Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Oct 29, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

At 9am, Jack was walking into Mary Lou Turner's office to give her a report. The small TV on the bookshelf across from her desk was tuned to a local news program. Jack happened to glance in that direction as he was starting to walk back out.

"Oh my GOD!" He exclaimed. "Mary Lou, turn that up!"

She did, and both their jaws dropped at what they were seeing and hearing. A reporter from one of the Rosemont TV stations was shown in front of a group of people, and an enormous yellow piece of earth-moving equipment. Jack had recognized the backdrop of the scene immediately as being at the top of the road up onto his Smith's Mountain property. He also recognized four of the people in the group. Along with at least a dozen others, there stood Miz Vivian, Brad, Barney, and Jack's own mother, Alice. They were all standing in front of the big dozer, with arms linked tightly, and shouting over and over, "HELL NO, WE WON'T GO!!!"

"This group of protestors refuses to get out of the way of this equipment, which is here on a mountain outside of Smithville to start the first stages of site preparations for Gilbert Energy's new mountaintop removal coal mining project," the reporter was explaining.

Jack really needed to head back out on patrol, but he remained glued to the screen, along with Mary Lou. Within several more minutes, they watched as the Burnside County Sheriff was shown confronting the protestors and telling them they were trespassing and needed to leave.

"How in the hell are they trespassing!" Jack roared. "That is still MY property, even if those assholes do have the mineral rights!"

The Chief walked in at that moment. He had been watching the same news report in his own office. "I'm sorry, Sir," Jack started. "I'll get back out on patrol now..."

"Nonsense!" The Chief said. "You are hereby off duty for the rest of your shift today, Albertson. You have the time to take, nothing is happening today, and you need to be there," he finished, gesturing to the scene on the TV screen.

By the time Jack arrived at the top of the road onto Smith's Mountain and jumped out of his pickup, the sheriff and several of his deputies were handcuffing a small group of the protestors who had refused to leave. Jack saw to his astonishment that those being read their rights were Brad, Miz Vivian, Barney, and his mother, Alice!

Jack stomped over to the sheriff. "Sheriff Jones, what in the hell are you doing?"

"My duty!" The Sheriff shot back.

"This is MY property. From the top of the road back there, this whole mountaintop belongs to ME, and I do not mind these people being up here protesting ONE BIT!" Jack roared.

"Now, Jack," Sheriff Jones replied, trying to take a more conciliatory tone. "I know you are not happy about this situation. But, the fact is, the mining company owns the mineral rights to your property. Therefore, anyone who gets in the way of them exercising those rights by starting the mining process is trespassing. They were warned, now they're under arrest!"

Later that afternoon, Jack and Hank Anderson were at the courthouse in Pleasant View. Hank had pulled every string he had to expedite arraignments for the four arrested protestors. As it all turned out, Judge Van Pelt dismissed the trespassing charges after giving the four a stern warning not to try to interfere with the mining again.

This judge was much more sympathetic to Jack's situation with the mountain than was Judge Hinkle. That, and he felt that it was a bit of a gray area anyway, since the mountaintop property itself did belong to Jack. Still, he knew the coal company was well within its rights to have them arrested, and was actually surprised when Randy Blankenship did not object to his dismissing the charges against the protestors. "Just don't go back up there and try to interfere with Gilbert Energy's mining operations again. None of you! Or, I won't be as lenient the next time!" Van Pelt warned again before banging his gavel and dismissing court.

As everyone was leaving the courthouse, Blankenship came up to Jack and Brad. "We know they were just upset about the mining," Blankenship said in a haughty tone. "But, in all honesty, you will have a much more valuable piece of level property with a gorgeous view when the mining process is complete. Then you can all go up there and do whatever you wish. I just hope you understand that you must not interfere with the company's operations again in the meantime, as Judge Van Pelt said."

Jack gritted his teeth and reminded himself that he was still in his uniform, having not taken the time to change out of it earlier. Otherwise he might have been very tempted to do something to the lawyer he would have regretted. "Just get the hell out of our faces, Blankenship!" Jack roared. "And you can still tell Tom and Avalene that I'll see them both in hell before I'll sell them whatever is left of the mountaintop after you assholes get through with getting your coal out of it!"

"Look, I'm no fan of that homophobic Avalene and her new husband either," Blankenship shot back. "So, I won't be telling them anything." At least they had their dislike of those two in common if nothing else, Jack thought.

That night at home, there was an awkward silence between Jack and Brad. They finally tried to talk about the situation, and Jack finally conceded that he knew they had all meant well. Brad agreed, as had the others earlier, that it would be best to heed Van Pelt's advice and not try anymore stunts like that.

"I know the last thing you need is your boyfriend, his boss, your other neighbor, and your own mother all landing in jail!" Brad exclaimed with a sigh. "Still though, I'm just so pissed about this. Does Hank Anderson think there is anything else at all we can do to stop them?"

"I'm honestly afraid not, Bradley," Jack said. The guys were both too sad and emotionally drained for any lovemaking that night. But, they held each other tenderly and finally drifted off to sleep.

A week of heavy rain and regional flooding that ensued the very next day meant that work had still not started on the mountaintop. Miz Vivian opined to Brad at work on Wednesday morning, October 19, that she felt like all the rainfall must be God's very own way of stopping the mining project.

"Well, Miz Vivian," Brad replied with a rue grin as they both sipped coffee in the gift shop, "That's a nice sentiment, but I'm afraid all this rain has done has delayed the inevitable where Smith's Mountain is concerned. That, and of course caused all kinds of heartaches for folks who live in low-lying areas."

"That's true," Miz Vivian agreed. "I bet, though, that the spring up on the mountaintop would be gorgeous to see, I'm sure it is gushing at full tilt." She trailed off then, as they both looked around. The sound of pouring rain was something everyone in the area had become more than accustomed to for the last week, but Brad and Miz Vivian had both just realized that it had stopped raining while they were talking!

"Oh, no," Miz Vivian said. "You know what this means, they'll be starting the work again!"

"Well, not for a day or two at least, they're gonna have to let it dry up some before they can start any work up there after all this," Brad reasoned. They both looked out the window of Miz Viv's Merchantile and across the lawn back toward the mansion. The sun was shining for the first time in seven days, and it looked like it was actually going to turn out to be a really nice day.

"You're right though," Brad said. "It would be a beautiful time to go up and look at the spring, I'm sure it is rushing down that mountainside practically like Cumberland Falls after all this record-setting rainfall."

Miz Vivian suddenly looked as though she'd had a moment of divine intervention. "I've got it!" She exclaimed. The thought that Miz Vivian had just had would lead her, Brad, and Jack to all head to Hank Anderson's office in Smithville just as soon as Brad got off work that Wednesday evening.

Meanwhile, on the shores of Pleasant View Lake, Eric Jamison stood looking out the glass doors that led out onto his and Justin's back deck. The late afternoon sun was like a ball of red fire as it began to sink toward the mountaintop across the lake. The leaves were nearly all gone from the trees now, having been swept away by the week of rain.

The lake was full to overflowing, even after the water company had released enough water from the dam that impounded it to flood the creek below the dam. In fact, the beach where Eric and Justin and their friends had enjoyed so many hot times the previous summer was now totally submerged, as the lakeshore was a good 15 feet up into the guys' sloping back yard.

As he stood there admiring the dramatic view of the high water and the gorgeous sunset, Eric didn't hear Justin come in. Justin slipped up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. "Hi babe," Justin said, his hot breath feeling good on Eric's ear.

Eric turned in Justin's arms to face him with a broad smile. "Hello, handsome, I didn't hear you come in."

They both turned then and watched the sun sink lower. "Been a hell of a week," Justin commented. "I'm sure glad the rain is done!" The town of Pleasant View sat on high ground, but even so the police force had been extra busy, as many places that never flooded had done so. In the last few days many of the officers including Justin had to work overtime to help with directing traffic and doing other such things accordingly. Justin and Eric both realized that it had been nearly a week since they had last made love.

Since three nights before, their close friends and sexual playmates Bubba Jones and James Price had been staying with Eric and Justin in their guest bedroom. The first floor of Bubba's and James' townhouse apartment in Smithville had been flooded with about three feet of water from the neighboring creek on Sunday morning. Fortunately, they had renter's insurance with a flood insurance clause to cover the damage to their belongings. The landlord had flood insurance on the building itself, and had already started the process of drying out and repairing the flood damage. He estimated that it would be at least about two weeks before Bubba and James could return home, though.

Since the two couples played together fairly regularly, one would have thought they would have already, in three days' time, taken advantage of being under the same roof. However, Justin had been working 12 hour shifts, and Eric had also had to work over (the factory's office had been threatened by flood water and they had moved many things out of the office just in case, although it ended up not flooding).

As for Bubba and James, James also helped with moving equipment at the factory where he now also worked in the office, and Bubba had been putting in very long days at his own work, as all of the flooding had caused him to have to take lengthy detours to reach many of the stores on his ice cream delivery route. "You would think that people wouldn't still be buying ice cream in the middle of a flood, but they sure have been!" He had commented wryly a couple of nights before.

As it was, everyone had finally gotten back to their normal schedules on that Wednesday. James came in a few minutes later. He had gotten off work at the same time as Eric, but had some errands to run. When Bubba arrived a few minutes after that, he found the other three guys in the kitchen talking and laughing as they were starting to cook dinner.

"Well, look at the cozy triad," Bubba teased in his sexy deep voice.

"Only thing better than that is a cozy foursome, and now here you are, big fella," James shot back with a laugh.

They enjoyed a great dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, breadsticks, and salad. After dinner, the four guys all headed downstairs to Eric and Justin's den together. They sat on the spacious leather sectional watching TV for a while. Bubba was looking around, thinking about how lucky he was not only to have a sexy boyfriend like James, but also to have become such close friends (with such hot fuckin' - literally - benefits!) with another great couple like Eric and Justin.

Later, the guys took turns showering and soon all ended up in the spacious master bedroom naked together and making out intensely. Soon they were all on the big king sized bed together that way. Justin and Bubba were kissing each other deeply while stroking one another's throbbing cocks. Eric was going down on James and causing him to moan. Soon Justin got behind Eric and started to fuck him hard and deep as Eric continued sucking on James' thick meat.

"That looks like fun, Just'" Bubba's deep voice rumbled playfully, as he slapped his big fat dick across Justin's bare bubble ass cheeks, which were pistoning as Justin fucked Eric.

"Uhn, HARDER!" Eric was groaning now, coming up off James' cock long enough to make that request, then swallowing it whole again as Justin continued plowing him.

In just a moment, Justin gasped in pleasure as Bubba got up behind him and entered him. "Yeah, let me have it buddy!" He groaned.

Now Bubba was plowing Justin with his fat cock as Justin continued pounding Eric's ass with his seven-incher. James rolled to his back, and soon Eric started fucking him too. Now, James was on his back at the head of the bed being pounded by Eric, who was having a love train run on him by Justin and Bubba. Justin loved being the meat in the fuck sandwich section of that train! They all moaned, groaned, and sweated. Soon everyone was cumming hard.

Within several minutes of relaxing, and then laughing, talking, and groping again, they were all once again hard as hell. "It occurs to me," Bubba said still in that deep, sexy, playful tone, "That I'm the only one who didn't just get his ass fucked!" He then stretched out on his stomach, with his amazingly hot round bubble ass on full display. The other three men proceeded to take turns fucking the hell out of Bubba until they had all once again blown a huge load, including Bubba who coated the sheets beneath him.

They all showered again, and then returned to the den for more TV and conversation. Yes, the only thing better than having a great lover was being able to get together with another couple for times like this!

The following Monday morning, Jack awoke to a warm sensation between his legs. He soon realized that Brad was well on his way to getting a big helping of morning protein, as he was giving Jack a wakeup blowjob.

"Oh, baby!" Jack groaned, grinning down at Brad. "Swing around here, I need some 'breakfast' too babe!"

They 69'd intensely for several minutes, groaning silently on each other's cock from the pleasure the other was causing.

Soon spurts of hot, sweet cop cum were filling Brad's mouth and throat as he unleashed his own load down Jack's throat. Brad then swung back around, and nestled his head in the soft spot of fur at the center of Jack's broad bare chest. Jack slipped his arms around Brad, and patted his bare ass playfully as he held him. They kissed.

"I love you big guy," Brad said with a contented sigh.

"And I love you too, Bradley," Jack said. "What a great way to start a day!"

"Well, I figure we both need some in-advance stress relief for this day!" Brad commented wryly.

"Never can tell," Jack said hopefully, "It may turn out to be a great day, instead of stressful."

Jack was very grateful that the Chief had allowed him to be off work that day. Jack, Brad, and Miz Vivian drove to the State Capitol in Frankfort that morning. Miz Vivian had managed to secure them a face-to-face meeting with the governor. True, she was a native of Georgia and still a relative newcomer to the Bluegrass State. But, Miz Vivian was also a very, very wealthy widow who was now the owner of one of the most popular tourist attractions in Southeastern Kentucky. She was also a major contributor to the governor's ongoing re-election campaign.

Brad, ever a history buff, as well as Jack, were both rather in awe of being ushered into the governor's ornate office inside the State Capitol Building. The governor warmly shook hands with everyone, and also accepted a kiss on the cheek from Miz Vivian, which was of course given with much more enthusiasm than was probably appropriate.

Soon they got down to business. Miz Vivian explained how thet thought Smith's Mountain would make a dandy natural tourist attraction, and that she thought the governor should see to it that the state stopped the mining project, bought the whole mountain, and turned it into a State Resort Park and Nature Preserve.

"But, I thought Mr. Albertson here," the governor said, waving a hand in Jack's direction, "Did not want to sell the top of the mountain."

"Well," Miz Vivian said, calling the governor by his first name now, "He doesn't, not to miners and not to that tacky Avalene for her tacky tourist trap. But, he knows the state would do a classy park that would preserve the natural beauty of the mountain just as he would himself. Why, you could have hiking trails and just otherwise leave the top of the mountain as it is, and people could hike up and see the spring and the view, and you could put in a lodge down at the bottom of the mountain, and..."

Before Miz Vivian could go on, the governor interrupted her. "Look, Vivian," he said. "I really appreciate the idea, and frankly I wish I could do it. But, the fact is, we're still in a recession, the budget is beyond tight, and there is just no way I could convince the legislature to authorize me to do something like that."

Miz Vivian persisted several more minutes, but finally saw that this was all pointless. This was clearly still unfortunately the case, even when she offered to cash in several CDs and liquidate some other assets down in Georgia, in order to be able to personally donate the state money to the tune of seven-figures to get the park project off the ground. They ultimately thanked the governor for his time and left. "Well, I guess that is that," Jack said sadly. "At least you tried, Miz Vivian. And, it was a damn good idea!"

"Yes, it was if I do say so myself," Miz Vivian replied stormily. "That jackass COULD and SHOULD have made it happen, too! He doesn't fool me. He's just in the pocket of the coal companies and knows that turning Smith's Mountain into a park, even with MY money to get it started, would piss them off, and he doesn't want to do that in an election year!"

"Not that Jack would ever ask you to, Miz Vivian," Brad said, an idea dawning on him, "and well, this is really presumptuous of me to even suggest, but have you ever thought of trying to buy the mountain yourself - or at least the mineral rights to the part of the property at the top that Jack already owns?"

"Oh, hell yes, honey," Miz Vivian said. "And I'd do it in a heartbeat. Look, I don't offer to put up THAT much money at the drop of the hat. But, the fact is, even that figure I offered to donate to the state would be laughed at by the coal company. True, that would have been enough to set up hiking trails and stuff and get design work going on a lodge. But, it is NOTHING compared to the amount of money they'll make from mining on those mineral rights they own up there, though."

"I guess we're just beat," Jack said in resignation.

"Not hardly. How fast can you get us back to Pleasant View, pack bags, and then get us back to the airport in Rosemont?" Miz Vivian said, a look of steely determination now on her face.

By two o'clock that afternoon, after having pulled several more sets of strings in very high places, Miz Vivian, Jack, and Brad were being ushered into the office of a senior advisor to the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC.

"Thank you for seeing us on such short notice," Miz Vivian cooed as they all shook hands with the middle-aged woman, who introduced herself as Ms. Tompkins.

"Well, I must say it is not every day I get a call from someone of that stature," Ms. Tompkins replied, blatantly gushing back herself. "Of course the director would have seen you personally, but she is working in Alaska this week."

By the end of the hour-long meeting, Jack had received an assurance that the EPA would most likely be getting a Federal injunction within the next 24 hours to stop the mining project on Smith's Mountain for at least 60 days!

Though they had all brought overnight bags in case a flight back home could not be secured that night, as it turned out they were able to make it back to Dulles with time to spare to catch the late afternoon flight back to Rosemont. As the plane was about to circle down over Calumet Farm's white fences in the evening sunset on its final approach to land, Jack asked Miz Vivian something that both he and Brad had been wondering about all afternoon.

"How in the world did you get that meeting at the drop of the hat? I'll forever be grateful, obviously, and if it is none of my business, please just say so," Jack added.

"Oh, honey," Miz Vivian said with a grin as she fastened her seatbelt, "It was easy. While y'all were packing, I just called Jimmy."

"Jimmy?" Jack asked, already starting to put two and two together since Miz Vivian was a prominent Georgia native, but still not quite believing it.

"As in...Carter?" Brad asked in disbelief.

"Oh sure, I used to play bridge with Roz way back before he was even the governor down home. They're great folks," Miz Vivian said, just as casually as you would have spoken about your neighbors down the street.

By the time they were in the car driving back to Pleasant View, Miz Vivian had explained that President Carter had been all too glad to help set up the meeting for them. "As you know, the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act was one of Jimmy's big things he worked on before this idiot country decided to vote in that second-rate hack of an actor back in '80. You know, if we had to get an old Warners' star for a President, why the hell didn't Dennis Morgan, God rest his sweet soul, run? He was way more handsome, a much better actor, and I bet he would have done a much better..."

"But, about former President Carter," Jack prodded gently.

"Oh yes," Miz Vivian said, getting back on track. "Anyway, Jimmy made a call, and ya'll know the rest since we just got back from it! Oh, he said to tell you boys that if him and Roz make it up to the Derby next spring, we're all invited to sit in their box."

"Oh, my God!" Brad said. "This is too much to believe."

"I'll tell you something else, if you sweartogawd to keep it a secret," Miz Vivian added like an excited schoolgirl. "If they do come for the Derby, they're gonna stay with us at my B&B, so long as the Secret Service clears it, which shouldn't be any problem. How do you think having a former President and First Lady spend Derby Weekend with us would effect the B&B's reputation?" She grinned broadly.

"That would be beyond amazing," Brad said.

"In the meantime," Miz Vivian said, turning serious. "Yes, Jimmy got us a meeting, and yes that lit a big ol' fire under their asses to get the injunction. I'm sure we'll have it by this time tomorrow. But, then it is in their hands as to what the final ruling will be. And that is something they are of course very impartial about, regardless of who I may have got a hold of to get the ball rolling on this injunction."

"So, in other words, in 60 days if the EPA rules that the mining can be done without too much detriment to the environment," Jack rolled his eyes at the bitter irony of that possibility, before going on, "Then we'll be right back where we are now."

"Well, one thing," Brad said. "By the time 60 days are up, it'll be too far into winter for them to start anything up there, so in effect the mountain is safe at least until spring."

As the three friends were driving home from the airport, meanwhile a meeting was taking place in a dimly lit study of a mansion over in Smithville. Cigar smoke filled the air. "I tell you, I just don't like it. Our asses will go to the pen' if this ever gets out. And, it won't be no Gawd-damned cupcake camp up in West-by-Gawd-Virginia like they sent Martha Stewart to that time, either." The smoker coughed then.

"Oh, hell," the other man in the room replied in irritation. "You worry way too damn much. I tell you, this is a surefire deal."

The first man tapped his cigar into an ashtray embossed with the corporate logo of Gilbert Energy and replied, "I sure as hell hope you know what you're getting us into."

The next weekend rolled around with a spell of Indian Summer weather. Saturday, October 29, 2011 dawned bright and clear in Pleasant View, Kentucky, and by late afternoon it was nearly 75 degrees. So it was that part of the festivities for the Thomason House B&B's first annual Masquerade Ball and Cumberland Pride Fundraiser were able to be held out of doors.

The swimming pool had already been winterized during the more seasonable cold snap back during the middle of the month, but the area near it had once again been transformed into an idyllic fall garden by the ever talented, ever queeny Barney Finkster. There were mountains of mums, fodder shocks tied with rainbow ribbons (a nice touch, if Barney did say so himself!) and ornately carved jack-o-lanterns everywhere you turned.

The Rosemont TV stations had sent crews to cover the event, not to mention the gaggle of protestors assembled on the sidewalk outside the front gates of Miz Vivian's estate.

"Good Gawd, I never dreamed it would be this big a deal," Miz Vivian said, but she was laughing.

"Well, this is the first time anyone has organized a Pride committee for this end of the state, and about damn time, I might add," Brad said, grinning back.

Miz Vivian and some of her other open-minded friends from around the area had recently helped to organize Cumberland Pride, a brand new organization for LGBT folk and their friends and supporters from Southern and Eastern Kentucky. This was to be the new group's very first event. Everyone was invited to attend, and Brad and Miz Vivian were both delighted to see how many straight folks were also attending the masquerade. The LGBT people and their friends and neighbors were, in fact, greatly outnumbering the protestors at the front gate by the time the party was in full swing and beginning to move inside the mansion at 6:30pm as the sun was setting.

Those at the gate were members of the extreme right-wing Baptist church that had formerly been pastored by the late LeRoy Fawlkes. Never mind that he was a criminal and a hypocritical closet case, and that they had defrocked him. Some in his former congregation somehow still held a grudge at Miz Vivian for killing Fawlkes. Never mind that it was totally justifiable, as she had done so to save her own life and Jack's. Even if that ironic history hadn't existed between them, though, Miz Vivian and all the others were sure that the church and several others like it would still have shown up to protest this event.

By 9:00pm that night, everyone was up in the ballroom having a great time. Jack looked damn fine in his cowboy costume. He thought Brad was adorable as hell as a 1940s train conductor as well.

"Cowboy, I hope you plan on riding this train a little later," Brad whispered naughtily into Jack's ear as they danced.

"Bareback 'til dawn, partner," Jack whispered back evilly, in an exaggerated Western drawl. They both laughed at their bad puns, but as Jack pulled Brad closer, Brad could feel Jack's anticipation as an obvious bulge in his tight Wranglers was pressed against a similar one in the front of Brad's conductor pants.

"There's still two more hours left of this party before it ends at 11," Jack said, "and then you know some of the guys are going to want us to go up to Rosemont clubbing with them after. I don't know if I can wait 'til after all that to have you," he added huskily.

"Well, we could beg off of going clubbing, since neither of us is into the bars, and they all know that. But, you know, we don't even necessarily have to wait 'til we get home at 11, either," Brad said in a low, husky tone.

He took Jack by the hand, and they slipped to one side of the room, unnoticed by their friends and the dozens of other costumed partiers. Brad pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked the hidden door (now secured by a modern lock in addition to its novel, concealed, antique one) that led into the secret staircase. They stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind them.

There in the darkened space at the top of the stairs, Brad dropped to his knees, and fished Jack's throbbing cock quickly out the fly of his tight Wranglers. As sounds of music and laughter came to them from just on the other side of the hidden door, Brad engulfed Jack's fat, tasty dick in his hot, wet mouth.

"Uhn!" Jack groaned softly as Brad began bobbing his head earnestly. He fucked Brad's face fast and hard, as they both wanted this to be fast, enjoying the heat and spontaneity of what they were doing. Soon Brad was rewarded with a huge load of cum, as Jack moaned as quietly as he could manage. When it was over, Jack teased, "So, the next time you bring a bus load of old Red Hat ladies through the secret staircase on the tour are you going to say 'and here is where I gave my man some hot fuckin' head Saturday night' when you get here to the top of the stairs?"

Brad laughed, and then they straightened up and returned to the party. At 11, they did manage to beg off of going out after, and said goodnight to Miz Vivian and all of their friends. A few minutes later they walked into their house across the street together, and Jack locked the door behind them.

"You ready to ride 'em, cowboy?" Brad asked, reaching down to grab the front of Jack's Wranglers.

"FUCK, yes, baby!" Jack said, emphasizing the "FUCK" in a way that made Brad's cock instantly go rock hard.

"Then ALL ABOARD, big guy!" Brad said laughing, as he started to run towards their bedroom in his conductor costume.

Jack tackled Brad playfully as they reached their big bed, landing on top of him. "Just take me, Jack!" Brad said simply and urgently, so fuckin' hot and horny for his big guy, especially since he had not gotten off while giving him head earlier. Sometimes they both liked it fast and hot, and this was going to be one of those times. They were both extremely horny this Saturday night, and knew that they'd be fucking more than once before the night was over anyway.

Two hours after the great blowjob he had gotten in the hidden staircase, Jack was more than horny again too. He just yanked down the back of Brad's black conductor pants and boxers in one motion, then unzipped and unbuttoned his Wranglers and his belt, and then just spit lubed his cock and plunged it right into its hot, tight target.

"Oh, GOD!" Brad groaned as Jack's throbbing hot, fat six and half-inch beer can invaded him in one swift motion. "YEAH, BABY, THAT'S IT, FUCK IT!!! FUCKIN' TAKE - UH! - THAT ASS BIG GUY!"

Jack took it!

"Uhn, yeah!" Jack groaned hotly. "Gonna fuckin' pound that - AH-UH! - hot ass of yours - UH! - babe!" He was fucking Brad fast and hard, and before long they were both moaning.

"Uh! AH-UH! OH FUCK!!!" Jack groaned.

"Yeah, shoot that cum up my ass! UH! Fuckin' fill it up baby!" Brad egged him on.

Soon hot jets of cop cum were filling Brad's hole, as a huge wet spot was splattering out of Brad's spasming cock all over the front of his still-fastened costume pants.

Brad rolled over then, thinking that they'd definitely be changing the sheets after tonight, and Jack got on top of him, and put his arms around him. Somehow they both still had their respective costume hats on, even after all that. The cowboy kissed the conductor hotly as their hat brims bumped and they both giggled.

"You look damn cute in that, baby," Jack said.

"Thanks, so do you, cowboy," Brad replied grinning up at him adoringly.

They kissed more, and soon things got hot again, and before they knew it they were both hard as hell yet again.

"Conductor, this is a hold up!" Jack said in an exaggerated, play-mean cowboy voice. "Stop the train and give me all your...clothes!"

In a flash, the conductor costume was tossed all over the bedroom, as Jack stripped Brad naked, as they both laughed, giggled, touched and kissed. God, it was so nice to have a lover that was as fun as he was hot in bed. As playful as he was loving. Now Brad was totally naked, but Jack still had on his whole costume, though his hard cock and big balls were still out the front of the tight Wranglers.

"You shouldn't have held up my train," Brad said, continuing their silly little Halloween roleplay.

"What're you gonna do, call a cop?" Jack couldn't resist quipping. Brad playfully hit him with a pillow for that crack, and they both laughed again, and then kissed. Things soon got really hot again. Brad reached down then and just yanked down Jack's Wranglers and boxers, but they soon became entangled on the tops of the cowboy boots he still had on.

Totally naked, Brad jumped up to stand by the bed. "Cowboy, I think one of us has on way too many clothes."

"We can do something about that easily enough, conductor," Jack replied with a grin, and ripped open the snaps of his Western shirt with both hands, then tossed it aside to reveal that gorgeous beefy, furry chest and tummy of his. Brad went down immediately and licked and sucked Jack's nipples, causing him to moan loudly. Jack grabbed the conductor hat from where it had fell to the bed, and put it back on Brad's head playfully.

"You like that on me, huh?" Brad asked with a giggle.

"Yeah, that and nothing else!" Jack said grinning back.

"One of us still has on way too many clothes, though," Brad added.

Within a couple of minutes, Jack had shed boots, socks, Wranglers and boxers, and was sitting on the bedside totally naked and hard as a rock. He was grinning up at Brad who was still standing beside the bed, buck naked except for his conductor's hat.

"Hey now, cowboy," Brad said. "I didn't say to take EVERYTHING off!"

At Brad's horny request, Jack soon put the cowboy hat and boots back on, but nothing else, and then moved around to lay back on all the pillows at the head of their big king-sized bed.

Brad stood grinning, naked and hard as a rock, and looking adorable as hell to Jack in only his conductor's hat, there by the bedside. He took in the gorgeous site in front of him. Anyone who thought Jack Albertson could never be hotter than he was in (or in only parts of!) that hot cop uniform of his at a time like this, should see him now. He made as hot a fuckin' cowboy as he did a cop, Brad thought!

The brown leather boots. The long hairy legs extending up from them to the massive, powerful thighs. The throbbing fat cock and big low hanging balls dusted with black fur. More of that luscious fur all over that nice belly and big barrel chest. Those muscular arms, and that gorgeous handsome face with deep blue eyes. All that topped off with a white Stetson. Yep, the good guys always wear white! Brad took all that in for a moment longer, then climbed up in the bed, got between the two boots, and then went down on Jack's throbbing cock and got it nice and wet.

"Ready for me to ride, cowboy?" He asked, already growing short of breath in anticipation.

"Hell, yes!" Jack exclaimed a million-watt grin lighting his handsome face beneath the cowboy hat. "As you would say, conductor, ALL ABOARD!"

Brad got aboard!

He locked his eyes on Jack's as he eased his tight ass down on every inch of that awesome fat cowboy cop cock.

"Uhn!" Jack moaned softly as his throbbing pecker was engulfed by Brad's hot tightness yet again. God, he'd never get tired of making love to this hot cubby man. He put his big hands up onto Brad's furry chest and caressed it and Brad's tummy as Brad settled all the way down onto his dick and started to ride.

"Oh yeah! FUCK!!" Brad groaned as he impaled himself over and over on Jack's dick, wrapping his bare feet around either side of those sexy cowboy boots as he did so.

"Oh yeah, ride that cock!" Jack moaned. Brad rode awhile longer, then got off Jack's meat, tossed the conductor hat off his own head, and the cowboy hat off of Jack's. "That was fun, but now I need you all naked," He said huskily, as he pulled off Jack's boots.

They both loved being completely naked together about as much as anything in the world, and now there they were totally bareassed and rolling around on the big bed in each other's arms and exploring each other's bodies with their hands and their tongues. Soon Brad was on his back and Jack was entering him again. He leaned down and they kissed deeply as Jack began moving his fat cock in and out of Brad's tight ass slowly at first, and then with an increasing intensity.

"Ah-UH! UH! Oh I LOVE that fuckin' - UH! - tight ass!" Jack grunted as he pounded Brad harder.

"Oh yeah, plow it - AH-UH! UH!!! - babe!" Brad moaned. They both were really enjoying this. Since it would be the third time, counting the blowjob at the party, that Jack would cum that night, he was rock hard and long lasting for this round of lovemaking. Between the riding, the resting and making out, and now the on-his-back fucking that Jack was giving Brad, they'd been going for probably well over a half hour. Jack pulled out, and flopped down beside Jack, kissing him as they each subconsciously started lightly stroking the other's dick.

"What next, babe," Jack said, loving prolonging this round of red-hot mansex.

"Fill the tub," Brad said with an evil grin.

Jack dashed off across the hall to the bathroom and started the water filling the big garden Jacuzzi tub. Soon he was back in bed with Brad, kissing and holding him, as they rolled around and had a cock sword fight for a few minutes, laughing and kissing more.

"Should be about full now," Jack said with a smile.

They went across the hall together, and Jack sat down in the tub. They both knew what they wanted, and just how they wanted this round of hot bareback manloving to end up. Brad straddled Jack facing him, and as the water of the Jacuzzi swirled around them, he was once again soon balls deep on that fat hard cock of Jack's. He had his arms around Jack's neck, pulling himself up and down, fucking himself good on that hot dick. Their wet tummies and chests were pressed together and they were kissing hotly. Brad's cock was rubbing up between them again and again, and Jack's dick was hitting Brad's button over and over.

"Oh, GOD!" Brad groaned. "I'm gonna fuckin' cum, baby!"

"Do it! UH! CUM FOR ME, BRADLEY!!!" Jack moaned.

Brad's cum fired all up between their wet tummies and chests.

"UH! AH-UH! FUCK!!!" Jack groaned deeply, and unleashed a torrent of hot jizz up Brad's ass.

Afterwards, they cuddled there in the Jacuzzi for a while, with Brad leaning back against Jack's chest, with Jack's strong arms around him. They washed off, turned off the jets, started the tub training, toweled off, and within a half hour they were both fast asleep, naked in each other's arms in their bed. The last thing Brad had heard before drifting off to sleep with his head nestled on that broad chest with his big man's arms around him was Jack's "Goodnight, I love you too babe," whispered softly into his ear.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 21

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