sand stopped and the trees began. They were huge trees. Each of them towered a hundred feet into the air, shadowing everything below them. Enough sunlight filtered through the leaves to be able to see clearly. The ground was fairly clear of undergrowth, but was completely covered in a deep green moss. It looked like a forest right out of a fairy tale.

As a result the trek through the forest was a pleasant one. They stopped staring up at the top of the trees because their necks were getting stiff. Justin would occasionally fly up to see if they were really as tale as they seemed to be. They always were. They'd been walking for less then fifteen minutes when they came across a large clearing.

"Is this the one we're looking for?" Chris asked.

"Probably," Selena said. "Let me check." She walked to the center of the clearing and flew upward until she was above the tree line. She flew in a slow circle before returning to the ground. "This has to be the one. The only other clearing is a days walk to the north."

"I guess we wait now." Justin said. "I wonder how long it'll be before Selvar comes."

"Not nearly soon enough I'm sure," a hoarse voice said.

They turned to see a reptilian man step out from behind a tree. He was covered in yellowish scales and a pair of ram horns swirled around his head. he was dressed in red and blue robes. On either side of him stood two giant creatures. Each was ten feet tall, that's the only similarity they possessed. The one on the right was also covered in scales, but its were green. It had a pair of leather wings protruding from its back and a second mouth sat in the middle of its forehead. The other creature was ape-like. Hunched down on oversized forearms and covered in a thick coat of black fur. A large white horn extended from its forehead.

"I will be taking whatever valuables you have," the reptile said. "And then I'll kill you. Quickly if you are cooperative, and very slowly if you're not."

"Just the three of you?" Justin asked. "There are six of us."

"I never go anywhere for a fair fight," the reptile shot back. A rustling sound accompanied the arrival of ten human bandits.

Pyre leaned over to Justin. "I love you dearly, but please don't egg this people on. As it is we're going to have to fight them."

Justin nodded. "Sorry, I didn't think about it," he whispered back.

"Now which is it going to be? Cooperatively? Or more fun for us? Either way we're getting your valuables."

"I don't think any of us plan to give you anything," Evelyn told the reptile calmly. "Though I would suggest you run along your merry little way and find someone else to bother."

"I was hoping you'd say that. It's been so long since I've had a good fight." He gestured to the group in the middle of the clearing. "Kill them."

The two creatures started forward with startling speed. The ape was nearly upon Evelyn before Pyre stepped between them and blocked the blow. Evelyn smiled at him in thanks an turned her attention to one of the human bandits that was advancing on her from behind. The man was armed with two wicked looking daggers. She looked at him sharply and he flew into a tree, hit the ground and stopped moving.

The winged creature had taken to the air and was currently occupying Selena's attention. She was avoiding all of its blows but couldn't hurt it in return. Every time it got close to her she would knock it backward with a blast of wind. They were stalemated.

Chris had burst into flames and was keeping a three of the bandits busy. He had them surrounded by a ring of fire. They'd given up trying to cross the flames and were attempting to hurt him with their arrows. Any of the arrows that made it through the flames were instantly burned by his personally fiery aura. When they'd finished with wasted their arrows they just stared at him. They'd suddenly realized they couldn't hurt him from inside the ring.

"Christopher," Evelyn warned. "Stop playing with them."

Chris sighed. "Alright." He concentrated on the flames and they grew hotter. The air inside the flames continued to heat up until it was unbearable. One by one each of the bandits inside passed out from heat exhaustion. When they were all out Chris extinguished the flames.

Joey was fending off the attacks from four of the other bandits. "You know it's not fair that you guys have weapons and I don't."

"Life ain't fair kid," he snickered.

Joey grinned at him and concentrated deeply. It took him less then fifteen seconds but the effects were still impressive. A slight buzzing sound filled the immediate area and a blade of pure energy extended from Joey's hand. It looked like a flameberge, but he was wielding it one handed. The sword apparently had no weight to it whatsoever.

Not waiting for the bandits to recover from their shock he launched himself toward them. The first one went down before he knew what had happened. It was a clean stroke, running from shoulder to thigh across his chest. The second dropped almost as quickly, but attempted to parry Joey's blow. The flameberge cut right through the man's own sword and sunk into his shoulder. There was a snapping as the man's collarbone was severed. Blood gushed from the wound. The man quickly bled to death in blissful unconsciousness.

"Nice trick," the third man commented. He had recovered, but his remaining companion was still in shock. "It won't save you, but it's a nice trick all the same." He moved forward and struck at Joey's exposed arm. The flameberge came up in time to knock the blade aside. "Skill is something you lack with the sword, and it's going to get you killed. A good sword is worthless in unskilled hands." The man lunged again, and Joey barely parried the blow. The third one slipped through and sliced Joey's left arm. A thin line of blood beaded at the wound. "I'm not going to play with you any more."

"Then don't," Joey said. He telekinetically grabbed one of the bodies of the other bandits and threw it at the man he was fighting. At the same time he telepathically punched the man. There was a shocked expression on the man's face as he slumped to the ground. Joey wasn't sure if he was still alive, but he was to busy to care. Turning he faced the fourth man.

"Don't kill me," the man whimpered. Looking closer Joey realized that the man wasn't more then fifteen. He wasn't even a man yet, he was still trapped in that phase between boyhood and manhood.

"Then run," Joey told him. And the boy did.

Pyre blocked another blow from the ape. He returned in kind. Glancing over he saw Justin tackling the reptile. "Think you can handle this oaf?" He asked Evelyn.

"Of course," she replied. "But don't get over zealous with fighting the leader. Don't give me that look, I saw where you were looking a moment ago. Now run along and take care of business. But get Justin to help Selena."

Pyre nodded and ran over to where Justin was facing off against the reptile. "Justin, go help Selena." Pyre stepped in and punched the reptile in the face to give Justin an opening to slip out.

"Still trying to win?" The reptile asked in its hoarse voice.

"I know I'm going to win," Pyre replied.

"Then let's see how you do against magic." A bolt of lightening shot from his hand toward the red head.

Pyre sidestepped the attack and launched a fireball at the reptile. The man was completely caught of guard by the attack and didn't have time to move. the ball took him in the chest and knocked him backward.

"Interesting," the man hissed. He tossed another bolt of lightening.

Evelyn looked at the ape in front of her with disgust. `Why do these things always have to come around?' she asked herself. She reached out and grabbed all of its nerves with her mind. With two quick mental twists she paralyzed the ape. When it wasn't a physical threat to her any longer she put it to sleep.

She glanced around to see who need her help. Chris and Joey were taking care of the last few human bandits. Between Justin and Selena, the winged creature didn't stand a chance. And Pyre seemed to be involved enough with the leader that she couldn't interfere.

She was about to go to help Joey and Chris when a black-robed man appeared in the clearing. The man's face was hidden by the hood of his robe, but she could make out some of his pale skin. He held a rune covered, bone white scythe in his hands.

The newcomer took quick stock of the situation and strode toward Pyre and the reptile. He parried a bolt of lightening with the scythe. With one quick stroke the reptile's head rolled across the clearing. Spinning sharply on his heels he walked up to the ape asleep at Evelyn's feet. The blade of the Scythe slashed into the ape's chest, piercing it's heart. The creature shuddered once and stopped breathing.

There was a bellow of pain from the sky and the winged creature fell to the ground. One of its wings was torn. The man didn't even hesitate. The moment the body hit the ground his blade was in its heart.

"Not that I mind the help," Pyre said as he joined Evelyn and the man. "But who are you?"

"Selvar," the man's rich voice said. "I apologize for these bandits. I had thought I'd cleared the forest."

"Wow," Chris said as he and Joey came over to join the three of them. A moment later Justin and Selena touched down. "That's an nasty looking weapon there."

A smile touched Selvar's lips. "I've grown rather fond of it over the years. It's served me well." He looked around the clearing. "I'll have to get a patrol out here to clean this up."

"So where are you going to take us?" Joey asked. "The Water Guardian was sort of vague about certain details."

"I have noticed that about the Guardians. I'll be taking you to my castle. However, before we go there I wish to explain a few rules. First, you are my guests. As long as you stay at my castle you will be under my protection. You needn't fear for your life unless I'm killed. And it's very difficult to kill a sorcerer in his domain. Second, I am a necromancer. I make no apologizes for what I am. I have atoned for actions I have made in the past, and am still atoning for others. But I will not deny what I am."

"What's a necromancer?" Justin asked.

"A death mage," Selvar told him. "Perhaps a demonstration." He tucked the scythe under one arm and began chanting. A small black crystal appeared in his open hand. Red lines snaked along its surface until it shattered. A ball of light remained in its place. The ball divided itself into thirteen sections. Each formed into a small specter like creature. Each had a human face locked in torment. Selvar raised his hand upward and the specters flew into the bodies of the slain bandits. Three of them hovered around the bandits Chris had knocked out. After a moment the specters realized the bodies weren't dead and vanished.

The other bodies rose sluggishly to their feet. The reptile retrieved its head. The animated bodies shuffled to the unconscious bodies and stood their. Selvar gestured at them and they all collapsed.

"I would suggest you get used to that appearance. It's a common sight around my castle. Though I try to use skeletons within the grounds only. There's less mess that way." He looked at each of the members in the clearing in turn. "Lastly, I will not tolerate attacking any of my servants. I have the occasional creature that visits my castle as well. You may not like them, but please don't attempt to kill them. Agreed?"

Selena shook her head yes. "My mistress's sister obviously trust you, and I must trust her judgement." The others nodded their agreement.

"Good," Selvar said. "Now that that's out of the way, we can move beyond this. I'm not normally this rude sounding." He gestured to the center of the clearing with the scythe. A portal opened. On the other side the courtyard of a castle could be seen.

"Okay," JC said. "I understand where Selvar fits into this. And Maria, too an extent. But you're a complete mystery Cro."

The book hovered up and down, laughing quietly. "But if I told you all of those things to make you understand I wouldn't be a mystery. I love mysteries."

JC laughed. "Well we have to do something until the love birds finish their dinner. Clearing up a few of your mysteries would help pass the time."

"Since you put it that way," Cro trailed off. "What do you want to know?"

"How'd you become a book," JC started. "How you came to know Lance, things like that."

"I guess I can do those two things. Let's see, where to begin." Cro paused for a moment. "I was an adventure. Sort of impetuous. I traveled a fair bit, saw a lot of the world. I was injured by a lich."

"Lich?" JC asked.

"It's a dead sorcerer. Usually necromancers become liches, but just about any evil sorcerer can. They perform rituals that store their lives away. After they die they rise from the grave. They're almost as invulnerable as vampires, but have less vulnerabilities. They don't like sunlight but can go out in it. They gain immortality and incredible power. The only down side is that they can't pass for a living person anymore. They rot until they are walking skeletons. Not pretty by any means."

"Why would anyone ever do that?"

Cro managed to shrug, as much as a book can at any rate. "Varies. Usually fear of death, or lust for power. It depends on the sorcerer."

"Still," JC said. "Anyway, continue."

"The lich inflicted a poison on me. I shouldn't have tried to raid its lair by myself, but I did. The poison prevented my body from healing. And it slowly started to rot. And I do mean slowly. It was a very painful process. I could feel my body decaying. I didn't want to die. I was only twenty at the time. The lich refused to kill me and laid another spell on me. He made sure that I couldn't kill myself or seek someone to kill me. He wanted the curse to kill me."

"Sounds like a wonderful person to get to know," JC said sarcastically.

Cro shuddered. "I've made it my policy to avoid liches at all costs now. I spent a few months slowly rotting and moping around. I don't remember exactly how it came up, but I ended up in an alchemist `s shop. He talked to me for a while and offered me a way around the curse. It was set up so that only the lich who cursed me could remove it. The alchemist offered giving me a new body. The curse wasn't exactly keyed to me; it was keyed to my body. So he crafted me this body and bound my life essence to the book. I've been like this ever since."

"Wow, that's weird," JC said. "Giving up your body for a book. How long have you been like this?"

"I think it's somewhere in the nature of a few thousand years. Probably two or three."

"So you're immortal?"

"Yeah, but it has its downsides. Like I have to have an owner to really use my powers. I've actually spent over a hundred years on a bookshelf. It was awful. I don't need to eat or sleep. So I just had to sit there. But since I've been hanging with Lance it's been a blast."

"Yep, you've been hanging around with Lance for a while. He's certainly got you using his vocabulary."

"Shut up," Cro laughed. "I happen to like Lance's vocabulary."

"Of course," JC nodded. "How couldn't you? How'd you end up meeting Lance?"

"Selvar was at the Atlantian market. He saw me and bought me. For far less then I was worth as I recall. Somewhere in the area of five million gold or so. I'm worth at least ten million. I think Selvar was flirting with the store clerk." Cro laughed. "Anyway, he bought me and gave me to Lance as gift. We hit it off right away."

"I wonder if they're done their dinner yet." JC wondered out loud.

"Yes we are," Lance said as he entered the courtyard. "We just finished actually."

"Where is he?" JC asked. "Selvar that is."

"A water spirit showed up. He's gone to get the others. He didn't say how long he'd be." Lance sat down across from JC. "But I don't think he'll be very long."

"Gottcha," JC said.

"Thanks by the way," Lance said.

"For what?"

"For giving Selvar and myself sometime alone. For not freaking out when you found out I was in love with a necromancer. For not going nuts when you found out that Maria is a vampire. For just about everything. I hope the rest of the guys are as understanding as you've been."

"Not a problem," JC said. "I understand completely. I mean Selvar's being a necromancer through me for a loop at first, but I got over it. Compared to seeing skeletons walking the hallways, Maria was nothing." JC shrugged. "Besides I trust your judgement. I mean you wouldn't fall for just anybody. You've always looked for more then just good looks. And Selvar has that in spades."

Lance blushed. "Thanks. It means a lot to me that you understand my relationship with Selvar."

"Think you'll marry him?" JC asked abruptly.

"What?" Lance asked startled.

"It's not a trick question Lance," JC said seriously. "Do you love him enough to marry him?"

"I've only known him for a few months, but yes," Lance said firmly. "I would."

"Wow," JC said. "You really do love him. Marriage has always been a big thing for you."

"You've no idea how cutesy those two get," Cro muttered. "It's enough to make me sick. If I could be sick that is."

"You're just jealous," Lance shot back.

"Really?" Cro asked. "Let's see what Josh thinks." He floated over to JC and opened himself to a blank page. The page glowed for a moment and then cleared into a picture of Lance and Selvar walking hand in hand through the courtyard. They were near the pool of water that JC had appeared in.

"That isn't so bad," JC said. "I've seen worse."

"What about this one?" Cro asked. The image changed to Lance curled up in Selvar's arms next to a fire. It was difficult to tell where each body started because of the black robes each wore. "Or this one?" This image was one of Lance feeding Selvar a strawberry. "They get worse."

"Oh come on," Lance said. "None of these are bad. We haven't been that mushy you know."

"Oh really?" Cro asked. "Try this one." The image changed to a very graphic picture of Lance and Selvar in bed.

JC blushed and looked away. Lance leapt forward and snapped the book shut. "That didn't happen Cro, and you know it."

"And why is that?"

"Because Selvar and I haven't made love," Lance said simply. "We're both willing to wait."

"I won," Cro cheered.

"What?" JC and Lance said confused.

"Maria and I were betting about your sex life," Cro said smugly. "We both knew you hadn't slept with each other, but she didn't think you'd admit it. I told her I could get you to admit it. And I just did." Cro floated around JC and Lance in a makeshift victory dance. "She owes me big."

"What did you bet," Lance asked.

"Not telling," Cro said.

A thin line of light appeared and expanded into a gateway. There was a flash and Justin appeared helping a red haired man stand up. Though it looked like the man didn't need any help. A moment later Joey stepped through the gateway. Behind him came a winged Asian woman. Chris appeared next and behind him came an older woman with gray touching her dark hair. The gateway closed after Selvar had stepped through.

"That was quick," Lance said coming to greet Selvar. He gave the elf a quick hug and kiss before moving onto the others. He gave Justin, Joey and Chris each a long tight hug. JC followed behind Lance and mimicked his actions, minus the kiss and hug to Selvar.

Selvar cleared his throat. "Let's move this inside. I hate to sound rude, but the sun is starting to get to me."

"Opps, my bad," Lance said. "I'd forgotten about that." He turned to the others. "Selvar has a sensitivity to sunlight. It just bothers his eyes a lot."

Selvar led them into the castle and to the sitting room. Once inside he pulled down his hood to reveal his face. He set the scythe in the corner of the room and closed the curtains. He lit a number of candles and took a seat in one of the open chairs. He motioned for everyone to be seated.

"Let's have the introductions." The elf said after everyone had taken a seat. "As I've already said, my name is Selvar. I'm the owner of this castle and the surrounding forest."

Lance took the floor next. "I'm Lance. And for the benefit of the guys, Selvar and I are dating. So no picking on my boyfriend."

"I'm Josh," JC said. "But pretty much everyone calls me JC."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Evelyn said. "My name is Evelyn."

"Well you know both of us," Chris said. "I'm Chris and this," he poked Joey in the ribs. "Is Joey. I'd ignore him for the most part."

"Hey," Joey said. He looked sharply at Chris and his friend rose into the air and was shaken violently up and down. "Now what was that about ignoring me?"

"Joseph," Evelyn said with a warning glance. "Put Christopher down."

"Sorry," Joey said bashfully. Chris was lowered to his seat.

"Christopher, don't gloat, it's not becoming."

"Oh I like here," lance said. "Anyone who can keep those two in line is good in my books," Lance said.

"I do try," Evelyn said smiling warmly.

"I'm Selena," Selena said. "A servant to the Guardian of the Air."

Selvar arched an eyebrow. "Impressive. We don't often see Guardian servants around. Well normally we don't. We've been seeing a number of them lately." He turned to Justin. "And you are?"

"I'm Justin," he replied. "Nothing much to say about me. Except that Pyre's my boyfriend. So Lance isn't the only one." He stuck his tongue out at Lance. "Sorry buddy, you can't hog the spotlight this time."

"Justin dear," Pyre said. "You don't look good gloating either." He kissed the blonde's cheek. "As he said, I'm Pyre."

"Well that seems to be everyone, except Cro," Selvar said. "He seems to have drifted off somewhere. He was the book you saw in the courtyard. Don't underestimate him, he's very smart. And mouthy when he sets his mind to it."

Lance stood and stretched. "I think I'm going to lie down for a nap." He looked at Selvar. "Care to join me?"

Selvar smiled and stood. "I believe I shall. I have enough rooms for everyone to each have one, but you can share if you want. I think all of us could use a little down time."

"You'll have to get used to our sleeping schedule," Lance told everyone. "We're all kind of nocturnal. It took JC a while, but he got used to it."

"When we wake up a little later we'll have a meal for some more catch up. Maria usually wakes shortly after sunset. In the mean time, if you need anything flag down one of the skeletons. It'll be able to give you whatever you need. Just don't try to attack it, you'll have the entire castle guard after you if you do."

"Note to self," Justin said. "No attacking castle servants. Gottcha, anything else?"

"Smart ass," Lance smacked him upside his head. "Come on, I'll show you to your rooms."


So how was that? Everyone is all together now. It took me a long time, but I finally got them together again. Let me know what you think, K? Mist_dark@hotmail.com or Mist_dark@yahoo.ca


Next: Chapter 19

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