Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Feb 10, 2012


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

"I'll warm you up, big guy!" Brad said with a grin. He spread the blanket, and Jack started helping Brad quickly get naked. They tumbled to the blanket together, their naked bodies entwined as the stars shone brightly overhead.

Soon Brad was licking at Jack's backdoor, causing him to moan softly. Jack soon raised his legs and Brad entered him slowly, tenderly. They became one again there in the soft starlight of the unseasonable January evening, which was made even warmer by the sweet love they were making.

"Oh yeah baby, FUCK ME!" Jack said softly.

Brad did as asked, but went slowly, tenderly, fucking Jack so long that they were both trembling all over, both from the increasing chill of the evening and the intense sensations of their prolonged session of raw mansex lovemaking.

"Uhh! OH GOD!!!" Brad was finally groaning. The knob of his throbbing fat dick was pounding Jack's quivering prostate over and over now.

"Oh Bradley! FUCK I'M GONNA CUM!!!" Jack shouted, and a torrent of hot creamy cop cum flew from his dick to splatter up all over and between them. Brad found his own release deep inside Jack just then as well.

The next few weeks passed quickly. The unseasonably warm weather continued as February began, but by the end of the second week of February it was feeling somewhat more like winter again, with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s in Pleasant View. This was still good enough weather for construction to keep moving along, and with the earlier period of highs in the 50s and 60s, Bill O'Flannery's crew had really gotten a lot done already. The receptacle for the spring water was installed in the big rocks above the waterfall at the source of the spring. Jack was pleased at how this was hidden, and he was also pleased that a strong flow of water was still allowed to bubble out of the rocks and down over the falls, so that his and Brad's favorite spot on the mountaintop still looked the same as it always had.

The pipeline down the mountain was nearly completely installed now as well. The concrete pad and foundations of the bottling plant were in place, and construction on the building itself would get underway soon. The auto plant had closed, and Eric had notified about 20 people that they could become employees of Uncle Joe's Mountain Spring Water once the plant was operational in another month or so if they wished, and all had gladly accepted.

Jack's father, Billy Jack Albertson, had moved the previous weekend into a small house he had purchased a couple of streets over from Brad and Jack in Pleasant View. He had spent a good deal more time with Jack, and they were really beginning to get close. Billy Jack had also had dinner the previous Saturday night with Barney Finkster, and had a great time. He was not yet sure if they would be more than friends, but Barney was sure hoping so.

It was Saturday, February 11 and Brad and Jack were out walking in the park with Alejandro. It was cold, but sunny and they were enjoying getting out for a while. Coming from the opposite direction on the park's walking trail through the woods was Jody Rickman. Everyone stopped to talk for a minute.

"See I'm not the only one who decided to get out and walk in spite of the cold," Jody commented with a grin.

"Nope, we thought it would do us all good," Jack agreed.

"You ever hear anything else from Bobby?" Jody asked Brad.

"No. I sent him a message to tell him happy birthday, but so far nothing. I guess he's still mad over that misunderstanding we had right before he moved. At any rate, he doesn't seem interested in being friends with me anymore," Brad replied with a shrug.

"Oh well, his loss," Jody commented.

"What are you going to get into today?" Jack asked Jody.

"Actually have an tonight," Jody replied almost shyly.

"Oh! Who's the lucky man?" Brad asked with a teasing grin.

"Blake," Jody replied.

"Blake, as in that little college twink whose ass Barney Finkster quite literally saved awhile back?" Jack asked.

"Yep, that's the one," Jody replied.

"Do you think he's really wanting anything more than just a trick?" Brad asked seriously.

"I really do, guys. Look, I know he just turned 20 and I'm 41. But, I honestly think that whole scare he had made him stop and think. I think he's done his playing and is ready to try dating seriously for the first time," Jody replied.

"Well, good luck," Jack said evenly, "Just be careful, buddy."

"Don't worry, I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself," Jody said. "Besides, might be worth risking a broken heart to get with that cutie!" He joked with a laugh.

"Not my type, but have fun!" Brad commented with a grin.

Jody stooped to pet Alejandro and receive and appreciate lick from the cute little dog before saying goodbye to the other guys and continuing with his walk.

That night, Jody picked Blake up at the diner when he got off work at 9pm. They headed back to the apartment that Blake shared with two female roommates, neither of whom was home, and Blake showered and changed while Jody waited in the living room. The guys then went for a long drive around by the lake and talked for quite awhile, and ended up stopping in at a little all-night café over in Smithville for a midnight snack.

"This has been so much fun tonight, just getting to know you," Blake said sincerely as they were walking back to Jody's green Ford pickup truck.

They got in the truck and Jody started driving back towards Pleasant View. Blake looked over him and hesitated for a moment as he began to speak. "Jody. Umm, you don't have to...take me home, umm that is if you don't want to," Blake stammered.

Jody's cock twitched in his Wranglers at the implication of this statement. "Are you sure, Blake?" Jody asked.

"Yes. I'd really like to...go back to your place with you. That is if you want me to. And look - I'm not just wanting another hookup either, Jody. I swear. I you. A lot. God I sound stupid!" Blake finished, trailing off.

"No you don't," Jody said quickly. "I think you sound very...sweet. And I'd love to have you spend the night with me, that is if you're sure you're ready."

"Never been more ready," Blake said with a big grin, reaching over to take the handsome older bear's free hand in his as Jody continued driving them toward his place.

Meanwhile, over at Bubba and James' townhouse apartment, the couple was walking the short distance from James' car to their front door. Just then, a very handsome auburn-haired, bearded guy of around 40 was walking out the door two doors down.

"Hello there," the other guy said in a thick Boston accent. "You must be Bubba and James."

"Yes, and from your accent you've got to be the guy from Boston, Bill O'Flannery, who is in charge of building the water bottling plant for Brad, Jack, and Miz Vivian," Bubba said with a grin as he and James took turns shaking hands with Bill.

"Glad we've all heard of each other," Bill said with a chuckle. "I don't think you guys were home when I was moving in the other day."

"No, we were both at work, but Brad and Jack had mentioned you to us, though," James explained.

"Won't you come in and visit for awhile?" Bubba invited.

"Think I'll take you up on that," Bill said with a grin.

Bubba and James both felt a major twitching in their pants at having this hot Irish-American muscular construction bear as their guest that evening.

Meanwhile, a glass of wine was being poured at one of the most exclusive restaurants in Rosemont. A late supper had just ended, and now a violinist was playing as a couple drank their wine and smiled at one another.

"Oh, this is just too much, you really shouldn't have!" One of them said to the other.

"Nothing is too much for you, darlin'," the other person replied genuinely.

At Billy Jack Albertson's house that Saturday night, he and Barney Finkster had just sat down on the couch together after a wonderful third date. In the span of just a few weeks, they had really started to care for one another, and it was becoming very clear to them both that they were going to be more than just friends.

Billy Jack slipped his big arm around Barney's slight shoulders and pulled him close. They looked in one another's eyes. Billy Jack leaned in and they started to kiss, slowly at first, and then with more passion.

"Oh, my stars, I think I'm gonna faint!" Barney finally said, gasping for air a bit.

"You ain't seen nothing yet, honey," Billy Jack replied with a big grin, pulling Barney close to him once again.

Up in Northeastern Kentucky on that cold February night, Antonio and Bobby were lying in their bed together.

"I miss the little guy sometimes, ya know?" Antonio said.

"Sure, I miss him too," Bobby said. "I know he's in a good home now, and since this place wouldn't let us have a pet, giving Alejandro to Brad and Jack was the best thing to do."

"About that," Antonio said slowly. "Don't you think it is about time you mended fences with Brad, babe?"

"Why should I?" Bobby asked, anger flaring in his voice. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Well, I think you both said some things you didn't mean when he confronted you about being distant when we moved up here," Antonio replied.

"I don't know," Bobby said in frustration, before changing the subject. "I have other things on my mind right now," he added with a mischievous grin, and started to run his hands all over Antonio's ridiculously muscular chest.

"Aww, yeah!" Antonio growled.

Soon Antonio's muscular legs were on Bobby's broad shoulders, and Bobby was plowing Antonio's ass hard and deep.

"Yeah, FUCK THAT ASS BABE!" Antonio encouraged his lover.

Bobby kept up a steady pounding, both of them enjoying the intense pleasures of their lovemaking as always. Soon Antonio's ass was squeezing on Bobby's cock, causing his balls to churn and tighten.

"Aww! UH!!! FUCK ME HARDER!" Antonio demanded.

Bobby gave him all he had then, the up-curved shaft of his pecker guiding its throbbing knob to probe and pound Antonio in all the right places over and over. Soon Bobby was grunting and Antonio was yelling as they both came. They collapsed together and slept in contentment.

Back in Pleasant View, Blake and Jody were now making out intensely on the couch in Jody's apartment.

"Are you sure about this," Jody asked again huskily.

"YES!" Blake exclaimed with a big grin, as he started unbuttoning Jody's shirt to reveal the furry chest beneath it.

"Mmm, fuck! I love all that fur!" Blake exclaimed. He and Jody together got Jody's shirt the rest of the way off. Blake love the sight of the beefy, furry 41-year-old bear body in front of him, and proceed to start licking and sucking Blake's nips immediately, causing him to moan. Soon Jody was getting Blake out of his t-shirt, and they were falling back on the couch together, Blake's smooth swimmer's build chest and stomach pressed against Jody's furry, beefy ones.

Soon, socks, pants, and underwear were all being cast aside, until the younger and older men were both standing naked and rock hard together there by Jody's couch. "C'mon," Jody said softly, taking Blake's hand and leading him toward the bedroom.

Back at the fancy restaurant up in Rosemont, the man in the couple had gotten down on one knee as the violinist continued to play. The woman gasped softly and put a hand to her ample bosom, which was displayed gaily in the elegant blue satin frock she was wearing that evening with her faux fur wrap.

"Ohmigawd, Hank, is this what I think it is?" Miz Vivian asked as the candlelight glowed in the dimly lit-restaurant, and the handful of other late-dinner guests had all turned to look on now.

"Yes, darlin', it sure is," Hank Anderson replied with a devilish grin, as he turned to gaze up directly into Miz Vivian's eyes before continuing. "Vivian Blanche LaRue Arnow, will you marry me?"

"Yes, oh, yes, you know I will, Hank!" Miz Vivian replied with a huge grin and happy tears in her eyes and in her voice, as the other patrons and staff alike of the Griffin Gate Mansion Restaurant all applauded.

Meanwhile, back at Billy Jack Albertson's house, Billy Jack and Barney had moved to the bedroom, lost all of their clothes, and were now in the middle of making love for the first time. Barney was in heaven with this big hairy beefy hunk of man on top of him - and inside him - and was moaning and screaming accordingly.

Billy Jack was loving every minute of it as well. He had finally done a couple of hookups just before leaving California, true. But, this was the first time he had really felt a connection to a sexual partner since the last time he and his late husband Rick had made love prior to the onset of Rick's terminal illness nearly three years before. The effeminate, slightly built, and truly affectionate Barney had really managed to find a place in Billy Jack's heart that he had thought was potentially closed off forever in just the short weeks they had known one another. Making love to Barney felt just right.

"Oh, Barney, God your ass is tight!" Billy Jack growled as he continued plowing Barney for all he was worth in the missionary position.

"UH-OhGAWD! UM! You sure don't need any - Uh! - FUCKIN' Viagra, do you baby?!?" Barney moaned and grunted with a big smile on his face.

"Nope! AH-UH! Sure don't - UH! - Barney!" Billy Jack replied with a big grin, as he continued to pound away at Barney's ass with his hard as steel, very fat six-inch cut cock. Jack took Barney's own dripping six and a half inch uncut prick in his fist then, and began to stroke Barney as he fucked him.

Being 60 had done nothing to dim either man's libido, and they were fucking like rabbits now. The lean, smooth Barney had kept his swimmer's build of decades before, and the beefy Billy Jack was no longer in as good a shape as was his cop son, but he was still more solid than fat too, though.

"Uh! I'm gonna fuckin' cum in you, Barney!" Billy Jack soon grunted.

"Oh! OhGAWD!!! DO IT BABY!" Barney screamed.

When it was over, they held each other. This had been more than just sex, this was the beginning of something neither of them had thought they would find again at this stage in the game. Of that they were both sure as they lay there on that Saturday night before Valentine's Day.

Back at Bubba and James' apartment, Bill O'Flannery had been sitting and talking to the couple for quite awhile on their couch. One thing had led to another, and Bubba had revealed to Bill's delight that he and James enjoyed playing together with other guys. At that moment the three men were busily getting each other completely naked.

Once this was accomplished, Bill O'Flannery was soon gasping in delight as James worked on his nipples while Bubba went down on Bill's rock hard, throbbing eight-inch uncut cock and licked his big low-hanging sack.

"Aww, yeah, suck my fuckin' cock bro!" Bill groaned.

Before long, Bill was blowing James as Bubba continued to suck Bill. This went on for quite awhile, until finally Bill's big cock unloaded so much cum in Bubba's mouth that it overflowed and ran down Bubba's chin as he came up gasping off of Bill's meat. About that same time, Bill was rewarded with James' own nice load of cum.

"Ya know, I think I'm gonna like my new neighbors!" Bill said with a grin as they all sat there panting and breathing hard. Bubba had shot his own load all over the floor as he had taken Bill's load.

The next few days passed by, and soon it was Valentine's night, and Brad and Jack were making love in their bed after returning home from a nice dinner in Smithville after work. They flip fucked that night, first Brad taking Jack, and then Jack returning the favor.

Brad had his legs up on Jack's broad shoulders as they both groaned in delight, their second orgasm of the night approaching.

"God I love you!" Brad shouted.

"I love you too - UH! - Bradley!" Jack replied. He then moaned as his dick unloaded inside of Brad, and Brad began to ejaculate his own hot load.

Candlelight was glowing and soft music was playing. "Up for round three?" Jack soon asked with a naughty grin.

"We'll both be late for work in the morning!" Brad said, grinning back.

"It'll be worth it!" Jack retorted.

The next morning as she and Brad sipped coffee in the gift shop, Miz Vivian told Brad about her engagement. He congratulated her heartily.

"You're lookin' awful happy yourself this morning - guess your big fellow gave you a Valentine's night to remember," Miz Vivian said naughtily.

Brad blushed a little but laughed and nodded in the affirmative.

"So did mine!" Miz Vivian laughed.

"Whoa, TMI!" Brad laughed. "But seriously, I really am happy for you. Hank is a great guy, and you make a wonderful couple."

Later that day, Miz Vivian and Hank were alone together in the study. "So, what do you think of that idea, darlin'?" She asked with a grin.

"I think it is all a damn great idea, hon," Hank replied, smiling back. "If you're sure they won't raise hell on you about it."

"Which part?" Miz Vivian replied, laughing youthfully.

TO BE CONTINUED... As many of you who are on my emailing-list already know, there are now just two more chapters to go before "THE END" of our story of Brad & Jack, guys! Thank you for all your support and emails the last several months. Once Chapter 30 comes to a close, that will be it for this series. In the future I'll probably do some "one-off" (pun intended!) stories with other characters, rather than another series. In the meantime, I should have Ch. 29 on here sometime around February 22nd, and Ch. 30 sometime around March 3rd if all goes as planned. Feel free as always to email me at

Next: Chapter 29

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