Nsync Savior

By moc.oohay@99relbmut

Published on Mar 4, 2000


Note: This is a complete work of fiction. I am not implying that any character within this story is gay or bisexual. This is just my fantasy, so let me have it!!! I'm planning on making this a continuing plot, with twists and turns and everything else thrown in. So please, don't be afraid to send any comments my way. Since I've never been to New York I may need a little help with some scenery and stuff. Please e-mail me at tumbler99@yahoo.com

Well guys, this is it. I can't do it any longer and I don't feel like explaining why. The story isn't actually done with, as you'll soon see, but there won't be any chapters coming unless something magical happens. I don't want you all to think that anything awful has happened to me; just the opposite has in fact. I'm really feeling good and getting busy with life and I don't need to write anymore. And just look at all the other stories in the archive now!! You guys won't be missing mine anyway. So, here's to one last bang with my boys. I love you all.

`N SYNC Savior

Chapter Nineteen

"I'm sure he'll be all right, but I'm worried guys. Why would Lance have a dram with Mark in it? He wasn't the one...."

"Justin, just stop right there." JC interrupted, trying to save my feelings. I rubbed his back lovingly, realizing exactly what he had done. But how was I supposed to let him know that he didn't need to protect me from everything? "We all saw Mark today. And if Lance is feeling at all emotional about what's been happening, which we all know he is, then it's not surprising he had a dream about it." He sat down on the side of the bed and let out a sigh. "We'll just have to wait until tomorrow when he wakes up, okay?" He looked at both of us with a question in his eye. "Okay?"

I just nodded as I leaned into him. Justin moved around on the bed to get comfortable, making sure he kept body contact with Lance. JC and I curled up together as our eyes closed.

And sleep took over once again.

The sun filled the room with glorious light as we slowly awakened. A smile formed on my lips as I slowly forced my eyes open. The first thing I saw, the one image that made my heart flutter, was JC's beautiful mouth, slightly parted as his shallow breath came in and out. I felt my pulse start to pound harder as I stared at him.

"You two make a sweet couple." I jumped at the sound of Lance's deep voice, but luckily JC just mumbled a little and gripped my body tighter.

"You scared me to death," I whispered. "How are you feeling?" I could see his green eyes fill with worry and for a second he no longer looked like the young man I had grown accustomed to seeing. I could hear him sigh as he slowly shifted his weight.

"I'm feeling better now that I got some sleep. But I can remember exactly what happened, Matt. I can still feel him on top of me." He turned to look me in the eyes as he started to fluster. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm sitting here moaning about a silly dream when it really happened to you."

"Lance, don't worry," I smiled. "I don't expect you guys to keep treating me like I'm some fragile child. Yes, I got raped. But I'm getting over it. I need you all to understand that. I just need...I need to think through some things myself. It's not really something you can help me with."

"But Matt...."

"Just stop, Lance. I'm very happy that you care about me enough to worry like this, but you don't need to. I think I've been relying on you guys way too much already. I need to stop it."

I knew I had crossed a line, pushed it too far, but I also knew I couldn't stop. I'd been in similar situations before and I wasn't going to get hurt by this one. There were friends in my past who weren't my friends anymore simply because of one reason - I screwed up. Whenever I get into good relationships with other guys, guys I desperately want to be close friends with, I start reading into the situation; I try to second-guess every little thing that happens between us; I overreact when the tiniest joke is made; I try to help but all I really do is hurt.

For as long as I can remember, my heart has been an open container, brimming with love and interest in everything and everyone around me. But after awhile I realized that it wasn't always good to have such an open-book life. My emotions were constantly sitting under a guillotine, pleading to be spared from the pain, but they nearly always got hurt. My heart, the one thing I value more than anything in this world, has been ripped out in situations like these. But no matter how many times I've been hurt, I can't forget what I'm looking for: the light that has been shining in the distance for years, the second half that will make me whole, the person that will finally make me happy. But I've never found it; I've never found it in all of these years.

"Why would I believe I've found it now?" I whispered to myself, not even realizing Lance was staring at me intensely.

"Matt? I think I know what you're worried about," he started slowly, "but I want you to realize that I've felt the same way." My head turned to face him as I started taking interest. "Even though I've been traveling with the guys for years, I did attend a normal high school, just like you and almost every other teenage boy in the country. I was always independent and self-sufficient, an `I can do everything myself' kinda guy. But I never had many close friends I could really rely on. I never had anyone I could call up at 2 in the morning when I was feeling a little low." He shifted around on the bed, making sure he didn't wake Justin. "I don't know exactly why I didn't have those friends. I had a ton of people I knew from school, saw them every day, talked to them every day....but it's not the same, is it?"

I shook my head slowly, thinking back even more on my past.

"But there were times I tried to connect with someone, tried to make that one friend I could keep forever. I so desperately wanted to find someone like that." he started drifting off into his own world, speaking a little quieter as his eyes closed. "But I finally found it. And I didn't even have to try that hard either. These guys fell into my lap and all the years of worrying and kicking myself for screwing things up just disappeared. And do you want to know why? I stopped feeling like that because these guys are real." I smiled as I realized how emotional he was becoming. "These guys are meant for me, just like I hope I am for them. No, scratch that - just like I know I am for them. We are supposed to be together, maybe not necessarily to sing, but we are meant to be together as best friends. I truly believe that."

"And that's awesome, but...."

He once again finished my sentence for me. "....but that doesn't happen to you, right?"

I nodded my head as I felt despair sink in. "No matter how hard I try, it doesn't work. There was this one guy back in high school, and I wanted to be his friend so bad. He was cool, and intelligent, and funny, and a real nice guy....when he wanted to be," I sneered. "But no matter what I did, we didn't connect. He wanted nothing to do with me, and I have a feeling I'll probably never really talk to him again, not the way we have before."

Lance just sat there and smiled, letting me remember my friend. But then he finally continued. "But don't you see, Matt? You and he weren't supposed to be good friends. It wasn't meant to be," he stressed with passion. "But now I want to get in your face and slap you a little." I let out a fake gasp, trying not to laugh. "Oh, just hush," he laughed back. "I want you to look around this room and realize who you're sitting with. I want you to think back over the past couple of days and realize some of the things you've done. I want you to think back over the past couple of years and remember how much interest you've shown in us. Granted, we really didn't drop into your laps....you actually fell into ours. But," he continued, "it doesn't matter. You're here now and you're not going anywhere. You're with five great guys that really care for you. Five great guys that you've already connected with in ways that you've never connected with anyone else before. But if I know you, and I'm pretty sure I do, then it's safe to say that this situation is exactly what you've been wanting to happen forever. A small group of friends that you can be completely free with, knowing exactly what every person is thinking and feeling, and never having to worry about offending them. And that's exactly what you have here." He leaned into me a little, and continued in a conspiracy whisper. "And as a side benefit, you get a best friend that will never let you go, no matter what you do to try to back away." He smiled broadly as if he was proud of himself. "You get ME!"

I let out a slight chuckle as the smile formed over my face. I looked down at JC, his curly hair a tangle of black, his soft skin perfectly smooth and wonderful, his full lips slightly parted, his chest slowly lifting up and down as he took in another breath. I looked over at Justin, sleeping next to Lance. His mouth was closed, but his hair was a tangle of color too. He actually let out a little snort while I was watching him and it just made me laugh a little harder. I closed my eyes as I looked to the balcony door, picturing the beautiful day that was already forming right outside. A lot of good things were happening, things that I could never have planned, and who was I to say they weren't right? I looked back at Lance as he stared at me intently. I could see the smile he was trying to hide, but it didn't matter, he was right. "If I can't believe this whole past week has been fate, then I have no right to say I believe in anything anymore," I thought to myself.

"But what about Josh?" I whispered, suddenly feeling the uneasiness again.

"What about him?" Lance replied frankly. "He'll give you all the love you'll ever need. And I know that he'll forgive you for whatever you could possibly do to him, just like you'll do the same whenever he screws up. You know how much he loves you." My heart was speeding up. "You won't screw up, but if you do, things will work out the way they're supposed to. Either you'll apologize, or he'll forgive you before you have the opportunity, or if all else fails, I'll step in and knock some sense into you guys, once again, since that appears to be my job already. I swear, I don't know how I get roped into these situations...."

"Oh please," I sighed, "you know you want to be a part of this too. You're just still angry I didn't pick you!"

He let out a huge laugh as he fell back onto the bed. Justin was tossed to the side and quickly awakened, unaware of what was happening. He looked around with a lot of questions on his lips and even started asking some of them. In the process, JC woke up and yawned, leaning back into me as I stroked his chest. He turned his head up as I leaned in for a kiss. As I sat back up I looked at Lance and winked, letting him know I was feeling better.

"Good, now don't let it happen again," he said with a stern voice. "But if it does, I suppose you could always come to me," he laughed.

"Don't you know it! Thank, doc." I slowly lifted JC up as I slipped off the bed, stretching my back and legs.

"What's the problem?" Justin asked, still confused. "What exactly has been going on in the past couple of minutes?"

"Oh, don't worry, Curly. Matt was just having some "man" issues and I was clearing them up for him." He turned to look at me with a straight face. "And remember, take those pills until the rash goes away." Turning to JC he started to look a little angry. "And you should really watch who you affect with that nasty rash you have. Little Matt here has it in some of the weirdest places."

"Oh, so I'm little now, huh?" I attacked, jumping on the bed.

"Well, JC is really the only one who'd know...." He was cut off as a pillow covered his face. JC was tickling his feet as Justin held his hands down. I was straddling his chest, trying to smother him the best I could. He finally yelped `uncle' as I removed the pillow.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," I said proudly. "No one calls me little until they've proven to me that they're big."

Justin broke in with a sinister smile on his face. "Well, I'm sure you've heard the rumors about our little Southern boy here."

"Oh my yes! Some of them can be pretty graphic, actually! I feel like I already know everything I need to."

"Excuse me?" JC interrupted. "What exactly do you feel you NEED to know?"

"Oh poor baby," I pouted. "Don't worry, I'm not one of those guys that think size matters." Turning back to Lance, I patted his leg. "You don't have to worry about me running off with Mr. Stallion here. He could never hold my interest long enough!!"

JC grabbed me around the waist and wrestled me to the end of the bed, rolling on top of me. He plastered me with kisses as Lance sat there, dead white. Justin was cracking up and trying not to fall off the bed.

"I can't....he didn't....do they really...." Lance was mumbling quickly, not wanting to believe what he was starting to piece together. We finally broke our little group up as everyone stood up. I walked with JC back down to our room as Justin slipped into his. Lance was still sitting in silence as the door slipped closed and my laugh echoed down the hall.

"How are you feeling this morning," JC asked worriedly. I was stripping out of my shirt so I couldn't see his face. Turning around I suddenly looked down at my chest, the grin falling quickly from my face.

"Umm....I'm all right," I mumbled. I was obviously thinking of something else, and JC didn't let this slip past him. He walked up to me and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me in tight.

"What's wrong, love? Why so sad all of a sudden?"

"I just realized that this is the first time you've seen me....well, without my shirt on. You would think that with all the swimming I do, I'd be used to being half-naked, but I still hate doing it."

JC got a curious look on his face as he cocked his head to the side, eyeing my body. "Now why on earth would you hate that? You've got a beautiful body - all smooth and tight, very soft skin, no fat anywhere."

"But don't you see? That's the whole problem - I have no fat anywhere. And no real muscles to see. I hate being this skinny, but no matter what I do, I can't change."

He dropped his head to my shoulder, pursing his lips right by my skin. He trailed down my arm and ended with a knight's kiss on the top of my hand. "Now enough with this silly talk. So you were blessed with the gift of high metabolism. So you're not built like a bodybuilder. Do those things really matter in the long run? Your body is going to change so much in your lifetime, it's only a small part of you. And it has nothing to do with the real you." He started turning us in a slow circle, hearing music in his head. I softly swayed along with him, letting him control me, drifting into his body. "I think your body is beautiful, but I'll admit, I may be a little biased in that thought. Would you like me to bring Lance in here for a second opinion?"

I could hear the smile in his voice as I slowly pushed him away. "You do and I may just not shower with you like I had planned." I walked slowly away from him, into the bathroom, and stripped out of my remaining clothes. The door was half cracked as I turned on the shower. Within seconds I could hear the door open completely, JC standing in the door frame without any clothes on. I looked back with a smile and then quickly turned my head, stepping into the steam and the curtains. I smiled to myself as I felt his hand on my shoulder. I was starting to get excited, but I forced myself to stare at the wall, feeling his warm fingers rubbing across my back and front. My eyes were closed as the wall drifted out of focus and I began to moan. The feeling was undeniable now; my cock was throbbing as I leaned back into him. And I was not the only one excited.

I lifted his hand from my chest and brought it to my lips. After kissing it a few times I brought it to my head, letting him run his fingers through my hair. During the day, when I have gel in it, I'm never able to do this. It is only in the morning or late evening when I feel the softness and silkiness of my hair. As JC slid his fingers through, he turned my head to the side, giving him access to my neck. Little nibbles and kisses were soon causing more moans to escape my lips, so I quickly reached for a bar of soap.

I turned to face him, staring into his eyes, as I lathered up the bar. I started on his chest and worked my way over his body. Of course, as I bent down to my knees I purposely ignored the throbbing situation I found before me. As I looked up into his eyes, seeing the smile radiating from his face, I couldn't help but laugh. And as that laugh took over I thought of the one thing I could do for him at that moment to let him know how special he was to me.

Lance continued to sit shocked until he finally yelled at himself to get over it. "There are web-pages all over the internet that spill secrets and information about you daily. You should know that some of them are going to get a little personal." He slowly stood and stripped out of his clothes, feeling very vulnerable all of a sudden. He quickly made his way to the shower and stepped inside, blasting his body with burning water. He ran the soap over his lean frame roughly, trying to wash off all traces of his dream. As he soaped his hair up he suddenly stopped, feeling the desperation wash over him intensely. He leaned against the wall as the tears took over, streaming down his face. He felt his knees buckle but he grabbed the wall before he could slide down.

The dream was still so fresh in his mind; he could hear Mark's words tear through him. "There's no way I can be gay," he thought to himself. "I've been around so many gay people the last few years, there's no reason why I would be hiding it from myself. Seriously, everyone already thinks I am, so it's not like I haven't thought about it." He slowly began to feel more stable as he locked his knees once again. "No, you've been completely honest with yourself for years. You know that you're not gay, so don't even think about it. All you wanted to do was try to get a feel for what Matt went through. That's all you wanted to do," he told himself forcefully.

I slowly lowered my eyes as I bent even closer to the ground. I softly placed a kiss on the top of his left foot, and then did the same on his right. I could hear him gasp and I tried not to laugh. It didn't work.

"What the hell was that for?" He asked curiously.

"You're a god, Josh. You're one of the most beautiful creatures on this planet and I wanted you to know that I would do anything for you....even bow at your feet and kiss them." I slowly stood, handing him the bar of soap. "It was a spur of the moment thing; I'm normally not that weird."

"No, no, no," he stated quickly. "I don't think it's weird at all. I've just....I've never had anyone do that. I've never had anyone say that they would do anything for me." I interrupted him with a laugh. "Well," he smiled sheepishly, "never anyone that wasn't a girl under the age of 15." He leaned in close to whisper to me. "But I think I have a challenger on that `most beautiful creature' title. And he happens to be standing right in front of me." He slowly turned me around as he started scrubbing my back. He wrapped his strong arms around my thin body and wash my front. He leaned into whisper in my ear before he continued. "I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with your body. Everybody is different: some thin, some fat, some tall some short. I fell in love with you....your hot body is just something I got on the side."

He slipped down to his knees, washing my legs and ass. He spent a little too much time on my butt though, so I had to drop a hand to my side, lifting him up by the chin. "Not yet mister. You're smooth, but I'm not ready."

"And neither am I baby. I would never dream of pushing it."

I glanced down at his waist and laughed. "It sure looks like you're ready to me." Blood rushed to his face as he grew crimson red. "And I think I may have called the wrong person `Mr. Stallion,' didn't I?" I reached for the shampoo and placed a small amount on my palm. I stood on my toes as I kissed his eyelids, telling him to close them, and I started washing vigorously. Our cocks were touching and try as I might, I couldn't think of anything else. I could feel the shiver run through his body so I quickly turned around and pulled him closer to the water. The soap ran down his lean body as I stared in awe. His eyes slowly opened and he watched me watch him. He pulled me in and kissed me furiously. His hands were grabbing my back, pulling me into him. I was running my own over his ass and lower back, slipping my tongue into his mouth. I had only made out with one other person before, but that was nothing compared to what was happening now. His lips were so soft and I drew energy from him as we continued to kiss. We were pressing so tightly together that it almost hurt, but there was no pain. I felt like I was floating in the clouds again, lost in my dream, but I knew this time it was real.

It wasn't until I started to cry that I pulled away.

Justin stepped out of the shower and dried quickly. Opening the closet he realized that he had nothing planned to wear. "It's your vacation, dude. Wear whatever the hell you want." He quickly grabbed a pair of windpants and a North Carolina jersey. The mirror caught his attention on the way to the bed, so he stopped and stared.

His hair was wild, still wet and dripping a little, but his face took over when his smile appeared. No matter where he was, his smile drew attention from everyone who saw it. His teeth were perfectly white and his lips looked so delicious when they were slightly parted. His upper body was perfectly sculpted, bulging biceps and large pecs. His six-pac really needed some work, though, and he decided that would be the goal of his vacation. The love trail that led to his long cock was full and bushy, trimmed so the wild hairs were nowhere to be found. He twisted his body a little, staring at his lower back and ass. He'd been in enough chat rooms to know that he had what everyone called a `bubblebutt,' one of those tight, indented asses that top men just loved to plunge into. "But that's one area that's off limits, isn't it? I don't think there's anyone special enough to get me to do that." He turned his body back around and started walking closer to the mirror. As his body grew bigger in the mirror, his cock grew bigger in his hand. By the time he filled the mirror, his shaft more than filled his hand. His hairy balls were hanging low, swinging heavily with a full load in them. Twisting one of his nipples with his left hand, he started stroking lightly, feeling the friction over his cock. He let out a small moan as the image of Ben Affleck filled his mind's eye. Ever since they had met a few years back, Justin had developed the biggest crush on Ben. His startling good looks, his ruggish exterior, his beautiful laugh. He was a complete opposite of Justin in the looks department and that was he was so attracted to him. He knew nothing would ever happen though, because any man that masculine had to be a top. "But you never know," he though. "He may be a bottom, or may be exactly what I need to try it out for myself."

He continued to stroke his throbbing cock as the fantasy filled his mind. It was always the same. Justin would walk into a locker room and see Ben changing by his open locker. They would exchange a handshake and start talking about their respective lives, and then Ben would ask if he'd like a partner for the workout. An hour would be spent lifting weights and staring at his beautiful body, and then they'd go back to the showers, stripping from their sweaty clothes. This was the time when Justin knew to turn on the charm, making sly little comments about Ben's body and physique. Within minutes they would be in the showers, Justin throbbing hard and Ben looking surprisingly accepting of the situation. And then he would be on his hands and knees, Justin's monster cock slipping in and out of his tight ass. His balls would be slapping Ben's ass because he would be completely inside the hot stud. And then, after ramming him for hours, that tingle would take over his body and he would explode....

....all over the mirror. He opened his eyes as he tried to catch his breath. He was still slowly stroking himself, trying to get the last of his sweet jizz out of his cock. There were streams of cum running down the mirror and he had to laugh. He quickly grabbed his towel from the bed and wiped up his mess. "Can't let the maid find this one," he chuckled to himself. He felt a tremendous relief as he started dressing, but not from the fact that he'd just shot his load. He was relieved because he hadn't subconciously added me to the fantasy. He didn't know what he would have done if I would have appeared.

"Why are you crying? Am I that bad of a kisser?" I tried not to laugh, but JC's face was too sweet for me to continue crying.

"No, oh god no. I doubt there is anyone better, actually, but I just can't help it. I don't want this to end Josh. I don't want you to have to continue with your tour in a few days and leave me all alone. I don't want you to show me this wonderful light and then take it away from me." I leaned into his chest, hearing his heart beat quickly.

"Do you really think I would do that? Do you really think I would just let you go?" I softly sighed into his chest and he knew to continue. "I've been thinking about this quite a lot actually, especially since the conversation we had last night." He kissed me on the top of my head. "I haven't decided exactly what we're going to do yet, but I know we'll figure something out. I'm in love with you, Matt, and I'm not going to let you go. We've only got three more days here, but if it's all right with you....and I hope I'm not overstepping myself here....I would love for you to come on the tour wth us until you have to go back home. I know it might not be as interesting as New York...."

"Do you mean it?" I whispered. "Do you really want me to come with you?"

The smile took over his serious face as he leaned in for a kiss. "You are so sweet at times, Matt. But I'm going to have to do something to make you believe me the first time I say something. Of course I mean it. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and that includes the rest of this tour." I kissed him hard, trying not to smile as I did so. For some reason I can never kiss and smile at the same time. I think it's a little too hard for me because I start laughing and then I start thinking of the situation, and then I laugh harder.

But there was no laughing this time.

The guys started drifting into Lance's room as the morning dragged on. Chris ordered room service as Justin flipped on the TV. He was surprisingly relaxed and had a huge grin on his face. Lance also had a smile, but he was forcing it, and he wasn't sure how much longer it would last. Joey was still pretty sleepy, but the food was slowly reviving him. Chris was the only one that seemed bored.

"So, what are we going to do today? And where are the lovebirds? Hey Justin, why do you look so happy?" The questions flew from his mouth as he tried to stuff some french toast in at the same time. Lance had to laugh, but he turned to stare at Justin too.

"You do seem remarkably chipper after sleeping with me last night." The room grew silent as those words floated through the air.

"Excuse me?" Joey asked while trying to catch his breath. "What do you mean, sleeping with you?"

"Oh, nothing major. The four of us just had a little slumber party in here last night after I had a bad dream. You guys must not have woken up when the others did."

"Jeez, Lance. Are you all right? What was it about?" Chris questioned.

"Oh it was nothing," Justin cut in. "Our little cowboy was dreaming of some Indians chasing him, that's all." The room busted out with laughter as Lance nodded his head, silently thanking Justin.

"You know how those arrows scare me sometimes! Anyway, JC and Matt went to go shower; they should be here soon, actually."

We stepped out of the shower and went to look through our clothes. "Wow," I gasped. "You sure do have a selection here. How much of this stuff did you actually pay for?"

JC dried his hair a little more as he looked over his clothes. "Everything in there was pretty much given to me: different photo shoots and stuff, deals with clothing companies. All of my real stuff is left down in Florida, for when we're on break. It seems like we're pretty much told what to wear while we're in the public eye, so I figure it's easier just to leave my stuff down South. I mean, I can wear whatever I want in the hotel and bus, but I just decide to leave it all there."

I reached through his closet and pulled out a tight fitting green shirt. "Sweet," I cried. "This color is so perfect. And feel the material."

He walked closer to me, to get a better look at the shirt, and started laughing. "I can't believe you like that." I looked at him with a worried look, but he continued quickly. "That's probably my favorite shirt in the whole wardrobe, but none of the other guys would even consider wearing it. I picked that off of the rack one day and all the guys told me to drop it. But I really liked it, so I decided to go with it anyway." He laughed as he remembered the day. "I came out of my room a few days later with it on and they were all shocked at how good it looked. I never let them forget it." He looked into my eyes and then down at the shirt. "I want you to try it on. It looks like it would fit your body perfectly, and I know that color would go great with your eyes." A smile slowly crept onto my face as I started to get nervous. Here I was, standing in front of JC Chasez, trying on his favorite shirt. And I didn't even want to think of what I'd just done in the shower with him.

"Hey Matt? Just try it on, okay? You don't have anything to feel uncomfortable about. This is what couples do. At least I'm pretty sure they do. And if they don't, then it doesn't matter; this is what we're going to do, all right? Anything that's mine is now yours."

I slipped the shirt over my head and felt the material cling to my body. I twirled for the mirror and loved what I saw, for once.

"Wow," he whispered. "That towel goes so well with that shirt." I stopped spinning and shot him a death stare.

"Hush now dear, or else I won't take this towel off like I'd planned to." He immediately closed his mouth as a sparkle filled his eye. I slowly turned my back to him and moved my hips suggestively, letting the towel slip down slightly. My smooth ass soon appeared as I stopped dancing, moving for the closet again. I pulled out a pair of my cargo pants and cotton boxers, slipping into them. The entire time JC sat on the bed and stared, unable to move.

"Oh Josh, stop it. You know that you're just acting like this to make me feel better."

"Is it working?" He asked sweetly.

I slowly made my way over to him and held his face in my hands. I pushed him on his back as I crawled on top of him, straddling his stomach. "Of course it is. But I just need you to be patient with me. I've never had anyone tell me that I was beautiful, or even good-looking, so it will take some time to get used to it. And I don't need you to be lying about it, or exaggerating even, just to make me feel good."

"Okay Matt, please, lets just stop this little foolish agrument. I know how you feel about lying and I promise that I will do the same with you. There is never anything that I won't tell you; there is never anything that I will lie to you about. If you can trust me on that, then we're going to be great together."

"I do trust you, Josh, I truly do." I kissed him on the lips as I whispered, "and we are going to be great together."

To be continued????

Next: Chapter 20

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