Obeying Jerome


Published on Dec 20, 2005



Chapter 2

Jerome smiles and quietly studies my face.

"Get our drinks."

I run and collect them. He takes them both from me and slowly drinks his own while watching me. When he finishes his drink he beckons me to come close.

"Kneel down boy." I can feel the butt plug jamming up into me.

He pulls my face to his, gulps from my glass and then feeds the liquid into my mouth several times until the glass is empty. For some reason this action increases my urgent need for release and I start wanking my hard prick. He slaps my hand away and scowls in anger.

"What do you think you're doing boy? You do nothing without my permission. Understood?"

"I'm sorry Jerome. I didn't know."

"No excuses. Get over my knee."

Awkwardly I bend myself over his knees. He thumps the butt plug back up my arse, adjusts me so my erection is trapped between his closed knees, administers two sharp hand slaps to each of my ass cheeks in turn and stands me back up.

"What do you say boy?"

"I'm sorry Jerome." Rubbing my bottom cheeks as I say it.

"Wrong answer boy. When I punish you, you thank me."

"Thank you Jerome it's just that er... may I go to the toilet?" Sounding, I think to myself, like a little boy back at school.

"What for?"

Has he no mercy? Must I tell him everything? I decide I have to be blunt.

"Need to shit."

He smiles, puts has arm around my shoulders and guides me out of the lounge, along a passage, into a large bedroom, where I glimpse his king size bed, and through into an ultra modern, very imposing, black and white tiled bathroom. To one side a bath. A multi-head power shower cubicle, a washbasin, a toilet and even a black leather armchair. Everywhere shining chrome fittings and fluffy white towels. I rush to the toilet.

"Hang on boy."

He turns me around, pulls the butt plug out of me and drops it into the washbasin. I avert my eyes from its shitty state.

"You can wash that later boy."

Lifting the lid of the toilet, I hesitate about sitting down, expecting him to leave. He lifts the seat, pushes me down on the cold toilet and waits, his thick appendage hanging temptingly in front of my face.

"Don't be shy boy, go ahead. I have a right to see my boy shitting and pissing."

Nothing for it, I let go, farting and straining as I do so. If it's what he wants, so be it. He inserts a finger into my mouth and I suck on it contentedly.

"Have you finished Robbie?"

"Yes." I whisper. Presuming this gives me permission, I reach for the toilet roll. My hand's slapped away. He rips off a strip of paper, bends me forward and wipes my arse. More paper and more wipes until he's satisfied I'm clean. So degrading for a grown man, but for me, oddly arousing.

"Down on the floor on your hands and knees."

Now what? Am I his boy or pet dog? He washes his hands before nudging me with his foot.

"Watch what I'm doing boy. I'll expect you to do this every day before we have sex. I don't like shit on my cock."

He takes a sort of rubber hot water bottle from a drawer, fills it with warm soapy water and hangs it on a hook high on the tiled wall. A long thin plastic tube attached to the bottom of the water bottle has a nozzle attached. He gently pushes this up my arse, turns a small tap on the tube and I feel water shooting into my bowels. It's not bad at first but as I fill up to bursting point, I can't help whimpering.

"Easy boy. In case you don't know, this is called an enema. We're almost there."

I'm not sure I can cope. It's too much. As he removes the nozzle from my hole, he lifts me up into a crouching position.

"Stay boy. Clamp your arse muscles. We don't want you leaking all over the floor. A few minutes and I'll let you up."

Jerome sits in the armchair watching and appearing to enjoy seeing me endure this agony of trying to hold myself tight and fight the pain of the cramps in my belly. At last he helps me up and back to sitting on the toilet bowl.

"Wait for my permission boy."

I close my eyes and in some pain wait.

"Let go Robbie. Empty yourself."

What a relief! I forget the humiliation of being made to do this in front of another person and the sounds and smell of me crapping. He wipes my arse again and then to my horror repeats the whole process for a second and a third time. At this point he turns me around so I can view the contents of the toilet bowl. Clear water!

"When you run clean like this, you're ready for my cock boy. So when you do it yourself always make sure it's clear water. Okay?"

I nod, feeling slightly faint. Jerome holds me close, kisses me on the mouth and I suck on his tongue gently. His hands reach behind me and gently slap my ass cheeks. He stops kissing and looks into my face.

"Do you like that? Did you like it when I put you over my knee and spanked you Robbie?"

"Well... er, yeah, in a way. Reminds me of when I was a little boy and my dad spanked me."

"Good. Well, you're my little boy now and I enjoy spanking a boy if he's naughty. Now wash that butt plug, while I shave."

Jerome stands at the side of me shaving with an electric razor in one hand. He takes a bottle of disinfectant from the medicine cabinet with his other hand, splashes some into the water in the washbasin and indicates for me to clean the plug I'd just swilled my own shit off. When he places the dried plug on top of the medicine cabinet I notice an even larger black plug and a huge larger pink plug shaped realistically like an erect cock. The red head and flange reminds me of Jerome's own tool. He sees me looking and smiles.

"Later boy. Now let's shower."

Jerome showers himself with me standing next to him, then treating me almost as a child he soaps every part of my body and washes me. He dries me softly with a towel.

"Bend over boy. Now pull your cheeks apart so I can see your fuck hole."

A bit humiliating, but I do it. I close my eyes and moan as he strokes my anus with his finger. He applies some gel from a tube and works it up into me arse with one and then two fingers. I whimper. With delight! I see him coating the larger black butt plug with gel before he eases it gently, but firmly into me. I grunt in paid, take it completely and relax. I'm pulled up straight and kissed passionately. I think putting in the plug has aroused him as much as it certainly aroused my. My prick's at attention, pressing against his hard erection.

Back in the bedroom, he leaves me naked to watch him tuck his huge cock and balls into tight white briefs. He pulls on tight blue jeans, a black polo shirt, socks and black slip on shoes.

After studying me for a moment he selects a long sleeved pink shirt from the wardrobe and helps me put it on. It's rather big of course so he rolls up each sleeve above my elbows then ties one of his bright red silk ties around my waist. He tugs the shirt up to blouse over the waistband with the result that the bottom of the shirt is well above my knees. Next he unbuttons the shirt down to my waist revealing my chest and nipples and ruffles my blond hair with his hand.

"You look cute Robbie. Just one final touch."

I look at myself in a long mirror as he turns to take something from a drawer. Underdressed is my first impression. Almost like a girl in a short dress. Cute in a very odd sort of way I suppose. At least the shirt hides my erection and the butt plug. His final touch is a long stainless steel neck chain he loops twice around my neck.

"Hungry? Let's go and eat. Gay restaurant I know."

He can't help but notice my bewilderment. No pants! No shoes!

"Can't we eat here?" I ask desperately.

"Robbie dear, I don't cook at home. Sometimes order in a take-a-way, but nearly always eat out. You'll love the place we're going."

"Dressed like this?"

"Why not? My boy doesn't wear underpants and you don't need shoes. It's summer."


"Really boy! Okay, put on your office trousers, but don't tuck the shirt in. Understand?"

I scamper around, find my pants and put them on with the shirt out. I give up on asking for shoes. As he says, it's summer!

The security guard gives a friendly nod as we step out of the lift and a black taxicab waits for us outside the building. In ten minutes we're turning off The Strand into a narrow street near Covent Garden. Barefooted I follow Jerome into a very swanky looking restaurant. Inside, soft background music is almost drowned by the buzz of male conversation coming from the gay men packed at tables wall to wall. A handsome young head waiter rushes forward, kisses Jerome on both cheeks, pats my cheek with a hand, grins, leads us to a table in a side alcove at the rear of the restaurant, pulls the table out so Jerome and I can sit on the cushioned double seat, pushes the table back and hands Jerome a menu and wine list. Jerome whispers something to the waiter and hands him a bulging plastic bag then leans towards me.

"Now let's see if you can obey orders Robbie. Take off your pants, put them on the side, pull your shirt up so you're sitting bare arsed so I can get to you. Okay?"

Blushing beet red I take my pants off, fold them on the seat beside me and pull up the shirt so I'm sitting with my naked bottom on the seat, feeling the butt plug pressing into me. I immediately feel Jerome's hand snaking behind me and stroking my bare butt. I look quickly to left and right, but our neighbours are too busy with their own conversations to notice me.

"Good boy. You're doing well."

The waiter returns. He pointedly looks at the pants beside me and smiles. Jerome hands him the menu and wine list with his free hand.

"I'll have my usual Marco. He'll have the same."

As Marco leaves, Jerome pulls me towards him, kisses me forcibly on the lips and his hand moves up my back under my shirt holding me close. I surrender to his kisses although I worry my shirt has rucked up to reveal my nakedness to anyone looking. He pushes me back and smiles when another young waiter arrives with a bottle of white wine and pours a drop into Jerome's glass. He swills it around the glass, sniffs, takes a sip and nods at the waiter. The wine is poured and Jerome lifts his glass to clink with mine. We both drink and sit back looking into each other's eyes.

"We've come this far Robbie. Still want to be my boy?"

"Yes of course, if you really want me?"

"I'm almost certain I do Robbie. Depends on your attitude and how you respond to my training. I'll know for certain by the end of the weekend... and you will also be in a position to know if you definitely want to remain my boy when you find out what being my boy entails."

"I've already decided," I say eagerly.

"You think so? Better wait boy till you know the full score Robbie. It may be too painful. Not only to your ego, but physically." His hand reaches under my shirt, grips my balls and squeezes very hard until I gasp and my eyes begin to water.

"See what I mean boy?" He removes his hand and kisses my cheek. "A boy has to be very, very obedient and ready to accept very painful punishment Robbie. Is that what you want as well as being used sexually?"

Although I nod my head I'm not at all sure what this all means. Obedience sounds okay, I know I'll be happy doing as I'm told. And now I've experienced being sexually used, I know I only want more and more of it. It's painful punishment I'm not at all sure about. Jerome's spanking, I have to admit was not really unpleasant and quite sexually arousing, but the ball squeezing hurt. I'm not sure how I will respond to more painful punishment? Jerome notices my frown.

"Don't worry Robbie. Over the next two days you'll discover what being my boy means. If you find it's not you're thing, we'll forget it. But I hope and believe you will wish to continue. From the little I've observed, you're a born submissive and starting with that my aim will be to mould you into... guess what?"

"Your fuck boy? I'm not sure really." I may sound doubtful, but it's what I want and all I can think of.

"What if I said my slave Robbie? How does that sound?"

"Slave!?" I'm truly taken aback, amazed. What a thing to say! Jerome wants me to be a slave. His slave! I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. I need time to think and then, of course, without thinking I blurt out, "Is that how you see me? How you want me? A nothing person, a body you totally own without a mind of my own?"

"Calm down sweetheart. How could I love a person without a mind or personality of his own? What little I know of you Robbie, I like immensely. You're just the sort of boy I've been looking for. Let me emphasise, you're absolutely beautiful in every way I could hope for. I realise you're quite innocent in the ways and terminology of the gay world, just trust me. Making you my slave is not an insult, it's not derogatory. I want you to be what I want and, I'm quite certain, it's also what you want too."

He draws me to him and hugs me tightly. I feel all my antagonism melting away. I do trust him, I do want to belong to him in anyway he chooses. He pulls away as the waiter arrives with our first course, but keeps his comforting arm around my shoulders. I think it's fun when he insists on feeding me my first few spoonfuls of soup. We eat the rest in silence as his spare hand pulls up my shirt and gropes me gently. I've come such a long way in a few hours! Wearing only a shirt in a restaurant, being fondled by a man who wants me as his slave. Wow! I'm in heaven. Jerome tops up my glass and we finish the bottle off before the second course arrives. It's sort of chicken cooked in red wine served only with what I think are string beans and, of course, a bottle of red wine.

"How's the food Robbie, okay?"

"Lovely", I say.

As I eat, Jerome's hand wanders up to pinch my nipples, which causes me to wriggle and moan, then around to explore my bottom where he presses on the plug. I moan in pleasure and I judge from his body language and facial expressions, Jerome shares my sexual excitement. The waiter clears away the plates and brings Jerome a coffee. I'd love one, but know better than to ask. Suddenly there's a ripple of applause from men at the neighbouring tables and I see the headwaiter walking towards us carrying a plate. He places it in front of me. It's the enormous pink butt plug in the shape of Jerome's cock, but now covered in cream and with two balls of strawberry ice cream at its base. Jerome grins at me. "Lick the cream and eat the ice-cream boy. Without a spoon."

More applause as I become the centre of attraction licking the cream from the phallus and moving down to lick and eat the strawberry balls. I complete the task to the sound of whistles, cheers and hand clapping, Jerome takes hold of me and kisses my cream covered lips. I must have pleased him and that is more then enough for me.

"Stand up boy,"

Jerome pulls out the black butt plug and drops it into a plastic bag held by the waiter. Now he places his replica prick on the seat under my arse.

"Sit on it boy. Take your time, ease it in."

Jerome holds the base of the plug as I lower myself. I feel it entering me slowly and surely. I'm embarrassed by the stares from guys at neighbouring tables watching me with close interest. Perhaps the other plugs have stretched me as I feel no great pain, but only this great phallus filling me and an increasing sexual stimulation as I settle down completely on it. Wow! It's wonderful! I exchange smiles with the guys looking at me. My only wish is it was Jerome's real huge cock. He simply kisses me again and feels with his hand that the plug is tightly embedded into me.

"How's that boy? It's a replica of my cock so you now know what to expect. Think you can take it?"

"Oh yes, anytime, please."

"You randy little bitch, Think it's time we left."

Jerome pays the bill. We walk out of the restaurant to more catcalls and whistles. Me in my short shirt with my pants tucked under my arm and the feel of a huge plug up my arse. A taxi awaits us and, with all the wine, I happily snuggle up to Jerome and take no heed of the taxi driver's sniggers and grins.

Back in the flat, Jerome strips me naked except for my neck chain, picks me up in his arms and lays me again face up over the end arm of the sofa. Again my prick stands up hard and beyond it I see Jerome stripping off his clothes. He advances towards me. He's no longer the executive in a suit or the 'posh' gentleman I'd originally seen him as. He stands over me like a fearsome animal. The sight of his fantastic sun-tanned body rippling with muscles overwhelms me. And right there at the centre of my gaze is a huge hard cock at least nine inches long and thick. He slowly strokes his cock and aims it at me, his fuck boy. But he crouches down until I can only see the top of his head. His hands spread my legs wide. He yanks out the replica of his cock, his face pushes between my ass cheeks and his mouth fastens on my most private orifice. I gasp out loud as he washes it with his tongue, nips my tender pucker gently with his teeth and protrudes his tongue up into my anus. It's impossible to describe my intense feeling of sexual excitement. Something I've never experienced before. I want it to go on forever, but the mouth pulls away.

"You excite me so much bitch boy. I love your juicy fresh boy cunt. So virgin and ready for fucking. Is that what you want boy?" He stands up and looks down at me hefting his rampant cock in his hand.

I've experienced the plugs, but I'm unsure what being properly fucked is going to be like. I know I want it. In fact I'm wild for anything Jerome has in mind. If he wants my boy cunt I'm more than ready to give it.

"Please Jerome, please. Yes, make me your bitch boy."

He crouches again and I feel his mouth and tongue lathering my hole. He inserts one finger and then two, moving them around, in and out until I'm squirming and writhing in a new ecstasy of sheer sexual pleasure. I'm his boy. I watch eagerly as he lifts my legs up over his shoulders and lunges forward. I feel his cock head entering me. He pauses, looks into my eyes and pushes gently and slowly. Now it's painful and I whimper and whimper.

"Relax boy... easy... come on... take it Robbie. Give me your fuck hole."

The sound of his deep masculine voice soothes any pain as he pushes ever more of his monstrous male organ into me. I scream out at a sudden surge of pain, he stops pushing and leans over to kiss my mouth. I feed on his tongue and the pain gradually eases. I want him so desperately, to please him. He lifts his mouth from mine and we look into each other's eyes. He smiles and I feel his cock sliding into me as if finding it's true home. More relaxed I begin to work my ass muscles on his cock and he starts pumping in and out of me.

"Fuck me... fuck me please. Make me your bitch boy Jerome."

My yelling appears to excite him even more. He stares into my eyes and I rear up eager to be kissed. To feel his tongue in my throat as his tool reams my once virgin hole. I've fantasised about this moment and it's all so much more wonderful than I'd ever expected. A passive gay boy giving himself to his dominant male lover. My hard prick is bobbing up and down against his belly excited by the feel of his cock stimulating my prostate. I know I'm going to cum without even touching my prick. I can feel the build up. Oh, wow, this is unbearable!

"I'm cumming... cumming..." I scream in my sexual frenzy.

He begins to pant and thrust harder, He's gasping with every stroke.

"Take it bitch boy... my fuck boy,"

I feel great spurts of his spunk shooting into me as I myself go over the top and my own prick unloads a stream of semen over both our bellies and chests. Jerome rears up gasping for air and laughing.

"You're mine now Robbie... all mine."

I'm thinking I've been fucked for the very first time. And by this handsome hunk with an enormous cock. It's still inside me. And I know I belong to him. He looks down at me, smiling, collapses on top me and I feel my cum, wet and sticky, between our slithering, sweaty bodies as he kisses me lovingly and continues slowly to pump his cock gently in and out of me.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this chapter and if it did anything for you. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 3

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