Obeying Nature


Published on Mar 22, 2005



Chapter 10

On the way back from "The Den" in a taxi, my Master complements me on obeying orders.

"I can't emphasise enough how important it is for you to understand, as a slave and submissive, that you must obey a Master. It's not for you to decide whether you like them or not. Okay?"

"Yes sir."

"You resisted that ugly moron kissing you, didn't you?"

"Yes sir. I'm sorry sir."

"Well, I'll not be punishing you, because he did that himself by putting you in the piss-tub."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir."

"What did you think of it?"

"It was okay sir."

"Remember boy, I joined in. I saw you giving yourself to it. You revelled in it. Don't be afraid to admit it boy. When you give yourself fully to that sort of degrading situation, you're confirming what you are to me, to others and, most importantly, yourself."

"Yes sir." I knew this to be true.

"Next weekend as well as fun for both of us, I'll be testing you again. We must also work on your pain threshold."

He drops my off at my flat. I strip naked, clean myself out, have a bath and admire my red bottom and cane marks. The pain of sitting at the desk in my office constantly reminds me of my status. As the week goes by, the redness and marks identifying me as a slave begin to fade. Perhaps, I think, they'll reappear when my Master works on my pain threshold. I wonder what the tests will be?

He phones on Thursday evening.

"Right boy. Come to my place straight from your office tomorrow."

He hangs up before I can say a word.

When I arrive at my Master's flat door, I take the collar out of my jacket pocket, buckle it around my neck, tousle my hair and put on a big smile. I press the bell push. The door opens and I see my Master looking extremely handsome dressed in a dinner suit and black bow tie. He smiles, pulls me in by my collar, embraces me and we exchange our usual deep throat kiss, me sucking greedily on my Master's tongue. He pulls away.

"Strip off boy."

Once again he sees me transform from a suited clerk into his naked, obedient slave. I stand, feet apart, arms outstretched, cock erect, head bowed for his inspection. He runs his fingers over my armpits and crutch to make sure they're perfectly smooth.

"Go and shave, clean yourself out, shower, put on the clothes I've left on the bed and come out to the terrace. Take your time, we're not expected till eight."

I rush to the workroom, curious to see what Nikki's made for me this time. It's nothing outrageous, simply a beautifully made black dinner suit, frilled front shirt, bow tie and black patent leather shoes. No socks. I shave my face, armpits and crotch carefully, take and expel the three usual enemas, shower and dress. I've never had a dinner suit and hardly recognise the handsome vision I see in the mirror. Not very modest I know for a slaveboy, but the collar is still there to denote my status. I walk out onto the terrace and present myself. My Master stands up, walks around me and smiles.

"You look beautiful boy." He appears to be more than satisfied.

"Don't think we need this tonight." He removes my collar.

What sort of event are we going to where I don't need my slave collar?

"Go and stand over there till its time." He indicates for me to stand facing the wall near the patio window.

The naughty boy position for a man in a dinner suit! It's a reminder. I presume he's having a drink and watching the sun go down. Thirty minutes later I hear him stand up.

"Right boy, let's go."

Wonderful, I get another kiss in the lift. He fondles my bottom. I feel loved and owned. Sitting beside him in the BMW I'm excited by the idea of any passer-by thinking I'm his toy-boy. He parks outside a four storey, brick built house somewhere in the better part of Earl's Court. I follow him up a long stone path running through an immaculately kept garden. The dark green door gleams with varnish and the brass door knocker is smooth from constant cleaning. A tall, attractive woman in her thirties wearing an elegant black trouser suit opens the door and greets Mark affectionately with an exchange of kisses on each cheek. She turns to me.

"This is Ian" Mark said.

I receive a kiss on each cheek and a hug.

"You're even more angelic than I've been told Ian. I'm Charlotte. Everyone calls me Charlie. Come in."

We follow her through a spacious hall, a dining room with French windows overlooking a garden full of flowers and a table set for eight - bright with silver cutlery and crystal wineglasses. On into a large kitchen also with windows overlooking the garden. Another attractive, thirty something woman, wearing an evening dress and pinafore, stands at a table preparing a salad. Charlie places her hands on my shoulders and presents me.

"This is the gorgeous Ian we've been hearing about. And this Ian is Louise, the cook of the family."

"Welcome Ian. Lovely to see you." Louise leans forward and kisses me on both cheeks. She repeats the kisses with Mark.

"Lovely to see you too Mark darling. Let Charlie take you upstairs for drinks. I'll be along shortly."

I trail behind as we all go upstairs. I've never been in such a posh house. It reminds me of houses I've seen in films. I look up the well of the staircase and can see the curving balustrade winding up another three floors. At the top of the staircase, wide open double doors lead into an elegant sitting room with several high windows overlooking the rear garden. Men in dinner suits and women in evening gowns stand up as we enter.

Charlie does the introductions.

"You all know Mark. This is Ian. Now let me attend to drinks."

Maggie rushes over and kisses first me and then Mark. Lyn smiles and nods to us.

"Come on Ian sweetie, you must meet Nigel and Anne." Lyn gushes.

Mark stays talking to Lyn as I'm escorted across the room to meet the other two guests. Nigel is about forty, well over six feet tall with a slim figure. So extremely good-looking I can't take my eyes off him as Maggie introduces me to the girl.

"Anne, this is Ian. Isn't he cute?"

I blush red at the description as Anne gives me the regulation kisses on each cheek. I decide she must be in her late twenties.

"Very cute. I'm sure Nigel will want a picture. Won't you darling?"

"She means I'm a photographer Ian. And as it happens I've brought my camera, so I'd love you to pose for me, if you don't mind that is?"

Maggie said "Of course he won't mind. It's not as if you're any old photographer, is it?"

Nigel laughs and I laugh with him. The way Maggie had said it makes me think he must be famous.

"G and T for you Ian darling. Mark ordered." Charlie hands me a drink, takes Nigel's empty glass and runs off. Nigel follows her.

Everyone is sitting down. Anne and Maggie on a sofa. Mark and Lyn in adjoining chairs near the windows. I perch on the edge of an armchair on my own sipping my drink, feeling a bit out of it. Suddenly I overhear Maggie speaking quietly to Anne.

"His body's completely shaved. He's like a little boy."

"How extraordinary. Why is that?"

Maggie opens her mouth to reply, but is interrupted by Charlie.

"Please everyone, dinner's ready. Please come down."

Saved by the gong as they say! I'm curious as to what her answer would have been. We all go down to the dining room. The candles are lit and it looks marvellous. Maggie and Louise sit at either end. Nigel and I on either side of Charlie. Mark and Lyn on either side of Louise. Anne and Maggie between the men. Maggie is next to me. The first course, smoked salmon, is on the table. We all help ourselves to white wine and start eating. The others all chat to each other. I concentrate on eating and listening, if I'm honest, in case Maggie says anything more about me, Instead she speaks to me.

"I loved seeing you being fucked by that black boy. Did you enjoy it?"

I drop my fork, feel my face turning scarlet and my prick hardening.

"Don't worry, they can't hear. Well did you?"

As if to encourage me, she puts down her knife and fork, slips her hand under the table and slides it over my thigh to my crutch. She squeezes my hardness.

"Well er... I was made to do it. That's all."

"I know that darling. Did you enjoy it though?"

"Yes. Yes I did." No point denying it.

Charlie and Louise start to collect the plates.

Mark raises his voice. "Hang on ladies, no need for you to do that. Ian will do it."

Charlie and Louise sit down and seven pairs of eyes turn on me. I blush and stand up. But why not help, I am the youngest. I pick up my own plate.

"No, no Ian. You're not dressed properly are you?" Mark laughs as he speaks.

I dread what might be coming next.

Mark said, "Stand on your chair Ian."

Pushing back the chair, I climb on it and stand, blushing still.

"Take your jacket off and drop it on the floor."

I obey. There's a bright flash and I see Nigel eagerly taking a photograph.

"Now the bow tie and shirt."

As I take the shirt off and raise my arms I know they can see I'm shaved.

"Now your shoes."

I stoop and slip them off and they clatter on the floor.

"Now your pants."

I unzip, they drop down and I kick them onto the floor. I'm stark naked with a raging hard-on, standing on a chair, being keenly watched by the male and female dinner guests. Anne now has proof of my hairless body. Nigel has been recording the whole process.

"Turn around and show yourself boy." It's the first time he's addressed me as boy.

I turn around and show my pink bottom and faded cane marks. He's tricked me into believing this would be just a dinner party. With me clothed and being treated as his friend. I should have known. I can't cope with their grins and smiles. I feel more humiliated than ever at being exhibited to total strangers and all these women.

"Come here boy."

I run to obey, stand with my feet apart, head bowed. Mark produces my collar from under the table and fastens it around my neck. Nigel takes a close shot.

"This collar marks you not only as my slaveboy, but as a slave to everyone in this room. They can use you as they wish. Nowclear the plates boy."

I move around collecting the plates. Maggie holds my prick for a moment for all to see. When I reach her, Anne does likewise. Lyn fondles my bottom. I escape with the plates to the kitchen. Louise follows and gives me vegetable dishes to take out to the table. Then plates with pieces of chicken for each guest. Lastly I take my own plate. Louise brings her own to the table. I put down my plate and look to Mark for guidance.

"Eat as you usually do boy. Over by the door where we can all see you."

The guests watch as I do as I'm told, walk to the open space near the door, place the plate on the floor and start eating with my fingers. Another photograph is taken. Throughout the meal, although they chat to each other, I see them glancing at me, more interested in the spectacle of a naked slave eating than their own food.

"Clear the plates and dishes boy."

This time every single one of them touches me up as I remove dishes and plates. The women favour my prick, Mark and Lyn my bottom and Nigel my nipples. On my last trip to the kitchen I drop a fork.

"Here boy. Over my knee"

My Master moves his chair from the table and I obediently drape myself over his knee. He places my hard prick between his thighs and starts spanking, One cheek and then the other. The slaps echo around the room. The spanking goes on and on. I yelp and squirm and kick my legs, but he holds on to me. I can't hold back and start crying like a little boy. Another close shot by Nigel. Ten more and my Master stops. I jump up and skip around holding my sore bottom. I've abandoned any dignity as I dance naked with tears running down my cheeks.

"Now go and tell each of my friends how sorry you are and show them your spanked bottom."

I sniff away the tears and walk from guest to guest.

"I'm very sorry Mistress." Maggie uses a handkerchief to wipe my eyes. I turn around for her to see my red bottom. She feels the heat with her hands.

I'm very sorry Mistress." Anne laughs and kisses my nose. I turn around and she also tests the heat with a hand.

"I'm very sorry Mistress." Louise gives me a hug and pats my bottom.

"I'm very sorry Mistress." Charlie grins, pulls me over her lap and gives me to two hefty slaps. I yell out and hold my bum as I move on to Lyn.

"I'm sorry sir." Lyn turns me around, gently runs his hands over my bottom and gives each cheek a kiss.

"I'm very sorry sir." Nigel draws me onto his lap, folds me in his arms and gives me a long, tongue-probing kiss. Wow! I forget the pain in my arse and respond eagerly, sucking his tongue down to its roots.

"Now boy, go and stand in the corner." Mark orders.

I face the corner, feet apart, head bowed and hands on my head. My red bottom glowing and on show. Their eyes are on me, an adult man, naked, spanked in front of them and standing in a corner like a punished schoolboy. They chat on and are served desserts and coffee by our hosts. I can hear them moving out from the dining and going upstairs. In the total silence I dare to look round. The room's empty. I turn to face the corner. It seems like ages later when I hear my Master's shout.

"Come up here boy." His order excites me and my prick flicks up.

They are all sitting comfortably and chatting. Facing them, in the centre of the room, is a large armchair. Nigel stands ready with his camera.

"Sit in the armchair boy." This beautiful man can order me to do anything as far as I'm concerned.

"Put your legs over the arms and spread them wide. Hands behind your neck."

I display myself as ordered. My hairless prick stands erect above my hairless balls. He 's still not satisfied. Placing his hands on my hips he pulls my arse up a little.

"That's good, wonderful. Shaved body, shaved genitals and centre of attraction your tight pink anus."

Nigel takes a slaveboy's portrait. My fellow guests, my Masters and Mistresses, laugh and clap. Nigel smiles at me, drops his trousers and lowers his briefs to show me his rampant cock. He spits on his hand, lubricates my pink anus, bends his long legs and eases himself into me. We're looking into each other's eyes as he takes me. I whimper. Not with pain, but pure sexual pleasure. His fantastic cock slides backwards, then forwards. Behind him the other guests have crowded in to see the action. Is Anne jealous I wonder, seeing me speared on her boyfriend's tool? Nigel accelerates the fuck, beginning to pant as he does so. All I know is a feeling of utter abandon as I'm used and onlookers see me being used.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming." Nigel announces his urgent climax.

He pumps into me. I can feel his spunk flooding into me. He gasps and plunges for the last time. As he pulls out and staggers back I see Lyn waiting his turn. Maggie fingers my hole and then guides her husband's cock into me. He is so excited, even though I'm not wearing his wife's lingerie, he shafts me only a few times before shooting his load into me. I simply lie there, completely on view, recovering my breath, exchanging smiles with my Master. Then he grins broadly and steps aside. Behind him is Charlie in her black trouser suit. Around her lower belly she's wearing a black leather belt supporting a black leather dildo. I can't believe this. He's letting a woman fuck me? No mistake and Charlie seems eager. She half closes her eyes as she drives her artificial cock into me. It may not be real, but it provokes in me all the great feelings of being fucked and I thrust my arsehole backwards and forwards. She laughs, probably knowing how I feel. A male slut welcoming her female dominance. I shoot all over my stomach.

Will Obe would like to have your comments on this particular chapter

WILL OBE (c) copyright

Next: Chapter 11

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