Of course his name is Jake, Day

By mikeydefranco

Published on Feb 17, 2018



This series is a narrative survey of a significantly-non-vanilla, homosexual, sexually-themed friendship between two adult males. It is non-fiction, for now. Who knows where it will go, how fast it will go, or how far? Expect more installments.

This story is released under the GNU Free Documentation License. Just don't cum on it too much, it's more difficult to litigate when it's all stuck together.


"Of course his name is Jake!"


"If you guys are going to the bar downtown, then Mikey and I will take our own ride to the bar on the south side. We'll meet up there later," Jake said to the group of friends as he led Mikey to the parking lot from the hotel.

Jake climbed into the rented truck and fiddled in disgust with the vehicle's over-complicated controls. He only wanted the seat to move to accommodate his five-ten and three-fourth inch frame, but each button and switch seemed do so something other than what it should.

Jake started driving down the main drag, windows open to the southern California air. Even though Jake was a New Englander by birth, his soul seemed to be more at home in the effortless comportment of the west coast. Fit as fuck, and far from shy, Jake was certainly the object of many guys' dreams. Jake's smile was disarming if not a bit mischievous as he drove Mikey to the bar. Mikey enjoyed the ride; after all, Mikey felt as though he had been driving all week during this trip. Mikey thought about how nice it was to be chauffeured by such a handsome man. It was only the second time Mikey and Jake had met in person, but there was a familiarity that they shared. Mikey found satisfaction in imagining that they were lovers in a past life.

After a short drive, Jake and Mikey arrived at the bar. The parking lot for the bar--a leather bar--was stacked with cars and packed with men in various stages of undress as they filtered in and out of the front door. Jake drove the truck to the end of the lot looking for a place to park. There was a single spot left; it was demarcated with a wall on one side.

"Do you want to park it for me?" Jake asked as he turned to Mikey, his leather harness visible across his tight chest, under his t-shirt.

"Yeah man," Mikey replied. Mikey was a man raised in the south. Tall and a bit stocky, Mikey had a characteristically friendly manner. He somehow found a way to be confident and modest at the same time.

Mikey traded places with Jake and parked the truck in the narrow space and shut the engine off. Mikey also found the controls to the truck frustrating. The light from the navigation screen illuminated the interior of the vehicle; Mikey pressed each button on the dash serially until the screen dimmed. Mikey turned sideways in the driver's seat and beamed at Jake.

"I've never been to a leather bar. I'm not sure what to expect," Mikey admitted.

"There something in there for everyone. You'll find something you'll like." Mikey knew this would be true since Jake was accompanying him.

Jake recalled his last visit to the bar. "There's like a back room where dudes are just naked and doing whatever. Fucking."

Mikey asked Jake what he was into. Jake replied, "Oh, leather's hot. Muscular guys. A good man-scent. What about you?"

Mikey sat silently for a moment. "Ehh, plenty. There are a few specific things that really get me off. I'd never admit them. They're a little...different."

Jake took Mikey's comment as a challenge. "Edge play?"

"Yeah, I usually wait a week or two between blowing," Mikey agreed.

"Military guys? Firefighters?" Jake continued.

"How could that not be hot?" Mikey replied.

"Jocks?" Jake asked.

"Yeah of course. All of this stuff that you're mentioning isn't really that edgy. To me, that's all normal shit."

"Ok, how about wax? Like dripping and stuff?" Jake dug a little deeper in his fetish-kink repertoire.

"Well yes, but no. Sort of. Getting closer though. I've never really admitted the weird things I'm in to, to anyone I wasn't sure was also in to it."

Mikey didn't know why he found it hard to admit more to Jake. Perhaps Mikey was superficially attracted to Jake. Jake was not what Mikey considered to be "his" type, but Mikey found Jake mysteriously sexy all the same. Perhaps it was because Mikey was attracted to Jake more than just superficially. Jake had a depth of consciousness unlike anyone else Mikey had met. Everyone that knew Jake considered him to be their spiritual adviser, a gay Yoda who spends as much time with his id as he does at the gym. Mikey didn't quite understand the concepts of existence and harmony that Jake was known for speaking of, but Mikey knew enough to know that he didn't know everything.

Jake pulled out his phone and started reading from a list, enumerating paraphilias. Most were banal or off-the-wall. Finally, the list got interesting.


"Yeah," Mikey admitted.


"Sort of. Well, I have like six different fetishes or kinks or whatever. You sort of hit some of them. I have a huge sneaker fetish."

"Really? Me too. I noticed your Nike Metcons at the hotel. They looked like they hadn't been worn much. Your feet are so big. That's hot."

Mikey couldn't believe what he was hearing from Jake, though he did recall Jake making a comment about his sneakers. He didn't know if Jake knew about the training sneakers just because they are popular among guys at the gym, and feigned interest to get a rise out of Mikey, or if he actually shared the fetish. Mikey admitted a few more kinks to Jake. "Wet and messy play, mud play. Motorcycle gear. Athletic gear. Guys in ball caps." Mikey didn't have the balls to also admit mechanophilia, among other interests.

"Are you a top or bottom?" Jake asked.

"I hate to admit, I'm versatile, but I'm not terribly into either."

"Really? Me too. I mean there's so many other ways to get off."

"Animals?" Jake continued reading for the list on his phone.

"Ehh, I guess." Mikey described how he coated his balls in butterscotch sauce from the garage refrigerator and let his dog lick it off. Jake asked how it felt.

"Like an expert, hungry tongue. I didn't last forty-five seconds. Looking back, I can't believe I was never caught! I just soaped my balls up and laid in the back yard!" Mikey replied.

Jake recalled his experience doing the same with chocolate sauce. His ultimate result was similar.

Jake and Mikey sat in the truck in a charged silence until Jake asked Mikey if they should go in to the bar.

"Yup," Mikey replied.

Jake led Mikey down the gravel that separated the parking lot from the building. The duo approached the door and realized neither had any cash. Hilariously hirsute and clad in a faded black t-shirt, the bouncer looked exactly as you'd expect for a leather bar, except for the absurdly large iPad he held to process credit cards for the cover. Mikey pulled out his card to pay for his and Jake's cover. The bouncer rubber-stamped both of their hands with a typical star pattern in an indigo ink that looked like a cheap, faded tattoo. The bouncer mentioned the clothes-check to the right of the entrance.

Jake and Mikey walked into the bar. Jake turned to Mikey and gave him an incredulous smile.

"I've never had anyone pay cover for me like that," Jake said.

Mikey replied, "I don't believe that at all."

Mikey truly did not believe that Jake had never had his cover paid by anyone else. It stunned him to think that someone so visceral and sexy might have always paid his own cover.

Jake peeled off his t-shirt once now that they were safely inside the bar. Mikey had his first opportunity to see Jake without his shirt, in person, in front of him. Mikey thought Jake looked perfect, his harness framing his pectoral muscles, his bare back smooth and chiseled. Jake took his shirt off too, and stuffed it in to the back of his pants as he had done so many times before in gay bars. Mikey felt a small thrill from the act; he felt the same feeling he gets when it's time for him to get manual labor done in the summer, and the feeling seemed appropriate there in a leather bar with Jake.

"Let's check it out. You lead." Jake told Mikey.

Mikey walked affirmatively to the dance room in the back of the bar with Jake lightly holding his waist and keeping more distance from Mikey than Mikey would have liked. Typical house music played and overpowered all of the senses save for smell. The dance floor was a hotbox of man-smell, the scent of a locker room sealed up and left on the bayou for too long. It was impossible to walk without coming into contact with another dude, the brief contact made while brushing an anonymous arm made more permanent with yet another exchange of sweat.

Mikey stopped and turned to Jake in the middle of the dance floor hoping for an opportunity to hold Jake close, dance, and though Mikey would never admit it, frot. Jake quickly continued to the outdoor part of the bar, still in the rear, to check the scene there, though.

Mikey followed Jake out of the humidor to catch up with Jake outside. The outdoor area was also paved with bears, official ones at that; The bar was the official end-up for the bear convention happening in town that weekend.

Jake and Mikey walked to the front of the outdoor patio. Their friends that they had split off from earlier found their way to the leather bar and met up with them. The latecomers left as quickly as they came citing their discomfort with the overt sexuality and dipsomania of the joint.

Jake and Mikey were alone again, and decided to go to the bar for a drink. They stood in line, Jake leaning on the sticky and warped wood that wrapped around the corner of the shotgun-style bar. Mikey stood behind him. Mikey stared at Jake's back. Mikey loved a hard, muscular back. Mikey noticed little indentations on Jake's back just below his neck and between his shoulder blades. They turned Mikey on in an innocent way. Instead of imagining all of the deviant things Mikey wanted to do to and with Jake, for the first time, and just for a moment, Mikey felt a guiltless desire to kiss and lick the little divots on Jake's back.

After waiting for far too long, Jake decided to give up on getting a drink and suggested they go to a restaurant instead. Mikey agreed, they both put their shirts back on and went back to the truck.

They found some Mexican food place that seemed dependable, and ate too quickly for their own good. Not soon after, Jake admitted he was tired and wanted to return back to the hotel.

Mikey wanted the night to last forever.

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