Nsync Savior

By moc.oohay@99relbmut

Published on May 9, 1999


Note: This is a complete work of fiction. I am not implying that any character within this story is gay or bisexual. This is just my fantasy, so let me have it!!! I'm planning on making this a continuing plot, with twists and turns and everything else thrown in. So please, don't be afraid to send any comments my way. Since I've never been to New York I may need a little help with some scenery and stuff. Please e-mail me at tumbler99@yahoo.com

'N SYNC Savior

Chapter One

I stepped off the plane to a loud buzz. I looked around the airport terminal in shock; people were running here and there, yelling across crowded rooms, and generally acting crazy. I'd been to many airports before, because of my father, but I'd never seen one like this.

"Oh well, it must just be New York," I thought. I was stepping off this plane and entering into a new life. Well, not really a new life, but a new adventure. My Dad did not believe in buying material things for graduation presents; he insisted on a 3 week, full-paid vacation to New York City. At first I was shocked - three weeks in the Big Apple?? What would I even be able to do there? I wasn't going to turn 18 until the middle of June, and I didn't know the first thing about living in a big city. But he wouldn't take no for an answer. He bought the tickets, made reservations with a nice hotel, and within a week I was on my way. I had thought about my situation a little on the plane (when I wasn't staring at the crazy hippie that was sitting across the aisle) and I'd come up with a few conclusions. Obviously, my Dad's actions could only mean one thing - he'd finally gone senile. Oh well, I might as well enjoy these three weeks before having to care for him 24/7! And I suppose three weeks alone wouldn't be bad. I've been stuck in my hometown for 17 years with no clubs, no dances, nothing. Sure, there's the occasional party at one of the popular athlete's house but because I didn't drink or smoke pot I was pretty much out of luck. I'd always fantasized about what it would be like to be on my own, free and open to do whatever I wanted. "Maybe this was my chance. Maybe when I step off that plane I can throw away all my inhibitions and fears and just be myself once and for all."

"Or maybe I'll stand motionless in a crowded airport terminal and look like an idiot." I gave myself a little shake and started moving. My Dad didn't trust me with a car in New York, but he had given me enough money to pay for a cab wherever I went. In fact, he had given me enough money for whatever I wanted. As I reached into my bag to check on my wallet, I felt the thick wad of cash and the thin wad of credit cards. Maybe he is trying to buy my love after all. Now some people might see my situation so far and think I'm just another spoiled brat. But trust me when I say I'm not. I've worked very hard throughout life, doing many different jobs and making my own money. I bought my first car alone, paid for my insurance, bought all of my school supplies, and pretty much did everything myself. My Dad was always working at his airport for some reason or another, either flying another customer to Kansas City, or working on a plane, or sending out bills. There were nights when I'd lie awake in bed and listen for the tell-tale sign of a garage door opening and his truck's engine slowly idling. Honestly, I've yet to find the answer to that question. If you can't tell yet, I learned to be independent from the get-go.

So that is why I'm having a hard time with this little trip he's sent me on. I've never really taken much money from him and here he is letting me have three weeks to do whatever I wanted. I had already decided, though, that I wasn't going to be foolish and try to hurt him by spending all of the money. I've always been practical and efficient when it came to money and I wasn't going to stop now.

I set off walking, following the exit signs. I pulled out my map as I walked outside. I looked around a little, noticing something was different. Sure, there were actually big buildings and a ton of people running around, but it was something else. I looked to the sky and realized what it was. In Kansas the sky is blue, at least it is when a tornado isn't coming your way. But here in New York the sky was almost greyish brown. At first I thought it was just really windy and dusty, but I soon realized it wasn't. That was fog, ladies and gentlemen, and I was going to have to live with it for three weeks. I looked over at a man standing next to me and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir? Could you help me?" I asked with my biggest puppy dog eyes. He looked at me in shock and almost backed away. But he must have sensed something in me and decided to help.

"Uhh....um, sure. I can try," he said, clearing his throat.

I pulled out my map and told him the address of the hotel I was staying at. It was the Gramercy Park Hotel, at 21st and Lexington. He studied the map for a second and then started spewing out directions. "Well, you want to go straight ahead for five blocks, and then turn to your right, heading north. Follow that street for four blocks until you hit a restaurant called "Rizzo's." Very good food by the way, I recommend you stop if you're hungry. Anyway, go past the restaurant, 8 more blocks straight ahead, take a sharp right, past the newspaper stand, another sharp left, and there you are." He finally stopped talking and I just stared at him while my head started spinning.

"Um, well, I'm sure I can find it....oh yes, one more question." I looked up to the sky and asked, "is it always this dark."

He glanced up and seemed to really look at the sky for the first time. "Oh, well isn't that interesting," he said quietly. "Don't worry, it's normally not this bad. Plus it's almost sunset, that's why it's this dark." He turned away and walked toward a cab. "Huh, I'd never noticed that before." For a brief second I thought I should be smart and flag down a cab also, but I decided against it. I'd just been on a plane for six hours; I needed to walk.

I started on my way, heading straight like the man had told me. As my legs loosened up I started looking toward the city. New York sure was big. And not just the skyscrapers and people running around everywhere. It was just a feeling you had, like you were on top of the world. Everyone had an agenda, everyone had an appointment to keep. It made you feel important.

As I continued walking I looked around at the beautiful architecture. I noticed how each building was different, each with it's own essence. Here was one that was brand new, with sharp lines and darkened windows. Here was one that had to have been a hundred years old, the classic shape with the stairs leading up to the door, little gargoyles watching over the stoop. I was so caught up in the beauty all around me that when I arrived at the next corner I realized that I was lost - even more than I was before. I looked down at my map and traced a path to 21st street. It didn't look like it would be that difficult. I looked around and tried to get my bearings and decided to take a right. I was hoping I was headed in the right direction.

Two hours later, I realized that I wasn't. I stopped at a corner that looked remarkably similar to the one I was just at a few hours before. I felt myself tense up, the flurry of anger quickly building. I slowly leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and let out a sigh. I was just going to stand here for a few seconds to gather my thoughts and calm down.

Suddenly I felt a pair of eyes on me. This had been pretty common today. It felt like from the moment I stepped off the plane someone was always watching me, even for the briefest of moments. I slowly turned around and saw who was staring at me. My mouth opened slightly, and a gasp may have escaped my lips, but I just stared. He was sitting at a table by the outdoor cafe. He fingered his straw and slowly stirred his mixed drink, staring right into me. He had dark brown eyes that seemed to go on forever and I felt myself fall into them. My first reaction was to turn away and try to find my hotel. But a voice in my head spoke up, stopping me before I'd taken a step.

"This is your chance. You said you wanted to be yourself, to be open and free. So don't be stupid, just go over there and ask for directions." I slowly took a breath and walked up to the man. He was young, probably 23 or so, and had short, dark brown hair. He stared at me as I walked over to him, looking me up and down.

"Hi! I was wondering if you could possibly help me? I can't seem to find my hotel, and I'm getting bored pretty quickly." His eyes never left mine until I handed him my map. He let go of the gaze, only to drop it to my feet. He slowly looked up my body, sizing me up. It felt like I was under inspection - I didn't like it. I started to get uncomfortable, but he looked back down at the map. Seeing the address of my hotel, he nodded.

"You must be better at directions than you think. Your hotel isn't but five minutes from here. Why don't you sit down first, though, and have a drink. You must be tired." His voice was deep and soothing and I found myself unable to speak. Was this gorgeous man sitting here asking me to have a drink with him? I wasn't even 18 yet, forget about 21!

"Well, um, I would like to, but I'm not quite old enough to drink liquor."

He also had a deep laugh, which made me smile slightly. "Don't worry, this is America, you know. They have Pepsi, too."

"Well, we may be up a creek without a paddle then, because I don't drink pop either. Bad for my stomach."

He laughed and looked down at the table, counting on his fingers. "You don't drink liquor. You don't drink pop. Well then, tell me what you do drink." He looked up at me and winked. I was starting to get into this flirting thing but something felt awkward at that moment. Was there a double meaning that I just barely missed? I suddenly had a feeling that I needed to leave.

"Listen, thanks for the directions, but I really need to get checked in. It's getting late and they might have given my room away." I turned to walk back to the corner when he stopped me.

"You could do that," he said, "but I haven't even given you the directions yet."

I turned around to face him. "No, I suppose you haven't." He was up in a flash, grabbing my arm lightly.

"Listen, since you won't have a drink with me the least I can do is walk you to your hotel. So you don't get lost again, that is. It's not far and I wouldn't feel right if I wasn't sure you were safe." Before I could answer we were off.

As we walked he started talking about himself. His name was Mark, he was a senior in college, and he worked as a waiter. When this topic came up I immediately fell out of my stupor and started talking too.

"Oh you're a waiter, are you? I work at a truck stop actually. But it's more of a family, sit down restaurant, you know?"

He looked at me and laughed. "So you can talk, huh? I was beginning to wonder....Actually, I work in a club. I'm the bartender slash waiter. I normally mix the drinks but when we get busy I have the privilege of sucking up to rich snobs and taking their orders. But, it pays very well; I guess I shouldn't complain."

As we continued to walk and discuss our lives I noticed that he was slowing his pace. How funny, he didn't want the closure of our walk to come too soon. No, funny wasn't quite right, it was actually kind of sweet. I looked over at him, really sizing him up as he had done to me at the restaurant. He was tall, probably 6'3", with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He had a very good build, knowing my luck he was probably a dumb football player. I looked back at his face and realized he was staring at me. I blushed and turned my head away, knowing I'd been caught. We kept walking in silence until we reached an alley.

"Listen, your hotel is on the other side of this street, but I know a shortcut. We won't have to go all the way around the corner." He led me into a dark alley and I started to get nervous. In Kansas we don't have alleys. Where I live there aren't as many streets and alleys, everything's well lit and safe. As I walked farther into the dark, violent images appeared before my eyes. I thought of all the movies where people were murdered and robbed in a dark alley. Mark must have sensed this because he stopped.

"Don't worry, it's just a short distance. You can do it." He reached out his hand and I slowly walked toward him. We kept walking, with him leading the entire way. My heart had finally slowed down to its normal pace when Mark suddenly stopped. I was about to ask what was happening when he put his finger to his lips, signaling for me to be quiet. I automatically stopped and slowly looked around. I saw Mark turn a complete circle, looking for something, or someone. When he was finally facing me again his solemn face broke into a smile.

I exhaled forcefully, realizing that I had been holding my breath the entire time. "Why in God's name did you do that? You scared me to death." I started walking around him, to the end of the alley.

"Because I wanted to make sure we were alone."

I froze on the spot when I heard him whisper that. There was something in his tone that made me nervous. I slowly wheeled around to him, seeing his beautiful smile. For once it didn't make me feel like smiling also.

He walked up to me quickly, grabbing my hands. I looked down in shock, not expecting him to be this forward. He leaned in and planted his lips on mine. I was so shocked I couldn't move. I had never even really flirted with a guy until today, and here I was in a darkened alley kissing one. I pulled back and gasped.

"What are you doing, Mark? I can't do this. I don't even know you." I tried to pull away, but he grasped harder.

I saw the snarl form on his lips. "I don't care what you can't do, or who you know. You've been flirting with me since I first met you and now I'm so horny I can hardly stand it." He lunged for another kiss, pushing me against the alley wall. I could feel his anticipation, his eagerness, his pure hatred. I tried to turn my head, but he turned with me. I tried to move my hands, but he was too strong. I tried to kick my legs, but all I hit was his thigh. He pulled back quickly, though, gripping my arms tighter.

"Don't fight with me. You know you want this just as much as I do. You've been begging for it. That cute little "I'm lost" routine did exactly what you wanted it to do, didn't it? It got me into this alley with you."

He swept with his leg, knocking me to the ground. Bright stars exploded in front of my eyes as my head hit the concrete. He fell on top of me, pushing me into the cold concrete. "Oh if only it could swallow me up and take me away from this place." I could feel his excitement as he lay on top of me. He gripped both of my wrists in one hand and started undressing me. I felt the cold rush of air as my pants were pulled from my body. I could feel him thrust at me, not being able to wait any longer. I felt the tears spill over, leaving trails of moisture on my cheeks. I could feel all of this, but there was one thing that stood out from all the others. I could feel the shame coming from inside me.

"Why would he be doing this if I hadn't given off signs. I was the one who was flirting with him, eyeing his body, making small talk with him. I was totally open with him and acting like a little school boy. Oh my god....I made this happen." As this realization sunk in, I felt him sink in. My body screamed with the pain of being intruded. I tried to push him off, but he was too strong. With a quick shove he was completely inside me, tearing at my insides. I looked into his face, trying to catch a glimpse of the Mark I thought I knew. His dark brown eyes were black as the night; I couldn't see anything behind them. He looked to the sky and moaned, shouting words of ecstasy. I could feel him pounding into me, rubbing my back against the rough concrete.

Something inside of me snapped. My mind retreated from the horror I was experiencing, burying itself into a deep, warm place where it was safe. As it retreated it let go of its control on my body. My tears stopped flowing - the grimace on my mouth turned into a straight, cold line - my whole body went limp. As the last few strands of my mind slipped away I heard him cry out. The excitement was too much for him and he exploded inside of me. As his last shot escaped his body he crashed on top of me.

I couldn't feel his breath on my cheek, or the weight of his body on mine. I couldn't feel his softening shaft in between my legs. I couldn't feel anything. As his breath slowly returned to normal he looked into my eyes. He jumped, not seeing anything in them. As he slowly stood up, pulling on his pants, he yelled at me.

"Get the fuck up, you bitch. Don't just lie there." He moved my body with his foot; I was as limp as a rag doll. "Fine, just lie there like a dumb slut. That's what you are. You know that, right? You're nothing but a low-life slut. I just gave you what you deserved, flirting with me all night. And don't tell me you didn't enjoy it." He leaned in close and whispered the last words I'd ever hear from him.

"You deserved it."

And then he stood up quickly, running to the end of the alley.

I looked to the sky, searching for the stars. The fog and clouds were too heavy; the sky was black as coal, as black as Mark's eyes had been. I felt shame in what had happened, because I had caused it. He was right when he said that I deserved it. I'd flirted with him shamelessly and I'd gotten what I'd deserved. His words burned into my mind - you deserved it, you deserved it....I deserved it. My body slowly tensed up, curling me into a ball. I felt my arms slip around my legs, and my head turn to the side. Blackness slowly took over my vision. Everything was blurry and dark as I felt myself let go once again. The darkness closed on me completely as my mind retreated to safety.

But as the last strands of consciousness slipped away from me I heard the approaching footsteps.

To be continued...

Well, there it is - my first attempt at a celebrity fantasy (and there isn't even a celeb in it yet.) At first I didn't want to write this type of fantasy because I have no idea how a real celeb would act in person. But like all my other stories, this one came to me like a waterfall, overflowing my mind with ideas, plots, twists, and surprises. It has to be written. But, I will need help. I've never been to New York, or experienced much of what will happen throughout this story, so if you have any comments, suggestions, or facts (please, real facts about the guys only) then please, send them my way. My e-mail address, once again, is tumbler99@yahoo.com


Next: Chapter 2

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