Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Aug 6, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Jack and Brad told Justin goodnight, and headed back across the street to Jack's house. While they stripped and got ready to head to the shower, Brad spoke up, "I don't know about a ghost, but I think Miz Vivian sure as hell saw SOMETHING," he said.

"I do too, baby," Jack replied, his brow furrowed in thought. "I just don't know what."

They were soon in the shower, naked and wet again in each other's arms. Brad was rubbing the warm soapy water across Jack's furry chest, and the excitement of the ghostly encounter was soon forgotten, as things between the two lovers quickly started to heat up again there in the shower.

Soon, Brad was sucking Jack's cock and was eventually rewarded with Jack's third creamy load of the evening, which he enjoyed taking every sweet drop of. Between each of them having fucked the other earlier, and then finishing the evening with Brad sucking Jack's cock in the shower, plus the excitement in between, with Miz Vivian's ghostly encounter, the guys were both thoroughly tired. They soon went to bed, and were up early the next morning, on Saturday.

This Saturday, August 6, was originally supposed to have been the date of the Policeman's Benefit, but due to a number of things - the arrest of Officer Hannity and Pastor Fawlkes and that town-wide scandal, and the loss of the venue for their event at the last minute, among other things, it had been postponed indefinitely, for now.

Brad's best friend Bobby Jenkins arrived in Pleasant View a little later that morning, along with his dog, Alejandro. Bobby met Jack for the first time, and they and Brad enjoyed some pleasant conversation before Justin Earheart came by a little after noon to pick Jack up. Jack had agreed that Alejandro was indeed The World's Smartest and Most Adorable Dog.

Best friends Justin and Jack were going to spend the afternoon and night in Rosemont. Enjoying sports was something that Jack had in common with his best friend, but not with Brad. So, Jack and Justin went to a minor league professional baseball game that afternoon, and had dinner at a great steakhouse.

They then went to a karaoke bar, where Jack even got up the nerve to really sing his off-key rendition of Conway Twitty's version of "Slow Hand." This amused and delighted the women in the crowd, and more than a few of the men! Justin, who actually could sing, ran into an old female college friend of his from there in Rosemont. The two of them brought down the house with their rendition of Lady A.'s "Need You Now." After telling Justin's friend goodnight, Jack and Justin then spent the night at a nice downtown hotel.

Bobby and Brad, meanwhile, had gone over to Groversburg with Alejandro and checked into the Starlight Motor Lodge again. They spent the afternoon and most of the evening just watching old movies on DVD, talking and catching up, and eating pizza. And of course, playing with The World's Smartest and Most Adorable Dog, who grinned broadly and bared his little teeth when Brad fed him a few of the pepperonis from the pizza. Brad and Bobby agreed that this pizza was OK, but not nearly as good as the ones from Zanzi's up in Bobby's hometown, though. They finished out their evening with a long walk through the local park, and then watched a few old TV show reruns before turning in for the night.

All four guys slept soundly (and platonically, in separate beds, if you were wondering) that Saturday night, after having thoroughly enjoyed time spent with their respective best friends. They checked out of their hotels the next morning. Justin dropped Jack off at his house right before Brad and Bobby got back there.

The three of them, along with Alejandro the dog, all headed for Pleasant View Park together. The park contained a long walking trail that wound around through some woods, and down into a small hollow, crossing a little brook a couple of times. Along the trail there were several Victorian-style lampposts. Alejandro seemed to feel the need to stop at nearly every single one of these lampposts and pee on it.

"He's marking his territory," Jack laughed, as Bobby tried to convince Alejandro this was not quite necessary on every single light pole in the park.

"My friend Paul says that he knows just what Alejandro is thinking, and saying, when he does that," Bobby laughed.

"Oh, what's that?" Brad asked with a grin.

Bobby said, "Well, when he stops and pees on each post to mark his territory like that, Paul says he is saying" - Bobby then went into an exaggerated Hispanic accent, which was (due to the wild popularity of the "Taco Bell dog" back during their teenage years in the 1990s) how all three guys imagined Alejandro would sound if he could speak human - and continued, "Is mine, senor'! Eeeesss MINE!!!" Everyone laughed at this, as it did indeed look like that was exactly what the ever-imperious Alejandro was thinking, Conquistador-style.

They took Alejandro to the fenced in doggie area of the park, and took off his leash, and enjoyed throwing his little ball for him and romping around some. They then walked a lot more, talking, and Bobby and Jack were getting to know each other more. It was a gorgeous early August Sunday, and was hot, but not overly so, as for now the humidity was blessedly still gone. They decided to go up on the nearby Cherokee Mountain for a longer hike, after dropping Alejandro back off at Jack's house, and setting out his food and water dishes in the kitchen. (Jack was assured that Alejandro fortunately always limited his maverick brand of conquer-by-pee territorialism only to outdoor venues!)

The three guys hiked to the top of the mountain, and enjoyed the breathtaking view. The local liberal arts college owned Cherokee Mountain, and it was a quite popular hiking spot. It was located only a couple of miles outside of the Pleasant View city limits, but once there you felt like you were in the wilderness. Jack pointed out the peak of Smith's Mountain some 30 miles in the distance, on the other side of the valley that Pleasant View sat in. Brad gushingly explained to Bobby how beautiful the top of Smith's Mountain was, and that Jack owned it.

"The college may own this mountain, and sure it is beautiful, but the top of Smith's Mountain is just - well, magical," Brad said sincerely.

"And I suppose you two have made the magic happen with your own little BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN re-enactment up there, too," Bobby said dryly.

Jack and Brad both blushed, and Jack laughed, "Guilty as charged!"

They went to Antonio's for dinner, and again Bobby was totally captivated by the hot Italian-American bodybuilder. Bobby always liked to pick on Brad for the way that "Italian" came out as I-Talian (with heavy emphasis on the first 'I') in his Kentucky twang. Sure, Bobby was from Kentucky too. But, the industrial town in which he had grown up, in the far northeastern corner of the state, had in many ways a much more Midwestern flavor. So, Bobby's Appalachian accent was not nearly as pronounced as Brad's most of the time. Antonio himself waited on the three of them. Before they left the restaurant at 8:20pm, Brad could have sworn he noticed Antonio giving Bobby another little slip of paper, other than his receipt, but he didn't think too much about it.

Back at Jack's, Bobby got Brad to step out onto the back porch with him for a moment, while Jack was having a ball, goofily playing with Alejandro on the couch in the living room. "You're not fuckin' gonna believe this!" Bobby exclaimed with an evil grin. He handed Brad the slip of paper that Antonio had given him back at the restaurant.

"Seen you checking me out tonight, and before this when you were in here with your friend. If you are as interested as you act like, then have your nice ass back over here out in back of my place at 9 tonight when I close - Antonio," was hand written on the scrap of paper.

"Damn," Brad grinned. "I didn't even know he was gay, or bi."

"I don't give a damn if he is or not!" Bobby exclaimed.

"You gonna go over there?" Brad asked.

"Hell yes!" Bobby exclaimed. He visited with the guys for a bit longer, then asked Jack if he would mind if they watched Alejandro for a bit, as he needed to go out. Jack said this was fine, giving Brad a puzzled look, as Bobby was already heading out the door and getting in his car, then driving away.

"Mind telling me where he's off to in such a hurry?" Jack chuckled to Brad. "I assume he isn't heading home as planned, since this cute little guy" - he petted Alejandro's head - "is still with us?"

"Well," Brad said with a grin, and then filled Jack in. They both were surprised that Antonio's gate apparently swung both ways - they knew the furry muscle stud had any number of casual girlfriends around Pleasant View.

"I hope they have a good time," Jack laughed.

"I'm sure they will!" Brad grinned.

A couple of hours passed, and still Bobby was not back. Jack had to be at work at 8am the next morning, and Brad needed to head back to the farm and start doing some packing, too. So, they eventually called it a night, going to sleep with Alejandro cuddled up imperiously on top of the covers, right between them in Jack's big bed. They knew Bobby could take care of himself and that Antonio was a nice guy, so they figured Bobby would be back in the morning, most likely with a big smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Bobby had driven back to the restaurant, turning into the parking lot just as the "ANTONIO'S" red neon sign blinked off. It was 9pm, closing time on a Sunday night. Bobby pulled around back, and watched as the waitresses, and a cook and bus boy all left one by one and headed off in their cars. He was beginning to wonder if Antonio had just been pulling some sort of smart assed joke. But, then, there stood the tall, ridiculously built stud in the back door of his restaurant. He grinned, spotting Bobby sitting in his white Toyota Camry. Antonio motioned for Bobby to come over to where he was. Bobby got out of the car and walked over.

"I didn't know if ya would come," Antonio said with a grin, in his Brooklyn accent. "Come on in," he invited.

Bobby followed him through the door, and Antonio locked it behind them.

Antonio leaned back against the double sink there in the restaurant's kitchen. He was wearing skin tight blue jeans, and a tight black "Antonio's Restaurant" t-shirt, with a place cut out in the front of it's ringer neckline, exposing a couple of inches of his furry chest. His massive biceps bulged from the sleeves of the shirt.

Bobby was a solid, muscular guy himself, and very good-looking with his Paul Newman eyes and thatch of curly brown hair. But, Antonio was simply massive, built like a fuckin' brick shithouse, no two ways about it. At six feet, he was a couple of inches taller than Bobby. He had short, jet-black hair, and eyes that were nearly as dark, and his gorgeous olive-skinned completion bespoke his proud third generation Italian-American heritage.

"I been seein' ya checkin' me out in here," Antonio said simply, as Bobby stood there taking in the statue-like hunk in front of him.

"Well, you are pretty fuckin' sexy," Bobby said cockily.

"So are you," Antonio replied simply.

Antonio then just reached up casually, and with both hands pulled at the opening in the neck of his own t-shirt. He proceeded to rip his shirt apart right down the front, and then yanked it out of his pants and tossed it aside. He flexed a couple of times and grunted, then grinned at Bobby. "See anything ya like?" He asked cockily.

Bobby answered that by moving up and grabbing Antonio, kissing him hotly as he ran his hands all over Antonio's massive furry chest and his huge arms. Antonio shoved Bobby back with one hand, and just ripped Bobby's shirt to shreds with his big hands. The two hunks, now naked from the waist up, were kissing passionately.

Behind them was the big counter on which pizza dough was rolled out when the restaurant was open. Just then, all that was on it were several pots and pans and other such things. One sweep of Antonio's big arm knocked everything off the counter, as he backed Bobby up against it. Antonio kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks, and quickly lost his tight blue jeans, revealing that he was going commando. This also revealed his enormous eight by six inch throbbing hard cut pecker, which he ground into the front of Bobby's jeans, feeling Bobby's own throbbing six and a half inch cock within.

Antonio picked Bobby up and set him on the counter behind him, and before Bobby knew it, he had been stripped of his shoes, socks, jeans and boxers. Now both studs were totally naked. Antonio leaned down and swallowed Bobby's throbbing cock, bobbing his head on it. This went on for a few minutes, and then Antonio got down and dug in the pocket of his discarded jeans. He came back up with the shiny gold package of a lubricated XL-sized condom.

Bobby was usually all top, but he was more than willing to give it up for this hot stud, though. Within minutes they were fucking like wild animals in heat. Antonio was thrusting into Bobby's tight ass over and over, standing in between Bobby's legs as he had him up on the counter. No actual words were even spoken; they both just occasionally groaned as they panted over and over, breathing hard, and eventually Antonio filled the tip of the condom full inside of Bobby's ass.

Antonio, in his typically casual and cocky way, just pulled out of Bobby, wrapped the spent condom in a paper towel and tossed it in the trash, and pointed to a metal folding chair across the kitchen. "Go sit over there," he told Bobby. Bobby did, and Antonio calmly got out disinfectant and gave the counter a good cleaning. He then quickly picked up the items that had clattered to the floor and put them in the sink. Still naked, he gathered his and Bobby's clothes and walked over to where Bobby was sitting in the chair, still hard as a rock.

"Follow me," Antonio said, and Bobby did. Bobby was not used to being so submissive, but this stud was fuckin' hot, and he had a feeling he would get a chance to turn the tables on him really soon. Bobby followed Antonio up the stairs to his apartment, which was on the second floor above the restaurant. They went to Antonio's room, where the big stud flopped down and laid back on his bed.

"You are not much of a bottom, are ya?" Antonio asked simply.

"No," Bobby replied honestly.

"That ass was hot though," Antonio commented. He was now stroking his huge fat eight-incher, which was soon rock hard again.

Bobby made no comment, only stroked his own cock as he stood there by the bed taking in the site of the gorgeous, ridiculously muscular man lying on the bed in front of him.

"You look like you're still plenty horny," Antonio said, still in the same cocky, almost bored tone of voice. "Whatchya gonna do about it?" He challenged, still stroking his big meat.

This turned Bobby on tremendously. He now knew that Antonio was wanting an even harder fucking than the one he had just given Bobby downstairs.

"This," Bobby said with a sneer. He grabbed a lubed condom from the jar on Antonio's bedside table, tore it open and put it on his hard cock, and quickly got on the stud's bed between his legs, then lifted them to his shoulders. Bobby then just plunged balls deep into Antonio's hot, tight ass, as the big stud grunted.

"Yeah," Antonio said, "I thought ya had it in ya to fuck like a man! Now do it. DO IT!" He boomed.

Bobby made no comment, just stared down into Antonio's dark eyes intensely as he started giving him one hell of a royal ass fucking, holding his ankles now.

"AWWW, YEAH," Antonio groaned, "FUCKIN' POUND MY ASS!"

"SHUT UP, AND ROLL OVER!" Bobby commanded, pulling out of Antonio. Antonio got on his belly, and Bobby got over top of him from behind. Bobby's legs closed on the outside of Antonio's legs, squeezing them tightly together as again Bobby plunged his cock into Antonio's tight muscular ass.

Bobby loved dominating this larger, more muscular stud, who was clearly enjoying the ass pounding he was getting. Bobby was fucking him so hard from behind, while lying on top of him.

Antonio was very vocal as it turned out, while Bobby was not. "AH-UH! AWWW, YEAH! HARDER, FUCK THAT ASS - UH! - HARDER!" Antonio yelled.

Finally, after about 15 minutes of steady pounding, Bobby grunted a few times, and filled the condom full. Antonio was hosing his sheets down beneath himself at the same time, as Bobby's slightly up-curved cock had pounded his love button over and over and had driven Antonio to his own rocking, explosive climax.

They both were soon asleep.

The next morning, before his alarm clock went off, Jack awoke to see Alejandro standing right in the middle of his chest, staring down in his eyes. "SLURP!" Alejandro then licked Jack right between the eyes, and grinned his little doggie grin. This was his way of saying, "Time to rise and shine, Senor' Jack!" Jack chuckled, and patted the adorable dog's head.

Brad was awake now too, and was laughing. Brad jerked on some shorts and put Alejandro's leash on him and took him out to do his business. Meanwhile Jack showered and got dressed in his uniform.

"Well apparently your buddy had a good time last night," Jack smirked as they sat at the breakfast table eating cereal and drinking juice.

Meanwhile, Alejandro was looking up from the floor and thinking, "Oh, my, Senor' Jack is so handsome in his uniform! Grrrrrooowwwwllll!" (He was very perturbed that the "Grrrrrooowwwwllll" was all that he was able to say out loud.)

"Something wrong, boy?" Jack asked.

"No, you are just reeeeeeeeeallly fucking sexy, Senor' Jack!" Alejandro silently answered, wishing that he could speak human, as he so often wished. But then, the imperious little Alejandro was quite certain that he was a man (and an aristocrat at that, but of course) who had just somehow gotten misplaced into this little canine body. Oh well.

"Well, I'm glad Bobby got laid last night," Brad grinned. "Some of us are going to have a couple of days to make up for!"

Soon Jack was kissing Brad goodbye, as he headed off to work. "Just lock up after Alejandro and Bobby leave, babe," Jack said. "You're heading back out to the farm after that aren't you?"

"Yeah, I've got to try to find time to work, start packing, and go looking for apartments, all today," Brad replied with a sigh.

"I'll call you when I get home tonight and we'll see where everything is then," Jack replied.

Not long after Jack left, a satisfied looking Bobby returned, now wearing a new black Antonio's Restaurant t-shirt with his blue jeans.

"Have fun?" Brad asked with a leering grin. "And I see you lost your shirt, but returned with a 'souvenir' one, too."

Bobby grinned back, but simply said, "I never kiss and tell!" Bobby was really hoping that this wouldn't be just a one-time hookup with the studly restaurateur, though. Brad, who had always rather gotten off on telling a close friend about what he had done with a hot guy, often wished that Bobby were also more forthcoming with the sordid details of his conquests.

Soon Bobby had hugged Brad goodbye, and then he and Alejandro were gone, and Bobby sat alone at Jack's kitchen counter drinking a cup of coffee and thinking. He realized that he wished this were his home. He rinsed out the cup, sighed again, and turned off the coffee pot. He locked Jack's door behind him, and then headed out to the farm.

Allen and Betsy were packing too, as they had decided to try to be out by the end of the week, so they could go ahead and move to Tennessee the following weekend. Brad worked awhile, and in the middle of the day called around to several different places trying to find an apartment in, or close to, Pleasant View that wasn't a total dump, and had no luck. He worked awhile longer, and packed some more, and before he knew it, it was 6:00pm and Jack was calling him.

"How's it going, baby?" Jack asked. "I just got off work."

"Hey big guy," Brad sighed, "Not so good. I got a good bit of home-keying work done today, but Lord, you don't realize how much junk you have until you start trying to pack it all. Mom and Dad have decided they want to try to be out this coming weekend now! And, I don't know where I'm ever going to find an apartment. I can't stand the thought of having to move all the way back up to Rosemont, and being over an hour away from you all the time."

"Well," Jack said, "I like having you so close by too, and really wish you could find a place here in town." He then paused for a long moment.

"Hello?" Brad asked, thinking his cell had dropped their call.

"Tell you what babe," Jack said, sounding like he had an idea. "Can you come have dinner with me tonight at my place, if you're not too busy with everything that is going on, I mean?"

"Sure, I need a break from it all, and I need to see you, Jack." Brad replied.

"Bringing an overnight bag again?" Jack asked evilly, thinking about the fact that they had not had a chance to make love for a few days.

"Sure, if you'll have me," Brad replied.

"Hopefully I'll have you more than once, before bedtime," Jack chuckled evilly.

"Back at you, big fella," Brad laughed.

"See you at 7:30?" Jack asked.

"I'll be there," Brad replied.

At 7:30, Jack met Brad at his door, and ushered him into the kitchen. The kitchen table was set, and Jack had fixed them a delicious dinner. They ate and talked awhile.

"I dropped over at Miz Vivian's today while I was on duty," Jack said.

"How's she doing?" Brad asked.

"Oh, fine, no more run-ins with the nefarious Yankee ghost, apparently," Jack chuckled. "She wants us to come to dinner sometime soon."

"That would be fun," Brad agreed. "So, you said you had an idea earlier," Brad said, as they were finishing eating.

"Yeah," Jack said. "Come on out here with me."

They went out and sat down on the back porch together. Jack had changed into khaki shorts and a polo shirt after work, and was barefoot, as he often liked to be at home. Brad had on jeans shorts and a t-shirt, and was now also barefoot, having kicked off his sandals inside.

"Well, I know you are not having much luck finding an apartment around here," Jack started.

"No, not a bit, and I really don't want to have to move to Rosemont. I know it is only a bit more than an hour away, but that will just complicate things for us, as far as finding time to get together after you get off work and stuff - just like tonight." Brad said.

"Well, I know somewhere that you can move, right here in Pleasant View. The rent would only be your share of the utilities, and it would only be one bedroom for you, but I think you would find the, um, fringe benefits to be nice." Jack grinned.

"Forget it, I'm NOT moving into the old Thomason mansion with Miz Vivian and being her boytoy!" Brad said, laughing.

Jack laughed too, "Well she DID say today to tell you that you could always move in with her if you couldn't find anywhere else to go."

Brad chuckled again, "Oh, Lord!"

"Seriously though," Jack said. "I'm talking about right here. Move in with me, Brad."

Brad gasped a little, even as Jack took his hand into his big, warm one and smiled. "Jack, I don't know what to say!"

"'Yes' would be great with me!" Jack grinned.

"Well, you know I love you, and the last couple of weeks have been the happiest in my life," Brad said. "But, Jack, moving in together is a BIG step, and even if we have went so fast on everything else..."

"Look babe," Jack said, squeezing his hand. "I would not have thought of asking you this soon, if everything was going to stay like it was, and your parents weren't moving off and selling the farm. But, as it is, it just makes sense. It doesn't have to change our relationship, or move it beyond what it is yet - two boyfriends who love each other. Think of the living under the same roof as being roommates, who just also happen to be boyfriends, if you like," Jack offered.

"Yes." Brad said simply with a big smile, "Why not. I've slept here more than I have at home in the last two weeks anyway!"

Jack grinned happily, "So you'll do it, you'll move in with me?"

"Yes baby, I will. This weekend, if that's not too soon," Brad replied.

"Sounds great, babe. The third bedroom is all yours," Jack said, referring to the middle-sized one of his home's three bedrooms, the one other than his own room and the smallest one, which he used as a home office.

"Well," Brad said, "I've always thought 'roommates' should each have their own room, for their own stuff. But, as far as sleeping goes..."

"How does naked in my arms, every night, sound?" Jack grinned.

"Wonderful!" Brad said. "Oh, baby, I love you so much."

"And I love you too," Jack said happily. "Feel like a movie?"

"Sounds great!" Brad said. They went inside, and cuddled on the couch while watching a movie streaming on Netflix, from Jack's laptop to his TV. This evening they decided to watch THE WAY WE WERE with Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford, as neither of them had seen it for a while. At the end of the film, they kissed deeply.

"Come on," Jack said huskily. Brad followed him down the hall to the bedroom. Between deciding to move in together, and the bittersweet film they had just watched, they both were feeling very romantic, loving, and tender tonight.

Slowly, gently, Jack ran his big warm hands up in under Jack's t-shirt. He caressed the furry chest, and playfully tweaked each nipple. They kissed deeply, sweetly. Jack slowly lifted Brad's t-shirt and took it off of him. Brad was rubbing and gently massaging Jack's broad furry chest and shoulders through his polo. Soon, he was also lifting Jack's shirt over his head.

They stood there bare-chested, and kissing. Jack went over and lit the big jar candle. He also lit a couple of smaller ones that he had apparently bought at some point, as they were now sitting on top of his chest of drawers. He came back to kiss Brad gently, and turned off the lights. He clicked a button on his CD player clock radio, and Ella Fitzgerald's smooth, rich voice came on, as she began to sing "Embraceable You."

They began to slow dance in each other's arms then, bare, hairy chests pressed together tightly. They kissed softly as they danced. Soon Jack was slowly, gently guiding Brad towards, and down onto, his big king-sized bed. They both wanted it slow and tender tonight. They rolled around in each other's arms kissing for a while, still in their shorts and boxers. The candlelight and soft music was once again so nice. "I love all the many charms about you, above all I want my arms about you..." Ella sang on.

Eventually, Brad was lying on his back and felt Jack's strong hands on the button of his shorts, as Jack's hot mouth was working magic on his nipples, slowly, gently kissing, licking and teasing them. He slid Brad's shorts down and off, and tossed them aside. Jack then quickly lost his own shorts, as he moved down on top of Brad. They both still had their boxers on. They rolled around kissing tenderly, the hardened bulges in their boxers pressed together hotly.

"I love you so much," Jack said, his deep blue eyes piercing into Brad's.

"I love you too, baby," Brad said. They kissed slowly, gently, and yet deeply, over and over. Brad felt as though he were floating on a cloud somewhere, as the CD moved on to its next track and Ella was now singing "Love is Here to Stay."

Jack had rolled to his back, and Brad was now kissing his nipples tenderly, causing Jack to gasp softly. Brad worked his way down, kissing and licking all over the big chest and tummy. He tenderly flicked his tongue in and out of Jack's navel, causing him to gasp again. He then slowly grasped the waistband of Jack's briefs in both hands, and pulled them down and off, tossing them aside.

Love and romance was in the air on that Monday night. Long days of work had ended, and lovers were freeing themselves of their care and stress. Justin Earheart was rising up with a loud moan of pleasure, as he rode Eric Jamison's throbbing thick cock outside on their back deck, starlight shimmering on the water of the lake in front of them. Up in Rosemont, Jonathan had Adam's legs on his shoulders and was tenderly making love to him in their bed.

Back in Pleasant View, Brad was slowly kissing his way all the way from the tops of Jack's big feet, up his strong hairy legs, to his muscular thighs. He glanced up and as Jack was gasping softly in delight, there in the candlelight, he saw that Jack's thick, throbbing cock had sprung up to its full six and a half inch by five and half inch thick hardness now. The big, low-hanging balls looked so full tonight.

Brad slid down his own boxers, and tossed them aside, his own throbbing cock rubbing softly across Jack's comforter as Brad was now licking and kissing the insides of Jack's thighs, and rubbing across Jack's tummy with both hands.

"Mmm, babe!" Jack gasped softly. Brad then took Jack's throbbing, leaking meat in his hand and began to very slowly, tenderly stroke it. He moved up and rolled over on his back, to lay right beside his baby in the bed then, their naked sides, thighs, and legs pressed closely together.

Jack reached over and began slowly caressing Brad's hard cock as well. They each leaned in towards the other, and began kissing. The pace of their kissing and their stroking was very slow, tender, and unhurried.

"Oh yeah, stroke me big guy," Brad gasped between kisses.

"Mmm, yeah, keep strokin' mine too, baby," Jack replied with a grin. "Feels so fuckin' great!"

They each resisted the strong urge to go faster. Slowly, patiently, they stroked one another and continued kissing. Five minutes passed, then ten, and almost fifteen. Jack was panting softly now, and so was Brad. They each stopped stroking the other's throbbing dick. Jack got the lube and they each lubed their cock to increase the sensations even more. They kissed passionately, and Jack rolled on top of Brad, and humped against him for a few minutes, frotting their hard, lubed up cocks against each other, but stopping when they both started to get close.

"Mmm, fuck - UH! - your cock feels so fuckin' - Ah-Uh! - great rubbing up against mine, baby" Brad gasped.

"I'm - Ah-UH! - getting close," Jack gasped. So was Brad, but they wanted to prolong this. So, they then got back to lying side by side, leaning in and again kissing gently, and resumed their slow, most exquisite torture of one another, as they started very slowly stroking each other's cock again. They repeated this cycle of edging to the point of almost cumming twice, and then three times. The CD had ended now, and the only sound was their increasingly ragged breathing and occasional whispered "I love you's" there in the flickering candlelight, as the ceiling fan above provided a cool breeze for their burning naked bodies.

Not much had been said between the lovers in this very long lovemaking session, save for those whispered affections and the soft tell-tale grunts and groans of pleasure; "UH! Ah-UH!" and "Mmm, Oh, FUCK!" and "OH, so close - UH! - again baby!" that let each of them know when it was time to momentarily stop stroking the other's hot, throbbing, thick, lube-greased pecker, in order to keep the edging session going.

But mostly though, they were saying it all with their lips and tongues as they kissed. And they were saying it lovingly with their hands, as they caressed, edged, and drove one another's aching cocks totally crazy. They were laying on their sides facing one another now, each reaching over to continue to slowly stroke the other's cock, continuing to resist the urge to go any faster. The tensions were building so high now, and each of them felt their balls beginning to boil and tighten. This forth slow, deliciously torturous run up to the very brink of ecstasy proved to be the time when each of them had to slip on over the border and reach their shattering climax, after nearly 45 minutes of total bliss.

"AH-UH, BABY! UH!" Jack gasped and grunted, trembling all over now, "I CAN'T TAKE IT - UH! - ANY MORE! AH-UH! UH! FUCK! BRAD!!! Oh, God! I need to - AH-UH! - FUCKIN' CUM!!!"

"Uh!" Brad groaned as he struggled to reply, "Me too, baby! AH-UH! FUCK!!! JACK!!! So close now, baby! Oh!!!"

They then went into a deep kiss, and sent each other on over the edge of oblivion. As they silently moaned and screamed into each other's mouth, tongues lashing each other fiercely, they each began shooting stream after stream of hot, thick, sticky white cum all over one another. The long mutual jack off and edging session had done its job very well. They both trembled as amazing waves of powerful, intense, prolonged orgasm swept over them, their hands continuing to slowly stroke every drop from one another.

Panting, they broke their kiss. Their hot cum was running down all over both of their hot, sweaty, flushed bodies. Jack spoke first, "God, Brad! I love you so much...that was so incredible"!

"Mmm," Brad purred, "Yes it was. Those guys who skip over jacking off and never do it to one another don't know what the fuck they're missing! I love you too baby, so much."

They collapsed in against one another, and laid there awhile with their cum soaked chests and stomachs and softening cocks pressed together. They then got up, and went to shower together, intending only to get clean before sleeping.

Within fifteen minutes though, having gotten each other intensely hot again, Brad was plunging his thick cock into Jack's tight ass again and again there in the shower. They finally both reached another shattering climax.

"AH-UH! UH! UH! FUCK!!!" Jack grunted, blowing his load all over the shower floor, as Brad shot inside him. They both slept so well, naked in one another's arms, on that Monday night.

Tuesday morning, Jack went to work as usual and Brad went to the farm. He packed more things, and helped his parents do the same, then worked online for a while. He told them of Jack's offer to let Brad move in with him. After much discussion they agreed that it would probably be the best idea all the way around, so long as he was sure that he would like living with Jack, and that doing so this soon would not cause problems in their new relationship. He assured Allen and Betsy that his living with Jack would only bring them even closer.

Brad told Jack about this on the phone that night, which made Jack very happy. Jack said things were back to normal around the station and around town, at least compared to as crazy as they had been several days before. They talked awhile before saying goodnight.

Most of Wednesday also passed by quickly and without incident for them both. Jack was nearing the end of his shift when he was dispatched at 5:30pm to a very familiar address. He immediately knew that he was about to respond to Miz Vivian's home. Jack arrived and got no answer at the big front doors. Dispatch had advised him that they were sending EMS as well, since the female caller (Miz Vivian) had sounded very distressed when she called to report an intruder, and had then become unresponsive on the phone. The EMS unit arrived just then, and Jack used the key, which Miz Vivian had previously given him on the first night she had seen the ghost, to open the doors.

They all rushed in, and found Miz Vivian lying on the curved staircase, about halfway up to the second floor. She was very pale and was still clutching her neon pink Blackberry in her hand. By now, Officer Earheart had arrived on the scene as well, and he and Jack made another thorough search of the home. All the doors and windows were locked, and again nothing seemed to be out of place, so far as they could tell.

By the time they got back downstairs, the paramedics had loaded Miz Vivian onto a stretcher, and were about to take her out of the foyer. "How is she?" Jack asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"She'll make it," one of the EMS guys responded. "But, her pulse is very weak, I think she may have had a light heart attack, we're taking her to Pleasant View Regional now." Out the door and down the steps, then down the walk to the ambulance waiting at the curb they went with Miz Vivian.

"What do you make of it, Jack?" Justin asked.

"Hell if I know," Jack replied. "The 911 dispatcher said Miz Vivian was screaming hysterically on the phone about seeing 'that damn Yankee' right in her own bedroom, when she came out of her bathroom after changing clothes. She said she had just come in and showered after going for a swim in her pool out back. She had run back into the bathroom, where she had left her phone. Then, while she was on the phone with 911, he had apparently appeared back in the bedroom again, because she screamed, 'Oh, hell, here he is again!' and that was apparently when she ran from her bedroom and started down the staircase, but then passed out."

"So naturally," Justin concluded, "the dispatcher thought she was talking about an intruder when she referred to 'that damn Yankee'."

"Right," Jack said. "But it is obvious that she had just seen her 'ghost' again!"

Justin started writing up the report, and by now it was just past the end of Jack's shift. "I'll handle things down at the station, Jack," Justin offered. "Why don't you just take your patrol car on back to the station, and then go on up to the hospital to check on her if you want to?"

Jack locked the door to Miz Vivian's house behind them, and as he walked to his patrol car he called the hospital, but didn't find out much since he was not family.

Jack took his patrol car back to the station, went off duty, showered and changed in the locker room, and then drove his pickup to the hospital. While on his way to the station from Miz Vivian's house, he had called Brad.

"Hi baby!" Brad had answered cheerfully. "I'm caught up enough that I think I can come spend the night again tonight!"

"Babe," Jack said, and from his tone Brad immediately knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Jack?" Brad asked, concern in his voice.

"It's Miz Vivian," Jack started, and then explained all that had happened.

"Oh, God!" Brad exclaimed, "I'll be right there!"

Jack arrived at the hospital, and in the waiting room, he ran into Juliet Arnow, Dr. Arnow's wife and Miz Vivian's daughter-in-law. She said that when all this mess was cleared up, they would definitely insist that Miz Vivian have an alarm system installed in the old mansion.

"That would probably be wise, ma'am," Jack agreed. "How is she?" He then asked, inquiring about Miz Vivian's condition.

"Well, I was just back there with Tony, and they say she's going to be OK. They're keeping her overnight in ICU just to be on the safe side. But, they say her heart looks strong, and they don't think it was actually a heart attack," Juliet concluded.

"Well, thank God!" Jack exclaimed. "I've already taken quite a likin' to your mother-in-law, Mrs. Arnow."

"Thanks, she is sure something else," Juliet said. She then walked away, to head back to where her husband was with his mother.

"How is she?" Brad asked immediately upon walking into the waiting room and spotting Jack. He was very relieved when Jack filled him in on the latest as to Miz Vivian's condition and prognosis.

"What do you think the deal is, Jack?" Brad asked.

"Obviously some bastard is playing ghost as a means to case the joint, and was probably hoping to scare her bad enough to be able to pack a bunch of those antiques off," Jack said. "And, they probably would have, if she hadn't kept her wits long enough to get on with 911 and get me over there so quick."

"How did they get in the house though?" Brad asked.

"I don't know," Jack admitted. "That didn't make any sense the other night, and it didn't this afternoon either. She had all the doors and windows locked today."

"And regardless of how they are getting in and out of the house, why even bother to play ghost and scare poor Miz Vivian half to death, anyway?" Brad mused. "I mean, why not just come in when she's gone and steal everything?"

Jack shook his head in puzzlement as well. Jack then explained that he and Justin would both be working some on the case, and would be investigating it further with Mary Lou Tanner starting tomorrow.

"Not that I'm sure you guys and Mary Lou won't do fine," Brad said, "but, why no detective on the case?"

"Oh, hadn't I mentioned it?" Jack asked. "Chief just promoted Mary Lou to detective the other day."

"Well, she seems nice and all," Brad said. "But why, especially after you catching ol' Brother Fawlkes and Hannity right in his own barn, didn't the Chief promote you, Jack? You've been on the force longer than Mary Lou."

"Easy buddy," Jack grinned, appreciating the intense loyalty his lover was showing. "I turned it down, as I have twice before. I don't mind being assigned as an officer to assist with an investigation, as I am on this. But, I don't want detective full time. I like patrol too much."

"Can we go back and see Miz Vivian now?" Brad asked.

"Tomorrow. She should even be home tomorrow afternoon. Tonight they'll probably keep her sedated, and she's in ICU as a precaution," Jack explained.

"In that case, how about some dinner?" Brad asked.

"Sounds great," Jack agreed.

They went to the Ramblin' Rose and had that evening's pot roast special. Afterwards, they went and walked awhile in the park. While they were walking, Brad asked Jack, "What did they ever do with Brother Fawlkes and Officer Hannity, anyway?"

Jack explained that they both had gotten plea bargains. As neither had prior offenses, and since one was a formerly respected preacher and the other a formerly respected cop, they got off easy. In fact, as it turned out, they hadn't even spent a single full night in jail. They had made bail just hours after Jack and the Chief had arrested them, and were free until their amazingly speedy little trial took place the very next day. There, they had copped pleas and received only suspended sentences and probation.

"Well that sucks!" Brad exclaimed. "If two out gay guys had gotten caught doing the same thing, they would have sent them to the pen'."

Jack agreed, "Yeah, they apparently still must have had a lot of pull with somebody. Hell, Hannity might have been doing a judge too, for all I know!" Jack then had to tease Brad. He nodded to a clump of bushes alongside the walking trail there in Pleasant View Park. "And you're right about how if it had been two out gay guys they would have thrown the book at them. The moral of that story is, you can't take me over there and give me a blowjob in the bushes!"

"No," Brad laughed. "But, I sure as hell can, and will, when I get you home though, big fella!"

"Mmm," Jack growled with a grin.

"Anyway," Brad continued, with what Jack had just told him about Fawlkes and Hannity's case still sinking in, "What exactly did they get as their punishment in the plea bargain, was it really just probation and a suspended sentence?"

"That's just it, it was not a whole fuck of a lot of a punishment," Jack answered in frustration. "The preacher of course has been run off from his self righteous, hypocritical flock. And Hannity's ass is fired from the force, too. But, legally, all either one of them really got was probation." Jack continued, "I'm just glad Hannity is finally off the force. Not only is he a fuckin' homophobic bigot, but Justin and I have both felt like for a long time that he was potentially kind of crooked too, hanging out down at that pool hall every free minute with my husband-in-law and all those other sorry-assed rednecks!"

Brad laughed, "'Husband-in-law', that's a good one!" Jack had been referring to Larry Cooper, the skeevy, smarmy, little sawed-off redneck new husband of Jack's ex-wife Holly. Larry was one of those guys who was good looking, but ruined it by being way too aware of that fact and always coming off as a conceited little jackass as a result. He knew all too well just how much the women all seemed to like his blonde hair and blue eyes. Perhaps in some twisted way that would explain why Holly had dumped the big, gorgeous, but modest and self-effacing Jack for such a self-absorbed little douche of a man as Larry. Who knows?

Brad and Jack finished their walk, and headed home. In the kitchen, Jack started stripping, tossing his clothes on one of the barstools.

"My, my, that eager to take me up on that blowjob?" Brad grinned.

"I'm sure we'll get to that," Jack grinned back. "But, right now let's go swimmin', I'm burning up again after that walk." Indeed the humidity was now back with a vengeance in Pleasant View. Brad got naked too, and they enjoyed a good long swim in the pool, with Brad playfully dunking Jack a few times, and Jack getting him back for it more than once too. Their passionate moments were certainly always beyond belief, but Brad also loved and enjoyed this silly, playful side to his big guy just as much.

"One of these days," Jack said, "when she's feelin' better, we'll have to take Miz Vivian up on her offer to swim in her pool. It's huge - Olympic sized, in fact!"

"I'd like that," Brad said. "I'm sure she'd like seeing us in our swimsuits too," he giggled.

"Knowin' her - and not that we ever would - but she'd probably like it even more if we skinny-dipped over there too," Jack laughed.

They got out, dried off, and started to walk towards the house. Twilight had just started to come on. Halfway across the yard to the back porch, they looked at each other. They started kissing passionately, and soon tumbled naked right down into the grass, which was soft and damp with the evening dew on that Wednesday evening, August 10. Neither of them had cum since Monday night, when they had last made love.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 12

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