Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Oct 3, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Jack had strode up, looking both devastatingly handsome and very official in his police dress uniform, and said diplomatically, "OK folks, we don't want this situation to get any more out of control than it already has. I think you and Tom should just go on and leave now," he said to Avalene.

"GLADLY!" Avalene said. "But, first, the message I came to deliver to YOU!"

"What message could you possibly have for me?" Jack retorted.

"Just this," said Avalene with a triumphant little grin. "You had best just go ahead and sell the top of Smith's Mountain to me and Tom now."

"Look, I've told the people who are mining and logging the bottom of the mountain that the top of the mountain, which I own, is NOT for sale," Jack said, getting angry himself now. "Besides, I'd sell it to them before I'd sell it to a homophobe like you, anyway!"

"You may reconsider that," Avalene replied coolly, "Once they've strip mined the top of the mountain clean and all that is left is a great big level place for Tom and I to build our new home and the resort hotel that we have in mind for it!"

"What in the hell are you talking about?" Jack said, by then starting to lose his cool. "Nobody is going to strip mine the top of the mountain so long as I own it, and I've already told you it is not for sale. The only mining being done on Smith's Mountain is that underground mine being put in down on the property that belonged to the other people who sold out to the coal company, and that is at the base of the mountain."

"I'd double check my facts AND my deed, if I were you, OFFICER!" Avalene retorted with a roll of her heavily made up eyes. She took Tom by the arm then, turned, and flounced out of the ballroom without further elaboration.

"What do you make of all that?" Brad asked, having come up to stand beside Jack as Tom and Avalene walked away.

"Oh, she's just bullshitting me, thinking I'll sell them the top of the mountain," Jack replied. "I'm not worried about it."

The rest of the ball went uneventfully, and everyone actually managed to have a good time. When it was over, Jack and Brad said their goodbyes to Miz Vivian and all of their friends, and headed across the lawn and across Crabtree Street back to their own home.

"You certainly are handsome in that dress uniform, Officer," Brad said with a sly grin as they walked through the front door and into the living room together.

"You're pretty fuckin' hot in that tux, too, Bradley," Jack said huskily, slipping his arms around Brad after closing the front door and locking it behind them. They embraced more tightly, and then started to kiss passionately. They soon left a trail of dress clothes across the living room and down the hall as they made out intensely while stripping each other and moving gradually toward the bathroom.

The two lovers were soon naked together under the warm stream of the rainstorm showerhead. Still they kissed. "God, this is heaven!" Was the thought in both Brad's and Jack's minds as they loved each other intensely there in the shower. They soaped each other up, and washed each other tenderly, lovingly all over. They they were in each other's arms once again, their rock hard cocks thrashing together as they kissed with the kind of pure passion that only true lovers share.

Soon they were hurriedly drying each other off. "I love you so much, Bradley," Jack said.

"I love you too, big guy," Brad replied with a tender smile.

With that, Jack literally swept Brad off his feet, picking him up as they both laughed. Jack carried Brad across the hall and laid him down on their bed. There was an early taste of fall in the air on that Saturday night, September 17. There was just a bit of a chill in the house, so Jack's big warm naked body felt even more incredible than usual as it came down on top of Brad's. Jack reached over to the clock radio by the bed, and then as they lay there together kissing in the dark, music started to play. Jack had recently bought a new one that had not only a radio and CD player, but also an iPod dock, and it was now shuffling through some of their favorite tunes.

Frank Sinatra was singing "The Best Is Yet to Come," and both of the lovers thought about how true that was. They knew they would be together for life, and there would be so many more happy nights like this. Jack started to move on top of Brad, their rock hard cocks grinding together again now as their kissing became more intense again.

The guys usually did it with the lights on, but on this cool early fall night there was something magical about making love in the dark, with the soft music playing. Jack started to kiss Brad's neck, causing him to moan softly, and then he moved on down. As he began to suck Brad's nipples, Brad moaned louder, and gently caressed Jack's hair.

Jack kissed and licked all over Brad's furry chest and then his tummy, stopping to tongue Brad's belly button. He then went down and started to kiss and lick on Brad's inner thighs, something that always drove Brad totally crazy.

"Oh, FUCK!" Brad gasped in delight. By now the CD's track had changed, and Sam Harris' version of "In My Life" was softly filling the room. Jack licked Brad's full balls teasingly, and then swallowed Brad's throbbing five and a half inch long fat dick whole.

"Umm, yeah baby!" Brad groaned in pleasure.

After a few minutes of giving Brad awesome head, Jack then said, "Make love to me baby," in that husky ridiculously sexy bedroom voice of his.

Soon Jack was on his back, and Brad was entering his tight hole. The soft romantic music played on, and the only light in the room was the faint glow of moonlight and a streetlamp, which were both filtering in slightly around the closed blinds. Patsy Cline was singing "Always" as the guys started to make passionate love.

"Oh, GOD! FUCK ME, baby!" Jack gasped, feeling the wonderful pleasure of having his man's very fat cock buried inside him. He would never grow tired of their lovemaking, and neither would Brad.

"Mmm, yes! Oh I love you, Jack!" Brad gasped, pistoning his hips now and just fucking that hot hole of Jack's so deep and lovingly. "FUCK! Oh, God!"

"MMM, yeah babe, that's it - UH!! - Give it to me - AH-UH! - HARD!!!" Jack cried, loving the intense fucking he was now getting from his baby.

This went on for several more minutes, until they were both sweating profusely and gasping and moaning in delight. "FUCK, I'm gonna CUM!!!" Brad soon shouted.

About the time Brad was unleashing a huge load of hot cum up Jack's tight hole, Antonio was doing the same thing to Bobby. And so was Bubba to James. And so was Justin to Eric. Yes, lots of intense after-party sex was definitely happening that night in Burnside County, and all the couples were enjoying every minute of it!

After their lovemaking, Brad and Jack fell asleep in each other's arms. They spent a lazy Sunday, the highlight of which all started when Jack gave Brad a kiss while Brad was doing laundry. One thing led to another, and before he knew it, Brad was buck naked and backed up against the washing machine with his legs around Jack's waist as Jack fucked the hell out of him right there in the laundry room.

"Uh, HARDER!" Brad cried out. The washer was on spin cycle, and between the vibrations it was making against his mid-back, and the pounding Jack's big cock was giving his ass, Brad was soon trembling all over in delight. Jack then picked him up and carry-fucked him, something they both loved. Brad pulled himself up and down with his hands on Jack's broad shoulders as they fucked hot and hard. It felt so incredible to Brad to be totally impaled on Jack's hot cop cock, and to have his long legs wrapped around Jack's waist as he held him and fucked him so good. Brad's throbbing dong rubbed up and down against Jack's belly as they fucked, oozing precum into the fur found there.

"UH! AH-UH! FUCK!!! FUCK!!" Jack cried within a few more minutes of this, as he shot a huge load up Brad's tight chute, easing Brad back down against the washing machine again as his knees nearly buckled with the power of his intense orgasm. Brad's own cum cam splashing out in torrents all over Jack's furry chest. They both loved tender lovemaking in bed, but a spontaneous fuck in the middle of doing laundry was pretty fuckin' sweet, too!

That Monday, Jack received a call from a lawyer in Smithville who had been good friends with Jack's late aunt and uncle to whom the top of Smith's Mountain had previously belonged.

"Hank, it's great to hear from you!" Jack exclaimed.

"Always good to talk to you too, Jackie," the elderly barrister replied.

Jack chuckled and then gently corrected, "It's just Jack, now, Mr. Anderson."

Hank chuckled too and replied, "Guess so, at your age, and at your age, you can call me Hank too."

"Hank it is," Jack chuckled back. He had always been very fond of the old lawyer with his gold-rimmed spectacles and unruly shock of white hair. Hank Anderson was semi-retired now, as he was in his mid-70s, but his mind was still sharp as a tack, and he still took on cases he cared about.

"I hope I'm not bothering you while you are on duty," Hank said.

"Naw, it's fine, I'm actually having lunch right now, Hank," Jack replied between bites of the club sandwich he was enjoying at the Ramblin' Rose Diner.

"Well, I'm calling about your property on top of Smith's Mountain, Jack," Hank said.

"Oh, Lord," Jack groaned, "Don't tell me that now they've got YOU trying to get me to sell out too? Who is it, Avalene and Tom, or the coal company?"

Hank chuckled. "Now, Jackie, err, Jack. You know better than that. I know you won't part with that mountaintop that was so dear to your aunt and uncle for any amount of money. The reason I'm calling, though, is to shed some light for you on what exactly it is that is going on."

"What do you mean, Hank?" Jack asked.

"Well, Jack, I hate to tell you this," Hank said. "But, your aunt and uncle never did own the mineral rights to the top of the mountain. They belonged to the Farris family, who owned the woods and the land at the bottom of the mountain, through which your right of way goes up."

Light was slowly dawning on Jack. He put down his sandwich, suddenly feeling sick to his stomach. "Hank, does this mean what I think it does?"

"I'm afraid so, Jack." The old lawyer replied grimly. "I started looking into it for you, pro bono of course, before calling you. I had heard through the courthouse grapevine that the mining company really wanted to do a mountaintop removal strip mine the top of the mountain, and not do an underground mine at the base, as everyone was thinking. I then heard that the plan was to get you to sell your land out cheap to Tom and Avalene, so that they can develop it into a resort and also build a house on it once the coal company has totally cleared off and flattened out the whole top with their mining."

"Well, yeah," Jack said. "Avalene got up in my face at the Policemen's Benefit Fund Ball the other night and told me their plan. But, I thought she was full of shit, because I had no idea that I didn't own the mineral rights!"

"Well, I'm so sorry, but you don't. I double-checked the original deeds. When your uncle's daddy sold off all of the mountain except for the land on the top of it, it turns out he went ahead and sold all of the mineral rights for the whole thing. Guess he needed the extra money, and besides which, nobody ever thought there was coal in that area until just recently."

"So," Jack concluded, feeling ill, "They can mine, flatten, and destroy the top of Smith's Mountain, leaving me with a flat moonscape, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it except sell it to Avalene for her fuckin' dream house and motel, which I'm damn sure not going to do? Oh, sorry for my language, Hank."

The old lawyer chuckled grimly. "No apology necessary, Jack. That's pretty much my thought about the whole thing too! Right now the coal company's got every right to take the coal off your land, even though that means destroying the natural beauty of it. I know that the whole reason your uncle's daddy kept the top of the mountain back during the Depression to begin with was for sentimental reasons and for the beauty of it. Mountaintop removal should damn well be outlawed. But as it stands right now, you're gonna be left with a flat mountaintop where all that beautiful land is right now. But, I think I have an idea as to how, just maybe, we can do something about that!"


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 19

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