Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Jul 21, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

Brad was hoping his chatter would avoid any uncomfortable discussion of the accidental underwater cock and body contact that had just taken place between the two men. Sure, Brad had gotten a major thrill knowing that Jack's cock and balls had run right down him and over his. Hell, even if that had not just happened, just being playfully picked up out of the water by the big beefy stud would have still been amazing enough! But, Brad thought he couldn't let it show and freak out his friend Jack, though. Brad also thought it was sure a good thing he had already jacked off earlier.

But then, feeling the warm air on his wet naked body as he now sat on the deck at the back side of the pool, legs dangling in the water, bare ass on the deck, Brad looked down and realized he had a full raging hard on sticking up in the sunshine. In front of him, Jack stood there in the water laughing and also saying something to try to continue the whole joke about "rescuing" Brad. Jack knew he was hard as a rock though, and as Brad glanced down through the water right in front of him, he saw this too. At the same time, Jack had glanced down and spotted Brad's hard cock as Brad sat on the deck right in front of him. Then, Brad's gaze went back up to Jack's face, their eyes meeting.

Neither of them said anything for a minute. Brad was thinking, "Oh, fuck, now I've done it, getting hard right in front of him. But, it looks like he is too..."

After a rather awkward moment that probably seemed much longer than it actually was, Jack moved to the side of Brad, and swung himself around and up out of the pool. Jack was then sitting on the deck next to Brad, on Brad's left, both of them with their long legs dangling in the water, and both of them with their very hard, thick cocks sticking straight up. Jack had left maybe a foot between them when he sat down. Jack knew now that he wanted to come out to Brad, and that he also obviously wanted something to happen between them. But, he didn't want to rush it or screw it up though. So, he decided that to take a direct, but lighthearted approach might be best.

"Well, damn, I guess I really don't have you beat by that much after all!" Jack exclaimed with his trademark grin and a laugh, as he glanced down at their hard cocks, then back up to meet Brad's eyes again.

Brad looked like he didn't quite know what to say. What he did blurt out was probably the last thing he intended to, but nonetheless it was very true, "Well, all I know is yours sure looks damn good right now, Jack!" He exclaimed, looking over at Jack's dick.

Jack said, "Well thank you, Brad," but before he could continue Brad realized what he had just said and panicked a bit.

"So what if Jack is hard too, he probably just hasn't jacked off lately or something," Brad thought.

"Oh fuck man, you probably think I'm a total perv now for saying that," Brad whined aloud. "I'm sorry Jack, really I am."

Jack couldn't stand to let that nonsense go on any further. He scooted over right against Brad. As his naked side and thigh and leg all touched against Brad's at the same time, Jack felt Brad flinch a little in surprise. Jack then put his right arm around Brad's shoulders. He gently reached up and turned Brad's chin toward him with his left hand and looked directly in the other man's questioning eyes.

"Feel that?" Jack asked softly.

"Wh-What?" Brad asked, still not quite comprehending what was happening here.

"Well, I just scooted over to where we're sitting right against each other," Jack continued in a gentle, soft, sweet, and sexy as hell tone, "And I just put my arm around you, Brad."

"Uh, yeah, you did," Brad stated dumbly.

"And see that?" Jack continued huskily.

"What?" Brad asked.

"Well, looks to me like not only am I sitting here naked right up against you with my arm around you, which by the way feels really fuckin' good," Jack said. "But, also looks to me like we both have ragin' hard ons right now. Brad, do you really think if I was gonna freak out about you getting hard - or about you saying you think my dick looks good - that the rest of what is going on right now would be?" Jack asked.

Brad felt his head spinning and it was as if those big blue eyes and that sweet sexy tone of voice had both just burned right into his soul. Could this all possibly mean what it so obviously did? Was this man of his long time wet dreams really sitting there right against him with his arm around him, naked, hard as hell, and very obviously coming on to him?

"Jack," Brad said, "all I really know is how great this all feels. You don't know how long I've wanted to be this close to you to be honest. You are one of the sweetest, most gorgeous men I know of around here. But, Jack, you are straight aren't you?" Brad asked.

Before giving Jack a chance to answer, Brad continued on, panicking again and thinking it was all too good to be true. And, he was also thinking out loud, but not really thinking before he spoke, though. "I know what this is. You're just another one of these straight guys that thinks he can get an easy blowjob out of a gay guy. Well, I don't do that. You probably have a ton of sexy girlfriends anyway, and," Brad said, generally sounding much more like a whiney little drama queen than was normal for him in recent years.

He hushed as he felt Jack's arm slip out from around him, and saw the look on Jack's face. The big, masculine, and usually oh-so-jovial policeman looked very hurt. "He looks damn near ready to cry," Brad thought, though that was hard to believe.

"I know the kinds of guys you are talking about, Brad." Jack said quietly. "Most of them are married, to women, that is. I am sorry you think I am like that."

"Shit, man, I'm sorry," Brad said, "to tell you the truth with all that has happened this afternoon, I don't even know what the fuck to think right now."

"I know. Let me start over by being totally honest with you, buddy, like I really already should have," Jack said, slipping his right arm back around Brad now, a little tighter this time. "First off, and you may not believe this, but there is only one person, my ex-wife Holly, that I have ever done anything sexual with in my life. Period."

Brad just listened, so glad that Jack seemed to want to actually open up to him like this. He could also instinctively tell that what Jack had just said was completely true. He nodded for Jack to go on.

"I loved her, but things happened, she found someone else, and it ended. That was a year ago, and there hasn't been anyone else since then, either. Just me and my hand," Jack said, his usual personality now having returned, as he grinned and actually gave his hard cock a couple of quick tugs with his left hand to make his point, right there next to Brad.

"But anyway, Brad. Here's the thing," Jack continued, "I have realized over this last year that I am gay. I didn't know that or feel it at all when I was with Holly, but I have realized it more and more the last few months, and I am completely sure of it now."

Brad couldn't help bursting into the biggest grin that he'd had any reason to have on his face in a very long time, if not ever, just then.

Jack laughed again at that, "OK, I see you're glad to hear that."

"I am very surprised," Brad said, which was actually a total understatement. "But yes, I'd be lying if I tried to say I wasn't also glad to know that. I don't know you that well yet, but I do know that you are incredibly handsome and smart, but also really sweet and funny, that much I can tell. I can't believe I'm sitting here naked with your arm around me having this conversation either," he concluded with a laugh.

"Well, thanks man," Jack said, "And Brad, I, uh, actually find you really attractive too."

Those words, said in that sexy voice, couldn't have sounded any sweeter to Brad's ears if they had been the Angel Band singing!

"I am really sorry I judged you wrong and started getting bitchy at first a minute ago, Jack," Brad continued. "But, long story short, a lot of gay men are users and assholes, especially the ones that are married to women or have a girlfriend, and are trying to live a double life." Jack nodded.

"I really don't know if I want anything serious, or at least not if I want anything completely monogamous even if it is serious, with anyone," Brad explained. "That has never worked too well for me, or felt right, in the past. But, I definitely don't want just a one-time fuck either. Frankly, I have to admit that I went through a very slutty stage for a while, but I've been there, done that, and got over it. It would be really easy to do that with you right now, but I'd rather really get to know you and be your friend first, Jack."

"That is exactly what I want too," Jack said with a smile. "Sex is great, and buddy to tell you the truth, I've watched enough gay porn the last few months that I know I'd love to try it all with a guy. But, I think things are a lot hotter if you have other stuff in common, and figure all that out first." This was true, although Jack did still really love the fact that Brad had also just basically told him that it would be really easy for him to have sex with him then and there. And, Jack noted that they were both still totally hard, in spite of having had a serious conversation the last few minutes. He warmly squeezed Brad a little bit with his arm that was around Brad's shoulders.

"I am so glad, Jack. Really," Brad replied. He then paused before continuing with, "But, still, here we are in this situation we're in, and here we both sit still hard as a rock." Brad had to add that last part, just out of pure lustful horniness for the big hot cop sitting against him, in spite of the honest explanation he had just made to Jack about how he generally felt about guys and sex and relationships.

They looked in each other's eyes again. In that moment something electric passed between them that made them both know they could proceed, and just play and explore some, with no fear that this would be any kind of one time thing, or that it would be too much too fast for either of them. No further words were said just then, Jack just reached around with his left hand and put it around Brad, so that now both of his arms were around him. It felt so incredible to be sitting there in the hot sun, their legs dangling in the water, Brad's naked side pressed up against Jack's as they sat right against each other. Now, with both his arms around Brad, Jack just leaned in and softly kissed him.

Brad responded, wrapping his arms around Jack and kissing him back. Their lips parted, their tongues danced. As they started to kiss more passionately, Jack surprised Brad by sliding forward off the deck to stand in the pool once more, taking Brad with him. Now they were standing there in the cool shoulder-deep water together. Jack then ground his big naked body into Brad's under the water, pinning Brad between him and the wall of the pool. Their throbbing cocks pressed against each other, as did their bellies and hairy chests. They each had their arms wrapped tightly around the other as they continued kissing passionately.

"I could die right now a happy man," Brad couldn't help thinking.

Jack broke the kiss, breathing hard, "God, Brad, you're so fuckin' sexy," he growled. As he said this he started moving his hips under the water and humping his hard cock up against Brad's throbbing dick and into the lower part of Brad's soft tummy. Brad was responding now by thrusting right back at Jack, feeling his own cockhead hitting Jack's knob, and sliding over it to rub up against Jack's wet bush and the lower part of his tummy.

"Oh, Jack, so are you baby," Brad gasped; not really realizing that he'd just used that endearment to Jack for the first time.

Jack suddenly turned them both around and then slid out of the water and back up onto the deck, again pulling Brad with him. They were still kissing hotly. They then rolled around naked and soaking wet in the hot sun on the deck in each other's arms, thrusting and humping their cocks up against each other over and over as they kissed deeply. It felt incredible.

Jack then rolled completely on top of Brad, stopped, and then lay still, and broke off the kiss again. He was just looking down at Brad and smiling. Brad felt incredible with Jack lying on top of him, pinning him to the deck, and feeling all of Jack's weight and heat over him, their cocks pressed together, their arms around each other, as Brad also then wrapped his legs around behind Jack's. He loved how those deep blue eyes were staring into his.

"I'm not hurting you am I, bud?" Jack asked softly.

"God, no!" Brad gasped and returned to kissing Jack.

Jack moved down and started kissing Brad's neck then, and when he found Brad's nipples and started to curiously lick and suck, he had Brad moaning out loud. Brad managed then to roll Jack over, to where Brad was now lying on top of Jack. Brad wanted to do it all with Jack. But, unlike in his many prior fantasies, now that they were actually coming true, Brad had realized he wanted to take it all slow and not do too much this first time. Not until they had a chance to really talk and find out some more about each other, at least. Still, he needed to cum, and wanted more than anything to finally get to really make his dream guy cum as well.

He kissed Jack deeply and then rose up and looked down into those gorgeous deep blue eyes again. Jack smiled up at him looking very happy. Brad got up onto his knees, to where he was now kneeling while straddling Jack's upper legs, and then he let his bare ass sink down against Jack's thighs. The sun felt incredible and Brad was thinking that not only was his fantasy of being with Jack finally coming true, it was actually happening outside too, which made it even better.

Their balls were pressed together the way Brad was straddling Jack. Brad then reached down and took both of their throbbing, thick, hard cocks, which were pressed against each other, into his fist. He started stroking both of their dicks together and moaned out loud.

"Oh, fuck!" Jack exclaimed, thrilled by the sensation of another man's hand on his dick for the very first time, "Oh my God, Brad, fuck yeah buddy, stroke us!"

"Yes baby," Brad said, "Fuck, I love having your cock up against mine and stroking them together like this!"

"Mmm, oh, God!" Jack exclaimed.

With that, the handsome cop raised his back up off the deck, and wrapped his arms around Brad. Now there they were, both sitting up, with Brad knelt down and sitting on Jack's thighs, and stroking both their cocks together, and Jack with his arms around Brad's back. Jack now leaned in and started kissing Brad hard.

To be more comfortable, and get even more body contact with Jack, Brad quickly got up off his knees, and switched to where now his ass was sitting flat down on Jack's thighs, and his legs were wrapped around behind Jack's back tightly. They were sitting up, still balls to balls, cock to cock, and Jack wrapped his arms back around Brad. Brad felt the hairs on Jack's big warm thighs tickling his bare ass, as he reached between them and starting stroking their cocks together again.

Other than moans and gasps of pleasure that escaped among their kisses, nothing else now needed to be said. These two men were totally in heat for each other now, and lost in the passion that they were feeling. Now they were both breathing hard, and sweating profusely both from the hot son and their heat for one another. Brad's hand was still stroking their hard, thick, throbbing, sweat-covered dicks together like a piston in the tight space that was left between them as Brad sat on Jack's thighs, and Jack still had both of his arms wrapped around Brad's back tightly.

Soon Jack broke their kiss and moaned, "Oh, fuck Brad! Keep that up, and you're gonna make me fuckin' cum, buddy! Ah-uh, ah-uh, oh, oh, AH-UH, yeah!" Jack grunted, moaned, and growled.

"Do it Jack!" Brad gasped, now feeling like letting loose and talking dirty, and delighted to find out Jack was just as vocal as he was. "Oh, fuck yeah, I'm strokin' that hot cop cock of yours just like I've fuckin' always wanted to, since the first time I ever saw you in town! Strokin' it right up against my fuckin' hot thick cock, Jack. Do you fuckin' like that, big guy?"

This turned Jack on even more, "Oh yeah Brad, fuck yeah, I - AH-UH! - fuckin' love it buddy! UH! Stroke it, don't fuckin' stop! Oh yeah! God, you're gorgeous, oh God! Ah-uh! FUCK! Oh, don't stop, oh God, oh yes, Brad, yes baby!" Jack was trembling all over now, and holding on to Brad even tighter with his arms, partially to keep from falling back from the intense pleasure he was feeling all over.

"Oh, OH, God!" Brad joined back in the chorus of moans and shouts, as he continued to stroke their cocks together fast and hard. Brad's right arm was moving up and down, up and down, in that hot, tight space in between their now sweat-covered chests and bellies, as he was gripping their thick, throbbing cocks together tightly in his fist, "FUCK! Oh, Jack!" Brad shouted, feeling Jack's damp chest hair tickle the back of his forearm as it moved up and down between them as Brad stroked them.

Just for a moment, Brad had to stop jacking them to switch hands, as his right one felt like it was about to fall off. And this caused Jack to speak up pleadingly. His cock was still throbbing and twitching up against Brad's, and feeling pretty great all on its own in that moment, but it was longing for Brad's continued attentions. Jack pleadingly shouted, "Please, please! Oh, Oh, FUCK! Don't stop!" And as Brad reached in between them and started back with his other hand, now stroking even faster, and gripping their throbbing cocks even tighter, Jack moaned louder, "OH! Oh, I'm gettin' so - AH-UH! - fuckin' -uh! - close man! Keep fuckin' jackin' us Brad, oh God it feels so FUCKIN' great! Oh, Oh, ah-uh, AH-UH! Fuck! FUCK! AH-UH! So close! So clo....OH! I'm goin' to fuckin' cum now! OH! AH-UH, OH! OH FUCK! Fuck! AH-UH! BRAD!" Jack moaned and grunted.

With that, Jack unloaded his third cumshot of the afternoon in the tight space up between them. The first hot blast was so intense that it actually flew all the way up between them and hit Brad squarely between the eyes. As Jack was moaning, "Oh fuck YES! Oh fuck!" his second and third big blasts splattered up over their chests and ran down between them.

With that, Brad went totally over the edge too. "Oh, God, Jack! Oh fuck! I'm cumming too baby! Uh! OH! AH-UH! Fuck. FUCK!" He fired four heavy blasts in between them, one shooting up far enough to run down Jack's right cheek.

They collapsed in against one another, panting and kissing deeply. Brad wrapped his arms around Jack to where their now cum soaked chests and stomachs were totally pressed together as Brad continued to sit on Jack's thighs, their balls and still half-hard cocks also still pressing together. Brad broke the kiss briefly to lick his own cum off Jack's cheek, then he gave Jack a taste of it when he returned to kissing him. Jack noticed that Brad's cum was a bit saltier than his own, but it still had a similar sweetness, though. Jack then returned the favor, licking that big first glob of his own spunk that was running down across Brad's nose from between his eyes, and then kissing him again.

"You taste sweet baby," Jack said, still panting hard.

"Mmm, so do you," Brad replied.

They just held each other for a long while there in the sun. The intensity of what had just taken place was still sinking in on them both. As their breathing was returning to normal, Jack spoke.

"Oh, Brad, buddy that was amazing," he said. "Incredible."

"Yes, totally," Brad agreed with a smile.

Jack rolled to his back, and Brad lay there up against him with his head nestled on Jack's shoulder, a hand draped over Jack's sweat and cum covered belly.

"Well, I think we need a shower," Jack finally said after several more moments had gone by. "And then I think I need to take you somewhere nice for dinner," he continued, smiling warmly.

"That sounds wonderful, Jack," Brad replied.

"I have a confession to make now," Brad said slyly. "That wasn't the first time I got off today."

Jack belly laughed, and told Brad, "Well, I have a confession too, it wasn't mine either. I did while I watched you jack off earlier, I was home a few minutes before you thought I was!"

"Are you serious!" Brad exclaimed with a laugh.

"Serious to the tune of having cummed twice, and being surprised that the third one just now was still so wonderful," Jack said, actually blushing a little.

They both laughed. "Well, I'm guessing we're both too spent for any fun in the shower then," Brad said, "But come on, and I'll wash your back, big guy!"

"You're on," Jack said grinning happily, as they got up and walked naked together back toward the house.

Brad was a little surprised as they crossed the yard when he felt Jack's big warm hand slip right into his.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 4

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