O Town and Me

By moc.loa@342bobegnopSYEH

Published on Jan 6, 2002


Hello Everybody. My name is Dan and this is my first story. I have read alot of the stories on this site and have loved them and have decided to write one of my own. In the story I play Jacob Underwood's brother from O-Town and thats all i am going to say.

Disclamer: This story is totally fiction. I do not know the true sexuality of O-town or anyone associated with them.

Where I Left Off......

So we talked for about an hour and then I told him we should be getting back and he siad we should to. So we both walked up back to the house and i asked him if I could sleep in his room tonight and he did not have any complaints so we got in his bed and I fell asleep in his arms.....

Heres the new stuff

I did not wake up until about 11:30. Dan was still asleep, we were up pretty late last night though. He looked so cute sleeping with a big smile on his face, It was so serene to be there with him.

I got out of bed and then I heard "Where are you going?" said Dan

"I am going to get changed and go into my room I don't want anyone finding anything out yet. Plus I want to take a shower." I replied.

"I guess your right. Try to be quiet unless everyone is up. See ya in a bit."

I put on the sweat pants, socks, and sweatshirt laying on the floor and grabbed my shoes and opened the door slowly. I got out and shut the door. I Turned around and Ashley was standing right there. I gasped because he scared me.

"Jeez Ash why dont you give me a heartattack?" i said

"Are you okay? Did Dan tell you? Did anything happen between you and Dan last night?" he asked.

"Yeah I am fine, sad but ill get over it. Yeah Dan told me and I couldnt be happier. No nothing happend last night I have to talk to Trevor before I can do anything. We shouldnt be talking about this in the hallway lets go to my room." I told him.

He siad okay and we walked towards my room. We passed Trevor's room and he was not there. Ashley told me that he heard him leaving last night with that girl. I did not really care anyway I would rather get a shower and change before we talked anyway. So me and Ashley got to my room and sat down and I told him everyrthing that happend last night. He was happy about what happend and then he left and I got undressed and got into the shower. When I got out i dried off and got my cell phone and called Trevor's Cell.

"Hello?" he said as he answered the phone.

"Trevor, Its me we need to talk." i told him

"About what?" he asked

"I'll tell you when I see you. ummmm meet me at Santa Monica Pier in an hour okay?" i said

"Yeah sounds good. Love Ya. Bye" he siad

"Whatever" i replied in a sarcastic tone

I got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a tight red shirt from American Eagle (Trevor hates when I wear it) and then i went downstairs.

"Morning bro" said Jacob

"Yo whats up?" i said

"Nothing when are you going to talk to Trevor?" he asked

"In an hour at Santa Monica Pier" I replied "Why?"

"I was just wondering" he said

"Can I barrow the Explorer to get there?" i asked

"I guess so but ask everyone else cause they might need it" he said

"Well cant they use the other car?" I asked

"Dont argue with me just ask them" he said

I nodded my head and ran around the whole house trying to find everyone to see if I could barrow the Explorer. Ashley and Erik said it was fine. I went into Dan's room and he was in the bathroom with a white towel around his waste which sat low on his hips. I walked in an wrapped my arms around him. He looked so good. His wet body glistening in the light, his wet hair I wanted to just stay in that moment forever.

"Hey sexy!!!!" I said

"Hey whats up when are you going to see Trevor?" he asked

"Right now" i said "I just wanted to check and see if you cared if I barrowed the Explorer?"

"Yeah sure. Oh wait I need to go to the mall in like 10 minutes to get a couple things" He said

"Damnit. How about I drop you off and then you can call me when your done and I will pick you up okay?" i asked

"Sure just give me five minutes to get dressed" he said

"Just hurry up ill go get the keys and start the car"I said

I ran downstairs and grabbed the keys to the car. I loved driving this car its my dream car and it is the perfect color, midnight blue. I was in the car and i was looking through my CD's to play. I came upon my S-Club 7 "7" which me and Dan love so I put it in. He came running out in the perfect outfight. A pair of lowrise dark blue denim jeans and a tigh red long sleeve shirt with white sleeves and not coat, and just a little but of his boxers showing. It looked so good on him. He got in and smiled at me.

"What way to the mall?" I asked

"Ill tell you. You put on Sclub awesome lets listen to "Natural" its number two right?"he said

I nodded and he put it on and blasted it it was so loud. He started singing it and it sounded so good. I love his voice it is so strong and confident and it just flows with whatever he sings.

" I love when you sing" I said

"Well then I will have to do it more often" he siad. He looked at me and had a big smile on his face. I coudlnt help but laugh.

I dropped him off at the mall and i told him to call me when he was done.

Meanwhile I drove to the pier trying to think of what i was going to say. I parked the car and got out. I walked up onto the pier and saw trevor standing off the side looking down. I walked over to him and took of my sun glasses while I was walking. He saw me and smiled and ran over and gave me a big hug and a kiss. I pushed him away.

"Dont even try it" I said

"What??" he asked

"How stupid do you think I am. I saw you and heard you last night with that slut" I yelled

"Listen I can explain." he said

"I dont want you to explain or apologize

Thats the end of part 2 so Email me at HEYSpongebob243@aol.com adn tell me what you think cause I have to go now. Thanks for reading

Next: Chapter 3

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