Nsync Savior

By moc.oohay@99relbmut

Published on Jul 2, 1999


Note: This is a complete work of fiction. I am not implying that any character within this story is gay or bisexual. This is just my fantasy, so let me have it!!! I'm planning on making this a continuing plot, with twists and turns and everything else thrown in. So please, don't be afraid to send any comments my way. Since I've never been to New York I may need a little help with some scenery and stuff. Please e-mail me at tumbler99@yahoo.com

'N SYNC Savior

Chapter Seven

I was still turned to look at Justin when it happened. My body was turned towards the side of the limo when I felt the emptiness under my body. The limo screeched to a stop as I flew off my seat. Joey gasped and I thought I heard Justin scream as I felt my body connect.

My eyes were closed as I felt two strong arms wrap around my chest and hold me tight. I didn't hit the floor like I had imagined I would. Instead I was on the bench that JC and Justin were sitting on, yet I couldn't see who was holding me. There was a pain in my chest as the wind was knocked out of me. I started to open my eyes but realized we were still moving. Suddenly I was off the bench - my head hit the floor of the limo and brought bright stars before my eyes. I had a sudden memory flash of last night when Mark knocked me down. I must have let out a cry because I could hear Adam calling out my name.

The limo had stopped moving by now and everyone was visibly shaken. I still couldn't breathe or see but I told myself to remain calm. I started noticing my surroundings - the ground wasn't flat and soft like a limo should be. I felt bumps and cloth and hair and skin and....oh my god, I was on someone. My eyesight finally cleared up as I tried to ease off the person.

"No, don't move. Let me make sure you're all right." As soon as I heard his voice I froze. JC was whispering softly in my ear. My mind suddenly started reeling as I realized who I was lying on. I could smell his cologne now; I could feel his lean frame underneath me; I could hear his soft breathing and sweet voice in my ear. I softly nodded my head as my vision cleared even more.

"Jesus....Matt? Are you all right? Did you land on anything?" I heard Adam's concerned voice pierce through my thoughts.

"Uh....yeah, I landed on something...." I laughed lightly, "but I don't mind landing on what I did!" I started to ease off of JC again, knowing that I was all right. I could see him look at me concerned but I just shook my head.

"Don't worry guys. I just got the wind knocked out of me when JC grabbed me. And I hit my head on the ground but it's not bad. I'm feeling better now."

I finally looked around the limo and saw Adam on his knees behind me. Joey was on the ground too but Lance was still in his seat. He was clutching the door frame as tight as his hands would allow! Justin had fallen towards the front of the limo but had stayed on his seat. Chris was also all right. I must have been the only one in such a position to get thrown completely forward.

I felt my eyes being drawn back to JC. He was still lying on his back with his shirt coming out of his jeans. His rumpled look made it appear that he had just been caught jacking off. I had to laugh at that thought and the sound made JC look at me with a questioning look in his eyes. He must have been expecting me to say something because he just stared and waited. I finally snapped back to reality and caught myself. I couldn't be thinking about things like that - these guys were my new friends and I didn't want to ruin anything.

"Oh sorry JC. Um....thanks for catching me. You must have moved pretty fast to get me like that," I trailed off slowly.

He looked into my eyes again and softly mumbled something. I peered at him and frowned. "What did you say?"

"Umm....I just said....umm....anything to protect you," he said with a hint of anger. "I said I would do anything to protect you." He suddenly got off of his feet and moved back to his original seat with a frown on his face. I could tell that he was not happy with himself for admitting to what he had said but I would never be angry at anyone who said something like that to me.

"JC? Don't be angry," I started. "That's one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. Most people think I can do everything by myself and that I don't need any help. I even think that sometimes. But if I've learned anything in the past day it's that everyone needs a little help sometimes. Even those who are doing most of the helping - like you." I added that last part without thinking about it. And then I did something else without using my brain.

I stood up and walked over to him, placing my hands on his knees and kneeling down in front of him. I put a finger under his chin and drew his gaze to mine. I stared for a second, letting him read me.

"Thank you JC. Thank you for watching out for me. Everyone needs a guy like you in their life. But so do you," I said as I slowly looked around the limo. "You've got four great guys who have stood by you from the beginning. You've got these four and probably a lot more that you just can't think of. There's no need to close off yourself or your problems from them. They are friends and their job is to be there for you when times get tough - to listen to your problems. Don't be afraid to use them." I slowly stood up, ready to go back to my seat, but something in his eyes made me stop. "But don't ever be angry for being compassionate. There can never be enough compassion in this world, and I would hate to see the day when people got angry at themselves for helping someone else out."

I finally made my way to my seat through the thick silence. Everyone was stunned and speechless after listening to me but I didn't care. If I really wanted these guys to be my friends then they were going to have to get used to me - all of me. I wasn't going to change just because they were celebrities.

Adam slowly lifted himself up and sat next to me, rubbing my leg with one hand and smiling at me. Joey, Justin, and Lance were all seated, ready to move again. JC was still staring off into space, thinking about what I had said. As I glanced over at Chris, who was trying to get my attention, I noticed Lance looking at JC. He had the weirdest smile on his face but I couldn't tell why. There shouldn't be any reason for him to be overly joyed about what just happened - should there? All I did was tell JC not to hide so much.

I was still thinking about it when I felt Chris lean over closer to me and speak quietly.

"Where'd you come up with that?" he asked. "I've never heard anyone talk about that with as much conviction as you have." I could see the awe in his eyes and I chuckled lightly.

"It's just how I live my life. I follow my heart more than anything else. I trust people, sometimes too much; I rely on people, again, sometimes too much; but I also believe in people, you can never do that too much. It's just how I choose to look at life." I paused and thought for a second. "And so far it's worked out pretty good for me."

"Well," he said, "that was phat. I'm going to like you a lot - I can tell already."

"You mean you actually had doubts?" We all laughed as the limo slowly moved forward again. JC was the only one silent - he was still sitting in his seat in his own world.

We pulled into a small Italian restaurant a few minutes later. We spent the time talking in our little groups once again, but only after the driver told us that the "accident" wasn't his fault. Supposedly a little old lady pulled out in front of him and he had to slam on his brakes to keep from hitting her. I wanted to laugh at that so bad but I decided I shouldn't.

Lance walked beside me as we entered the restaurant, which I was thankful for since I enjoyed spending time with him.

"No one knows we're going to be here so it should be quiet. We'll get a table in the back and spend an hour or so just chillin'. We don't get to do it that often so we take it whenever we can." We continued talking as we walked back to our seats. The hallway was small so I held my hand forward, allowing Lance to get in front of me. He smiled at me and let out a little laugh.

"Perfect little gentleman I see!"

"You got it. You don't have to be raised in the South to have manners," I joked.

The room in the back was perfect for a secluded dinner. There were white candles around the room, filling the air with pure light. They had no scent, which was good because scented candles can distract from the conversation and the meal in a restaurant. The paintings were very nice - little scenes from Italy. I recognized one that I saw when I visited Venice last summer and commented on it to Joey. He looked surprised that I would speak to him about paintings but I knew that under that flirtatious exterior he was pretty intelligent. We talked for a few minutes about favorite styles and artists.

I was still talking with him as I pulled a chair out to sit down. Lance was still beside me so he sat next to me. Joey had continued to walk around the table to sit next to Chris and Adam. Justin was between Adam and Lance so that left one seat for JC, who was trailing behind the group. I looked up at him as he walked into the room and smiled. As he got closer to the table and realized that there was only one empty seat he smiled also.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked.

"Well, I was hoping you would be a good little boy and sit in the corner," I laughed, "but I suppose if you really want to...."

He pulled out the chair and eased into it. I was amazed at how gracefully he did it. One second he was standing behind it, smiling his beautiful smile at me, and the next he was seated with his hands crossed on his knees. I stifled a laugh as I started looking at the menu.

The waiter came by a few minutes after we arrived to get our drink orders. He must not have known who the guys were because he didn't even flinch as he started working. He started with Adam (who was obviously the oldest) and traveled around to table. He wasn't using a pad, which impressed me. I like to go to other restaurants and see how other waiters handle themselves. Most aren't capable enough to remember 7 or 8 drinks but I've always been able to do it. The first few seconds are the key to having a good dining experience because they set the mood for the rest of the evening. If the waiter gets your attention by doing something pretty spectacular then you're ready to enjoy the evening. If they're angry or obviously yearning to leave then they shower a bad attitude over your table. Whenever I wait tables I focus on smiling and being friendly with the customers at all times - no matter who they are.

But this guy was really impressive. He was going around the table and had four of the orders before he got to me. Normally I do everything I can to help out a fellow waiter but tonight I was feeling kind of frisky. I wanted to put him to the test to see just how good he was.

"Umm, could you tell me what you have to drink?" I asked as sweetly as I could. A waiter hates being asked this question because the menus normally have the drinks listed on them somewhere, you just have to look. I could see him smile down at me and laugh.

"Well, sir, they're listed on the back," he waited for me, "in the upper right corner."

"Oh, excuse me....I didn't even notice." I slowly glanced down the list, discarding everything I saw. "Well, maybe you can help me out here. I don't drink pop because of the carbonation. I also lay off caffeine as much as I can. Normally I drink some lemonade or a virgin strawberry daiquiri or sometimes I stick with water. And of course sometimes I...." I trailed on and on for a while, hearing Justin try to contain a laugh. "....but I don't see any of those on here." I looked back up and smiled my smile and flashed my puppy dog eyes. "Do you know of anything that I could drink?"

By now the waiter was catching on to my game and he started laughing.

"How long have you been waiting tables?" he asked.

"Oh, about 4 years now!" I smiled back up at him and started again. "I didn't mean to be so rude but I couldn't resist. I can tell that you're an excellent waiter and I just had to see how much you could handle." I paused for a second to consider. "I think I'll just stick with water right now. I think after everything that's happened lately I'm probably a little dehydrated." The waiter smiled down, obviously not understanding me but not letting it show. Lance and Justin finished with their drink orders and he walked out. As soon as he was out the door everyone looked right at me.

"What??" I laughed. "I knew he could handle it....and I never get to do that at home because all the waiters there suck." I heard Justin finally let loose and Chris soon joined him. Lance just shook his head and smiled, turning once again to the menu.

Jake, our waiter, came back a few minutes later with our drinks. He brought a tray with every single glass on it and didn't once ask who got what. When he came to me he set down a huge pitcher of water that was brimming at the edges.

"Oh man, this is perfect. Exactly what I need right now." I smiled up at him and winked. "Now, where's my glass?" I asked sweetly.

He looked down at me and the smile dropped from his face. "Should have known you wouldn't buy that. Here ya go," he said, setting down an empty glass in front of me.

"Thanks," I laughed as I filled up my glass without spilling a drop.

Jake then ran around the table and took down our orders. If he would have done this without a pad I would have just bowed down to him right then and there, but he knew his limit and wrote down our orders. I let him by me without any hassle this time. As he walked away I glanced back at him and noticed the way he wore his slacks and dress shirt. He was very clean cut and had a great body from what I could see. Lance and JC must have noticed because they were watching me when I turned back around.

"What?" I asked, seeing Lance's smiling face. JC was just staring, not showing any emotion.

"Like what you see there?" Lance asked.

"Well...." I paused, letting them hang. "Not really. He's cute and all but not my type. I don't go for the blond hair/blue eyed boys that much....sorry Justin....but really, looks don't matter that much. He just didn't do anything for me inside, you know? I've got to feel a connection or a really deep attraction." I was saying this to Lance but I could tell everyone was listening. I looked around the table to take in their reactions and saw Chris smiling wide again. God, he just never stopped smiling, did he? Justin looked a little hurt at my comment but as I peered at him I could see him trying not to break - within a few seconds he did, smiling at me. I glanced over at JC (I had purposely made myself keep him for last) and saw that his lips were actually in a smile. He wasn't looking at anything at the moment but it didn't matter. He was smiling and it was obviously something that I said that did it. I just had to figure out what.

We made small talk for 10 minutes or so while the food was being prepared. It was really one big conversation this time because everyone wanted to include everyone else. I felt JC's body loosen up as he slowly joined in the conversation more and more. He leaned into the table, he moved his legs and arms every once in awhile, he actually became animated. Suddenly he leaned in and opened his legs a little, causing his leg to rest against mine. Luckily he wasn't talking at that moment because he froze on the spot, glancing down at the connection. I looked down too and had to smile. I looked up quickly and a second later noticed him glance in my direction. I decided to act like I didn't notice, to see what he would do.

His lips lifted into a smile once again as he kept his leg there. He joined in the conversation when it was appropriate but kept still a little as much as he could. He pressed his leg into me ever so lightly. I was dying on the inside, wanting to reach my hand down and caress it, but I held it in. "He isn't doing this to flirt," I thought. "He's just resting his leg there. But he did notice it from the beginning....he looked at you." My mind was reeling with thoughts when I felt Jake tap my shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir. I just can't seem to remember who had the Chicken Pasta with Red Sauce."

"Well, if I remember correctly it was some rude and arrogant, yet devilishly witty, young man. He had a tendency to play games with waiters to see how good they are. Oh, and didn't he drink a lot of water?" I played dumb for a second and looked down at my place mat. "Oh god, I remember now. That was me, wasn't it?" Jake laughed as he set down my plate and continued down the line. Everyone laughed as they picked up their napkins and cleared a spot for their plate.

We started eating and continued talking and had a blast. I was halfway through the meal when it finally happened.

"Dang it. Will someone please tell me why I can not eat the simplest meal without spilling something on my shirt?" I looked up to the ceiling with an exasperated look. Lance and Adam laughed as they saw the red spots on my shirt. "Hey, don't laugh. You wouldn't believe how many times this happens. And I'm a perfectionist for crying out loud. I'm not supposed to be messy!"

I was ready to stand up and go to the bathroom when I felt JC's hand on my wrist.

"Wait....I can fix that easy."

I looked over at him in shock. He picked up his napkin and dabbed it in his club soda. He lightly patted at my chest, making sure he didn't rub in the stain. I felt a chill go through my body as he grabbed my shoulder with one hand and used his other to rub my chest. I held my breath as I saw his face scrunch up in concentration. "Well," I thought, "maybe I got through to him in the limo. He's not afraid to help me out now."

A few second later he was finished. My shirt was slightly damp but there was not a trace of red on it anywhere. I let out my breath slowly as my heart beat slowed. He glanced up to meet my eyes and smiled.

"Th....thanks," I stuttered.

"No problem. It's the least I could do." I continued to stare at him as the rest of the table watched us. Finally Lance spoke up and brought me out of my trance.

"Well, that's one difference that I'll keep, Matt! I don't need to be spilling stuff on me every time I eat."

I looked up at him, confused for a second. "Oh god! I get it," I said, realizing he was talking about our unbelievable similarities. "Sorry, I'm just feeling a little light-headed all of a sudden."

"JC will do that to you," Justin whispered, loud enough only for Lance and Adam to hear.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 8

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