Nsync Savior

By moc.oohay@99relbmut

Published on Aug 31, 1999


Note: This is a complete work of fiction. I am not implying that any character within this story is gay or bisexual. This is just my fantasy, so let me have it!!! I'm planning on making this a continuing plot, with twists and turns and everything else thrown in. So please, don't be afraid to send any comments my way. Since I've never been to New York I may need a little help with some scenery and stuff. Please e-mail me at tumbler99@yahoo.com

'N SYNC Savior

Chapter Fourteen

He leaned up and placed his lips on mine. He pressed his tongue into my mouth as we fought for the others love. I let myself fall onto my back and he laid on top of me. I could feel my body heat up as the kiss continued. There was a fierceness behind it - something that was pushing it farther than just a kiss. We were telling each other our secrets, revealing our inner most thoughts. Our essences were pouring together, combining into one. We softly broke the kiss as I started to smile.

"As long as you kiss me like that at least once a day, and promise to always make me feel the way I do when you smile at me, then I can wait forever." I smiled as JC's words sank into my heart. "You don't realize how special you make me feel. As much as I want to make love to you, it's not worth it when you aren't ready. I'm not here for anything more than your love. Anything else you want to give me is purely icing on the cake." I laughed as I pushed him off of me lightly.

"You're so corny sometimes. You do realize that, right?" He broke out laughing as both stood up. "I think it's time to head back now." We walked down the hall, hand in hand, and as he put his hand on the knob I tilted my head up for a kiss. This wasn't as earth-shattering but it was with the man I loved, and that was all I needed at the moment.

We opened the door and walked into the room expecting to hear catcalls or whistles from the other guys, but no sound came to our ears. The room was empty; little plastic sacks from the sandwiches lay on the table. JC gripped my hand tighter and walked farther into the room. I looked around as I heard words fall from his lips. "Where did they go?"

Something caught my eye as I looked over to the dresser. I saw a piece of paper with a pen lying across it. Glancing at it quickly I realized it was Lance's writing so I handed it to JC. He let go of my hand for the first time as he read the note. A smile spread over his face as he let out a laugh.

"They're downstairs in the movie library. They're looking for "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," if you can imagine that."

"What? Are they big fans of movies that suck?" I asked sarcastically as I moved over to the bed and sat down. I spread my hand over the comforter, smoothing it out. Looking up I caught JC's eye and winked. "Josh? Why don't you come sit down by me? They'll be gone for awhile."

He dropped the note in the trash and crawled onto the bed. Placing his knees on each side of my body he pressed me into the mattress. I sank lower as I felt his lips on my neck and his hands on the back of my head. I let out a little sigh as he nibbled my ear lobe. I could feel him start to respond; his cock pressed into my own as they both throbbed. He lifted his head and grinned down at me. "Looks like someone needs some relief....probably hasn't been touched in days, has he??" Before I could respond he leaned back into me as his tongue entered my mouth. My eyes were closed as we made out for a few minutes. As much as I was enjoying it, I couldn't take the lesser role much longer. I pushed him up slightly as I rolled my body. He fell onto his back and let out a shocked gasp.

"You can have top later, Josh. But right now I want to feel your strong body under me." I scooted my knees up so I was sitting on his abs. I leaned over and placed my hands on his strong pecs. They weren't as large as I expected but they felt wonderful under my fingers. We connected again as I stroked his upper body. One of my hands went to his hair as I brushed it lightly. The curls weren't overwhelming; my fingers slid through easily. I was still kissing him when the door burst open.

"I can't believe they didn't have....Holy Shit...." I heard Chris yell.

I pulled off quickly, rolling off to JC's side. I pressed my body into his to hide my erection but, poor him, he was stuck with a big tent in his jeans. Lance and Justin had pushed their way around Chris to see what was so interesting and were stopped dead in their tracks.

"Well....it sure looks like they've made up, doesn't it," Lance joked. Justin raised his hand and slapped his shoulder lightly.

"We can come back later JC, if you want a little privacy. We can watch the movie in my room," Chris threw in.

"If we had really wanted privacy we wouldn't have come back here. We're were just....waiting for you guys to return. But....umm....we're done now I suppose." He tried to cover up his bulge, even though it was shrinking by the second.

"It sure doesn't look like you were done," Justin whispered. Lance looked over with a questioning look - he was the only one who heard.

"So what movies did you guys get? I hope you didn't stick purely with trashy horror movies." I laughed as I sat up, readjusting my shirt and shorts.

"Well, lucky for you," Lance answered back, "they didn't seem to have Texas Chainsaw Massacre.' And as disappointed as Chris was, we ended up getting The Cutting Edge.' It's one of my favorites movies."

"You've got to be kidding me? I haven't seen that movie in like three months - I never go that long. I can't believe you guys rented it."

"Well you know it's just because I knew you would like it." Lance tried to take pride in is accomplishments but it wasn't working.

"Oh please, you didn't even know." Justin broke in.

"Well, I didn't KNOW....but I knew. Whatever, lets just watch the movie and wait for Joey to get back. But if he's not here by the time they get drunk after National's then we're calling him."

I sat back and smiled as the guys joked around. I caught JC staring at me so I leaned in for a quick kiss. He smiled as we broke and he stood up to get the rest of our food. I looked over at Lance who was setting up the VCR and smiled. It was amazing how good of friends we were becoming. I looked over at Chris who was closing the blinds to keep the glare from the TV and smiled at how much he had helped me in the past day. Finally I looked over to the floor and saw Justin staring at me. He flinched, realizing he had been caught, but he couldn't seem to break the stare. I held his gaze in mine for a second before smiling. I mouthed the words "we need to talk" as precisely as I could and he nodded his head before looking back at the screen.

"Come on Lance. I need to see D.B. Sweeney's awesome body. Can't you hurry up any?" He stuttered on a few of the words, not quite sure how to act around me, so I decided to ease his worries.

"Yeah Lance. Even YOU have to admit he's got a good body." JC looked over at me with his eyebrows raised. "Oh don't give me that Josh. You have a better one, but he does have a good one."

Lance and Chris laughed as JC started to smile. "Well Matt, I suppose I could say he's good looking," the room broke into laughter as Chris yelled some comments, "BUT....that doesn't mean I want to sleep with him."

"Ahh, but I didn't say anything about good-looking. I just said you should be able to say he has a good body." I corrected him.

"He's got you there Lance. It looks like our little Scoop is joining the majority, isn't he?" Chris shrieked with fake glee.

If a pillow would have been in his reach it would have soon been flying through the air, but luckily for Chris there were no immediate weapons for Lance to grab.

"You just wait Chris. You'll get yours when you least expect it."

"Oh I'm so scared. Bring it on big man...." Lance stood up and faked a move to Chris but simply turned around and sat on the bed beside me.

"Sorry buddy, but I couldn't pass it up," I said, laughing.

"Oh don't you worry either. You're not off my list either." He leaned back into the pillow as a wicked smile formed on his face. "In fact I'm slowly thinking of some things that would just embarrass you to death."

"Bring it on buddy, just bring it on. You'll find out very quickly that it takes a lot to truly embarrass me. I may turn red and I may seem like I want to die, but looks can be deceiving." I put an angelic face on for the next part. "But you can try. I'm very interested in seeing how good you are."

"Well....I for one am NOT interested to see what you can do with him," JC started. "Why don't you scoot over a little and let me sit by him. You're not interested, remember??" he joked.

"I'm not interested in sleeping with him. Being friends is different. I hope you remember that Josh." Although the toned was friendly I could feel the tension in his voice.

JC looked around the room as a stillness fell over it and soon ended up back on Lance's face. "If you must know, we've taken care of that all ready. You don't have to worry about anything." Lance slowly moved himself over and let JC crawl up on the bed. Chris took the chair as I threw a pillow down to Justin.

"Here, make yourself comfortable Just." He looked up and smiled.

"Why thank you. You're such a gentleman....for a 17 y/o of course." I laughed as I snuggled up closer to JC and the previews started. I looked up, trying to give him a kiss, but his face was turned to look at Lance. Lance was staring back at him and I could see the thoughts flowing wildly. I knew it wouldn't escalate too much but I still felt obligated to put an end to it.

"Lance, don't worry about anything. If you must know we are planning on waiting until I'm ready." The look of horror on JC's face was so shocking I had to stop. "What? It's not like they aren't your family. I don't mind telling them." I looked back over at Lance while Chris and Justin looked up. "I've always planned on waiting until I found the right man, and even though I may have found him, I'm still not ready. So to answer your question, he's not just interested in sex. And honestly," I added on, slightly exasperated, "I'm surprised that you actually had to ask."

Lance took up the defensive. "I didn't want to - and it came out the wrong way - but I think that we all like you so much that we don't want to see you hurt anymore than you already have been. It's not that I don't trust JC - he knows I do - but it just slipped out of my mouth." I leaned up to JC and smiled. "See Josh? Now everyone's kosher with everyone else and they all know about our relationship. They're your family and I'm not going to be the one to pull you away from them. I feel comfortable around each and everyone one of them so I don't want to have to hide anything."

I saw the defenses fall down as I continued to talk and realized that I had won. He was opening up more every hour it seemed. "Now can we just watch the movie? I want to see one of my favorite movies with my first boyfriend." I sank into him more as his arm gripped me tighter. He put a kiss on my head as he stroked my arm. The room got quiet as Chris hit the fast-forward button on the remote. Justin was still staring at us but quickly pulled his gaze away when he heard sounds from the TV. D.B. would be on soon and he wanted to soak in every image he could.

Two hours later, after I had shed tears on JC's shoulder during the fight scene around the dinner table, and laughed gleefully during the winning performance and climax of the movie, we all stood up and headed to the door.

"My God, I love that movie. Every time I see the two of them together I just get chills. They play that love/hate relationship so well." I looked over at Justin and tried to get him involved in the conversation - right now it was just between Lance and I. I knew we still had to talk but I wasn't going to just leave him out of anything. "What about you Justin? Did seeing D.B.'s body help at all? I saw you moving a little restlessly down there," I kidded him.

"Well you know," he started with a grin. "No, but really. I haven't seen that movie in ages and it really is good. I love the feeling I've got in my stomach now."

"But I think you loved the feeling you had a little lower even more!" Chris quickly ran down the hall as Justin followed suit. JC and I were left standing next to Lance. He looked down at our hands and smiled even bigger.

"I'm glad you guys are figuring things out on your own. I'm happy that JC has finally found someone he deserves. And he does deserve you Matt - almost as much as you deserve him!!" We continued walking down the hall and entered the elevator.

"So what's the plan, Stan?" Chris was acting a little too hyper and JC immediately understood my questioning gaze.

"He gets like this when he gets restless and bored. We just need to go do something and he'll be fine!"

"Well did you ever get a hold of Joey, Lance? You went into the bathroom so much I wasn't quite sure what you were doing." The elevator swished to a stop as Chris broke out laughing. I just had to smile at his behavior.

"Yeah. It seems like that girl is really interesting so he's going to meet up with her later tonight for dinner, but we're going to meet him at the little cafe he's at right now. Knowing him he's eaten them out of most everything."

"You guys ready for this? It'll be pretty hectic." JC grabbed my shoulder and then dropped his hand into mine. He grinned down at me as my lips went from ear to ear.

"I'm not going to hide anymore than I need to," he whispered in my ear.

"Just be careful though. I don't want to get you in trouble. But I know everything happens for a reason so lets just leave it up to fate. If we're supposed to be caught we will be - if we aren't, we won't." The doors opened and we walked out quickly. We didn't break into a run this time - there weren't enough fans. Lance and Chris were at the head of our group and they were immediately stopped. Each of the guys signed a few CD cases as I stood off to the corner. I looked around and saw the limo out front so I made my way to the door. I looked over my shoulder and saw each of the four guys with huge smiles on their face. I had to laugh at the scene. Then JC looked up and caught my eye. He winked and laughed as I tripped over my feet. I caught myself on a table and turned away. I stood outside by the driver for a few minutes. He was apologizing, once again, for his previous accident but I reassured him, once again, that it was in the past.

Finally the guys got out of the circus and climbed into the limo. I followed them and sat next to JC. Justin had picked up Lance it seemed and was having a conversation with him. It looked like he was just trying to avoid looking at me but I could see the glances he stole whenever he could. I just turned my head and focused my attention on Chris and JC. We were talking about the tour when the phone rang.

"Yes?" Chris asked as he picked up the receiver. "Oh, give me a minute....Guys? Where exactly do we want to go?"

"Oh man....I forgot to tell him." Lance moved up to the phone and proceeded in giving him the address to the cafe. "And after we pick up Joey we would like to head....umm....give me a sec. Matt? Where would we like to go? You said airports are good places, but we were just there this morning. Anywhere else?" Everyone looked at me as I thought of different places.

Whenever I people watch I get so wrapped up in it that I really don't think of the actual setting. I pushed through my memory and tried to find a suitable place. Airports were obvious. Hotels were okay but the stories seemed to run together. A mall was also all right but the guys didn't want to go there. What we needed as a big place where a lot of different people would be walking by. Suddenly the lights flashed in my eyes.

"Why don't we go to Central Park? There are plenty of people there, plenty of grass to sit on, and you won't really be recognized unless you want to be. How's that sound?" Without waiting for an answer Lance was back on the phone, talking to the driver. JC pulled me in closer and kissed me as Justin looked on.

Twenty minutes later we pulled up to the front of the cafe as the door was quickly opened. Joey jumped in with his shirt untucked and his faded red hair a mess.

"Have a little fun while you were waiting?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh man yeah." He answered sarcastically while trying to breath. "I was doing fine until about five minutes ago when someone recognized me. Then everyone came over and wouldn't let me go. I had to break into a run to get away from them and get here." He looked around the limo to smile at everyone. Chris was still acting hyper. Lance was sitting quietly with a thoughtful look on his face. Justin was almost grumpy, like he didn't want to be there. And finally he landed back on JC and myself. "So what have you guys been doing?"

I looked up at JC and smiled. "Well we've had quite an eventful day actually. I had some sort of flashback in the alley and relived the whole rape again. But Josh was there for me and Mark disappeared before he was completely finished. I really can't explain it but I know I needed to go through it."

"My God....are you all right? Did you get hurt?" I could sense the concern in his voice so I eased his worries.

"I'm fine. Like I said, Josh was there the entire time." I gave him a quick peck before I continued. "Then we got some Greek food and watched a movie while everyone relaxed. Umm....that's really all there was, nothing else too interesting." I looked over at Justin to let him know that I knew something else had happened but I wasn't going to rat him out. "And now we're heading to Central Park to watch some people. Maybe throw a Frisbee around or something!"

"Awesome. Well we have to be back by 5 or so because I'm meeting up with Jennifer at 7 to hit a club." The wheels turned in his head as he got excited. "I didn't even think about this. Why don't you guys come with us. She would love to meet you and I know you want to get out of the hotel."

The group looked over at me and I just had to laugh. "I'm not the only one on vacation here guys. You're the ones who know the places to go and things to see. I'm just along for the ride."

Justin was ready to talk but Lance interrupted him. "We know that....but I guess we just want to make sure you're feeling all right. I don't want to leave you at the hotel alone. I don't think any of us do."

"We want to spend time with you, hope you don't mind," Chris jumped in.

I looked over at Justin and smiled. "And what's your excuse Curly?"

He seemed a little bashful as he turned his head out the window. "I don't know, I just happened to look over your way when he said that." I could sense the iciness in his voice.

"Well if you don't seem to care one way or another than I suppose I'll go with you guys - if you think I can get in."

"Don't worry baby. You'll be able to get in." Hearing JC's voice in my ear made me smile so wide I had to tilt my head back for a kiss. Breaking away I looked back at the group.

"All right. It's settled then. We'll stay at the park for awhile and then head back to the hotel to clean up before heading out to the club." I laughed as I continued. "I gotta warn you though, I'm not sure you can keep up with me. I may not be as good as you all are, but I can go forever." I heard some ohh's and ahh's from the group as Joey said "bring it on." The limo slowly pulled to a stop when Justin looked up at me. "But I definitely am getting a dance with you buddy, so don't even think of hiding. I'm going to show you how to have a good time if it kills me." He looked back at me with a shocked expression on his face but I didn't care. His mixed signals were ticking me off and I wasn't going to take it anymore.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 15

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