Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Jul 31, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

On Saturday morning, Brad headed home to the Carson farm. He had a very long talk with his parents Allen and Betsy, in which he explained to them that he and Jack were dating. They had always been supportive and loving, even if not overly enthusiastic, about the fact that their son was gay. They were surprised to learn that Jack was too, but knowing the kind of good man he was, they had nothing but approval for Brad's interest in him. Brad mowed hay that evening until the sun was going down.

Lying nude in his bed that night, he had another long talk on the phone with Jack before he drifted off to sleep. They ended up getting each other going during the call, and jacked off together on the phone before they hung up. "Goodnight, baby, I love you and I'll see you tomorrow," Jack finally said sweetly, after they had both gotten off hard.

"Goodnight, handsome, love you too," Brad answered before he clicked off his cell.

On Sunday morning, Brad told his folks goodbye as they headed off to go to Sunday school and church. His folks went to a church that was not nearly as fanatical as that of LeRoy Fawlkes, but Brad still did not feel comfortable going. Brad had his own beliefs, but he had yet to ever find a church that he was comfortable attending, or that seemed to have the same concept of God and spirituality that he felt in his heart. Jack was the same way.

Brad gave Jack a call about 10:00am, "Good morning, sunshine," he joked.

"Hey, handsome," Jack replied.

"I just talked to Earheart," Jack said. "We're on for dinner with them tonight if you feel like it."

"Sounds good, I'm looking forward to getting to know them better," Brad said.

They had agreed on the phone the night before to go on a drive together that day. "I'll be on out there shortly," Jack said before they ended their call.

In just a bit, the red Chevy was pulling up the driveway. Brad got in, bringing his overnight bag as he planned to stay at Jack's tonight, since tomorrow morning Jack would be going back to work and Brad wanted to spend as much time with Jack as he could in the meantime.

"Where we heading?" Brad asked, after they had shared a long hello kiss in the truck.

"It's a surprise," Jack said smiling.

"You and your surprises," Brad laughed, but he liked this playful side of his big man a lot.

They drove through some beautiful hilly countryside. They then drove on for a while alongside the river, commenting on the people that were fishing on the bank and out in boats on the water. Today, Jack had Tina Turner's "Greatest Hits" CD in the truck, and they had the windows down and Tina cranked up, the warm breeze blowing through the cab. Brad's hand was wrapped tightly in Jack's in the center of the seat between them as Jack drove on along and Tina was singing, "What's Love Got To Do With It."

"A whole lot, Anna Mae," Brad said out loud, giggling. "When you've got a guy as great as I do!"

Eventually, Jack turned off the road and stopped in front of a red farm gate. He hopped out, opened the gate, got back in the Chevy, and put it in four-wheel drive. Up the narrow, very rutted road they went. And then they went on up, and around, and up some more, woods closing in on both sides now.

"Lord, where are we going?" Brad laughed, "Brokeback Mountain?"

"You wish!" Jack teased. "But seriously, this would actually be Smith's Mountain."

"Oh, so, are we going to see John Boy and Mary Ellen?" Brad giggled.

"No, that would be Walton's Mountain, and trust me there's nobody up here but us." Jack chuckled.

"Oh, I'm liking this more already!" Brad said grinning wickedly.

They finally got to a place where the old wagon road leveled off and then went on to wind its way through towering old growth pines. The air was a little cooler, and Brad knew that was because of not only the shade from the trees, but also because of the fact that they had went up in elevation a reasonable bit.

The road went to the left then, and there came a break in the trees. To the left, a group of tall rocks soon cropped up, and then Jack pulled the truck to a stop. "Come on, babe," he said to Brad.

Jack led the way over to the big rocks, and they were able to walk up onto them. Brad gasped then. Before him were spread miles and miles of gorgeous scenery. The rocks had hidden the fact that they were at the edge of a steep down slope, here on top of the 2,800-foot peak of Smith's Mountain. Far below them, Brad could see the road they had driven out on, and the river next to it winding away in the distance. On the farthest horizon, he could see all of Pleasant View spread out before them. The tall old brick smokestacks of the oldest factory in town, Jenkins Industries, where Brad's dad had worked before he retired, were a good reference point to figure out where everything else was.

"Wish I'd remembered to bring my binoculars, dang it," Jack said grinning.

"We will the next time," Brad said. "But baby, this is gorgeous!"

"Glad you like it," Jack replied.

"How in the world did you know about this place?" Brad asked.

"Well, you remember me telling you about my Uncle Joe?" Jack asked in reply.

"Yeah, your dad's only brother," Brad remembered. Jack had explained that growing up he had never known his father who had run off when he was just a year old, but he had been very close to his dad's only brother Joe. Uncle Joe had lived in Smithville, a small town about 30 miles east of Pleasant View. Smithville was located at the foot of this mountain, not far on down the highway from where they had turned off to drive up the old wagon road onto the mountain.

Jack had never known his father, Billy Jack Smith, at all. Times had sometimes been really tough for Jack and his mother, Alice, as Jack had grown up. But, Jack had always looked forward to summers spent in Smithville with his Uncle Joe Smith and Aunt Trina. They were both gone now, but Jack's memories of them lived on so fondly.

"Uncle Joe used to bring me up here all the time in the summer when I was a kid just to camp and hike or just to have a picnic here on the rocks and enjoy the view, if Aunt Trina was with us," Jack explained.

"That had to be a lot of fun," Brad said. "This would be an awesome spot for a picnic too, with that gorgeous view of the whole county spread out down below."

"Well, Uncle Joe always had a joke about that. He said that from up here, you could see everything that was NOT happening in Pleasant View, Kentucky," Jack laughed.

"Funny that the town down there in the valley is named that," Brad commented. "When this up here is the real pleasant view."

"I can tell you one thing bud," Jack said. "That valley and the town sure look different now than they did when I was a kid 20 and 25 years ago. So much more developed."

"I can imagine," Brad said. "Like I said, I can sure see why your Aunt Trina thought this was a good place to have a picnic. Speaking of, my breakfast has died, I wish we had brought something with us."

Jack hopped down and walked over to the truck, unlocking the big toolboxes that crossed the truck bed up by the cab. He pulled out a big whicker picnic basket and came carrying it and grinning broadly back towards Brad.

"Your wish is my command, Mr. Carson," Jack said.

"Jack!" Brad exclaimed. "You sure think of everything!"

In the basket was a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken along with sides, napkins, plates, utensils, and a small cooler containing a couple of the old style longneck glass-bottle Cokes made with real cane sugar, that Brad loved. Jack had even remembered to bring the pop opener!

"Ya didn't expect me to actually cook it, and bring it, did you baby?" Jack asked with a laugh.

"No, the Colonel is always fine with me," Brad replied laughing too. "I just think you are sweet as hell to think of bringing a picnic up here at all."

"Be right back, babe," Jack said, and returned to the truck. This time he brought back a big old blanket. He spread the blanket on the smooth shelf at the top of the rocks, and they sat down across from each other and enjoyed their fried chicken and a view of half the county.

After eating and talking some more, the guys gathered everything up and went back to the truck. Jack drove on around, across a big cleared field, through some more woods, and then back out into another clearing, there on top of the mountain. Before them was a large field full of wildflowers and grasses gently waving in the cool breeze that always seemed to blow up there, even on a day as hot as this Sunday, July 31.

"Come on," Jack said. He grabbed the blanket and they took off across the field. Jack spread the blanket out right in the middle of the big field of wildflowers, with the trunk about three or four hundred yards away from them now. He stretched out on the blanket, hands behind his head, and Brad joined him. The sky was bluest blue up here, and the warm sun felt great.

"This is beautiful," Brad said.

"You are too," Jack said sweetly, and then leaned over to kiss him.

"I love you, Jack," Brad said.

"And I love you too, baby." Jack said. "You know, I've often thought I would love to have a house up here one of these days."

Brad grinned mischievously, the ever-present classic movie fan in him thinking of something that naturally came to mind up here when Jack said that, especially since he had been raised on old country music as well. In an exaggerated feminine drawl, Brad said, "Now, Doolittle, I don't want the dadgum bedroom on this side of the house. We put the dadgum bedroom on this side of the house, sun's gonna come through the window and wake me up ever' mornin' 'bout 5:00!"

Jack slapped the ground next to him and roared with laughter, at Brad's impersonation of Sissy Spacek in her Oscar-winning role as Loretta Lynn in COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER.

"I had never thought about that," Jack said. "Up here does kind of put you in the mind of that place where Loretta and Doo were gonna build their house."

"They never did build it in real life, you know," Brad said.

"Well, one of these days, I'm going to," Jack said. "Even if it is not 'til I retire from the force."

"Well, they might not mind us picnicking and stretching out in their gorgeous field to enjoy the sunshine, but something tells me that whoever owns this mountain might object to you building a house on it," Brad said with a laugh.

Jack propped himself up on an elbow then, and looked over at Brad through his cop shades. He lowered the shades a bit and glanced over the top of them, and said, "You happen to be lookin' at him, baby."

"You own a fuckin' mountain?" Brad blurted, and again Jack rolled with laughter.

"I surely fuckin' do, baby!" Jack exclaimed, still laughing. "Seriously. Aunt Trina passed first, and then when Uncle Joe died, he left everything they had to me, since they didn't have any children. They didn't really have much, just a little bitty house down there in Smithville, and the mountaintop up here."

Jack continued, "I should explain that I don't actually own the WHOLE mountain, and neither did they. What I own is basically from just the other side of the rocks where we had our little picnic, and then the entire rest of the top of the mountain. The woods and everything else going back down along the old wagon road belongs to someone else. It's about 100 acres altogether up here on top that I do own, I guess, and not worth a lot to anyone but me."

"Well, I think it is priceless, Jack," Brad said sincerely. "This looks like a park or something! It is so awesome that it belongs to you."

"Thanks baby, I have a lot of good memories up here from when I was a kid," Jack said.

"What did you do with their house?" Brad asked curiously.

"Sold it. How I paid off my college debt. It was very old and very small, so it didn't bring much, but enough to get me out from under the debt, though, and it helped get me and Holly started when we first got married," Jack explained. "This mountaintop was what I was really tickled to get, though, and I still am!"

"I can see why," Brad said.

"I like to come up here by myself sometimes just to think," Jack said. "I'll stretch out right here naked sometimes too and just enjoy being part of nature. And yes, I know how tree-hugger that sounds and I don't care!"

"Actually it sounds nice," Brad said, and pulled off his t-shirt. Jack followed suit, and in a minute they were both completely naked.

"This feels great," Brad said, as they stretched back out nude in the sun.

"Yes, it sure does, and feel that good cool breeze too," Jack said. "Keeps the sun from being too much on a day like today."

The breeze blew across Brad, and pretty quickly caused both his nipples and his cock to go hard. "Well, hello there," Jack said, glancing over and grinning.

"Hello, yourself," Brad said, seeing that Jack was similarly boned up. They rolled into each other's arms. They spent a good 15 minutes just rolling around there on the blanket and kissing, in the middle of the sunny mountaintop field of wildflowers. They were both in a very romantic mood on that Sunday afternoon.

They kissed tenderly, lovingly, and explored each other with their hands as they rolled around in the sun. Brad had that old song of Dolly Parton's about "sweet summer lovin' in the dandelions" running through his head. Finally horniness kicked in, and Jack was soon giving Brad another good blowjob. He finished swallowing his baby's good load, and then gave Brad another long kiss. Jack's thick cock was still rock hard.

"Cum on me, baby," Brad requested huskily. Jack straddled Brad, so that his big low hangers rested on top of Brad's balls and softening cock, which Jack had just sucked so expertly. As Brad reached up and caressed his man's tummy and furry chest, Jack groaned and stroked his throbbing cock fast and hard.

"OH, Babe!" Jack groaned.

"Yeah, honey," Brad said, reaching up to give Jack's left nipple a good pinch, "Shoot that big hot load on me!"

"AH-UH, UH, oh fuck!" Jack grunted. Brad kept using both hands to explore the big furry playground that was his man's chest and tummy. Jack kept stroking furiously, as being caressed and having his chest played with at a time like this was a tremendous turn-on.

"UH, OH! Fuck! BRAD! You ready for - Ah-Uh! UH! - a big load of - UH! FUCK! - some good creamy - Uh! AH-UH! - cop cum?" Jack asked grunting and grinning down evilly.

"FUCK YES! Give it all to me, Officer!" Brad shouted.

"AH, FUCK! FUCK! AH-UH! UH! UH!" Jack groaned loudly, and then gave it all to him. Six huge spurts of cum splattered all over Brad's chubby tummy, his furry chest, and a couple got him in the face, too. He stuck out his tongue and tasted some of Jack's sweet cream that had landed on his upper lip.

His big beefy baby collapsed on top of him breathing hard, and they lay there for a long moment holding each other. Soon, they were lying there side by side holding hands and talking, still naked and enjoying the sunshine. Brad laid his head over on that big broad chest, and Jack gently stroked his hair as the cool mountaintop breeze mingled with the hot sun to kiss their bare bodies all over.

"When I figured out I was gay," Jack said, with Brad looking up into his eyes, head still on his chest, "I never thought in a million years I'd ever find a boyfriend as hot and sweet as you, Bradley." Mr. Hot Cop tended to add the -ley to Bradley anytime he was feeling especially romantic and loving, and this was one of those times, Brad thought in delight. It then clicked what Jack had just said. Brad scooted up and gave Jack a big kiss.

"Mmm," Jack said, "What was that for?"

"Do you realize what you just said?" Brad asked, grinning.

"I said I never thought in a million years I'd ever find a boyfr-"

"Uh huh," Brad said, still grinning broadly.

"You don't mind that do you?" Jack asked.

"Sounds great to me. I mean, we've spent most of the last five or six days together, Jack," Brad said. "We know we're in love, we've said I love you, we've talked about everything under the sun and," he grinned naughtily, "we have made love and cummed on and in and all over each other so many fuckin' wonderful times this week that I have done lost count, big guy!"

"Mmmhmm, to all of that," Jack growled, smiling. "I didn't really realize we hadn't used the word before," Jack continued. "But, I guess all that pretty much does make us boyfriends."

Brad's heart was racing, as he loved everything about that, but he still had to pick on his big sweet man just a little. He put a pout on his face and said, "Well, SOMEbody, still needs to ask me first, if I wanna be his BOYfriend."

Jack rolled around and got on top of Brad, once again in that full-body-contact position that drove Brad so crazy. As he felt his man's heat and weight on top of him, Jack leaned down and whispered in his ear softly, "Bradley Carson, I'm in love with you. How would you like to be my boyfriend?"

"I'd love to, and I love you too, Jack," Brad replied. They kissed passionately again. Lying there in the sun, they talked some more. Jack got a funny look at one point in the conversation, and Brad asked him what was wrong.

"Oh, nothing," Jack tried.

"Like you told me the other day, don't try to bullshit me," Brad said with a grin.

"Well," Jack said, "I'm obviously tickled to death that we have now officially hung out the boyfriends shingle and all." This wording cracked Brad up. Jack continued, "But, I'm just wondering about something."

"What, Jack?" Brad asked.

"That first day," Jack said, thinking that it seemed much longer ago than just five or six days, given how close they had gotten, "When we were talking next to my pool."

"I remember," Brad said grinning evilly again. "I do believe you are referring to Tuesday, right before I jacked us off and we came all over each other for the very first time."

"Behave," Jack said grinning. "But, seriously, yeah. I remember something you told me before we first fooled around. You said, 'I really don't know if I want anything serious, or at least not if I want anything completely monogamous even if it is serious, with anyone'."

Brad nodded, "Well, of course neither of us knew it would all happen so fast, Jack. But, obviously I know now that I want something serious with you - I love what we were just talking about - the idea that I'm now your boyfriend."

Jack leaned over and kissed him again. "Me too, but that's not what I'm wondering about. I mean the second part of what you said."

"Oh," Brad said, realizing now what Jack was getting at. "You mean when I mentioned that even if I was in a serious relationship again, I didn't know if I would want it to be completely monogamous or not."

"Yeah," Jack replied.

"Well, Jack," Brad said, "that was just proof of my having long since given up on finding anyone that I would be willing to commit to - completely. But honestly, and I hope this won't feel smothery to you - if it does please say so - but I think I want to commit here and now to us being a totally monogamous couple. You're the only one for me, big guy."

Brad meant it. Even taking their strong and true feelings of love out of the equation, who would look elsewhere for sex anyway? Nobody would, Brad thought, not if, like him, they now had exactly what they had always fantasized about in that department wrapped up in one big wonderful sexy stud of a guy named Jack!

"You know I'm new to all this," Jack said. "With a guy, I mean. But, monogamy was never an issue for me before, and it sure won't be now. You give me all I could ever want and more, Bradley, in every way. There is nothing else out there that I would ever feel like I was missing out on."

They kissed again, each so happy to have finally found their true soul mate, heart, mind, and now, yes, body, that was theirs and theirs alone. They then just lay there quietly together for a long while longer naked on the blanket on the ground in each other's arms, loving how the sun felt, and how their arms felt around one another.

Finally, Jack looked at Brad with a goofy I'm-up-to-something grin and said, "Being up here always makes me just want to run around naked. I think I will!" He burst out laughing, got up, and went running bare assed naked back off across the field towards the truck, giving Brad an excellent view of that fine bubble butt. Brad was laughing too as he took off naked after Jack, and he eventually jumped right up on the big guy's back, tackling him to the ground. They then rolled around naked and kissing more, right in a patch of tall grass and wildflowers close to the truck. They were both hard as hell again now.

"I need you in me baby," Jack gasped, suddenly realizing how true that was and how horny being out here and horsing around naked in the sunshine with Brad had already made him again. He got up quickly and put down the tailgate of his truck, and bent forward over it, bracing himself with the palms of his hands flat out on the truck bed in front of him. "Just fuckin' plow me baby, here and now! I need it so bad. Just spit lube it and shove it in me. Fuck me Brad!" Jack commanded, already panting, he was so in heat.

Brad didn't see that request coming but found it beyond hot, and did as he was told. He spit in his palm, lubed his cock, got behind Jack, and just plowed right into him good and hard.

"UH!" Jack grunted, "Oh, yeah baby, that's it, fuck me good!"

"Oh, Yeah!" Brad yelled, "Gonna just take that big nice ass right here on the back of your fuckin' truck!"

And take it he did. Hot, unbridled, raw sex in the sunshine, with Jack bent over the truck bed and moaning in heat, was just the perfect counterpoint to the tenderness and love they had been enjoying with, and expressing for, one another moments before. And yet, this was still the perfect expression of it, too. They both loved the slow, tender lovemaking they often shared. But they both sometimes also just loved, and really needed, a good, hard, fast, raw, dirty, outdoors fuck, and that was exactly what Brad was giving his big beefy guy now.

"AH-UH! UH! UH!" Jack was grunting, and panting hard as Brad plowed him from behind for all he was worth, while reaching around and stroking Jack's thick cock hard. "OH BABY, SO GOOD, SO - Ah-UH! Fuck! UH! - GOOD!" Jack moaned.

"Mmm yeah, Jack! That big ass is so fuckin' tight and good baby!" Brad hollered. "Ah-Uh! Uh! OH FUCK!"

They moaned and groaned together, and before long it was over, as Jack shot still more jets of cum onto the ground behind the truck, and Brad filled his ass full. They then got back to standing facing each other, embraced, and kissed passionately some more, standing there naked behind the truck. They eventually got cleaned up with an old towel from Jack's toolbox, then went back over, dressed, rolled up the blanket, and got back into the trunk. An hour and a half later, after going home, showering and changing, they were rolling up in front of Justin and Eric's house on the shores of Pleasant View Lake.

Justin and Eric had decided to grill out, and the four of them had dinner together at a round-top table outside on their deck, overlooking the lake. Brad had never met Eric, but liked him at once.

By the time they finished eating, it was about 7:00pm, but still very warm outside. They went in the house and just sat in the living room talking for a long while, and getting to know each other better. Justin explained to Brad that he and Eric had lived together there by the lake in Pleasant View for the last four years. Before that, Justin had been a cop in Rosemont and Eric had worked in accounting at the automotive parts plant's branch there. They had been partners, and lived together, for a total of seven years now, ever since back when Justin was 31 and Eric was 25. When Eric got the chance to become head of accounting when the new plant opened in Pleasant View, they had moved there and Justin had joined the Pleasant View Police Force.

Later, after a fun evening of conversation with the other couple, whose kind of long term happiness they both were hoping to maybe someday achieve with each other, Brad and Jack said their goodnights and headed back to Jack's place. That night they slept soundly, naked in each other's arms. The next day was Monday, August 1, and Jack had to be back at work at 8am, so at about 7:30 they were kissing goodbye, and Brad was heading back to the farm.

Brad got home, and he and his dad were discussing what they were going to do with regards to the lower hay field that day, and some other various things that needed taken care of. It was going to be a busy week, between some stuff like fences that needed mended and other things in addition to the hay, plus Brad's online data entry work. He and Jack had reluctantly agreed that it would be best to get through today at least, and see how crazy things were at the station and what all needed to be done on the Carson farm, before they even tried to schedule their next date or evening together.

At lunch, as Brad and his parents sat eating together in the farmhouse's kitchen, his mother Betsy Carson looked at her husband Allen, and said, "Allen, we might as well tell him. It is not fair for you two to get out in that heat all day today and probably tomorrow too fixing things up and working in hay without Bradley knowing what is going on."

Brad looked up, "Mom, what are you talking about?" Brad was pretty sure he knew were this was going, as his folks had been on again off again about possibly selling out and retiring somewhere for awhile now, to the point that their indecision about what to do was getting really annoying. He felt guilty for thinking that last part, but it was true, though.

"Well," Betsy began, "Your father and I really loved the area of East Tennessee where we spent last week with your Aunt Rose and Uncle Buck. Turns out, there's the sweetest little house that has just come up for sale down there right across the road them, because the Widow Hampton finally died, bless her old soul. We're both in our late 60s now, and it is time to slow the rest of the way down. I know your daddy has already retired from the plant and cut out most of the farming, but well, before we get too old, it would be nice just to have time to take it easy and enjoy life."

"Momma," Brad said, "You know we've been all through this, and if you and Daddy want to retire and move down there, I can get an apartment somewhere again, I'm fine with it. I'll have to try to save some more money back first, but I should be able to living here with you all, and doing the data entry work."

"Son," Allen spoke up, "You don't have to worry about that. We're going to give you more than enough to get started back over on. Fact is, I talked to Bobby Londergen this morning, and he wants this place, and you know them Londergens have the money in the bank, and are dead serious when they make their mind up that they want to buy another farm."

That was true, the Londergens were well off, at least as farm folk in that area went anyway. "Are you saying you've sold?" Brad asked.

"Yes, just a matter of going to the courthouse Wednesday and doing the closing," Allen explained. "Your mother and I have talked, and we are going to give you part of what we get out of the place, enough for a deposit and first month's rent, and a little extra in case you need it. We've made a bid on the place in Tennessee, and there'll be enough left out of what Londergen is giving us for this place for us to be able to do that."

"Well, Daddy," Brad said, "I sure appreciate that. You know I'll miss you guys, but it is only three hours down there, and I'll come visit every chance I get."

"I thought," Betsy said, "that Wednesday afternoon me and you might ride over to Rosemont after the closing. That way you can start looking for an apartment, and I have some shopping I'd like to do. Londergen knows we are moving to Tennessee, and he's not in too big of a hurry, so we won't have to be moved out of here for a pretty good while yet even after we complete the closing, so we've got plenty of time to move, and so do you."

Brad was thinking that their offer to get him set up with a new place was extremely generous, but shit if he was going to move back up to Rosemont and be over an hour away from Jack, just when he had finally gotten with his dream guy. Maybe he could find an apartment in Pleasant View. But, the only problem with that was, with all the new growth the last few years, all the single working people moving in had fast outpaced the number of apartments available in town, and the ones that were available were one of two extremes, either Methville or ridiculously overpriced. He would figure out something in order to stay close to his big guy, though, Brad thought.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 9

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