Officer Tony on the Down Low - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 29, 2022



Tony Morgan worked as an undercover detective for the Police Department. His specialty was financial crime: he had come to the police force after getting a bachelor's degree in accounting, then a Master's in abstract mathematics and finally, his CPA. His education suggested that he'd be heading for one of the investment houses, or working for the SEC, or something that would use the mathematical knowledge he had. He DID wind up with a job that used all of that but, it was an offbeat path, motivated by a part of Tony's personality he didn't share with many people.

Tony was gay. And he had a thing for policemen. He always had. If you gave him enough to drink, he would tell you about the first time he had a boner: it was when he saw a beat police officer in an alley way, taking a piss. He had stopped and just stared, and stared. He stared so long that the officer, who was young and good looking looked up and asked "like what you see?" That broke Tony from his enchantment over the average sized cock that just looked bigger than it was to the young boy, and he ran home. That night, before he went to bed, he grabbed a pile of tissues and jerked off madly. The wad of spoiled paper went down the toilet when he was finished: he couldn't let his parents, or his older sisters know.

Tony was the youngest of three kids, and the only boy. His family used to tease him about how, by the time he was born, his mom had run out of energy, and that's why he was only 5'8" . Yes, 5'8" but solid: "brick shithouse" is a term thrown around a lot, but it applied to the solid block that Tony was. Chunky but not fat, and built more like a rectangle than an inverted triangle or anything else. He was solid all around, and looked good for 30.

And hairy. Except... and he'd laugh about this , his head. Tony had a distinct receding hairline, but the rest of his body, including his own sizeable cock, was covered with dark black hair. When he DID decide that it was safe to indulge his true nature, he had no trouble finding guys who wanted to just nuzzle up against his chest, suck his cock, and get fucked by his cut monster.

He left them disappointed at the fucking. That wasn't Tony: he could correctly be called "bottom boy," if he knew any gay people well enough to chat about things like that. No, Tony was SO worried about disappointing his family, that he had no gay friends whatsoever. That is, unless you considered Rico a friend of his. (We'll return to Rico in a bit. For now, it's enough to say that Rico was Tony's boss).

Tony had just completed an undercover assignment that could very well be called a big deal. He had managed to infiltrate one of the more substantial drug rings in the city, working as their accountant. Over time, he had acquired enough taped phone conversations that were either explicit about what was going on, or did so in very encrypted language. That's what he was working on now: he was in the main office of the department, listening to tapes of his conversations. Others in the department were listening too. He had just completed what was probably his last day undercover, and he sat at the desk, his jacket thrown to the side, his tie loosened, and his banker blue shirt opened at the throat, sleeves rolled back.

Marco. That was the name of the sexy guy who was in the inner circle. Tony had a crush on him from the minute he met him. Dark, lean, with a look that said "Danger." Not a cop, but that didn't stop Tony from getting more tissues when he was home and doing exactly what he did when he was a young boy. (Tony still lived at home. This was one of the reasons that he kept everything so secretive).

"Tony, I think we have to talk about your last few tapes." Rico Sandoval walked into the communications lab, and shut the door. He was maybe 40 (Tony didn't know for certain), and smart as a whip. He also dressed like a king, and there was ONE thing you could NOT do when you worked for Officer Sandoval: you could NOT interfere with his daily two hour gym workout. He got to the gym at first light (an expression he loved), and usually got things done before he was officially on the clock. Things didn't always work out the way he planned, though. He was the supervisor of not only Tony, but 12 other undercover detectives. Normally, he was in street clothes, but he also wore the uniform from time to time. Tony didn't know which way he liked Rico better: the man was HOT, and he knew it. He had a swagger which turned Tony on. And Rico knew it from the first couple of weeks that Tony had started working at his division. At first, Tony had been a part of another group , but as Rico saw Tony checking him out every time he walked by, he pulled some strings and got Tony into his section. The day it happened, he clapped Tony on the shoulder and said "now you'll be working under ME," and Tony blushed. Rico dropped his voice and whispered "And you'll start working overtime tomorrow." He smiled. Tony gulped and just said "yes sir." The next day, after most of the force was home, Rico called Tony. "Please come to my office Lieutenant Morgan." Tony got up. He had a feeling he knew what was up, and he was right. He grabbed his jacket, even though he knew he wouldn't be keeping it on. Rico was at his desk, and he didn't stand up. He just swiveled in his chair, exposing an ample hard on. "If you want it, lieutenant, get on your knees and get to work. If you don't, get out." Tony fought to get his breath, answered "yes sir," and came over to the side of Commander Rico's desk. He got on his knees and put his lips around Rico's cock. Rico sighed. "Soft. Very very soft. MMMM. I like that." Tony had sucked more than a few cocks before he sucked Rico's that day. He liked to swallow, and Rico liked holding his sucker down on his cock, until he choked. Tony didn't choke, which impressed Rico immensely. When Tony was finished, Rico pushed his chair back and smiled. "That mouth is gonna be available to me whenever I want it. And if it's not... I can make things very uncomfortable for you Tony. I hope we understand that?" Tony looked up. "I think I do Sir." "To be clear, what I mean is... that mouth belongs to ME now. Trust me. You'll get plenty of action. Getting my cock sucked helps me get rid of stress, and I'm stressed a LOT. But I want that mouth for me. ONLY ME." "Yes Commander. I understand. " Tony didn't ask if that meant that the only bottom he was gonna use was Tony: he knew that was an inappropriate question. "May I get up Sir?" Rico smiled. This one was well trained, or just had good instincts. "You may. And if I do not call you by the time a day is over and you're ready to go home, you will check with me to see if I have any unmet needs. Every day." "I understand Sir." What followed was a pattern: Rico rarely forgot to call Tony, and he almost never did NOT want a blowjob. At some point, he didn't remember when, and neither did Tony, he stared using Tony's necktie to pull his head closer and further down his cock. Tony would hand it over, Rico would loop it over Tony's neck, and pull him in. Sometimes, he'd call Tony his whore, or his bitch, or just his fucking cum swallower. Tony glowed each time Rico used those names: Rico was one of, if not the, most handsome man in the department, and he had picked Tony.

Their regular "gig" had been going on for about four months when Rico walked into the lab that day. He didn't seem particular happy, and he stood against the wall opposite Tony's desk, with his arms folded. "I've been listening to the tapes, Tony" "yes sir?" "Seems to me you may have developed a crush on one of the targets." Tony blushed. "Marco Sir?" "Yeah, Marco. Not that I can blame you: I've seen the surveillance photos. He's handsome. But...." He paused. "I think you've forgotten a promise you made to me." Tony blushed. "No Sir. Never. I would never compromise an assignment that way, or..." "Or what, Tony?" His arms were folded again. "Or break my promise to you Sir. I know better." "Do you Tony? Because I'm not sure." "Sir... " Tony got up, walked over to Rico, and looked up at him (Rico was 6'2"). "You look tense Sir? Can I help with that?" Rico smiled. "You will. But you'll do it differently today. First, give me your necktie." "Yes sir." Tony complied. "Now, put your hands behind your back." "Uh, why.." "DID YOU FORGET THE CHAIN OF COMMAND? I COULD use handcuffs." "I'm sorry Sir. I did forget." Tony presented his wrists to Rico, who bound them tightly with the necktie. "You better give me the best blowjob you've ever given me. And I'm gonna help you along tonight, Lieutenant. Now on your knees." "Yes sir." Tony got down on his knees. He put his mouth around Rico's cock and got to work. He caressed Rico's cock with his tongue, and tried to tease it, pulling back and sliding down, slowly, then quickly. Rico wasn't having it. He grabbed the back of Tony's neck and SHOVED his head down on his dick, HARD. DEEP THROAT IT BITCH. MMMMMMMMMPH." Tony nearly gagged. Rico could be rough, but he had never shoved his head down that hard, that fast. "You're gonna learn, suckbitch, that the only man you should be thinking about.. is ME." He held Tony's head and Tony fought not to gag. The last time he had, he had a welt on his cheek for three days from the smack Rico gave him. He tried to be still and let Rico take charge. At least he hadn't driven his foot into Tony's crotch like he had a few blowjobs ago. Being tied up was new to Tony: he liked the feel of it: and it was for.. RICO. He had wanted to take Rico's cock from the day he saw him, and when Rico let him know that the feeling was mutual, he had dreamt about it all night. That was back in the day when they were in different sections of the office. Tony could be a little "freer" then as could Rico, and after their first "date": a drink at a local bar, Rico had taken him back to his apartment and fucked him, over and over . Tony had called home and made the excuse that he would be late at work, and would take a hotel room for the night. Rico laughed while he made the call. "Boy, you gotta cut the apron strings. You're never gonna find a man if you run home every night." "I know. I'm trying Rico... I mean SIR.... It's just so... hard." Rico smiled. "Speaking of hard, seeing you sweat while you called mama, made me hard. Get back over here." The first blow job Tony gave Rico was that night. He thought about that now: that blow job, like the fucking, had been rough, but not brutal. THIS blow job, though, was brutal. Tony rarely wanted to end a sucking session but... his mouth was hurting. He felt Rico thrust forward, and then he sucked down all of the jizz. There was SO much of it, some of it spilled. It was on his shirt, in his short beard, his moustache. "HO HO. You really DO look like you just drank a smoothie, tonybitch. A REAL big one. " Tony was heaving for breath. He couldn't stand up because his wrists were still tied behind him. "I oughtta just toss you over my shoulder and take you home and fuck you again, but I'm sure mama wouldn't be pleased." Tony blushed. It was soon after that first session that the two of them would up in the same department, and the fucking had stopped. Too risky to be seen in public, but... one night, Tony was out on a date with someone he had met on line. They were having dinner in a restaurant and Rico walked in... with another guy. "Hey Rico. What a surprise" Tony smiled and he saw Rico frowning. "Indeed it is. We'll talk tomorrow, Tony. Make sure you bring your gym clothes to work." After Rico walked away, Tony's date dropped his voice. "Hey. You told me you were single. Your boyfriend's PISSED." "He's not my boyfriend... We fool around a little but... " The guy looked at him skeptically. "You said you were a bottom, right?" "Yeah????" Tony asked quizzically. "That guy thinks you're his. I've seen the look Tony. He's bad news. Stay away." Tony couldn't. When he got home that night - late - he packed up gym clothes for the next day. At work, he got a call from Rico. "Hey Rico." The answer was short, and clipped. "Gym. Boxing ring. 6 o'clock." Tony had heard rumors that Rico had been a Golden Glover when he was younger. As far as he knew, those were only rumors. By 6:30, he knew the rumors were true. Rico had just beaten the shit out of him, and as Tony lie on the boxing ring floor, Rico pressed a foot down on his hairy chest. "If we were alone, I'd jerk off all over you. But now, I'm just telling you this, fuckwad. NO OTHER MEN FOR YOU. JUST ME. GOT IT?" "Yeah, yeah. I got it." He felt Rico drive in his boot. "I GOT IT SIR. I GOT IT. " Rico smiled. That's how the regular blowjobs started. Rico had decided they were going to change to something else: he just hadn't told Tony. Rico was leaving the police force. He had been recruited to be director of coding and security at a major corporation and he was taking the job.

That meant... he didn't have to worry about anyone ratting out on Tony doing a superior officer. And... Tony was going to move in with him. He didn't know it yet, but Rico was planning on telling him as soon as his resignation papers had gone through. "He'll be working under me. Just in a different way," Rico thought.

Now, Rico was untying him. "Get used to it bitchboy. I LIKE ropes, and I like using them on you." He grabbed Tony and pulled him to his feet. "Kiss me." Rico shoved his tongue down Tony's throat. He moved it around for a bit, then he pulled out. "Better get home little boy. Big changes coming up. Big surprises. You wait. " He looked over Tony. "Maybe you should plan on spending the weekend at my place." It was Tuesday. "I.. I can't Sir..." Rico smiled. He was used to that answer. "You're spending the weekend at my place, Tony. Or, you're gonna find another cock to suck and it won't be Marco's, because he's getting arrested tomorrow. And..." he smiled. "It would be TERRIBLE for your career if people found out about your obsession with your boss." Tony gulped. "Yes sir. I understand. I'll make the arrangements." "ARRANGEMENTS? FUCK THAT TONY BOY. The only arrangement is you fucking man up and tell your folks you're spending the weekend with a friend. End of story. JUST FUCKING DO IT." "Yes sir." "Now get the fuck outta my office. I gotta get ready to go home." As Tony walked back to HIS cubicle one of the other Lieutenants, a woman named Lena, walked past him. "Better go to the bathroom and wash up Tony. Rico's shit is all over your face." She laughed as she walked off. Tony blushed and went to the bathroom. There WAS jizz in his facial hair, and there was a stain on his shirt. He made a stupid joke. "Gay version of Something about Mary. Something about Tony." Rico packed extra handcuffs in his backpack that night. He already had plenty of rope, and more than a few toys in his apartment. He couldn't wait. The papers should be through by Friday. "Then, Tony... you're all mine." He smiled. He had just busted a nut, and he was getting hard again.

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