Office Boys

By Blue Boy

Published on Dec 9, 2011



This story is a work of fiction (although it is based on real events). It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now. Just so you know, this story is set in England!

Comments and suggestions welcome at


Matt was the fittest guy in the office by a long shot. The only trouble is, he worked from home a lot so I didn't get to see him much. But the days when he did come in, I would often be sat at my desk with a raging hard on, which could only be satisfied in the toilet cubicles.

He was about six feet tall, dark hair, slim build, in his mid twenties, always well dressed. I knew he had a girlfriend so I was almost certain he wasn't gay. Not that that means anything -- I'm pretty sure my wife would leave me if she knew I was into men!

To be honest I'd resigned myself to the fact that nothing was ever going to happen with Matt, and I was more than happy with the horny fantasies about him that took place in the toilets. The horniest one was right after I once caught a sneaky glimpse of his cock as he stood next to me at the urinals.

As you can imagine, my heart jumped when Matt was assigned to the same project I was working on, and knowing that we would be working together opened up a whole new chapter of fantasies for the wank bank. As the weeks went on and we started working more and more closely, we became friendlier with each other, but it still never entered my mind that anything would ever seriously happen between us. He would often talk about his girlfriend, and I would talk about my wife. We had a similar taste in music though, so that was often a regular topic of conversation between us. On Fridays the whole team would go for a drink at lunchtime and it was evident that Matt enjoyed his alcohol -- something else we had in common. So we were both pretty happy when one of the directors announced a team night out to celebrate the success of the project. Not only a meal and drinks but also an overnight stay in a posh hotel, all paid for by the company.

The night came around and we all enjoyed the meal -- plenty of banter and laughs, and the beer and wine flowed freely. Afterwards we all ended up back at the hotel bar for more drinks, and by this time most of us were pretty hammered. One by one, all the others disappeared up to their rooms, until just Matt and I were left at the bar, sat on a sofa with our last drink of the night.

We'd been getting on really well all night, and there was even a little what I call "mock flirting" -- the kind that good mates sometimes engage in for a laugh when they're drunk. But I thought nothing of it, and just decided to enjoy it while it lasted.

"I'm fuckin' wasted!" he slurred, as he downed the last of his drink.

"Tell me about it," I slurred back.

"Shall we go to bed then?" he asked.

"Is that an offer?" I drunkenly giggled, and he laughed. Then he lay down on the sofa, apparently too drunk to do anything else. "I'm just gonna go to sleep here, yeah?"

I downed the rest of my drink and stood up. "Come on mate, let's get you up to bed."

But Matt didn't move, and instead just curled up into a ball to make himself more comfortable. I gently nudged him. "Come on mate, you need to get to your room." Matt just groaned, and I reached under his arm to lift him up. Begrudginly, he got himself up and I put my arm around him and helped him to the lift. We staggered up to his room and then I realised we needed his key. "In my pocket," he mumbled. I reached into his front pocket and fumbled around for a few seconds longer than was necessary, but Matt didn't seem to mind. Infact I could have sworn I caught a sneaky little smile as I "accidentally" brushed his cock.

I eventually pulled out the key and we made our way into the room.

"You alright mate?" I said, and as I tried to lower him onto the bed, we both ended up collapsing onto it together. Matt shuffled himself up so that his head was on a pillow and closed his eyes. I shuffled up next to him, lay on my front with my head lifted up and just stared at him for a few moments. God, he was beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I just wanted to plant little kisses all over his face. I don't know if he read my mind, but at that point he opened his eyes and saw me staring at him.

Unperturbed, I just smiled at him. "How you feeling?"

"I'm alright," he smiled. "Just needed to lie down". I thought he might have been a bit freaked out that I had been lying there staring at him but there was no awkwardness in his voice.

"Thought I was never gonna get you up," I said.

"Hmmm, bet you'd love to get me up," he said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh I bet I could," I replied and without thinking twice, I put my hand on his crotch and gave his cock a squeeze. I don't even know where that came from, as I would never have even dreamt of doing that if I was sober. Surprisingly, he didn't try to stop me, infact he didn't even flinch, he just let me carry on rubbing his bulge, giving me a little smile. Our faces were only a few inches apart and instinctively I started moving mine towards his. When our lips we were only an inch apart, I stopped and we just looked into each other's eyes for a moment. There seemed to be little doubt as to what we both wanted. And then, as if I needed any confirmation, he leant in and put his lips on mine. I opened my mouth, our tongues connected and I kissed him like I'd never kissed anyone before. I moved myself so that I was properly on top of him, and as we carried on kissing I softly stroked his cheek with my hand and he was running his hand through my hair, pulling me closer. We both started grinding our bodies against each other and it was pretty evident that we were both rock hard under our jeans. I couldn't believe what was happening. I could never have imagined being on a bed with Matt, let alone being on top of him and snogging his face off.

He pulled away for a second and looked straight at me.

"We shouldn't be doing this," he whispered.

"No," I said. "We shouldn't."

No more words were said after that, my lips were back on his and we were kissing again, even more passionately than before if that was possible. It felt like two people had never wanted each other so bad. Matt slid his hand under my waist and started undoing my belt, and I did the same. Jeans slid off, shirts were unbuttoned and removed and we were both down to just our boxers. I broke away from the kiss and we looked at each other with nothing but pure lust in our eyes, as I rubbed his hard cock through his tight black Calvin Kleins.

I slid down and pulled his boxers off, his hard cock slapped against his stomach, the head glistening with precum. I took it in my mouth and slowly started sucking, while I played with his balls. Matt moaned his approval, and he put his hand on my head, forcing more and more of his eight inches down my throat with each thrust. I couldn't get enough of it in my mouth, and I was loving the taste of his precum as I swallowed. His balls were big and round and I gently squeezed and rubbed at them while I sucked his dick. I still couldn't believe what was going on. I had never in my dreams thought something like this could ever happen. Well actually that's a lie, I have had many a horny dream about it. But you get my drift.

After a few moments, Matt pulled me up and slid down the bed, clearly ready to repay the favour. I got on my knees as he pulled down my boxers. My hard cock sprang forward and he wasted no time in getting his lips around it, using his hands to grab my arse cheeks, and squeezing them while he sucked me. I ran my hands through his soft dark hair, still not quite able to believe this was actually happening -- the guy I'd been fantasising about for months on a hotel bed with his lips around my cock.

By now, I was missing Matt's cock in my mouth, so I pulled away and re-manouevred ourselves on the bed so that we were in a 69. As we continued sucking each other off, I couldn't help the urge and I slid a finger in between Matt's legs which, surprisingly, he readily spread open to let my finger probe his hole. He moaned hard as I slipped my finger inside him, thrusting it in and out of his tight, wet hole, in rhythm with my mouth going up and down on his cock. I continued to finger fuck him and he must have been loving it more than I realised because his moaning got louder and more frantic and I realised he was close to cumming. Sure enough, seconds later, I felt that familiar, warm, salty taste in my mouth. He shot load after load of his hot jizz down my throat, and I was gulping it down. But I couldn't contain it all and some of it inevitably escaped down my chin, as I tried to lick it back up.

Just as Matt's orgasm subsided I felt mine rise inside me. Realising I was about to cum, Matt took my cock out of his mouth and started wanking me off. This was really fucking horny, and I gasped with uncontrollable pleasure as I shot my load, over his face, over his chest, over the sheets, it was everywhere. I can't remember the last time I'd had such an intense orgasm.

Moments later, we were both laying naked on the bed next to each other. No words needed to be said, we just lay there in silence, lightly panting and getting our breaths back. My head was spinning, partly from the alcohol and partly from the realisation of the fact that I'd just had sex with the man of my fantasies.

I don't remember falling alseep but the next morning, I woke up still naked in Matt's bed. Matt was fast asleep next to me, I'm guessing he was also naked under the covers. It took me a few moments to think back and remember what happened. When the realisation dawned on me, it hit me like a ten ton truck. Which didn't help because my head was already pounding with the beginnings of a mammoth hangover. I silently got out of bed, got dressed and slipped out of the room without Matt waking up. I went back up to my room, showered and packed, all the while trying to make sense of last night. The events were coming slowly back to me like a jigsaw puzzle.

I met the others for breakfast, not that I had the stomach to eat much of it. Matt turned up about twenty minutes after me and sat down with the rest of us.

"You look as rough as I feel," someone said to him.

"You have no idea," he mumbled weakly, clearly nursing a hangover as bad as mine.

Then he turned to me. "What happened last night? All I remember is being at the bar with you, and then waking up this morning."

Wow. So he didn't remember anything that happened between us. Or was he just saying that? Well in any case I wasn't gonna say anything about it right now, I was just gonna play dumb.

"That's pretty much all I remember," I said. "Though I know I had a job getting you up to your room cos you wanted to sleep in the bar."

"That sounds about right," someone else piped up. "You were both hammered when we went up!"

"What a mental night," said Matt with a smile. "Cheers for looking after me," he said to me. He was acting completely normal and there wasn't a trace of awkwardness in his voice. If he did remember what happened up in his room, he was doing an Oscar worthy job of hiding it. But surely he must have wondered why he woke up naked and sticky?

We checked out of the hotel and I called my wife to let her know what time I was gonna be home. Then I remembered that I was gonna give Matt a lift back to the office to pick up his car. It was only a ten minute journey to the office and we talked in general about the night and gossipped about our colleagues, but neither of us mentioned the unmentionable. The trouble was, it was killing me not knowing whether he knew or not. Matt has been known in the past to get so drunk that he forgets most of the night, but surely sucking someone's cock is pretty hard to forget?

We pulled up at the office next to Matt's car and I expected him to say his goodbyes and be on his way. But instead he just sat there for a moment, as if there was something he wanted to say.

"How you feeling now?" I asked after a moment, to break the silence and to try and keep him in the car for as long as possible and get some truth out of him.

"I'll be honest, I've felt better," he said.

"Me too," I said. "Last night was crazy. Just wish I remembered more of it."

"Yeah it's all a bit of a blur. Has anything come back to you yet?"

This sounded like a bit of a leading question. "Why, has anything come back to you?"

Matt looked at me. When he next spoke, it was in a quieter tone. "I remember bits and pieces."

My heart was pounding now. "What kinda bits and pieces?"

Matt hesitated. "I dunno, it's all really vague." OK he knew. He just wasn't ready to say it out loud. Come to think of it, neither was I.

"What bits do you remember?" he asked. He was obviously digging to see if I knew. There wasn't much point pretending any more.

"Umm..." I hesitated. "Some pretty, um, big bits," I said with a little smile.

Matt couldn't help but smile at this. "Sounds about right."

"Have you ever, um... done anything like that before?"

"Nope, never," he said without any hesitation. I believed him. "You?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. OK that was a lie but I didn't wanna admit to him that I'd been with other men, not if he hadn't.

"I've never even thought about anything like that before", he said. "I don't even know how it happened. I just can't explain it."

"I don't think we should even try to explain it," I said. "It's just something that happened. As long as we're OK with each other, yeah?"

Matt smiled at me. "I am if you are."

"I am if you are," I smiled back.

"Well I'm glad we've, um, cleared the air," he said. "Let's not ever mention this again, yeah?"

"Mention what?" I winked at him.

"Exactly," he said, as he opened the door and got out of the car. "I'll see you Monday, yeah?"

"See you Monday mate."

Matt paused again for a minute before closing the door on me. "For what it's worth," he said. "The bits I remember were pretty big too."

We both smiled. So much for never mentioning it again. Something told me that we would definitely be mentioning it again. I drove off with a big hangover but an even bigger grin on my face.

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If enough people like it I'll hopefully try and continue the series and write about some more hot office fantasies!

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