Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Dec 19, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

"Aww, hell, boys," Miz Vivian said with a big grin, throwing an arm around both of them. "You know I love y'all too. And at least you didn't say 'second Grandmother'!" They all laughed at that. "Besides, as you know, there is something great in this for me, too, - and for all of us." Brad and Jack nodded, then they headed back to Miz Vivian's to discuss more about their new joint business venture, which had been agreed upon in writing that day as well.

Truly, that Friday, December 9, 2011 would be a memorable day for the three of them, and not just because of Miz Vivian securing the mountain and then so generously turning it over to Jack and Brad. There was also the business venture to which she had been referring when they left the courthouse that day. They had signed papers that day incorporating a new business, with the three of them as the only stockholders. At Miz Vivian's insistence, Jack had a slight majority in the stock ownership. Miz Vivian was going to fund the new venture, but insisted that she was more than confident that she would make all of her money back and then some in just a matter of a few years.

The new business was to be called Uncle Joe's Mountain Spring Water, in memory of Jack's late and beloved Uncle Joe Smith, who had once owned the mountain. When the EPA was doing its investigation of the mountain (which of course had now become a moot point since Gilbert Energy was bankrupt and Jack and Brad now owned the mountain) it had turned out that they had found that there would have been no way they would have ever allowed mountaintop removal mining to take place on Smith's Mountain, anyway. This was because they had found that the spring atop Smith's Mountain was actually the source of some of the purest spring water, not just anywhere in the United States, but also anywhere in North America.

This had given Miz Vivian an idea. She had discussed it with her nephew Tommy while down in Georgia for the Thanksgiving holiday a few weeks before. Tommy had done quite well for himself, and was now one of the top Vice Presidents of the Coca-Cola Corporation at its Atlanta headquarters. It seemed that Coke was interested in launching a new line of pure mountain spring water, as a "green" counterpart to its popular, but only purified, Dasani bottled water.

Tommy was certain that Coca-Cola would sign an exclusive distribution deal with their new company to distribute the Uncle Joe's water across the Southeast, and maybe even eventually beyond. "We can't loose, boys," Miz Vivian had said with excitement. "I know you think I've been way too generous to you Jack," she continued, "But, this venture could make you both very well off, or at least comfortable, in your own right."

"Only two things concern me," Jack had said. "What if you never make all the money you invest back? And, how can we do this without jeopardizing the mountain all over again?"

Miz Vivian had thought this all through. "Well, I don't give a damn if I make my money back or not, Jack. If I do, great, if I don't, it's a write-off. My husband left me extremely well off as you already know. I do plenty for the community and for charity already, and if I can do this for you boys and maybe even end up making a profit too, then it is worth the gamble. As far as the mountain, I've already discussed that with Tommy, and I think you'll like his suggestions."

An architect was hired, and ground would probably be broken on the new project just after New Years, weather permitting. If the winter was not too harsh, there was a possibility the new project would be fully operational by early spring. The rough plan was to construct a receptacle for the spring water inside the large rock outcropping at the top of one side of Smith's Mountain.

To the naked eye, the source of the spring would look completely unchanged, and their would still be a full flow of water over the rocks, and down the mountainside as their had always been. Part of the water, of which their was an abundance even in the driest weather, would simply be diverted into a pipeline which would carry it, using only gravity, down the mountainside. At the base of Smith's Mountain, near the river and the highway, a bottling plant would be constructed where Uncle Joe's Mountain Spring Water would be bottled and shipped.

It sounded like a fantastic plan to Jack and Brad, and they were certain that the EPA an state would sign off on it, and that it would be something which could potentially be very profitable for them all, and yet hardly effect the natural beauty of the mountain at all, a true win-win situation.

"I don't care if we do become the great water barons of the South," Jack said with a laugh to Brad one night toward the end of the following week as they lay in bed together, "I'm not leaving the force 'til I'm old and gray."

"I'm not surprised, baby," Brad said with a grin, "And I'm like you, it is always better to never count your chickens until they're hatched, anyway. I'm sure I'll still help Miz Vivian with the B&B, too, no matter how big this water thing becomes."

Jack still had a week's vacation he had not used, and needed to take before the end of the year. Miz Vivian was going back to Georgia for an extended holiday, and had decided to give Brad two weeks off. They would reopen the B&B and gift shop just in time for a big New Years Eve gala in the ballroom.

Brad and Jack hastily decided upon a vacation, and Brad got everything booked online. So it was that on that Saturday morning, December 17, the guys were in Brad's big red Mercury heading towards East Tennessee.

"I'm glad you heard from Bobby, finally," Jack commented.

"I think he was still more checking on Alejandro than he was on me," Brad said in annoyance as he drove.

"I'm going to miss that little guy while we're gone," Jack said.

"Yeah, me too, but you know that Eric and Justin are going to love dog-sitting him again," Brad said.

"Yeah, but untelling what he'll see them and Bubba and James get up to, though," Jack said with a naughty laugh.

"Nothing he hasn't seen us get up to, I'm sure," Brad said back, reaching over with his free hand to give Jack's crotch a quick grope.

"Keep both hands on the wheel," Jack said with a chuckle.

"Yes, Officer," Brad grinned back with a laugh.

"Anyway, I really do think Bobby was pissed at me when we got done talking the other day. I tried to tell him how I felt that he was taking my friendship for granted lately, and he twisted things all around as if I was the one who was being unreasonable," Brad explained.

"Well, either he'll straighten up, or he won't," Jack said. "But, after over six years of friendship, I know you're finding the distance he is seeming to want to put between you to be very hard to accept."

"Well, we did fine with the geographic distance before. But, you're right, it is this other distance - as though he no longer gives a shit about our friendship - that is bugging me, but I'm just going to give it some more time though," Brad concluded.

"Right, and don't think about it this week - this is gonna be a great trip!" Jack said.

"Yes, it sure is baby. Especially with you!" Brad said with a big grin as he drove on south into the still chilly nearly noontime December sunshine. By mid-afternoon they had arrived and gotten checked in to the cabin high on a mountain overlooking Gatlinburg, Tennessee, which Brad had been able to find online. It was extreme luck to be able to book something last minute this close to Christmas. They would be staying through the following Friday, December 23, at the cabin, and then driving about 45 minutes to Brad's parents' home to spend that night and part of Christmas Eve day with them, before heading back to Pleasant View. They would pick up Alejandro on Christmas Eve before Eric and Justin left town, and then head up to visit Jack's mother in Annandale on Christmas Day.

The view from the front deck of the cabin was gorgeous. They both noted with delight the hot tub out there. The cabin was surrounded on two sides by woods, with the driveway coming in off the main road up the mountain on the backside. The front deck was totally secluded, surrounded by woods on the sides, and overlooking a magnificent view down the mountainside in the front. They were both already imagining the fun they would be having in that hot tub!

They unpacked their stuff and looked around the inside of the cabin. The walls inside were exposed light-colored log, the same as outside. There was an eat-in kitchen where you came in the back door from the driveway. This opened into the two-story living room, with a huge stone fireplace on one wall. A stairway led up to the loft, which overlooked the living room, and contained the bedroom. Just off this was a bathroom. There was also a half-bath downstairs next to the kitchen. This was a very cozy lovers' retreat, both guys agreed!

The guys went down into town and explored some of the many shops, and eventually had dinner at a good little restaurant. They got back to the cabin and walked out onto the front deck together, admiring the beautiful view of all the lights of Gatlinburg spread out below. They kissed deeply. "I love you so much, big guy," Brad said tenderly.

"And I love you too, Bradley," Jack replied, squeezing him closer.

Meanwhile, back in Pleasant View, Alejandro was having a ball romping around in Justin and Eric's basement family room with Snuggles, the couple's adorable, but rather overweight, pug. The guys were upstairs in the living room waiting for Bubba and James to arrive. It had been a couple of weeks since the two couples had a chance to get together, and they were all ready for some group fun.

Soon the doorbell rang, and the lean, muscular, handsome Justin crossed the room to open the front door. There stood the big, stocky, handsome Bubba and his sexy cub man James. To the surprise of Justin and Eric, another man was with the couple. "Hi guys, come in," Justin said pleasantly, as both he and Eric were checking out the guy with Bubba and James.

The other guy was of a similar type to both James and Eric. Stocky and furry, the bearcub type. He had a mustache and goatee as did James. While James and Eric were in their thirties, this guy appeared to be in his early forties, but was very ruggedly handsome. Eric was similar in build to both of these guys, but he was clean shaven, wore glasses and was more bookish, and shorter.

"I hope you guys don't mind," came Bubba's rumbling deep voice, "But James and I brought along our friend here. Jody, meet Justin and Eric."

Eric came over and everyone shook hands, then they all sat down together on the spacious sectional in the living room. Jody Rickman's cock was already twitching in his jeans. It had only been the weekend before that he had gotten with Bubba and James for the first time. They had fucked the hell out of him during a wonderful all night threeway session. Jody had been needing it, especially since his old friend Bobby and Bobby's hot lover Antonio had moved back to Northeastern Kentucky, ending the threeway sessions he had been enjoying with them the past several weeks.

Everyone talked awhile and soon Jody was laughing and feeling as comfortable with the two couples as they already did with each other. Justin soon led the way downstairs to the family room. Upon seeing the five guys coming down the stairs, Alejandro silently said to Snuggles, "Oh, here we go. Horny bastards! Come, let's go upstairs!"

Alejandro sniffed imperiously at the guys, stuck his little nose in the air and led Snuggles away upstairs.

Bubba chuckled at this, "Did you guys get a new dog?"

"Nah, we're dog-sitting for Jack and Brad while they're gone to Tennessee," Eric explained.

"Oh, I thought I recognized Alejandro," Jody commented. "Bobby gave him to them when he and Antonio moved didn't he?"

"Yup," Justin confirmed.

The family room had another spacious, if more well-worn sectional, and this one was of chocolate covered leather. On the other side of the room there was a small wet bar and a pool table.

"So what do you make of this whole thing with the Mayor," Jody asked, nervously trying to make conversation. He couldn't wait to get naked with these two hot couples for what he was sure was going to be an amazing night of group sex. However, this being the first time he had met them, he thought it best to try to make small talk.

"Well, a lot of the snobs of town don't like her just because she is so - country," Justin said honestly. "As far as wrongdoing - and this is strictly off the record of course, since I'm a cop - but I have a really hard time seeing Connie Jenkins as being one to do anything illegal."

"I have a hard time seeing her being smart enough to!" Bubba exclaimed, and roared with laughter. "Don't get me wrong, she's a good ol' gal and all, and that is exactly what pissed the uppercrust off."

"I'm thinking maybe Sherman Christensen is just trying to set himself up to be the next mayor," Jody commented.

"Could be," Bubba agreed.

"As fascinating as this small-town political discussion is," Eric said, shooting an evil grin over at James who was sitting beside him on the sectional, "I bet all of us can find other things to do together on a Saturday night."

"Mmm, I'm sure of that," James said, grinning back. They were immediately in each other's arms then, kissing hotly.

"Damn our boys look fine together, don't they, Just'," Bubba asked Justin, as the two of them were standing near the pool table.

"They sure do, Bub," Justin replied, as he ground his crotch into Bubba's and started hastily unbuttoning Bubba's shirt. They started to kiss hotly. Jody stood somewhere in between the two traded-off couples, looking a bit unsure of what to do next, even though he had a huge and obvious boner in his jeans now. He felt as thought he had suddenly been drawn right into one of those erotic stories he liked to read and jack off to online or something.

Bubba sensed this, and as he and Justin finished tossing each other's shirts aside to stand bare-chested together, he spoke to Jody. "Come on over here, Jody," Bubba's deep sexy voice rumbled good naturedly, his deep blue eyes peering over directly into Jody's chocolate brown ones. "We all have a lot of fun together, and we're not about to leave you out, buddy."

Soon, Justin and Bubba both had their hands all over Jody, caressing and undressing him, and taking turns kissing him hotly. Eric and James were swiftly finishing getting each other totally bare-assed naked even as they watched their partners working on doing the same to Jody. "Mmm, looking good boys!" James called over to them.

"Yeah, get those briefs off of him!" Eric encouraged with a grin, his own hard cock flopping up against his stomach as James yanked off his boxers.

Justin and Bubba together slid Jody's briefs down and off, and for a moment they both just stood back grinning and taking in the naked body of their new playmate. Jody was about five feet, eight inches tall, and had a very furry chest and tummy. He was stocky, had dark brown eyes and a goatee and mustache. Masculinity and slight shyness mingles very sexily in the form of this 41-year old man. His rock hard, uncut six-inch cock stood at attention at that moment.

All five guys were naked now. Jody gazed around loving the scenery in that room. Next to him on one side was the tall, beefy, furry chest, black haired, blue-eyed Bubba, grinning that million-watt grin that could melt an iceberg. Bubba's fat seven by five inch cock was standing at rigid attention. The same was true of the seven-inch meat of the tall, lean, muscular cop Justin. Making out intensely on the sectional now, with Eric on top and their cocks rubbing together, there were two hot cubs, the clean-shaven, slightly dorky Eric, and the furry James who actually reminded Jody a lot of a younger version of himself.

Suddenly, Bubba picked Jody right up, and sat him down on the soft cool felt of the pool table. He then just leaned right down and went to work on Jody's throbbing cock, licking it as if it was a tasty ice cream bar like the ones that Bubba took around to the area stores on his route every day. Jody moaned softly. Justin leaned down and started kissing him hotly as Bubba continued sucking his cock.

Eric and James got up and came over to join the fun. Eric pressed his body against Bubba's broad back, and reached around to stroke Bubba's big beer can dick while Bubba continued sucking Jody expertly. James knelt between Justin's legs and started sucking his cock and licking his ass from behind, causing Justin to moan softly as he continued making out with Jody.

As the hot five-man group sex fun was really heating up at Eric and Justin's house in Pleasant View, things were turning hot out in the cold for Brad and Jack on the mountain down in Tennessee, as well. They had made their way out onto the deck, admiring the lights below, and it had started to softly snow as they kissed and held each other.

Jack got the cover off the hot tub and fired it up. They continued making out there in the snow, laughing and groping each other. They soon had hurriedly gotten each other naked, and were shivering cold, but not for long as they soon climbed into the hot tub together. They sat with their backs against the side toward the cabin, their legs stretched out in front of them, and still admiring the gorgeous view. It was an odd and stimulating sensation, the cold air and prickling snow flakes on their faces, while the rest of their bodies from the neck down were submerged in the heavenly swirling hot water. Jack put his arm around Brad's shoulders, and again they kissed deeply.

The hot tub had a built-in radio, and they flipped it on to find it playing the all-Christmas music station out of Knoxville. "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." came the unmistakable sound of Nat King Cole's smooth voice.

"Mmm baby, this is wonderful," Brad said sincerely.

"Yes, it sure is," Jack said with a grin, reaching over beneath the water to take Brad's rapidly hardening fat cock into his big strong fist. Brad returned the favor, and soon they were stroking each other with a building intensity as they continued to kiss.

"I need you inside me now, baby," Jack said, breathing hard.

"Mmm, yeah!" Brad gasped.

Jack straddled him then, sitting down on Brad's throbbing hard cock in the hot tub, as they both gasped in delight. Jack started to ride, the snow and cold air stinging now on his face, shoulders, and wet bare furry chest, but he didn't care.

"Mmm, Bradley!" Jack groaned. "Oh, FUCK!"

"And you made this a Christmas to remember, springtime feelings in the middle of December," Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton were singing on the radio now, as the guys continued to make love there in the hot tub on that snowy night.

Jack got off Brad's meat now, and knelt in the hot tub, bracing himself with his hands on the side of its casing toward the beautiful view. The hot water felt great as it swirled back over Jack's chest. "Fuck me, baby!" He urged.

It was Brad's turn now to feel the cold and stinging snow flakes, as he got up onto his knees, and plowed into Jack's tight ass, wrapping his arms around Jack as he fucked him, and they both leaned forward, Jack bracing them on the edge of the hot tub. The lights far below seemed to dance as both guys moved in unison as they made love there.

"Let's take this inside, baby," Brad suggested after a couple of more minutes. They both hopped naked out into the increasing snow, laughing and grabbing up their clothes, quickly covered the hot tub, and then dashed inside and shut the door, and tumbled down together naked on the big rug there in front of the warm fireplace.

"Take me again," Jack urged, already raising his legs.

Brad plowed into Jack's ass again hungrily and they both moaned as Brad started making love faster and deeper to Jack now, his fat dick hitting Jack's love button just right.

"Uhn, yeah! Take that - AH-UH! - Ass, Bradley!" Jack urged, nearly whimpering with the delight that getting fucked so good by his stocky thick-cocked baby was bringing him.

"Oh Jack! Jack!" Brad groaned, pounding Jack for all he was worth now and feeling himself slipping over the edge.

"That's it - UH! - Baby! Cum in that ass!!" Jack encouraged.

Brad groaned loudly and started shooting jet after jet of hot cum deep inside of Jack, even as Jack's on thick throbbing pecker began to erupt between them. They collapsed on top of one another, kissing deeply. Brad reached over and grabbed the throw off the couch to cover them, and they drifted off to sleep right there by the fireplace, content in each other's arms.

Meanwhile back at Eric and Justin's, Bubba was now giving Jody a royal ass fucking there on the pool table. He picked him up and carry fucked him over to the sectional, laying him down right next to where James was sucking Justin's cock while Eric fucked Justin from behind.

Soon, Eric was moaning as he blew his load up his lover's ass. This caused Justin to cream all over James' face and down his throat, as James bobbed on and off his throbbing dick. Bubba pulled out and tossed the condom aside, then shot his load all over Jody's face and chest.

The next morning Brad and Jack got up, showered and dressed, and headed out to the car. They were relieved to see that while a pretty light dusting of snow had indeed fallen overnight, it had not stuck to the steep, curving road up the mountain, as the ground had still been too warm from the unseasonable temperatures the area had been experiencing up until just recently.

The guys went and spent the day at Dollywood, being unabashed tourists and enjoying the Christmas festivities offered by the ever-gaudy country diva's hometown theme park.

On Monday morning a meeting was taking place in Pleasant View. A stern sounding older man was talking to a middle aged man in hushed tones. "I tell you, she plays that dumb hillbilly routine up to the nines, some like it, some don't, but I think we can use it to our advantage, man."

"Maybe, but we have to be careful how we play this. I mean, if she's let off the hook, aren't they going to be looking for someone to pin this on?"

"Not if she convinces everyone that nothing wrong was going on to begin with," the older man said triumphantly.

"We'll see, I guess," the second man said somewhat skeptically. "Anyway, nothing more is going to be done on any of this until after the first of the year anyway."

Brad and Jack had decided to spend a lazy day just at the cabin that Monday. And to spend it naked! They were still in bed at noon, in fact, having gotten up to shower and fix a quick light breakfast, then having gone right back to bed together. They were lying there cuddling and kissing, slowing making each other hornier as the sunshine slanted in across the big four-poster bed in the loft of the cabin.

Brad currently had his head under the covers, running his tongue playfully through the furry valley in the center of Jack's broad chest.

"Mmm," Jack purred sexily.

Brad popped up out from under the covers to playfully kiss him then, and soon they were rolling around in each other's arms.

"This is some kind of nice way to spend a Monday!" Jack exclaimed.

"Ya think, big guy?" Brad laughed.

They explored each other's bodies with their hands and tongues for quite a while, thoroughly driving each other crazy and loving the notion of having nothing to do all day but be naked and enjoy one another. Eventually, they were making love, with Brad enthusiastically riding Jack's fat cock until they were both moaning and cumming.

They cleaned up a bit, then took the blanket from the bed and went downstairs to the couch, still totally naked. They wrapped up in the blanket and watched a movie together as the fireplace crackled. This really was heaven, they both thought. They fixed dinner in that night, finally dressing for that, but still only just in boxers and t-shirts. After dinner was more time for relaxing in the hot tub, and the night was capped off by still more love-making back upstairs in the big bed, with them flipping and fucking each other and finally drifting off to sleep feeling fully content and loved.

The rest of the guys' vacation week went by quickly, with sightseeing and some last-minute Christmas shopping. They enjoyed a nice early Christmas celebration with Brad's folks, then drove back to Pleasant View, picked up Alejandro, and took him with them to spend Christmas Day with Jack's mother in Annandale.

No one new for sure what lay ahead for them all in 2012, but as Christmas 2011 ended and the last week of that year began, pretty much everyone in Brad and Jack's lives was pretty happy and content, but none more so than the two lovers themselves.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 23

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