Obeying Nature


Published on Mar 24, 2005



by Will Obe

Chapter 11

Back wearing my dinner suit I sit in the passenger seat of my Master's car outside Charlie and Louise's house.

"You appeared to enjoy those three people fucking you."

"Yes sir, I did." I know it's better to be honest.

"But you're still my boy. Still loyal to me?"

"Of course sir. You're still me real Master." I'm hurt he should feel otherwise.

"Good. How did you like Charlie fucking you?"

"Amazed sir. Couldn't believe it. She made me cum a load."

"She's an expert. You realise she's a lesbian?"

"Fucking hell!" I'd never, to my knowledge, met a gay woman. And this one had fucked me!

Mark laughs. Amused by my obvious ignorance.

"Did you clean yourself out, before dressing?"

"Yes sir." Maggie had insisted on helping me do it. Demonstrating a special hose and nozzle Anne had in her bathroom. To my further embarrassment several of the other guests watched her doing it.

"In that case, take down your trousers and sit bare arsed."

He watched me as I undid and slipped down my pants.

"Tuck up your shirt, let me see you boy."

Now I'm half-naked he starts off. Occasionally his hand strokes my prick and I become rock hard. He allows me to pull up my pants before we leave the car and go up to his flat. Once there I'm made to strip down to my collar. For the first time he straps me into his sling, He goes to his bedroom to undress and returns completely naked. I realise I don't often see him like this and I congratulate myself that he's taken me as his slave. Coming around to the head of the sling he inserts his not so hard cock into my mouth. I suck on it madly until I taste the first trickle of piss, then I drink like mad. Afterwards he fucks my mouth and I taste his pre-cum. This is wonderful I keep thinking as I take his thrusting weapon down my throat only to lose it as he prepares my other hole with lube. One finger slowly fucking me sends me into sexual spasms. Two fingers pumping and I'm taking off ready and begging.

"Please fuck me sir. Please screw your bumboy slave sir." I know such pleading heightens his passion.

My eyes are on his, as he thumps his monstrous maleness into me and out again and into me again. He clenches his teeth and screws up his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah... take it boy. Wank yourself slave. Take my spun...k you bitch boy. Take it all."

And I wank like fury, as my arse is flooded with his cream and an instant later I shoot into the air. He rests on me for a moment, unstraps me, carries me to the bed and we lie together into the early hours. As usual he goes for a piss and then returns to his own bed. I drift off into a dream where I'm naked in school and can't find my clothes.

On Saturday morning after breakfast I'm given my orders.

"While I'm showering, do the washing up and get down on yours hands and knees and scrub the floor."

As all the whole flat including the floors are kept spotlessly clean by a middle aged gay "charlady" during the week, I know me doing the floor is intended as a sexual chore. One that I enjoy if I'm honest. Whether it's dusting or using the vacuum cleaner while naked is the sort of humiliation I appreciate. He returns while I'm still scrubbing the floor, my arse up in the air. The fact that he stands in the doorway watching indicates it's as much a turn on for him as it is for me.

"Okay boy, get yourself cleaned out ready for use, showered and shaved. Come and find me when you're ready."

He's on his mobile when I present myself. He beckons me forward, checks the smoothness of my crutch and holds on to my hard prick as he continues to chat.

"Yeah, three times. Third time by a woman with a strap-on. Loved it all. My slave's getting as perverted as us."

Except for a laugh, I can't hear the other persons reply. Mark forces his hand between my thighs and a finger probes my hole. Being talked about to a third person while I'm standing naked beside my Master is a new form of humiliation.

"Splendid idea. It'll be a new experience. Take care."

Mark puts down the phone, withdraws his finger from my hole and presents it to me. I suck it clean although since I've only just completed my enemas it tastes only of soap.

"I've some work I must do so I want you to go for a long walk. Wear those leather jeans Nikki made for you. Break them in. Have a pizza or something, but be back here for five. Okay?"

"Yes sir."

Much as I would have preferred to stay naked with my Master, I put on the ultra tight jeans and, as instructed, go for a long walk. In fact they're so well made, I find them a pleasure to wear. More than that, they feel sexy and I'm aware of the looks they and my collar provoke from passers-by. Perhaps it's the very obvious zips, back and front, that attract looks from the gay couples. I avoid making eye contact. Spend time in a gay bookshop looking at magazines. Go to an Italian and. as Mark instructed, order a pizza and coffee. Can't eat more than half. Dawdle back to the flat, arrive thirty minutes early and wait till dead on five.

He has another gift for me from Nikki's. Well fitting, but not too tight pale blue jeans and a short denim shirt with pearl buttons down the front.

"Go and clean yourself, shower and shave, put on these things and get back here."

It's a ritual, which has become a routine for me whether I'm with Mark or back in my flat. Three enemas, a face and body shave followed by a shower. On with the jeans, the shirt as a hang-out and boots. Straighten my collar and back for inspection to the living room where my Master's having a drink. He's changed into jeans and a denim shirt. I spin around for him.

"Perfect. Shirt's short enough not to hide your arse. Let's go."

As we head north I wonder what the night has in store for me. We cross over a canal, under a railway bridge and into a seedier part of Westminster. He stops the car outside a laundrette on a main road. Mark points to a door at the side of the laundrette.

"That's a club. You've been invited boy. Go and enjoy yourself. I'll pick you up later."

Feeling decidedly uneasy I open the car door.

"And remember, do as your told. Being dressed up doesn't mean you're not a slave. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

He drives off. I walk to the doorway. It's not, to say the least, smart. The name on the badly illuminated bell push says "Serendipity Dream". I press hard, but hear nothing. It opens a few inches and I see the edge of a black face. A deep voice denotes it's male.

"Yeah. You Ian?" A distinctive Caribbean-Cockney accent.

"Yes, I'm Ian." I'm rather startled he knows.

"Come in man."

The door opens wide and I enter the sort of smart vestibule, decorated in garish warm colours, one might expect fronting a Soho strip-joint. The youngish doorman, wearing black jeans and black shirt with a red bow tie, probably acts as doorkeeper and bouncer. He's big enough. His nose has been broken at least once.

"I'm Harold. I'll go and get Anthony."

Harold pushes through red velvet curtains and I can hear him pounding up stairs. I peek through a gap in the curtains. A red carpeted, red painted staircase leading upwards. I stand back and wait. Voices and laughter on the stairs and Harold holds back the curtains for Anthony to make his entrance. And what an entrance! This guy Anthony is fantastic! Black and absolutely stunning. Well over six feet tall and wide shoulders. A beautiful long neck, full sensuous lips and brown tiger-eyes set in a strikingly handsome face. His hair, parted into fine braids across his head, falls in short lengths decorated with brightly coloured beads down his neck. He's wearing well fitting jeans and an open black leather waistcoat showing glimpses of well-developed pecs.

"This is Anthony", said Harold.

Anthony smiles, revealing gleaming white teeth. I offer my hand. Anthony brushes it away and takes me in his arms, almost lifts me off my feet, and kisses me on both cheeks.

"I've been told your cute Ian, but you are one pretty little boy. Come on up and let me get you a drink."

Anthony pulls me through the curtains and up the stairs. I have to run to keep up. Through more drapes and again I'm surprised. Instead of the tacky bar I'd been expecting, the long room we enter is an up market modern bar. All chrome, black leather and mirrors. On one side a long bar with bar stools. Facing this a series of alcoves with bench seats separated by tubular chromium frames curving over to join the bar. At the far end a floor to ceiling mirror. Subtle lighting and soft music add to the impression of a bar where members can feel comfortable. I suppose it's early and there are not many members around. Two or three couples and one or two singles. All male and, except for me, guys who would be thought of as black or Asian. Some lighter skinned than others. All wearing smart casual clothes. They're drinking and chatting together. Anthony grips my elbow and steers me down to the end of the bar. He pulls out a stool for me and takes the one next to me. The barman, young, black, attractive and smiling arrives to serve us.

"What can I get you and your friend Anthony?" His eyes are directly on me.

"His name's Ian. We'll have two rum and cokes.

"What else? You must forgive Anthony's rudeness blondie. I'm Rollo. I'll get your drinks.

Anthony takes my hands in his. They're beautifully manicured. Large with long, slim fingers. Below them I can't take my eyes off his wonderful strong thighs in the tight jeans. Rollo places our drinks on the bar. Anthony insists on lifting one of the glasses to my lips. I take the glass and sip. We clink glasses.

"Are you a friend of Mark's," I ask. He must be, how else would I be here.

"I know him." Anthony turns and leans on the bar, sipping his drink.

"Does he come here often?" I prop my elbows on the bar too.

"Never. It's not his sort of club Ian. He's white isn't he?"

"Yes I know, but what about me?"

"You're my guest." Anthony places his arm around my waist as if to vouch for me being his guest.

"Don't you like the place?" Anthony said.

"Yes, it's fantastic." As I speak, four more black guys come into the bar, greet Rollo and order drinks. They all turn to give me the once over and smile.

"You don't feel out of place?" Anthony's fingers reach around and squeeze my belly.

"Well, a bit I suppose." It is a bit strange being the only white guy. On the other hand, they all appear very friendly and pleasing to the eye.

"Yeah, well you're not out of place. They're all gay except for those who like to pretend they're bi."

Anthony pulls me close to him. He gently kisses my cheeks, ears and eyelids. He presses his lips to mine his tongue into my mouth and I open up and suck it. He delves down into my throat. I can feel him unbuttoning my shirt and then his long fingers fondle my nipples in turn. He's turning me right on. My prick's pressing upwards. He stops suddenly, sits back, gives me a devilish grin and finishes off his drink. He hands me my glass and I swallow what's left. Rollo takes our glasses away. Anthony laughs. Knowing I'm rather flushed after his attentions I smile. I start rebuttoning my shirt only to be stopped by his hand on mine.

"No, no. Let's see your chest. You don't mind do you?"

"It's okay." How can I mind if it's what this forceful hunk of a man wants?

Rollo returns with more drinks. We drink together. Anthony's eyes search mine. He uses the back of one hand to brush up and down my nipples. I breathe in between my teeth and close my eyes.

"You're a very sexy little boy." His other hand reaches behind my head, fondles my long hair and strokes my neck. "Does Mark fuck you?"

"Yes." I open my eyes to see his reaction. He's nodding.

"Yeah, I'm sure he does. Bet you fuck good."

Rollo stands behind the bar, listening and smiling.

"Like a girlie-boy" said Rollo.

"Is he right Ian?" Anthony gives my collar a tug.

"Yes." A breathless admission.

"Say yes Master." A sharper tone.

"Yes Master." And I mean it. I want to be this man's slave. Rollo hears me and chuckles.

"I'm going to strip you slaveboy."

"Yes Master." My excitement mounts as he informs me of his intentions.

"I'm going to spank your white butt in front of all these black guys."

"Yes Master. I want them to see you spank me Master."

"And I'm going to fuck you slaveboy."

"Oh yes Sir, please Master."

Master Anthony pulls my shirt off, drops it on the floor and leans down to chew my tits. I rear up and notice the other guys crowding forward. Grinning, sipping their drinks and watching me. He pulls me to my feet.

"Drop your pants slave."

I unfasten my jeans and let them fall to the floor. Rollo runs from the bar and removes my jeans and boots from my feet. Now I'm completely naked except for my slave collar. Master Anthony pushes me away from the bar and spins me around so the audience can view my naked, shaved white body. They whistle and shout.

"On your knees and kiss my feet boy."

In full slave mode by now, I drop to my knees and kiss his shoes. He pulls me up gently by my hair, presses my face into his crutch and leans forward to slap my arse cheeks. All these young guys have a view of my red, caned bottom. His fingers pull my cheeks apart to give them a peek at my so private pink hole. More whistles and shouted comments.

"Juicy", "Wow! White boy cunt" and "Who's been caning you?"

Anthony heaves me up until I'm half sitting on his lap, facing the crowd and showing them my hard-on. Anthony cups my balls with one hand and draws back my foreskin with the other.

"Tell us who caned you boy?"

"My er... friend Mark."

"And who is this Mark? Come on tell us properly?"

"My Master."

Hoots and whistles greet my answer.

"So what does that make you boy?" Anthony persists.

"His slave sir."

"You're a white slave?"

"Yes sir."

"Perhaps we should put you on show and sell you?"

They can't wait. Anthony sits watching while Rollo and Harold, who has arrived carrying chains and cuffs, fasten my wrists up to one of the tubular frames and my ankles to the bottom corners of the frame. I hang loosely chained and spread-eagled across the bar facing the mirror. In the mirror I can see Anthony leaning back on the bar sipping his drink.

"Come on guys. We have a white slave on show. Inspect him. Don't be shy."

Harold pulls my cheeks apart and fingers my hole. Rollo pushes my foreskin hard back. In pain I squirm and whimper.

"Shush girlie boy. Are you really a slave?"


"Yes what slave?" Rollo twists my nipples viciously.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry sir."

He goes back to serve at the bar as others crowd around feeling my arse, balls, hard prick, nipples and my flesh in general. Fingers probe my arse and mouth. I suck on those eagerly. I want to be examined like a slave on the auction block. I close my eyes and fantasise that I'm in a slave market and this is happening for real. I open my eyes as a tall guy with a moustache and goatee beard kisses me on the mouth. I draw in his tongue and suck. He grips me close, I can feel his clothes against my nakedness, as he gnaws at my mouth. Others push him away and I'm kissed repeatedly by many others. Someone's pumping my prick and I begin to gasp, close to cumming.

"Leave him." Anthony orders.

The guys drift back to their seats having satisfied their interest in inspecting a white slave. I'm left there naked and panting, In the mirror I see Anthony stand up, position himself behind me and raise a hand above his head.

"Ready boy?"

"Yes Master." I know it's going to hurt, but being spanked by this big, handsome, black Master in front of a crowd of black guys is what this white slave deserves. His hand crashes down and I jump squealing in my chains. Then the other cheek. I jump again. The watching men roar their encouragement and the spanking continues without pause. One cheek and then the other. On and on. I'm blubbering. Pleading with him to stop.

"Please Master, please Master."

Master Anthony ignores me. The guys quieten down and I can see them in the mirror watching my punishment intently. Rollo must have turned off the canned music for the only sound is the sharp crack as his hand strikes the right cheek and then the left. Tears flow down my cheeks. When the spanking stops, the bar is completely silent except for my sobbing. Anthony unfastens my ankle chains and supports me in his arms as he reaches up and unfastens my wrists. My hands are gripping my hot arse. He places his mouth on my lips and kisses me hard before allowing me to slump to the floor. He places his foot on my back.

"This is my white slave. He does anything he's told. However humiliating, he will obey. Okay boy, on your hands and knees."

I roll over and get on my hands and knees. Prick still hard. Red arse in the air.

"Crawl to the other end of the bar."

Fortunately the floor is carpeted so crawling is not too bad. All I see are boots, shoes and trainers on either side of me. I guess my subservient crawl is probably bringing smiles to the owners' faces. I reach the other end and wait for an order.

"Now crawl back slowly. Come on guys, slap that red arse. Let's see the bitch shedding some more tears."

Rollo holds my collar to prevent me moving too fast. Their hands whack my bottom all the way. I collapse at Master Anthony's feet again in tears. I grasp his legs.

"Please sir. No more, please Master."

"You are my slave?"

"Yes Master. I'll do anything you want, but please no..."

"On your knees slave."

He takes his jeans off and stands with his muscular legs apart. I'm looking directly at a gigantic bulge in his white briefs. I risk licking the material.

"Get my cock out boy."

I pull down his underpants and his erect, uncircumcised, blue black, ramrod straight, nine-inch cock is in my face. His piss slit with pink interior is an inch away from my lips.

"Lick it."

I do. Tongue into his piss slit, sucking out his pre-cum, up around his shiny knob and down each side of his wonderful cock, slurping the salt sweat from each crevice.

"Now suck it slaveboy."

Calling me slaveboy adds to my lust as I swallow, choke, re-swallow, and try to reach his pubic hair with my lips. I just can't manage it and concentrate on sucking it up and down. He reacts, holds my ears and face fucks me. I take it. I'm his white slaveboy and I don't care if all these other guys are watching. I'm his slave. He pulls out.

"Stand up boy."

I jump up as ordered. Master Anthony has kicked off his briefs and removed his shirt. Wow! This black giant, his cock standing proud is even more impressive in his nakedness. And he's going to fuck me, his submissive and willing slaveboy.

"Bend over boy."

He spits on his hand, parts my cheeks with his other hand and lubricates my eager tight anus. I can see him between my legs moving forward. Then his cock forces its way into and up my arse. I manoeuvre myself to allow it entry and sigh loudly as he buries himself into my butt and starts to slowly fuck me. I rock backwards and forwards with him. Giving myself to him. My curls are grabbed and my face lifted up as Rollo inserts his hard tool into my mouth and face fucks me vigorously. He shoots almost immediately and I swallow his bitter tasting cum. Master Anthony continues to plough my arse. I love both the physical feeling of his cock fucking me and the other feeling of complete dominance he has over me as he uses me in public. Another and then another hard-on carries on from where Rollo left off. I'm swallowing one lot of hot spunk after another. But only Master Anthony fucks me. Making me his slave. Fucking his slaveboy. These other guys are all getting off with me as a passive receptacle for their semen. The last one wipes his dripping tool across my face and Master Anthony swings me round to face the mirror.

"Wank yourself slave."

It's what I desperately need and start working my prick. I look in the mirror and can see the club members watching me being fucked by this naked hunk as I wank myself silly. I can hear and feel he's reaching orgasm.

"Take it slaveboy... take it!"

He pumps in his spunk and I feel it flooding me. And I splatter the mirror with my load. Master Anthony pulls out and I feel his spunk running down my legs.

"Lick that mirror clean slave."

I crawl forward and lick my own semen off the glass surface. As I do so, my reflection disappears and I'm looking through a no longer operating two way mirror into another brightly lit bar. Sitting with drinks in their hands are my Master Mark, Master Jason and his slave. Christian gleefully waves at me. They have witnessed all my punishment and humiliation.

Please let Will Obe have your comments.

Will Obe (c) Copyright.

Next: Chapter 12

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