Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Feb 22, 2012


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Saturday February 25, 2012 was a sunny day in Pleasant View, Kentucky, with temperatures in the 50s. The unseasonably mild winter in the area had only been broken a couple of times, most recently with some snow about a week before. But, the mostly dry and mild weather had allowed Bill O'Flannery's team to move along much faster than expected on the water-bottling project at Smith's Mountain.

The pipeline down the mountain was complete, and construction was well underway on the metal building that would house the small bottling plant. On this sunny day, Brad and Jack were on top of the mountain alone. They were walking over to where the spring water came bubbling out of the large rock outcropping to run down in a waterfall, before forming the creek that rushed down the mountainside.

"I can't believe it. It looks just like it always has up here," Brad commented.

"They did a great job," Jack agreed.

Indeed, the device that diverted part of the spring's abundant flow down the mountain through the pipe to the new plant was completely hidden beneath the rocks. The pipeline itself was buried, with only a small cut through the forest and freshly-turned soil leading off down the mountain parallel to the creek to indicate its location. The new plant was at the foot of the mountain on a flat piece of land near the highway.

Brad and Jack walked hand in hand in the sunshine through the big field where they had made love in the wildflowers the summer before. Brad noticed fresh tracks through the grass, and where they ended, on a point of the field that had a view of the valley far below, he was surprised to see stakes, and freshly-poured concrete foundation.

"What in the world is this, Jack?" Brad asked.

"This is the foundation for our new weekend cabin, darlin'," Jack said with a big sly grin.

Meanwhile, 150 miles away down in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Miz Vivian Arnow and retired lawyer Hank Anderson had just said, "I do," to a preacher dressed like Elvis in the Hunka Burnin' Love Wedding Chapel. They ran laughing out the doors as the two strangers who had witnessed their nuptials threw rice baggies.

"I can't believe we did it!" Miz Vivian laughed.

"I just hope my new stepchildren don't kill me!" Hank laughed.

"Aww, hell, I'm almost 68 and your 75, when the hell else were we gonna get a chance to run off and ELOPE?!?" Miz Vivian exclaimed, still laughing like a schoolgirl.

As they drove up the mountain to the rented honeymoon cabin they were spending the weekend in, Hank turned to his new bride.

"So, are you still sure about the rest of it?" Hank asked.

"Well, I am if you are sure you don't mind," Miz Vivian agreed.

"Well, we can take care of it all as soon as we get back to town, if it is what you want," Hank said. "After all, we'll be fine in that big ol' rambling house of mine for the rest of our days.

It was true, Hank did live in his family's huge old ancestral antebellum home outside Pleasant View, which was even larger and gaudier than Miz Vivian's house in town.

"Well, and you know my son the doctor and his snobby wife already have their big contemporary monstrosity, and the family plantation back home in Georgia - well my nephew takes care of it and I'll leave it to him someday," Miz Vivian reasoned. "So, yes, I think what I have in mind is the best for everyone, and I don't think anyone will mind. I want to go and see the world with you while we're both still able, darlin'."

"Sounds great. Now, if THEY'LL just let you do what you are wanting to for them," Hank added.

"Oh, hell, I'll talk 'em into it," Miz Vivian said.

Barney Finkster was in wedding planning mode. He was measuring in the ballroom at Miz Vivian's, as his new boyfriend Billy Jack Albertson watched, helped, and smiled in amusement.

"Oh, I'm so excited for the boys!" Barney rasped.

"Me too," Billy Jack nodded. "Who knows, things keep going the way they are between us, I may just be taking YOU down the aisle one of these days, babe."

"Oh, MY!" Barney said with a grin, as Billy Jack came over and embraced him. They shared a tender kiss.

Jody and Blake were walking together in the park. They were well aware that half the gay community in the area was making fun of their new May-December...well more like May - September - romance, but neither the 20 year old nor the 41 year old cared. They had made love so much recently that they supposed they could see how others might think it was all about the sex - but it really wasn't. They were truly in love with one another.

Back up on Smith's Mountain, Jack was explaining the surprise he had just revealed to Brad.

"You remember how we joked around about Loretta and Doo's cabin on the mountain in "Coal Miner's Daughter" when we were up here last summer?" Jack asked with a grin.

"Yes," Brad laughed.

"Well, I know you remember that little cabin we stayed in back in December in Gatlinburg," Jack said, grinning sexily as he remembered the love they had made there.

"Yes," Brad said again, still grinning.

"Well, Bill O'Flannery is having his guys build us one just like it right here!" Jack said with a huge grin.

"Can we really afford it?" Brad said.

Jack laughed. "I have a pretty good savings from over the years, darlin'. Plus, Miz Vivian seems to think we'll have a pretty good extra income from the water plant once we get in production before too long. So, yes, we can afford it, and it will be my wedding present to you."

"Thank you, and I love you so much, big guy," Brad said. They kissed there in the sunshine.

"I'm so relieved to have this job," Eric commented to Justin as they sat on their back deck overlooking Pleasant View Lake enjoying the mild late-February afternoon.

"Me too," Justin said. "As they told you when he first offered it to you, Jack and Brad and Miz Vivian didn't offer you the job as charity though, babe. You'll do a great job of running their bottling plant."

"I hate to have to leave you here on such a pretty afternoon, but I do need to be getting on to work before too long," Justin said, as they both got up and headed back into the house.

Bubba and James were lying in bed together at that moment, after having enjoyed a mid-afternoon fuck. James had his head nestled in the soft fur on Bubba's big broad chest.

"I love you, baby," James said softly.

"I love you too, with all my heart," Bubba said.

They kissed tenderly. Soon James was back in Bubba's arms, feeling Bubba's thick cock rapidly hardening once again as his own did the same.

"Mmm is somebody wanting to return the favor?" Bubba rumbled in his deep, sexy voice.

"Hell yes!" James exclaimed with a wicked grin.

Before long Bubba had his long legs on James' shoulders and they were going at it again, with James plowing his lover fast and deep.

"UH! God that cock feels good in me, baby!" Bubba groaned.

"Oh, FUCK YEAH!" James grunted. "That ass is so hot baby!"

They fucked heatedly for several minutes, before they both finally shot another big load, and collapsed there in the slanting afternoon sunshine, holding one another.

Finally Bubba spoke, "So, next weekend is Jack and Brad's wedding."

"Yep, I'm so happy for them, too bad it isn't legal yet in this stupid state, though," James replied.

"I think they have the right idea though," Bubba said evenly.

"Oh yeah, so great to publicly commit their love to one another, so romantic," James said.

"So, how about it," Bubba said, squeezing James tighter.

"What?" James asked.

"Want to get married too, baby?"

James sucked in his breath. "Oh, God, Bubba. I love you so much. YES!"

They kissed again. "You make me so happy. I love you with all my heart," Bubba said. He then had to tease James a little. "You didn't just say 'yes' because of all that great sex we just had, did you?"

James playfully walloped Bubba with a pillow, and soon they headed off to shower together.

Back up on the mountaintop, Brad was giving Jack a blowjob, having drug his fat cock out the fly of his jeans.

"Oh, GOD!" Jack groaned.

Brad just kept sucking, hungry for a load of his man's tasty cream, and he soon got it.

They kissed again, Jack tasting his own sweet cream in Brad's mouth.

"If you think that was good, just wait 'til we get home," Brad said, his own cock still straining in his jeans.

They didn't wait that long. Within 15 minutes they were both naked in the cab of Jack's red pickup truck. Jack's feet were soon on the ceiling and he was moaning in delight as Brad plowed him deep and hard with his thick cock.

"Uh! THAT'S IT, FUCK ME HARD!" Jack groaned.

"Oh, Jack! FUCK I LOVE YOU BABY!!!" Brad grunted as he plowed Jack so hard, reveling in how awesome his bare cock felt slamming the inside of Jack's tight hole again and again.

Soon they both were cumming again. They cuddled there in the truck for a time before dressing and heading home.

That night, Brad and Jack went to dinner with Jack's father and Barney.

"Just think, a double date with your handsome son and his fiancé!" Barney quipped as they sat across from each other in a booth at the Ramblin' Rose.

Barney went over all the wedding plans, and Brad and Jack both had to admit that the old queen definitely still had his decorator's touch. Their ceremony sounded as though it was going to be totally beautiful.

As they lay naked in their bed together that night, Jack looked deep in Brad's eyes before turning off the bedside lamp.

"Just think, only a week from now we'll officially be each other's husband. I don't give a damn about the law. In every way that count's we'll belong to each other," Jack said sincerely.

"We already do babe, I love you so much," Brad said with a tender smile.

"I love you too, darlin'," Jack said, before turning off the light.


Coming up on around March 3 will be Chapter 30, the final installment of "Officer Jack Alberston." Thank you again to everyone for your support of the story over the past several months. I don't plan to do another series after this, but I may from time to time do some one-off (pun intended!) stories on here with other characters. Feel free as always to email me at

Next: Chapter 30

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