Old man Johnson

By Dave Elliott

Published on Nov 26, 2004



WARNING: Please note that this story has explicit sexual acts, acts that may offend some people if you are one of those people or are under the permissible age for reading such material leave now. Discretion is advised. You have been warned.

Dave Elliott...Old Man Johnson

I'd met Julia a couple of years ago. It was love at first sight, god she was beautiful and intelligent, good at her job, must have been otherwise she would not hold the position she did.

We married and started to look for a good home in a good area. We both held good jobs and worked for good bosses. Both bosses were multi millionaires and were not short of money. The Estate agent we met was likewise good at her job, knew exactly what we were looking for and when she showed us 24 Springvale Grove again it was love at first sight

The only thorn was...

Old man Johnston one of our next door neighbours. He always seemed a cantankerous old bastard. No...no... he was a cantankerous old bastard. Him and that bloody dog of his. Big as it was it always managed to find a spot in the fence to crawl through to get on our side of the fence.

Complaints seemed to fall on deaf ears and any abuse from him was accompanied with wheezing and coughing. His cigarette consumption didn't help either.

It was a great morning as I lay on our outside decking enjoying a cold beer when once again "Bruno" (great name for a brute of a dog) found a spot in the fence to crawl through and promptly started to explore our side. Why he wanted to be on our side so much was beyond me. We didn't even have a cat and certainly no bitches for him to shag. The day was too good to be ruined by the intrusion of a dog. I lay on the sun bed soaking up the suns rays and a supply of cold beer within easy reach.

Julia and I had bought the house because it was in a good area, good back garden with no other neighbours at the bottom of us, just pine trees and reserve. Neighbours either side. Dr Foster and his wife on one side. Nice quiet couple and old man Johnson with Bruno on the other.

I had today off. First in a long time and I wanted it to be perfect. Julia was working.

No Bruno I ain't going to get annoyed with you today, helter skelter where you may boy I'm just going to lie here and enjoy the peace and quiet. I said to myself.

I had drifted off to sleep I don't know how long I'd been there but when I woke I saw Bruno sitting watching me only a few feet away. Then I realised what he wanted.

What happened next proved to be a very stupid indiscretion. One that old man Johnson was going to take advantage of especially as he video taped the whole scenario. He had a scheme in mind and blackmail would be a great way to get me to be a co-conspirator in the plan.

I'd been in the garage a good ten minutes when Suddenly I heard the garage door being opened behind me. Oh shit...panic gripped me. Julia was my first thought. Oh god I'm done for...finding me like this in a very compromising position

I swung my head to peer over my shoulder expecting to see Julia my mind was racing wondering what I if anything I could say to her in my defense.

I heard the cough and wheezing before I saw the person. Johnson...it was old man Johnson the bastard.

"He, he, he" He coughed and wheezed. "Well just what are you doing here eh...he, he, he" He wheezed and coughed again.

I had no reply for him. He could see what we were doing. Just what could I say? He walked over to where we were, looking down on the action. It was then I noticed the video camera in his hand.

"Oh god no, no please Mr. Johnson don't I beg of you" I implored.

"He, he, he...Oh its Mr. Johnson now is it. It never was before was it, you don't think I'm going to pass up an opportunity like this do you" He said

"Saw you coming in here and after watching you on the back porch I knew you were up to no good" He said as he flicked open the little screen and started to video the scene.

"Ho, ho, ho!" Cough and splutter "It looks real good...we'll have to have an evening together watching home movies....must invite your wife eh!"

He continued to walk around the action, closing in on certain points of interest.

"Oh great...just great...you're going to love watching this bit on screen" As he videoed the action.

When the indiscretion had finally finished I said

"Oh thank god for that" and starting to get up.

"Whoa...whoa...where do you think you're going Cromarty?"

"I'm going to head for the showers...clean myself up" I replied

"Oh no you ain't" He replied at the same time getting up off the wooden box he'd been sitting on stamping out the butt of his cigarette. Then turning he placed the video camera on the box and set it running

I remained on my hands and knees watching him close the gap between us. Bruno was over in the corner of the garage and looking on as his master stood over me.

The sound of his zip being pulled down told me what was about to happen

What he took out amazed me. For a skinny runt of a man he sure was well hung. It was pointing to heaven. Thick and hard.

"Oh god no" I groaned knowing what was about to happen.

"Oh god yes Cromarty...I think it's my turn now....just face the camera and smile" He said as he placed himself at my rear end.

I heard him wheezing as his hands felt and ran over my buttocks.

"Oh boy you sure has got a wonderful arse...I've watched you and your wife from the bedroom window on many an occasion...both have nice tight arses...he...he...he...splutter...cough"

"Ohhh...ahhhh" I gasped as he slipped his hard erection quickly into my depths. Using my already enlarged anal and cum lubed pussy to his advantage.

His hands on my hips he pulled me onto his hard shaft, at the same time holding my arse firmly in place.

His hips were swaying a shudder of complete satisfaction running through his body.

"Oh god you feel so good" He rasped at the same time drawing a lung full of air through clenched teeth. "Ssssssss"

"You got a real nice arse on you; just like that wife of yours...what's her name Julia isn't it"

I was surprised he knew her name we had hardly ever talked to him before apart from argue about his dog.

"Yes Julia" I replied

"Oh yes a real nice arse she has....I bet she fucks real good as well...I'd love to have my hard cock in her at some time...how about you arrange a night of pleasure for me eh!?" He asked

"Don't be silly how can I arrange something like that...she'd never go for it...even if you did threaten me with that video over there" I replied

"There could be a way...if you decided to help me with it...wouldn't have to show her the evidence would I"

"What do I have to do" I enquired

"You leave it to me...before long with your help I'm going to be fucking your wife...pretty cool eh!"

His arse kept up the swaying, the shaft continued to slam back and forth as I contemplated and wondered what it was he had in mind.

"Oh I can just imagine what it would be like eh he, he, he cough and splutter"

"I'm enjoying fucking you...it's going to be a real delight fucking your wife...I just can't wait"

"Oh god I'm going to cum...I'm going to cum" He said as the last thrust sent his hard shaft into me one last time. His warm sperm flew up the hard shaft and erupted deep into my inner most cavities.

The event had been an effort for him as he remained connected to my hind end pumping fluid wheezing and coughing at the same time.

He eventually slapped my bare arse and told me what a great fuck I was, and was now looking forward to doing the same to my wife.

*********************************************************** When Julia returned home that evening I told her that I'd had a long, meaningful and friendly chat with our cantankerous neighbour Mr Johnson and that he had apologised for his un-neighbourly actions in the past but was dedicated to putting things right in the future. I did however neglect to tell her the real reason for our new liaison.

"Yeh but that's not all he has also invited me over one night to teach me how to play chess"

"Chess...chess" She said in an unbelieving manner. "God Mike you don't even know a prawn form a bishop"

"It's a pawn and a bishop dear" I said correcting her.

"Well pawn prawn what's the difference" She retorted.

"Well it makes a lot of difference to the poor old prawn...how would you like to be dragged all over a chess board" I said smiling at her.

"Well I guess I'm just totally taken by surprise at the thought of you and old man Johnson being friendly and playing chess together" She said also smiling.

"You would have been real surprised had you caught him taking my queen with his bishop this morning" I thought to myself. There was a little twinge in my loins as my thoughts raced back in time.

When I told her a few days later that old man Johnson had invited me over that should read (suggested in a subtle way that I join him for drinks that evening) she again could not believe it.

"I think he must have alternative ideas about you Mike...old man Johnson being friendly...no never"

My guilty conscience soon kicked in and on the defence said, "What do you mean other ideas about me"

"Well you are an attractive man...in fact very attractive male and I know some men would like to...well you know what" She said refraining from coming out with the words Have sex with you.

"Have sex with me...is that what you mean" Finishing he sentence for he

"Yes" She nodded.

"Ah come on who...who would like to have sex with me" I asked trying to sound casual

"Oh I don't know who specifically but I do see the looks on some of the male faces when we are out and no they are not always looking me up and down if that's what you are going to say"

"Yeh well I was because I've seen and heard them talking...especially when they did not know I was your husband"

"Well I've just thought of one person who as admitted to me he is rather attracted to you" She replied

"Oh yeh who?" I asked.

"Simon...Simon Blenkhorne"

"Simon...Simon Blenkhorne your boss" I replied in astonishment.

"Yes he's gay...we all know it at work he doesn't deny it....said to me you have a real nice looking husband there...you should look after him....and it was the way he looked and said it that gave the hint as to what he would like to do with you"

I was stunned by what had just been said. I would never have thought it. Simon was an attractive older guy (well when I say older somewhere in his fifties which is not old really) and I thought he would have had his pick of females but the more I thought about it I had to admit I'd never seen him with many if any female company and when Julia and I had attended any of her business functions at Simon's home. Simon was always friendly towards me and had spent quite a bit of his time chatting but not giving any hint of his own thoughts or intentions...well I'll be damned I thought nice looking guy.

Now that we had brought the subject up I retaliated with my own thoughts.

"Well as you so rightly put it men do regard you as a sex item and I know someone who would like to get into your pants"

"Oh yeh who"

"My boss Guy Madison...he more or less told me given the chance he would like to screw you" I blurted, the immediately regretted having opened that particular Pandora's Box.

A smug satisfied smile crossed her face. "Well now there is a man for you...you would have to admit there is something about him to get a girl excited isn't there"

"Well I suppose he's kind of good looking" I replied casually. In fact if the truth be known he was very good looking a real smoothy and I knew all to well that he could pick and choose just about any female he wanted and by the looks and sounds of things Julia included.

"I take it by that look on your face you like him" I said

"Oh yes he is rather nice...what is it they say...he can leave his slippers under my bed anytime"

"Ok...ok...I'm now totally jealous...I'll put off going to old man Johnson's tonight" I said.

"No, no don't be silly...I was just saying it seems strange for the old bugger to suddenly be Mr Nice guy...beware Greeks baring gifts...that's another saying I believe"

I dressed casually for my evening with Johnson, very casual a T-shirt a pair of baggy three-quarter shorts (no undies) and a pair of flip plops. I didn't see the need for anything else.

I made my way over the inter-connecting lawns to Mr Johnson's house, holding on to a six pack of beer. I mean you have to seem to be friendly don't you.

The light in his passage and front door were already on and it took but a moment for him to respond to my knock.

"Heh...come in...come in" He coughed and wheezed. "Straight down the passage and first on left" He said

The interior was like him old and mainly worn but that could be deceiving knowing from recent experience as to his versatility.

I doubt if the place had a spring clean or any type of clean in many a year. As I say the place looked like he did.

Furnishings had been bought with care and taste in the past and it was a crying shame it had been so neglected in the way it had.

In the lounge there was a twosome couch with big cushions and two matching chairs. Glass cabinet and large wall cabinets that would have cost a small fortune and would today be sought after and good money paid for if taken to auction.

Magazines littered the room mostly with naked girls or males donning the front cover. I picked one up glancing at the handsome guy with the flashing white teeth lying on his stomach baring his nicely shaped butt for the world to see and admire. It had I guess been admired by Mr Johnson on several occasions.

There was another with an equally devastatingly good looking female promoting her butt on the front cover.

He watched as I perused each magazine in turn saying, "I think Julia's arse is the equal to those...eh...she's a lovely young women...a lovely young women"

"Yes I'm inclined to agree with you Mr Johnson" I replied placing the magazines on the near by table.

"Oh come, come Cromarty...now that we know each other intimately please let's not be so formal...feel free to call me Howard and I shall call you Mike eh?"

"Yeh...yeh Howard and yes Mike it is"

Bruno lay snoozing under a large mahogany table that seemed out of place in this room. It would however be worth quite a bit of money.

"Here sit...we might as well have the best seats for the performance eh" He said indicating that I sit on the couch.

He poured two beers handing one to me. I took a long pull at it swallowing the cold amber liquid. My mouth felt dry, probably from the excited anticipation I felt right now.

He planted himself right next to me. Pointed the remote at the T/V and pressed the appropriate button. Sound and vision burst into life. There was an edited addition added to the tape, mentioning my name as one of the participants.

"Oh god" I groaned at the sight of it.

"Hee, hee, hee...good eh" He wheezed.

Before I could answer the first scenes of that mornings actions a few days ago hit the screen.

"Oh jeez...oh my god" I exclaimed again.

"Hee, hee, hee...you're going to like this...its real good" He said as I watched the replayed action unfold before me.

It did look good. In fact I was starting to get a hard on as I gazed open mouthed. Good god did that really happen. My cock expanding even further.

Old man Johnson (Howard) watched my response to the event as it played. Seeing my reaction to the replay.

"You know Mikey...your not the man for Julia"

"What do you mean" I asked, my eyes still glued to the ensuing action on screen.

"She needs a man...a real man...a man to control her"

"I can control her" I replied defending myself.

"No, no lad she's just too good looking a women and you...and to be perfectly honest you're too pretty a man...you're designed more for other men to enjoy your company...you have a prefect arse that sets dreams and fantasies raging through a mans imagination and desires...just the same as Julia's ass does."

"I don't think..." My sentence was cut short. Suddenly his hot hand closed around my hard shaft, working it up and down. Shutting off any further comment. In fact no further comment was needed. Even protected behind the fabric of my shorts what he was doing felt good. "Ohhh god" I gasped closing my eyes and let the sudden ecstasy of his touch ripple through my body.

"Oh you do love that don't you" He whispered, his hand working up and down my modest hard penis.

For a brief moment I opened my eyes looked at the action still unfolding, then closing them nodded my head and purred "Yes...yes that feels reel good"

I felt and heard the zip on my shorts being pulled down. His warm bony fingers folding around on my naked penis as once again he took up the action, working my hard shaft, the pleasure was intensifying at each and every stroke.

I heard him say in a low mesmerising tone "Why don't you just get up and go...go on leave...you can take the tape with you...destroy it if you like"

My eyes still closed, enjoying his warm touch as he gently but firmly worked the shaft.

"Oh no...oh god no...keep going...please keep going" Taking another quick peek at the screen, then the skinny hand that worked my shaft

"Yeh I was right about you wasn't I....you like a man to control you, don't you?" He said

Now I was too far gone to care. My legs were stretched out in front of me. I lay back in the deep soft cushions, whilst he slowly masturbated my cock.

"Yes...yes Howard I love what you do" Was all I could say. I didn't really care what I said right now.

"Let's get you even more excited eh" I heard the zip on his trousers as with his free hand he undid the fly.

The hand extracted a very large and very hard piece of manhood. The size of it dwarfed mine quite considerably. It looked remarkably like a pygmy alongside a very tall African tribesman.

Suddenly I felt quite ashamed and a little inferior with regard to cock size. It was the first time I'd had to view it close up. The other day didn't count as I didn't really have an opportunity; he was down behind me, burying it in my hind end rather quickly.

"Now what do you think of that?" He asked

What could I say? In fact I didn't have to say anything. The look on my face was enough. I was also trembling with excitement.

"Oh...my...god" Was all that came out

"It's a beaut Mike isn't it"

"Oh no, no, it's more than a beaut Howard...it's magnificent absolutely magnificent" I replied.

"Go on then...don't just stare at it...you have my permission to play with it...it's all yours tonight" He said inviting me to touch it.

As the palm of my trembling hand wrapped around the warm pulsating shaft. I felt another even more intensified shudder rip through my body.

"Oh god...oh god" Was all I could babble. Right about now a very strong invisible cord had me tied, and tied tightly to this old man. Even if I'd wanted to I could not move or break away from him, so intense was my feelings at the moment.

"How do you think Julia will like it" He asked nodding in the direction of his hard erection. "That's a real cock Mike...a man's cock" He said followed by one of his wheezy laughs.

My viewing went back to the screen; we'd passed the first part of the recording and were now up to Howard. I watched. His skinny body placed directly behind my hind end. His arse was swaying back and forth. It took no stretch of the imagination to know what was happening, that sort of naked action could mean only one thing.

"Come Mike it's time to go and enjoy ourselves. Indulge in lustful pleasures eh" At the same time grabbing my wrist and dragging me toward his bedroom. Like some hunter dragging his captured prize after a successful hunt.

Bruno gave a disinterested glance as we vanished through the lounge down and down the passage toward the bedroom. Behind me I could hear the grunts and moans coming from the T/V as the recorded illicit high lights continued to play.

Our discarded clothing lay in a tangled mass on the floor.

"Mmmmm" Was all that could be heard. My mouth was stuffed full of hard cock as I sucked and licked at the great monster. It was my first attempt at sucking on a man's cock and as the instructions were coming from my client I tried to conform to his wishes.

"My balls...my balls...suck my balls" He pleaded and accordingly my mouth would pop one of his balls inside, sucking and licking as I listened to his sounds of complete satisfaction.

"My cock my cock....suck my cock" Once again a change and my mouth, welcomed the feel of his warm hard shaft as he placed it inside, and thrusting upward forced it further into my mouth almost gagging me.

My taste buds detected a slight acrid taste and I knew he must have ejected a small amount of sperm into my mouth. I wondered if he was about to ejaculate, also could I take and swallow it if he did. It was not to be, well not this time anyway.

"It's time to bight the pillow Mike" He said, at the same time withdrawing from my mouth.

Oh god the time had finally arrived...that magnificent beast was about to be fed to me" I thought as I quickly and eagerly rolled onto my stomach, burying my face into his pillow.

The bed of course was like the rest of his house keeping. The covers had been quickly thrown over and left....made but not made. I had noticed it when he led me into the room earlier that evening. His grip tight around my wrist as if he were fearful that I would escape and take off long before he could fully relieve himself of his lustful frustrations. He need not have worried though. I was just as eager as he was to get on with it. I was just as frustrated as he was.

He coughed and wheezed as he took a firm hold of my hips and pulled and tugged at my hind end as he placed it into a comfortable position, ready for his penetration.

With his eyes closed I felt his rough hands as he ran them lustily over my buttocks, feeling and squeezing.

"Oh yes...yes..." He said sucking in air through clenched teeth.

He intended to prolong the experience, wind me up, and tease me.

I was ready for him, and I was ready for him now, but he wanted to play with me, like the cat plays with the mouse.

He started to push the hard end into my ass. "Ohhhh...yes" I crooned. Then he pulled it away and ran it around my bare hind and between the crack.

"Hee...hee...hee" He coughed and wheezed and again more teasing. He kept on doing it until I could take no more and I begged him.

"Oh god...please...please...I beg you....for god's....Howard do it...do it"

"Oh yes...you really do want it...I knew I had you pegged right...now let's get on with it"

The gel felt cool but soon warmed to body temperature as his finger pressed inside my anus. One finger became two as he pushed, pulled, reamed and moulded my anal into a larger size.

"Let's get it opened up for you then it won't hurt as much" He said assuring me it was going to be ok.

At present I wasn't too concerned. What he was doing had me feeling more than contented as it was.

"Now...now is the time" He confirmed as his strong grip took hold of my hips. I felt the tip of his hard manhood against my anal. I was trying hard not to tremble from the excitement that filled my body.

"Oh...oh" I cried as I fought against the intrusion.

"No...no...don't fight it...relax...just relax" And once again he pressed and thrust inward.

I felt the head plop inside. The first and hardest part over he pushed again and the inches started to vanish. Like someone caught in a bog and slowly sinking. Likewise his cock was caught in my quicksands and was slowly vanishing.

The satisfied sigh that escaped his lips told me he was fully inside. "Ohhhhhh....ahhhhhh" Air escaping through clenched teeth. For a moment he remained perfectly still. Eyes closed head back as he relished the delights of my inner sanctum.

Then he flung himself on top of my body his hands under and searching my breasts as he squeezed them as if it was a female he was making love to.

His hot breath was on my neck, his tongue licking my ear. Then like some great ocean liner starting up his piston began to stir. His hips rising and falling. In turn it caused the great hard cock that was the piston to move in and out of my anal tunnel.

"Ohhhhhh...ohhhhh" I moaned as body and nerves reacted to the shear pleasure that I was now feeling.

"Ho...Ho...I love fucking you Mike....you're a real pleasure my lad" He said, his hips swayed faster and faster gathering speed as he set a nice steady rhythm. "Huh...huh...huh" accompanied each pleasurable stroke

The bed rocked trembled and squeaked with each inward thrust of his hard manhood.

His hands continued to squeeze and play with my nipples. I could smell and feel his tobacco and liquor laden breathe on the back of my neck as his arse rose and fell, rose and fell in a continuous easy motion. "huh...huh...huh"

"Oh I'm just trying to imagine this is how it will be with Julia...mmmmm I can't wait to fuck he as well....oh that lovely body of hers" He murmured.

"Do you think she is going to like it Mike" He asked.

With my head half buries in the pillow and the euphoric feelings I was receiving at that moment, all I could do was murmur. "Yes, yes oh yes" and sank back into the deep blissfulness. "Would you like me fuck her Mike?"

"Eh...oh yes, yes, go ahead"

"And you wouldn't mind?"

"No do what you want....be my guest" I purred, now being fully mesmerised by the motion of his actions. Hump...hump...hump...

I knew Julia would never acquiesce to Johnson fucking her anyway, no matter what evidence he had on me. I couldn't see it ever happening. I was of course to be proved wrong. I should have known better of the scheming old bastard.

His hands squeezed my breasts with an excited urgency, his breath panting both with effort and excitement. His time was about right. The constant stimulation his hard cock had been receiving was having its effect.

Oh Mike...I'm going to cum..." He whispered in my ear

The grip on my breasts and the stiffening of his body told me what was about to happen. One last full inward thrust...then a quiet "Mmmmm..." All movement came to a standstill. No more up and down movement, just the pulsing and throbbing of his cock. His warm sperm was passing from him...to me. I felt him bight the back of my neck then declare. "Oh god Mike that was fantastic...just fantastic"

I thought perhaps he would remain as he was for a short period of time, and then remove himself. The clock ticked on and still he remained connected to me.

"Er don't you think I should be getting ready and leaving now" I asked.

"No...no...stay where you are for the time being...there's no hurry" He replied.

It had been about half an hour or more. Still he remained inside me. I was almost dozing when I felt him stir. I also felt his monster start to stir and expand, filling and expanding my anal once again.

"Oh Mike I'm just about ready again...isn't that good news" As his hips started to send the hard shaft thrusting back and forth.

It was one in the morning as I walked back to my own home. The moon was bright as day a cat screamed somewhere, then the night became silent again. A very gentle night breeze rattling the trees. I felt light headed, giddy from the night's events. I was humming and whistling softly to myself. God I felt good. No I felt great...it was a night I would long remember, a return chess game had already been arranged.

I quietly unlocked the door and climbed the stairs to the bedroom trying not to make a sound. I should have known Julia would not be asleep.

"Well that must have been some game of chess between you and your boyfriend Look at the time"

"Er yes...yes it was...I didn't realize the game could take up so much time...sorry for being so late....he's an interesting guy when you get to know him" I said

"Oh yeh...I'll take your word on that' She replied rather icily.

"Ok sorry love" I discarded my top and shorts. Clothing that only a short while ago been put on.

I slipped between the sheets my hands searching and finding the comfort of Julia's soft warm body. Oh god she felt so good I thought as my hands ran down the small of her back finding and squeezing her firm buttocks.

I found myself with a hard on, my hand running over her pubic hairs, finger slipping into her moist warm pussy.

"Ohhhhh...ahhhh....mmmmm" She murmured as I slipped inside her. "God you feel bigger and harder tonight dear" She said. My hips already swaying up and down as I delighted in her inner depths.

Our lovemaking over we both just lay there reflecting the moments "Whoa...old man Johnson must have showed you a few good moves tonight" She said

"Ha...er yes I guess he did" I replied, my thoughts running back to the night's other activities. Activities I had also enjoyed partaking in.

Howard was demanding and getting more and more of my attention with each passing week.

"I suppose you're going to see your boyfriend again this evening" Julia would say. "Why don't you move in with him, save you having to walk over there all the time?"

"He's not my boyfriend...I'm only trying to be a friendly neighbour...the guy doesn't have too many friends"

"Well he certainly has you doesn't he"

All sessions were pretty much the same, each visit. Each session was accompanied with the video camera recording each and every intimate movement. Plus his editing had been excellent almost professional.

"Oh god you have a lovely arse" "I bet Julia is just as good" "Do you mind if I fuck your wife" Etc, etc, etc. If I thought it was all talk and no action. Or if I thought it never was going to happen. I was wrong!

I never did learn too much with regard to chess, only what I managed to read in order to let Julia think Mr Johnson really was teaching me chess and its intricate moves.

After another sexual marathon and he was lying on top of me still connected. He declared his thoughts and a plan to achieve his ambition.

"What we need to do Mike is for you to invite me over for an evening. When it comes to drinks time you slip a pill into her drink. Now this pill will help put her out for a while, long enough for me to do what I need to do. When it's all over all you need to do is slip into bed with her and when she comes to she will think you have been with her all night...a simple little plan...easy to carry out...what do you think?"

"You must be bloody joking...you don't honestly think I'm going to be a party to this entire little scheme do you?"

There was a pause whilst he gave it thought.

"Well Dave I've put a lot of thought into it...and it will work, trust me. It is of course up to you. I don't have to tell you what will happen if you don't help me out here...you've seen the tape's for yourself, several times in fact. They do look pretty good don't they".

He didn't have to remind me. He had two full tapes with all the action, frame by fucking frame. It got me all worked up and excited. I doubt if it would have the exact same effect on Julia.

I pleaded with him "Howard please...you know I can't do it...no I won't do it"

"Ahh tut...tut...tut" He muttered. "That's too bad...you can of course have a room here when she tells you to leave"

I felt his cock swelling once more, and then the slapping of flesh upon flesh as his arse humped up and down.

When we had finished our evening session as I dressed to go home. He also dressed. Now this was unusual because each and every other time he had donned a robe and then seen me to the door.

"What you up to" I asked

"I'm coming with you" He replied. then making toward the table picked up a tape.

"What do ya mean you're coming with me?"

"Over to you're house...let's have a video session...it's a good time of night to have one...invite Julia as well eh!"

"No. no you can't do this" I spluttered, as the thought of Julia watching the tape raced through my mind, the blood in my veins turning to ice.

"Of course we can...come on it's going to be fun" He said as he headed for the door, followed closely by myself.

We were almost at our back door when my nerve cracked and shattered.

"Ok, ok, ok...I'll do it. I'll do it" I declared.

"Heh...now there's the spirit...it's going to be ok...you'll see" He said as we made our way back to his house, where we could contrive the plot that would get him to bed my wife.

"You what...you invited your boy friend over for an evening...are you mad?"

"He is not my boyfriend" I reminded her again "He is OUR next door neighbour and I thought we could show him we were friendly also"

"Ok...ok...when" She asked and I told her.

When the time arrived I was scared...real scared...what if it didn't quite work out the way we thought it would? I was now a co conspirator in this plot. I should pull out, but I was even more fearful of the consequences of not performing the deed, all this because I was caught on camera, performing a very indiscreet sexual act.

Howard of course was a complete gentleman. He sure had a way of charming his way, it was the same with everyone he met always ready to score points.

The time came to set the deed in motion. I volunteered to make the drinks. The carefully dropped the pill Howard had given me into Julia's drink. I watched as it bubbled and fizzed finally dissolving.

She smiled one of her sweet smiles as I handed her the drink, at the same time thanking me. It took all my will power to stop my hand from trembling.

We continued to drink and chat, chat and drink. Then I noticed how Julia was starting to look flushed and a little uncomfortable.

"Are you alright dear" I asked

"Oh yes...yes...well no...no I'm not. I feel a little giddy and unfocused" She replied.

"Why don't you go and lie down...we'll just sit and talk for a while" I replied

"Perhaps I should be going" Howard chimed in

"Oh no...no...don't be silly...I might just go lie down for a while...it's been a long hard frustrating day for me...I'm sure Mike will look after you" She said, getting to her feet, stumbling a little as she made toward our bedroom.

"Here let me help you" I offered.

"No...no I'm okay" Was her reply.

I gave Howard a concerned look.

He shook his head indicating at the same time for me to sit, then quietly say "It's okay...she'll be fine...let it take effect"

I sat, unable to really settle. Oh god if only I could get out of it, now I was in even deeper, a co conspirator to the act that was soon to follow.

"I'm just going to pop back home for a while I'll be back shortly"

"You going to leave me her" I asked voice almost gone

"It's going to be okay you'll see" Then left.

The moments ticked by. I stood up...I sat down...I paced the room. Then when I couldn't stand it any longer I quickly set off for our bedroom.

Julia lay there very quiet very still and peaceful. As always she looked beautiful. I jumped when I heard Howard who had come up behind say

Oh yes...yes she looks great Mike"

He handed me the video camera. Instructing me to take plenty of shots and make them good ones.

The bed sagged a little as he sat beside her, a lustful gleam in his eye. Like some miserly old man who had just found a fortune in gold and silver coins.

His fingers very gently, very carefully started to undo the buttons on her blouse, even this was part of the excitement. "You getting all this on tape Mike....get it on tape" He demanded

So far I had been stuck to the spot not wanting to move, but wishing I could escape, be anywhere but here. On the other hand I felt a certain excitement running through my body.

Turning on the camera I opened up the small screen. The frame filled with Howard slowly undoing the buttons on Julia's blouse. I pressed the record button.

When he undid the final button he pulled the garment from her skirt and spread it open just like he was opening a set of curtains to let the morning sunshine in. The only thing was it wasn't sunshine he was viewing. He black bra encased those beautiful firm breasts. Cleavage accentuating their beauty. His bony hands and fingers cupped, squeezed and fondled them. Then reaching to the back I heard the clasp pop allowing the breasts to break free. Now we could see them naked, naked and even more beautiful firm with nice cute nipples.

The same hands and fingers cupped, squeezed and fondled them again. His eyes closed a hiss escaping through clenched teeth as he relished at their touch.

"Oh my god she is so beautiful...so beautiful" Cupping and squeezing one of them he bent over, his mouth covering as much as possible, before he suckled the nipple. I kept the camera rolling; there was a stirring in my loins as I watched.

With the first part of his appetite filled he now set about the next part. First he enjoyed putting his hand up her skirt and stroked her warm thighs. The skirt was next to go.

I continued watch and video the scene as he carefully and slowly pulled the zip and undid the button securing it to here slim waist. Taking the hem he once more started to carefully pull the skirt down, past her hips and on past her thighs.

I heard his gasp as he eyed her black lace panties, almost transparent. I could just make out the outline of her pussy and blond pubic hair. The skirt was discarded and relegated to the floor. Now that the prize had been unwrapped there was no further need for care or caution.

The panties were to meet a similar fate as his fingers looped around the supporting elastic and he again slowly, carefully and deliberately pulled them downward relishing in the excitement at the touch of both lace and warm flesh.

The excited look on his face told its own story.

"Oh my god" He said as his finger traced the outline of her pussy and pubic hair.

I panicked a little as Julia stirred and moaned at his touch, but she continued to breathe quietly. I continued to video as his finger slid inside working the pink moist flesh. His eyes remained closed as he continued to relish in his activities

He was now ready for the next stage. Spreading her legs wide apart and bending them at the knee.

"On tape...on tape.... get that on tape" He shouted excitedly, indicating the prize between her legs.

He was keen to get on with it. Excited! I could see the great bulge in his trousers. A bulge caused by the previous action.

Belt and zip were almost torn in his haste to discard his trousers, shoes and socks followed with similar impulse.

His skinny white frame looked almost too frail to carry such a large weapon. It was the thickest and the biggest part about him. It made him look unbalanced, as if he would topple over quite easily in a stiff breeze.

I never stopped being in awe at the size. It just wasn't fair that he should have been endowed with such a beautiful piece of manhood and I...what did I get? whatever was left at the bottom of the drawer. "Sorry son there's not enough material left for you...but here this will have to do"

I watched as with mouth open he made toward her warm moist pussy.

"Mmmmmm" As he suckled the slit, tongue delving and licking and slurping at it like a man deprived of food and drink for weeks. He was making a pig of himself.

"Ohhhhh...Mmmmm" As he continued to slurp and lick. His face buried deep between her thighs. I kept the camera rolling following his tongue as it gently touched the lips then delve into her warm moist crevice.

With this part of his appetite now satisfied he sat back on his haunches, prick sticking upward.

"I guess it's time for penetration Mike" And proceeded to kneel between her legs, hand guiding his erection toward the final prize.

"You got all this on tape Mike" He asked

"Yes...yes it's all on tape" I reassured him. Then his hand reached out and grabbed the bulge that was prominent in my trousers.

"Ho...you horny bastard...you got a hard on...It's got you going hasn't it" He asked. There was no need to answer him, my erection said it all. The great bulbous head spread the lips apart, and then he stopped as if teasing her with it. The camera zoomed in. Prick and pussy filling the small screen. Then the hard shaft just vanished inside, his dark pubic hair mingling with her blond pubic hair.

A silent gasp escaped Julia's lips "Mmmmm" as if she had just felt the great monster slip inside

With eyes closed a great sigh of satisfaction escaped his lips. "Ohhhhhh" Then sitting back on his haunches he let me see and allow the video to record the shaft buried deep inside. His body then covered her body and his arse began to rise and fall. He was now fucking her.

I could not see but I could hear the movement of his shaft as it slurped in and out.

Thrust, thrust...thrust. as his arse humped up and down in a steady rhythm.

"Oh Mike she would make a great whore...yes lad a great whore...you should put her to work, she'd make you a fortune lad...a fortune" He said not stopping or missing his stride.

"I doubt even you could persuade her to take that on Howard...I doubt it very much" I said.

He just gave a stifled snigger and continued with the business in hand.

The skinny little arse never seemed to tire as it continued in its never ending hump...hump...hump. I did wonder how much tape there was left in the camera.

Then it all seemed to end just like that. His hands moved to her ass, then squeezing her firm buttocks and with one final thrust pulled himself in as far as he could a quiet little "Mmmmm" escaped his lips and I knew it was over, his semen would now be squirting into her deepest interior.

"Do I stop the camera now" I asked after he remained motionless but still connected for some time.

"Yes...yes you can turn it off now Mike....oh lad she's a great fuck...you really should get her to be a whore...she could pick the best" He said.

I turned of the camera and placed it on the small dresser.

When old man Johnson had gone I completed undressing Julia, there was little more to do anyway, then joined her between the sheets.

Sleep was hard to come by that night as the images continually returned to haunt me.

Waking the next morning wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated. Julia complained about a very bad head, said she couldn't really remember much about the night before apart from feeling woozy and going to bed and then nothing more

I just told her that, that was more or less it. I had found her fast asleep after Howard had left and I undressed her and went to bed also. Said she must have been working too hard and that things were perhaps catching up on her.

Old man Howard of course delighted and bragged about the evening.

"See Mike I told you...she would never know....god she's a great fuck lad...wasted...wasted...should be a whore...you could make good money from her"

"I don't think I want to do that Howard...that's a bit extreme" I replied

But the seed had been planted. I knew by the various parties we had been to that the guys took great pleasure in surrounding her, talking to her also over hearing the crude comments they made.

"Cor how would you like to fuck that ass?" being one of many. So if that was the case just how much would they be prepared to pay?

An opportunity opened up one night during a conversation when admirers of her and admirers of me came up.

"If a guy said to you I'd love to screw you how much?" How much would he have to pay.

She looked at me not saying a word I thought I had over stepped the mark and was about to get a strong verbal dressing down.

"Depends on who it was" She replied

"Well let's just say it was....er...um...Guy Madison for instance"

"Oh well now then he would have to pay...um...er" as hesitated giving it some thought.

"$5000, it would have to be good money. I wouldn't come cheap" She replied.

"Yeh well I don't think you should you are after all top shelf" I replied with a smile.

"Well let me ask you...if someone asked you the same question...and on top of that it was another man...what would be your response" I was going to say "Never I'd never do it with another man" but instead after some thought I replied "Same as you...he would have to pay good money...I'd go with a man for $5000"

"Well we both know our values don't we" She said and there was a long period of no conversation as we both reflected on what we had just said. No doubt she would be thinking similar to me. Does he/she really mean it?

Nothing more was said and the subject was not at that time further discussed.

Later there were two instances that unbeknown to either of us happened at the same time.

My boss Guy once again had made a remark something like

"God that wife of yours s a real honey...you're a lucky guy to get to sleep with her each night"

"Yeh...well I'm sure if you paid the right sort of money you could wake up in the morning along side her"

For the first time ever he was lost for words...it took a while for him to recover, then a smile spread across his face.

"Oh shit you had me going there for a while"

"No I mean it the right amount would get you there" I said

Again he looked at me thinking about his reply.

"Oh yeh and how much are we talking about...hypothetically of course"

"It may not be hypothetical....and the price would be $5000" I said He whistled through his teeth as I said the $5000.

"Wow that's an awful lot of money for a fuck Mike"

"Her words not mine" I said

"What she said she would do it with someone other than you for $5000...is that right"

"Yup...that's the deal" I replied.

"Good god and you wouldn't object at that" He asked

"Heh...$5000 Mike why should I?"

After a long spell he broke the silence with "Well its' worth thinking about....but I still think you are having me on"

"Try me some time" I replied and let the subject drop.

On the other end of the scale and around the same time, we had been invited to a party at Julia's boss's place.

I knew most of the crowd that turned up and I mixed and mingled with them.

Then as per usual Simon cottoned onto me and this time I saw him in a new light as I reflected on what Julia had said about him.

Seeing both of us together Julia came over and joined the conversation.

"Did you know Mike is into chess these days Simon"

"Oh you play chess Mike do you?"

Before I could reply Julia said "Yes...old man Johnson our next door neighbour is teaching him"

"Well I'm no expert...and Howard is no expert we just play a few basic moves" I replied

There was a pause then Simon said "Did you say Johnson...Howard Johnson"

"Yeh that's him" we both replied

"And he's your next door neighbour eh?"

"Yeh...why what's wrong...do you know him" we asked

"Well I don't know if it's the same guy...but I do remember a Howard Johnson who was brought up on vice charges for running a call girl business and brothels I seem to recall"

God yes now I was remembering I was just a kid at the time but I do recall my parents and the papers talking about it all those years ago.

"Shit no it can't be" I said.

"How old is this guy" Simon asked

"Oh I'd say around seventy or more"

"Hell that could be him" Simon replied "I wonder if it is"

I looked at Julia both of us wondering if it was the same guy.

"Well sweetheart you should ask him to find you a man for the evening...you said you would be a willing participant if there was sufficient money in it for you...didn't you"

I'm sure I was blushing as I tried to protest.

"Now come, come dear, did you or did you not say given sufficient money you would let a guy screw you"

"Well...er yes...yes I suppose I did...but..."

"Well there you go see" She said before I could follow up on the answer.

"You should put in a bid for him Simon" and promptly walked away.

I looked at Simon's astonished face. He was unsure as to what to say.

"Incidentally what was the price?" He asked

"Oh it was purely a hypothetical thing....I think I said $5000 or something like that"

"Wow! That's an awful lot of money" He said.

Now where had I heard that before?

Nothing more was said. The night went by, Simon took some photos of his guests, and this was something I had not noticed on previous evenings.

The letter was in a plain envelope along with the rest of my mail that the secretary had delivered that morning. I slit the edge and took out the note and a cheque for one thousand dollars

I took a furtive look around the outer office to see if there were any interested persons watching no one seemed to be taking the slightest interest. I unfolded the letter and read.

"Dear Mike

I'm not sure how to approach this subject or indeed whether I should at all. When you and Julia were at my place the other night you and her broached a subject, a very sensitive subject. However it left me a little intrigued and wondering. Wondering that is as to whether you were serious about what you said and inferred.

I won't beat about the bush and will come straight to the point. I have feelings for you. Strong feelings and would like to take up your offer that is if you meant what you inferred. You will see I have enclosed a cheque for one thousand dollars. You can do what you wish with the thousand dollars, keep it or rip it up. I will give you another two thousand dollars should you wish to take things further. You can come to my place next Friday any time during the day or up to nine thirty. If I do not see you I will take it you do not wish to proceed any further and I apologise in advance. Yes I do know the suggested sum was five thousand dollars but I strongly feel three thousand should suffice for what I'm sure should prove to be a most pleasurable evening for both of us.


My heart was pounding with excited anticipation as I read through the letter. Again I took another furtive look around the office. Was this for real or was it a joke, someone in the office having me on, having a good laugh.

It still appeared as if there was no interest in me.

As I read over the letter again I was starting to get an erection just thinking about it

Simon was a good looking guy, after all you were having it off with Mr Johnson although I had no other real options in that. Here was someone who was prepared to pay good money to get to use my body. I was already imagining his warm body pressed against mine, something hard pressed into my buttocks. The bulge in my trousers said it all.

Then I was telling myself, don't be silly you can't go through with it. You're a married man you should not be thinking like this. The bulge in my trousers remained, as did my thoughts of spending time with Simon.

Then the other thoughts kept telling me it was ok. Don't worry so much...go ahead and do it...you're already doing things with old man Johnson, just think of Simon and he's going to pay you for it.

I was slowly being worn down. I knew in the end I would turn up. I was fighting a loosing battle with my conscience.

I placed the cheque in my top draw and put the letter through the shredder.

Now it was a little strange that the following day I got a visit from my boss guy. Not that a visit from my boss was strange, it was the subject he wanted to discuss.

I knew there was something he wanted to say but was finding it difficult or embarrassing to do so.

"Er...Mike...er remember the other week we had a conversation and you said...or suggested that your wife...er that is Julia had said to you she would um...er do a trick for five thousand dollars" I smiled inwardly as I watched him squirm trying to get to the point.

"Yes...yes I do...why what of it" I asked waiting and knowing what he was trying to get at.

"Ho well I haven't been able to stop thinking about her....I'm sorry Mike I know she's your wife and all...but god she is so beautiful and spending some time alone with her is all I can think about...I keep getting a hard on just thinking and talking about her" He said indicating the bulge in his trousers.

I had to smile at his discomfort as he sat there talking to me

"So what...you want me to arrange a meeting sometime...some night perhaps"

"Yes....oh god yes I would love to...but will she do it and what about you're feelings in all this, I mean I've come to look upon you as a friend as well as a good employee"

"Well anything I can do for my boss....anything" I replied.

"I tell you what...I can't promise anything but I'll bring the subject up again and see what she thinks about it...if she was serious before then we're about to find out...another good thing is I know she has a fancy for you...that could help"

He looked surprised at the last part and a little modest I thought I detected a blush.

"Leave it with me and I'll get back with a time and day or night whichever"

"Oh god thanks Mike...as long as you don't mind I don't want us to become enemies"

"We won't...its ok with me...and incidentally I'd sit here for a while and discuss business...get you're mind off Julia...don't want to stride down the office with that bulge in your trousers do you? people may get the wrong idea"

I just couldn't concentrate on my work any more. One set of thoughts was of Simon and I and all the things we could do together, then they would switch to Julia and Guy together. The video of her and old man Johnson kept reminding me what it would be like. Now I had to approach the subject again and beg the question would she?

Her naked body felt great next to mine. Her arse felt just perfect as my hands squeezed the firm tight buttocks; being inside her like this was always exciting. The trouble is I wanted the best of all worlds.

After our bodies had soaked up all our pent up energy and frustrations. I lay beside her wondering how best to broach the subject. In the end I realised there was no other way than to just ask.

"Hey honey...er you know some weeks ago we were talking about er...having sex with someone else and we both agreed it was possible but it would come at a price?"

"Yes...why...do you wish to do it with another guy?" She replied

"Er no, no not me" I quickly protested "I know someone who would like to take you to bed for the evening"

There was a long silence as she contemplated what I had just said. I was ready for an angry outburst.

"Well I will if you will...you make a date and time with my boss and I'll make a date and time with your boss...I think that would be fair...that's if you really want to do this" She replied.

"Yeh but I don't know if Simon would wear that" I lied

"Oh I think he will...in fact I'm sure he will"

With prior knowledge of Simon's intentions I replied that I'd call Simon and try to make a date with him...but could not guarantee his positive response, but if I made a date and time with Guy it would be a definite as we already knew he was keen and eager to go.

"I'll take the chance" She replied "I know if you called him he'd be very keen"

I wondered if there had been some sort of conspiracy between Julia and Simon before hand. She seemed very sure that Simon would be a starter. I also wondered if she already knew about the letter.

"It's all set for Friday night" I said to Julia the following evening "I contacted Simon and you were right he seemed very keen for us to meet up. He said Friday would be OK so I thought that would be OK for you and Guy...I'm going round to Simon's house which will leave you and Guy here alone"

There was another one of her long silences then she replied "Oh yes well that's ok with me also"

I was still feeling jealous...jealous that Guy would be fucking her that night but on the other hand I was still keen and excited to meet up with Simon.

Guy when he heard the news was ecstatic. "I don't believe it....I just don't believe it....you are having me on aren't you" He said

"No...no true as I'm sitting here...it's all jacked up...be there around seven thirty"

"What about you...where do you go...got some one lined up for yourself" He asked

I tried not to give myself away as I replied.

"No...I'll find a motel or something for the night, be back in the morning"

"God I don't know how you could offer me someone like Julia...she's so beautiful...I'm not going to argue with you though" He said then did an about turn and almost danced out of the office and smile a mile wide as made his way back to his own office.

"Shit...shit....shit..." Was all I could say as I watched him leave?

I'd given Julia a peck on the cheek and a fond farewell before hopping into the Honda.

"Yeh well don't do anything I wouldn't do" She quipped

My feelings were mixed as I drove...but eventually as I neared his residence my thoughts turned more toward the evening's activities. Soon all thoughts of Julia and Guy would be out of my mind.

The Blenkhorne residence was a magnificent piece of real estate, must have cost a fortune, well a fortune and a half. Mind with the money Simon had he could afford it.

Half a mile from the main road. The road itself was shaded by trees, the evening sun now setting and its beams striking through the branches made it a pleasant drive as I headed toward my destination.

The house itself was magnificent. It seemed far too big for one single person but Simon did like throwing his little parties and this was just the place to do it. The parties were the place to be if you wanted a real good time. It could accommodate dozens of people and you could still get lost somewhere in that great big interior. There was never any shortage of talent. Sun tanned females, always dressed in the shortest of skirts showing their attributes to the best advantage. The same went for the guys who attended. It didn't mean that just because you arrived with a girlfriend you left with the same one. In fact were a person to go the next flight up, you could knock on any of the closed bedroom doors and you would be just about guaranteed to see a couple of naked bodies closely entwined and one of the arses bucking up and down. I had to count myself lucky that Julia and I had always left together. She always had a steam of admirers wanting her affections. Yet here I was giving her to Guy on a plate.

The rear of the section went all the way to the beach and even though the sea offered great swimming there was still the full size pool for those who disliked dipping into salt water.

As the Honda drew to a halt at the front door, an enthusiastic well tanned person by the name of Simon strode toward me. He was dressed only in a white robe.

"My dear, dear boy I'm so glad you could make it...I just don't believe you're actually here" He said his arms wrapped around me in a great bear hug.

The initial hugging and welcome over he slid his arm around my waist, ushering me toward the large entrance. A few yards later and his hand slid to my ass and I felt my right buttock being squeezed rather enthusiastically.

I surveyed the house and surrounding area searching to see if there were any eyes following the scene unfolding right now.

As if reading my mind and concern he said "Oh don't worry about us being spied on I've given everyone the weekend off...we have the place to ourselves" A pleasurable lustful smile and a glint in his eyes lighting up his face.

The evening was still hot from the heat of the day. The sun was now below the horizon. The windows and doors were all open and a slight breeze tugged and rustled the curtains.

"Well I just can't believe you came...I'm...I'm...well I'm just flabbergasted" He was lost for words. The first time I'd known him to be so.

"I thought you and Julia had jacked it all up" I said

"Good god no...although she did have an inkling that I had a bit of a...liking for you...incidentally where is Julia tonight...gone to a friends has she?"

"Yeh something like that" I said. My thoughts now drifting a situation not to dissimilar to Simon and I right now.

My thoughts were broken when I heard him ask if I would like a drink. "Oh yes that would be fine...I'll have whatever you are having" My throat was dry and a drink would go down real well.

I watched as he put a couple of drinks together. I was looking at him in a new and different light now. Not just as a person who seemed to bail me up at one of his parties. Not even as Julia's boss. This was a different view. For the first time I saw how good looking he was. Once he took that robe off I doubt if there was going to be much or indeed any fat on his body. His face, arms and what I could see of his legs were nicely tanned, no doubt so was the rest.

I wonder how big his cock is. I thought to myself

He swung around suddenly catching me looking at him and caught in my daydreams. He just smiled and carried the two drinks to the couch that I had slumped down on.

The first mouthful tasted real good as he joined me on the couch. His hand was light and gentle on my knee. I could feel it's warmth through the material of my slacks. It remained in place as we talked.

He proceeded to tell me how pleased he was that I had accepted the offer and how much he had always wanted to be in this position.

His hand from time to time squeezed my knee and slowly made its way up my thigh.

The squeezing became a series of squeezes and rubs. I was quite hard now, my erection struggling to break free. There was no doubt about his cock either as I spotted the lift in the robes material, somewhat like a tent pole.

His hand was gentle as it sought and squeezed the bulge in my trousers. Simultaneously he threw the robe covering his erection to one side, revealing the tent pole.

Oh god this was a repeat performance of old man Johnson and me, only the male lead was different.

Now I was convinced that every male penis was larger than mine, perhaps I could enter the Guinness book of records for the smallest. If there had not been enough material left in the drawer for a decent one I would have preferred none at all.

Everything else was now blocked out of my thoughts as I gazed upon this hard fleshy monster. My hand instinctively and eagerly reaching for it.

My heart raced with excitement and my body trembled as my hand gripped the warm pulsating shaft.

"Oh my god" Was all I could say as I held on to it.

"You like that Mike...does that meet with your approval?" He asked

"Oh yes...yes...yes" I sighed sliding my hand up and down the hard shaft.

A hiss and a moan of satisfaction escaped through his clenched teeth at the same time flinging his robe wide open to reveal his near perfect naked body. I'd often thought of a time and moment like this but never had the opportunity. I really didn't count old man Johnson. I had merely reacted to his demands. This was different, this I wanted to happen I was an eager and willing participant in the action.

I was so intent on his cock I was almost unaware of my zip being pulled down, slowly and quietly. I watched his hand slip through my open fly; warm fingers encircle my hard shaft and then seeing my cock be pulled from its bindings, the hand working it up and down.

"Oh shit...oh shit...oh my god" Was all I could say as the exotic feeling hit me.

The sun had long gone now, the room was in partial darkness lit only from the now rising moon, the breeze was cool and continued to lift and ruffle the curtains.

His breath was warm as he moved closer to me. One more exciting shudder through my body as his lips gently kissed my neck.

"Oh Mike...Mike...I do so love you" He whispered. I felt a little unnerved at being told by another man that he loved me but right now I didn't really care. What was happening between us was pure magic and my body screamed for more.

Simon's trembling fingers were at my belt undoing the buckle. My own body trembled with excited anticipation as I felt my trousers being removed.

Trousers now gone his warm hands explored the spoils that were before him.

My heart continued to pound as his fingers continued their attack upon my clothing.

With my hand firmly gripping and stoking his hard manhood. I watched his fingers undo each button on my shirt. Then I made a little shuffle helping him remove it altogether. Now he had access to my totally naked body.

I was his and I was keen and eager to supply him with whatever pleasure he required of me.

As I lay on the couch I looked up at Simon as he stood over me gazing at my naked body, and then quietly and casually proceeded to undress. With each passing moment I became more frustrated, more excited. I wanted him, I wanted everything he could give me, do for me, and kill this lust that was within me. He was taking too long. But he knew that, it was all part of the build up, keep me wanting, keep me begging.

His naked body looked beautiful in the moonlight, that great hardness sprouting from his groin had my heart pounding blood surging.

"Come" He said

I reached for his hand then when he grasped it he pulled me to my feet. His arms wrapped around my body and pulled me in tightly.

Oh my god the feel of his warm flesh pressed so tight against mine. Then when his moist lips crushed upon my lips I thought my legs were going to fold under me. I was so weak.

His hands ran down the small of my back, my buttocks were being squeezed. Oh god I'm going to come I thought but I fought against it, trying to take my mind off the things that were happening to me.

His tongue had been forced into my mouth, but instead of a feeling of revulsion at being kissed by a man, I responded and responded with passion, a passion I had never know before.

Eventually we had to surface for air. He continued to stroke and fondle my bum. Hugging and squeezing me tight. An action I found most enjoyable.

"Come on...let's go some where comfortable...get to know each other" He said and taking hold of my hand led my up the stairs to the bedroom area.

I kept eyeing his naked form, trying hard not to let him see me doing so.

"You like being here like this Mike...like gazing at my hard cock eh?"

There was little point in denying it I replied "Oh yes...yes I do" The enthusiasm in my voice told him I meant it.

The bedroom was huge, mirrors galore donned the walls. The bed itself was large, would be great for an orgy. Tonight though it was a party of two.

From this room I could see and hear the ocean as it lapped against the shoreline. No crashing of waves this evening, the weather of late had been far too good to create a heavy sea. Perhaps I would hear the crashing of waves later but it wouldn't be from the ocean. A cool breeze ran over my naked body and tickled at my loins. It made me feel real sensuous. I was now ready to continue

The bedcover was still warm from the late evening sun as I lay on the bed. The bed moved gently as Simon joined me. His naked body looked desirous as the light from the moon shone on it. The tight stretched skin of his hard manhood shining like a great welcoming beacon.

Hand firmly clasping it I just had to suck it. It's what he expected and it's what I desperately wanted to do.

It felt good and tasted even better as my warm mouth closed around it.

I felt Simon's body stiffen, his back arch as he tried to force the hard shaft even further down my throat. "Ohhhh...fuuuuck" Was all I heard him moan

A slight amount of sperm ejected and mingled with my own saliva. My hand working the shaft even harder, trying to get him to fully ejaculate. But no he had complete control of the situation as he continued to squirm and moan.

The evening's zephyr breeze felt good as it gently caressed and cooled our naked bodies.

"My balls...my balls..." He croaked "Suck my balls"

My lips kissed, my tongue licked and my mouth suckled his balls, accompanied by, moans of delight. Further sucking and stoking of his hard cock was to follow. I watched the mirrored image excitedly as it reflected our actions

He pulled away, his arms encircling hugging me tight. His lips finding my lips, warm and moist, his tongue delving and wrestling with mine.

"Oh god how I love you...I love you Mike" He had told me and repeated this statement many times already.

I still felt a little uneasy at having another male tell me he loves me. I made no reply to his statement.

Once more we broke away from our passionate kissing and embracing. My hand had never stop playing and stroking his hard shaft. It had an awesome feel about it.

"Turn on your stomach....bum up a little" Was his instructions.

I turned, buried my face in the soft material of the pillows, at the same time pushing my ass up for his use.

As I lay there quietly awaiting his next move I heard the lapping of the waves as they made contact with the soft gold sand. Apart from our two selves there seemed no one else in the world.

I gave a soft gasp and moan as a finger with lube gel on it was inserted into my anal.

"Oh my gawd" I purred. His warm finger moving back and forth giving me a wonderful feeling.

I was happy to lie there and allow him to continue "Mmmmmm"

Suddenly his thumbs were wrenching the cheeks of my ass apart.

Something warm and hard was being pressed into me.

"Ohhh...ohhhhh" I cried.

"Relax my love...just relax...I won't hurt you" I heard him say.

The head was forcing its way inward the advance guard pushing aside any resistance.

My relaxing and the lube were doing the job as the head slowly made its way in.

Oh god Mike...Mike...Mike...you feel so good my love...you feel so good" As the final inch had made its way inside.

I continued to watch the action in the mirror. I'd delighted in seeing the whole shaft as it vanished inside.

He took a moment or so to take in the moment. The feel of my warm tight ass wrapped tight around his shaft. Then his warm body felt so good as he fell on mine, his arms encompassing me holding me tight.

I felt the shaft start to stir inside me as his arse began to rise and fall, continuing to thrust inward.

It was hard to distinguish whose moans and whose groans belonged to whom as the hard penis flashed back and forth, both being rewarded by its stimulation. With each stroke his loins came into contact with my buttocks and he would bounce off them like two firm cushions of flesh. His breath again warm on the back of my neck. His lips continuing to kiss, his tongue licking at my ear. Both passions were nearing crescendo as his ass hump up and down. The speed becoming faster, now an urgent desire to deliver the goods, to feel the orgasm that would attend the ejection. "Huh...huh...huh"

"I love you...I love you...oh god I love you Mike..." As he made three final mighty thrusts then lay still. I could hear and feel his heart thumping in his chest as he lay on top allowing his hard cock do its final duty, deliver to me his sperm.

We both just lay there saying nothing allowing ourselves to bask in the wonderful afterglow of our lovemaking.

The time had gone so quick. It was now one in the morning as we both strode naked out to the patio. The ever welcome cool breeze embracing our bodies.

"You were wonderful Mike...it was better than I had expected...I meant it when I said I loved you" I wanted to tell him that "I love you too Simon" but I could not bring myself to speak the words.

"We could make this a permanent thing you know" He said

"Permanent...how can we...I'm married to Julia...or had you forgot"

"No...no I had not forgot she's a real stunning lovely women...I just thought that I could pay you some sort of regular retainer...keep you as my lover...that's all"

I was contemplating his offer when he said

"Who knows what the future has for both of us...I would like to think we could be together as permanent lovers...live here with me...there's plenty of room...you'd be well looked after"

"What you mean like husband and wife"

He laughed and said. "If you want to put it that way, yes...like man and wife"

I tried to find an answer to say but could not reply

"Let's just keep our options open eh...you know how I feel about you...if you get to feel the same..." He did not finish the sentence, there was no need.

Showered and refreshed we returned to the bed where we continued our love making.

It was so intense I seem to recall saying the words "I love you...I love you Simon"

"Oh Mike...Mike...Mike that's the start" As his ass continued to hump up and down.

I awoke with the sun streaming through the windows. The bed beside me was empty. The sound of splashing water was coming from outside.

I strode out to the patio and then I saw the cause of the sounds. It was Simon swimming up and down the pool, still naked. I wondered to the pools edge.

"Hey come on in" He said "It's a great way to start the day"

The water was colder than I'd imagined as I dived beneath the surface. Swimming beneath the water I had the vision of Simon's naked penis pointing in a southerly direction.

"How does that feel" I heard him shout as I broke the surface.

"Brrrr cold mate cold but as you say very invigorating"

A few lengths of the pool and we both climbed out, feeling the warm morning sun on our naked bodies.

I knew what was going to happen. It was the look in his eyes as they once again ran over my body.

"I think" He said "We should go back to bed for a while" His recently slack penis already gaining strength.

As I drove back to Springvale Grove it was the first time I'm thought bout Julia. The jealous feeling now returning.

"God that bastard Guy would have fucked her by now" I applied my own love making night to theirs. "I wonder how many times he had it in her" "I'll bet he's well hung the bastard"

I was blaming him for the night's actions. Jealous that he had been anywhere near Julia.

What sort of friend and boss is it that fucks a mans wife.

My inner voice was saying

"Well what have you just been up to Mike me boy...receiving a bit of cock...hey that's something ain't it both of you getting fucked by a man"

"Oh shut up" I told the voice in my head "I don't want to know"

By the time I'd reached home my mood was not the best. I parked the car and let myself in through the back door. I had noticed Guy's car was gone so Julia should be by herself.

The coffee pot was brewing nicely and Julia was standing or should I say leaning very provocatively against one of the bench tops.

She was wearing just a bath robe and I could also see what looked like black nylon stockings underneath

We stood in silence for a moment not really knowing what to say to each other both wondering who should go first. A little embarrassed

"How did..." We both blurted out together.

She quickly started again

"How did it go...how did you like taking the women's part in a relationship...you meet with your boyfriends approval...was taking a mans cock all that you expected" She asked with an icy tone in her voice.

"Erm well yes it was ok I guess...different that is" I replied "What about yourself"

Suddenly her voice and attitude changed.

"Marvelous...absolutely marvelous...he's such a great lover Mike...I enjoyed every moment of it...could have and should have gone on longer...it was just marvelous...he's a wonderful guy" I could read the enthusiasm in her face as her thoughts drifted to the previous evening

Hearing all these appraisals made me feel real mad.

"Yeh well Simon was real good as well I never knew it could be so great being with a bloke and yes I did enjoy having a mans cock inside me" I replied trying to strike back. Of course I missed the mark.

She just quietly said "I'm so glad to hear that my love...you going to see him again....in the capacity as his lover that is"

"Too bloody right I am" As I continued to boil inside.

"I'm sure you'll both be happy"

"What about you and Guy I take it you'll be seeing him again" I retorted

"Oh yes most certainly...you see he's a real man and he makes love so...so...deliciously" With a look on her face similar to the cat that got the cream.

Even with the bath robe tied around her she excited me, making my feelings percolate.

I wanted so much to see under that robe, to touch and fondle what the robe was hiding right now. She sensed my feelings, almost reading my mind; and she suddenly flung the wrapping wide open, like a flasher keen to reveal him or herself.

Her body never failed to excite me, call me biased but to me and obviously other men it was the most beautiful body in the world. If Helen of Troy was half as good as Julia I can understand why Greece launched a thousand ships.

Today more than ever it excited me. Those perfect firm round breasts, breasts I had on many, many occasions held in my hands, held, cupped, squeezed and massaged. Breasts and nipples that my mouth had suckled on like a two month old baby.

My gaze continued downward, down across that firm trim stomach to something knew, something I had not see her wearing before. Around her slim trim waist was a suspender belt, a red and black suspender belt with black suspenders connecting to black silk stockings like fingers gripping at the seems. Her legs looked just great encased in silk. My cock began to harden at the sight. Then I noticed something else, all her blond pubic hair had gone. Her pussy was as bald as a badger...and I liked it, my cock went up another notch. I saw the two bald smooth lips with the slit in the middle as they vanished between her legs. God how many times had my lips kissed those lips. How many times had my tongue delved and licked the inside of her crevice

I sucked my breath though clenched teeth. Then like a magnet draws steel I was drawn toward that magical body slowly moving toward her.

Just as the robe had been thrust apart, it was now closed, wrapped tight around her body restricting and refusing any further viewing. As I continued to move toward the palms of her hands came up, like a defense buffer, pressing against my chest, keeping me in check.

I looked at her quizzically

"Oh no, oh no" Was her reply "That is not for you anymore darling...It's reserved....reserved only for Guy....it belongs to him....he owns it"

I tried to put my arms around her. The smell of her body and perfume exciting me further, but even that was different, a beautiful lingering smell but not her usual smell.

She pushed me away again

Her actions and answer had me sick in my stomach. This just could not be. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I'd seen it as some sort of sexual experimentation a night's adventure. It happens to others how come we went so wrong.

Still not convinced I was hearing or understanding what she was saying.

"You're joking aren't you this is not happening...tell me it's a joke" I pleaded, expecting at any moment she would burst out laughing and say "Gotcha"

It never happened; there was no expression on her face, no hint of even a smile. I was devastated.

"You are saying we are never going to have sex again...is that what you're saying"

"That's exactly what I'm saying"

"But darling you're my wife....we've always had sex in our relationship"

"Well all good things come to an end....I'm going to file for divorce...may as well make the full brake"

I had to find a chair to slump into. The four by four pole she had just hit me with had just stunned me.

"I don't believe it...I just don't believe it" Was all I could blubber.

"If you want to stay here you can use the other bedroom...put your gear in there until we sell the house?"

"And Guy...where does he fit in...does he move into you're...our bed?" I asked

"Not every night but there will be times he will want to stop for the night...I'm sure you would feel more comfortable some where else those nights, not wanting to hear our lovemaking....or perhaps it would be better if you moved in with your boyfriend altogether"

"Hell Simon and I were just a one night experiment...It's over"

"Hm! I'm sure Simon doesn't see it like that. I feel certain he now feels you are his boyfriend...or even his wife...and I really wouldn't want to come between a man and his wife would I"

Man she was really sticking it in to me now.

"I'll pack a few things and move out...we'll need to get together and talk...about the divorce and settlement that is...I'll let you know where I'm staying"

"I already know where you'll be staying...I'll call you" She said.

I'm sure the car must have been on automatic pilot all the way back to Simons place.

I pulled in to the side of the road and stopped before entering the long drive leading to the house trying to decide on what would be best. It seemed that in the end it would be better right now to find Simon. I needed a shoulder to cry on, then when things became clearer I could decide what to do, but I knew deep down inside that in going to Simon I would never get to leave him. I was about to surrender myself to him, just as Julia had said that her body now belonged to Guy. It was going to be the same between Simon and me. I was going to be his. That's because that is the way theses two guys operated, they believed in positions. Houses, cars, boats and yes even people I would be just that a possession.

I just could not believe all this was in fact happening. I had pinched my self several times trying to awake from this nightmare. The vision of Julia in the kitchen continued to replay in my mind. The thought of Guy's great thick cock inside her. No doubt it would be a great thick cock they all seemed to be. It made me both angry and jealous. I was never to feel, never to know that body ever again. As the anger and jealousy burned inside me I gunned the Honda and sped down the driveway, dust from the dry dusty road spreading out behind as I headed toward the house and Simon.

Simon had heard and seen the approaching Honda and was striding toward me, carefully folding the cell phone he had been using to call someone with.

"Hey...hey...hey....where's the fire sweetheart" He asked as I braked hard in front of him.

"It's Julia...Julia" I screamed finding it hard to speak or get my breath.

"Wow...wow...slow down...take a deep breath" He advised

"You know what that bitch has done..." I spat at him like a snake spitting venom.

Then I told him the whole story almost in tears as I let it all unfold.

"First let's go inside...get you settled down" He suggested

I gave him the final part of the story, the drink glass in my hand now empty. I have no idea how many I had downed, but I was feeling much better.

"I'll show her....I'll show her" I kept saying.

"Of course you will....of course you will...my love" I heard Simon say.

His arm was around my shoulder warm and comforting as he consoled me. I barley felt the touch of his hand as it lightly touched my knee, and then stroked my thigh.

"Look Mike you're always more then welcome to stay my love" He said continuing to sooth my shattered nerves.

His voice was soothing his hand warm and comforting. I remember little about being undressed all I know is I was on the bed and Simon's warm naked body on top of mine, his arms tightly encircling and hugging me. His lips were warm and passionate on mine.

My blood was racing through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest. Once more I was giving myself to him, willingly, wantonly, eagerly. Right now this was the medicine I both wanted and needed. His hands were running over my body, desire burning in their touch.

"Oh Mike...Mike...Mike....I do so love you...I really do" He was moaning and whispering in my ear.

This time I did not cringe or flinch at the words. It was exactly what I wanted to hear.

"Oh Simon...Simon I love you too....I really do" I eagerly replied

"Ohhhh....yesssss" He hissed as his teeth bit into my neck.

"Will you be my lover...please be my lover" He pleaded.

"Oh god...yes....yes...yes, I want so much to be your lover" I purred back at him.

"A proper lover...I want you to be a proper lover" He said

"I love you so much I'll be anything you want...do anything you want my love"

"Ohhhh it's going to be great, great...great just you wait and see" As once again his mouth and teeth sought my neck.

"We'll do the official bit later...in the mean time let's consummate our little agreement in the true and timely way" He said his strong arms rolling me onto my stomach.

Everything changed now; he was the all conquering army. No longer did he have to keep up his courtship. I had capitulated, now it was just the rules I had to follow. My body continued to excite him very much so and love making was always passionate but I could sense he looked upon me as one of the objects he owned. He always seemed jealous if I ever had a conversation, especially a conversation with another male. A lecture would always follow.

"Don't forget you belong to me now...you're mine. I've paid for you"

I wasn't likely to forget. The two hundred thousand dollars he had deposited into my private account seemed a great idea at the time, but now I realised it came with plenty of strings attached.

I didn't see Julia too much after that day. I'd gone back to work. Guy had come to see me a sheepish embarrassed look on his face, trying to explain what had happened.

"It wasn't meant to happen like that...we just fell in love....I suspect Julia had been in love with me for some time....it would have happened eventually Mike...I'm sorry"

Yeh and you have a bigger cock than mine I thought to myself. That would help.

Shortly afterward I'd handed my notice in. There was no real need for me to work and I couldn't stand seeing Guy every day, seeing him just kept reminding me of Julia.

She kept her job with Simon, it didn't worry Simon and I never went to the office anyhow. The Century 21 sign went on the house and was eventually sold and after settlement, deposited what was left into my private account. Things were starting to settle into a new routine a new direction...a completely new direction.

The surprise came and it was a big surprise when Simon decided to have one of his parties. The house was to be opened up drink and food supplied and in general everybody enjoy themselves.

It was proving to be just that. Early in the evening it was in full swing, although I wasn't in the complete mood myself. Simon was keeping a close eye and rein on me, not that there was anyone I would have wanted to take off with. I'd seen Julia arrive along with Guy. The old feelings were still there. I could still visualize and feel the warm curves of her body in my minds eye and wished oh how I wished I could just for one night feel her close to me. An arm fell on my shoulder breaking into my dreams.

"Forget her Mike...move on it's all over...you're mine now and she belongs to Guy" It was Simon

"Yes...yes of course" I replied

When I was alone again. I decided to walk along the beach. The lights from the house seemed to shine along the whole beech. I kept above the incoming tide then after a while I decided it was time to return. Seeing Julia like that with Guy had upset me but I realised things were never going to be the same again.

As I climbed the stairs to the patio I was met by Simon accompanied by one of the male guests. He seemed angry and upset.

"Where the hell have you been" He asked

"Hell...just a quiet walk along the beech" I replied

His mood swung one eighty degrees and with a broad smile he said in a more amicable manner "Of course of course...it's just that I needed you and I couldn't find you" Then turned and introduced me to the guest.

"This is Stacy....Stacy Armitage....we're doing some business at present...just a few loose ends to tie up...harrumph!"

"I er want you to take Stacy and show him where our bedroom is, then I'd like you to entertain him...show him a good time" He said with a wink and a finger touching the side of his nose" "You do know what I mean...don't you" He said waiting for me to acknowledge or argue the fact.

Oh I knew only too well what he meant and the look on his face told me not to answer back...just to do as I'm told.

"Yes I know what you mean" I replied.

"And incidentally I want your best performance Stacy is a very good customer....he deserves the best"

Armitage had a gloating look in his eye along with other looks.

"Don't forget to lock the bedroom door...we want to keep this discreet as possible...oh and there are condoms on your side of the bed....use them as many as you need"

He then turned to Armitage

"There you go Stacy, I'm sure this must help sweeten the deal eh!"

Keeping his eyes glued to me his mind now having me completely naked he answered Simon

"Oh I'm sure I can guarantee there will now be signatures on the contact"

Then addressing me said "Come...show the way"

But another big surprise was still to come as we walked the corridor toward Simon and my bedroom, another door on the opposite side opened. A woman was leaving it tucking her blouse back into her skirt and running her hand through her hair to straighten it. She was closely followed by a man, a man I did not recognize. The women I did, it was my ex wife Julia. For a moment she seemed startled to see me, quickly recovered her composure and walked by with the guy as if we had never met in our lives. I watched as they walked away Julia never turned but the guy did a broad smile on his face. I could just about read his thoughts Eat your heart out sucker you couldn't afford this one Then with his arm around her waist they continued on their way to join the main party downstairs.

"Come on buddy no good looking and drooling over something you can't have...let me fill your dreams tonight instead"

As I locked the bedroom door my mind was still seeing her walk away, a guys arm around her waist.

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