Nsync Saga

By Rune Therain

Published on Jul 18, 2000


As promised here's the beginning to the sequel of Saga. It'll take a bit to get things going with the story. But once I get going I'm sure that everything will be fine. I won't give a huge long speech on this one. At least I'm not going to purposely babble on and on and on. You can send me e-mails at either Mist_dark@yahoomail.ca or Mist_dark@hotmail.com

Thanks to everyone who has e-mailed me with comments, both good and bad. I love hearing from you guys and I'd like to keep hearing from you. Special thanks to Kenitra, Shade, Aeoros, Tom, Keif, Di, Matt and Hamado. I do have to thank everyone who has insisted that I write a book. There are a number of you that have that idea. Not sure if I'll ever write one, but it's a nice thought anyway.

Legalities: just like last time this story isn't suppose to imply anything about the members of Nsync. If you're too young or it's illegal in your area, please leave. If homosexual themes offend you please leave as well. Parts of this story are based of the RPG Rifts. All trademarks belong to Kevin Siembieda and Palladium books.

This story will make far more sense if you read Saga. Of course the choice is up to you. Enjoy the story.

Until next time,


July 15

It's been six months since I came back. And yet the pain that I felt the first day after I woke up hasn't gone away. It's still here. It stays with me and refuses to lessen. I know it will never go away completely, but it feels like it will never even begin to go away. I guess I should start at the beginning. I haven't been keeping a very accurate recording of what's happened to me. But then who would believe it?

It was about this time last year that it all started. The guys and I came home after our first night on our two-week break. We don't get breaks very often, so when we do we take advantage of them. I don't remember exactly what we did that night, but I know we exhausted ourselves. We came back to Justin's to spend the night. He insisted. I remember crawling into bed, not even bothering to change and collapsing into sleep.

When I woke up I was in a forest. That's where I met him. Selvar. He was an elf and a necromancer. At first I didn't like him. But as I got to know him I fell in love with him. It didn't take long for me to get to know him. He took me into his castle and treated me first as a guest, then as a friend, and then as a lover. Though I never did sleep with him. I wanted to at times, but we were both willing to wait until a better time. Unfortunately better times never came.

The guys were spread out all over the place as well. Joey and Chris were in what used to have been Canada. Justin apparently appeared somewhere in Mexico. And JC ended up in the ocean of all places. I forget exactly which one he said he turned up in. Eventually we all met up in England at Selvar's castle. A group of people called the Trinity wanted to use us to get their lost power back. Another group called the Acolytes didn't want the Trinity restored and decided the only way to prevent them from regaining power was to kill us.

Selvar was great. It was truly his hour to shine. He organized our entire defense. He knew where to put the Werecreatures and the vampires. He knew how to organize his own undead troops to best defend the castle and ultimately myself and the guys. We all did out part in that battle. We all fought like there was no tomorrow, and for some of us. There wasn't.

Selvar died. He was killed. I don't know who killed him. But I do know that he died. The moment he died a woman's voice entered my mind and told me. At first I thought it was Evelyn's voice, but it had a different feel to it. The woman just told me that Selvar had been killed. She was sorry but there was nothing she could do to help. There was nothing any of the us could do. The woman seemed upset in my mind, I think we all were when we found out. But by the time the guys knew we were already back home.

I'd trade anything I have to be able to talk to him for a moment. Just to be able to hold him for an instant. It hurts a lot when I think of him. Knowing that he's dead and that I'll never see him again. But I have to move on. He left me a note. Apparently the Guardian of Death let him say goodbye to me. He also gave me a ring to remember him by.

I'll never forget Selvar. I guess no one really forgets their first true love. I'm so young, but I've experienced love for the first time and my life. And honestly, I don't want to feel it again. It hurts so much to know that this person could be taking from you in an instant.

From the journal of Lance Bass

July 16

I guess we're all coping pretty well. All things considered. Lance is taking Selvar's death pretty hard. We all did. He was a great guy and he didn't deserve to have been killed. But he was. And as a result Lance has been completely thrown off. I can understand it completely though. I mean the guy was in love. I've known Lance for sometime now and I know that he doesn't enter into any relationship lightly. Not even friendships. I knew he was in love the minute I saw Selvar and him together. Anyone could see that they loved each other.

I'll be the first to admit that I was a little unsettled when Lance told us that he was gay. I don't know why I reacted the way I did. I was a complete ass about it. I've apologized to him about it repeatedly, but he keeps brushing it off. It hurt him and I know it, but he'll never admit to that. What actually turned me around was Justin telling us that he was gay as well. That was like a slap to the face. I stepped back from the situation and looked it. These guys were two of my best friends. I couldn't hate them because of who they are.

It took some time, but I did get used to it. Lance never really dated much. He had the occasional one here and there. And of course both he and Justin dated women to throw the press off. But it was really Justin that played the dating game. We never had a problem with people leaking things to the press, but it certainly took a bit of getting use to have Justin come home with a guy.

That's why I knew Lance loved Selvar. He never acted that way around anyone I've ever met before. I'm also convinced that what Justin and Pyre had was love. It's true that Pyre didn't die like Selvar did. Or at least to the best of my knowledge he's still alive. I didn't see him after Justin picked Joey and myself off the roof.

After what I did to Lance about being gay I deserved to lose him as a friend. I'm glad I didn't. But I did deserve it. I guess I also deserved to lose Justin for the same reason. But again I didn't, and I'm very grateful for that. All I can do is be there for my friends. Justin is taking things better then Lance is. And even Joey is doing remarkably well. I know that Selena was killed. I was the one that had to break it to Joey. Evelyn told me why she had called Pyre off the castle to carry on the fight in the air. But she didn't tell Joey. She had sent Joey to me to keep him occupied. I did my best. And I guess I did alright, because he didn't know until I told him. It was hard. He cried a lot. I was there to hold him while he grieved, and so was Chris.

Chris was upset that he wouldn't be able to see any of our new friends anymore, but other then that he seems fine. I'm really glad that he didn't break down. I needed him to be strong for me. It's selfish, and I know that it is, but I can't help it.

We will get through this. It will take a while, but we'll do it.

From the journal of Joshua Chasez

July 17

I miss him. I really miss him. It's been six months and I still miss him like the first day. Pyre meant so much to me. He still does. Time after time I would wake up during my adventure in his world and he would be there to comfort me. Or just hold me. The memory of his touch is still enough to cause shivers to run up my spine. I loved that touch.

It's amazing when I stop to think about it. I lived and traveled with that man for months. I fell in love with him and I didn't expect for an instant that he was a dragon in disguise. But I guess that was the point. I honestly don't care that he's a dragon. I fell in love with him, and not what he was. He was so afraid I'd turn away from him when he reveled himself to me. I could see it in his eyes. I wanted so badly to reassure him, to take him aside and tell him that nothing he could do could ever make me hate him. To show him how much I loved him. But we didn't have the time. I wish I'd take the time now.

We consummated our relationship on a few occasions. The few times we made love were incredible. I can't even begin to explain them. How they made me feel. Let alone what they did to me physically. Sometimes they would last for what felt like an eternity, but whatever the time spent I didn't care. And neither did he. We were as close as two people could be. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I'm always going to remember those times. I don't think I could forget them even if I wanted to. Which of course I don't.

I've forced myself to recover from my losses. Mostly for Josh's benefit. He worries about me. A lot. And I know that Lance is trying not to worry anyone, but he needs to let it out. He needs some time to himself, and at the moment Josh isn't going to let him have that. I guess Josh is just afraid of what Lance will do if he's left alone. We all love Josh dearly, but every now and again he gets a tad overbearing. But we love him anyway.

From the journal of Justin Timberlake

July 18

You know what's really funny? We were gone for at least six months. I forget the exact date that we came home for our two-week break, but we spent almost a year in that other world. Give or take. I mean it was kinda hard to keep track of the days, but it was roughly a year. When we came back no one seemed to notice. Yeah they knew we were gone for six months, but nobody seemed to be upset that we'd just up and left. They knew we were at Justin's house and then after that they had no idea where we were for six months. I'm not complaining too much. I didn't want to have to explain where we'd been for that time, but it's weird.

Another thing that's weird is the fact we still have our powers. They're not as strong as they were in the other world, but they're still here. It takes a lot more for me to be able to do something as simple as lighting a candle, but I can still do it. It takes almost everything Justin has to be able to fly, but he's still stronger then anyone I've ever met. We try to make sure nobody sees him lifting the couch by himself though. It just leaves to many questions.

Joey's the same way. He can still read our minds or lift just about anything he wants with his mind. But he can't do as many things at once. It really pissed him off when he tried to carry five cups from the counter and dropped all but two of them. It was funny for the rest of us, but he didn't really like it. He's gotten better at covering that up. He sort of juggles them now. He'll sort of drop one object to grab another and move it. Then he'll quickly grab the first object. It's interesting to watch. He's gotten pretty good at it now.

Our concert ticket sales have been incredible since we got back. I think we owe that mostly to Josh. After our little adventure his singing is magic. We all have to be really careful not to listen to carefully to what Josh is singing during the performances. If we do we'll just stop to listen. The audience though is completely taken in. The look of pure bliss on their faces is fantastic. I love performing, but now it's gotten even better.

I miss Evelyn a great deal. She was like a mother to Joey and I. I can't imagine what we'd have done without her. The fact we won't see her again hurts. But what really hurts is that I never got a chance to say goodbye to her. I know that she knows I love her dearly, but it's not the same as being able to say goodbye to someone.

From the journal of Christopher Kirkpatrick

July 19

Everyone is recovering from our adventure slowly. Lance the most slowly of us all. But I can understand that completely. It's taken me a while to get to the point where I can talk about this. It's easier to write it out and I think I'll do that a lot more before I really sit down and talk to someone about it. It's moments like these that make me wish that I could talk to Evelyn. But she's not here right now. I wish I'd gotten a chance to say goodbye to here.

Selena and I were getting close. We weren't on the level that Pyre and Justin or Selvar and Lance were on. But we were working our way there. I enjoyed just talking to her. I preferred being able to hug her or kiss her, but just talking was great. I can't really describe what she did to me by just saying one word. I was falling in love very quickly. I hadn't fallen head over heels for her, but I wasn't far off.

But she died. She was killed in the battle that we were forced to be a part of. I hated the fact that she died, I still do. But what I hate the most is that I didn't know until we got back here. Evelyn didn't tell me. I know why she didn't, but I still wanted to know. If I'd known I would have gone nuts and tried to get to her body to try to save her. I couldn't have done anything. But I would have given everything I had trying to do something.

I don't know if I'll ever find a girl like that again. I imagine that winged females in this world are hard to come by. But a guy's got to have dreams. I loved Selena, and a part of me always will. But I also know that I have to start moving on.

From the journal of Joseph Fatone

Dear Lance,

I'm not sure if you will ever read this letter. It's been over five years since you've left here and since Selvar died. I buried him below the castle in the crypts. I searched your room for something of yours to give him in death. You had forgotten to put your silver cross on the day of the battle. It was still on the bedside stand. It was painful for me to do it, but I put the cross around his neck. It's not much, but it was all I could really do for him. I lost a great friend that day. One I had known for countless years.

I have watched over the castle since that day to see if you would ever come back. You haven't so far and this is why I'm writing this letter. The castle is yours. I have to leave. A number of other master vampires have decided that I have to be executed. I'm taking what remains of the vampires I was given and fleeing. I'm not sure where I'm going to go, but it's going to be far from here. I hate leaving Selvar's place like this, but I have to do it.

If you're reading this then you've obviously returned. The minions of the castle are still alive, so to speak. They'll protect the grounds from any intruders. They'll listen to you and any of the other guys. Anyone else they attack, unless ordered not to by you or your friends.

Take care my friend. I wish I could be here for you when you read this.

Your friend, Maria

Maria folded the letter neatly and placed it in the center of the desk. She wiped a layer of dust from wooden top before standing. Sighing she looked out the window and left the room.

The robed priest bowed his head in the darkened room. His features were hidden behind the hood of his dark blue robe. He dropped to his knees and began praying. After a moment he looked up toward the far wall of the room.

Against the wall was a throne. Above it hovered a dark ball of energy. It gave off a very faint glow and seemed to twist and turn in on itself. The energy lazily twisted and turned, as it seemed to regard the priest before it.

"The time is almost upon us," a rasping voice filled the room. "Soon chaos will be all that exists in this world and any other."

The priest nodded his head. "Yes Master."

"I want you to collect a few followers. The Gemini should do nicely. The others you can pick as you see fit. But do not fail me. The Guardians will be completely distracted shortly. When they are we will begin making our move."

The priest nodded again. "Yes Master. I will do as you ask."


What do you think? Let me know. The good and the bad are appreciated.


Next: Chapter 24: Harbingers 1

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