Nsync Saga

By Rune Therain

Published on Dec 5, 2000


This isn't the last installment of Harbingers, but it's darn close. This is, however, the last chapter. The next installment will be the epilogue. I've enjoyed writing this story a lot, since it started way back in May with Saga. Not that long ago really, but it's been a trip. I just thought I would warn you that it is coming to an end. Perhaps not the best ending, but it is ending. (You'll have to excuse this circle talking I'm doing. I've been working on a monologue for English. It's not easy to drop characters and just return to normal life. One of the reasons I don't usually associate with other people when I'm practicing. It's just too weird for them.)

Thanks to everyone that's e-mailed me with comments about my stories. I enjoy hearing from you, about the good and the bad. Let me know what you think, it really does help. It doesn't always change something, but it does let me know what you're thinking. Special thanks go out to Kenitra, Shade, Aeoros, Di, Hamado, Dax, Galvain, and my beloved Appleseed. You can reach me at either Mist_dark@yahoo.ca or Mist_dark@hotmail.com

For those of you that haven't been paying attention to all the other legality sections, here's mine. This story is in no way, shape, and/or form is supposed to reflect anything about the members of Nsync. This story is pure fiction. If you are too young in your area, or it's illegal to be reading this, please leave. If homosexual themes offend you, leave as well. Parts of this story are based off the RPG Rifts. All trademarks belong to Kevin Siembieda and Palladium books.

Enjoy, Rune


"Okay run that by us again," Josh said. He sat down in a chair. The room they were in was remarkably similar to Selvar's castle, but there were subtle differences. "I was with you right up to the point where you started talking."

The Guardian of Plants laughed richly. "It is a tad much to absorb at once isn't it?" Her appearance hadn't changed since they'd first met before the battle with the Acolytes.

"That it is," The Guardian of Animals said. The Guardian appeared as a Native American dressed in the manner of a shaman. A few ceremonial drawings marked his face.

"I got the part about Lance being a Guardian," Justin said. "It's kind of hard to swallow at first, but I can accept that. And apparently Selvar is alive again, and he's the Guardian of Death now. But why can't we see them?"

"It is tradition," Plant said. "You will be able to see them after the ceremony."

"What ceremony?" Chris asked. "You've mentioned it a few times, but you haven't told us what it is."

"In simple terms," Animal said. "It is a wedding. Neither participants are allowed to see the other and only other Guardians are allowed to see them until the ceremony."

"That is not entirely true," Plant said. "There is the matter of Justin and Pyre."

"True," Animal agreed. "I had forgotten about that." The Guardian turned to look at the lovers. "Lance will wish to speak with you shortly Justin, and Selvar with you Pyre."

"About what?" Pyre asked.

"That is for them to tell you," Plant told him. "We know, but it is not our place."

"So what are the rest of us supposed to do?" Mala asked. "I imagine it's going to take some time to get this wedding happening."

"Actually most of it is already prepared," Animal said. "A great deal of it is traditional. The Guardian of the Forest will perform the ceremony, while Lance and Selvar follow his instructions. Each of the other Guardians will help in some way according to their abilities. For the most part though we are all witnesses to this event."

"I see," Mala said. "So basically we just wait?"

Plant smiled. "More or less."

There was a knock at the door and the Guardian of Time let himself in. Of all the Guardians he was the oddest looking, but that probably had something to do with the fact that mortals couldn't even begin to comprehend time.

"Justin and Pyre," he said softly. "The Guardians of Life and Death with to speak with you respectively."

Justin knocked on the door once and then pushed it open lightly. "Lance? You wanted tot talk to me?"

"Come in Justin," Lance called. Lance had changed out of his white robes and into jeans and a tee shirt. He was lounging on a couch, but sat up when Justin came in.

"Wow man," Justin said. "Who ever would have thought that we would have ended up like this?"

Lance laughed. "I know. Could you imagine career day in school? What do you want to be when you grow up Mr. Bass? I want to become the Guardian of Life."

Justin grinned at his friend. "There's an answer that would have gotten you locked up." He plopped down in a chair across from Lance. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well this is business related," Lance said. "As odd as that sounds. Anyway, because I'm a Guardian I can't take a direct hand in events. But all the Guardians have helpers that can interfere for them. I want you to be one of them."

"You want me to be your lackey?" Justin asked.

"I prefer the term indentured servant," Lance laughed. "But basically. You'd be the chief lackey though."

"What about the guys that worked for the last Guardian of Life? Couldn't they do it?"

"They asked to step down when I took the position," Lance admitted. "They weren't comfortable working for another person. Apparently it happens every time a new Guardian is put into office. They'll stay on until I get the hang of things, but I've got to replace them."

"Okay," Justin said slowly. "What exactly does this job entail?"

"As I understand it," the Guardian said. "If I need something done I ask you to do it. If it's important enough you do it yourself, but if it isn't you delegate it to someone else."

"What about Pyre?" Justin asked. "I don't want to leave him."

"Selvar's asking Pyre the same thing I'm asking you," Lance told him. "Since life and death work very closely, you and Pyre would work very closely with one another. And when we don't have some urgent task for you two, your time is your own."

"Sounds pretty good," Justin grinned. "But what about benefits?"

"You're going to be working for the Guardian of Life and you're asking about a benefit plan?"

"Well you never know," Justin said. "It could be a great sounding job and then have a lousy health care system. I don't want to get injured on the job and then find out that I won't be taken care of."

Lance rolled his eyes. "You'll have a wonderful dental, health, and eye care plan. Not to mention the retirement plan that'll be set up for you."

"Cool." Justin pounced on Lance. "So when do I start."

"Technically after the ceremony," Lance said. "But I do have to make a few alterations to you, if you're going to perform properly."

Justin cocked his head to one side. "Alterations?"

"As absurd as this sounds. You're not powerful enough," Lance told him. "It's going to hurt a bit, but it's going to be worth your while."

"What kind of hurt? Needle hurt? Or face-first through a window hurt?"

"Neither. More like the having your genetic structure realigned while you're awake hurt."

"Ouch," Justin winced. "How long will it last?"

"About a minute or so. But it's going to fell like a lot longer then that."

"I'll give anything a shot once," Justin said as he got off Lance. "Twice if I live. I will live won't I?"

"Of course you will," Lance assured him as he got off the couch. "I mean I wouldn't lie to you about that sort of thing. And there won't be any serious side effects." Lance turned and started moving furniture to the outer edge of the room. He didn't touch any of it, it just flickered and reappeared somewhere else. "Unless of course you consider having bleach blonde hair a disfigurement."

Justin stuck his tongue out at Lance. "At least I have the ability to tan my albino friend."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Lance threw back. "And the funny thing is, I do. I could make sure you never tan again."

"You wouldn't dare," Justin said in mock protest.

Lance arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

Justin didn't answer. Instead he grabbed a chair and moved it to the wall. By the time he'd done that Lance had removed all the remaining furniture. "Let's do this then."

"Take off your clothes and stand in the middle of the room," Lance told him.

"You want me to do what?"

"Oh please," Lance said. "You don't have anything I haven't already seen. Just take your clothes off and stand in the middle of the room."

Justin shrugged and removed his clothing. He put it all on the chair he'd moved and then returned to the middle of the room. Facing Lance he asked, "Now what?"

"Now you try not to scream too much," Lance said. "I'll try to make this happen as quickly as possible."

The Guardian closed his eyes and was surrounded by a nimbus of white light. Justin gasped as a tingling sensation ran over his skin. He felt it probe deeper into his body. Soon it felt like all the water in his body was rippling. It didn't hurt, but it felt like that itch that wasn't exactly an itch, but felt in part like someone tickling you at the same time.

The tingling stopped at the same instant Lance opened his eyes. "This is the part that will hurt Justin." The blonde answered the Guardian by nodding his head in acknowledgement.

Lance closed his eyes again. The nimbus intensified to the point where it was almost blinding. A similar nimbus surrounded Justin. The blonde's facial muscles spasmed as the first wave of pain washed over him. Another wave followed the first, but Justin didn't do anything but flinch again.

The first physical change in Justin was with the ring Pyre had given him. The golden band heated until it was glowing red. It seemed to be causing Justin some pain, but the blonde was preoccupied by the other pain that coursed through his body. The band flashed and then melted into his skin. the golden band standing out in contrast to Justin's skin.

The second physical change was with Justin's eyes. The blue iris changed to black and shaped itself to become a slit. The white of the eye took on the bluish quality that the iris had had moments before.

Justin let out a slight gasp of pain and revealed another change. His teeth had become pointed. He cried out and collapsed to his knees. The cry that came from his throat wasn't human. It was bestial roar. His entire body gradually shifted colour. His skin lightened, losing what tan he had achieved over the last while. It lost colour until it was a paler white then even Lance. Then it started to gain colour again. Within a few seconds Justin had gone from pale white to dark blue.

He roared again in pain as a pair of leathery wings ripped from his back. His spine lengthened and grew extra vertebrae. A tail grew from his tailbone. He groaned as his body stretched in all directions. His fingernails grew to become bluish claws. His skin rippled and grew scales. He roared once more as the transformation was complete.

Lance sighed and opened his eyes. The nimbus of light disappeared from around him and Justin. Before him stood a handsome adult ice dragon.

"It's finished now," Lance told him. "Sorry. It took a little longer then I thought it would."

Justin worked his new jaw a few times before he got the hang of speaking with it. "You forgot to mention that I would be changing species Lance."

A smile touched the Guardian's lips. "Did I? How silly of me."

"Yep," Justin said. The dragon shimmered and then shifted into Justin's normal appearance. "You've certainly go the knack of talking like a Guardian. No wonder they picked you."

"Apparently I'll learn how to answer questions without actually answering them in a few years," Lance said as he handed his friends his clothing. "Do you think you'll be able to handle this change? It's hard to adjust to this sort of thing."

"I'll be fine," Justin said. His eyes flickered from normal human to the reptilian appearance of a dragon's. "It'll take a little while, but I'll get it all. A lot of a dragon's powers are instinctive. It's just a matter of fine tuning the control."

"Good," Lance said. "Now there's just one last thing."

Justin stopped dressing and looked at his friend. "One transformation is enough for a lifetime Lance. You're not getting another one out of me."

"Nothing like that. During the ceremony you'll be called upon to stand at my side. Just like Pyre will be to stand at his side."

"How do you know Pyre's agreed to this?" Justin asked.

"We Guardians have our ways," Lance said mysteriously.

"Nice try," Justin told him. "Give."

"Selvar told me. Guardians have all sorts of powers you wouldn't even think about. One of the simpler ones is telepathy."

"But you two aren't supposed to speak to each other," Justin pointed out.

Lance blushed. "Okay we cheated this once. Selvar and I didn't want to change you unless both you and Pyre agreed to the jobs."

Justin just nodded. "Of course you did just this once." He finished dressing. "When will this ceremony happen?"

"Shortly," Lance told him. "In an hour or so. Apparently a few of the other Guardians are going to come to help to get ready. Not sure exactly when though."

"One question," Justin said. "Why a dragon? And why an ice dragon?"

"I'm so glad to see that those take home math courses of yours are paying off," Lance grinned. "But since I did neglect to mention the change of species I'll answer both. A dragon because of Pyre. A relationship can't truly be built on inequality. Love helps a great deal, but it doesn't work very well if the two aren't equals on some level. That and the life expectancy of a dragon is a lot longer then that of a human's. Pyre would have outlived you by centuries. This way you'll have a long time to enjoy each other."

"Makes sense," Justin agreed. "Now about the ice dragon part."

"That's two fold. First there was a prophecy about fire and ice uniting. I thought it would be fitting, and since the prophecy related to our situation it seemed like a good idea. I also had to work with Neva's death. She wasn't supposed to die this early. I sort of set things right when I gave you aspects of her body."

"I'm not going to grow breasts am I?" Justin asked with mock worry. "I don't think Pyre would appreciate that."

Lance laughed richly. "No. You're all man..er..dragon. You won't be growing any extra features unless you want to."

"I wonder how this will effect our sex," Justin mused. He only said it to see if his friend would blush. He'd always enjoyed trying to get Lance to change from pale white to bright red. "I mean the endurance of a dragon should count for something."

Lance didn't blush. "You'll be able to go for a few hours. Your nights of passion will be just that. Nights." The Guardian smiled wickedly. "Of course that'll be nothing compared to what Selvar and I will have. Guardians never get tired." Lance laughed again as his friend turned bright red. It had taken him a few years but he finally got Justin back for all those years of teasing.

The ceremony happened in forest clearing. The Guardian of the Forest had chosen the location eons before. Every time a pair of Guardians entered the fold they were initiated here. Wooden benches grew out of the ground for everyone else to sit on. Sunlight filtered down through the trees, but the Guardian of Night had made sure that Maria wasn't effected by it. She was enjoying the sun for the first time in centuries. But she wasn't paying any attention to that. She, like everyone else, was watching the front of the clearing.

Selvar and Lance stood opposite each other. Lance in white robes, Selvar in black. The Guardian of the Forest stood in front of them facing everyone else. Most of the ceremony happened in various languages that only the Guardians understood, but what parts were in English were beautiful.

Toward the end of the ceremony Forest turned Lance and Selvar to face each other. "Each of you must now take your symbol. Pick it now and it shall mark you for what you are for the rest of your life."

Selvar and Lance raised their right arm in mirrored gestures. Lance opened his palm so that it face upward. A small flash of light had Cro lying open in his palm. Selvar cupped his hand and his scythe flashed into it. They both lowered their arms to bring their chosen symbols to chest level.

The Guardian of the Forest looked at the witnesses. "The Symbols of office have been chosen. Now who will stand with these men? To guide and aid them when all seems as if it is lost."

Justin and Pyre stood as one. Justin walked to Lance's side and Pyre to Selvar's. "I will," they said as one.

"What have you to offer them for protection?" The Guardian asked. "How can you aid them if they need it?" In answer to the question the pair changed into dragons and back again. They'd taken the precaution of wearing an amulet that would clothe them in illusion. They'd also warned everyone to attend the wedding about this little happening.

"The Symbols have been chosen. The Protectors have been selected. What will bind these two in life and death?"

The Guardians of the elements left their seats and stepped forward. The Guardians of earth and air stood opposite each other next to Selvar. The Guardians of fire and water stood next to Lance. Each Guardian stretched out their hands to touch those of their partner.

A ball of fire appeared in front of the Guardian of Fire and a ball of water in front of the Guardian of Water. The two balls whirled around each other and then collided. A ring of fire appeared in the chaos, formed from what fire that hadn't been destroyed by the water. The remaining water swirled around it, drawing out the heat and hardening the flames. When it was finished a reddish ring floated between the two Guardians.

The formation of the second ring was slightly different. A thin pillar of clear stone rose from the ground between the Guardians. A wind swirled around the clearing and focused itself on the pillar. It swirled around it, chipping of tiny pieces of stone. The wind grew more furious. The wind formed the stone into a crystal ring and smoothed the edges down. When the wind died a bluish ring floated between them.

Wordlessly Lance and Selvar took the ring that was closest to him. Lance went first. "This ring is a symbol of eternity. Within it pulses the warmth of life. I give it to you as a symbol of my love and to remind you that life is always a part of death. And I am always a part of you. As life needs death to survive, I too need you to survive. For all eternity." He slipped the ring onto the elf's finger.

"This ring is a symbol of eternity. Within it is the chill of death. I give it to you as a symbol of my love and to remind you that death is always a part of life. And I am always a part of you. As death needs life to survive, I too need you to survive. For all eternity." Selvar slipped the ring onto Lance's finger.

"Life and Death have united," the Guardian of the Forest said. "What symbol will remind us all of this union?"

Lance and Selvar let the symbols of their office float next to them. They clasped hands and kissed. A greenish glow appeared between their hands. Between them the earth heaved upward slightly. A tiny leaf poked through the ground. The plant grew as the glow intensified. Tendrils of the plant grew outward as it established its roots. The tendrils hardened into branches and the plant became a tree. The two Guardians were lifted upward as the tree grew from sapling into a mighty oak. Their kiss never broke and the glow never stopped. The tree grew until it dwarfed all others and shadowed everyone beneath it.

"This tree," the Guardian of the Forest said. "Will stand to remind as all of what has happened here today. Let none of us ever forget."


That's it for now. What did you think? Likes and dislikes can be sent to the e-mail addresses given above.

Until next time, Rune

Next: Chapter 42: Harbingers Epilogue

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