Nsync Saga

By Rune Therain

Published on Dec 7, 2000


This is it my friends. Harbingers is officially over. I'm happy with the way I've ended this story. In a few ways it's a happier ending then Saga was, but it's still a bittersweet ending. I certainly couldn't tell you how much I've enjoyed writing this story, but anyone who's ever written a story knows the feeling. It's great to be able to read a story and be able to become part of it, but it's an even bigger thrill to be able to create a story, to make people and control their lives. It sounds slightly domineering, but it's true. I don't know what I'm going to do now that Harbingers is finished. I might make shorter stories about individual characters, or I might just move onto another story. I don't really know yet, but I'll let you guys know what if I decide to write another story for Nifty.

Special thanks to everyone that's ever taken the time to e-mail me. You guys have been great about that. I do complain and carry on about not getting enough e-mail, but I do get enough. I'd just like more, but then who wouldn't? In particular I want to thank Kenitra, Shade, Aeoros, Dax, Gavalin, Hamado, and Casey. I know I'm forgetting people, I always do, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten you completely. I just forgot to include you in the thank-you section. I do want to hear from you and you can reach me at either Mist_dark@yahoo.ca or Mist_dark@hotmail.com I respond to both.

The legalities section. Oh how I love to write the same thing over and over again. Now I could just post a reference to my previous legalities, but then I couldn't complain about having to write them. You can see the bind I'm in here. This story is in no way supposed to reflect anything about the musical group Nsync. You might want to look at it as if I'm writing about people that just happen to have the same looks, jobs and names as real people. As far as I know of Justin is very human, and Lance is only a talented performer (not an ultra powerful magical creature). If any of them are gay that's their business. If you are too young, or it's illegal in your area to read this, please leave. If homosexual themes offend you I'd leave as well. Parts of this story are based off the RPG Rifts. All trademarks belong to Kevin Siembieda and Palladium books.

Now on with the epilogue, Rune


The members of Nsync and their respective partners were seated in the sitting room of Selvar's castle. Justin and Pyre were lounged on a couch. Chris was sitting in a high-backed chair with Mala sprawled across his lap. Josh sat on the floor in front of the couch that the two dragons were on, Calypso had her head in his lap. Joey telekinetically hovered a few feet off the floor. The two Guardians sat side by side on another couch, they were the perfect picture of marital bliss. Lance had his head resting on the elf's shoulder. The sun hadn't set yet so Maria wasn't awake and Brian rarely moved around without her.

"I know we don't really like it," Joey said slowly. "But we all knew this day would come. Nsync wasn't going to last forever."

"We all know that Joey," Chris said. "I guess we just didn't think it was going to end this way. Somehow I always thought the group would break-up after our popularity died down. Not with us in another reality."

Justin propped his head up on his hand and looked at Chris. "Does it really matter how Nsync ends? The groups over, and so are our careers. I mean Lance has a fairly pressing job and I won't feel comfortable in our home world for long. But I don't plan to let you guys just go your separate ways."

"None of us intend to do that Justin," Josh said. "We were friends in the beginning and we're still friends. A lot of group members stay in contact after the group fades. They go through too much not to stay in touch. And we've been through more then any other musical group."

"This is certainly not the sort of thing that we would put into our biographies," Chris grinned. "But Josh is right. We're not going to just go our separate ways and never talk to each other again. But we can't all just stay here forever. I want to travel, and actually have a chance to see the world. Not just hopping from city to city trying to meet some working schedule."

"Where do you want to go hon?" Mala asked.

"I've always wanted to see the Andes," Chris told her.

"You're interested in the undead?" Selvar asked.


"The Andes are home to the City of the Dead," the Guardian told him. "It's not exactly one of the top ten vacation resorts. Unless you're dead of course."

"I see," Chris said. "Maybe Greenland. It's not full of the undead, is it?"

"No Greenland is clear," Selvar said. "Of the undead."

"Is there any place that is safe to visit?" Chris asked.

"Not really," Pyre said. "Pretty much every place has a unique way of making you dead. Some places are worse then others though."

Mala kissed Chris on the forehead. "We'll find some nice place to visit for a while. It'll just take us a while."

"I take it all of you have decided to stay here then," Lance said. He hadn't said much since the conversation had begun. "I can send you back if you want."

"Not a chance," Joey said. "This place is home now. Going back would be like tying my arms. My abilities are almost gone there, I didn't like it the first time it happened. And I don't intend to let an extend stay happen. I love that world and all, but it's just not the same any more."

"Same here," Josh said. "I've always loved music, you guys know that. It's one of the reasons I jumped at the chance to be a part of Nsync. Music is my life, I felt more alive when I was performing music. And here the music is even more a part of me."

"Don't look at me like that," Chris said defensively. "First off I want to travel. And secondly I'd get into way too much trouble without you guys to help me out."

"He makes a good point," Justin agreed. "The only thing that worries me is that there are so many more chances for him to get into trouble here. Back home he just had to worry about mundane problems. Here he has to worry about being turned into a frog or something like that."

"That doesn't really happen," Chris told him. "It's just a myth."

"Actually it can happen," Lance said. "I couldn't do it, but the Guardian of Animals could, and just about any sorcerer that set his mind to it could to it as well."

"That does complicate matters a touch," Chris admitted. "I'll have to keep that in mind."

"What do you two plan to do?" Selvar asked Josh and Calypso.

"Honestly?" Josh blushed.

"We want to get a place by the ocean," the shapeshifter told him. "Something nice and homey. Though if Josh had his way, we'd be in the water."

"It's nice underwater," Josh defended. "You just haven't tried it yet."

"Of course it is dear," Calypso said as she patted his stomach.

"I just want to wander for a while," Joey said. "I don't really know what I want to do, but I'll find something."

Justin leaned back and kissed Pyre. "Well everyone knows what Pyre and I will be doing, so we don't have to go into that."

"Yes," Chris said. "Everyone does know. And we know what you've been doing too. You guys have absolutely no concept that there are people in the room next to you. These walls are thick, but they aren't that thick."

Mala nodded. "He's telling the truth. All night all we hear is oh Pyre' and Justin I love you so much.' I'd give you more examples, but those are the only two that can be given without going into graphic detail." The thief smirked at the two dragons. "But on the plus side I now know fifty-seven different ways to drive a dragon to an orgasm."

"Fifty-eight," Chris corrected. "You forgot that last night was a double event."

Justin blushed. The redness showed up more clearly because of his newly acquired pale skin. Pyre came to his lover's rescue. "If you two were busy with other tasks, like sleeping, you wouldn't have to worry about our activities."

"We do keep busy," Chris grinned. "We just don't go at it like rabbits all the time."

"Enough," Calypso said. "As entertaining as discussing Justin and Pyre's sex live is, I'd rather not."

"Party-pooper," Chris muttered. Calypso arched an eyebrow and he fell silent.

Lance stood with more grace then he had ever possessed. As a dancer he had a great deal of agility, but it had been amplified when he became a Guardian. He was quickly adapting to his new position. He had apparently decided on white robes for his general garb. "I hate to do this guys, but I've got a lot of work to do." He extended his hand and helped Selvar to his feet. "I'll be keeping tabs on all of you, but it'll be a bit before I can visit any of you."

"That's alright," Joey said. He unfolded his legs and touched the ground. He walked over to his friend and pulled him into a hug. "We'll be able to entertain ourselves for a while. But you albinos are hard to come by, so we'll keep tabs on you too."

"How comforting," Lance said. "The person who couldn't keep track of where he put his suitcase, let alone his keys, is the one that will make sure he knows where I'm going."

"I never lost my suitcase," Joey protested. "And everyone loses their keys. It happens all the time."

"And how many people lose their keys when the key ring is attached to their belt?" Lance asked.

"Shut-up," Joey responded.

The others got to their feet laughing. Everyone gave the Guardians hugs and exchanged promises to visit. Justin whispered something to Lance and the blonde turned a bright shade of red.

"I told you I'd get you back for what you said earlier," Justin told the Guardian.

Lance smiled sweetly as the redness faded from his face. "Don't worry Justin, I'll find something to repay you with. After all that kindness can't go unrewarded."

"Play nice dear," Selvar said quietly. "Would you tell Maria that I'll drop by in the next day or so to talk with her," he asked Pyre.

The dragon nodded. "Will do. You don't have anything pressing for me to do at the moment, do you?"

"I think I have things under control," the Guardian said. "Why?"

"I just wanted to show Justin a few things," Pyre said. "You'll let me know when you need my help?"

"Of course," Selvar said. "Both of you will know if we need you."

Another quick round of good-byes saw the two Guardians off. Once they'd left the others chatted for a while before heading to their respective rooms.

Pyre knocked on the door. When he didn't hear any response he knocked again and then waited. After a few minutes he opened the door and let himself in. It was an hour of sun set and Maria hadn't surfaced. Neither had Brian. It was unusual for them not to at least make an appearance before going out for the night.

The reason for their absence was clear the moment his eyes adjusted to the darker lighting of the room that Maria slept in. Dragons could see in total darkness, it just took a few seconds to adjust to it.

The first thing that Pyre saw was Brian. The blonde human was very dead. His corpse was nailed in an inverted crucifix position. His abdomen had been ripped open and most of his entrails lay in a pile under his head. A silver knife attached his heart to his chest. Judging by the amount of blood Brian had been nailed to the wall first. He had obviously been alive when crucified. He had probably died when his heart had been ripped out.

The bed had been stripped of the blankets. A human outline made of ash sat in the middle of the mattress. Maria had been pinned down before she was burned to ash. At least five people had been involved in the execution. Brian had been subdued first and then Maria. The vampire had probably watched her servant killed before they had killed her. All of them had had to have supernatural strength, nothing else could have held a vampire for any length of time.

The dragon looked around the room for anything else. The only thing that looked odd was a book on the bedside stand. It caught his attention because of the piece of paper sticking out of it. He picked up the book and opened it to the piece of paper. Taking it out he caught the title.

"I wonder when Maria started reading about Alucard." He shrugged and set the book down. He unfolded the paper and read it. It was a notice to explain what had happened.

To all that read this know that justice has been served. The renegade Master Vampire and her human servant have been executed in accordance to the laws of our kind. Her chief crime was associating with mortals without the intent to kill them. She refused to allow any others into our fold. Indeed she has been responsible for the deaths of several of our kind. Our laws bind us all and any that break them shall be an example to all others.

The Council

The mists cleared around Evelyn as she walked through the Realm of the Dead. Her transition between life and death had been very simple. There were no complications that could have tied her soul to the earthly world. She had known what she was going to do the moment she had seen Mala. The girl would not have lived unless something drastic had been done. Someone was going to die that night, but Evelyn had not intentions of allowing Chris to suffer any more then he already had. She would never regret what she had done, but she would miss her new children.

Her journey had taken her across the River of the Dead and beyond. She'd walked the entire way. She could have taken almost any route she had wanted, but she enjoyed walking. It was a simple form of travel and despite her incredible psionic abilities, Evelyn was a simple woman. She found it amusing that she still thought of herself as alive, even though she knew she was dead.

Another figure appeared out of the mist. She found this odd. During her entire journey she hadn't seen another person other then the boatman. The figure was shadow at first, but the mist slowly allowed features to become more detailed. It only took her a moment to realize who it was.

"Daryl," she cried. She ran up to her son and threw her arms around him. "I've missed you so much."

"I know," her son told her. "I've missed you too. We've got a lot to talk about. There's so many things I want to tell you."

"There'll be time to talk about that," Evelyn told him. "I just want to hold you for a while. A mother's simplest joy is holding her children close to her."

That's it. It's over. There are many things I could write at this point, but I've either already said them, or they'd be pointless babbling. I'll spare you either way (trust me, it's better this way). Thanks for staying with me through the entire story. I hope you've enjoyed my story.


Next: Chapter 43

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