Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Jan 3, 2012


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

They held each other tenderly after, kissing sweetly. They then took a shower together, washing each other lovingly, dried off, and returned to bed, falling asleep naked and so completely content in one another's arms.

  • SLURP! *

Promptly at 7:00 the next morning, Alejandro had made his way into the bedroom, onto the bed, and up Jack's chest, and had proceeded to give him a good morning "slurp" right between the eyes. Jack laughingly and groggily awoke, but Brad didn't even stir, still warn out from the passion and the excitement of the night before.

"C'mon, boy," Jack said quietly, slipping carefully out of the big, warm bed so as not to awaken his beloved. Jack shivered, as he stood naked by the bed, and grabbed his robe off the chair nearby, slipping quickly into it. He walked out of the bedroom with the dog following behind him. He let Alejandro out into the fenced-in back yard and kept an eye on him through the sliding doors. While Alejandro was doing his business, Jack glanced out at the outside thermometer, and noted that it was only 20 degrees under very gloomy skies, the temperature having once again plummeted during the night.

In just a couple of minutes, Alejandro came scampering back inside, shook all over, and headed back to his own bed under the chair nearby. "Yeah, you've got the right idea, Alejandro, it's NOT time to get up yet, least not on a cold Sunday morning!" Jack said quietly with a grin toward the lovable animal, leaned down and gave him a quick pat, and then headed back down the hall to the bedroom.

Jack took off the robe and laid it aside, and climbed back under the covers naked. He gently slipped his big warm arm around Brad's furry chest, which was softly rising and falling as he continued to sleep. Jack spooned up close against Brad's back and closed his eyes, unconsciously smiling in contentment as he soon drifted back off to sleep.

Around 9am, Brad finally awoke. He smiled at the awesome warm feeling of waking up with his big beefy man spooned close to him, with his arm around him. He looked around and was greeted with Jack's deep blue eyes peering down into his own. Jack had just awoke again himself a moment before.

"Good morning, baby," Jack said softly.

"Good morning, big guy," Brad said. "What a nice way to start 2012!"

"Mmm, you can sure say that again!" Jack replied.

"Right now I have GOT to go pee," Brad said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I think I'll join you," Jack said with a laugh.

They both padded naked to the bathroom, and peed together into the toilet. There was a time not all that long before that Brad could not have imagined standing right next to another guy and peeing together, but now with Jack it didn't bother him at all. They both shook off their equipment and went over to the double sinks of the vanity, where they washed their hands and faces, and brushed their teeth.

"I love you so much, Bradley," Jack said, taking Brad in his arms there in the bathroom when they had finished. "Thank you again for agreeing to a Commitment Ceremony, it means the world to me."

They kissed, and Brad replied, "I love you too, Jack. With all my heart. I would marry you legally if we could, you know that."

"Someday," Jack replied, a twinkle in his eyes. "And you know we can do whatever you would like for the Commitment Ceremony."

"I've got to start thinking about that," Brad said with a grin. "In the meantime, how are we going to spend our New Years Day today?"

"How about NAKED!" Jack said with an evil grin, slapping Brad's bare ass playfully. Brad laughed, smiling broadly at this suggestion. They both honestly did love the freedom of being totally naked in private whenever possible. And what better way to spend their first day as a happily engaged couple than to declare it "Naked Day."

"Well, we'll have to crank the heat up a little but I'm all for that," Brad said laughing. "In the meantime, why don't we head back to bed," he added.

Brad followed Jack out into the hall, where Jack turned the heat up until it kicked on. "But, I'm not sleepy anymore," Jack said in a play-innocent voice.

"Who said ANYTHING about sleeping?" Brad exclaimed, and it was his turn to slap Jack's ass playfully. They both laughed, and went back down the hall, climbing back under the covers together and rolling into each other's arms.

"What exactly did you have in mind, baby?" Jack said, still grinning as they held each other, their warm bodies and furry chests pressing together.

"Hehe, plenty," Brad giggled, "But, actually, right now just laying here this close to you and talking is great."

They shared a quick, tender little kiss. "So, tell me the truth, are you sure you want to more or less marry me, Jack," Brad asked.

"Well, of course I am!" Jack exclaimed.

"Well, I know. I guess what I mean is, are you happy with how our relationship is? The sexual part of it, in particular," Brad asked.

"Are you kiddin' me," Jack asked, squeezing Brad closer, "You're fuckin' great in bed, baby!"

"Well, so are you," Brad said, feeling Jack's dick start to harden a little against his own, which was doing the same. "Amazing. But, what I mean is, you remember the talk we had months ago, about being monogamous? I know a lot of guys - even our friends - think it is anywhere from cute to unbelievable to just plain crazy that we don't fuck around with anyone else but each other."

"Well, how do you feel about that?" Jack asked, pulling back slightly and looking Brad in the eye.

"Jack, I am completely fine with it. I prefer it. I wouldn't want to actually do anything with another guy, and I wouldn't want to see you doing that either," Brad said honestly.

"You said actually," Jack said, grinning now.

"Huh?" Brad asked.

"Well, does that mean you've thought about it - us doing it together with other guys I mean?" Jack asked, still smiling.

"Well, we're always honest with each other, so yeah, I've thought about it," Brad said. He noticed that both of their cocks had just gotten a little harder.

"I have too," Jack said honestly. "Mainly when Just' starts talking about all the fucking around that him and Eric do with Bubba and James."

"Do you feel like you're missing out on something?" Brad asked. He loved being able to lay there naked in their bed together in each other's arms and talk so openly and honestly about anything, and so did Jack.

"Honestly, no," Jack replied. "I mean, it makes me horny to hear about their sexcapdes, sure. But, it is just like that time Adam and Jonathan up in Rosemont tried to get us to join them - I just wouldn't want us to really go there, either."

"Me neither, big guy," Brad replied. "I agree, it is hot to think about what all they get into together - heck we're both getting hard right now thinking about it." They both chuckled, then Brad continued, "But, to me though, imagining what they all get into together is sorta like watching a porn. It's fun and hot, but its not something I would want us to join in on."

"Exactly," Jack agreed. "You want to know what makes me the very horniest, baby?" He punctuated this by grinding his now nearly rock hard beercan cop cock into Brad's own.

"Always," Brad said with a sly grin.

"Well, I love the fact that nobody gets that cock of mine that is grinding into yours right now but you, and nobody gets that nice fat one of yours but me. Call me selfish, but the idea that nobody gets to do this - to be together like this - with either of us - EVER - except for us - man, that is what drives me crazier than anything when I'm horny!" Jack grinned, his deep blue eyes peering into Brad's as he said this. They kissed gently again.

"Well, I feel exactly like that too, Jack," Brad said honestly. "I mean, I never thought I'd find a guy like you. I used to lay awake at night and have to jack off, thinking about finding a big strong beefy cop to fuck my brains out." Jack laughed, then Brad continued, "But to find that, and to fall in love with him and have him love me back, and have it be so much more than just about the sex, well it's incredible."

"It is to me too, baby," Jack said.

"Well, the thing is, I agree that a big part of what makes the sexual part of our relationship so great is just what you said. It drives me crazy knowing that all this" - he squeezed Jack tighter where his arms were wrapped around him, and also wrapped his legs around Jack's as he said it. - "Nobody gets but me. We make love only with each other. Some might find that boring, but like you said it is actually exactly what always makes me the horniest. Getting with a guy like you would be hot enough, but getting with a guy like you who loves me - and knowing that nobody but me gets to, and that you like it that way - well, that is just SO fuckin' hot! And, they also forget that we're also very hot, dirty, passionate, fuckers - cum shooting, raw, bareback fucking studs even - but only with each other!" Brad grinned.

They kissed again. "Well, sounds like we agree about all that. And talking about it has sure made me horny as hell," Jack said with a chuckle. "I'm glad we only want to share that with each other, Bradley. But I have to ask, is there anything you want to do, anything we should try with each other in that department that we haven't yet?"

"Well, it has always been incredible when we make love, Jack. But you know I'm open to trying new stuff. I can tell you are too. Let's just think on that, and see what we come up with - pun intended," Brad finished with a laugh.

"Well, I do like it when we watch porn together, that is always fun," Jack said.

"Well, no time like the present, do you want to do that now, baby?" Brad asked.

"Yeah, and actually where I was going with that - well, there's one we watched the other day when you blew me" - Jack smiled broadly and paused for a moment remembering the awesome ball-draining his baby had given him - "Well, I got an idea from that one."

Brad remembered having been in his den in the spare bedroom, naked and watching some porn on his laptop and jacking off one evening the previous week. Jack had come in and caught him, having gotten off work a little earlier than normal. Brad was a little afraid Jack would be pissed, even though they had long ago admitted they both still loved jacking off alone in addition to their wonderful regular lovemaking sessions.

Neither of them had a problem with the other checking out porn. After all, they also loved watching it out together. It was like they had just been discussing that New Year's Morning - they both loved the total sexual monogamy of their relationship and in fact found that to be a very major turn on. However, they also both agreed that fantasies, dirty thoughts, porn, and solo jacking off were all fun, normal, and healthy, even in committed, monogamous relationships.

"Couldn't wait for me to get home?" Jack had said with a grin and big chuckle when he had walked into the den that evening.

"Oh, shit," Brad had said with a start, "Hi baby, umm, sorry?"

"Oh hell, don't be sorry!" Jack had boomed, still chuckling. "I'm sure not. Coming home to a red hot cub stroking his fat fuckin' cock while watching a hot porn - I LIKE IT!"

Brad laughed, "Well, I'm glad. And, I gotta admit, this is some pretty hot shit I found online."

"Mmm, looks like it," Jack said, glancing at the laptop screen again. "I could pull up a chair and join you, you know." Jack rubbed the big bulge in his pants. On the screen, a hot, furry bear guy had another sexy man all laid back in a sling outdoors, fucking his ass intensely as he moaned in pleasure.

"Or you could punish me for being naughty and starting without you, Officer," Brad had said seductively. This had led to Brad giving Jack a wonderful blowjob, and swallowing a big tasty load of that delicious cop cream.

Now, back in their bed several days later on New Year's Morning, Brad was trying to remember what had been going on in the porn clip he'd been watching when Jack had caught him jacking off that day. "Sorry babe, all I remember clearly from that evening is what a big tasty fuckin' load you fed me," Brad said with a grin.

"Mmm, there's always more where that came from, just for you," Jack replied with a grin. They had rolled around now, and Jack was lying on top of Brad, who still had his arms and legs wrapped tightly around his big stud.

"Mmm, sounds good," Brad replied. "But, about the porn you liked - what was going on in it that you liked so much?"

"Wanna go grab your laptop and we'll look in your history and find it, so you can see," Jack suggested.

Brad disentangled himself from Jack and got out from under the covers, and walked naked over to the den and retrieved his laptop. He then got back into bed with Jack, who was now on top of the covers and sitting up, propped up on pillows, but still very naked and semi hard.

"Mmm, nice view, baby!" Brad grinned as he walked back in, his own thick, semi-hard member bouncing as he walked.

"Well, thought it was getting plenty warm enough in here to get out from under the covers," Jack said, smiling back.

Brad climbed into bed and position himself the same way Jack was sitting. He was right next to Jack, their naked thighs and legs pressed together. Brad balanced the laptop atop both of their touching bare thighs. Jack started clicking away, and went into the Firefox history for the day he had caught Brad jacking off. He went down the list of Xtube clips, clicking into a couple briefly before finding the one he was looking for.

"Here we go," Jack said, "Watch this baby."

As the video started to play, Brad and Jack each reached over and started jacking the other's cock, making the laptop sway a bit where it was sitting perched between them. The video of the hot bear man fucking his friend outside in the woods in a sling was playing.

"So, do you think you would like to try one of those?" Jack asked, grinning at Brad as they continued slowly stroking each other and watching the video clip.

"So you want to pound my ass in a sling?" Brad asked with a grin, really liking that idea.

"Well, yeah, of course I would, but actually I was thinking"... Jack said, trailing off with a sly smile.

"Ohhh," Brad said, and grasped Jack's thick cock a little tighter in his left fist. "So you want me to fuck that nice bubble butt ass of yours in the sling, huh, big guy?"

"I think that would be so fucking hot, to let you take total control of me like that," Jack answered simply.

"Mmm, big guy!" Brad purred. "As much as I love you pounding me and especially when you play 'bad cop' and control me, I do love the idea of me dominating that big great ass of yours like that - provided I'd get my turn in the sling, too!"

"You know it!" Jack exclaimed, as they grinned at one another. "We'll have to look into getting one of those. Would be so great - we could even take it out in the the backyard next summer!"

"Mmm, that is a hot thought!" Brad agreed. The video ended and Brad sat the laptop aside over on the bedside table. "So, it's a quarter to ten, are you getting hungry?" Brad asked, even as they continued to stroke each other.

"Well, actually I am, now that you mention it," Jack said. "After all, we do have all day for this."

"How about you giving me a protein shake for an appetizer first, then I'll fix us some breakfast?" Brad asked sexily.

"Mmm, how about we give each other a protein shake?" Jack retorted cockily.

Soon the lovers were in a hot 69 there on their bed. Fuck, but Jack's meaty cock tasted great to Brad. It was already oozing that sweet precum. Jack was on top of Brad, fucking his mouth as he bobbed up and down working Brad's thick dick expertly as he did so. This went on for a few more minutes, until finally Jack could feel Brad moaning on his cock as he continued sliding it down into Brad's hot mouth again and again. Suddenly Brad started unleashing a torrent of hot salty-sweet jizz up into Jack's hungry mouth. Jack took every drop.

As Brad's cock slipped from his mouth and he swallowed the load his baby had just fed him, Jack started to moan as his own orgasm hit. He was bucking his hips now above Brad's head. "Oh, FUCK! Here it comes, Bradley!!" He yelled with a gasp of pleasure. He started unleashing his spunk down into Brad's hot mouth then. It tasted sweet, creamy and great as always. As Jack rolled off him onto his side, still panting from the great orgasm Brad had just given him, they kissed, each tasting the lingering flavor of their own cum in the other's mouth.

"Good to the last drop," Brad quipped. "How about you just kick on back there again and I'll whip us up some breakfast in bed?"

"You're going to spoil me," Jack said with a smile, as he pulled just the sheet back up over himself.

"You know it," Brad said with a grin.

A half hour later, their breakfast trays were on the bedside table, after the guys had enjoyed the quick country breakfast of sausage, eggs, and toast that Brad had whipped up. Brad had taken the sweat shorts and t-shirt he had worn to cook in right back off and climbed back into bed with Jack for breakfast. They had eaten sitting up in their bed, the sheet around their waists. They kissed gently again after Jack had set the trays aside. The kiss tasted like the orange juice they had both just drunk.

"So when did you say Miz Vivian wants us all to meet with the construction team about the water bottling plant?" Brad asked.

"I believe last night she said they would be in town Friday. I'm sure the Chief will let me take a long lunch to go to the meeting," Jack replied. "I'm excited about getting things underway on that, although I don't know how much they can really get started this winter."

"I think it'll be a good thing, as long as we make sure they don't mess up the mountain," Brad replied.

"You know, I can't believe we're still here in bed this late in the morning," Jack said, chuckling and putting an arm around Brad to pull him closer to him. It felt so good to just to lie there naked together and cuddle and talk. Simple things like this reminded each of them that they had truly found their soulmate in the other.

"We haven't spoiled each other like this here at home in a long time, big guy. Feels good, doesn't it?" Brad asked.

"Damn good," Jack agreed.

"Just hold me for awhile, baby," Brad asked, laying his head over onto Jack's big warm, broad, furry chest. Jack wrapped his arm around Brad then and they lay there just enjoying each other and the moment and thinking how happy they were to be engaged. The morning sun slanted through the curtains to touch their skin, and actually felt warm as it filtered through the glass, in spite of the chill January late morning outside.

Meanwhile, late on that New Year's Morning, Brent Spokes was sitting in his room at the historic old Pleasant View Tavern Hotel, sipping coffee. He gazed out the window at the beautiful old wooded campus of Pleasant View College. It had been twenty-five years before that he had been in his senior year there, he remembered. He had gotten a full ride to attend Pleasant View as part of their program for underprivileged international students.

Underprivileged, he thought wryly. They hadn't known the half of it. True, his drunken father had never been able to provide much of an income for Brent and his mother. But the fact that he had somewhere gotten the idea that Brent's arse was his, free for the fucking anytime he came home drunk and the old lady wouldn't put out - that was what Brent had been all too glad to finally escape from all those years ago. The old bastard had died while Brent was attending Pleasant View. Good riddance. Brent was convinced this was what had made him the way he was - attracted to other men - something he hated and reviled. In his twisted mind, it somehow justified what he had come to enjoy doing to other men, though.

After Pleasant View, it had been on to Wall Street, and finally back home. He had clawed his way up to finally become one of the youngest CEOs in Australian corporate history. Then, three years before it had all come crashing down. The press here in the states had called it "The Aussie Enron." He had lain low, first in Indonesia, and eventually on the edge of the Outback, for nearly a year, eluding arrest. A change of identity, a drastic loss of weight, a new hairstyle, a beard - and he was even able to make his way slowly back to Sydney, and was never even recognized or caught.

Of course, Stokes knew that even the lengthy prison term they probably would have dealt him for embezzlement and causing the crash of the corporation would pale in comparison for what he would get if he were caught now. The last two years in Sydney, he had found that he liked to take what he wanted from men, just as his father had once done to him. That was how he had justified it in his sick mind. Oh, he thought, a couple of those blokes - they would never press charges - he was sure that they had actually loved it and wanted it. But, those others...let's see, what twelve or thirteen in all...they wanted to be thought of as "victims" now. So what, he thought, if he had gotten them drunk or slipped something in their drink? - Or just got them alone and then held them down and fucked them like the stupid queer bitches he considered them to be.

All this was running through the embezzler and rapist's mind as he sat there in the quaint old Pleasant View Tavern Inn that New Year's morning. Well, that and how not to get caught. That fucking Chief Inspector Channing. Oh, the irony! He was a fucking cocksucker himself, Stokes thought. How is he any better than me? But, no, Stokes wanted to be the hero. So he had lost a considerable chunk of money in the fall of the corporation, into which he had stupidly invested a good deal of money.

The fucker was still well off, Stokes thought, and not far from retirement with a pension. But, ah, it wasn't about the money. It was about the stupid twist of fate that had led Stokes to choose a particular arse as his last one to plow in Sydney. That hot little piece had turned out to be Stokes' own younger cousin, Drew. The little bitch had cried rape, Stokes thought, just because Stokes had gotten him drunk and took him home and given him the fucking he deserved. Oh sure, he had screamed and pleaded - and given me this fucking scar on my cheek in the process, Stokes thought - but he had actually wanted it. Stokes was sure of it.

Of course Brent Stokes was registered there as Milton Howard, the third alias and passport he has used since becoming Australia's most wanted fugitive. Gone was the beard. The scar - that was kept well concealed with stage makeup. He had purposely started gaining back the weight he had lost before, and was now well on the way to becoming a fat slob again, but what the fuck. Last, but in no way least, not only was the beard gone now, but so was all of his hair - shaved slick, and kept that way.

That should make that fucker Channing's job a bit harder, Stokes thought. He had no idea how Channing had even traced him to the train to Montreal. But, it was clear that he had lost him there. And, it was obvious that the authorities were still looking for his second aliast - Randy Likens, the man with a beard and a scar - and not Milton Howard, as he looked now. Stokes smiled to himself about how smart he thought he was, as the sun slanted in through the windowpane, feeling warm on his bald head.

In a New York City hotel room, Chief Inspector Dan Channing sat at his laptop, pouring over the information he had gathered on Stokes and his habits and history. Where would he go in the states? It was clear that the roundabout trip to Montreal had just been a diversion. And, Channing just had a gut instinct that Stokes was back in the states now, not in Canada or elsewhere. But, where would he go in the states? And, Channing figured, the fucking chameleon has probably totally reinvented himself yet again - name, appearance, and all.

Channing shut off the laptop and stretched back on the hotel bed. He was wearing only boxers - the morning had slipped by quickly as he had gotten engrossed in researching the case yet again upon awakening earlier. Now he realized that he was hungry - but also very fucking horny. He had neglected his cock and his still very healthy libido for too long. He slid the boxers down and off.

Channing ran a big hand over his hardening uncut cock and his big balls. Soon he was stroking his cock with one hand, and touching his nipples and fingering the ring in the left one with the other. He sighed. His cock was like steel now, engorged to its full six inch uncut glory. A thin line of precum oozed, and he used it as lube. He stroked faster now, thinking of old lovers. Soon he was moaning, as his balls started to churn. A big creamy white load shot out to coat the salt-and-pepper fur of Channing's chest and belly. He headed to the bathroom for a shower, feeling rejuvenated by his wank.

Back at Brad and Jack's they had finally gotten out of bed, and were now enjoying a good fuck in the Jacuzzi, with Jack riding Brad's thick cock as they both moaned and the hot water swirled all around them. Brad thrust his hips beneath the water, rising up to meet and pound Jack's ass over and over as Jack rode.

"Mmm, Bradley! AH-UH!! Oh, fuck that feels so - UH! Fuckin' great, baby!" Jack groaned.

"Oh, Jack!!! FUCK I'M GONNA CUM!" Brad yelled. He shot a huge load up into Jack's clenching hole. They relaxed awhile there in the Jacuzzi afterwards, with Jack sitting up spooned back against Brad's chest, Brad's arms around him. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed the wonderful swirling hot water and the afterglow of their lovemaking. Eventually, they got out, dried off, and headed back to the bedroom.

"What now, babe?" Jack asked softly.

"Up to you," Brad said with a smile.

"I just want to make love with you, Bradley. All day. You made me the happiest man alive all over again when we got engaged last night. Now I just want to love on you," Jack said tenderly.

They got back in under the covers, and just held each other close for a while, kissing softly and gently, both still soft for the time being, in the still-lingering afterglow of their Jacuzzi session.

Down by the lake, Justin was fucking Eric at that moment. His lean chest touched Eric's back, and Eric felt that it was wet with sweat. They were making love on the floor in front of their fireplace. Eric moaned softly as again Justin thrust down into his tight hole. He could see outside over the lake that snow flurries had begun to fall.

"Harder babe!" Eric encouraged.

"Want to ride me?" Justin panted.

"YES!" Eric replied. Soon the bookish cub was astride his lean, muscular cop stud, riding that hot seven-incher for all it was worth.

"Oh, GOD!" Eric groaned. "YES, Just'! OH, baby!"

"Mmm!" FUCK!" Justin growled deeply, feeling Eric's ass clench on him now, his knob hitting Eric's love button and causing Eric to moan louder as he rode him.

"Finish it baby! Fuckin' cum in me!" Eric cried hotly, rolling back onto his back and raising his legs.

Justin soon obliged, holding his man's ankles and pounding him deep and hard.

"Oh, FUCK!! FUCK!!!" Justin growled deeply again, and moaned. "Oh! OH!!! Fuck, I'm cumming, Eric! UH! I love you baby! UH!!"

With that, his seven-inch cock unloaded into Eric's quivering ass. "Oh, GOD!!" Eric moaned, as his own fat six and a half incher unloaded all over his furry belly. Justin collapsed on top of him, and for a few minutes they just lay there breathing hard in front of the fireplace, watching the snow swirl down into Pleasant View Lake.

Brad and Jack eventually moved to the couch, but stayed naked. They put on one of their favorite old movies and cuddled up close beneath a fleece throw. When it was over, and Cary Grant had once again gotten the girl, they kissed again. Brad reached and pulled back the curtain, and mentioned that it looked like it was snowing pretty hard now. It was 2:30 in the afternoon. Jack reached over beneath the covers and began to stroke Brad's dick. He wet his index finger, then put his hand back beneath the throw and reached down to tease Brad's hole.

"Mmm, big guy, you tryin' to tell me something?" Brad asked with a grin.

Jack kissed him, which turned into a deep kiss, their tongues dancing hotly, before he answered. "Only that I think it is about time I paid you back for that good ass fucking you gave me in the Jacuzzi awhile ago."

"Go to it, Officer," Brad said.

"Not yet. Want to do something crazy?" Jack asked, throwing off the throw and exposing his gorgeous rock-hard cop cock, which was sticking straight up. Brad ran his hands all over Jack's belly and broad furry chest. Fuck he loved touching this big stud!

"What did you have in mind?" Brad asked playfully.

"You ever been fucked in the snow?" Jack asked.

"Nope, but there's a first time for everything," Brad said, accepting the challenge, his cock throbbing at the excitement that Jack's spontaneous sex-play ideas always caused. They practically raced each other to the sliding glass doors.

The snow was pouring now, and the grass was starting to get white. Jack tackled Brad playfully, and down they went, kissing hard. The snow on the ground and swirling all around them was incredibly cold, but neither of them cared. They both knew this would be fast, rough, and great, anyway. And it was.

Jack quickly spit-lubed his rod, and slid balls deep into Brad's waiting hole, Brad's legs on his shoulders.

"UH! Oh, GOD!" Jack groaned, already fucking Brad hard.

"Yeah, fuckin' pound my ass," Brad cried out as the snow swirled all around them. "Just let go and give it to me hard - UH!! - right here in the snow, darlin'!"

It was over in only a couple of more minutes. Brad and Jack were both shaking from the cold, but even moreso from their impending climaxes. "Oh FUCK!!! Gonna - AH-UH! - FILL THAT FUCKIN' ASS UP - UH! - BRADLEY!!" Jack grunted.

"Do it stud, fuckin' - AH-UH! - cum in me!" Brad hollered.

Brad blew a huge load all over himself as Jack filled him full of spunk. They jumped up and ran for the house, slamming the sliding doors behind them. They were both still panting from their orgasms, and laughing.

"That was so fuckin' crazy, and fun, and HOT!" Brad laughed.

"Yes it was!" Jack agreed. "You have snow and cum all over you," He added with a laugh. Jack ran his fingers down Brad's furry chest, getting a big glob of the melting snow and the cum and licking it off. "Mmm, snow cream!" He said playfully.

"Wonder if Bubba Jones has that flavor on his ice cream truck?" Brad quipped.

"Wouldn't put it past the horny fucker," Jack said, laughing.

They headed to the bathroom to clean up, and ended up taking a good hot shower together. After, as they stood naked in the bathroom after finishing drying off, Brad said, "Think we'll be sick after that?" He chuckled.

"Nah," Jack said, "We got each other too hot for the cold to bother us. Fuck, that was intense, wasn't it!"

"Yeah, crazy good," Brad agreed. "I love your dirty, fuckin' horny little spontaneous ideas like that baby!"

They kissed, and for a moment Brad was wondering if they were going to go for yet another round, but just then the doorbell rang.

"Oh, who the hell is that," Jack said in irritation.

"Ignore it," Brad suggested. They kissed more. The doorbell kept ringing, and a pounding came on the door as well.

"Oh, fuck it might as well see who it is," Jack said. He grabbed up his towel and wrapped it around his waist, and padded otherwise naked to the front door. He threw it open.

Barney Finkster's jaw literally dropped as he stood there on the front stoop in the pouring snow. "Ohmigawd!" He exclaimed, unabashedly running his eyes all over Jack's furry bare chest and belly, down over the towel to his feet, and back again. "Sweet Jesus, and here I thought Christmas was a week ago!" Barney rasped.

"What DO you want, Barney?" Jack rumbled in irritation. He was secretly a little amused at the old queen's reaction to his unplanned little show, though. You had to admit it was hilarious.

"OH, I'm sorry to bother you when you were - umm, showering. It's just that your Mother is one the phone over at the house. She called on the landline or else I'd of just brought the cell to you. She said she had been calling both you and Brad all day and not getting any answer," Barney finished.

"That's because our cells are OFF, Barney," Jack said. "Just tell Momma I'll call her back later."

Brad stepped around the corner of the hallway into the living room, also wearing just a towel.

"Oh, Mary, Joseph, Elton, and Aretha!" Barney rasped. "Y'all boys are gonna give an old man a heart attack!"

Brad laughed, and this time so did Jack. "Well, Barney, we ain't tryin' to put on a show for you, we just got out of the shower," Brad explained. "No, don't run out, Alejandro," Brad scolded gently, to the dog who appeared to be thinking about making a break for it out the door past Barney. Alejandro obediently jumped up on the couch instead.

"Y'all just got out of the shower - together?" Barney asked. "Oh, Gawd, well of course together, you just got engaged and all, and Lord knows I don't blame you - either of you, and..."

"Barney, thank you, and just tell Momma I'll call her back later!" Jack said again, and started to close the door.

"Well, Jack, I think when you hear what she wants you'll want to talk to her. Shall I go tell her you'll call her right back?"

"What is going on?" Jack asked, then sounding concerned.

"Well, it's about your Daddy," Barney explained.

"My - what?" Jack asked in confusion.

"Your Daddy. Billy Jack Albertson," Barney explained with a dramatic fling of his wrist. Seems he's just finally gotten back in touch with Alice after all these years, Jack, and he wants to get in touch with you, too."


****SPECIAL NOTE: Thanks to a British fan who knows who he is for suggesting that Billy Jack Albertson make himself known to all of us. Stay tuned for more... - "Brad"

*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 25

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