O Town and Me

By moc.loa@342bobegnopSYEH

Published on Jan 1, 2002


Hello Everybody. My name is Dan and this is my first story. I have read alot of the stories on this site and have loved them and have decided to write one of my own. In the story I play Jacob Underwood's brother from O-Town and thats all i am going to say.

Disclamer: This story is totally fiction. I do not know the true sexuality of O-town or anyone associated with them.

Hope You Like It!!!!!!

My Experience with O~Town By:Dan

I had just stepped off my plane and saw my brother jacob. I screamed his name and ran to give him a big hug.

Jacob knew I was gay and could not have been more supportive which I thought was great considering most people would not be. I think he was alittle pissed off though because I was going out with one of his band members Trevor. But he has gotten over it.

"Jacob it's so good to see you" I said.

"Same here. How was your flight?" siad Jacob.

"It was long its a good thing I had my disc man." I replied.

I looked to see if my guy Trevor was with him but I just saw Erik.

"Hey Erik how are you. And where is Trevor?" i asked

"Hey I'm good umm Trevor said he was not coming because he had an old friend from colege at the house." he said hesitantly

"Oh thats cool. So how about we go home I am tired and I think I want to take a nap okay?" I said

I heard two okay's from each of them.

We pulled up to the house, the house was amazing it had the perfect view of the beach, and had a walkway down to it. I was so exited becuase i could see my boyfriend Trevor and my two best friends Ashely, and Dan. I couldnt wait. I ran up to the door and opened it and I saw Dan sitting on the couch watching T.V. I walked in alittle bit through the door and dropped my bags.

I screamed "DAN!!!!!!, its so good to see you. We have'nt seen eachother in like three months."

He got up from the cough awaiting my hug and said "Whats up kid, jeez it's been so long its great to see you though. And you grew, your almost up to me"

So me and Dan sat down with Jacob and Erik and talked about things for like 10 minutes and then I wanted to see Ashley. I was upset because Trevor was not home, he was out with his friend. I was mad becuase he knew I was coming today and we both were very excited but he is not home. So I ran upstairs to Ashleys room he had on some music and I knocked and then opened the door.

"ASHLEY!!!!, whats up?"

He jumped off his bed and ran over to me with a huge smile and open arms.

"OH my god i have not seen you in so long i cannot believe your here this is great" he said very happily.

We hugged for a minute and I told him to come downstairs with every body else so we could all talk.

We talked for about an hour and still no sign of Trevor. I decided to say lets go out to dinner and leave Trevor because I was hungry and so was everybody else. So we all got into the car and went to get a bite to eat and talk about stuff. We were gone for almost 3 and a half hours. We didnt get home until about 3 O'Clock in the morning (I had a late flight in) and Trevor's car was there so I had a big smile on my face. I got out of the car as fast as I could and ran into the house.

I screamed "TREVOR!!!!!"

I opened the door to his room and I looked around i couldnt see him but i did hear the shower in his bathroom on so i walked in and my jaw dropped. He was in the shower with a women and they were having sex. I burst into tears and ran into the room I was staying in i put on a pair of sweat pants, a sweatshirt, and shoes, and grabbed a towel. I went downstairs in tears and walked through the living room, dining room, and kitchen were Dan, Ashley, Jacob, and Trevor were talking.

"Whats wrong danny?" said Jacob

"Trevor is upstairs in the shower having sex with some girl and im pissed off so i am going down to the beach for a while to think about a couple of things" and after saying that i ran out the back door and headed down to the beach.

Back at the house Dan, Ashley, Jacob, and Erik all ran up to Trevor's room and listened. They all heard moans coming from Trevor and his shower. They were all very angry at Trevor becuase I was Jacob's brother and it was not right.

Jacob said "I am going to kill him how could he do this to my brother? He has no Idea what he just started"

Dan said "Jacob wait! I dont think you should be so hasty with it let me go talk to danny and when I get back we will work something out just dont do anything just yet everyone go to bed okay?"

Everyone agreed that that was a better plan than killing him. So Ashley, Jacob, and Erik all went into their own rooms and went to sleep while Dan got changed and ready to go to the beach. He grabbed a towel and walked down to the beach.

I could hear someone walking in the sand and I was hoping that it was not Trevor becuase I did not want to talk to him right now.

"Danny?" said Dan

"hi Dan. did you see?" I replied

"Yeah we all saw, and heard. We are all pretty upset, But your brother is really pissed" Dan said

"Oh no. He didnt do anything did he?" I asked

"No he went to bed, everyone did" he said

"good because I dont want anything to happen to the band. You all have worked very hard to get were you are and I dont want to ruin that just becuase Trevors and asshole" I said

"Danny, You are more important to us than the band" Dan said back

"Trevor obvioulsy doesnt think so" I said back "I mean how would you like it if your girlfriend cheated on you?"

"well that is one of the reasons I came down here to talk to you instead of your brother, I am gay Danny, and so is Ashley but we are not together." said dan hesitantly

"really?? it is good that you can come out and say that to me." I said happily

"there is something else." dan said

"what is it?" I asked

"I like you alot and i want to be with you" Dan said very scared

"Really??" I asked

"You dont like me do you? I knew it I did not want to tell you but Ashley said it would make me feel better." Dan said almost in tears

"NO, no, no Dan I like you to alot and I would like to be with you to but first I have to break it off with Trevor becuase I dont want to be like him. Also I dont know how the rest of the band is going to react." I said

"Really?? Thats great Danny. I think you should break it off with Trevor first to. Well I have already asked Ashley, and Erik and they would not care but i dont know about your brother and Trevor." said dan

"Well I am sure Jacob wont care but Trevor might be extremely uspet at you." I said "But lets not worry about that now lets just sit here and talk"

So we talked for about an hour and then I told him we should be getting back and he siad we should to. So we both walked up back to the house and i asked him if I could sleep in his room tonight and he did not have any complaints so we got in his bed and I fell asleep in his arms.

end of part onw

That is the end of the first part. I hope you liked it. If you want to say anything to me email me at HEYSpongebob243@aol.com with comments. Also the next story will get better I promise but I thought that this one was pretty good.

Next: Chapter 2

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