Officer Jack Albertson

By Bradley Carson

Published on Aug 2, 2011


*DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, based solely on the author's own personal fantasies, and no real names or real situations are used. The character of Brad Carson's physical appearance is totally based on myself, although some other aspects of the character's life are fiction. If you are under 18 years old, or if it is otherwise illegal where you are to read about masturbation and consensual gay sex between adult males, then do not read this story. Permission is NOT given to repost or share this story anywhere else by any means.

"I thought," Betsy said, "that Wednesday afternoon me and you might ride over to Rosemont after the closing. That way you can start looking for an apartment, and I have some shopping I'd like to do. Londergen knows we are moving to Tennessee, and he's not in too big of a hurry, so we won't have to be moved out of here for a pretty good while yet even after we complete the closing, so we've got plenty of time to move, and so do you."

Brad was thinking that their offer to get him set up with a new place was extremely generous, but shit if he was going to move back up to Rosemont and be over an hour away from Jack, just when he had finally gotten with his dream guy. Maybe he could find an apartment in Pleasant View. But, the only problem with that was, with all the new growth the last few years, all the single working people moving in had fast outpaced the number of apartments available in town, and the ones that were available were one of two extremes, either Methville or ridiculously overpriced. He would figure out something in order to stay close to his big guy, though, Brad thought.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday flew by for both Brad and Jack. The deal was sealed on selling the Carson farm at the courthouse on Wednesday morning. Meanwhile, Jack had to pull double shifts on duty on both Monday and Tuesday. Between the usual redneck antics that the first of the month always seemed to cause, and the fact that some officers had been out with a bad stomach flu that was going around, it had been insane for the rest of the police force. On top of all that, now that the first week of August had arrived, school was starting back on Wednesday and that always screwed with the local traffic patterns for a while, until everything got lined back out.

Jack had been too tired each night to do much but get undressed, stumble to bed, and call Brad to tell him he loved him and goodnight each night before he went to sleep. The crazy goings on and short staffing for the Pleasant View PD had all carried over into Wednesday. To top it all off, that morning had been nuts with at least five traffic accidents on various streets near the schools due to the heavier traffic, thankfully they were all non-injury accidents, though.

By late Wednesday afternoon, as yet another double shift was dragging by, Jack was really hoping that people would actually quickly manage to learn how to drive their kids to school again without wrecking, and that the local rednecks would get tired of beating on each other and making meth for a day or two. Oh, and he also really hoped that at least some of the other officers who had been calling in would actually be back at work. Jack also already majorly missed his new boyfriend. He had not seen Brad since Monday morning.

Meanwhile, Brad had explained to his mother that he wanted to see if he couldn't find an apartment in, or at least a little closer to, Pleasant View. So, after she and his dad had gotten back from the closing at the courthouse on Wednesday morning, Betsy went to Rosemont shopping with his cousin Peggy instead of with Brad. Brad was caught up on his online work for now, so at 5pm he called Jack, hoping to catch him free for a minute.

"Hey, baby," Jack answered, seeing that it was Brad on his cell's caller ID.

"Hey handsome," Brad replied. "Today any less crazy for you?"

"Actually no," Jack replied with a long sigh. Brad had caught him at a good time. Jack had just walked into the station to file some paperwork on a traffic accident he had worked when school let out, and was hoping to manage to go grab something to eat before anything else broke lose around town.

Jack continued to Brad on the phone, "The back-to-school traffic has just made things even more nuts, and we're still short three officers. Make that four, I almost forgot, Mary Lou Tanner called in too, so now I have to cover for her tonight. So, thrill, joy, after pulling 12 or 13-hour shifts the last two days, now today even though I got here at 8am this morning I probably still won't be getting off duty 'til at least 11pm."

"I'm so sorry baby," Brad said, able to tell that Jack was really getting weary and stressed as he faced what was going to be his third long shift in a row by the time tonight was over.

"The last couple of days already about wore me out," Jack said. "I don't know why the guys who haven't been on the force as long as I have are so envious of me having the weekends off. I can tell them, this week Monday and Tuesday were no cakewalk shifts and so far today sure as hell ain't been either!"

"Well," Brad replied with a chuckle, "as for me, I'm just hoping to get to see you before Saturday!"

"Hopefully if some people actually get their asses back to work tomorrow, I might allegedly get to work my usual eight to six shift, but we'll just have to see," Jack said.

They told each other "I love you," and clicked off their cells. Jack filed his paperwork, got caught up on some other stuff in the station, and then went to the Ramblin' Rose for a quick dinner of baked tilapia and white rice with green beans, cornbread, and iced tea. He drove back to the station, announced to dispatch that he was back on duty, and got back in the Charger patrol car. He was covering Mary Lou's shift now, which usually overlapped the last few hours of his own.

It was about 7pm by now, and Jack was patrolling Mary Lou's beat, which included the lake road. He drove past Justin and Eric's house, and on around past the boat dock. The Pleasant View City Limits completely encircled the 350-acre man made lake, which belonged to the city and was its water reservoir, even though the backside of the lake basically was out in the country. Jack was driving around through there now. He wasn't seeing anything that concerned him, although he was thinking that the game warden was probably having fun checking for fishing licenses this evening. It was not as uncomfortably humid as it had been, and so many people were out bank fishing that Wednesday evening, August 3.

Along here there was a bit of a small field between the road and the shore of the backside of Pleasant View Lake. In the field was a big, weathered old barn that had been there long before the lake was built, and by now had seen its better days. Out of the corner of his eye as he started to drive past, Jack thought he caught a glimpse of something darting into the saggy old barn. Assuming it was just a lakeside critter of some sort, he didn't think too much about it. But, rounding the next bend in the lake road, Jack noticed that there was an old blue car parked a little ways down an old turn off that led down to the water, on the same side of the road as the barn.

"Shit," Jack thought. "I better go back and check that out."

Jack had realized that there was a very good chance the critter heading into the barn might be of the two-legged variety, what with this old clunker parked nearby in what may have been supposed to be an out-of-the-way place. "Dear God, not another meth lab, please!" Jack thought silently.

He backed in, blocking in the blue car. They weren't going to be able to leave now, but his patrol car was still pointing out onto the road this way, too. Jack cut through some trees by the water's edge on foot, so that he was approaching the other side of the barn from where he had seen the movement.

Jack drew his weapon and stealthily snuck up to the lakeside door of the old barn. "Oh, fuck!" Jack thought when he saw the scene in front of him. He would much rather, on second thought, have walked in on a meth lab than the display he saw in front of him.

"FREEZE, ASSHOLES!" Jack commanded in that "Don't fuck with me or I'll shoot!" cop voice he used in situations like this.

In front of him, on his knees on the dirt floor of the old barn was Pastor LeRoy Fawlkes. His cock was most likely out and getting jacked somewhere beneath his enormous belly, as his hand was down there, Jack noted.

(The short, very morbidly obese Fawlkes had clearly never met an all day Sunday singing with dinner on the ground, or a Golden Corral buffet, that he didn't like. But, when he was busily using the Old Testament to send all gays to hell, Fawlkes had apparently never read that part a couple of pages over that, to paraphrase, more or less says, "Thou shalt not be a total fat assed glutton, or thou shalt spliteth hell wide open, too.")

On his knees there in the old barn Fawlkes was also bound to get the pants of his nice new cotton/polyester preacher suit all dirty. (And he was also breaking another rule found a few lines down from one of the "gay clobber passages" in Leviticus; that part where it more or less says, "Thou shalt not wear clothes made of more than one kind of material." And, come to think of it, Fawlkes also always ate plenty of shrimp on seafood night at the Golden trough, so there was yet another Old Testament law he was breaking! "Oh, thou hypocrite...")

Anyway, ol' Brother Fawlkes sure as hell wasn't down there on his knees to pray! Nor had he just decided to jack off in the barn alone. Upon Jack's command to freeze, he had let the short, stubby, hard cock of none other than Officer Luke Hannity plop from his mouth. Hannity was one of the officers who had called in sick today, adding to Jack's hellish stretch of work. He was also the same Hannity who was the redneck jackass who had called the President of the United States a "Kenyan Muslim," and had called Officer Justin Earheart, Jack's best friend, a "queer" right to his face, the other night in Billy Joe's Pool Hall.

Yes, Jack had just caught THAT Hannity getting his pitiful little cock sucked in a saggy old barn on the backside of the lake, and by none other than the most flamingly anti-gay Baptist preacher in Pleasant View. Yes, subconsciously, even as he held his gun on them, Jack could already hear the presses of the "Pleasant View Lantern" newspaper grinding to a screeching halt for this salacious bit of news.

"Uh, hi, Jack," Hannity tried, grinning stupidly, as he attempted to reach down and put his dick back in his jeans.

Jack knew that Officer Hannity always had a weapon on him even when he was not on duty, and so Jack was taking no chances. "Move another finger," Jack said, "and I'll blow that pitiful excuse for a cock clean off of you, Hannity!" Jack was pointing his gun directly at them, and Hannity knew he meant it.

"Oh, Jesus!" Fawlkes said, standing up and revealing that his now deflating cock was indeed hanging out of the fly of his suit pants.

"He ain't listening to you, asshole, and DON'T fuckin' move again!" Jack hollered, as Fawlkes looked like he was about ready to cry, Jimmy Swaggart style.

"Luke Hannity and LeRoy Fawlkes. You both are under arrest for trespassing, and for indecent exposure and the commission of a lewd act while trespassing on property belonging to persons other than yourselves." Jack explained, still holding his weapon on them. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you by the court. Do you understand these rights as given?" Jack concluded.

"Now, hold on a minute, Jack, buddy," Hannity tried again.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! That is OFFICER ALBERTSON to you Hannity, and I am NOT your buddy!" Jack said. "Do you understand your rights as given?" He asked again.

The preacher was trembling as he said, "Yes, sir," in a pitiful tone. He reached down to try to put his limp cock away.

"THANK YOU, BUT DON'T FUCKIN' MOVE UNTIL I TELL YOU TO, PREACHER!" Jack yelled. The preacher stood there dumbly, and started to cry, with his cock still hanging out.

"How 'bout you, Hannity?" Jack asked.

"Yes, I understand," Hannity asked sullenly, also with his dick still hanging out.

Jack reached up and keyed his shoulder mic. "This is Unit 604 to dispatch," he said. When dispatch replied, Jack continued, "I need backup immediately at the old Gilbertson barn off Lakeview Road, on the backside of Pleasant View Lake."

"Copy, Unit 604, will send backup to your location, standby." The dispatcher paused, and then came back a few moments later, "Pleasant View Dispatch to Unit 604."

"Go ahead, dispatch," Jack replied.

"604, off-duty Unit 601 is already in the vicinity and will be arriving to assist in approximately five minutes. Dispatch Out."

"Copy dispatch, 604 out." Jack concluded.

As they stood there, Jack covering them with his gun, the preacher and Hannity both still had their limp cocks hanging out of their flies.

"Oh, fuck, Jack," Hannity pleaded. "At least let me put my fuckin' cock in my pants."

"Oh, you'd like that," Jack sneered. "So you could try to say I'd trumped up the charges other than trespassing. Nope, you both are staying right as you are until my backup arrives."

"Why the fuck did they have to send HIM?" Hannity asked. He had recognized, of course, that Unit 601 of the Pleasant View Police Department was the call sign of none other than Chief Blane Morganfield himself.

"Well, dumbass," Jack replied, now starting to allow himself to enjoy this situation a little, "that would probably be because this old barn and this lot were both part of his momma's daddy's farm that the lake took when it was built 40-some years ago, and it belongs to him now. Chief likes to fish when he gets off duty. If I was guessing, I'd say he was probably somewhere close by here doing just that."

"Unit 601 to Unit 604," came Chief Morganfield over the radio.

"Go ahead, Chief," Jack responded.

"Unit 604, I am now approaching your location. Will enter through the rear door and will cover you. Copy?" Asked the Chief.

"I copy you 601. Situation is secure, proceed inside to assist with arrests, please, Sir," Jack said.

The Chief walked in, his weapon drawn, his gold badge flipped out of the pocket of the checkered shirt he was wearing with blue jeans. He had obviously gone home to change out of his uniform before going fishing nearby. He took in the scene, the preacher and one of his officers with their cocks hanging out, and Officer Albertson holding his weapon on them.

"What the fuck is going on, Jack?" The Chief demanded.

"Sir, these two subjects were - exposed - and engaging in masturbation and oral sex here in your barn when I arrived to investigate, upon noticing a vehicle parked in the old turn off just around the bend. This was just after I thought I had seen movement into this structure when passing it on the road," Jack explained professionally.

"In other words," said the blunt, plain spoken Chief, cutting through the police-ese as he was very often known to do in spite of his position, "these two were in my barn on my private property and you caught one of them suckin' the other's dick while he was jackin' off?"

"Yes, sir, that is pretty much it exactly," Jack replied, trying very hard not to crack up.

Before the Chief could ask who was doing what to whom, Hannity spoke up.

"Chief, sir," he said, "Jack's making that up! If anybody was suckin' cock it would have been him or that other damn queer Justin Earheart, and not the good preacher here."

Hannity had just fucked up royally, and put his foot in his mouth in more ways than one.

Chief Moganfield thundered then, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, OFFICER HANNITY! Now, first of all, you just then just as good as told me who was suckin' who here, not that I give a shit. Secondly, you have no right to talk about Officer Earheart that way, and have been warned once already," the Chief said.

Chief Morganfield then continued, "And the same goes for talking in that harassing sort of way about the personal lives of Officer Albertson or anyone else on the force. What people do in their bedroom doesn't make a big hairy shit to me, not as long as they do their job. You are hereby suspended without pay pending further investigation both of the crimes you are accused of committing here today, and of an internal investigation of your bigoted attitudes toward your fellow officers."

The Chief put his cuffs on the preacher, Jack cuffed the soon-to-be-former Officer Hannity, and for good measure the Chief Miranda-ized them both again. There was no way in hell he was letting them out of this on a technicality.

A media circus descended upon Pleasant View over the next 24 hours. Not only was the scandal the talk of the town, but the Rosemont TV stations had all come down to cover it as well. Jack had called that night and explained to Brad what had happened. Brad had been tickled shitless about the whole thing, as was Jack.

On Thursday at noon, Brad saw his baby giving a live, "No comment on matters pending court proceedings and internal investigation," statement about the scandal to all three Rosemont TV stations as he flipped between them. After Jack escaped from the media zoo surrounding the station and got in his truck to go to lunch, he called Brad on his cell.

"Hello, Hollywood," Brad said, laughing.

"Oh, Lord," Jack said, also laughing. "I'll be glad when all those damn reporters go on to their next feeding frenzy!"

"You look HOT on TV," Brad said with a chuckle.

"Thanks, babe!" Jack said, still laughing. "Good news. Hannity's ass is well on its way to being fired from the force, not to mention the fact that him and the preacher will probably be going to jail at least for a little while over this."

Jack went on, "But, even better news, the Chief says we have enough coverage because everyone except obviously for Hannity, is back at work and on duty on their regular shifts today. Oh, and Mary Lou just called to tell me she was glad she had the shits and I was patrolling the lake road last night, because she would hated to have walked in on that!" They both laughed again. "Anyway," Jack finished, "I'm going to lunch with the Chief right now - his treat! - and he says I'll be off duty at my usual 6pm tonight!"

Brad was more than tickled to hear this, obviously.

Jack said, "So baby, if you want to come over this evening, I'd love to see you."

"I'll be there," Brad promised.

The Chief and Jack had a long talk over a long lunch at Antonio's, a great little local Italian place, that Thursday. Jack came out to the Chief, who was completely fine with it. Obviously, word had already gotten around the station about Jack being gay, but he had not yet had a chance to officially tell the Chief himself, until then. The Chief even joked, "Maybe now your father-in-law to be will be happy to run sound for us at the benefit," cracking Jack up.

"Brad and I aren't hardly to THAT point just yet, Chief," Jack laughed. "But, he's still pretty sure Allen will be glad to do the sound for us, though."

A few hours later, Brad got to Jack's house right after Jack got in from work. Jack let him in the front door, and greeted him with a big kiss. "I'm so glad to see you again, Brad," Jack said. "Seems like it's been a lot longer than four days!"

"Yes it does big guy," Brad agreed, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby," Jack said, and kissed him again. They sat down on the couch. Jack had already put away his gun belt, but was still wearing the rest of his uniform, and had been sitting on the couch drinking a Coke and watching the news while waiting for Brad to arrive.

"Want a Coke, babe?" Jack asked Brad.

"No thanks, hon, I'm good," Brad replied. "Why are you still in your uniform, I thought you usually showered and changed in the locker room down at the station?"

"I usually do, but I was halfway afraid that if I stayed there another minute, they would come up with a reason for me to work overtime yet again!" Jack exclaimed with a grin. "Besides, I know you REALLY like seeing me in my uniform."

"Guilty," Brad laughed.

"You bring your stuff?" Jack asked, noticing that Brad had not come in with his overnight bag.

"Yeah, it's out in the car, I wanted to make sure you weren't too tired after the week you have had so far for me to spend the night. I know you have to be back on duty again at 8am tomorrow," Brad replied.

"Actually I don't! Chief wouldn't hush until I agreed to take tomorrow off to make up for all the overtime I had pulled, which'll give me - and us - a three day weekend!" Jack exclaimed grinning. "And I'll sleep so much better tonight with you in bed next to me," Jack replied with a big grin. "Go get your bag, baby!"

Brad went and got his bag, came back in and went on back to put his stuff in Jack's room. As Brad started to leave the bedroom, Jack came through the door. They looked at each other, then embraced and started kissing deeply, groping at each other hotly.

"Mmm, babe"! Jack then said, "I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too," Brad replied. "Wanna know a secret, Officer?" Brad then asked, grinning a big evil horny grin.

"What's that Bradley?" Jack asked play-sternly.

Brad, while their arms were still around each other, then whispered in his big beefy cop lover's ear, his hot breath tickling a little, "I haven't even fuckin' jacked off or came since I saw you last. Not since you gave me that awesome blowjob and then I fucked that big sweet ass of yours, up on the mountain on Sunday, Jack."

Playing along, Jack whispered right back huskily, "Brad, I've been so busy that the last times I came was that big load I blew all over you while we were up there, and the one I blew when you had me bent over my tailgate pounding me so fuckin' good!"

Four days without cumming had to be some sort of record for both of the guys, as they both had very high sex drives. They had both always tended to, if they were not with anyone at the time, at least jack off once a day if they weren't too busy. They both had been too busy for the most part, although Brad probably could have at least once, but decided to save it up for Jack.

They were kissing passionately now, still standing between the doorway and the bed in Jack's room. Brad was wearing a t-shirt, khaki cargo shorts, boxers, and flip-flops. Jack was still in his uniform and shiny cop shoes, the only thing missing being his gun belt.

"Mmm, you big fuckin' stud," Brad growled. He was super-horny now, and there was something else he hadn't yet tried with Jack that was a little fetish of his. He looked Jack in the eye then and said, "You know, Officer Jack, I'd love to just tear this fuckin' uniform shirt right off of you right now..."

Jack knew where this was going. Hell, if he had to be out the cost of a replacement, it would be worth it and then some. "Then why don't you do it, Brad?" he replied huskily.

"Oh, I don't want to upset you, Officer," Brad replied in a play-frightened voice. "You might have to go in there and get your handcuffs and arrest me."

"You're right, I should be more prepared." Jack said sternly, now using a play version of his deeper, stern "cop voice." Before Brad could say anything else, Jack left him standing there and disappeared down the hall. He was back in a flash, and holding his silver handcuffs between his thumb and forefinger, letting them dangle down loosely as he held them up in front of Brad.

Jack had also grabbed the hat to his uniform from somewhere down the hall and had it on now. In Pleasant View, the officers were nowadays only required to wear the hat with their dress uniform to special occasions, but having the old-school police uniform hat on made Jack look even studlier, if that was possible.

"Now, you had better not try anything," Jack said, walking back into his room and up practically nose-to-nose with Brad. "Or I'll have to cuff you and stuff you."

"Mmm," Brad said sexily, "that sounds pretty good to me. You're awfully good at stuffing me, you know." Jack tossed the handcuffs over onto the bed, thinking that might be a really good place for them at some point in the evening.

They kissed hotly some more, their hands running all over each other. "You really do have way too many fuckin' clothes on, Officer," Brad said huskily. "Like I said, I'd love to just rip this fuckin' shirt right off of you."

"AND I FUCKIN' ALREADY ASKED YOU NICELY ONCE," Jack said increasing the hotness of their little roleplay by using his deep, stern "cop voice" again, this time nearly shouting right in Brad's face, "THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST FUCKIN' DO IT, BRADLEY?"

Brad quickly loosened Jack's tie, flipped up his shirt collar, and then moved the loosened tie up out of the collar. He then grabbed both sides of Jack's uniform shirt collar, one in each hand, and just savagely pulled down. He then pulled harder. "Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!" The buttons of the shirt flew crazily across the room, as it ripped open from the collar to where it was tucked into the waist of Jack's uniform pants.

Jack grabbed Brad in his arms, very turned on by this, and kissed him really hard, and more than a little rough, actually biting at Brad's upper lip just a little. Brad yanked Jack's shirt out of his pants, and pulled again, popping the rest of the buttons off of the part that had been tucked in. He quickly pulled and tugged and got the shirt off of Jack, tossing it aside.

Jack was standing there with his uniform tie still hanging very loosely around his neck, and down over the top of his white A-shirt undershirt. This would have looked pretty comical, if this moment and Jack himself were not both so fuckin' hot. Brad grabbed at the top of the A-shirt savagely until "RIP!" it started to tear. Soon it was shredded from Jack's furry chest down to his waist. Brad tore the rest of it off his man. This left Jack in uniform pants and shoes, but naked from the waist up all except for the necktie that was still very loosely tied around his neck. He still had the dress uniform hat on as well.

"Now you've done it!" Jack growled. "I'm going to have to arrest you for destroying police property!"

With that he picked Brad up right off his feet and carried him to the bed, and immediately got the cuffs on him, cuffing his arms behind his back before Brad knew it. Jack was careful not to put the cuffs on too tight. He liked this little game they were playing a lot, but he didn't want to hurt his baby, though. "Oh, fuck!" Brad thought, loving their little roleplay, "This is so damn hot!"

"Bradley J. Carson, you are under arrest for destroying police property and just being too fuckin' sexy for your own damn good. You have the right to remain silent. Should you not remain silent, I might have to ram my fat fuckin' dick in your mouth to shut you up!" Jack said, making up his own hot version of the Miranda warning as he went along. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, SIR!" Brad said, grinning. Brad had kicked off his flip-flops, but was still fully clothed in his t-shirt, shorts and boxers, with his hands cuffed behind his back as he sat in the middle of Jack's king-sized bed. Jack pulled Brad roughly to the edge of the bed, unzipped his own pants, reached inside with his hand to free it, and then slapped Brad right across the cheek with his fat, now-throbbing cock, which was already oozing copious amounts of precum.

"Oh, baby, that's," Brad started, but the minute his mouth opened, Jack just shoved his dick right in it. Brad moved forward, wrapping his legs around behind Jack's and locking them there. His hands were still cuffed behind his back. Jack put his big hands on the back of Brad's head and held it still, keeping Brad from bobbing on his dick as he had started to do. Jack then began to skull fuck Brad hard, which Brad loved. Brad could taste Jack's sweet precum on his tongue as Jack fucked his mouth, and it was simply intoxicating. Before long Jack was moaning loudly since he hadn't gotten off in four days, but he did not want to let Brad make him cum yet. He pulled his dick out of Brad's mouth.

Jack got Brad by the shoulders, and rolled him over onto his stomach, again making sure to play just rough enough to keep this going, but not rough enough to actually hurt Brad. Brad was so fuckin' turned on by this roleplay now. There he laid on his stomach with his hands cuffed behind his back, when he felt Jack reach around in under him to roughly unbutton and unzip his shorts, and then he yanked them and Brad's boxers down and off in one quick motion.

Jack then got a hold of the back of the neck of Brad's t-shirt and tore it clean down, pulling and yanking hungrily until the tangle of torn t-shirt was freed both out from under Brad and out from around his cuffed hands. Jack threw the shredded shirt aside. This left Brad totally naked and prone, lying there on his stomach with his hands cuffed behind him. Brad was leaking what felt like a gallon of precum onto Jack's comforter from his hard cock that was pressed between it and his stomach. He loved this!

Jack was kneeling on the bed behind him now, breathing hard. Jack still had on his uniform pants, boxers, socks, and shiny shoes. His rock hard cock was still sticking out his fly. He also still had the dress uniform hat on his head and the loosened black necktie around his neck, but otherwise Jack was naked from the waist up.

Brad felt the material of the front of the uniform pants come down on his ass, and Jack's throbbing meat as it mashed against his crack, sliding up and down it a few times. He felt the tie between his back and Jack's hairy chest as Jack stretched out on top of him. The bill of the cop hat brushed the back of his head, as Jack leaned over and whispered in his right ear, "I'm gonna teach you a fuckin' lesson for tearing up my shirt, prisoner! And I do mean a FUCKIN' LESSON!" Jack said, getting off just as much as Brad was on this whole scene.

With that, Jack spit on his palm, lubed up his cock, and just plunged it balls deep right into Brad's hot, tight ass. The handcuffs and Brad's hands were pressed against Jack's tummy as he started to fuck Brad hard and fast, with his cock just out the fly of his uniform pants.

"AH-UH, UH! OH,YEAH! FUCK ME, OFFICER JACK, I'VE BEEN SO - Uh! AH-UH! - BAD!" Brad was grunting and hollering.

"I AM GOING TO - AH-UH, UH! - TEACH YOU TO MESS WITH - UH, FUCK! - THE PROPERTY OF - AH-UH! UH! - THE POLICE, - AH-UH! - BRADLEY!" Jack grunted, as he fucked Brad as hard as he could.

"Mmm! God! HARDER!" Brad pleaded, so hot from this roleplay and the royal fucking Jack was giving his ass. "TEACH ME - Ah! Uh! AH-UH! - A LESSON, OFFICER!" He gasped.

Jack continued to just pound his ass full-tilt, gasping and grunting hotly, "AH-UH! UH! GONNA - UH! - TEACH YOU - AH, FUCK! UH! AH-UH! - TO MESS WITH - UH! UH! - OFFICER - AH, FUCK! UH! - JACK!"

They were soon both moaning together, as Jack filled Brad's ass full with just the first part of his four day load of cum, and Brad simultaneously shot a huge load between his stomach and the bed.

By the time their breathing had returned to normal, Jack had the cuffs off of Brad, and had rolled Brad over onto his back. Jack had obviously enjoyed himself, as it felt like about a gallon of his cum was now seeping back out of Brad's rear onto Jack's bed. "You shouldn't have flipped me over, big guy, now there's even more cum than mine on your bedspread, I'm afraid," Brad giggled.

"It'll wash," Jack said, laughing too. They were both still rock hard, just the one release definitely not cutting it after four days without. Jack then turned serious for a minute, "I wasn't too rough with you just then was I?" He asked. "That whole cop and prisoner thing was really fuckin' hot, but I don't want to ever hurt you though, baby."

Brad just grinned, "Hell no, that was fun! Not something I want to do that much, but it was hot in the moment though, and no, you didn't hurt me, I could tell you were being careful not to."

"Good," Jack said, grinning. "I'm glad it was good for you too, baby."

Jack flopped down on the bed next to him, and they embraced and started kissing hard again. Pretty soon Jack was standing back up by the side of the bed, kicking off his shoes, pulling off his socks and getting quickly out of his uniform pants and boxers. Brad was now sitting up totally naked crossways of the big bed. Jack then reached up to take off his uniform hat, which had already gotten knocked askew to one side of his head during their fucking. His necktie was still dangling loosely around his neck too, and those were the only two things the otherwise bare assed naked, big beefy stud cop was wearing now.

"No," Brad said. "Leave it on, baby. We might be done playing bad cop and naughty criminal, but I still want you to love on me with that sexy hat and tie on. But, straighten them up Officer Albertson, how undignified," he teased.

Jack got the idea. He straightened the hat, pulled down its brim, and then straightened and fixed his tie just as he would have if he hadn't been naked under it, pulling it up tight around his neck again. He then saluted Brad smartly and said, "Officer Albertson reporting for duty, SIR!"

"Oh, fuck!" Brad said out loud, as he looked at what was right in front of him, standing by the bed. There stood Jack bare assed naked. Brad just slowly took it all in again, from head to toe, all six feet-two inches and 240 solid pounds of his big hot lover. The cop hat and tie. The play-serious expression and smart salute, with those dark blue eyes sparkling mischievously. The big, broad, furry barrel chest. The large dark pink areolas with their good-sized nipples currently hard and pointing. The big, manly, but still solid tummy, with its sexy quarter-sized innie belly button surrounded by the dark fur of Jack's happy trail, which led from his furry chest down to his lush black bush.

And then there it was, Jack's gorgeous, meaty, six and a half by five and a half inch cut beer can of a cock, sticking straight out in front of him, with its big engorged mushroom head flushed to a deep shade of red. And beneath that, those big, beautiful, egg-sized, black fur dusted, low hanger balls. Then those big, powerful, lightly hairy thighs. Next were those long legs, covered thickly in black fur. They led down to those big bare number 14 feet, which had just the lightest dusting of the same dark fur on the tops of them and on the tops of the toes. So was completed the picture of Brad's every wonderful wet dream cum to life, which is exactly what Jack was.

"Damn you're hot!" Brad said. "This should so be the photo for the 2012 Pleasant View Police Calendar." They both cracked up, then Brad continued, "Now, at ease, Officer, and get your ass down here on top of me!" He said, still laughing.

Jack climbed down on top of Brad and again they started kissing deep, which knocked the hat around some. Brad reached up and pulled it off, giving it a fling across the room. He ran his hands all through Jack's soft jet-black hair, as they kissed. Brad then pulled back from his lover's sweet mouth, looked in those deep blue eyes and said, "God, I love you Jack. So much baby." Strong emotion swept through Brad suddenly, a feeling of pure love and adoration for the big man on top of him, momentarily overpowering even the lust he felt for him. He choked up a little as he said to Jack, "I never, ever thought I'd find someone like you, and now look at us."

"You mean you never, ever thought you'd find a big goofy dude to lay naked on top of you wearin' just a black necktie?" Jack asked, giggling. Brad rolled him playfully off the top of him, and thumped Jack's broad furry chest with the back of his hand. He loosened Jack's tie and pulled it off, flinging it to join some of the rest of their clothes that were scattered about the room.

"Happy now? All naked, baby," Brad purred, his voice still soft, as he laid his head over on the soft fur in the center of his big baby's chest and could hear his heart beating fast. Jack had tried being goofy, but in all honesty the same waves of intense pure love were sweeping over him that had just hit Brad.

Jack gazed down as Brad was looking up into his eyes, his head still resting on Jack's big chest. Jack's big, strong arms were both wrapped tightly, warmly, lovingly around Brad's back. Jack said, "I have never been as happy in my 35 years of life, Bradley, as you have made me in just the last week and a half. I love you so."

"Oh. My. God." Brad thought. "When he gets that tender softness in his voice and puts the -ley on my name - it is true, he really does love me." It wasn't that Brad ever doubted that, it was just so overwhelming to not only hear it, but also to just sense it, feel it, right there just as plainly as the breeze from the ceiling fan above them.

Aloud Brad said with a grin, "Aww, you have to be just about the sweetest, most lovable guy in the whole world, and I know that is your biggest secret when you are being Mr. Badass Cop, so I'll never tell." He turned serious again. "Honestly Jack, I do love you too, with all my heart. I know I always will. I can feel it."

Jack knew exactly what his baby meant about being able to feel the love passing between them, sweeping over their naked bodies as they lay there. They kissed deeply, passionately, Brad moving up to lie full body on top of Jack now, with Jack's strong arms holding him tight. Passion swiftly came back in, as they felt their hard cocks, tummies, and furry chests all pressed together as their tongues continued to thrash together.

Jack gently rolled Brad off him, and said, "Stay right here, sweetie." He leaned down and gave Brad another quick peck on the lips as he climbed over him to get out of the bed. His nice fat hard cock leading the way, and giving Brad a spectacular view of that amazing bubble butt, Jack walked away in the direction of the hall. Brad saw him cross it and go into the bathroom.

"Well, I suppose the big guy had to pee," Brad thought with a giggle. "No fun having to try to do that through a hard on!"

Brad put his arms behind his head into the big soft pillows, and just stretched back bare assed naked on top of the covers. He was so happy in that moment. "But, fuck, what am I going to do if I can't find an apartment around here and can't stay close to Jack?" He then had a major Miss Scarlett moment, "I just won't think about that now," Brad said to himself.

Brad thought he heard water running in the bathroom now. "What in the world is he up to?" Brad wondered, but didn't want to bother Jack. A few more minutes passed, and then he heard Jack call to him.

"Hey Brad," Jack said, still in his sweet, tender voice, "could you come here baby?"

Brad hopped out of bed and walked across the room, chuckling at their clothes that were flung everywhere, and especially at the buttons of Jack's shirt lying here and there on the hardwood floor. He crossed the hall and walked into the bathroom, where he was delighted with what he saw.


*NOTE: The author welcomes positive comments and feedback from other adult gay males. Send emails to and I will look forward to hearing from you and responding. I especially want to hear from you if the story causes you to have a good orgasm...or several! Also, if you happen to be a gay man who physically resembles the character of Jack Albertson as he is described in this story and you have pics of yourself that you would like to share with me, I'd really love to see them!

Next: Chapter 10

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