Obsession-to-love revised

By sexualharrasment

Published on Aug 12, 2007



Disclaimer: This story contains adult subject manor, situations, and other stuff along those lines. Mature audiences only!!!

While time is something I've seen plenty of, at no one point in my long history do I remember acting as I did. It all started what seemed like only a few days ago, when he moved in. A slow housing market had caused the house across the street to go empty for years. I began to wonder if the neighbors I so loved would have to move back from their tropical retirement. As my hope began to flourish, an event happened that would dampen it once more. New people bought the house. I still remember that first day, when their moving truck pulled up, and the man and his son walked out. The boy, only five then, would become the object of my obsession. Being a witch, I knew obsession could be a dangerous thing, especially where mortals are concerned. I myself had spent so many hundreds of years making sure people like me did not take advantage of them. We are a major minority, but it wasn't uncommon for one of us to command hordes of them. To prevent more accidents such as those in Greece, and Rome so many years ago, my position as protector of mortals was invented.

Now, I wasn't around back then, but as I grew through the horrors that the mortals brought on themselves, I began to wonder if it would be best for us to run their lives. I only leaned that lesson the hard way, as innocent individuals were stripped of their lives to fulfill the needs of one of my own. I swore I would never follow suit, but something was odd, or different about this boy. On the outside, he's just seemed like any one of the number of little boys who pass up and down this street everyday. After all, the neighborhood was perfect for raising children; narrow, straight roads, a high and bountiful tree top canopy, and houses and schools spaced a decent distance apart, but everything within walking distance. Yes, it was the perfect neighborhood to raise a family, or be a witch enjoying her own retirement.

A few minutes quickly revealed the mother, and her high priced vehicle. I realized that they must work for the new technology company that just moved. Young families with money always take advantage of new branches opening. Especially when they mean moving to places like this. She quickly enlisted her son, and convinced him that helping move stuff into the house was just like play. Eventually, more family members came to move them in, and by the next day, they were secure in their new dwelling.

That morning was cool, and rather hazy, a sign that fall was around the corner. At eight I went to my box, as usual just in time to meet the young paper boy bring me the news. That boy, as I recall, was a pest, always late, lazy, and unkempt. This time I had a surprise for the boy. As he rode his bike up, I hit him with a spell he would never forget. His demeanor quickly changed from scruffy, dirty, and lethargic, to clean, well dressed, and energetic. While it was technically a deviation of my own rules, the change was necessary, and small enough that I wouldn't be bothered by my replacements. As the boy kindly handed me the paper, my attention turned to the house across the street, were the new boy sat up in a window. He quickly closed it the second I spotted him. I can only figure that he saw me.

As a professional, I had to block his memory. I could not take the chance of him blurting this one indiscretion to his parents, and them taking him seriously. Returning my house I quickly materialized a pie, and went over to their house.

"Hi." The woman said after she opened the door.

Overall, she seemed like the typical mortal woman. She was very nice on the eyes, and a post athletic figure. Her eyes are a sparkling blue while her hair an almost golden brown.

"Hello," I replied. "I would just like to welcome you to the neighborhood."

"Thank you." She said, and then took the pie from me. "Why don't you come right on in."

I proceeded into the house I had been in so many times before to find many aspects of it changed. The floors were now a dark hardwood color, the appliances updated, and the carpet replaced. While it was a much more modern atmosphere, the changes were welcome.

"Oh, and here's my son Alex." She said as the little boy descended the stairs.

I could have easily placed the spell on him right then and there, without anyone knowing, but something about him made me stop. His face was lit with pure curiosity. His small body appeared well groomed given the athletic life his parents lived. His face itself was not unlike his mothers. It is small and round, cute, yet still somewhat boyish. His hair was short, but I could still tell it was about a shade or two lighter than his mother's. His eyes though, were a prefect shade of emerald.

Eventually his father came down, and we talked about the neighborhood. While we went on, I still could not dismiss the young boy from my thoughts. Before I could leave, I found myself offering my time for baby sitting services, a task I had shunned for every other kid I had ever met. They were only too happy to accept my offer. It took a week, but they finally left the kid with me. I had no idea what to do with children. I had never even married, much less bothered myself with children. Even when I myself was a child, I never really bothered with the other kids. About the only thing I remembered was the tea times my mother and I use to have, but that was England. This is America, and to make matters worse, she's a he. As I well knew, most boys would rather make play war than pleasantries.

As I watched him play with his toys in my conservatory, I realized something new about the boy. While, like most boys his age, he loved to build, he seemed to be more compassionate when it came to destruction. He seemed more interested in the process of studying what ever his blocks could assemble, than their dismantling. I decided that maybe trying to have a tea with him may not be such a bad idea.

"What's a tea?" The boy calmly said.

"Its just were we sit and drink tea, and eat little snacks, and talk."

The boy only shrugged his shoulders. I walked away feeling a little betrayed. A girl would have jumped at the chance, but boys are still different. Of course his upbringing was to blame. I began to think how much easier it would be if he was a girl. As I took another look at him, I realized just how easy it would be to make him one.

I can't do that.' I thought to myself. I would be no better than those I spent so much time fighting.'

I thought through the rules, calculated ever possible scenario, and then I realized something. To him, the situation would be like play. That would make it legal. As long as I changed him in a way that I could easily change him back, I was fine.

Truthfully, as far as magic is concerned, turning him into a girl and then back is possible. While I do know how to, the process is difficult, and completely seperate from the act of changing a guy to a girl. It's why most amateurs have such a had time with it, and assume its just impossible.

I dauntlessly walked back into the room and told him, "For lunch today we are having a tea." Knowing full well they are supposed to happen at four and not twelve. After all, at four, he goes home.

"Okay." He responded.

"But you will have to get dressed up for this." I said trying to see how far I could go with the boy.

"In what?"

"A nice dress."

"But I don't have a suit."

Why it was a response that made me think he was slow, it didn't take me long to realize that, as a boy, and a single child, he probably rarely ever heard the term dress mean anything but putting cloths on.

"I mean this." With a flick of my hand, I made a white, frilly dress appear. Before I could realize what I had just done, the boy looked the dress over and responded.

"Isn't that just for girls?"

While I was surprised that he ignored the magic aspect of what just happened, I decided to take my one window of opportunity and use it.

"Yes, but you will be a girl when you wear this."

"I will?"

"Well, more or less." I had to admit. Even though he's young, his body probably wouldn't hold up to well from a complete transformation. The strain could leave him in discomfort for days. "I will make you a girl only in appearance, but on the most basic level, you'd still be a boy."

I was expecting a negative response, but he shrugged and said, "Okay."

There was almost no change in the way he looked as a boy versus a girl. So I told him to take down his pants, and showed him the only physical difference.

"You see, that's what makes you a girl. That's the only difference."

While he hid it well, he was both shocked and intrigued by this change to his body. I had no idea what his little penis looked like, but his new vagina was like most little girls, just a simple slit, that was almost useless.

"What do I do when I have to pee?" He asked.

It was at that moment I decided to train the little boy to be a little girl. I started with his question, and worked my way on to manners, and how to dress himself. While lunch ended up being at one instead of twelve, I had to admit the change was well worth it. At the table he was dressed just like a little, well brought up, girl. Instead of the blue jeans and T-shirt from earlier, he wore the dress I showed him earlier, nice white tights and shoes to match. I even gave him a pair of white lace gloves. The experience also allowed me to pick his brain a little. He had never seen me change the paper boy that day. As for the magic, he just assumed if he didn't do what I'd said, I'd eat him, or turn him into an animal.

"That is one thing I would never do to you." I told the boy.

He seemed to believe me, and fortunately, agreed not to tell his parents a thing about what happened today.

After that day, we continued in this manner for another two weeks. Since I was now taking care of him practically every day (expect weekends) he would come to my house, we would play for a little bit, and the for lunch, or tea, he would become a girl, and get dressed.

While our confidence in each other grew, an event took place that would separate us for a long time. School started. Even though he was too young, Alex's parents convinced the near by school's faculty to allow him into the first grade. They only made the exception due to his late birthday, and the fact that for a child his age he was very mature, and very articulate. The age discrepancy was something that the other children didn't seem to notice. As the first month crept by my loneliness increased. It was especially hard when I saw him fly down the road from school with his friends. As they all headed into his house in their black pants, white shirts and matching ties, I began to realize that, while we did share something special, he still is a little child. He had yet to understand those types of bonds, or even form them with those other than his parents.

As late September disappeared into early October, I began to see the start of the little boy's career in sports. First was football, or soccer as it is known here. I'd often see him outside, attempting to bounce the ball on his perfectly smooth legs. I couldn't help but think that it was such a waste. I decided to go downstairs and do what other witches my age do, try to figure out a way of fighting off the years. Why my life span is long, I'm not immortal. I could always change my form to that of a younger woman, but that doesn't work beyond a certain number of times. The goal would be to find a way to live forever.

As I hunted for the right book in my basement, I began to wonder `Why would one want to live forever alone?' My ruminations were suddenly disrupted by the door bell ringing. I quickly raced upstairs, figuring it was the postman with a package that I was expecting. I opened the door only to find Alex. His tiny petite form stood mostly hidden behind the large ball he carried.

"Hello Ms. Warsha." He said in a rather childish tone.

"Hello to you Alex. Have you been having fun at school?"

His response came slowly, but he finally managed to answer, "I guess. But my teachers are boring."

"Well, that's to be expected." I responded, thinking back to my days in school.

"So," the young boy began, "Can I come back here next week."

"Why? Aren't you in school?"

"School's out on Monday. It's Columbus Day."

Oh yes, my mother used to talk about the tyrant called Columbus. It's still hard to imagine why they would name a day after him.

"But what about your friends, wouldn't you rather be with them?"

He stood there for a while, carefully considering his words.

"I would, but I want to do that thing we used to do, and all their parents work so my parents are just going to stick me with a baby sitter anyway, so..."

I could tell what he was thinking, but to get others involved could be hazardous to me. If I was caught I could loose my powers completely, or worse.

"If we did," I said, "and your friends were to come, they couldn't be allowed to remember as you do."

"I know, you told me before."

So I decided to go along with the little boy's plan. Of course I had to lay down some other rules as well. When his friends arrived that day, would be allowed to play as boys, which meant playing ball and with their action figures, but by twelve it was my time. Then I would instantly transform the bunch of them in the the same way that I did Alex a few months before. As before, their bodies were only superficially female, but this time there was a catch. This time all the boys, except Alex, did not remember their former male selves. They automatically knew how to act like proper little ladies. They all were dressed in their fine little frilly dresses, stockings, and shoes. They all looked quite different from the creatures that were here earlier. Their hair is all long and fine, their skin clearer, and their features more slender. The only problem that I had that day was the occasional moment when one of the boys would realize that their life didn't make sense. That was a side effect of the spell I used. Since this event was to only be temporary, I decided that only a weaker spell was in order. It only filtered their life experiences, and did not actually convert them to girls. Even though the conversations were definitely different than what Alex was used to, he participated eagerly. Yes that day was fun; by the end I decided that I couldn't just let the boys forget everything. I manipulated their minds so that they would recall the events of the day in their dreams that night. Later that day, Alex even came back and thanked me for my services, and promised to return with his friends.

From that day on, Alex's friends always looked at my house differently, curious as to whether or not the events of that day ever happened, and while I know Alex denied it every time, there came a day he told the truth to one of his friends.

The boy's name was Max. While only six, he already looked more masculine than most boys his age. Alex admitted that of all his friends, Max was the one who seemed most sold on the idea of cross gendered parties. So when Christmas vacation came, and the majority of their friends were away, both boys came back. Max swore himself to secrecy, but for him I employed a little bit of insurance.

"If you tell, I leave you a girl forever." I said.

To this day, I'm not sure if he actually liked the idea enough to tell or not. The three of us continued for several years, up until Max had to move away. I could tell Alex was upset at the idea of loosing the only friend he could tell everything to. I could also tell that Max would miss this life as well. His father was the alpha male type. At home, Max was always expected to be a man, in all the worst ways, but the boy was too expressive for that. He love to draw, to paint, to play violin, things that real men just don't do. His primary escapes were at school, and here, were he could easily express himself. Before his final departure, I offered to change Max permanently. While he was interested in the idea, he wasn't sold on the additional things that go with being a girl. His idea of the future still had him as a father, but one not like his own. From that point, there was nothing I could do for him anymore. While I agreed with his choice, it also meant that I couldn't change any other part of his life, as that would be wrong.

Even though Max's departure saddened me, another factor made me feel even worse. Alex was also growing up. From the little boy no more that four foot three tall, Alex was now passing four and a half feet. His body was beginning to show signs of maturing. His face was beginning to lengthen, his skin alter, and tiny facial hairs appear. While this is all normal for a boy at the age of twelve, I was surprised at the speed which the changes came. I had always thought that his youthful looks would stay much longer, into his teen years, but I was wrong. Another factor that hurt his smoother, more youthful appearance was his level of athleticism. From Soccer as a boy, he had switched to Football (to appease his friend Max) to Baseball, to Basketball. Now he'd managed to settle on swimming, and gymnastics. Both sports he loved, but gymnastics were becoming a problem for him. Men's gymnastics was a sport his friend Max excelled at due to his natural strength, but Alex had very little natural strength. He got by where he could, but the men's version of this sport didn't allow much latitude. I often thought about artificially making him stronger, but upon trying I was immediately stopped. One of my replacements lectured me on the dangers of interfering in mortal sports. In the end, I did nothing. By the end of his middle school tenure, he had been quickly outpaced by his fellow gymnasts. Now with boys younger than him, something he was not used to, he made a valiant effort to catch up to the rest of his class.

As a girl however, his body was much more relaxed, smother, and curvier. Somehow, in his feminine form he managed to retain his earlier youthful features. I was less depressed when I saw him in this form. Actually, I was happy. For years now we had also gone out, always far from our town so that his parents wouldn't know. One thing I soon realized was that he enjoyed dance. This wasn't limited to the modern convulsions called dancing by his peers, he loved ballet, and tap, and jazz, and ballroom, but it wasn't until that summer that I realized how that could actually work for him. That day, I saw for the first time a female gymnastics troop perform. I never realized how much dance was involved in their performances. It was the quicker, more acrobatic movements that Alex was best at, and while female gymnastics does require muscle, it seemed more fitting for Alex. It was a decision that took me a long time to make. I could change him, but would he want to?

Then one day in July, the last before his family vacation, I walked in on Alex reading a book on my sofa. While I had taught him how to be a proper young lady, I also allowed him to act like a girl of today. That also meant modern day girl's cloths. He wore a barely knee length jean skirt with a nice, form fitting shirt, and a pair of white shocks. As I looked down at the boy in his feminine form, I saw for the first time in ages his small mound. Unlike before when it was just a useless crack of flesh, now it's a more lively set of fleshly lips, all covered in a pair of blue satin panties. It was at that moment I began noticing everything about the boy, his hair is long, and luxurious, his legs, smooth and cream colored, his figure, petite and smooth. At that moment, I realized that I could not let time do to him as it does to all boys. I didn't know why. Its not as if I'd never appreciated the male form, it's just that for him it seemed like a waste that I wasn't about to let happen.

I immediately started at his brain, modifying it, filling it with estrogen. I modified his wiring so that it would be that of a natural born girl. I then moved to the rest of his body. At that moment all of his changes were superficial. He had no female organs, or even real breasts. I set out to change that. I started in the most important place, his DNA. I immediately modified every Y chromosome in his body to X chromosomes. I then changed his breasts, putting in place mammary glands, real working nipples, and arranged it all in an alluring package. It then came time for a female's most important parts. I pulled his penis and testes all the way inside of him. I changed his prostate into a uterus, his testes into ovaries. Finally, his little penis became a clitoris. I then proceeded to make for him the most perfectly formed vagina a woman could hope for, one that would hold any man's member with only the slightest tightness just for pleasure. I made his g-spot operational, and I made it so that his body could feel every last ounce of pleasure a man, or a woman would give him. I even gave him the rare ability to have female ejaculations regularly. While he could easily control his own orgasm, I made sure that he would always have one when having sex the traditional way. A final modification came to his hips. I specially made them so that it would be easier for them to expand when he was ready to have his children, but I made sure it did not compromise his figure.

At the end of the process, Alex turned to me. While I am not sure whether he heard my initial approach into the room, one thing was clear, he knew what I had done to him.

"Alex," I said with a straight face. "You will live out the rest of your life as a girl. You will have periods, get pregnant, and eventually go through menopause."

It was then I realized something about him. His head lowered as if trying to contemplate what had happened to him. I saw an aspect of him that made me realize that somewhere along the line; I had fallen in love with him.

Suddenly, he tipped his beautiful head up.

"Can I take ballet?"

At that moment I decided that I needed a change too. I focused my energies on myself for the first time in my entire life. I made myself about thirteen. I retracted my breasts, feeling them move into my chest, and saying good bye to this lonely female life. I changed my organs, making my own clit a full size penis, my ovaries testes, my uterus a prostate. Within seconds I made myself completely male, all except for my brain. To do so would probably cost me my ability to control powers, something I wasn't willing to give up just yet. After my physical change, I modified my clothes to that of a typical teen. When I was done, I looked at Alex, who stared at me with confused eyes. Suddenly, I decided to kneel down and kiss her fully on the lips. Surprisingly, where I expected resistance, Alex only returned my kiss.

From there we modified our lives together. Alex would be on the girl's gymnastics and swim team, as well as ballet. While I could only make him average, she would immediately excel in these fields. As for me, I changed so that I was living with parents, who were witches of course. I placed myself in swimming and ballet, and in high school. While we remained high school sweethearts for many years, we refrained from sex. Alex, or Alexis became the typical teenage girl. She did well in school, mostly getting all A's. As for me, I became Jason Washa. I would become captain of the swim team, an excellent ballet dancer, and an above average student. As I passed through this school life, I began to realize why mortals put up with their limited abilities. The excitement of doing things that your not sure will actually work was entertaining, and added a depth to life that I had never experienced before. Of course on prom night I took Alexis. We took a limo to the hotel were the dance was held, and then to the after party, but that's not where the night would end for us. Our parents were understanding on this night, and my father got us a room in a nice hotel for the night.

That night we entered the large room nervous about what we were about to do. Both of us were avid athletes with promise, but the opportunity was something we could not pass up. I began to unzip Alexis' long, red, satin dress. She let it slide off of her body, and easily stepped out of it, making sure to leave her shoes behind. She turned around to reveal her sensual body. Her breast and privates were still clad in their satin prisons, with an extra layer of nude colored nylons covering her legs. My penis immediately rose in response to her hot body. I began removing pieces of my tux, throwing them to the floor. Within a minute, I stood, fully naked in front of Alex. My ten and a half inch member was in full view of the girl. She just smiled softly and proceeded to take off her tights and underwear. She then moved to the head of the bed, pulled down the covers, and rested atop them. I took a Condom out of my tux pocket, put it on, and proceeded to my place above my date. I maneuvered my member straight to her vagina. Being a virgin in both sexes, I had no idea what to expect. I began slipping myself inside of her slowly. Alex emitted a slight yelp when I was about an inch and a half in. From a trace of blood that began to drip out of her, I could tell that I just broke her hymen. I continued my assault on her privates, eventually moving completely inside of her. I then lay on top of her and began my job as the man. I started pumping my hips, while kissing her, and feeling her exquisite body. As I did so, I was made even hornier, and my hips began moving faster, and more automatically. I could tell that she was feeling pleasure as it became harder and harder for her to continue kissing me. Eventually her face took on a discomfited look. She then let out a slight yell. With it came a rush of water past my genitals. I looked down to see a reddish clear fluid poring out of her. The sheer sight of it made me cum immediately. After a few minutes I pulled out of her, and lay beside her, and as I did I caught a glimpse of the clock. From the time we entered the room, until now, only ten minutes had passed. Too tired to care, I just embraced Alex, and fell asleep.

And there I stayed. We eventually separated for college, and got back together again for grad school. We married seven weeks after receiving our masters. While my field didn't require one, Alexis deiced to go back for her PHD. But now, tonight, as I lay by her side, I can't help wondering if I had done something wrong. I had dedicated my life to making sure that mortals were not taken advantage of by people with magical abilities, but yet here I am, married to someone who I only knew because of an incident with a paper boy.

Sensing my discomfort, Alexis rolled over to face me.

"What's wrong Jason?" She asked sweetly.

At first I didn't want to say anything, but I had to know.

"Is this what you wanted?" I asked rather harshly. "Is this how you wanted to live?"

She stared at me blankly as if trying to figure out what I meant.

"What do you mean?" She finally asked.

"When I made you a girl, did you know I could have changed you back? Did you know I wasn't trying to force you to like being a girl in the first place?"

Realizing what I meant, she simply smiled at me and responded. "I knew, I always knew. I would have been more shocked if it was impossible. From day one you told me everything. I love you, and if six years of marriage hasn't told you that, then maybe our two sons, our daughter, and whatever I have in me now should, and while this definitely needs to be it for anymore children, I will never stop loving you, or wanting to be a girl."

My confidence was reassured. She really does love me. I kissed her fully on the lips while embracing her. She immediately returned the favor, and before I realized it I was ready to have sex with her again.

And this night, we would last the full fifteen minutes.

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