
By RiCkY

Published on Nov 14, 2002


Disclaimer: In no way is this story saying Aaron Carter is gay. If you're not into boy/boy love or whatever... stories not really for you =) For the rest of ya.. enjoy

After weeks and weeks of waiting and anticipating, it was finally here. The day I would come face to face with my dream guy. Obviously, I was excited! And Ryan? Well....he tried hard to come up with excuses not to come; but he's terrible at lying so he's still coming.

My mother had to work late that day and his parents were on vacation that week, so we had to catch the subway. Now you would never catch me dead on a subway...but this was a once in a life time thing so I took it anyway. Subways scare the hell outta me. But its not the subway itself....its the people who take em that scare me shitless! Drunk people trying to keep there balance on the seat, others staring at you with not much of an expression, and I'm there just waiting to get the hell off. Sure Ryan was with me...but he's not much company when he has his walkman on and listening to music. Haha.. and no, he wasn't listening to Aaron Carter, I can assure you.

After almost an hour (which felt like an eternity might I had), the subway came to our stop. I sighed from desperate relief and almost literally ran out. Ryan walked behind me slowly.... well either he was slow, or I was walking too fast. Since I was excited... I figured I was walking too fast so I decided to slow down and try not to make my excitment too obvious.

The concert was going to start at 7:30pm. It's 1:15 pm now.. so that would make us....

"We're 6 hours and 15 minutes early" Ryan said as he noticed me trying to calculate in my head as I check my watch. I'm not dumb....its just he's smart, thats all :P

"Thanks brainiac" I teased as I smiled at him. It may have seemed like we were very early, but the place was almost already jam packed!...with 10 year old girls mostly. As Ryan looked around and noticed all the young girls, he gave me a funny, yet weird look.

"Aaron Carter...the prince of 10 year old girls... what did I tell ya" He said giving me a playful push on the shoulder.

"Shut up man" I replied smiling. But he was right...I now had my proof. I mean, I knew mostly girls liked him, but when your the only guys in the whole crowd, you don't feel very comfortable anymore. Yet, I was still excited and no one; I mean no one could take that feeling away from me.

We waited for about half an hour when we decided to walk around. You know, tour around. It's much better than standing in one place for 6 hours, right? We checked out the place for about an hour when I got the need to take a leak. Ryan did too so we went looking for the washrooms. It took forever to find the damn thing because for that huge ass stadium, they only had one washroom. When we finally did though, we chose a urinal and let it flow. As I sighed from relief, I heard humming sounds.

"Stop humming Rick" Ryan said sounding pretty annoyed.

"I'm not humming. I thought you were" I replied. We gave each other a weird look and looked behind us. All the stalls were open...except one. We gave each other alittle smile as we went to wash our hands. That's when the stall door slowly opened and someone walked toward the sink with us (It was one of those huge sinks that 5 people can use at a time).

"Hey dudes" The person said. Without looking up, I said hi to him too and walked out of the bathroom. Ryan came up behind me and started laughing.

"What the hells so funny?" I asked kinda confused. He couldn't answer...how could he? He was laughing hysterically. I gave him the weirdest look as I waited for him to calm down. Took him awhile...but he finally came through. As he started to open his mouth, the bathroom door swung open and this adorable looking guy walked out. He had blonde hair...brown eyes...My mouth dropped. My eyes widened. I couldn't breathe.

"Something wrong?" the beautiful image in front of me asked. I tried to answer, but all that was heard was heavy breathing. He was smart enough not to wait for my answer and started to extend his hand while I examined it a minute. Then, with a trembling hand, accepted the hand-shake.

"Yo...Your.. Aar." I stumpled without being able to continue.

"Close enough" He said smiling. Holy shit! He looked amazing! I was soo damn lucky to be able to actually talk to him....not many 10 year old girls get this previlage =) haha

"What are you doing using these washrooms? Don't you have your own private one or something?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Yeah I do... well I did.. its kinda outta service right now. Anyway, the guys washroom is usually always empty. Not many guys come to see me" He giggles cutely. It was amazing to actually be spoken to by this famous being! But being famous wasn't even the best part of it all...it was his gorgeous looks that amazed my eyes. He had those looks that could make anyone weak in the legs and sweat nervously ( It did for me at least). "Anyway...I've got tons of time 'till I gotta perform and I'm getting kinda bored waiting, so you guys wanna chill at my waiting room or somethin'?

Ryan and I looked at each-other for a second. I knew I wanted to go...badly!. But I wasn't too sure if Ryan did. But after glancing over, Ryan knodded his head and so we accepted the invitation. We followed the teen idol to his room trying not to attract attention for him (there's nothing worse for a celebrity when their being hovered by screaming fans). When we arrived, Aaron unlocked the door and let us in. He had tons of cool stuff in there! He had a television, computer, playstation, huge stereo, and loads more. Ryan settles himself on the leather sofa in the middle of the room and sighed.

"Man...you've got everything" Ryan said

"I guess..." Aaron replied "...I just wished I had friends to chill with, you know? Being on the road all the time, I don't get much time for very much fun." He sighed softly to himself as he grabbed the television converter on top of the television and sat next to Ryan. I stood standing, feeling sad for the guy, as I glared at all his belongings. He sure did have alot....but I guess money isn't everything all the time. Aaron turned on the television and put on The Simpsons. We laughed at the show together as we got to know each-other alittle better. Aaron asked about where we're from and shit like that. For someone who didn't like Aaron too much, Ryan seemed cool around him.

"I'm gettin kinda thirsty... got anything to drink man?" Ryan asked Aaron. But Aaron just shook his head and told him the directions to the nearest pop machine. He reached into his little piggy-bank and grabbed change to pay for drinks for all three of us. We told Ryan what we wanted and he was out the door. I felt a little uncomfortable still, even being there talking for an hour with Aaron. Now being alone in the same room with him was too much to get a grasp on. Looking over at him, I noticed he didn't seem to comfortable himself....he seemed pretty nervous actually. After a few moments of silence, he decided to make the first attempt at a conversation.

"So...you got a girlfriend?" He asked. I looked over at him and shook my head 'pretending' to be disappointed.

"Do you?" He smiled at me for a second then shook his head also. I was about to ask him if he's ever had a girlfriend before; but he managed to ask another question quicker than me. And this question caught me alittle off guard. Well... a lot off guard!

"Are you... umm.. gay?" He asked curiously. He asked in a strange way...I can't really explain it. Seemed to me though, he was asking in an almost uncertain way. Maybe he was nervous as to how I would take the question. Who knows...

"No... no way..no I aint gay.." I stumbled nervously. Part of me wanted to tell him.. I mean, what does he care right, not like I'd ever see him again face-to-face. But another part of me begged to stay in the closet.

"Oh.. ok" He said with a slight smile. He didn't have much of an expression though... the words just seemed to flow from his mouth with a mono-tone voice.

At that moment, something strange came over me. It was a care-free feeling....one that helped me just release the truth about myself. "Umm.. actually... yeh I am gay.." I said nervously, staring at the ground. I waited for a reply...any reply... but the room had just turned silent. I slowly looked up from my position and saw his face bright up with the best-lookin' smile ever.

"So am I" He said happily "Don't think I'm weird or anything...but from the time I saw ya in the washroom...I..um.. love at first sight ya know?" And with that, he slowly leaned over trying to kiss me. I stood there, shocked as hell, as his heavenly, luscious lips made contact with mine. After a few seconds, I regained my sences and started to kiss him back. MMMmm he tasted so good. As I was about to give him my tongue, a crashing sound interrupted me. We jumped away from each-other and noticed a wide-eyed person staring at us in complete disbelief.

"Rrryan.. it's not what you think" I tried to say as a couple pop cans rolled on the floor our way. He just kept staring at us..without a single blink of an eye. Aaron seemed extremely worried himself. Not all so much about being figured out by Ryan too... but if Ryan decided to spread the word...it may not look good for Aaron.

"I..umm.. I'll be back" Ryan blurted as he started walking out the room. I wanted to run out after him, but I figured he would have to recover from the shock alone for while. You know.. give him some time to breath. I turned over to Aaron who was sitting next to me in almost complete daze.

"Don't worry" I assured "He'll be fine.....I hope"

That's the end of this chapter.... email me with ur comments/critism =)

Next: Chapter 3

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