Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Aug 4, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Brad thought he heard water running in the bathroom now. "What in the world is he up to?" Brad wondered, but didn't want to bother Jack. A few more minutes passed, and then he heard Jack call to him.

"Hey Brad," Jack said, still in his sweet, tender voice, "could you come here baby?"

Brad hopped out of bed and walked across the room, chuckling at their clothes that were flung everywhere, and especially at the buttons of Jack's shirt lying here and there on the hardwood floor. He crossed the hall and walked into the bathroom, where he was delighted with what he saw.

There was Jack sitting in the big oversized garden tub in the far corner of the bathroom. His back was against the end of the tub, with his arms and hands stretched out on either side of him on the edges of the tub. He was sitting bowlegged with his feet flat on the floor of the tub, legs spread, and knees leaned up against either side of the tub. The water was still running in swiftly from the double faucets.

Brad walked on over, and saw that at this point Jack's hard, fat meat was not yet submerged, as it was still sticking up out of the water that had not quite reached his waist yet. Brad giggled. "What?" Jack said laughing, "It'll fill on up in a minute, and I figured you were wondering where I was at."

"Well, I thought we were in the middle of something, but if you needed a bath that bad," Brad joked.

"Care to join me?" Jack said, cocking an eyebrow suggestively.

"You bet!" Brad said grinning.

Brad climbed in, and sat down with his back to Jack, in between his big man's spread legs. There was plenty of room for them both in the tub. Brad leaned back, and the way they were sitting, his head was against Jack's furry chest, with Jack's legs on either side of him. He felt Jack's still rock hard cock as it was pressed up against his back, just above his crack.

"Do you have your gun in the bathtub, or are you just happy to see me?" Brad laughed, turning his head to the side to glance around up at Jack. Jack laughed, as he wrapped both of big strong arms around Brad tight, and they both leaned on back. Now this was heavenly, Brad thought.

Pretty soon the faucets had done their job, and the tub was full around them. Brad reached back and turned off the water. Jack took one arm out from around Brad just long enough to reach up and flip a switch on the wall above them. The garden tub's Jacuzzi jets then kicked in. "Oh, my God!" Brad said, aloud this time, "Now, THIS is just heaven!"

Jack chuckled, now with both arms wrapped around Brad again, "To think, I first thought the ex was silly to want this tub when we remodeled. We had to actually knock out the outside wall of the bathroom temporarily to get it and that big oversized shower stall in here, you know. Now, I'm just glad I got custody of it in the divorce!"

Brad turned his head around to face Jack again, and in a play-pouty voice said, "Honestly, did you have to bring HER up at a time like this?"

"Well," Jack grinned evilly, knowing Brad was just teasing. "She ain't the one sitting between my legs with my hard dick going up her back right now, is she?"

"Nope, and it sure as hell is the dumb bitch's loss!" Brad said, unable to resist, as he laid his head back contently onto his man's broad chest again.

Jack belly laughed at that line, causing his throbbing cock to rub up and down a little on Brad's lower back and the top of his crack, under the swirling water that surrounded them. "You're so bad," Jack said, has he leaned down and kissed the top of Brad's head softly.

"Well," Brad said still laughing, "I'll behave, and just say I'm glad that once you figured out you were gay, I got you first."

"And you'll keep me," Jack said, "I promise." They both relaxed for a couple of minutes, just enjoying the closeness and the swirling, caressing water. Jack then reached down with his right hand, which had been resting on Brad's tummy along with the other hand, as he had his arms around him. He took Brad's thick hard cock in his big fist and started slowly stroking it under the water.

"Mmm," Brad said, "Oh yeah, honey!"

Jack started sort of humping Brad's lower back a little as he jacked him. They were both getting so hot again now, still plenty of cum from their four day loads left, even after the one powerful release that they had each already enjoyed so far that evening. Brad gently moved Jack's hand away, and then carefully stood up. As he did, Jack reached up and pinched his ass.

"Yow!" Brad said and then giggled. Brad turned around, and sat back down now, getting into that position they both loved so much. He was sitting on his man's thighs under the water now, facing Jack with his legs wrapped around behind Jack's back tightly. This position was just all that much fuckin' hotter when done with the water of a Jacuzzi swirling all around you! Their arms went around each other and they kissed passionately, their throbbing rock hard fat dicks, their tummies, and wet furry chests all mashing together.

"Oh, baby!" Brad said breaking their kiss, "I want you in me again so bad right now." Brad liked to top a lot, but he realized that tonight, after the several days without it, he really just needed to have Jack's gorgeous fat cock buried deep inside him again. The one time he had already gotten fucked hard tonight by his big beefy stud just had not been nearly enough for either of them.

"Then do something about it," Jack said huskily.

Brad held on a little tighter to Jack's upper back to brace himself, and raised his ass up off Jack's thighs under the water, and then scooted forward. Brad then took a deep breath, and sat right down on Jack's fat, throbbing, mushroom-headed, six and a half inch long, five and a half inch around cock. As they were in the water, and since Brad had just totally impaled himself on it, Jack's cock slid in easily to the hilt. They both groaned in delight.

"Oh, FUCK!" Jack groaned.

"I am," Brad said wickedly. "Myself on your big fat fuckin' dick, that is!"

"Do it, baby!" Jack growled, and then resumed kissing the hell out of his man.

Brad started riding Jack's cock fast and furious right there in the garden tub with the Jacuzzi-propelled water swirling all around them. The water sloshed, and some spilled over the side, as Brad rode Jack even harder.

"AH-UH, OH FUCK!" Jack cried, "DAMN BABY! Oh, - Uh! UH! - that ass is so good!"

"Mmm, yeah, but not as good as - Ah! UH! Uh! - that big fat cop cock I'm riding, baby," Brad gasped, totally in heat now. He shifted the angle at which his man's meat was penetrating him under water a little, and then screamed in delight.

"OH FUCK! FUCK!!! AH-UH, UH! UH! JACK!!!" Brad cried, as he had just started causing the hot mushroom-headed knob of Jack's thick dick to start ramming his prostate over and over.

"Find - AH! UH! FUCK! - your fuckin' sweet spot - UH! AH-UH! - did you, baby?" Jack asked between grunts of pleasure.

"Uh! AH-UH! FUCK YES!!!" Brad screamed. His ass was clenching on Jack's throbbing meat now as he rode it full tilt, ramming that mushroom head into his pulsing love button over and over again. He went over the edge, literally screaming, as his load shot out into the water. Jack hit his climax nearly at the same time.

"AH! OH YEAH! BRAD! AH! FUCK!!! UH! UH! I'm CUMMMINNNNN'!" Jack hollered. He then shot numerous big volleys of cum up Brad's ass, as Brad's load shot into the water. They kissed hotly, with Jack's cock still buried in Brad's ass. Brad got off of Jack after a few minutes, and Jack flipped off the Jacuzzi jets, and let the water start draining out of the garden tub. They each grabbed a towel and quickly dried off, stopping to kiss more even as they were trying to do so.

"You look like you need rescuing," Jack said grinning.

"Huh?" Brad asked.

Jack wrapped has arms around in under Brad's bare ass, and hefted him up to his shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes quickly across the hall, laughing the whole way. Jack laid him down on the bed gently, then climbed in and stretched out next to him.

They cuddled naked together and kissed softly for a while and then Jack said, "Oh, baby, you make me so happy!"

"I'm happy too, Jack," Brad said with a giggle. "But, to tell you the truth, I'm actually hungry too." Neither of them had realized that they had so far missed dinner. They quickly dressed in boxers, jogging shorts and old t-shirts, and decided to order a couple of chef's salads from Antonio's Restaurant's delivery. Antonio's was an Italian place in Pleasant View that also offered a full menu of other kinds of food.

The namesake guy who owned and operated Antonio's was a very handsome and very muscular black-haired, furry-chested, thirty-something Italian-American Brooklyn native who had moved down for college and then stayed. He was a former gymnast and still had a bodybuilder's physique. But, Antonio was also apparently straight. Jack was thinking that fact was probably much to the chagrin of Brad's best friend Bobby.

Brad had said that Bobby really had a major hard on for Antonio anytime they went to eat there when Bobby came down to visit. Jack was also remembering when Brad had told him all about his best friend Bobby Jenkins. He had said that Bobby was now living back in his hometown, a nice old industrial town somewhere up near the West Virginia line now - "Didn't he say it was up where the Judds were from?" Thought Jack. Jack and Bobby were looking forward to meeting eventually, as they had both heard so much about each other.

The guys ate their salads at the kitchen table after Antonio's delivery guy had brought them and left. "I'm glad we went with salads tonight," Brad laughed. "Between yours and Miz Vivian's cooking, if I don't watch, I'm gonna gain back every damn bit of the weight I've lost since January!"

Brad, on his doctor's advice, had lost a little over 40 pounds off of his six foot, one inch frame since January, going from a starting weight of 268 down to his present weight of 226. He still had a chubby tummy, and always would with his build (and his hatred of sit-ups!) - hell Brad had even had that gut when he weighed just 170 back in high school! At this point Brad had lost enough weight to make both himself and his doctor happy, although he thought that he wouldn't mind getting back down to maybe 215 or so eventually.

"You're gonna get too skinny for me," Jack teased. "I like a man with some meat on his bones!"

"Oh, my bone has plenty of meat on it, in case you didn't notice the last time I had it in you," Brad quipped. "But, seriously babe, don't worry, I'll always have a stocky/chubby sorta build going on. And besides which, I doubt I'll lose much more weight now anyway. I do feel much better though. I like a bigger guy too, and I like being one, but I had passed right on by that and had gotten to the point of being simply just way too fuckin' fat!"

"I need to eat better than I usually do," Jack admitted. "But, I still stay solid though, regardless of whatever I eat." He flexed an arm sexily in Brad's direction to illustrate his point. It was true, Jack was a big guy, but he was still very solid, with nice muscular arms and legs.

"Yeah, but that's because you hit the police gym, and all I've done is watched my diet and gone walking a lot!" Brad laughed.

They watched some TV and cuddled on the couch for a while, and then called it an early night, as they planned to be up early the next morning to go visit Jack's mom. Friday morning by 8am Brad and Jack were in Jack's truck and leaving out for Annandale. It was a gorgeous morning, with clear blue skies.

At 9:30am they were pulling up in front of the modest white siding-ed, black shuttered little two-story house in which Jack had grown up. A still youthful-looking lady of 60, with her black hair up in a blue and white paisley bandana, wearing blue jean Capri pants and a white peasant top, came running out onto the porch as soon as Jack's truck pulled into her driveway.

"That must be your mother," Brad said with a grin, as the truck was coming to a halt.

"None other," Jack grinned.

They got out and walked to the porch, and Alice came running down the stairs to greet her son, getting up on tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek as they warmly hugged.

"Hi, Ma," Jack said.

"Son, I'm so glad to see you!" Alice exclaimed. "I don't care if ya were only up here a week and a half ago, I've missed ya! Oh, and this must be Brad!"

Brad grinned and extended his hand to Alice. He was, without realizing it, giving her a very odd look. This was because the voice coming out of her was much more straight out of Brooklyn than it was Eastern Kentucky. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Albertson," Brad said.

They all went up the steps together, and sat down, enjoying being outside on this nice morning.

"Oh, please, call me Alice," she said, shaking Brad's hand. "And whatchya lookin' at me so weird about?"

Brad blushed a little, and momentarily stammered worse than King George VI did before he met Lionel Logue.

"Oh," Alice then continued, smiling mischievously at Brad, "I know what it is, it's my accent isn't it?"

Before Brad could say anything she went on, "What were you expecting, kid, Loretta Lynn?"

"Well," Brad said laughing at that line, "You don't exactly sound like you are from Annandale, Alice." With the accent, along with her youthful appearance and way of dressing, Alice reminded Brad very much of a 60 year old cross between Rhoda Morgenstern from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "Rhoda," and Barbara Streisand's character Roz from MEET THE FOCKERS. He would soon find out more about just how much she really was like both of them.

Alice laughed and then replied. "Well, Brad, ya know that old song (with song coming out as "sawww-unnng") from back in my day?"

"Which one, Alice?" Brad asked. "I love a lot of music from back then."

She looked at Jack approvingly, pointed at Brad and said, "Good kid," before continuing.

"That one Janis sang about "From the Ken-tucky coal mines to the California sun," Alice then replied.

"Sure," Brad said. "Me and Bobby McGee, great Kristofferson tune."

"Exactly," Alice replied. "Well, unlike Janis, I'm afraid I only made it as far as the Ken-tucky coal mines!"

She explained that she and Jack's father had actually met at Woodstock, to which Jack's dad had hitchhiked all the way from Eastern Kentucky. "After it was over, we were crazy in love. Looking back on it, I was just crazy, as Jack's dad was a real schmuck. He brought me back here and we set up housekeeping in a shitty little apartment over top of the dime store. We got talked about thoroughly by all the local tight-asses, for being shacked up hippies who weren't married."

Alice went on, "Billy Jack and I were together here in Annandale for a few years and actually did OK, and everyone sorta just got used to us I guess. But, as ya can imagine, things only got a lot worse in '76, when I started to show with this one," she said, pointing at Jack. "Jack's dad stuck around for awhile longer, after we found out I was knocked up. And, in spite of it all, his folks gave us this little house, which was sure a step up from the apartment."

"But," Alice continued, as Brad listened carefully, "by the time the little guy was a year old, his Dad was gone for good. I shouldn't really have even been surprised when he left, though. We had even had one big fight the very day Jack was born, which is why I gave him Albertson for his last name rather than Smith. That, and hell, I obviously wasn't married to the schmuck anyway."

Alice paused, and then went on, "Anyway, the asshole apparently decided it was finally time to head on out to the California sun after all, instead of staying here and helping me raise his kid! My family didn't want me coming back to Brooklyn after all those years, and especially not as an 'unwed mother.' So, right here is where I stayed, and went to work to raise him. Jack was around all these hill folk growing up, so he got their accent rather than mine!"

They talked and Alice found out much more about Brad. She had noticed by now that Jack had something made of dark blue material in his hand. "What ya got there, son?" she inquired.

"Oh, this," Jack said. "Well, Ma, this is one of my uniform shirts, I was hoping you could sew some buttons back onto it for me. I, um, caught this, um, robber the other day. He ripped the buttons right off my shirt before I got him handcuffed." Jack hoped this quickly made up story would help avoid any inquires from his mother as to how the shirt had lost its buttons. That was not to be. He handed her the shirt.

She held it up. Alice then looked from Brad to Jack and then back again a couple of times. She grinned evilly at Brad, and then deadpanned in a perfectly conversational tone, with a casual little wave of her wrist, "So, confidentially, Brad. He's into shirt ripping and a little rough sex from time to time just like his daddy Billy Jack always was back in the day, isn't he?"

"Oh, sweet JESUS!" Jack exclaimed, turning beet red, as Brad did the same.

"GOTCHYA!" Alice exclaimed, cackling loudly.

"I warned you how she was!" Jack said. He and Brad both had to laugh, too, though.

"Oh, hell, you're both grown and well over 21, and I'm just glad you make my boy so happy," Alice said to Brad. "Try to go easy on the threads next time though, will ya, kid!"

She invited them inside then, as it was starting to get hotter outside by now. Upon entering the house, which looked just like every other unassuming home in Annandale from the outside, Brad quickly felt transported back in time to the hippy days. They were standing in the small living room.

A pot of incense was burning, and next to it a lava lamp percolated softly. The wide doorway from the living room into the kitchen was adorned with a bright colored beaded curtain. Everything was done up in wild colors and fabrics.

"Go on and show him your old room, Jackie," Alice said.

"Jackie?" Brad cackled. "Yeah, come on, Jackie, show me!"

Jack rolled his eyes, "Follow me, smart ass," he said with a chuckle.

They went up the narrow little stairs to the second floor. The bedroom that took up nearly the entire second floor of the small home was done up in masculine blues, and was much more "normal," even if it was itself now looking rather dated, back to Jack's teenage years of the early 1990s. There was a small bathroom up there as well. They went back downstairs, as Jack explained that his mom's room and bathroom, as well as the kitchen, were what made up the rest of the first floor, other than the living room. "Little house, but it still feels like home, though," Jack said, smiling.

They all went and did a little shopping together at the local mall, and had a delicious lunch at a little Mexican place. They went back to Alice's house and talked and laughed for several more hours. Brad really liked his boyfriend's eccentric mother, and the feeling was mutual. She fixed a great dinner, they ate and talked some more, and it was soon time for the guys to be heading back to Pleasant View.

Alice then rummaged under the big old ancient floor model console stereo that sat on one side of her "mod" living room looking rather much like a coffin. She came out with a 45 RPM record, still in its original picture sleeve.

"I want ya to have this, kid," she said, handing it to Brad.

Brad saw that this was the original single by Janis Joplin of "Me and Bobby McGee."

"Oh, Alice," he said, "I couldn't possibly take this!"

"Oh, nonsense!" Alice exclaimed, "I may prefer to keep my living room done up in the dark ages of what I still consider to be the good old days," she explained with a grin. "But, believe it or not, my old ass knows how to work a computer. I've got one back there in my room, and I get on I-tunes and download all kinds of shit. I've got plenty of Janis to listen to that way."

Brad thanked her sincerely, and he and Jack both hugged her as they all walked out onto the porch together. After goodbyes were said, as they walked across to the truck, Alice called out loudly. "Besides, Brad. Givin' ya the record is the least I could do after that crack I made when ya first got here, about ya rippin' Jackie's shirt offa him!"

"Ma!" Jack exclaimed, turning red again, as Brad and Alice both laughed.

"Your Mom's really something else!" Brad exclaimed as they started driving away.

"I warned you!" Jack said with a chuckle.

"Well, she mortified me too, guessing so well about our sex life," Brad laughed. "But, that aside, I really like her. She still marches to the beat of a different drum even after all these years, and I really respect that."

Later, not long after the sun had gone down and they had returned to Pleasant View, Brad and Jack were in Jack's home office. Jack had a USB turntable in there, and they connected it and his external speakers to his laptop and played the Janis 45 that way.

As Janis was singing that part about "holdin' Bobby's body next to mine," Brad was holding Jack's big body next to his. They were standing there in a warm embrace, and then kissed gently. "Let's dance, big fella," Brad invited with a grin. And they did, slow dancing together to Janis right there in the middle of the floor of the little spare bedroom Jack used as a home office.

Jack cracked Brad up by letting go of him and dancing around wildly, swinging his arms, when Janis let loose on the faster last part of the song. Brad was still laughing as the record ended, and Jack grabbed him back in his arms, kissing him deeply.

"Feel like going for a swim?" Jack asked then.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" Brad agreed. "Let's take some music with us, though."

They stripped naked, then headed out back to the pool. They took the laptop and external speakers with them, leaving the turntable in Jack's office. They set up the computer and speakers on the little round glass patio table that sat on Jack's back porch. Jack fired up the MP3 player on the laptop, and set it to shuffle through the numerous songs from many different genres that he had on the laptop's hard drive.

The moon was only about halfway full now, but it was still shining brightly as they slipped into the pool together. The computer had randomly selected just the perfect song, Brad thought with a grin. Across the yard from the porch to the pool the music wafted softly, and they heard "As the midnight moon was drifting through the lazy sway of the trees," as the Pointer Sisters were starting off on "Slow Hand."

Jack embraced Brad as they were both naked in the water, their wet hairy chests brushing together, and Jack grinned and then started to sing in his deep broken-down baritone, "You got a man with a slow hand, you got a lover with an easy touch..."

Brad laughed, although Jack was completely sexy, even if more than just a bit off key. "You're singing Conway Twitty's version of the words to that song, dear, and you sound much more like him than the Pointer Sisters!"

Jack asked with a grin, "Well, would you rather I sounded like them?"

Brad cracked up, and before he could say anything else, Jack was kissing him. Things got hot in a hurry. Again Jack had him pinned to the wall of the pool on the side back towards the deck. They were thrusting against each other under the water, their hard cocks rubbing together as they kissed.

"Mmm, baby." Brad gasped. "I need you inside me!"

Jack smiled, as he felt Brad's legs wrap around his waist under the water. Jack wrapped his arms around Brad's lower back tightly, and had him backed against the wall of the pool, his chest and head out of the water. Jack's throbbing hard fat cock slid easily right into Brad's tight hole in under the water, as he was now more or less carrying him, with Brad's back against the wall.

"Oh, yes!" Brad gasped as Jack entered him. His legs were tight around Jack's waist, and Jack's fat cock was buried in Brad's ass to the hilt now. Jack held him tightly, turned them around, and took a few steps toward the other side of the pool. They were now standing in the middle of the pool, with Jack carrying Brad, his arms around him, his cock buried up Brad's tight ass, as Brad's legs were around him tight. Brad had his arms on Jack's shoulders, and started pulling himself up and down that way, so that he was fucking himself under the water on his big baby's cock.

"MMM! FUCK!" Jack growled. After a couple of more thrusts, he let Brad go. They swam quickly back over to the deck side of the pool and got out, lying down all wet and naked together on the deck and still kissing hotly. Meanwhile, the Pointer Sisters had finished "Slow Hand," and from across the yard they heard "Some say love, it is a river..." as Bette Midler started into "The Rose."

Then they kissed some more, as Brad rolled onto his back. Then, there in the soft moonlight, Jack raised Brad's legs to his shoulders, as Brad lay on his back on the deck next to the pool. Jack entered Brad again quickly, and they were both still naked and soaking wet from their time in the pool. Jack was going slow and tender as he made love to Brad now though, perhaps inspired by the song.

He leaned down to kiss Brad softly, continuing to slowly, lovingly thrust into him. "Mmm, baby, you feel so good!" Jack gasped gently. He leaned down to kiss Brad as he slowly moved his throbbing meat inside him.

"Oh, God," Brad gasped, loving the slow sensations of Jack's tender lovemaking, "Your dick is filling me up so good baby."

By the time Bette had finished, and the laptop had moved on to pumping out a live 1970s recording of Aretha Franklin singing "Giving Him Something He Can Feel," Jack sure as hell was doing just that to Brad on the deck there in the moonlight. Raw, hot passion had taken back over, and Jack was pounding Brad's ass good and hard now, as they both moaned loudly.

"AH-UH! FUCK! YEAH!!! AH-UH! GOD! JACK!!! Uh! UH! POUND MY ASS BABY!" Brad grunted and screamed.

"Oh, yeah! Uh! UH! God I love you! AH-UH! THAT ASS IS SO FUCKIN' HOT AND TIGHT!" Jack groaned, holding Brad's ankles now, as he pounded him so deep and hard, his thickness stretching and filling Brad so good.

"AH! Uh! Oh, GOD!" Brad shouted after a few more minutes of this, as Jack's throbbing mushroom head was now assaulting his prostate dead on target, "YOU'RE GONNA - UH! AH-UH! UH! - MAKE ME FUCKIN' CUM - UH! - BABY!"

"FUCK YEAH! UH! AH-UH! Do it, darlin'!" Jack growled, looking down at Brad lovingly as he continued to pound that ass, and push Brad's button just right.

Brad then groaned loudly in pure, hot pleasure again, and shot six big jets of cum all over his chest and stomach without even touching his cock. Seeing this pushed Jack over the edge as well. "AH-FUCK! UH-AH! AH! AH! UH! BRAD!!!" He gasped, unloading another huge load of his hot cop cum deep inside his baby.

He collapsed on top of Brad, and they lay there holding one another.

"I love you so, baby" Jack whispered tenderly in Brad's ear.

"And I love you too, big guy," Brad replied, never knowing there could be this kind of happiness in this life, as the moonlight and a soft breeze caressed their naked bodies. Before long, they were both rock hard again, and rolling around on the deck naked in each other's arms and kissing passionately.

Jack realized that all three times that they had made love in the last couple of days he had fucked Brad. Jack's big tight ass was soon twitching with the desire to start evening that score out some. Within a few more minutes, Jack was on top of Brad there by the pool, riding Brad's throbbing dick hard as they kissed intensely.

"Mmm, yeah!" Jack hollered, "You been having all the - AH-UH! FUCK!!! - fun lately baby, with me fuckin' you!"

Elvis was singing "Can't Help Falling In Love," the latest MP3 the laptop had shuffled to, as Brad was groaning in delight as Jack rode his thick meat hard and fast. Jack was sitting on Brad's thighs with his legs wrapped around behind Brad's back, with both of them sitting up nearly chest to chest. Jack went on, "But, now - AH-Uh! SHIT! UH!!! - I'm ridin' - Oh, GOD! - that fat fuckin' dick of yours and - AH-UH! UH! - I fuckin' - UH! Uh! - LOVE it!"

Elvis kept singing, and Jack kept riding, and Jack and Brad both kept moaning in pure pleasure there in the moonlight. Soon, the music changed again. The whirling violin-led orchestration of the kickoff to "You Know Just What I'd Do" by Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn came to them from across the yard, as Jack got off of Brad's cock, and laid down on his back on the deck.

"Make love to me, baby," Jack said huskily, as Brad moved up between his legs. They made love slowly, tenderly in the missionary position there in the moonlight for several more minutes. As Brad's dick slowly pummeled his love button just right over and over again, Jack finally shot a hot load all over himself without either of them touching his cock. He was gasping and moaning in delight, and calling Brad's name. At nearly that same moment, Brad filled Jack's big, hot, tight bubble butt ass with a big load of his hot jizz.

They then slipped back into the pool and were enjoying a nice, cool, post-lovemaking swim, occasionally kissing softly. Soft guitar music came to them, and then they heard Barbra Streisand's exquisite voice singing, "Love soft as an easy chair, love fresh as the morning air," as she started into "Evergreen."

This incredibly romantic swim in the afterglow of their passionate lovemaking was suddenly shattered, though, when an awful female scream of terror came to them from somewhere outside the fenced in back yard.

"OH GAWD!!! EEEEEEKKKKKKK!" It came again, piercing the night.

"That sounded like it came from clear over at the old Thomason place!" Jack exclaimed.

"Yes, and it sounded like Miz Vivian, too!" Brad added.

They got out of the pool and got halfway dried off as quickly as they could. They ran to the house, and jerked on their old shorts and t-shirts, and Jack hurriedly grabbed his weapon, handheld police radio, and badge all from where he kept them. "Stay here, baby," he said to Brad.

"No way!" Brad said.

"Fine, but stay behind me!" Jack commanded, already rushing out his front door.

They ran across the street and across the lawn of the Thomason estate. The big white-columned mansion was in darkness, save for a light somewhere on the second floor. As another blood-curling scream erupted from within the house, Jack was on his radio. "This is off duty Unit 604 to dispatch!" He shouted.

"Dispatch to 604, go ahead." Came the response.

"I need a unit to 402 Crabapple Street. I am responding now to a female in distress inside the residence."

"10-4, Unit 604. Will dispatch Unit 606 to your location immediately, over," The female dispatcher came back.

"Get behind a column and stay there, Brad!" Jack ordered seriously, and Brad did so, crouching low behind one of the enormous white porch pillars.

Jack beat on the big front door and shouted, "OPEN UP, POLICE!!!"

In a moment the chandelier in the foyer blazed to life, and Miz Vivian was at the door, trembling in her low-cut red satin negligee. "Oh,thank Gawd!" She drawled in relief. "I'm so glad you're here, Jack!"

A siren was approaching in the distance now. "What's wrong, Miz Vivian?" Jack asked, glancing around, his weapon in his hand.

"Nothing, now that you are here!" Miz Vivian exclaimed. Even at a time like this, Miz Vivian's overly enthusiastic appreciation of the male anatomy was ever-present. She was gazing down to where the handheld police radio that he had hurriedly jammed into his pocket, along with his badge, was pulling Jack's jogging shorts down on one side. This was causing a wide gap of the bare outer side of Jack's muscular, fuzzy upper thigh, still slightly damp from his hurried exit from the pool, to show between the top of the shorts on that side of his leg, and the bottom of the old t-shirt that he had hurriedly crammed down into them.

"Is there anyone else here?" Jack asked. Once Miz Vivian had told him that an intruder was not what had caused her to scream, Jack self-consciously yanked the side of his shorts up, hastily recovering the upper reaches of his big furry leg. He told Brad he could come out from behind the white pillar now, and upon seeing him, Miz Vivian grabbed Brad up in a tight hug, mashing his head right into her ample bosom.

"I'm so glad ya'll are here!" She exclaimed.

By now, Officer Justin Earheart was coming up the sidewalk with his weapon drawn. "What's going on, Jack?" He asked.

"We were just trying to figure that out, Justin," Jack replied. "Me and Brad were in the pool when we heard Miz Vivian screaming. We rushed right over, but she says there is no one here but her though."

Upon hearing that, Justin lowered his weapon. "Come in, come in," Miz Vivian invited, and they all followed her into the two-story foyer.

"What happened, Miz Vivian?" Justin asked.

"Well," Miz Vivian explained, "I was upstairs in my room, just getting ready for bed. The grandfather clock down here in the foyer had just chimed at 12:30. I had the window over across the room from me raised to enjoy the nice evenin' breeze, and I was sitting in the chair right by my bed, reading that new Danielle Steel novel - you know it is really good. Genevieve, the main character, was about to make love to this big handsome..."

"Miz Vivian," Justin gently coaxed, "There could still be someone around..."

"Oh, of course," Miz Vivian said, reluctantly getting back on subject. "Anyway, I was sitting there and was really into my reading, when I heard the most awful moaning coming from directly over my head!"

Justin nodded, and Miz Vivian continued, "I rushed right up to the third floor. It is all open, it is the old ballroom." She was trembling now. Brad put an arm reassuringly around her as Justin and Jack listened.

"Anyway, there by the fireplace at the other end of the ballroom was this THING!" She exclaimed.

"What thing?" Jack asked gently.

"A GHOST!" Miz Vivian exclaimed, and then swooned in Brad's arms.

Jack helped Brad carry the old lady to the red velvet settee in the big front parlor just off the foyer. "Lock the door to this room behind us, Brad!" Jack commanded, "We're going to search the whole house and see if we can figure out what the hell is going on here. Don't let anyone in unless you know it is me or Justin, and if anyone tries to get in, call 911 and tell dispatch to let us know!"

With that, the officers rushed from the room, and Brad quickly locked the big old oak door behind them, and went back to Miz Vivian. In a few minutes, she was coming around, and asked him to get her a double shot of whiskey from the crystal decanter on a sideboard nearby. Brad got her the drink, and she slugged it back in one gulp. "Hell, baby," she drawled, "You and your man and that other handsome young cop all think I'm just plain ol' batshit crazy now, don't you?"

"Not at all, Miz Vivian," Brad replied, giving her a reassuring little squeeze. "I know you had to see SOMETHING the way you were screaming, for us to hear you all the way over in Jack's backyard."

"Well, old Barney Finkster told me at the garden club the other day that he had heard you and Jack doing some screaming of your own out in that backyard a few times," she said with an evil grin, causing Brad to blush crimson. Miz Vivian still clearly had her naughty sense of humor, even at a time like this.

Brad was a little mortified to find out that Jack's other neighbor, across the back fence, had evidently overheard Brad and Jack's hot poolside lovemaking sessions a time or two! At least Mr. Finkster was an older, thoroughly queeny, and harmless, fifty-something gay man. Finkster, seemingly always with a tall hurricane glass full of a mixed drink in hand, liked to joke that he liked his drinks like he liked his men, "Long and strong, baby!"

He might tease them confidentially about what he had overheard when he got a chance, but he would certainly have not been offended by it. Barney Finkster sure wasn't the least bit sexually attractive to either Brad or Jack, but they both had to admit that the flaming old queen was funny as hell, though. He was, after all, pretty much a lushed-up version of Paul Lynde!

Miz Vivian got back on subject again, and explained that upon seeing the ghost in the third floor ballroom, she had run back down to her bedroom on the second floor, and had just completely lost it, screaming hysterically over and over. Her bedroom window having been raised was how her screams had been able to make their way over to Jack's backyard. Miz Vivian and Brad both sat there nervously for quite a long while on the settee. Finally, a knock came at the door to the parlor.

"WH-Who is it?" Brad asked nervously.

"It's OK, it's me and Justin, babe," came Jack's deep voice.

Brad went to the door and opened it, with Miz Vivian right behind him.

"Well," Justin explained to Miz Vivian, "We've searched the whole house, cellar to attic, and didn't find anyone."

"Well hell," Miz Vivian said testily, "I coulda told you that. A damn ghost ain't gonna still be here!"

Justin and Jack exchanged glances as Brad looked on, and Jack spoke up diplomatically, "Sorry, Miz Vivian. We were just making sure no one was in the house. All the doors and windows are locked - except for the one you had raised in your bedroom, that is, and I just put it down and locked it - and nothing seems to be out of place."

"Of course, of course," Miz Vivian said with a wave of her hand. "The damn thing just scared the hell out of me. I apologize for my language, and for being short with you boys."

"It's fine," Justin replied. "But, could you please describe the, um, intruder, for us?"

Miz Vivian explained in detail that it had been the glowing figure of a rather handsome young man with blonde hair that she had seen standing by the fireplace up in the third floor ballroom. "He was wearing," she shuddered, and then continued, "He was wearing the Yankee blue uniform, and it was stained on the chest - with blood!"

Brad quickly got Miz Vivian another stiff drink, which braised her back up. They all made sure she was OK, and as Justin radioed in to dispatch, Brad and Jack helped the old lady upstairs and into bed. She had given Jack a key to the front door, so he could get to her if he needed to in the night, along with her phone number.

"Try to get some rest now, ma'am," Jack said with a smile, as they closed the door to her bedroom.

Back down in the foyer, Justin told Jack that he would do the report back at the station. Jack used the key to lock the big front doors behind them once they were back out on the porch.

"Probably the poor old thing's imagination just got away with her," Justin said.

"Could be," Jack replied, not sounding at all sure about that.

Jack and Brad told Justin goodnight, and headed back across the street to Jack's house. While they stripped and got ready to head to the shower, Brad spoke up, "I don't know about a ghost, but I think Miz Vivian sure as hell saw SOMETHING," he said.

"I do too, baby," Jack replied, his brow furrowed in thought. "I just don't know what."

They were soon in the shower, naked and wet again in each other's arms. Brad was rubbing the warm soapy water across Jack's furry chest, and the excitement of the ghostly encounter was soon forgotten, as things between the two lovers quickly started to heat up again there in the shower.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 11

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