Nsync Saga

By Rune Therain

Published on Jul 28, 2000


Here's part three of Harbingers. I would have taken a tad longer on this one, but I knew if I started nit-picking it I'd never send it in. Let me know what you think. I know you guys are out there, but I've been getting less and less e-mail over the last little while. Now I'm not going to end the story if I don't hear from people, but I would like to know what you think. Both the good and the bad. You can reach me at either Mist_dark@hotmail.com or Mist_dark@yahoo.ca

Thanks to everyone who has been e-mailing me though. You guys are great. Special thanks to Kenitra, Shade, Aeoros, Matt, Hamado, Di and Aphrodite. There are others, but these are just a few of the main ones.

Okay, you guys all know the drill. This story is fictional and in no way is suppose to imply anything about the members of the musical group Nsync. If you're too young, or it's illegal in you area to read this, then leave. Also if homosexual themes offend you, I'd leave as well. Parts of this story are based off the RPG Rifts. All trademarks belong to Kevin Siembieda and Palladium books.

Enjoy the story, and remember to let me know what you think.

Until next time, Rune


Arvia looked sadly down at the woman on the bed beside her. She stroked a lock of graying, dark hair from the woman's face. The woman lay without moving at her touch. Her eyes were closed and her face was peaceful.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Mala asked quietly. The thief had slipped into the room when Arvia wasn't paying attention.

"Because I failed someone once a few years ago," Arvia said, her eyes never leaving the woman's face. "In someway, I'm repaying that debt."

"Who is she?" Mala asked.

"Evelyn," Arvia told her. "She was one of the heroes in the battle five years ago against the Acolytes."

"What happened to her?"

"She fought the Blue Acolyte by herself. In a sense she won. But her mind took so much injury. She's been like this since I found her five years ago."

"She hasn't moved in five years?" Mala asked in amazement.

"Not a muscle," Arvia said. "I know she's in there some where, but she hasn't shown herself." Arvia sighed and stood. "I don't know if she ever will."

"Are you just going to watch over her until the day she dies?"

"If need be," Arvia said. "Yes."

The Guardians sat around the five young men in a semi-circle. Each member of Nsync was clearly visible to each of the Guardians, and each of the Guardians was in turn visible to the guys.

"Where are we?" Lance asked looking around them. There was no visible point of reference. All that surrounded them was a gray fog. Even the `ground' didn't seem real because it was made of the same gray fog that surrounded them.

"A mutual place," The Guardian of the Forest said. "A place between the worlds where we have power. At the moment we are exactly half way between your world and ours."

"Okay," Joey said. "That seems easy enough, but why bring us here?"

"We need to converse with you," Forest said. "A great deal has happened and we need your aid."

"Interesting turn of events," Chris grinned. "Last time I remember it was you offering us your help."

A smile graced the Guardian's face. "Very true Christopher. But this time it truly is us that need your help. Assuming you will offer it of course." He held up his hand to silence anyone who was going to speak. "Before you jump into this, hear what we have to say. You may not wish to aid us once you know the full extent of what we ask of you."

"Alright then," JC said. "Is this as important as it sounds?"

"Far more important then any of us can truly understand," Forest said. "Let us begin at the beginning. Yes, that's a very good place to start."

Justin giggled and clamped a hand over his mouth. "Sorry," he murmured. "Something you said reminded me of something else. Keep going."

Forest arched an eyebrow at the blonde and continued. "Long ago I was born into existence. I am the only Guardian that was born to their position. Each of the others were asked to take the position they now hold. Each of them has borne their duties far better then could have been expected of them." The Guardian smiled warmly at the assembled Guardians. "However, at the time of my birth a prophecy was also born. We were sworn to neutrality, though the prophecy spoke of a time that vow would be broken. It spoke of what would happen when that time came. For eons we have kept our vow and stayed neutral while protecting the balance that keeps existence alive."

"But that time is coming isn't it?" Justin asked.

"Shush," Lance said nudging his friend.

Forest shook his head. "Yes and no. The prophecy spoke of a time when our vow would be broken. That time has already come. We broke our vow when we aided you in the battle that happened six months ago your time, but five years our time." His eyes touched each of them for a moment. "I would not change any of my actions. None of us would have, we all knew what would happen because of our actions. However, the times that the prophecy also speak of, have not come to pass.

"The prophecy tells that when our vow has been broken, that one of our number shall fall. Our vow has been broken and half the prophecy is complete. All that remains is one of us to pass."

Joey made a choking noise in his throat. "As in die?"

Forest nodded sadly. "Yes, child. Before long one of our number shall die."

"I thought you guys were gods," JC said. "I didn't think you could die."

Death laughed richly. "No, we are not gods. Gods are worthy of worship. And only one creature is worthy of the worship that is given in that manner. The Creator."

"The who?" Chris asked.

"The Creator," Forest explained. "Is the creature that created everything that exists. All life and everything therein. A very powerful being. It was this being that created the balance, and in such, gave us our task to protect it."

"What happens to the balance if one of you dies?" Lance asked.

"A very good question Lance," Forest said. He waved his hand in front of him and eleven balls of light appeared. A few motions of his hand aligned the lights in a circle with one in the center. A tiny string of light moved from each ball to attach itself to the light in the center, forming a wheel. "This is not the best diagram, but it shall have to do.

"This is the balance, at least in a form you can understand. Each of the lights represents a Guardian. The one in the center represents me." He pointed to each of the lights in turn. "There are two possibilities of what will happen. Depending on which Guardian dies."

He motioned to the diagram and one of the outer lights winked out. The ball directly across from it was pulled into the middle to join the center ball. The other eight lights pulled outward, away from the center. Their strings strained and then snapped. Instead of flying off they stayed where they were for a second. Slowly the outer lights began to spin. As they sped up their movements became less organized. Each light moved in it's own pattern. Very quickly the center two lights weren't visible because of the rapid movements of the other lights. In a moment the diagram exploded.

"That is one possibility," Forest said gravely. "This is the other." He motioned again and the diagram reappeared with all eleven lights. This time the center light vanished. The strings attaching each ball to the middle were suddenly broken. Each ball hung there for a second. They began their spinning again. The effect was very similar to the first one, except that it took far less time to reach that point.

"So if one of you dies," Lance said slowly. "So does the balance?"

"Not necessarily," Life said. "One of our deaths will throw the balance into confusion, and chaos. The damage can be repaired, by replacing the missing Guardian. If that can be done in time, the balance shall be restored. If it cannot be done, then our world will be destroyed."

"This is going to sound childish," JC said. "But just your world? Or our world as well."

"The effect will be the same in your world as ours," Forest said. "Our world is the center of existence, as is yours."

"Huh?" Joey and JC said at the same time.

"This is complicated to explain. But I will try." The Guardian of the Forest sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. "The center of existence is a very personal thing. When you are in your world, that is the center of existence for you. When you came to our world your perspective changed, and our world became the center of existence for you. If you were to go to another world the effect would be the same. Wherever you are, that is the center of existence at that moment."

Lance rubbed the center of his forehead. "Okay, I think I'm still with you. So the center of existence depends on where you are at that particular moment?"

Forest nodded. "Yes. Your perspective dictates where the center is. Now imagine that that is true for every creature that lives."

"Ow," Joey said. He shook his head violently. "I was with you right up until that point. Are you trying to say that every world is the center of existence at the same moment in time?"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to say."

"Where did you come up with that theory?" Joey asked. "It's kind of complex."

"I have lived for thousands of years," Forest told him. "You would be amazed at the thoughts that I have had."

"So what's the effect of the balance collapsing at the center of existence?" Justin asked.

"Nothing," Forest said. "And everything at once. The balance spans all dimensions. Most creatures can only comprehend the first three dimensions. There are hundreds of dimensions. I believes that your world believes time to be a dimension as well. It is. The balance spans both space and time, and far more that even I cannot truly understand."

The Guardian wave his hand again. A pool of water appeared in front of him. At the dead center of the pool a ripple appeared. It spanned outward until it touched the edges of the pool, at which point it vanished. Another ripple appeared and followed the path of the first. When it had vanished a third appeared. The fourth appeared before the third had vanished and the fifth appeared before the fourth had traveled even half the pool. So it continued until the pool was alive with ripples. Then for no reason they stopped appearing. The last one touched the edges of the pool and the surface was still.

"That is what will happen across all space and time," Forest said quietly. "A wave shall wash across everything and destroy it, and at the same time it will cease to exist. It will be destroyed in all times that it has ever existed. In short, everything will be unmade. Everything the Creator has sought to make, will be undone."

"Everything?" Lance whispered.

"I am afraid so," Forest said. "Nothing will remain. Perhaps not even the Creator. I do not know."

"We'll help," Joey said, his eyes still locked on the pool. "I don't know how, but we'll help."

"Do all of you feel this way?" The Guardian of the Forest asked.

"Yes," Lance said. "We'll help. Whatever we can offer, is yours to take."

"Find the Guardian." Death said. "By finding the replacement in time you will prevent all of this from happening. I know which of us will fall, but I cannot tell. I do know that the one that will replace the fallen Guardian will be found within our world. I know who they are, and where they can be found, but again I cannot tell you that."

"Why not?" JC asked. "It'd make our lives a lot easier."

"Because if I were to tell then the Balance would be destroyed faster. You would have less then an hour to find to get to them and bring them back. By holding my tongue, I can buy you more time."

"Will you be able to help us?" Chris asked. "I mean it's great that you guys are trusting us and all, but it'd be a lot easier with your help."

"We will be unable to help you," Forest said. "I, assuming that I am not the one that dies, will be holding the position of the fallen Guardian. All the Guardians will be fighting to control their respective spheres. It will take all of our power to keep our spheres under control. We may be able to offer some very small aid, but I would not count on that happening."

"So you guys will be really busy?" Justin asked. "What's going to happen to everything you normally watched over?"

"Chaos," Air answered simply. "The forces of Chaos will try to usurp control. We have already taken measures to try to keep the spread of chaos to a minimum while we are preoccupied. But there is no telling what will happen."

"When do we leave?" JC asked.

"Whenever you are ready to," Forest said. "Our time grows short."

"I just have to grab Cro," Lance said. "He'll be useful. At least I hope he will be. And it'll be nice to be able to talk to him when he doesn't sound like he's half asleep."

Pyre glanced around the large cave. It had been hollowed out by centuries of movement by a small stream. Gradually the rock had given way to the persistent water. The entrance to the cave was a small crack that had appeared during an earthquake a number of years ago. The plant life had started to try to retake the crack that had formed. He had barely been able to slip through in his human form, which is what he was using to explore the cave.

"This should do nicely," he said to himself quietly. His words echoed softly off the cave walls.

He took one last look at the cave and transformed into his natural state. Even as a dragon he could stand in the cave. He could almost completely stretch his wings out, but they were stopped by the cave's roof. Letting out a great sigh that sent dust into the air he curled up and rested his head on his forelegs.

He missed Justin a great deal. More then he could ever explain to another living creature. He had wanted to several times. Just someone to talk to, but he couldn't. Maria was to busy trying to keep the castle in working order to be of much help. He knew she would have listened to him, but he didn't want to burden her with his problems. She was also dealing with the death of her best friend. Death was always an odd term when you brought vampires and necromancers into the picture.

Evelyn would have understood him perfectly, but she had vanished sometime during the battle. He knew that she was alive. Or at least that she was when she'd left the castle. Her scent was distinct on the floor where she'd fallen during her fight with the Blue Acolyte. Then the scent just disappeared. She hadn't left that spot by herself, but she was gone.

He sighed again as his thoughts returned to Justin. The boy had been everything to him. Justin had always complained when Pyre called him a boy. Pyre had never explained it to him, but there were reasons he called Justin a boy. When one measures their age with four digits, everyone is a child. It was a pet name he used when they were alone. Often after making love. Justin had never come up with a pet name for him, but he had the feeling that the blonde had been working on one.

A day couldn't pass without Justin entering the dragon's thoughts. Pyre found himself sleeping a great deal more then normal. He technically didn't need more then a few hours of sleep every month, but in his dreams he was with Justin again. Even for just a little while.

"This is for the best," Pyre told himself. "Dragons don't fall in love with humans for a reason. Their life spans being just one of the problems." Since dragons measured time differently then humans, it took years to get over something like losing a loved one. In some cases a dragon never fully recovered. Thousands of years could pass and the pain would still be as fresh as it was on the first day.

Pyre ruffled his wings to get them more comfortable before he adjusted the position of his head. He closed his eyes and the red light from them dimmed as he entered sleep. His breathing became regular as the last light faded from his eyes.

"Are you sure asking them to join our cause is a wise choice?" Yesena asked as she pointed to the twins on the couch. They were currently locked in a passionate embrace, apparently oblivious to everything around them.

"I didn't ask you to join me for your advice," Sayer snapped. "I'm well aware of the danger they present. But I'm also aware of the fact that they will be far more useful to me as allies then as enemies."

"You are aware of the fact they inflict death just because they can," Yesena pointed out.

"I'm aware of that," Sayer told her. "I believe you also enjoy inflicting death."

"Of course," the vampire responded. "I inflict death and pain because I enjoy it. It brings me pleasure to make another living creature suffer. But I do it for pleasure. They do it simply because they can. No other reason. Not pleasure, or power, or wealth, or anger or for revenge. But simply because they can."

"Isn't that the best reason to do something?" Sayer asked. "Because you can do it?"

"Perhaps. But there should be something more to it then that," The vampire grumbled.

"Whatever their reasons, they are here now. And they won't be going anywhere," Sayer told her firmly. "They, however, are not the reason I asked you here. I need you to extend an invitation to someone."

"Who?" Yesena said.

"Lance Bass," Sayer said. "My Lord tells me that he shall be returning to this world shortly. I want you to collect him. Preferably use one of your minions. I'd rather not have you presence being discovered this early on."

"And if someone gets in our way?" The vampire asked, an evil glint crossed her eyes.

"I want him alive Yesena," Sayer warned. "I also want any of his friends alive. They will be useful later on. In the mean time though, concentrate on collecting Mr. Bass. If you can collect a friend of his as well, then do so. But do not go out of your way to get one."

"Where will he be?" Yesena asked. "I don't want to have to search the globe looking for him."

"He'll be at Selvar's castle," Sayer informed her. "I would be very surprised if his friends were anywhere else."

Yesena nodded. "Of course. I do get to play with him, don't I? If I play nice of course. Don't worry he'll be alive for you."

"Calypso I have a request for you," Arvia said.

"What is it?" The shape shifter asked sharply.

"Are you still annoyed about the picture child?" Arvia asked with a touch of amusement in her voice.

"Yes I am. It would have fetched a good price on the market. But I had to return it. And I wouldn't have even sold it. I would have kept it for myself."

"You could ask the Duke to sell it to you," Arvia suggested with a smile.

"You know perfectly well that I would have to explain how I knew he had the picture. Let alone how I knew what it looked like," Calypso snapped.

"You'll live child," Arvia said. "I'm sure you have the image etched in your mind. Now on with my request." She turned to completely face the other woman. "I need you to protect someone who will be coming to this world shortly."

"Protection isn't my specialty, but I'll give it a shot," Calypso sighed. "Who is it? And where do I met them?"

"Lance Bass and he'll be at the castle of Selvar. Or rather he will be shortly," Arvia told her. "My informants say that a few people will be looking to kidnap him. I wish to see that he isn't taken. I want you to protect him."

"I'll do what I can," Calypso said.

The portal snapped shut behind the retreating Guardians. The guys looked around the courtyard in the light from the setting sun. Lance hugged Cro to his chest as he walked over to the pool that sat in the middle of the yard.

"Apparently nobody's been taking care of this place," he murmured to no one in particular. He swept his hand along the top of the water and removed a bit of the greenish slime that had formed. He stood there just staring into the pool until well after the sun had set.

"Lance," Joey said softly. "There's someone here to talk to you."

Lance stood slowly and let Cro go. The book dropped a bit and then hovered its way over to the other guys. "Who is it?"

"Master," a soft voice came from the shadows. A moment later a young man entered into his field of sight. His dirty blonde hair was unkempt and his tattered clothing hung to an emancipated form. "Have you returned?"

"David?" Lance asked. He instantly recognized the young vampire, despite the fact that he had only seen him once.

"Yes, Master," the boy replied. "I've been waiting for you to come back. The Mistress left me behind to wait for you."

"Where is Maria?" Lance asked.

"The Mistress has fled for her life. Other vampires don't believe that she should be as weak as she is. She left a note for you." David turned as if he was going to leave. "Would you follow me?"

"Just a minute." Lance turned and walked over the where the others were chatting quietly among themselves. "Guys, David says that Maria left me a note. She might have left something for you as well."

JC nodded. "She might have. It'll be good to be back in the castle again. It seems like an eternity."

"I'm just glad that my powers are back at full. It's been awful the last few months," Joey said. "It's been like having the world covered in a film."

"Oh cry me a river," Cro told him. "When you can't even move yourself off a bookshelf, come talk to me."

Joey grinned. "It's not my fault you lack arms and legs. And besides, you're a book. You're suppose to like being on a shelf."

Cro managed to arch an eyebrow telepathically moments before he shot forward into Joey's chest. The two of them fell the ground in a heap. Or more accurately, Joey feel into a heap with Cro clutched to his chest.

"Children," JC said. "I think David's waiting for us." Sighing Joey and Cro got up. Though Cro managed to do it a lot slower then Joey because the singer was using the book as a support.

David led them through the hallways. It was painfully clear that Lance was correct on the care of the castle. There was a thick layer of dust over everything. The floor had less of it, but that was due to the large movement of the skeletons and zombies combing the hallways. The vampire didn't disturb the dust when he moved.

They came to Selvar's private study. David stepped to one side as he opened the door and motioned Lance inside. He promptly stepped in front of the others to prevent them from entering the study as well.

"The Mistress asked me to make sure only the Master saw the note first," David said apologetically. The look on his face clearly showed that he was truly sorry about not being able to let them into the study as well.

"It's alright guys," Lance said. "I'll just be a second."


What did you think? Did you like? Dislike? Let me know. I know at this point I'm shamelessly begging form e-mail, but I imagine I'll recover. Anyway I do want to hear from you.


Next: Chapter 27: Harbingers 4

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