Obeying Nature


Published on Mar 13, 2005


I'm pleasantly surprised on Sunday evening when my Master phones.

"How did it go this afternoon?"

"Well, it was interesting."

"He had you dress up as a woman?"

"Yes. Was that okay sir."

"He knew he could do anything he wanted. Did you enjoy wearing women's clothes? Be honest boy."

"I'd never done it before. All those frilly things and the girdle and stockings. And being made to wear a short dress. I felt put down as a man, humiliated I suppose. So I have to admit it was quite a turn on."

"Better than being a slave boy?"

"Oh no sir." I had no doubts. Being treated as a slave boy had become my major obsession.

Mark said "Good. But you need to experience these things. I'm having a drinks party on Friday evening and you'll act as waiter. That okay with you?"

"Of course Master." Quite aware there was no option.

"Right, that's good. Now just remember; stay naked in your flat, no pubs and no masturbating. I've arranged for Nikki to see you at six-thirty tomorrow, be there."

When I arrive at the shop on Monday evening Nikki makes me very welcome with kisses on both cheeks and a crotch grope. Jason isn't there. Nikki locks the shop door and takes me through to the back workshop. He introduces me to Christian, his assistant, working on the computer. Christian must be even younger than I am. An almond eyed, beautiful, slimly built, black guy wearing jeans and a scarlet tee shirt. He comes over to shake hands and I notice an outsize package down his right leg.

Nikki said "Christian's just a wiz on the computer and a junior member of Jason's harem. We get along fine, don't we Christian?"

"Yeah. We share the fucks pretty good." Christian speaks with a melodious deep Cockney accent.

"Okay Ian, let's see if your party dress fits. Strip off if you please.

Now I'm getting orders from a slave! And being watched keenly by this other young guy as I take off my office clothes. Humiliating enough to make me blush and get a hard on. They take turns feeling it and then turn me around to admire my red bottom.

Christian continues to feel me up as Nikki goes to bring my new outfit.

The jeans, made from the finest thin black leather, have straight legs, but fit like a glove around my arse. Christian help's to place my prick and balls down the right leg.

"No back pockets to spoil the butt view" Nikki informs me. "And the zips are quite special."

Nikki demonstrates how the front zip can be lowered and taken all the way under my crutch and up to the top of the jeans at the back. Or the reverse.

"There's no belt so they can be opened up back or front. Very useful, don't you think dear?"

I nod. Christian grins.

"Now here's the shirt Master Mark asked for," says Nikki as he slips it over my head. It's white and soft. "It's silk so it hangs well. I know he said dressy, but short sleeves are more appropriate for a slaveboy. That's what I think anyway. What do you think?"

I look in the mirror and like what I see. The tightness and the feeling of silk - very sexy.

"The Catch 21 is that if you wear it out, we can't see your butt. If it's in, it spoils the smooth line of your bottom. Master Mark will have to decide. Now, take them off and I'll put them in a bag for you."

I strip off again and reach for my office trousers.

"Leave them here dear while you go upstairs for the suntan treatment. We'll have you looking lovely by the end of the week. Off you go. Show him Christian."

On the stairs, Christian closes in behind me, puts his arms around me and presses his hard cock into my arse.

"How about being my slave white boy?"

The question immediately fires my imagination. Being made to do as I'm told by a younger guy. Being a black guy's bumboy. That would be something! At the top of the stairs he turns me around and gives me a hard kiss. I respond to his dominant demands and suck on his tongue. He pushes me down to my knees, unzips his jeans, takes out his lovely stiff black, circumcised cock and I eagerly take it into my mouth and suck. I know I'm not allowed to masturbate, but sucking must be okay especially if I'm made to do it, even by a fellow slave. Christian drives his cock in and out of my mouth.

"Take it boy. You're my slave bitch. Oh fuck... arrrhg... swallow it."

I gulp his torrent of spunk down until the last shot and kneel there, mouth open, waiting for more. He drops to his knees and tastes his own semen as he fills my mouth with his tongue and hugs me.

"Thanks mate. That was really great. You must be my slave again."

And I was. Three times that week. Each time I attended for suntan treatment. He half suggested, on the last evening when I came naked out of the tanning cubicle, that he wanted to fuck me. Although I know that's my role I didn't encourage him. In fact I found it difficult to understand a slave wanting to. I wouldn't want to.

On Friday when I arrived at my Master's flat in my office suit, he was already dressed for the party. Looking fantastically handsome and smart in cream slacks with a wide brown belt and a white long sleeved shirt. In the entrance lobby we had our usual greeting kiss. Hot and lustful.

"Strip off here boy."

I think he finds it quite sexy to see me take off my office clothes. To check I'm not wearing underpants or socks. To see me transformed from an ordinary collar and tie clerk into his naked, obedient slave. Naked except, that is, for his slave collar I'd put on outside his front door. I stand, feet apart, arms outstretched, cock erect, head bowed for his inspection. He runs his fingers over my armpits and crutch to make sure they're perfectly smooth. He smiles.

"Nice tan boy."

"Yes sir, thank you sir."

"Now get showered and properly cleaned. Dress and come to the living room."

"Yes sir".

I pick up my clothes and scamper off to my Master's workroom. By being properly cleaned, Mark means inside. Three enemas to be sure. Then I shower, shampoo my hair and shave my face just in case. It's not necessary. I can go for two days without showing much stubble. My female genes I guess. I put on the silk shirt and the new leather jeans. I tuck the shirt inside so my pert arse can be seen. Then my boots. Lastly, I tousle up my hair. At the office I have it combed back. My Master prefers it roughly tousled. I dash to the living room. He's sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine and pretending, as he usually does and which is his privilege, that I'm not there. I stand, feet apart, hands on a bowed head. He looks up.

"Hmmm... not bad. Nikki's done a good job. Show me how the zip works?"

I unzip down the front, turn around and unzip all the way.

"Bend down", he instructs.

I obey. He reaches out and checks with his fingers how wide the opening is.

"Clever, I like that. Now stand and face me."

He sits, looking me over, frowning.

"Not the boots, take them off. I think a barefoot slave waiter looks more authentic."

But he still frowns.

"Don't think I care for the shirt inside the jeans. Let's have them off, the jeans I mean."

I take off the jeans and fold them over the boots. Standing in front of him I'm certain the shirt hardly covers the end of my knob.

"Let me see you walk up and down."

I parade in front of him, feeling my prick and testicles swinging.

"Stop. That's perfect. Just the tip of your dick and a little glimpse of arse cheek. One more touch I think. Bring the jeans and boots."

My Master leads me to the workroom, takes the jeans and boots off me and places them in the cupboard. He proceeds to fasten me into the stocks. He tucks up my shirt.

"If it's going to be seen, it needs to be red, don't you think?"

"Yes sir." I spread my legs and wait.

He makes sure I see the wooden paddle and cane he selects from his stock in the cupboard. First the paddle. Ten light smacks followed by ten increasingly hard. The last two have me yelling out. He checks to see if I'm crying, but although on the verge, I haven't let go. He taps my bottom with the cane.

"Let me warn you, this is going to smart boy, but nowhere near what you can expect when you're fully trained. Then you WILL weep to please your Master. Legs apart and keep them apart."

Each stroke of the cane has me yelping with pain, clenching my buttocks together, opening my legs, closing them and skipping from one foot to the other. Each time he waits for me to control myself, to be still and spread my legs. By the fifth stroke I give up and bawl like a kid and continue doing so until the tenth. I've never known such excruciating pain, my shoulders are heaving and I sob like a baby. Mark releases me, assists me over to the bed, lowers me down onto my stomach and sits next to me, his hand stroking my hair. My own hands clasp my hot backside.

"Brave boy. I'm proud of my slave."

He lifts up my head and kisses my tear sodden cheeks and eyes. It reminds me of my mother kissing away my tears. My emotions take over. I'm so grateful to him for wanting me as his slave and using me. I forget the pain in my bottom and stretch out my hands to hug his legs.

"I love you Master, I really do sir."

"Good, that's as it should be. Now you lie here and rest and I'll call you when the guests arrive. Okay?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir."

It's sometime later when I hear the front door bell and Mark's and other voices in the entrance lobby. I stand up, lift my shirt and inspect the damage in the cupboard mirrors. Bright red bottom and a criss-cross of darker red and purple lines. The skin hasn't been broken. The marks to show I'm a slave. The bell rings several times and I hear more voices of people arriving. I splatter my face with water from the shower, re-tousle my hair and decide I don't look too bad to act as my Master's slave waiter.

"Boy", he shouts from the entrance lobby.

I run to join him. He checks me over, takes me into the kitchen, gives me a tray of assorted drinks to carry and I follow him into the living room. I hadn't really thought of who they were going to be, just friends.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ian. He'll help you to any drinks you want. Just say and he'll obey."

Mark laughs and waves me forward. I carry the tray like a headwaiter, very conscious of the fact that I am naked from the crotch down in this room full of people. I notice people I know. Wearing only a short shirt, this is going to be embarrassing and humiliating. I head towards the first friendly faces I see. Nikki, Jason and Christian. All three are grinning.

Nikki says "Hi pretty boy. The shirt looks good."

Jason and Nikki say nothing. Jason's content to give me a grope under my shirt while Christian strokes my hot backside. They exchange their glasses for refills and I move on to the next couple. Doug wears jeans and check shirt, Gary the same design of check shirt with cut-off jeans revealing the bottoms of his arse cheeks. They grin, take refills off the tray and I move on to the next couple. Lyndon, wearing a lounge suit, is with an attractive blonde woman that I presume to be his wife. She's wearing a long black evening gown and she's looking directly at my naked lower half. I'm dying of shame.

" So you're the new boy Ian." Lyn smiles as if he's never met me, never mind having fucked me.

"Yes sir."

"This is my wife Maggie."

Maggie said, "Lyn tells me your Mark's slave and do anything he tells you. Is that true?"

"Well er... yes it is sir, sorry madam."

She smiles, "What sorts of things, I'm a terribly curious girl?"

This is awful. I feel myself blushing. I don't know what to say. They exchange their glasses for full ones from the tray and wait. Lyn is groping my prick, which is erect.

"I think you're exciting him darling. Feel this."

Her soft hand replaces Lyn's and gently pushes back my foreskin and rubs my knob. Her eyes are on mine. I lower my head in shame and to avoid them seeing my tears. They're treating my like a pet animal to be fondled as they wish. I'm guessing others are watching. At last she removes her hand.

"Sorry sir, I must get some more drinks." It's the only excuse I can think of.

I rush back to the kitchen and start replenishing the tray with new drinks. I feel a hand rubbing my arse and turn see my Master.

"You're doing well boy."

"They all keep touching me up sir, even that woman." I realise I sound angry and bow my head as a sign of contrition.

"That's why you're only wearing a shirt boy. I want to see my slave being touched up and blushing. It's part of your training Ian. You should be enjoying it. Hurry up with those drinks boy. "

He slaps my arse and leaves. Actually, in spite of my silly anger and tears, I am finding pleasure in being a slave waiter. Being half-naked and available for people to grope is almost better than being totally naked. For the first time ever, having a woman fondle me, adds to my degradation. I pick up the tray and return to the living room. Don, the barber, comes towards me. He has a leash attached to a slave close behind him. A handsome, dark haired guy in tight jeans and tee-shirt. When I see the metal neck chain I realise it's the waiter, "Neck Chain".

Don hangs his arm around my neck. "Hi, Ian boy. This is my spunktaker Terry."

Terry hardly smiles. I've a feeling he resents being described as Don's spunktaker to another slave like me. Don pulls up my shirt and plays with my right nipple. My prick dances, fortunately it's below the level of the tray. Don allows my shirt to drop and he and Terry help themselves to drinks. The last couple I need to serve are standing outside the patio doors on the roof terrace. As I approach and see them more clearly I have the shock of my life. It's David of all people! Well, why not? He is a friend of Mark's. He's with a much younger guy. Both wear cream trousers and dark blue blazers. David a blue shirt and striped tie. His companion, his fuckboy I guess, a pink shirt and the same striped tie.

David smiles. "Hello Ian, how nice to see you again. This is my friend Henry. We went to the same college at Uni. Ten years apart of course."

I realise now the significance of the same tie. Henry is taller and broader built then I am. Another sporty type no doubt, but still getting his arse fucked by David I have no doubt. He gives me a snooty sort of smile and rather clownishly, in view of the tray, holds out a hand.

"Hi Ian. David's told me about you."

David exchanges Henry's drink for a refill, takes the tray from me, places it on the terrace table, exchanges his own glass and comes back. In the meantime Henry and I have shaken hands and I stand there in just my shirt, my arms at my sides.

"Lift up your shirt Ian and show Henry what you've got."

David's dominant charisma still has a hold on me and I obey without question. Showing my shaven crotch and hard erect prick to his friend. Henry smiles, showing interest.

"Turn around and show him your backside Ian."

Another order I'm proud to obey. I stand with feet apart, my red bottom and stripes on show.

"My god, that must have been awfully painful." Henry sounds quite shocked.

"That's what happens to naughty boys Henry. Perhaps I should loan you to Mark for the weekend."

"You wouldn't, would you?" Henry sounds quite worried. I wonder if David is ready to move on again?

"Why not? I think you have Ian's tendencies. You need someone harder than me."

"Boy". I hear my Master calling and run into the living room.

Mark stands in the middle of the room. He indicates for me to come forward and stand in front of him. His guests' crowd forward to watch whatever he his in mind.

"Thought you might all like to see a lesson in obedience training. You boy, take off your shirt and position yourself properly."

I take off and drop my shirt, stand with my feet apart, head bowed and my hands on top of it. I'm now naked, except for my collar, in front of these men and one woman. Another naughty boy position. My cock hardens at the thought.

"Turn around boy and let my guests see your spanked and caned bottom."

Twisting around I note David and Henry have joined the crowd.

"Play with yourself boy. Show us all how you do it at home."

It's obvious what he means. It's going to be about as completely humiliating as he can make it for me. I start masturbating, suck on my other big finger, bend forward, stick it up my hole and fuck myself. A naked adult man performing sexual tricks to please his Master and guests. Maggie begins to giggle and clap. I'm red faced.

"Stop", Mark barks. "Down on your hands and knees."

Anything is better than public wanking and I gratefully drop down on all fours.

"You've seen how good he is a waiter, now lets show you a few more tricks as my puppy."

Mark produces the leash from behind his back, attaches it to my collar and starts walking me around as his pet puppy. More giggles and clapping. This he hasn't trained me for. But we all know how dogs act.

"Now lift your leg and show everyone how a dog takes a leak."

Presumably he wants me to demonstrate rather than actually do it. I lift one leg and wonder what he'll want next.

"Sorry, I forgot, he's a bitch. Show us how a bitch takes a leak boy."

Lots of laughter. I change to a squat position. Not sure really.

"I think the bitch needs a boyfriend. What do you think Jason?"

Everyone, including me, turns to Jason. He grins and pushes Christian forward."

Jason said, "Strip off boy and down on all fours."

Not at all embarrassed, Christian does as he's told. He circles me on all fours, comes closer. Sticks his arse into my face and rubs it side to side. I'm pressing back with my nose and tongue. He turns and licks my face, his tongue in my ears, nostrils and mouth. I open my mouth submissively and he raises himself up until his stiff cock fills it.

"Not that dog." Jason shouts and lashes Christian's backside with a belt.

Christian hastily moves under me and starts sniffing my prick, licking it, then my balls. He moves around and I feel him sniffing my arsehole, nuzzling his nose into it, withdrawing and starting to lick my puckered anus.

"Go on Christian, fuck the bitch." A voice, I'm not sure who.

Similar comments from other guests eager to see me fucked like a bitch dog in public. Christian slobbers into my hole, getting me ready. He spreads my cheeks with his hands so they can all see it and then plunges his big ramming tool into me. His hands are on my shoulders and he's gasping as he rides me, his bitch. These guys I know, Masters and slaves, are watching me being fucked and I buck backwards and forwards, on heat, knowing they want to see me humiliate myself.

"Take it you bitch, take all my spunk white boy." Christian, the dominant slave shouts out and I feel his semen spurting into me.

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Next: Chapter 8

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