Office Hours

By Short Guy

Published on Dec 1, 2016



Office Hours by Short Guy

Please remember that Nifty needs your donations to provide these stories.

Office Hours part 1

The first time I saw him I behaved like an idiot. I'm a tenured professor for God's sake but I gaped at him like a schoolboy entranced by some basketball hero. Yes I admit it--I stared at him. And fuck me if I couldn't stop staring at him. I even forgot to care whether the other students might notice me staring at him.

Part of it was his handsome boyish face--like Dylan O'Brien from Teen Wolf with red Irish hair and hauntingly beautiful Asian eyes. He was so good looking it almost hurt to look at him.

Part of it was his defined powerful biceps and his obvious pec muscles, rounded and square at the same time. They were so prominent it was as if his pecs formed a shelf in front of him. His posture was perfect and those pecs were like battering rams or the grate of a locomotive slicing a path through a snowy pass.

But mostly, it was how tall he was. When he walked into the classroom, he was head and shoulders above everyone else. He must have been seven feet tall, for crying out loud. No one could look at him without craning their necks. His shoulders were muscular and defined and they were at least a foot above the heads of everyone else around him. Those shoulders drew your eyes upward until they met his blue eyes sparkling with humor. He was cute like a boy and sexually powerful like a mature stud. I couldn't tell if I wanted to hug him or fuck him. It was a killer combination.

I was not the only one staring. Several girls had their mouths open as they gazed at him. I saw him look at one pretty Asian girl and he gave her a big smile, making him even more handsome and boyish. I saw her start to hyperventilate as if she was going to faint. But the girls were not the only ones fixated on him. As he walked down the stairs to find a seat, he looked at one of the boys whose eyes were glued to him. His smile was even bigger than before; he knew this boy. He walked over to him. The boy stood up as the tall guy approached and was greeted with a hug. Half the class was drooling in envy.

The difference in their heights made the embrace curious and sensual. It was impossible to ignore the fact that the boy's face was level with the tall guy's stomach or that the boy's chest was pressed hard against the tall guy's crotch. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how big this giant's cock must be or what it would feel like to have it pressed against my chest or how long it would be if it were hard. I'm super short like the boy he was hugging (I'm only five foot two inches) and if the giant's cock grew to its manly size the boy's lips would just be able to encircle the engorged mushroom head. And suddenly I was that boy, imagining his large hands on my back and his cock firm and proud and the head throbbing as it entered my mouth... Fuck me, I couldn't stop it; I was fantasizing about sucking his cock and my own dick became rock hard in an instant right there in front of the class.

I was the professor of this introductory political science class and I was not supposed to look at my students this way. They came to college to learn and, of course, to fuck around with each other, not to become the objects of professorial lust. They fire people like me if we can't keep our hands to ourselves and our cocks in our pants. Sexual harassment. But fuck me if I could not help wishing I was that young boy in the tall guy's arms. This handsome stud was sexually harassing me for God's sake. I mean, look at those thin basketball shorts and those powerful legs. His muscular arms were as thick as my thighs. I was breathing fast and my cock was throbbing. How the fuck was I supposed to teach now?

Luckily the lectern hid my raging cock from the students. I started to turn away from looking at the scene so the tall boy would not see me staring at him. But oh God it was too late. With his large hand pressed against his friend's back, the giant turned to look at me. It was as if he knew I would be staring, as if he were used to people looking at him, paralyzed with wonder and insane lust at his appearance.

We looked at each other for a moment and I knew. I knew that he knew I was attracted to him. I knew I had not hidden it, that it was fucking obvious. And as he looked at me, his mouth widened just a little; his smile was small but it was telling me he knew I was gazing at him and that he understood. But it was not a smirk, or mean, or dangerous. His smile was kind, reassuring. Holy shit, he was a nice guy despite his size and sexiness. And goddam it if that didn't draw me to him even more.

That smile of his--it was as if he was telling me he understood, that he was used to people being overwhelmed by his presence, his height, his handsome face, his protruding shoulders and pecs, his enormous hands, the mystery of how big a tall guy's cock would be. He knew the effect he had on other people, he knew the lust he inspired, and he knew that professors, of all people, were not immune to his sexual power. He was tall, so much taller than everyone around him, and so handsome and muscular, that it was impossible not to look at him without feeling drawn to him. He knew how others saw him, he knew how they reacted to his overwhelming presence. He could have been arrogant, he could have been a jerk, but his smile told me he simply knew what he was doing to my heart rate, he knew how he was inhibiting my ability to think clearly, and he fucking knew the way his mere presence made my cock as hard as a hammer.

I was the teacher, the one in charge, the one with authority, the grownup in the room. But he knew, he obviously knew that I was struck dumb because of him, that I would give in if the chance presented itself, that if he got me alone, that if he offered the slightest invitation, that he could get me to cheat on my wife, to ignore the university rules that prohibit sex between teachers and students. He knew that I could not stop myself if he offered me his thick, giant, throbbing cock, that I would bend over to take the head of his cock in my lips, that I would not be able to stop myself from opening my mouth, from breaking the rules, from risking my job, my marriage, my reputation, just so I could suck his damn cock and swallow his cum.

Holy shit, all that happened in a fucking instant. Me imagining this happening and him, God, he fucking knew what I was thinking. His smile was almost sad, as if he knew this was his fate, to be the object of worship, of longing, of hungry desire. He looked at me as he rubbed his hand up and down on the back of his short friend, his buddy whose face was inches from his cock.

And then he smiled more broadly as he released his friend. This smile was different from the first. It was shockingly friendly as if he wanted to reassure me that it was OK, that even though he knew that I was uncontrollably lusting for his penis that he would not rat me out, that he would play the innocent schoolboy, taking my class and being a student like all the rest, while knowing that someday soon, at a time I could not control, that he would come into my office and that there was no way it could end but with his cock in my mouth and his hot cum in my throat.

Office Hours part 2

Sitting in his chair in the middle of the class, I could not help but fixate on that fact that his shoulders were above the tops of the heads of the other students. No one was sitting next to him, so he would have more room for his long legs. The seats were empty for several rows behind him, even though they were on a higher tier, because nobody could see over his head, no matter how tall they were. He was a giant, in a class by himself.

When he came up to the front of the room to talk to me after class, I had no choice but to crane my neck back to look up at him. My chin was level with the waistband of his shorts. A slight glance down and I would be looking at his crotch. I forced myself to look away from his crotch up toward those nipples visible behind his thin muscle shirt, up toward his chin, his sensual boylike lips, his bright blue eyes, up until I was looking at his face several feet above my own.

He made no attempt to lean over or hunch down or make it easier for me. He was seven feet tall or more and I was near five feet -- five feet two inches to be exact. I know, I'm fucking short for a guy. I've grown used to being short and even enjoy it. But this giant was beyond my experience. His head was so high above me I actually got a crick in my neck leaning my head back to meet his eyes. And dammit they were awesome too--ice blue with a shape that made me think he might be part Asian. It was as if a beautiful Asian guy were melded with an Irish boy and a handsome Danish giant.

It was startling how handsome he was and how comfortable he seemed in his body despite his height and his obvious muscles. His muscles were not disproportionate and he was not muscle-bound; instead, he moved with an easy grace as if he were a dancer. The ease with which he moved, the muscles that demanded my attention, and his incredible height, made me feel intimidated and nervous. It didn't help that my cock was demanding attention or that my heart was racing as I looked up at him.

But his face was so fresh and so innocent. He was just a boy, probably only 19 or so, and he was in my care. His parents entrusted him to the college and the college entrusted him to me. I was the professor supposed to look out for him, take care of him, teach him, protect him. I tried to be the grownup, I really did. But I couldn't stop thinking about pulling down those shiny basketball shorts, grabbing his cock and stuffing it in my mouth. I was so fucking attracted to him that I almost did it. Holy shit, I almost-- until I realized where I was, and who I was, and who he was, and came to my senses.

All this in a couple of seconds when he was looking down at me, his muscular pecs far above me, and fuck me if he didn't know what was going on in my head. I don't know how but... oh fuck me, of course I knew how he knew. I was practically drooling for God's sake; my mouth was open and I was staring like a dog listening for a sound in the woods. He knew what I was thinking, he knew what I was feeling. He knew I had a fucking hard on for him.

He was used to this. He was used to being viewed with awe and sexual hunger. He was used to the fact that it took a few seconds for anyone he confronted to take it all in. He waited until I could finally pay attention to him before he spoke.

"Professor, I need to ask you a question that could take some time. It would help me a lot and I think it might be gratifying for you as well. I'm really interested in this class and I have some raw material I want to share with you."

I couldn't help notice his hand scratching his crotch. It was practically right in front of my face.

"Could I come to your office sometime so I could give it to you and have you digest it?" he said as he slid his hand down his thigh, sensually running over the outline of a very long and very thick cock.

Holy shit, was he fucking around with me or being serious? He looked earnest and studious. The words could have meant nothing but I could not help but imagine that he was putting me on the spot in front of other students, to stake his claim, to put me on notice that he intended to get through the course by fucking my mouth from day one.

"Of course, son," I gulped. "What's your name?"

"Sean," he said reaching out his massive hand to shake mine. "I'm sorry but I didn't have a chance to check the website to see when your office hours are."

Sweet mother of God, he kept holding my hand as we spoke, as if it were a natural thing, as if it were not highly irregular, as if his middle finger stroking the inside of my palm were not trying to make me shoot a load right there in the classroom.

"This afternoon at 2:00," I said.

"Oh good, I'll see you then OK?" he asked, still holding my hand with that huge middle finger stroking the inside of my palm.

"Sure Sean, I'm looking forward to it."

I heard a titter. Fuck me, what did I just say? You don't tell students you're looking forward to seeing them, not when you just met them. A couple of students standing nearby obviously could tell that I was struck dumb by this boyish giant, who by the way was still holding my fucking hand. He let go slowly making sure his fingers touched until the very last. I almost reached out to grab his hand back. But I stopped myself, came to my senses, and turned to the other students.

That afternoon, he came to office hours. I was sitting at my desk in my office. He appeared at my door, wearing the same gym shorts. But he had a different shirt on. Fuck me, that shirt left nothing to the imagination. It was one of those muscle shirts that do nothing to cover up a guy's pecs. It was super thin at the top and went down a long way. And Goddammit, that shirt exposed both his nipples. His pecs were huge, and they stood out almost horizontally from his collarbone. They bulged out the sides of the shirt. I could feel my mouth drop open, staring at his pink nipples. He was so tall, they were above me. I had to look up to stare at them. I know he saw--he must have wanted me to see, he must have counted on my drooling over those nipples -- he was displaying them, for God's sake -- but he pretended nothing was unusual.

"Professor," he said politely, "I wonder if I could close the door. I have something embarrassing to talk with you about."

As he said this, his large hands were hanging down casually in front of him, each touching one of his thighs. His long arms led my gaze down until I saw those hands framing the outline of a very long, very obvious cock. I could not tell if his cock was hard or soft; I could only tell that it was there. It was thick and about 8 inches long. It snaked down his right thigh. I caught myself and looked up at him. He looked back innocently as if he was not standing there displaying his manhood to me.

He stepped closer to me, making me look up at him. With me sitting at my desk and him standing I really had to lean my head back to see him.

"Please," he said. "You're the only one who can help me."

His ice blue eyes held my own and I felt hypnotized and fixated.

"Of course," I heard myself saying, my voice breaking a bit, hoarse with my building lust.

"Thank you, Professor," he said. "You are the best."

I watched as he closed the door. He turned and approached me slowly. I got up to go around my desk to get to the couch where I sit when meeting with students. He was in my way. I had to walk past him. He was so close I felt my shoulder touch him right where his cock hung down his thick right thigh. He did not move back or act as if something untoward had happened. He had stood there so I would be forced to brush against his thick penis. He had stood in my way just so I would feel the heat coming from that engorged student cock.

I realized with a shock he had no underwear on. His cock was there right behind the shorts. As I sat in my place I watched as he sat across from me, his legs spread widely. His cock snaked down his thigh; the head was large and shaped like a mushroom. It was clearly visible where the fabric wrapped tightly around it. I tried to look away, I really did. I swear I tried but, oh fuck it was so big and so long and thick and I couldn't believe he was sitting there with his...

"Professor?" he said, tentatively.

I looked at him. We were both seated but I had to look way up to meet his eyes. He was so fucking tall! And those gorgeous nipples staring me in the face. His expression was placid and composed. He was acting as if he did not know I had been staring hungrily at his cock.

"You were distracted there for a minute," he said. "Can I tell you my problem? Please?"

He looked as if he was desperate for my help, as if I could save his life.

"Of course, Sean," I said.

He smiled and it was like a light suffused his handsome boyish face. Goddam it, I would have done anything he asked.

"Well," he said, "it's Professor Jane. You see the thing is that I was meeting her in her office, just like we are meeting now and the thing is, I noticed she didn't seem to be listening to the question I was asking. I tried to get her attention but she was staring down. And you know that's odd, because I am so tall."

As he was talking, he put his large right hand near his cock, his thumb along one side and his index finger along the other, framing that thick shaft and, if anything, making it even more visible.

"I looked down and she was staring at my shorts."

I looked up quickly, realizing I was doing the same thing.

But fuck me he was moving his hand back and forth so that his cock was getting harder. Longer. Harder.

"She couldn't stop staring at me, Professor," he said as he stroked his cock right in front of me. My eyes were glued to his dick, to the slow dance it did, lengthening, occasionally jumping as he jerked it to lift his shorts for a moment.

"She couldn't stop staring," he said again, causing me to quickly look up in to his eyes as he continued to stroke his cock as if nothing was out of the ordinary here.

"And then, I couldn't believe it but she said 'Let me see it.' 'See what?' I asked. 'You know,' she said. And she knelt in front of me and I couldn't stop her! She was pushing my shorts up like this..."

And he did it, he fucking did it! He moved his shorts up toward his crotch so the head of his cock peeked out.

"I tried to stop her, Professor, but before I could, well, she kneeled in front of me."

God Almighty my cock tried to jump out of my pants.

"My cock was exposed, Professor, like it is now. See?" he said as his large hand encircled his growing dick as it escaped the confines of his shorts. "We're both guys, Professor, and I know you've seen a lot of guys naked before. You must have seen a lot of cocks, right?"

Goddam it, was he suggesting I was gay? That I spent a lot of time in the gym staring at hunky guys like him? He was fucking right of course, but did he really mean to tell me he knew I was a cocksucker?

"And then without any warning Professor Jane leaned over and started licking it. I couldn't believe it was happening. I was stunned. All I could do was watch her. Professor Jane was licking my penis. I mean, that's not right is it?"

His cock was now sticking out of his shorts by about 4 inches and getting bigger and bigger.

"I stood up so I could leave. My cock withdrew from her mouth. But when I did she just pulled my shorts down. I'll show you Professor, like this."

And he stood up and slipped those shiny basketball shorts down his thick muscular legs. And oh God there was his cock, about 8 inches long now sticking straight forward.

"She was so close to me. You know, Professor, close like this."

And he walked forward until the tip of his cock was an inch from my open mouth where I was gaping at him.

"She's the teacher and I'm a good boy. I do what the teacher says. I'm polite," he said as he stood there with his hard naked cock sticking out.

"And she leaned forward and her mouth encircled my cock and she began to suck me. My own teacher, sucking the cock of a boy in her class."

The head was now leaking precum right by my lips. It was huge. It was beautiful. It was... His right hand took my face under my chin and lifted it to look up at him way above me.

"I'm from the midwest, Professor. We are naïve there. I am a good boy. I really am. And I did not want to get in trouble. Follow the lead of your teachers, my parents said, and I do what they say. So I let her suck my penis. I let her lick it up and down. I let her swallow it down her throat."

His strong 8 inch cock was aimed straight at my mouth. I was paralyzed with lust.

"What was I supposed to do Professor? What do you think I should have done? I tried to step back like this."

He stepped back a couple of inches.

"But she put her hand on my butt..."

He took my hand and put it on his muscular dancer's ass, "and she pulled me toward her like this," and then oh God oh fucking God his cock entered my mouth, he was in my mouth "and I was fucking her mouth and I couldn't stop Professor, I couldn't stop" he said as he fucked my mouth and I sucked his dick, "I couldn't, oh God, Professor, I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't, ahh" and he fucked my mouth with his right hand under my chin forcing me to look into his eyes as he fucked my face and his left hand on the back of my head forcing me toward him and preventing me from backing away.

"Oh God Professor, she sucked me like, oh man, she sucked me like, oh fuck, like that, just like that..... Oh God it's happening again...I didn't mean to make you... oh God, I didn't mean to... oh Professor, I shouldn't have shown you how she... oh God but your wet mouth feels so good, Professor, so hot, so wet, so-- oh God Professor, I have to stop, Professor, let me-- oh God my cock-- I can't stop, I ... fucking A, you have it in your throat Professor, so tight, so... oh God you're swallowing my penis-- Professor oh God--"

He fucked my mouth over and over, talking the whole time.

And then: "oh God Professor, it's coming, It's coming, you mouth is so wet so hot so tight, it's coming-- I'm cumming ...I'm cumming--I can't stop now, I--" and his hands held my head while he impaled me on his thick cock and I felt it expand and pulse and throb as he shot his thick salty cum down my throat. He held his cock in my throat as I felt it pulse and throb, pulse and throb, pulse and throb, his cum deposited where it would never depart.

I kneeled there stunned, his cock in my throat, my own cum spewed in my dress pants where I came without realizing it, his blue eyes gazing down at me as his right hand stroked my hair.

"That's what happened, Professor. I needed to tell someone and you are such a good listener," he said as he gently stroked my hair and caressed my face, his fucking cock still pulsing in my throat. "I knew you would take it all in."

The whole thing was fucking crazy. His double entendres were either naïve coincidences or he was a master of seduction. Fuck me, maybe it was both. Gently, slowly, he withdraw his cock from my throat and my mouth. His cock was covered in my saliva and I felt it as he let it rest on my cheek, the top of his cock near my eye.

"I knew I could tell you. I knew you would help me. I've heard other students talk about how you take care of your students and I knew you would take care of me, " he said, as his wet cock caressed my cheek getting it wet from my own saliva and the last drops of his cum. "I knew," he said, "I knew you would take care of me."

Then, matter of factly, he stepped back and slowly bent down and put his shorts back on. The wet from his cock soaked through them where they touched his cock. Those shorts were now wet with my saliva and the last of his cum. He then sat down very calmly.

"And the worst of all Professor is that she asked me to come once a week to office hours. She said I had to do it to pass the course. Isn't that sexual harassment? Can she take advantage of a boy like me?"

It was fucking surreal. I could still taste his cum for God's sake and his shorts were fucking wet with my own saliva.

He went on: "And then she asked me to leave. She went to open the door and her husband, Professor Cox, was standing outside, and Professor, she still had some of my cum on her face! I was humiliated. I didn't know what to do. Professor Cox looked at me and he looked at my crotch and he gulped. He's short like you Professor and had to look up at me and I'm sure he knew, I'm sure he knew that his wife had just sucked my dick. She didn't even think about the fact that I might tell someone else, someone like you Professor. She didn't think about the fact that her husband might find out she was sucking off a random student like me."

Random my ass, I thought. As if anyone could resist getting on their knees to service you.

"She didn't care that I could ruin her reputation," he went on. "She wanted my cock so badly. Can you understand how someone could be so turned on by my penis that they would risk it all?"

He was acting as if I had not just sucked his cock. He was acting as if he had not just gotten me to do the same fucking thing. He was acting like I was his savior, like I would protect him from his horny English professor. He was acting as if I had not just swallowed his entire load.

It was bizarre, it was confusing.

It was fucking adorable.

"I know I could tell on her but it would ruin her life and I want to take her course," he continued, not noticing that he had just told on her by telling me. Of course by getting me to suck him, there was no way I could tell on her...

"She's a good teacher, Professor, as good as you even. She's warm and inviting and knows how to draw things out of me."

Is he fucking kidding with these double entendres?

"And she says that I have to attend office hours to pass the course. I think she just wants to have suck my dick again. What do you think I should do Professor? Should I just let her suck me whenever she wants? Should I let her swallow my cum like that? Should I just go to her office hours like she wants so I can get through the course? She's married to Professor Cox, after all, and after what happened, he must know that if I come to office hours, his wife is going to be on her knees servicing my cock. Should I go anyway?"

His cum was in my stomach and I could still taste it on my tongue for God's sake, and he was asking how to handle his horny English teacher.

"This is a sticky issue," I said, licking a bit of his cum off my lips. I realized what I said and laughed, a little hysterically. "I think--"

He suddenly got up and wiped some more cum from my cheek with his thumb. And fuck me, as he stood over me like that, he put his thumb in my mouth knowing I could not stop myself from sucking on his giant thumb and drinking down the last of his creamy semen.

"Yes," he said, "very sticky. And I need guidance. I need to unload on you. Is it OK if I come to office hours next week so I can unload again?" Sean asked, as I sucked his thumb and licked his creamy cum.

Office hours part 3

It was getting harder for me to teach with Sean in the class. To give my lectures I had to write on the blackboard, and stepping out from the behind the lectern always posed a risk that my raging hardon would be visible to others. I began wearing tight jockstraps under my dress pants to hide my bulge and I switched to PowerPoint slides so I would not have to walk around so much.

For his part, Sean was the perfect gentleman--if you don't count the fact that he continued to wear those gym shorts that left little to the imagination since his long thick cock was visible in outline even when it was soft. He must have known that every boy and girl in the class would stare at his meat but he acted as if he were dressed perfectly sensibly and he was patient, waiting for people to lift their gaze to his face after being bewitched by his thick and visible cock. If you looked at his face all you saw was an innocent farm boy. And if you looked at his giant hand outlining that giant cock all you saw was a stud who was eager to get you alone so he could plug any opening he could.

He would often come to the front of the room after class to ask me a question, standing close so I had to crane my neck to look him in the eye. It never ceased to amaze me that the top of my head was lower that his pecs and that I would have to stand on a footstool just to be high enough to suck on his large nipples. Oh fuck, what am I thinking about? He's asking me a question right now and all I can think about is sucking his muscular pecs.

"So I'll see you at office hours this afternoon," I heard him say. "Thanks for a great class Professor," as he stuck out his giant hand for me to shake.

I found myself reaching for him and seeing my hand disappear into his as if I were a boy--his boy--and he were a man. I had a sudden memory of standing next to my Dad when I was 6 years old. Dad was so much taller than me. I loved and admired him and was in awe of him. Sean was not my Dad; he was a sophomore in college and I was supposed to be his mentor. He was supposed to look up to me. But fuck me if I didn't feel like a boy looking up at my Dad when I was with him.

A man with a boy's face. A cute sophomore with a body like a porn star. A giant with a smile that made you feel like you were the most important person in the world to him.

Goddam it, he was still holding my hand. He was holding my hand and my cock was struggling to escape from the jock strap and giving me a run for my money. He loosened his grip but let his middle finger slide slowly across the center of my palm as he withdrew those thick fingers from my own boy size hand. He did that every time and goddam it if it didn't make me shiver and my cock throb. I felt like I was about to pass out.

I turned to the other students to answer their questions. As I did, I watched him walk out of the room, his muscular ass tight, round, and high as he climbed the stairs. It stuck out behind him like a couple of basketballs. I couldn't stop myself from staring as I tried to concentrate on what I was being asked. And then I saw him stop at the top row of seats in the tiered classroom and reach down to adjust his crotch, making his cock stand out against the shiny material. As his hand lingered for a moment on his large manhood, he looked straight at me. I looked away quickly but could not stop myself from looking back. Fuck me but he broke into a grin and then heaven help me he fucking winked at me. I don't know how I saw it from that far away but it was unmistakable.

I quickly gathered my things and left the room, several students following me. I answered a few more questions on the way to my office. The students drifted away one by one until I was alone. I was in the building where my office was now and went one flight up and fucking A he was standing right outside my office door.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, Professor," he said, in an apologetic tone, "I know you don't have official office hours right now but I realized I couldn't wait to see you."

He grinned at me as if I were his best friend. But his rubbed his crotch like I was his designated cocksucker. It was both confusing and an unbelievable turn on.

"I realized I needed you to sign this form and it couldn't wait since it's due by 2 pm today," he said.

"No problem, Sean," I said, trying to be professional even though my heart was pounding.

I approached my office door but he did not move. My face was level with his stomach. He was seven foot tall for God's sake and I was a whopping five foot two. His cock was just a few inches down from my eyes and I... Goddammit I tried so hard not to look at his crotch, but of course failed miserably and lowered my face to stare at it. That thick long cock that had just yesterday been down my throat, that thick creamy semen that found a home in my throat and my stomach, it was all there right in front of me.

I hesitated, transfixed with a mixture of wonder and horror as I heard him say "--oh of course I should move" whereupon he shifted a little to the side, enough for me to reach the keyhole but not enough to separate us entirely. As my hand went toward the lock to open the door, his cock was pressed against my shoulder like it belonged there, like it was an old friend.

Somehow I managed to get the door open and turned to say "come in" when his large left hand gently settled on my shoulder while he said "you're the best professor, you're the best." His hand was so strong and warm and fuck me if he wasn't massaging my shoulders. I swear it almost made me shoot my load right there in the goddam hallway. But I controlled myself and walked into my office. He followed, closing the door behind him, making sure it was locked, leaving his left hand on my shoulder as if it belonged there, as if I belonged to him.

I put down my knapsack with my notes and books and took the form from him. He was standing behind me and handed it to me with his right hand as his left massaged my left shoulder. Oh God it felt good.

I placed the form on my desk and leaned over to read it and sign it.

"Just there, Professor," he said politely, withdrawing his left hand from my shoulder and pointing to the signature line on the form. His left arm touched my left shoulder as he pointed to the form.

"And here is where you put in the number of credits," he said, pointing with his right hand.

I was fucking surrounded by both his muscular arms now. My throat was dry and I was breathing quickly as my heart raced. Because he had to lean over to show me where to sign, he was wrapped around me, his left hand on my left side on the desk, his right hand pointing to the form, his two arms framing me from behind, imprisoning me between them. And fuck me, I felt his crotch press against my back. His cock was erect and pressed right between my shoulder blades.

And then it withdrew and he must have bent his knees because I felt his cock against my ass. My thin dress pants gave way to the pressure of his thick manhood and goddamit his cock was pressed between my butt cheeks. I swear to you I tried to stop myself, I tried to move away, but his arms were so close, and his forearms so muscular and his breath warm on my cheek and his cock so big that I pressed backwards against him until I felt him moving up and down in my crack.

"What's wrong Professor?" he asked as I held the pen without signing. "Are you OK? Are you dizzy?"

And to steady me, to show he wanted to help me, his left hand went to my right pec, embraced me tenderly, and held me tight. And-- oh God, his right hand was between my legs holding me by the crotch.

"I've got you Professor," he said, so softly I could barely hear it. His lips were on my ear, his breath was tickling my ear canal.

"Are you OK, sir?" I heard him say as he fucking lifted me off the floor.

"Oh God," I said.

My cock was throbbing with desire. I was humping his giant hand as I felt his cock moving in my butt crack.

I need to get this over with. I reached over to sign the form as he held me in his hands as if I weighed nothing.

"I've got you," he whispered as he embraced me in his arms.

It was unbelievable. Here I was, a professor in my own office, helping a student make arrangements to study under me, and my student was holding me in his arms as if I were a child and my cock was so fucking hard encased within his huge muscular hand that I thought I would pass out.

Somehow I was able to finish signing the form and put down the pen.

"Thank you Professor," he said, as he set me down. " I know you have so much to teach me."

His hands were now busy with my belt. He was fucking taking off my pants. I was paralyzed with lust.

"I want to get inside your head and learn everything."

Now he was slipping my pants down along with my white briefs.

"Inside your head..." he said dreamily. "Inside your.. Yes, yes, I really need to get inside you," he said, as I felt his naked cock unleashed from his gym shorts pressed between my own ass cheeks.

"Inside you," he repeated as I felt his mushroom cock head poking at my asshole, already wet with his precum. "You are so generous, Professor, to give me your best assets. I'm ready to take them, to take them from you, to take you--" Fuck me his cock entered my asshole. It was so slimy with his precum it slipped in like butter. My ass clenched; his cock was so thick. It hurt and I groaned. He paused, letting me get used to the feeling of his tool inside. I took a deep breath and he pushed it in further.

"Professor," he said, "I know you have so much to give me and I'm ready to take it. And I hope you get something out of our relationship as well. Do you think you will? Get something out of it?"

Fucking A, his cock was now fully embedded in my hole. His sexual innuendos were driving me crazy. He was acting innocent and childlike as his engorged cock fucked my teacher's ass and he was pretending as if this was nothing more than regular office hours.

Oh God he was lifting me off the ground and fucking me and I leaned my hands on my goddam desk.

"I came here so I could work with you.," he said.

"I worked with all my teachers in high school," he said, as if this were a normal conversation.

"I worked with my English professor," he said, as he shoved his cock all the way inside me.

"I worked with my history professor" -- he withdrew his cock and shoved it in me again -- "and all my coaches-- each... and every... one..." on each word shoving his cock in and out.

"In my senior year, I even worked with the principal...and his wife..."

Holy mother of God, he was fucking me in earnest now, holding onto my chest, lifting me off the ground, sucking my ear, talking to me about how he had "worked" with all his teachers and how they brought out the best in him... Oh God, the best, the best in him, the, oh God, as I felt his cum shoot deep inside my ass, deep inside, thrusting, and again, and again, again, and again, filling me with his student cock, his thick penis, his manhood, his man milk.

And then it was over, his cock still hard and throbbing with the last releases of cum.

"I'm really going to enjoy working with you, Professor," he said as he put me down and caressed my small round muscular butt.

"You know how to get the best out of me," as he rocked gently in and out of my asshole, squeezing the last drops of cum from his penis.

He started to withdraw his cock from my ass but I resisted, not wanting to feel that empty place where he belonged. He sighed, very softly, hesitating.

"Don't worry Professor," he whispered in my ear, as I felt his cock throb inside my asshole and his tongue licking my ear. "We will have many opportunities to work together."

Office Hours part 4

"It's Professor Jane again," Sean said as he plopped himself down in the chair opposite the couch in my office. "I'm not sure what to do."

"What's happened now?" I asked him from my place on the couch in my office, eyeing the closed door with some trepidation. When Sean closed the door to my office it usually meant -- well, that I would soon find his firm, throbbing cock in my mouth or myself bent over my desk with his tool implanted deep in the hole between my firm muscular ass cheeks. And somehow I'm never sure how it happens. I never make a decision to do anything, and from the way he talks about it, neither does Sean. One thing leads to another and somehow we are acting out whatever story he is telling me. It's almost like an accident that his cock winds up down my gullet.

It had been several weeks now since the start of the semester and somehow Sean had fed me his cum in one orifice or another about a dozen times. While every time was different, it was also true that he never just came out and said, "let's fuck" like a normal person. He was there for "office hours" after all and that's when a professor helps a student with a paper or a class or gives advice about classes or the student's career.

And advice Sean needed. He was so fucking tall and so good looking in his boyish way and so impossibly polite and so unrelentingly horny that he wound up fucking every person who managed to get themselves alone with him. His roommates, his classmates, his coaches, and his goddam professors, including me. And it was always some story, some horny, implausible tale about how one thing led to another and how his cock somehow found itself pressed against a mouth or an ass or a cunt until it slipped over the threshold and he was fucking slowly but deliberately until he shot a full, thick, creamy load of his young fertile semen deep inside his eager companion.

He had been fucking Professor Jane since the first day in her class and it seemed as if he had to tell me about each and every episode. What was it this time? I wondered.

"It's her husband, Professor Cox. He always seems to be around after I have office hours with Professor Jane. You remember he saw me right after the first time she sucked my dick? Remember how he saw my wet cum on her face? Well, he didn't say anything at the time, but... I don't how to say this..."

"Just take your time, Sean," I said trying to stop my cock from poking through my pants.

"Well, this time the shit hit the fan and I don't know what to do. Please Professor, can you help me?" he said looking deep into my eyes.

I felt as if time stopped. Those deep blue eyes in his handsome Asian/Irish face, those thick lips, that little pout as if he were a boy in a man's body.

"Please," he whispered. "You're my only hope."

I almost laughed at the Star Wars reference but he was not kidding, he was not joking, his eyes were wet and almost teary.

"Of course, Sean, tell me what happened."

He smiled as if I had saved his life. Fuck me, he was so beautiful, I would do anything he asked.

"Thank you Professor, oh thank you," he said as he reached over and took my hand to shake it but somehow he was holding both my hands in his, caressing them with his large-- God his hands were both muscular and gentle... I was going to cum in my pants just feeling him caressing my hands.

"Well she closed the office door as usual and locked it and then sat against her desk. She was wearing a short skirt and a loose blouse. She had unbuttoned her shirt so that I could see the tops of her breasts -- and you know how round her breasts are and how they make you pay attention the way they push out her blouse and... well you know.. And her legs, they were spread wide and her hand reached down between her legs right there in her office, and... well I tried to ask a question about class Professor but she had pushed up her skirt and she had no underwear and she was stroking her clit and staring into my eyes and starting to pant and her cunt got wet and she was leaning back and I couldn't stop staring at it, she was gasping and, oh God Professor, I told myself I would stop but of course my my cock got hard right away. I couldn't stop it sir, truly I couldn't. It peeked out of my shorts and then snapped to attention."

His cock lengthened under his shorts and pushed up against the fabric. That cock--it was thick. It was throbbing. It moved up and down as he flexed it, pressing against the shorts, seeking a way to freedom. My pants were wet with precum. And there was nothing I could do about it.

"There was nothing I could do sir. She was there right in front of me, getting wetter and wetter and breathing so heavily and her breasts were full and ripe and pushing out her silk blouse and my cock it just couldn't stay in my shorts, it just got harder and harder."

Oh God his cock just kept getting longer, thicker, stronger.

He went on.

"I was sitting in the chair in front of her and she just walked over and she just, well she just sat herself down on my stiff cock. There was nothing I could do but let my cock slip inside her, inside my teacher's cunt. It wasn't right, I know it -- I know I shouldn't be fucking my married teacher -- but there it was all the way inside her. And oh God, Professor, her cunt was wet and hot and tight and slippery all at once and she was squeezing me and moving and I couldn't stop myself reaching out and rocking her up and down on my hard dick -- it felt so good -- and Professor I was fucking her right there in the chair in her office. Fucking my teacher..." he said as his warm strong hands caressed my own and his hard cock flexed against the shorts, seeking to escape in earnest.

I turned from staring at his cock to look up into his eyes. Fuck me, this was even worse. Goddam it, I thought, he's gonna make me cum just from holding him holding my hands and my looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"And then it happened," he said, his eyes welling with tears.

"What happened?" I asked trying to control my voice while watching his cock as it copied the cock in his story, getting harder and harder, slipping down his leg, getting larger as I watched, the beautiful uncut helmet making its appearance before my eyes, stretching, expanding, growing, as his hands caressed mine and his eyes bore into me, as his cock grew and grew and grew -- until it popped straight up, with its glorious eight inches.

"There was someone at the door fumbling with the lock." Sean interrupted my reverie with his throbbing penis. "The door was locked, Professor, but someone had a key. I tried to stop fucking Professor Jane but I was too slow. The door opened and I reacted by standing up. But Professor Jane was still wrapped around my hard on. I turned to see who it was and there was Professor Cox, Professor Jane's husband, looking up at me -- you know how tall I am -- and he saw me standing there with his wife impaled on my cock. She was moaning and moving up and down, forcing me to fuck her, telling me that my cock was so big, so thick, so strong, so much better than Professor Cox, and he watched as she said it, knowing she could not see him. He watched as I stood there, up above him, with my cock going in and out of his wife's cunt. You know how big I am Professor, how he could see every inch going in and out of his wife's vagina. He stood there staring at my cock as it moved inside his wife. And hearing her begging me to fuck her, to fuck her like he never could, to give her my cum, to make her pregnant, that she wanted my baby, my baby, not his baby, to make her pregnant with my student cum."

His eyes brimmed with tears now as he stroked my hands.

"I didn't want to Professor, I didn't want to, but it felt so good, her cunt was so tight, it was hot and wet and I was fucking her so smoothly, her weight as I stood up put so much pressure on my cock and her bouncing up and down and her husband looking up at me and I was looking straight into his eyes, I looked as him as I fucked his wife, and oh God, I was looking straight in his eyes and it was... I can't tell you how I... What it felt like to fuck a man's wife right in front of him... "

Sean was pulling my hands to his cock and gently coaxing me to put both of them around his thick penis and making me slowly stroke him, to feel the power in his cock, the manhood in my hands.

"To see him standing there," Sean went on, "so small, such a small guy -- I mean my arms as as thick as his legs -- and there I am up above him, his wife impaled on my cock, fucking her while he watched, seeing him shocked, not just that I was fucking her but at how big I am, how big my cock is, how it filled her up, how I was ramming it in and out of her most private place, and I was looking in his eyes, seeing him knowing what I was about to do, knowing he could not stop it, knowing that my large cock was filling her as he never could, and then looking straight in his eyes, fucking his wife in front of him, seeing a man satisfy her, seeing a real man with a larger cock than he's ever seen doing his woman, seeing how turned on she was, seeing how strong I am and how easy it was to hold her in the air and drive my penis into her vagina, to hear her moan, and watch his eyes as I fucked and fucked her and God I just-- I just-- oh God I I shot my sperm right up her cunt. And he knew, he saw, he witnessed, he understood the very moment I had an orgasm right in front of him. He watched me shoot my cum straight up his wife's vagina. He heard her moaning. He saw me cumming. He saw I had no protection, Professor, and for all I knew, he was watching me impregnate his wife."

He looked over at me, as he paused in his story. His hands stayed on mine making me jack his mammoth penis.

"I didn't know what to do, Professor," he said. "The deed was done, my cock was in her cunt, and my seed was on its way to find her eggs, and her husband, the man whose sperm should have been racing to impregnate her was standing there looking at his wife's cunt as it gripped my penis. I started to walk toward him like this..."

Sean go up and walked toward me, his cock swaying as he walked.

"And I got near him, with Professor Jane still embedded on my dick, and finally she turned and looked at him and I saw him look at her.

"What have you done?" he said.

"Professor Cox was shaking," Sean continued. "I couldn't tell if he was angry or upset or just in shock. But then Professor Jane pushed off my cock and slipped down to stand in front of Professor Cox. She smoothed her dress down and buttoned her shirt. He watched as she composed herself and I know he was thinking about it, about my cum in her cunt, my cock deep inside her.

"I couldn't help it, Billy," she said. "I mean look at it."

Sean went on.

"Professor Cox turned to look at my eight inch dick dripping with his wife's cunt juices and he saw it was still hard. I stepped toward him. I wanted to apologize, I really did. I wanted to apologize for making love with his wife, for fucking her in her office, for fucking her right in front of his eyes, for looking right at him as I shot my load of cum deep into the love of his life."

For Pete's sake he was standing in front of me with that large cock pointed straight at my mouth. I was starting to feel faint.

"I tried to explain it to him. I'm sorry, Professor Cox, I said. I didn't mean to... I mean, you know I just, well, when Professor Jane, I... and there I was in front of him and you know how tall I am, Professor, and I was in front of him like I am in front of you now. And it just, well, my cock, it just..., it just... was in his mouth..." Sean said, as his cock slipped between my lips and into my waiting mouth.

"And then he was sucking me, Professor. He was sucking Professor Jane's juices off my dick and undoing his shirt and his belt and then I don't know but suddenly he was naked, and... yes Professor like that, he took off his pants just like you are taking off yours... and he pushed me down onto the chair next to his wife's desk in her office and before I knew it he was climbing up on me and sitting down like Professor Jane had just a few minutes before, he did it, he sat like that in my lap, oh God Professor, yes like that, like oh God -- and my cock was pressed right against his asshole and oh God my cock was so wet from her cunt juices and my own cum and Professor Cox's saliva and it just-- it just fucking slipped in like butter, right into Professor Cox's ass, like it was meant to be there, and oh God..." he whimpered as his cock slipped into my asshole filling my muscular teacher's ass with his manboy cock.

"I couldn't believe it, sir," he said. "I had just fucked Professor Jane. She made me do it and made me fill her with my thick cum and then it was Professor Cox with my penis up his butt all the way to the hilt, all eight inches of it.... And then Professor Jane started talking to him. 'What are you doing Billy?' she said, and I stood up to answer her -- to say it was not my fault -- but that just made her husband slide all the way down until my whole cock was imbedded inside him. And he was whimpering and bouncing and sucking on my nipples, and there I was, fucking her husband, right in front of her. His hole was so tight so slippery and I was walking toward her while he bounced up and down on my ... oh God Professor."

And all reason left me as I humped up and down on Sean's long thick penis feeling the strokes as if each gave me an electric shock, as if each gave me an orgasm before the orgasm, as if it were the most natural, the most beautiful, the most important thing in the world that he walk around my office fucking the life out of me.

"What am I to do, Professor?" he asked as he fucked me, as he walked around my office bouncing me up and down on his dick. "How can I face him? Professor Cox is my history teacher!"

"It will work out," I said, breathing heavily and feeling the cum boiling in my balls.

"But how?" he said, holding me, tears in his eyes, his lips on my cheeks, his tears on my face. And there I was, impaled on this gentle giant's manhood, as he walked around my office talking to me, holding me in his strong arms, kissing me on the cheeks and then the lips as he lifted me up and down on his student cock, fucking me, fucking me, fucking me, until he whispered in my ear, "Professor Jane wanted my baby. Do you want my baby Professor?" as he groaned and fucked me and fucked me and oh God I don't believe it but I said "yes yes yes yes yes yes Sean yes" and he sighed with relief as he said "Professor, oh Professor" as he fucked me with his boy giant penis, moaning and fucking, moaning and fucking, and then with a soft growl I felt it coming as he shot me full of his student cum deep in my ass, and then he did it again, thrusting, ejaculating, cumming, filling me with his manjuice, and then again, and again, and again, and again.

And when it was over, when half a cup of his semen was deep inside me, he held my face gently in his hands, his cock still embedded deep inside me and looked in my eyes with those beautiful blue/Asian eyes of his and smiled his dazzling smile and said, "Thank you for helping me Professor" -- I felt his cock squeeze out the last bit of cum deep in my bowels. "I don't know what I would do without your office hours," he finished as he kissed me on the lips and slid his tongue into my mouth where I sucked on it like a baby.

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