Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Nov 20, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Afterwards, they cuddled there in the Jacuzzi for a while, with Brad leaning back against Jack's chest, with Jack's strong arms around him. They washed off, turned off the jets, started the tub training, toweled off, and within a half hour they were both fast asleep, naked in each other's arms in their bed. The last thing Brad had heard before drifting off to sleep with his head nestled on that broad chest with his big man's arms around him was Jack's "Goodnight, I love you too babe," whispered softly into his ear.

October rolled into November and the weather turned seasonably colder in Pleasant View as the last of the leaves began to fall from the trees. Jack was pleased that the Federal injunction was in place to protect Smith's Mountain, at least for now. He still worried that the EPA would ultimately find in favor of the mining company though, but he was trying not to dwell on that subject.

On the second weekend of the month Brad and Jack drove up to the mountaintop in Jack's pickup. With the injunction in place for 60 days and effectively stopping any chance of prep work until spring, the mining company had removed their equipment from Smith's Mountain and Jack was again free to go to his own property whenever he felt like it. It was a sunny day with temperatures in the mid-40s on that Saturday, November 12, 2011, but on the mountaintop the breeze that always seemed to blow up there was ice cold as the guys stood admiring the view from the rock outcropping. In spite of their appropriate attire, they both were shivering. Jack gave Brad a big bear hug and a kiss.

"Warm you up, baby?" He asked sexily.

"Mmm, in more ways than one, big guy," Brad replied with a grin, reaching around to grab a handful of Jack's nice Levi-clad bubble butt ass as he said it.

They kissed passionately, but despite their embrace and their passion, they were both still shivering.

"This is nice and all, but we don't want to catch pneumonia," Brad said with a chuckle.

"Wish it was warm enough to do what we did back in the summer," Jack said huskily with a nod over in the direction of the spring, where they had made love a few months before.

"Oh yeah, me too," Brad said with a grin.

They got into the cab of the big red Chevy pickup truck and Jack buckled up, and then started the truck and turned on the heater, but before he could even put the truck in gear, Brad had scooted over right next to him and leaned over to kiss him hotly again.

"Mmm, Bradley," Jack said.

Brad reached down and unbuckled Jack's seatbelt, then put his arms around his big handsome man. Jack responded the same way and soon they were kissing passionately in each other's arms there in the cab of the truck. Brad pulled off his coat and Jack did the same. They kept making out, and soon were each unbuttoning the other's shirt.

Thank goodness for a full-size pickup, because within a few more minutes of this, Brad and Jack were both totally naked right there in the truck, having pulled, yanked, raised up, stretched back, and done everything necessary to undress each other there in the truck's cab. They were kissing intensely and soon both were sweating profusely.

"I don't think we need this anymore," Jack said with a chuckle, turning off the truck's ignition and thus stopping the blowing of the heater.

The truck's windows were soon completely fogged over. Jack had scooted his bare ass across the bench seat to the passenger side, and Brad had dropped to his knees in the floorboard between his big stud cop's legs. Brad had a hand on the top of each of Jack's hips, pulling him hungrily toward him as he sucked that fat beercan cock hungrily.

"Oh, GOD! FUCK!!! UH! Bradley!" Jack soon groaned in delight.

"Sounds like a fine idea to me," Brad said, rising up off Jack's dick with an evil grin.

By the time Jack figured out Brad's bad little pun, Brad had already climbed up into his lap. Their rock hard cocks were pressed against each other as they kissed. Brad spit-lubed Jack's cock and got on up on it and started to ride. Brad laid back against the dashboard as Jack started to thrust up into him there in the truck seat.

"Oh yeah! FUCK ME BABY!!!" Brad groaned.

"Uh! OH YEAH! AH-UH!!! FUCK!!!" Jack grunted as he thrust up to meet each of Brad's downward motions onto his throbbing hot cock.

"Oh GOD!" Brad groaned. They were both still sweating, producing plenty of heat of their own in spite of the truck not being running.

"UH! So good baby!" Jack groaned as they continued to fuck. They both completely loved the spontaneous, almost anytime, anywhere FUCKING that sometimes just happened between them like this, and always kept their committed relationship totally hot and interesting.

Along those lines, Brad grinned down at Jack as he settled down and sat still on his throbbing fat pecker for a second. He reached over with his left hand and opened the truck door. With a laugh he swung himself off Jack's cock and out of his lap, and jumped down out of the truck totally naked.

At 45 degrees with a stiff breeze, the sunshine was anything but warm that afternoon there on the mountaintop, but neither Jack nor Brad cared. They both were red hot from their lovemaking in the cab, so Jack followed suit and jumped out of the truck too.

Brad bent over against the side of the truck, bracing himself on the edge of the top of the bed just above the step side with both hands. Jack spit-lubed his fat dick again and just plowed right into Brad. They both were too hot from their good raw mansex to even notice how cold it was out there. Within minutes, they both were groaning.


"I FUCKIN' LOVE - AH-UH!!! - YOU TOO, - UH!!! - BRADLEY!!!" Jack grunted as he plowed Brad so hard. He was losing control now and fucking Brad harder than he normally would have, with a bit of a savage intensity.

Brad loved this. "UH!!! THAT'S IT!!! TAKE IT BABY - UH!!! - JUST - UH! - FUCKIN' TAKE THAT FUCKIN' HOLE!!"

Brad was red hot with unbridled sexual passion now too, and loving some raw, rough mansex with his big baby. He pushed back now, causing Jack to stagger back a little and his dick to plop from Brad's ass. Before Jack could even ask what was going on, Brad had turned around and just plopped down naked on his back right in the grass there by the truck. The hard ground felt very cold against his bare ass, but Brad didn't care. He needed pounded even harder, and this November ground would be even better than the times Jack had fucked him so good, so hard and deep, right on their hardwood floor at home!

Jack knew what his baby wanted, and soon Brad's legs were on his shoulders, and Jack was pounding Brad with a raw intensity that would have actually hurt, had he not been so in heat, and had Jack's big cockhead not been hitting his prostate head on with every thrust now.

"OH FUCK!!! FUCK BABY!!!" Brad whimpered in delight.

"YEAH!!! YEAH!!" Jack said gruffly, his voice taking on that sexy rough tone that it did at times like this, making Brad even hornier, if that was possible. "GONNA POUND YOU - UH!! AH-UH!!! - RIGHT INTO THE - UH!! - FUCKIN' GROUND!!!"

"OH JACK!!!" OH!!! AH-UH!!!" Brad groaned and screamed loudly, as a torrent of cum erupted out of his fat dick and splattered all over Jack's furry chest and Brad's own chest and tummy, as Jack continued to fuck him savagely good.

"FUCK YEAH!!! MADE YOU CUM BABY!!! - UH!!! - FUCK!!! FUCK!!!" Jack groaned in intense pleasure, and then unleashed an intensely-shooting load of cum so big and hot up into Brad that Brad practically thought he could almost taste it. Jack collapsed on top of Brad then. Their sexual needs thoroughly satisfied, the tenderness immediately returned to replace the raw passion between the guys.

Jack wrapped his arms around Brad, and they both rolled onto their sides there on the ground by the truck. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Jack asked.

"Fuck no," Brad said with a giggle. He found it so damn cute how Jack was always a little worried after they had some good rough sex from time to time. "Baby, you can hurt me like that anytime. That was so great!"

"Mmm, it was for me too Bradley," Jack said contentedly, kissing Brad gently on the lips then. "But, I just realized, it is FUCKIN' COLD out here!"

They both laughed, then jumped up and hugged and kissed again, deeply, before gathering their clothes that were scattered all over the truck cab and getting dressed. Brad was glad that there were some paper towels in the truck, which allowed him to make a quick cleanup, or else he thought Jack's huge load would surely have leaked out all over his boxers and jeans before they got home!

At home, the guys took a hot shower together and Jack ended up sucking Brad's dick and making him cum so hard again. Jack loved the creamy, slightly salty taste of his baby's cum. They dressed comfortably and later fixed dinner together.

"I love you, baby," Jack said tenderly as they sat down to eat.

"You too, darlin'" Brad replied softly.

Life was so good at the little three-bedroom house on Crabapple Street.

Nothing out of the ordinary was going on at the Pleasant View PD, nor at the B&B and gift shop, so work was pretty routine for both Brad and Jack the following week. They went to a movie with their friends Bubba and James the following Friday night. They were happy to hear that Bubba and James had gotten settled back into their own place, the flood damage having finally been repaired.

"I have a feeling you two enjoyed staying with Justin and Eric a LOT," Jack teased with an evil chuckle as they left the movie.

"You know it!" James shot back with a grin. "You old married folks wouldn't know anything about that, though," he teased.

"I've got all I can handle right here," Brad teased back, punctuating the statement by grabbing a generous handful of Jack's thick package through his pants, right there in the parking lot of the theater. Jack blushed crimson, and everyone laughed. It was true, the totally monogamous state of Jack and Brad's relationship was a bit of a novelty to their friends, who routinely all seemed to be playing with a third or a forth, but for Brad and Jack, they liked keeping the sex just between each other. Many guys wished this were not the case, as they honestly had good-natured envy for both Jack and Brad, in terms of how each got to be fucked regularly by the other!

Driving back to their place, Bubba looked over at James. "I bet those two fuck like jackrabbits all the damn time," he rumbled in his deep, sexy voice, with a soft chuckle.

"Oh, you know they do," James replied with a grin. "But then, so do we, baby!"

"Yeah, and as much fun as it was staying with Justin and Eric," Bubba paused - thinking of all the sex the four of them had traded all over the other couple's lakeside house! - "It's still always great to have you all to myself babe, so I guess I do see what those two like about the way they do their relationship."

The tall, beefy, dark haired Bubba, and the tall, goateed, furry chubby cub James were making love intensely not five minutes after they got back to their townhouse. Eric and Justin were similarly in each other's arms that Friday night as well. Justin was tall, lean and muscular, whereas Eric was a stocky cub, not unlike both James and Brad, although shorter.

Justin at that moment had Eric bent over the arm of the big leather sofa in their den, fucking him slowly and tenderly as candlelight glowed. "Oh yeah baby, harder." Eric gasped.

"Not yet, babe," Justin teased, and continued a slow fuck that eventually ended in both of them shooting enormous loads. Yes, playtime with James and Bubba was always beyond hot, but so was the tender lovemaking they shared when they were alone.

Brad and Jack, however, were not making love, at least not just yet, anyway, on that Friday night. For one thing, they had enjoyed one of their favorite pastimes - fucking in their Jacuzzi - the night before. Instead they were talking while having a snack and watching a late night talk show together in the living room.

It had been just a few weeks before, just after Halloween, that Antonio and Bobby had dropped by Brad and Jack's on a Tuesday night. They had explained that Antonio had decided to buy a restaurant back in Bobby's hometown, 150 miles away. He had agreed to sell his place there in Pleasant View to a local businessman who had been after it for years. Brad was surprised that Bobby would give up his still-relatively-new job at the local hospital, but Bobby explained that his mother, an RN, had already pulled some strings and gotten him an even better job back in his hometown. They were moving later that week.

In just the not quite three weeks that had gone by since then, Brad had hardly heard a word from Bobby. This really surprised him, as always before the distance had never been an issue in their friendship. Jack reasoned that Bobby and Antonio were just busy with everything to do with the move and their new jobs, and Brad figured this was right. Still, other than a call he had made, he hadn't heard from his best friend at all since he had moved back to his old hometown.

"You'll hear from him, I'm sure of it," Jack commented as he flipped channels from Leno to Letterman.

"Yeah, you're right, of course," Brad agreed. "I still can't believe he let us have this little guy, though!"

Much to Brad and Jack's surprise and delight, Bobby had not taken his dog, Alejandro, when he and Antonio had moved back up to Bobby's old hometown. The condo they were moving into did not allow pets. Brad would have figured that Bobby would have given the dog to his folks so that he could still see him more often, but instead Bobby had made a very offhanded offer on the night they had come by a few weeks before.

"Would you and Jack like to be Alejandro's new daddies?" He had asked with a grin.

Brad and Jack, at first, had thought that Bobby was only joking. But, he explained about the new condo and commented that he knew they already loved the very intelligent little minpin/Chihuahua mix. And so it was all agreed upon, and Alejandro had become Jack and Brad's dog.

That Friday night, as Letterman read his Top Ten List, Jack was sitting with his arm around Brad on the couch. They cuddled closer, and exchanged a small kiss. A moment later, they each felt a wet tongue in the face. Alejandro had apparently jumped up onto the couch and decided to give each of them a lick in the face at that moment.

"You horny bastards start with a little peck on the lips and end up fucking in the floor. Thought I would get some attention for myself first tonight!" Alejandro was silently saying to himself. His ploy had worked, as it always did, since he was now seated comfortably on Jack's lap, with both men petting and making over him.

An hour later, with Alejandro asleep in his doggie bed under a corner chair in the kitchen (A place to which the dog always went to nap after he became theirs, so they figured it was where he wanted to sleep, and they were right.) Brad and Jack were climbing into their own bed together. Jack reached over and turned off the light.

They always slept naked, even in the winter. They both always had, even when they were single. There was a slight chill in the house that night, as the weather had turned sharply colder in the last week. But, with the big warm comforter, and each other, Brad and Jack were both very warm and content as they settled into each other's arms there in the dark. They loved talking about their day and just drifting off together at night like this. A lot of times there would, of course, end up being some love-making in there somewhere too. But, they did love just to cuddle naked and talk until the Sandman arrived.

"So, you think there is anything to it, Jack?" Brad asked, as he subconsciously was running the fingers of his right hand back and forth gently over the thicker patch of dark fur in the center of Jack's big broad chest.

"What, the whole thing with Mayor Jenkins?" Jack asked. Brad nodded.

"Oh, Hell, who knows," Jack said. "I personally have never really liked her, but I think maybe Christensen just has a political vendetta."

The guys were discussing the allegations of corruption that had just become the talk of the town, after having been raised the day before by City Councilman Sherman Christensen against Mayor Connie Jenkins.

"Anyway, the council has launched their investigation, and the Chief is, just between us, rather dreading the department having to end up in the middle of the whole mess," Jack confided. That little motion that Brad was making with his hand on his chest was starting to feel a little too good, meanwhile, and Jack's cock was starting to get hard against Brad's leg.

"Hmmm, feels like someone has other things on his mind than the latest local scandal," Brad said with a chuckle, loving the sensation of Jack's thick cop cock hardening against his thigh.

"Not my fault," Jack play-protested, "You know how you rubbin' on my chest like that always gets me goin', baby!"

Soon the big bed was rocking, the headboard hitting against the wall, as Brad was making love to Jack, who was in a bottom mood that Friday night. In bed in his favorite spot under the chair in the corner of the kitchen, Alejandro sighed. "Horny bastards!" He grumbled silently.

The weekend passed too quickly, and on Monday morning, the beginning of the short workweek before Thanksgiving, the guys were both up and getting ready for work. With his seniority on the force, Jack got the holiday weekend off, unless something unexpected came up. Brad, meanwhile, would have a four-day weekend as well.

Miz Vivian was going home to Georgia for the holiday, and the B&B and gift shop would be closed. So, if they could get through three more workdays, the guys would have a relaxing break. Alice Albertson had finally started mending fences with her now 82-year-old mother back in Brooklyn, and was taking the Amtrak train from Eastern Kentucky up there to spend the holiday with her. So, Jack would be spending Thanksgiving weekend in Tennessee with Brad and his family.

On that Monday morning, Brad had taken Alejandro out in the backyard to do his business. Jack was sitting at the kitchen counter eating some cereal, with the small flat-screen TV over on the opposite counter playing "The Today Show."

Just as Brad and Alejandro were coming back in the sliding glass doors, Jack glimpsed the image of the Gilbert Energy Company's corporate logo appearing over Ann Curry's shoulder as she started into a news story. "Turn that up, babe," Jack requested.

Brad grabbed the remote off the kitchen table, and turned up the small TV. He settled onto a stool next to Jack, and they watched and listened. Ann was explaining that Federal prosecutors in New York were expected to be filing charges of insider trading and other corruption against the Chairman of the Kentucky-based energy corporation that had grown to do business in several states and had diversified beyond mining into several other facets of the energy industry over the past 20 years.

"Could Gilbert Energy become the next Enron? That is the question on the minds of Wall Street this morning. A prosecution of the company's founder and CEO, Jeremiah Gilbert, would certainly shake the fragile recovery that is continuing to..." Ann was continuing.

"HOLY SHIT!" Jack exclaimed with a big grin. "This is too fuckin' good to be true! Could that mother fucker really be about to get what is coming to him?!?"

Before Brad could even comment, Jack's cell was ringing. "Albertson," he answered.

It was a delighted Hank Anderson on the other end of Jack's cell, making sure Jack was seeing the news about the possible downfall of Gilbert and his corporation. Brad's cell had rung too, with Miz Vivian also making sure the guys had heard the news.

A lamp was being hurled, meanwhile, across the bedroom of the Smithville mansion that Randy Blankenship now shared with his partner Jeremiah Gilbert. "You damn stupid mother-fuckin' idiot!" Gilbert was raging, as the base of the lamp shattered against the wall, after having narrowly missed the head of his much-younger partner Blankenship.

"Will you calm the fuck down, Jeremiah!" Randy exclaimed. "We'll fly to New York today and I'll work with our legal team up there to straighten this whole mess up and prove that these allegations against you and the company are all false, before the holiday even gets here, and..."

But, Jeremiah interrupted, still enraged. "You stupid son-of-a-bitch! Have you forgotten the little fact that IT IS ALL FUCKIN' TRUE!!! I don't know how the Feds have gotten wind of what I've been up to, but didn't I tell you I was worried about it when you came up with the whole fuckin' scheme?!?"

The day before Thanksgiving, Jeremiah Gilbert was arrested. Shares of Gilbert Energy stock plunged dramatically before the closing bell for the holiday weekend had rung at the Stock Exchange.

"Serves the bastard SO right!" Miz Vivian laughed, as she was telling Brad goodbye and getting ready to head out for Georgia, as they were preparing to close up shop at the B&B that Wednesday afternoon.

"Yes, it does," Brad agreed. "And you know, if Blankenship goes down for this too, which he is liable to, it'll be Karma catching up with his ass for how he did Bubba, too!"

Brad and Jack drove off for Tennessee that afternoon, hoping that all of this would mean a reprieve for Smith's Mountain that would be more permanent than just until springtime. They spent a delightful Thanksgiving weekend with the Carsons, overeating and enjoying pleasant company and conversation.

Betsy Carson insisted that Jack and Brad sleep in the guest bedroom of Brad's parents' home, rather than going to a local motel as they had intended. It pleasantly surprised Brad when his father affirmed this as well. His parents had really come around even more than he had ever thought they would about the fact that he was a happily partnered gay man.

Obviously though, Jack and Brad did not have sex all weekend. Just sleeping in the same bed in Brad's parents home was a bit uncomfortable for them both, even in the pajamas that neither of them ever otherwise wore to bed. They drove back home, arriving late on Sunday afternoon. They drove first over to Eric and Justin's house by the lake to pick up Alejandro. They had thought about taking him on the trip, but were afraid he might snap at some of Brad's little cousins who would be there for Thanksgiving dinner, as children were the one thing that Alejandro was less than charming about.

"Has he been a good boy while we were away?" Brad asked with a laugh.

"Oh, he's adorable," Eric said with a grin.

The guys drove home, played with the dog for a while, and had dinner. Brad was so disappointed that Bobby had not even called to say Happy Thanksgiving. "He's up there with his man and his old friends, and apparently has just started to forget about me and our friendship, and even Alejandro!" Brad grumbled to Jack.

"I don't understand it either, babe, but maybe he'll come around," Jack said. They walked together over to Miz Vivian's, and made sure everything was secure, which it was. The outside of the big old mansion was beautiful in the chill light of the moon on that Sunday evening.

"I'm so fuckin' horny," Jack said abruptly.

Brad chuckled, "Me too, actually, but where did that come from?"

"Hey, I've got my romantic side, too, mister," Jack chuckled, "You gotta admit this old place is gorgeous in the moonlight tonight."

"And, you gotta admit that neither of us has gotten off in the last four days," Brad said, gouging Jack in the ribs through his coat playfully.

"Well, that too!" Jack laughed. "What say we head back to the house and do something about that?"

"Well, we don't have to necessarily go home," Brad said evilly. "We could get a little creative..."

"Now, I'm not about to go back in there and fuck in Miz Vivian's house and her gone to Georgia," Jack protested. He did still remember the very hot night they'd had in one of her bedrooms the night of the summer tornado, though.

Brad laughed, always a little amused by Jack's chivalrous, polite side. "Who said anything about in her house?" Brad asked.

"Well it is way too damn cold out here tonight to..." Jack started with a laugh.

Brad put a finger playfully to Jack's lips to silence him. "If you just want to go home and make love, that's more than fine with me, baby, but I know you like to sorta spice things up now and then, and so do I," Brad said.

"You know I do, babe," Jack said, his fat dick already twitching in his jeans in anticipation of whatever dirty bit of fun lovemaking his baby was cooking up in that wonderfully dirty little mind of his.

"Then follow me," Brad said with a grin, as he started down the sidewalk that led around to the back of the old mansion. Soon, Brad was unlocking the door and turning off the alarm inside of Miz Viv's Mercantile. He didn't turn on the fluorescent overhead lights, instead only turning on one of the small lamps that was for sale on a display table.

"Here?" Jack asked.

"You OK with this?" Brad asked with a grin.

Jack was so horny. Fucking inside the gift shop was a kinky little idea, and with a four day load churning in his big cop balls, Jack was all for it! "Hell yeah," he replied, grinning back at Brad.

Soon they were both buck naked right there in the gift shop, having tossed shoes, socks, coats, and clothes helter-skelter aside as they enjoyed undressing each other hurriedly. They were kissing, touching, and licking each other all over intently, as they stood there in the little store. Soon Jack was backing Brad up against the long old wooden counter. He hoisted Brad up onto it, knocking a big display of post cards off the counter to scatter all over the floor, the rack making a noisy crash. That was a mess Brad would need to clean up, but just then he so didn't care!

In a flash Brad's legs were wrapped around behind Jack, and Jack's fat spit-lubed dick was buried balls deep up Brad's tight hole. "Mmm, baby, yeah, fuck me!" Brad gasped.

Jack enjoyed just taking long, slow strokes, as he stood there by the counter fucking his baby Brad raw and deep. They both moaned and groaned softly, enjoying the hotness of making love slowly and tenderly, but yet here in this very out-of-the-ordinary setting.

"Uh! Gettin' close babe!" Jack soon grunted. After four days, he wasn't going to last anywhere near as long as usual, and neither was Brad. But, that was OK, because they both knew they'd have round two, and maybe three when they got home!

Brad loved taking Jack's hot loads deep inside him, of course. But he also loved having that tasty cop spunk splatter all over him. "Pull out when you get real close, baby," Brad gasped. "I want you to cum all over me!"

Jack soon got up on the counter with Brad. He straddled Brad, and jacked their cocks together, until they were both moaning, groaning, and shooting their cum all over Brad. Brad swirled his fingers through their mixed jizz and ate a good portion of it, and Jack did the same thing. They then kissed. They were both still hard and horny. They then got some paper towels and cleaned up their mess, and got dressed. Once they got home, they wasted no time getting naked again. Brad ended up fucking Jack in the shower and blowing a big load up his ass. Jack then gave Brad a good blowjob just before they drifted off to sleep. It was so nice to have a lover who enjoyed great sex just as much as you did!

The first few days of the following week passed by, and on that Wednesday the news they had both been hoping for came. While it would remain to be seen whether or not Gilbert and Blankenship would go to prison for their scheme, the damage to Gilbert Energy was already done. It was all over the news on that last day of November that Gilbert Energy Corporation had filed for bankruptcy, and all of its assets would be liquidated. This meant that the mineral rights for the top of Smith's Mountain would soon be auctioned off!

As it turned out, the auction came, ironically enough, on December 7, Brad's birthday. Miz Vivian had convinced Jack to let her try to buy the mineral rights. "I want to do this for you, but I also have an idea that my nephew down in Georgia gave me over Thanksgiving." She would not elaborate just yet, but Jack and Brad knew they could trust their wonderful older friend completely.

Miz Vivian's attorneys succeeded in outbidding those of Tom and Avalene for the mineral rights, much to the trashy Avalene's despair. Not only did Miz Vivian become the owner of the mineral rights on Jack's property at the top of the mountain, she also bought all of the rest of the property that comprised Smith's Mountain, which had belonged to Gilbert Energy. The details of the transaction took several days to finalize. Miz Vivian then promptly deeded the ownership of the entire mountain over, jointly, to Brad and Jack.

It was just over two weeks before Christmas now, as they walked out of the courthouse after finalizing the papers making Smith's Mountain in its entirety Brad's and Jack's, with just one condition. Jack's eyes were actually misting up with tears as flurries of snow started to fall there in downtown.

"There is no way we will ever be able to thank you for this, Miz Vivian. You know you are like a second mother to us both, and we love you. That is all I know to say," Jack said, his voice breaking on the last of it. Brad added his own heartfelt thanks.

"Aww, hell, boys," Miz Vivian said with a big grin, throwing an arm around both of them. "You know I love y'all too. And at least you didn't say 'second Grandmother'!" They all laughed at that. "Besides, as you know, there is something great in this for me, too, - and for all of us." Brad and Jack nodded, then they headed back to Miz Vivian's to discuss more about their new joint business venture, which had been agreed upon in writing that day as well.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 22

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