Obeying My Husband


Published on Aug 12, 2006


My happiest moments in my new life with Dave are when, spooned together in bed, Dave has his stiff cock up my ass and I'm fucked like any good wife should be. And sometimes, when he's feeling very horney, several times a night and again in the morning before he goes to work. I keep his loads of spunk in me for as long as possible while I'm in the flat naked and I wear plastic pants under my tight panties in case of accidents when I'm at college. You can't imagine what a wonderful feeling it is sitting in lectures and feeling his fluid slowly seeping out into the plastic pants.

The following Saturday morning, Dave tells me Liam is expecting me to model for him. It's only two streets away in another semi-basement flat. But so different from Dave's. Liam's so called studio is really his living room and bedroom combined and it's so messy I tread carefully between the empty beer cans and take-away food containers. Liam just sweeps everything on his pine table onto the floor.

"Okay Matt, strip naked and get on all fours on the table".

Of course I do as I'm told and immediately think I must look like an animal with my balls hanging between my legs and, I have to admit, my prick becoming rigid.

"Spread your knees and your arms Matt."

Liam lifts my right hand and pulls it forward, He does the same with my right knee. Then pushes my left arm and knee back. Now my prick and balls are even more exposed.

"I want you to stay in that sort of position. Now don't move except turn your face towards me and smile. Very sexy!"

Liam sits with a large sketching pad on his lap and draws away. Feeling less stressed, my hard-on droops. The door bell rings.

"Stay just where you are boy, don't you dare move."

Liam goes to the door and I hear him returning with two other guys. I stay in the pose Liam has set so the two guys get a real eyeful of me kneeling there on all fours with my shaven body, prick and balls on show. From their accents I can tell they are both Irish like Liam. Handsome dark haired Irish hunks at that. One a really big young guy of about 18 wearing faded jeans and tight shirt revealing his well developed muscles. The other by contrast is in his 30's wearing white casual trousers, dark blue blazer and red open necked shirt.

"Now what about this?" says the younger one as he steps forward and holds my prick and balls in his hand. My prick is immediately erect.

"Did I give you permission to handle my model Joe?"

"No Liam love, but I usually do and I reckon Patrick will want to examine his fine butt."

"Behave," says Patrick.

Joe lets go of my genitals and walks back to where all three of them stand looking at me.

"Is this Dave's new bumboy?" asks Patrick.

"No", says Liam "to be precise he's Dave's wife. But that only means we can do anything except fuck his arse. You can of course have a look at his rosebud."

"Spread his cheeks for me will you Joe? I think I'll need my glasses."

Joe moves to my side and with a hand on each of my ass cheeks, pulls them apart for Patrick to take a look. I maintain my pose and have to admit I'm rather enjoying this humiliating game. Patrick steps behind me, puts on his glasses and, I presume, examines my private orifice at close quarters.

"Quite beautifully enticing," is Patrick's verdict. "Am I allowed to touch Liam?"

"Well, that's not fucking is it? So yes, I'd say you can."

I feel a finger gently pressing my anus and I begin to drip precum from my prick.

"Would be so much better if it was a little moister," said Patrick. Do you think Joe might help out with that Liam?"

"Yeah, why not Pat?"

"Keep his cheeks apart Joe and get around here and lick Matt's hole. After all, it's your speciality."

I suddenly realise that big butch Joe obeys Patrick's orders. Interesting! Joe moves around to my rear, still holding my ass cheeks apart, and I feel his tongue lathering my arsehole with his spit and starting to fuck me with his long tongue. It stops as, presumably, Patrick pulls him away and I feel Patrick's finger touching and invading my hole.

"Tell me Liam," says Patrick "is a little finger fucking allowed?"

"Dave didn't say no. I think he was more worried about mine or anyone else's cock. So yes Patrick, why not go ahead. I'm sure the little girlie boy will appreciate your attentions as much as Joe does".

"Oh, he'd have me finger fucking him all day. Give him a go Liam. And you Joe, strip naked and present your fuckhole to Liam."

As Patrick finger fucks me vigorously and I drip precum all over the table top, I can see Joe stripping off and turning to bend and spread his ass cheeks for Liam. What a sight! Joe is so macho looking and yet is passively offering his arsehole to Liam. He also strips off and, rather than his finger, sticks his endowment up Joe's arsehole. I'm so turned on by the sight and Patrick's two thrusting fingers that I shoot a huge load over the table top.

"You better lick that up Matt," Patrick orders. "Have you ever been fist fucked? With a little work I think you could take my arm to my elbow. Would you like that?"

I'm busy licking up my cum so have a moment to consider this. Fist fucking I've seen in porno mags, but does Patrick really do that? His three or might it be four fingers playing with my ass indicates he might. But would Dave approve?

"I'd have to ask Dave I think Patrick."

"That's okay babe. Ask him if I can fuck you. That's what I really want. You're such a sweetie."

Patrick withdraws his fingers and walks round in front of me. He presents his fingers to my mouth. I immediately realise what I'm expected to do and I tentatively begin to lick my arse juices from his fingers. He inserts most of his fingers and hand into my mouth. I slobber over his hand and enjoy the feeling of submissiveness it engenders. Behind his hand I see him unzipping his pants and taking out his big hard cock. His hand is withdrawn from my mouth and replaced with his hard, purple headed circumcised cock. I suck eagerly not thinking what Dave would think. Liam and Joe have finished their shagging and I can see them watching me being used. For the moment I'm Patrick's sex slave and I think he knows this. He slams his weapon in and out of my mouth and leans over me to finger my ass hole. With Liam and Joe watching I feel totally humiliated. The door bell rings. Joe pulls on his shorts and goes to answer. I see Joe trying to block the doorway, but Dave pushes past him and there is no doubt he is angry.

"What the fuck you doing Patrick you bastard?"

Patrick carries on nonchalantly fucking my mouth although I am trying desperately to pull away. His hands on the back of my head prevents this.

"Liam said not to fuck his arse Dave honey. None of us have. What's all the fuss?"

"He was supposed to be modelling for Liam not taking part in a fucking orgy. Get off him all I'll floor you."

Dave advances threateningly with his fists raised and Patrick pulls out his still hard cock and backs off.

"Why you taking on like this sport, he's a fuck boy isn't he?"

Dave lowers his fists and holds my head close to his chest.

"He's my fuck boy Patrick and you and Liam bloody know it."

I've never seen or heard Dave so angry. I realise he's protecting me and just knowing this makes me feel so wanted I clasp my arms tightly around his waist. I notice Joe rushing forward and starting to suck Patrick's huge and still erect endowment.

Liam flops into an armchair and laughs. "Come off it Dave boy, you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Your cute innocent wifie enjoys being a cock sucking slave and you know it, or should do."

"Yeah I do know and he'll be punished for it when we get home."

And I did. Back in our flat he orders me to strip naked and bend over with my legs apart. First he spanks me. Harder than he's ever done before.

"Okay, now count the strokes Matt. You're getting ten with the cane."

The spanking I endured without a murmur, but as I began to count the cane strokes, I'm soon moaning, crying and begging him to stop.

"Please Dave... please I'll not misbehave again... please stop... thank you sir number five," I screamed.

After thanking Dave for the tenth stroke of the cane, I just stay, bent over, whimpering, tears flowing down my cheeks. A grown man accepting what I know is a just punishment. I knew perfectly well I'd been in the wrong, but my problem as always was that I obey other men's orders without hesitation.

Dave hugs me to him and kisses my tear stained cheeks, eyes and mouth after the punishment. Him clothed and me naked in his arms. His hand gently patting and soothing my bare beaten arse. It is such moments I absolutely adore when I know I am his 'girl' and he loves me as I do him.

"I think your angry red ass is ready for fucking sweetheart, don't you?"

"Oh please Dave, that's what I need... that's what I'm for. I need your cock up my arse making me entirely yours. Please Dave, fuck me."

He leans me over the back of the sofa and I hear the rustle of his clothes as he strips naked. Then he enters me and I encourage him loudly to relentlessly fuck me.

"Fuck me Dave... oh yes fuck me... fuck me."

I know my shouts to take me have an effect and he plunges his fantastic big cock in and out of me. Dave eventually carries me to his bed and fucks me again and again. And again the following morning.

If you read this, please let me know what you think and, if you wish, suggest the next story line. will.obe@btinternet.com

Next: Chapter 9

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