Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Jul 23, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

They both laughed. "Well, I'm guessing we're both too spent for any fun in the shower then," Brad said, "But come on, and I'll wash your back, big guy!"

"You're on," Jack said grinning happily, as they got up and walked naked together back toward the house.

Brad was a little surprised as they crossed the yard when he felt Jack's big warm hand slip right into his. Neither of them said anything, but Brad gave Jack's hand a reassuring squeeze.

They went into Jack's bathroom. As earlier pointed out by Jack, this was an older house, only had the one bathroom, and that bathroom was separate from the master bedroom. However, now Brad was inside the bathroom with Jack, and not just looking in from the doorway as he had been earlier when Jack had gotten out of his uniform. Brad saw that the bathroom was actually surprisingly nice-sized.

(Besides which, earlier Brad had been way too busy watching Jack strip to pay that much attention to the bathroom!) But, now he noticed that it had been remodeled and modernized at some point. They were standing in front of the sink and vanity. Behind them, on one wall there was a large stall-type shower, and next to that on the same wall was a small partitioned separate area for the toilet. A big, deep oversized garden tub with Jacuzzi jets had been installed in the opposite corner.

Jack started the water in the shower and leaned over and gave Brad a quick peck on the lips and a big smile. They stepped into the spacious shower stall together and closed the door. The shower had a big rainstorm type showerhead, and the water felt awesome as it flowed over them. They were both still spent from their previous times cumming that day, so this first shower together was all about tenderness and togetherness, rather than sex or passion.

As promised, Brad did indeed wash Jack's back for him. He was in heaven rubbing the warm suds across the massive back and shoulders of this big sweet man. He couldn't resist reaching around to the hairy chest and giving Jack's left nipple a quick tweak.

"Yow!" Jack said in surprise and jumped, then they both laughed. Jack turned around and hugged Brad close to him as the warm spray ran down all over and between them. They shared another deep, long kiss. "As crazy as it may sound since here we already are naked together in my shower, I'm really looking forward to getting to know you even better, Mr. Carson," Jack then said to Brad with a goofy grin.

"You're crazy, but I know exactly what you mean, and same here, Jack," Brad replied, laughing.

Soon the guys were out of the shower and dried off. They finished getting ready. Jack was now dressed in boxers, jean shorts and a t-shirt, as was Brad since these were the clothes he had worn over there. By now it was nearly 5pm, and Jack realized he needed to see if his truck was fixed or not. He called the garage and they told him it was ready anytime.

"I was going to just grab a cab over there to get the truck if one of the guys on duty didn't have time to come and give me a lift," Jack started to explain.

"Nonsense, come on big fella," Brad said with a smile.

Jack grinned, really liking how that "big fella" bit sounded when Brad said it to him with that cute smile of his. "OK, thanks a lot buddy," Jack replied.

They drove over in Brad's old Mercury to the garage, where Jack paid the mechanic and retrieved his truck. He backed over next to Brad's car and rolled down his truck window. "So, are we still on for dinner Brad?" Jack asked.

"You know I wouldn't miss it," Brad replied with a smile.

"Well, I want to take you somewhere really nice if I can get us a last-minute reservation, that is," Jack explained. "We'll need to be dressed up a bit for it though, business casual at least, a tie if you feel like it."

This was really getting Brad's curiosity going as to where Jack had in mind to take him. "Oh, don't go to any trouble Jack, really."

"I want to bud," Jack replied. "Follow me back to the house."

They drove back to Jack's house and went into the living room. "I'll be back in just a few, watch TV, make yourself at home. I am going to check on those reservations, and you stay your cute butt in here while I do, because if I can get them, I want it to be a surprise."

"OK, go ahead baby," Brad replied. Jack disappeared down the hall towards his room.

Brad sat on Jack's couch thinking how he could hardly believe all that had happened that day so far. Nor could he scarcely believe that he could now call this big handsome cop "baby" as casually as he just had, without even thinking about it. Jack apparently didn't mind this at all, either.

Brad was also thinking that he was so glad right now that other than helping with his elderly parents' farm, he had a work-from-home job in which he had a lot of flexibility to make his own schedule. If he had to punch a clock and work a regular shift, there probably would have been no way he could have spent today with Jack.

"Wow, he's actually gay, and he actually likes me," Brad was thinking in total amazement, because all that they had done earlier in the day still seemed a little bit like a dream to him. Brad channel-surfed for a while, and then Jack emerged back into the living room with a big smile.

"I got the reservations!" Jack exclaimed. He had already changed clothes while back there, too, and was now dressed in black dress slacks, a dark blue button-down that perfectly matched his gorgeous eyes, and a matching tie.

"I'm about to ask where we're going, but first allow me to say, damn you are gorgeous!" Brad exclaimed.

Jack laughed and came over and sat down next to Brad, "So are you, buddy." He kissed Brad gently on the lips, and gave him a big warm hug. Jack continued, "You don't know how glad I am that you are into me too. All this is new to me, and I don't know anyone else I'd rather be getting into it with than you."

"Oh, I'll be glad to let you into it when the time comes," Brad said, unable to resist the bad dirty pun.

Jack gave him a playful little thump on the chest with the back of his hand and said, "Behave," in a deep sexy voice. That frankly kind of made Brad want to fuckin' rip Jack's nice outfit off of him right then and there, rather than behave.

"I'll try," Brad replied chuckling. "So, where we going, stud?" he asked.

"Stud, huh," Jack said and played at cockily adjusting his necktie, "You know, I think I like that."

"Get used to hearing it then, and a lot more," Brad replied. "But anyway, where are we headed?"

"It's a surprise," Jack said, with that almost boyish quality that Brad adored.

"OK, cool with me, I think you are beyond sweet to be wanting to take me out somewhere anyway," Brad said, "I do need to get home and change into something appropriate though."

Jack followed Brad back to the farm. He waited in the living room while Brad changed into his dress clothes, and gave a wolf whistle when Brad emerged back into the room. "There's a sexy man," Jack said.

"Thanks, and right back at ya big guy," Brad said.

"So, do you like living out here?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, I like the country," Brad explained. "My folks had me kind of late, and so they're really getting up in years now. Dad pretty much retired from most of the farming before I moved back, about all we do now is some hay and stuff, so I end up helping around the house as much as anything outside."

"I know you came out a few years ago when you lived up in Rosemont," Jack began.

"Oh, I'm sure you and the rest of Pleasant View heard all about that." Brad said with a wry laugh, "I understand I was on every 'prayer list' in town!"

"People can be so narrow-minded around here," Jack observed. "On the other hand, a lot of the folks that have moved in since those new plants opened up are actually liberals, to the point that I think they may even now outnumber the redneck natives just a bit. Makes for an interesting mix, for sure. Once I'm ready to tell them, I won't even be the first openly gay officer on our force."

"Well, I'm sure you'll be glad not to have that distinction. I know about Earheart," Brad said, referring to the Pleasant View Police Department's other, and already openly, gay officer. Officer Justin Earheart had moved there and gotten a job on the force when his partner Eric Jamison was transferred in to be over accounting in the new automotive plant that had opened a few years before.

"Well, a couple of the other guys acted like asses towards Justin when he first moved here and joined the force," Jack said, "As you know, that was before Holly and I even divorced. Chief laid down the law really fast though, he's an open-minded guy, and most of the other guys on the force don't give a shit who anyone else screws, as long as they get some themselves as often as they can."

Soon the guys were in Jack's pickup and heading west. They had a great conversation going about the things they were both interested in and their lives. After an hour, though, Brad was really puzzled. "I'm loving talking to you and being with you Jack, so don't take this the wrong way, but aren't we going quite a ways for dinner?"

"Well," Jack said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "Let's just say we don't have to be there 'til 8:00, and we'll be a little early at that I think. And you're gonna LOVE it."

"Sounds great," Brad said.

They had been talking about their mutual beliefs and interests. They had figured out that they were both free-thinking liberals who were spiritual but not into organized religion. They already had a general idea of each other's hobbies and interests from their facebook pages, as they had added each other before, the afternoon that Jack had first invited Brad to come over to use his pool. Brad was delighted the more they talked to find that he actually had much more in common with this barrel-chested hunk of a cop than he would have thought, and not by any means just the delightful revelation that Jack was gay, either.

They both loved history and politics, travel and seeing new places, and getting out and hiking and enjoying the outdoors when the weather was nice. And, they both were major classic film fans, a fact that especially delighted Brad, since he didn't know that many other people around their age that were. Brad was already thinking of how nice it would be to cuddle up on Jack's couch and watch a good old movie with him sometime soon. In addition, they were both really into music (though neither could sing or play) and like Brad, Jack was also a "retro geek" in that area too, and really enjoyed a variety of older music.

As they continued to talk, they eventually arrived in Hortonsville, a small city about an hour and a half away from Pleasant View. They soon pulled into a parking lot in front of a handsomely restored old train station. A long string of stainless steel passenger cars from the 1940s led by diesel engines of a similar vintage was sitting on the track by the depot. "Hortonsville Dinner Train" read the sign out front.

"Oh, my God, Jack!" Brad exclaimed with excitement. "I have ALWAYS wanted to come ride this dinner train!"

"Well, bud, I did see on your facebook that you were into trains," Jack said grinning and obviously pleased that this had made Brad so happy, "So, I thought of this."

"Well you are too generous, I know all too well how expensive this is!" Brad protested.

"Nonsense, bud, I want to treat you," Jack said, "And besides, you know as we've been talking about that I'm really into history like you are, and I've wanted to do this for a long time myself, too."

They went inside the station, where there was a small bar and lounge with tables, as well as a gift shop. Before long it was time to board the dinner train for their 8pm trip. The cars of the dinner train were beautifully restored inside and out, very elegant in a way that reminded both men of scenes from the old movies they both loved. The dining cars had tables for four, as had always been the tradition back in the golden age of passenger trains. Brad and Jack were seated at a table across from two other guys.

The waitress took their drink orders and brought their salads out just as the train started to roll. One of the guys sitting across the table from them was very tall, probably about six foot four, blonde, tanned, clearly in great shape, very lean and muscular, and probably in his late thirties. The other guy was a very handsome, shorter, thin African American man with a slight build, who looked to probably be in his mid-twenties. "Now these two definitely ping," Brad also thought to himself with a silent chuckle.

"Hi guys," said the shorter guy, in a rather high but very cheerful voice, "I'm Adam and this is my partner Jonathan." Everyone said hi to each other, and Adam continued, "Is this y'all's first time riding the dinner train?" Jack told them that it was.

"If you don't mind my asking," said the muscular Jonathan, who reminded Brad a little of how the singer Sting had looked when he was that age, "How long have you guys been together? You make an adorable couple."

Jack blushed at this, and so did Brad.

"Oh, hell Jonathan," said Adam with a laugh. He waved a hand in the direction of Brad and Jack, "You've embarrassed them. They might even be straight for all we know."

"Honey," said Jonathan cockily in his deep, sexy voice, but also with a laugh, "Do I, or do I not, have the best gaydar in the en-tire tri-state-area?"

Brad cracked up at this, and then explained, "It's cool guys. We are both gay, but we're just, um, friends."

"Mmmhmmmm," Adam cooed suggestively with a smirk, "Well, Brad, if you don't mind my sayin' so, you and your 'friend' here are both pretty damn hot!"

"Lord, calm down, Adam," Jonathan said with a laugh.

"Well thank you," Jack said as Brad nodded in agreement.

"You guys are both attractive too," Brad confirmed. Jonathan then explained that he and Adam had been a couple for five years, and had lived together in Rosemont for the past four.

They enjoyed a pleasant chat with the couple throughout the excellent meal, the main course of which consisted of succulent prime rib and baked potato entrees. The train passed through some beautiful rolling countryside for about an hour and fifteen minutes, at one point crossing a long high trestle. It also passed through a long section of wilderness, which was part of a beautiful state forest. Then, as dessert was being served, just after the sun had set gorgeously outside the windows, the train came to a stop. In a moment the engines ran around the train on a sidetrack. They then coupled back up to the other end of it, and then started to pull it back towards Hortonsville.

Jack said, "God, this is good," upon trying the hot baked apple dumpling dish with ice cream that he'd chosen for dessert.

The other guys all three agreed what an excellent meal it had been.

"They certainly have thought of everything," Brad commented, as little spotlights mounted on the lower outsides of the cars came on, so that a little of the passing scenery would be illuminated even as the train returned to town in the growing darkness.

Another nice touch was that throughout the train, period 1940s-era big band, swing, and jazz music was being piped in on the sound system. As the guys finished their dessert, Frank Sinatra was softly crooning "There Are Such Things" with the Pied Pipers backing him as the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra played. "Maybe there really are such things after all, Frankie." Brad thought to himself hopefully, "At least there will be, if all of this with Jack keeps going the way I think it could be headed."

Several minutes later the friendly waitress returned to pick up their dessert dishes. She then added to the point Brad had just made about the dinner train people having really thought of everything when she explained, "We have a little over an hour to get back to town guys. You're free to walk the train, or stay here at your table. At the back of the train the next to the last car is our lounge and bar, and the last car is our vintage observation car. It has comfortable seating and an open-air rear observation platform."

Jonathan and Adam, who had been pleasant dinner companions, exchanged emails with Brad and Jack so they could keep in touch. "Y'all really should COME by and see us the next time you're UP our way," Adam invited with a smile and more than a hint of over-obvious double entendre to go with it, Brad thought, amused. Adam was definitely as queeny as all get out, but he was still really cute, though, Brad admitted to himself. With that, they all got up and walked back through the train. Jonathan and Adam opted for drinks in the bar-lounge car, while Jack and Brad went on back to the observation car at the end of the train.

"Want to go out on the back platform?" Jack asked.

"Sure," said Brad, "that would be nice." They pulled open a door at the rear of the car, and then found themselves in a small vestibule area with doors to the outside on either side of the car. They then took a few steps further back, and opened the rear exit door that opened out onto the small observation platform.

The back platform of the train reminded them, being classic movie buffs, of the one from which Fred Mac Murray had leaped in the movie DOUBLE INDEMNITY. It had a couple of chairs on either side of the door that led out onto it, and was surrounded by iron railings. They closed the door back behind them, and back here there were no spotlights. It had gotten dark outside, and so they were in near-darkness on the platform. They sat down next to each other in the two chairs to the right of the door, and were the only ones out there at the time.

A nice warm evening breeze was all around them. The dinner train traveled at just a leisurely 25 miles per hour, to extend the length of time the trip took, and to allow for scenery viewing. Almost the only light out where they were came from the red light attached to the back of the train car, across the back railing from where they sat. It illuminated the rails receding behind them momentarily each time it flashed on.

Jack reached over and took Brad's hand. "Have you enjoyed yourself, Brad," he asked.

"Completely, thank you so much Jack, this has been an awesome evening," Brad replied sincerely. "And, damn, how totally romantic and retro is this, sitting out here together."

Jack answered that by leaning over and giving Brad a deep, passionate kiss. The kiss continued, their tongues exploring one another's mouth, and their hands doing some exploring too. Brad ran his hands all over the front of Jack's dress shirt, loving the feel of that big strong barrel chest beneath it. Jack was doing the same, and soon their hands were rubbing each other's crotch as their deep kissing continued.

The train continued on through the night, a soft warm breeze blowing across them as they made out on the dark observation platform. There was a speaker to the sound system in the roof of the platform above them. As Jack and Brad continued intensely making out, Doris Day was singing "My Dreams Are Getting Better All the Time" with the Les Brown Orchestra.

"Mmmmm," Jack said, panting a bit as he broke their kiss, "Oh, fuck Brad, I want you so much."

"Play your cards right big fella," Brad replied coyly, "and that can certainly be arranged sometime very soon, I think."

"Sometime soon hell," Jack said with a grin, continuing to rub the bulge in Brad's dress pants just as Brad was doing to his, "if this were the train from NORTH BY NORTHWEST, I might have to go hide out in your top bunk right now."

Brad giggled at the reference to the classic Hitchcock flick, in which it was very obviously implied that Eva Marie Saint got (very!) lucky with Cary Grant after he had hidden out in her sleeping car room.

"Well, there are no sleepers on this train," Brad continued. "But I seem to recall a great big king-sized bed back at your place, though." Somehow this strong level of sexual flirtation already felt right to Brad with Jack, even if this was technically their first date. Wait, first date? Well, even if it was a getting-to-know-you-better-after-ending-up-jacking-poolside trip, it was still romantic as hell and...and yes, it actually felt like a date, Brad realized.

Jack was thinking the same thing, and to Brad's flirtation he replied, "As you said before, I think that can be arranged sometime soon. Very soon, if you want it be. As for right now buddy, you've sure got me hard as fuck again with all this kissing and rubbing."

"Mmmm," thought Brad, "Damn, could he be any sexier when he says shit like that in that deep sexy voice of his?"

Aloud, Brad said, "Well, me too," putting Jack's hand back on his throbbing bulge.

"We can't do anything here," Jack said, looking around nervously.

"And, why not?" Asked Brad, feeling both very horny and very adventurous.

"Hell man," Jack said, trying to be reasonable even though his other head was trying to take control, "what if someone else comes through that door and catches us?"

"Well, you could always arrest me if they catch me doing anything too naughty to you," Brad said evilly.

Jack liked this flirtation and played along, "We're not in my jurisdiction Brad, and besides, I don't even have my handcuffs with me."

"Uh huh, I think I see your handcuffs somewhere in my future too, big fella," Brad said. He then stood up.

Jack was a tad confused, thinking, "Surely he doesn't think we can just go back inside right now, I mean our hard ons are both pretty obvious in these dress pants."

Brad got one of the chairs from the other side of the observation platform and picked it up, still grinning evilly. "And here I was afraid they'd have these fastened down," Brad said in mock fascination. "Guess they realize it isn't necessary as slow as the train goes, and what with the railings around."

Brad then wedged the chair to where it was firmly stuck between some of the corrugated notches in the iron deck of the platform, and the doorknob. Until that chair was removed, nobody else was going to be able to open the door outwards and join them on the platform, which is exactly what Brad had in his dirty mind.

"That's a safety hazard," Jack heard himself saying for some unknown reflexive reason, before he thought.

"There are plenty of other exits on this train, so at ease, Officer Jack," Brad said with a giggle. "And besides, this door and platform have both been retrofitted onto the back of what used to just be a coach anyway, otherwise the door wouldn't open out the way that it does. They've put it where the passage from this car to the next one would have originally been. Just inside this door, in the vestibule, those doors on either side are the original exit doors. But enough train history," Brad said, as he reached down between Jack's legs and gently grabbed a handful of Jack's hot bulge through his pants.

Jack's mind was racing now. He knew what was coming and both wanted it, and liked the illicit thrill of it happening right here on the open-air backend of a moving train, but it still made him very nervous.

"But, what if someone is sitting in their car at a railroad crossing?" Jack said, "They'll see us when their headlights shine through the railings of this platform."

"You think way too much big fella," Brad said with an evil smirk. "Besides, we are now passing back through that long stretch of the state forest, remember? No roads, no cars, no people..."

Jack's lower head took over now, as he stood and kissed Brad passionately again. The train lurched a little and they both nearly lost their balance.

"You better sit back down, baby," Brad said.

Jack sat down again, a bulge still clearly evident in his dress pants. Before he could say anything else, Brad was kneeling right in front of him, and reaching for his zipper.

"Oh, fuck, he's really about to suck my cock right here!" Jack thought excitedly, and wanting it very badly.

"Mmmm, God," Jack said aloud. "I know what you're about to do, and fuck this is hot, but are you sure - I didn't think you wanted to rush things too much after what already happened between us this afternoon by my pool."

"Do you feel like we're rushing?" Brad asked huskily, not wanting to mess anything up, and pausing with his hand on Jack's zipper. He could feel the warmth radiating from Jack's cock through his pants on the back of his hand. "Because," Brad continued, "I don't. Not rushing things as you get to know someone doesn't have to involve the number of hours or days that have passed, Jack. It is more about how you feel about the person, and where you could see things going with them. I don't feel like what I'm about to do is rushing anything, after what a wonderful time I've had with you tonight, do you?"

"No, not at all Brad. I really like you. A lot." Jack replied sincerely, then just leaned back and closed his eyes.

With that as his cue, Brad grabbed the zipper on Jack's black dress pants again and lowered it quickly, then reached in and drug his thick, throbbing prize out through the fly of Jack's boxers, the front of which he noted was already soaked with precum. He stroked Jack's thick hot meat a couple of times and Jack moaned softly just a little. Brad quickly reached down and unzipped his own pants, and pulled his hard cock out and started to jack it. He then leaned in and licked the head of Jack's cock teasingly, inspiring another moan from the adorable officer.

Brad was jacking himself fast. He knew this had to be fast, they certainly couldn't risk getting caught, even as hot as this all was. "Oh, my God, how long have I wanted to do this?" He thought with a smile. Brad then leaned in and just completely swallowed Jack's throbbing, fat six and a half inch long cock.

"Mmmm, GOD!" Jack moaned. "Yes, Brad baby, suck me!"

Brad had every intention of doing so, but when he'd went down, the zipper had grazed the side of his mouth uncomfortably. Also, Jack's thick cock looked constricted sticking out his boxer fly and just through the zipper opening of the dress pants. Brad stopped working his own cock for a minute, and with both hands reached up and unbuttoned Jack's pants, pulling them back and away from his crotch a bit.

Brad then reached up and got the waistband of Jack's black boxers, and pulled them down to where the elastic of them was nestled beneath Jack's big low-hanging balls. Jack's balls looked pretty full, as if they must have already refilled quite nicely with that sweet cop cream, even just since Jack's three releases that had happened several hours earlier. "Mmm, this big fuckin' stud really must have some kind of sex drive," Brad thought wickedly as he noted this.

Brad rubbed Jack's big balls with his left hand, enjoying their texture, and the feel of the dusting of hair on them. Meanwhile, he resumed jacking his own aching cock with his right hand. He then took Jack's cock deep in his mouth again, and started bobbing up and down on it rapidly for all he was worth.

"There will be lots of times, Brad thought, "to take our time and really do this and a whole lot more right. But, right now I just want to make him cum, without getting caught in the process." That was not going to take long, for either of them. The hotness of the whole thing, in the open air on the back of the moving train was intoxicating. And for Brad, so was the taste of his hot cop's big thick throbbing cock in his mouth. It was finally really right where Brad had always wanted it for so long, in the many fantasies he'd had about Jack since the first time he had ever seen the hot officer, during all that time when Jack had only been casually aware of Brad's existence around Pleasant View.

Jack was moaning softly, and had his hands gently on the back of Brad's head. Brad was using his free hand to again grope Jack's big balls as he sucked him fast and deep. He felt Jack's balls tighten, and his thick, meaty shaft throb and expand slightly to become even more of a mouthful than it already was.

"Oh my fuckin' GOD!" Jack moaned, just a bit louder than he meant to. "I'm - UH! - gonna - Ah-UH! UH! - fuckin' cum! AH-UH! FUCK! Brad, pull off!"

"Oh, hell to the no!" thought Brad. "I'm taking every damn drop of that sweet creamy cop load just like I've wanted to for so long."

And take it he did. Jack moaned again, and unleashed a torrent of hot cum into Brad's mouth, the first shot hitting the back of his throat. Brad took it all, and didn't spill a drop. It tasted sweet, and only the faintest bit salty, just as the little taste he'd had earlier that day when they had kissed after he had jacked them had.

"Oh, fuck!" Brad thought. "His fucking cum even tastes good, can he get any more perfect?" That realization sent Brad to his climax, and he shot a big load on the floor of the observation platform, even as he was finishing swallowing the last of Jack's. He licked Jack's cock, causing him to jump a little as it was in its post-orgasmic super-sensitive mode. He then carefully put away his new favorite toy, and buttoned and zipped his fantasy man back up. Brad put away his own spent cock, and got up into the chair next to Jack, putting his arms around him, and kissing him. Brad fed Jack a good bit of Jack's own load that he'd held in his mouth just for that purpose. They broke their kiss, panting hard.

"Oh, my God," Jack said. "I had no clue getting head could be like...that! I think that is the hottest fuckin' thing you could have thought of to do to me."

"Oh, big boy," Brad said, his evil smirk returning, "if you believe that, then just wait 'til I really get you alone, 'cause you ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Just then there came a pounding on the door. Brad quickly got up, moved the chair out of the way, and the door swung outward. There stood Jonathan and Adam.

"The door must have, um, stuck," Brad sputtered.

Jonathan and Adam took in the red faces, the slightly rumpled shirts, and most of all the pool of Brad's cum that was still on the floor near Jack's feet.

"Mmmmmhmmm," Adam cooed, cocking an eyebrow and putting a hand on his hip, "And we KNOW that y'all bois are just 'friends' too!"

In spite of themselves, Brad and Jack both joined in the roaring laughter of the other two guys, as the train moved on, nearly back to Hortonsville.

"Now, why the hell didn't we think of that?" Adam smirked to Jonathan. Jonathan stepped through the door into the observation car, and then back out a moment later. He handed Brad a couple of paper napkins he'd retrieved from inside.

"Cleanup on aisle three!" Jonathan said, smirking. "We'll see you two back inside."

Brad used the napkins to wipe his cum off the platform floor, and then he and Jack tucked in their shirts, straightened their ties, and went back inside. Adam and Jonathan tactfully made no further mention of what they'd walked out on the ending of. The four guys made some more small talk in the comfortable seating of the observation car, and before they knew it, the train was back to Hortonsville and coming to a stop at the depot.

Brad and Jack said their goodbyes to the other couple. Inside, they decided to stop in the gift shop for a sec. While Brad was browsing through some postcards and train-related merchandise, he soon saw Jack at the counter making a purchase.

"Ready to head home, babe?" Jack asked him.

"Yeah, can't wait to get you home in fact," Brad growled low.

"Mmm, I like the sound of that," Jack replied as they walked out and crossed the parking lot toward the truck.

"What'd you buy me?" Brad said, only joking.

They got in the truck and Jack replied, "This," as he opened the small bag and handed Brad a CD.

"I was just kidding when I said 'what'd you buy me,' and seriously, after buying that dinner, you really shouldn't have," Brad said, but was touched at how thoughtful Jack was. The CD was entitled "I'll Be Seeing You: Romantic Hits of the 1940s," and contained many of the songs that had been playing on the train.

"I wanted you to have a good souvenir of our first date," Jack said, honestly before he really thought.

They looked at each other. Brad leaned across and gave Jack a sweet, tender kiss. "And that is exactly what I consider tonight to be, Jack. I didn't know it would happen this fast, but I think you know, I'm falling for you, big guy."

"I feel exactly the same way, Brad," Jack replied sincerely, with a smile.

The guys buckled up, Jack started the truck, and they were on their way. The drive back to Pleasant View passed quickly, as they talked and laughed all the way home. By the time they reached the familiar Main Street, which was quiet at this hour of just after midnight, Brad was sure, even if it had all happened so fast. He still knew his own heart. He knew that he was very much in love with Officer Jack Albertson. And, Jack was thinking the exact same thing, and feeling the exact same way about Brad.

"You want me to run you on back out to the farm now?" Jack asked, almost shyly.

"Don't even think about it, big guy!" Brad replied, "I do believe your house is that way," he said, pointing to the left and grinning broadly.

Once they were inside Jack's house, Jack actually seemed a little nervous in a very sweet and cute sort of way. He told Brad to make himself at home in the living room, and to help himself to a drink if he wanted one.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to head on back to the bathroom and get changed and stuff," Jack explained.

"Sure baby, I'll be right here," Brad replied.

While Jack was gone, Brad was sitting there doing a lot of thinking. But, it all came right back around to the same exact thing. "I love him, plain and simple," Brad thought. "And tonight, I want to make love with him. What we did by the pool today and on the train tonight was hot, beyond hot. But tonight, I'm going to tell him that I love him. And, if he really feels the same way, which I'm almost certain he does after what we said to each other when we got back in the truck at the train earlier, then I want us to make love."


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 5

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