Obeying Jerome


Published on Dec 31, 2005



Chapter 4

Jerome pulls my face up to his and he kisses me passionately. I can feel his erect cock pressing against me. My prick hardens instantly. He wipes away my tears with his hands.

"Good boy, good boy. Now for your reward. Let's go."

Jerome puts his hands on my shoulders and steers me in front of him. Hands reach out and fondle my nipples, prick and balls and stroke my bottom as we move through the crowd. I reconcile myself to the simple fact that this is what I'm for. To be on display and punished in public. To be touched and handled by anyone who cares to do it. I can see we're heading towards the jewellery shop and start wondering what my reward might be.

A handsome Indian youth in a smart dark suit steps from behind the counter and greets Jerome with clasped hands and a slight boy.

"My Master awaits you Sir, if you would like to go through."

"Thank you Sunil."

Sunil pulls aside a curtain hiding an archway and I follow Jerome into a palatial small office where a broad shouldered man of medium height with a mass of black wavy hair and jet black eyes sits behind a desk. He stands, comes around the desk and greets Jerome with a friendly hug.

"How are you my good friend?" I recognise the accent from the mobile conversation.

"Doing very well Alex. Here have a look at my new boy."

Jerome pulls me forward.

"Present yourself boy."

I spring into 'the present'. My hard prick jutting out in front of me. Alex grabs it and from there feels my body all over before swinging me around to stroke my sore ass cheeks.

"Love these red cheeks Jerome. Boys should never be without them."

I jump as Alex slaps each of my cheeks very hard. He draws me behind the desk, drops his trousers and underpants, pushes me to my knees and pulls my lips onto his large hard cock. I know my duty and start sucking.

"I've sorted out one or two things for you to look at Jerome. Sunil will be bringing them in a moment."

I concentrate on sucking cock as Jerome and Alex chat, wondering if this is my reward. Not that I'm complaining, it's a nice cock and I'm enjoying the sexy sensation of being made to suck another man's tool as if it was my main duty in life. I suppose as Jerome's slave it is.

"Lay them out on the desk Sunil, let Master Jerome view them. That's right. What do you think Jerome? Silver, gold or stainless steel? We can add jewels if you wish. Take your time. Would you like Sunil to service you while you do so?"

"That would be nice as my boy seems to be otherwise occupied." Jerome laughs.

"Strip boy." This is I presume Alex speaking to Sunil.

From the other side of the desk I can't see a thing, but I soon hear Sunil noisily sucking on my Master's cock and feel a pang of jealousy. Jerome and Alex continue to discuss whatever it is they're looking at until both start grunting as each reach their climax. I start swallowing Alex's quite huge load. It tastes different to Jerome's, but I'm really turned on at the idea of being made to do it. Alex pushes my head away, tucks his cock away, zips up and leaves me kneeling there as he turns back to continue his business with Jerome.

"Come here boy." My Master's voice.

I quickly stand up and run around the desk to where my Master is sitting. Sunil, naked and hairless like myself, is presenting himself and I follow suit alongside him with my hands behind my neck. My Master is fingering three objects lying side by side on the desktop. They are almost identical except that, as I had heard Alex say, one is gold, one silver and the other stainless steel.

"These are slave collars boy. One is for you. Once I place it around your neck, you will be my slave."

Staring at the collars I'm immediately taken by the idea of wearing one of these elaborately crafted chains around my neck to indicate I am a slave. Glancing at Jerome I can see he's waiting for me to say something. Alex is imperceptibly nodding his head and Sunil, who I notice is wearing a gold chain, smiles his encouragement. What am I expected to say? I come to a decision.

"Please sir I wish to wear a collar to show everyone you are my Master." It's out. I've said it.

"That's my boy!"

Jerome stands up and, I'm pleased to see chooses the gold collar to place around my neck. The chain is just heavy enough to remind me of my position. Alex hands Jerome something that he holds up for me to see. It's a gold lock with the initial J engraved on it. Jerome brings together the ends of the chain and clicks the lock in place. It lies heavy on my throat. Jerome takes my face in his two huge hands and kisses me. His tongue is deep down my throat. I'm standing on tiptoe to suck it. Jerome pulls away and places a finger on the lock.

"This boy, is your first emblem of being my slave. Do you accept it?"

"Oh, yes Master I do. It feels wonderful."

"Good boy. Just remember this can be taken off if you change your mind, but the second and final emblem which might come later, can't be removed ever. Sunil, show him your brand."

Sunil turns with his backside towards me. High on his smooth right ass cheek is a dark red mark and, obvious when I look closely, a brand burnt into his flesh. The letter 'A'. This is scary and I turn to look at Jerome.

"If you and I proceed Robbie, I will brand you personally with a letter 'J'. Are you up for that?"

Jerome looks very serious. To be honest I'm terrified by the idea. Less than a day ago I was an ordinary clerk in a London office, now I'm a naked, hairless slave wearing a collar and being informed if I wish to continue to be my wonderful lover's boy, I must face being branded. I begin to have doubts. Jerome recognises this and places his arms around my shoulders.

"I'll not do it until you're ready Robbie. Place your trust in me. You will want my brand I'm sure of that. Sunil agreed when Alex asked him. He didn't order him. A slave must be willing. You will come to understand this. Let's go for another drink and you will see it is commonplace thing here in the club."

Jerome shakes hands with Alex, ruffles Sunil's closely cropped hair and leads me back outside to the bar.

"Until I initiated you with the belting, the club rule is that all Masters and slaves must be clothed. Now see the difference."

I'm astonished! Half the club members are dressed as they were before, but the other half are all naked. All wear slave collars and all are completely hairless from the neck down. They stand at 'present' by the side of their Masters or kneel at their feet. And not all the slaves are young. Some are middle aged, a few with white hair. One young Master is strapping a much older slave bent over his knee as I watch. My prick hardens even more at the sight. Most slaves have punished red butts and all have the branded initial of their Master on the right cheek of their backsides. I realise I'm the only one without a brand and suddenly begin to feel guilty that I'm letting my Master down. I can't be his proper slave until I wear his brand. I can't imagine the pain involved, but I'm already thinking it's what I deserve, what I need. But I'm not ready yet, I know. With Jerome's hand on my neck we move to the bar. Chang, the barman, is now naked and brings us drinks without being asked. This time I've been given a glass and we clink glasses as always before drinking.

"Cheers Robbie. How do you like all these slaves on show, obeying their masters? I get quite a kick seeing young guys punishing older slaves although my choice is always a young boy like you."

"It's all so fantastic Master. I can hardly believe it's real."

"It's very real Robbie. Now, I may have some things on the rest of the day, so I'll need to find someone to look after you. This will be another test boy, okay?"

"Yes Master." What sort of test? Another person to look after me? I'm lost and more than a little worried.

"Two alternatives boy. I can stand you up on a table and auction you off for the day. The money would go to club funds and I think you'd fetch a good price. Or, I can loan you out to a friend. What do you think?"

Think! I'm staggered! Anyway, will Jerome worry about what I think?

"Whatever you decide Master," I mumble.

"Good. I think you need the experience of being auctioned Robbie because you're the sort of submissive young man who will enjoy the humiliation of being sold in public as a slave."

Jerome takes a gold chain from his pocket, attaches it to my collar, pulls me to the centre of the bar, and clips the other end of the chain to a slim metal column. At the foot of the column is a low, red velvet covered stool.

"Up on the auction stool boy."

I do as I'm told and immediately notice I have become the centre of attention. All eyes are on me standing naked chained to a pole. Jerome moves back to the bar where he lifts his glass in salute to me and smiles. My prick stands erect. Alex appears at my side with a hand held microphone. First he hangs a card around my neck with the words 'slave for sale'.

"Gentlemen, Master Jerome is auctioning this young slave to the highest bidder for one day, the proceeds to go to club funds. This slave is very submissive, obedient and only fucked once. I can testify he sucks well. Please feel free to come forward and inspect the goods and I will start the sale in thirty minutes."

Alex walks to the bar and stands with Jerome chatting and drinking. I'm on my own. In the next thirty minutes I'm inspected by many would be buyers. Many hands at once stroke my body, feel my hard prick, weigh my balls, bend me forward and spread my ass cheeks to look at my most private orifice, finger fuck me, slap my arse, twist my tits and probe my mouth. They pass comments to each other, but no words are addressed to me. I'm simply a slave, flesh to be assessed. And, as Jerome said I would, I'm enjoying the fantastic humiliation of being a slave for sale. I remember past fantasies of being in just this sort of situation while jerking off at home. Now it's for real and though feeling slightly scared of what comes next, I savour the degradation of being naked, surrounded by clothed Masters handling me as a farmer might an animal in a market place. Finally, Alex returns and clears a space so I can be seen standing alone by Masters and their naked slaves. "Who will bid me twenty for this willing slave?" A young guy in full black leather at the front raises his hand.

"Fifty." An older guy in shirt and tie.

"Seventy," shouts the leatherman.

"One hundred," from an elderly rather fat new bidder wearing a suit.

"One-fifty," the leatherman again.

"Three hundred." A very loud and authoritative upper class voice.

I'm surprised. A big, handsome black guy in a pinstripe suit. I wonder what all these different guys will want from me, to do to me as their slave? I shiver in expectant anticipation of being made to suck their cocks. Will they want to fuck me?

"Five hundred." The fat guy seems keen. I'm not.

"One thousand," from the big black guy.

"Any more bids?" Alex looks around.

A thousand pounds for me. Wow! But I'm scared too. The black guy is handsome, but looks tough and hard. He grins and starts walking towards me with the aim of claiming me for the day.

"Going, going... " Alex shouts out excitably.

"Two thousand pounds." A voice I immediately recognise as my wonderful Master Jerome.

"Gone for two thousand to Master Jerome. A round of applause please for his generosity.

Jerome comes forward, holds me close and kisses me. I suck on his tongue until he pushes me away and unfastens the chain from the column. The big black guy and Jerome exchange an affectionate hug. I have to admire this friend of Jerome's. He's about Jerome's age and physique with a shaven head, black goatee beard, very handsome and dazzling white teeth as he smiles at both of us. He runs his hands over me and finally rests one hand on my bottom with a finger investigating my anus.

"Nice boy you have here Jerome. And real tight. Haven't you been reaming him?"

"He's new Lynwood. Until last night he was a virgin. Can you believe it?"

"Feeling this boycunt, I can. You have the luck of the devil J."

"Well, when I need to loan him out perhaps you can help break him in."

My cock has shot up rock hard. Partly because of the finger fuck I'm receiving and partly because they're talking about breaking me in and loaning me out. Wow! This is thoroughly turning me on.

"But listen Lyn, when you borrow him, nothing too heavy please."

Lyn removes his finger and starts stroking my bare bottom.

"You think I don't know how to treat a bitch boy like this? He'd be safe with me Jerome and you know it. Okay?

"You care to join us for lunch Lyn?"

"Sounds good J, I'll join you when I've found my boys."

Jerome takes my metal chain lead and walks to the lift with me following behind like a puppy. Again I'm groped and fondled by different guys as we pass between the tables. The young leatherguy who couldn't afford me gives me a grin and slaps my arse as we pass. In the lift, Jerome fondles me.

"I've another little initiation for you Robbie after lunch. But don't worry, it won't hurt you... at least not physically. I'm left wondering what this means as he leads me into the dining room. A few club members and their slaves are already there. A naked waiter wearing only a bow tie as well as a slave collar around his neck ushers us to a table set for two. Jerome sits down.

"Kneel at my side boy."

Down I get and between the tables I can see other boys in the same position. Lynwood arrives with two naked boys following. The white one is a little older than me, but taller and more heavily built with long fair hair and piercing blue eyes and a very handsome guy. The other in contrast is an equally handsome tall Indian boy about my age and physique with short black hair and dark eyes. Lyn sits opposite Jerome with his two boys on either side. He ruffles their hair.

"Don't think you've met Liam and Del have you Jerome? They can be quite naughty so I cane and spank them several times a day. They love it. So do I of course."

Jerome and Lyn eat their meals. Occasionally they feed us boys. Lyn, I notice, feeds his boys pieces of food to their mouths. Jerome favours me licking food from the palm of his hand. And I find it quite a turn on doing it and licking between his fingers. I realise I'm not simply a slave, I'm a puppy. He also treats me to slurps of wine and water from his glass. Towards the end of the meal I have the urge to piss and whisper my need to him. He snaps a finger for a waiter.

"My boy needs to relieve himself,"

Jerome continues eating. A couple of minutes and the waiter arrives carrying what looks like the potty I used as a kid except it's made from glass. The waiter places it on the floor.

"Well, sit on it boy and piss."

I'm red with shame as I sit over the pot and start pissing. Guys at other tables and slaves under tables are turning to look at me noisily tinkling into my potty.

"Finished boy?"

"Yes Master."

"Good. Now I want you to stand up, walk to the fountain in the centre of the room and let all my friends see you drink your own piss."

This time I do hesitate. Surely he's joking! Drink my own piss? It's a disgusting idea. But I can tell by that smile of his that he is not joking. I pick up the potty and hold it with both hands. It's warm and everyone can see the yellow contents.

"Off you go boy. Do as you're told or I'll have to spank you very hard right now."

What a choice! But I know I must obey. When I reach the centre of the dining room I see what he must mean by a fountain. A large, shallow marble bowl about nine feet across with water gently bubbling up from a marble knobhead at the centre. I turn and search for Jerome's face in the crowd. He nods, I lift the glass potty to my mouth and drink. It's not pleasant although as I drain the last drop from the potty I'm acquiring the taste. A waiter takes the potty from me. The crowd of Master and slaves applaud. Jerome comes towards me and kisses me on the lips. I savour his hot tongue down my throat.

"Good boy. I'm proud of you. Now, the little initiation I mentioned. Step into the fountain and kneels down."

An inch of water swirls around my knees and feet. Jerome unzips his shorts, takes out his fantastic half hard cock and feeds it into my mouth. Before I have time to start sucking I feel his piss dribbling and then gushing into my mouth. I swallow like mad, but unable to cope with the powerful stream some escapes and runs from the sides of my mouth. He withdraws his cock and sprays my face with his piss, then my hair, shoulders and chest. I kneel there feeling the power he has over me as he spurts his Master's piss all over my body. I am his in every sense of the word. I'm so turned on I can feel my piss wet prick prodding the air wanting to cum. As Jerome steps back, other Masters surround me. They too pull out large cocks and begin to piss all over me. That's enough, without touching my prick it shoots forth gobs of spunk. I'm in my own slave heaven of total humiliation and pride in having done this to please my Master. As the Masters step back, a circle of slaves and waiters join in my degradation and stream after stream of their piss flows down my naked body as I kneel there completely subservient even to my fellow slaves.

It may be a few months before Chapter 5 will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 5

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